LIARS Humiliated on TV

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out of nowhere he's wonder he want to deny her and that's not fair to me because I'd never doubt in my mind that this one is maybe I wouldn't even have the baby but I love you I love you all right here he is Raphael Raphael come on out [Applause] [Music] why are you lying well why do you gotta live she got pregnant what'd you think I mean I really couldn't believe it you know when she told me cuz time difference ain't ain't nothing handing up to me you know I'm saying that baby can be anybody you love eh a sport so it don't even matter Oh we've given everybody a paternity test and Amy even though Raphael is her ex insisted on a lie detector test to prove to him that she is royalty we asked you did you have sexual intercourse with anyone other than Raphael around the time you got pregnant you said no the lie detector determined that was a lie [Music] intercourse with another man you said no the lie detector determined that was a lie more than one man and we've been afraid these results women sing your mama your baby mama everybody in the family in the case of four month old Mariah Raphael you are not oh my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your association with her okay we live together at one point and together for the purpose of weave boyfriend-girlfriend well you know just yesterday no sir my mother would have killed him if that would ever been the case just yesterday we was together and just yesterday we was together in there sorry your honor he called my cell phone oh can I come over there no you cannot can I speak yeah the shirt that she's wearing I bought for CJ is that true no all right that's the receipt boy right there [Applause] [Music] this what else this key right here she asked for it back yesterday do you know anything of him having a key to your room yes how did he get a key - you can take it I told him to get out took it off the table come in why did you let him in you're looking up there now you're the biggest liar I've ever met you are a snake and you know you are you know you are and you a liar and they saw one of the claims was that he was a member of Kappa Alpha side well CNN called Kappa headquarters - they have no record of him so when we sat down with burns we asked her about that I did what that question say that I'm I had cross and I said I'm that cross but I started the process of being a part of that organization but that's the father's that I've got is that the bio from your website it is but it is not the it is - by you but this is not an accurate depiction of the by you I mean information has obviously been added I mean I'm pretty I'm pretty I own up to any mistakes that I've made like I did with my tweet but obviously in this case that's not so this is not from your page no this is from my page but what I'm saying is obviously this has been manipulated or either or either either hacked or added the bio that's on your website claims that you you earned a Bachelor of Science degree did you make that clean I asked you just a moment ago as we were just opening up this first of all I said we were off the record I didn't agree to that yeah but I did I did and we're still rolling I'm still asking you questions on the record did my mall people make that claim that you're graduated things are not fair that you you this is not fair at all this is not what I great oh I thought we were doing a profile and all of a sudden you're here too I try to destroy I'm never I'm not coming here just for your character these are claims that were made on your website that was live while you were speaking at the Republican National Convention my question is are those claims accurate I understand this is what media does and I understand that when you find someone that was speaking out their heart and speaking out their desire to bring people together and to get past the political correctness of society that the job of that of investigative journalism or you know in this case is to try to destroy the the character of the individual so they voice the silence what I'm saying is this in reference to my website if there's inaccurate information on there that that can easily be manipulated by other people and it can be manipulated by hackers people can do and say in Duplin and and and and create whatever they want to create again the websites host says there is no evidence of a hack I don't feel comfortable at all this is not you you also claim to this is studying at the Anderson Theological Seminary yes I did currently working on his master of theology and pastoral leadership according to the church's website we called them you're not enrolled there and it would rolled in 2008 and never advanced right but you know how old these you're not old this is this has been update I think there's an updated there's an updated profile on me that's on the website so here's an old or is it tamper these are old information this is extremely extremely old information seconds later this is a thank you thank you so much I really appreciate you coming you just take this pastor Byrnes walked out leaving us in his church Finnick sorry I was going to ask if you want your option I might shrink yeah good it sorry I was gonna ask if you want your optional but I'm actually encouraged because about her can you call me to the dining room please this is big brother would Roxanne come to the diary room I'd need to talk to somebody about something this just happened but made me feel really uncomfortable there was no malice and hurt or anger in anything that I did can't believe you learned somebody stared it's done it wasn't please I'm here why did Oh No yes you don't do that this is why women don't say anything because it's like turned around just choose your choice I would never ever ever ever ever do anything like that but I don't know what you're doing to me he's trying to manipulate that I mean thinking that I'm making this open Omega T up and he's tarnishing my reputation by saying this is an act she said I'm scared to be guys if you you'd be out bro c'mon you're accusing him of doing intentionally coming up and punching in the rooms he's a career stop him Thing Thing yeah it would ruin him in my opinion you need to do the right thing I need to do the right thing yeah which is worth tell the truth I have told the truth I've never told anything got the truth first thing I did when I got out was watch that and immediately I'm realizing so what do you do now how do you feel about yourself the fact that I used the terminology like woman-beater and I used words like assault and abuse I can a village I was a lot I know and lock that you said you repeatedly as well called him a liar to various people and that he was manipulative and calculating to has been a couple of people who said they have had similar if not the same incidents with you and over the years they have all kind of commented on being a compulsive liar that karma comes back what do you say to that it's devastating no one wants to hear that not from anyone let alone people you've worked with do you think in time you can have a career again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chodmunch
Views: 4,923,169
Rating: 4.8961377 out of 5
Keywords: liar called out, liar grilled, liars, liars caught, liar caught, liar busted, lies caught, caught lying, big lies, big liars, biggest liars, biggest liar, people lying, biggest lies, huge liar, liar owned, liars owned, liar fail, liar cringe, lying fail, cringe fail, lying cringe, liar shamed, shameless, liar confronted, psychic liar, liar liar, lying eyes, bad liars caught, bad liars, bad liar, funny liar, liar humilated, humilation, liars tv, liar, bad excuse
Id: sKcejKu4jQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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