LGBT Royals of the World

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not being able to pass your genetics is not very monarch or cash money.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OrthodoxAryan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I feel pretty sad for the guy in the right. Got disowned by his family for coming out.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MrBootleg07 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

lmao so many LGBTphobes on here

i'm an enby homo and you can die mad about it

plus these arer just facts

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MurderersUnite ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Damn the things people say here Like they sound Ironic but like I know they arenโ€™t and itโ€™s sad

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/M52Fedonia ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That time the United States almost had a gay King.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Qutus123 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TotesMessenger ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I can excuse incest, but I draw the line at being gay.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DucksRAMA ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You social justice warriors have to ruin everything?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ApartMeet ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
gay Royals of the world in the history of the world there have been numerous Royals and countless common people who prefer the romantic company of their own gender acceptance of this has varied by time period and by culture being gay was often made much easier if you were a person born to wealth and privilege here are the stories of eight Royals from around the world complicated and fascinating people who happened to be gay Philippe the first Duke of Orleans louis xiii second son inherited his father's sexual preferences during his childhood his mother called him my little girl and allowed him to dress in feminine clothing a habit he continued for the rest of his life he often attended masquerades dressed as a woman he was renowned as a talented dancer he was also an excellent military commander and covered himself in glory several times Philippe's open homosexuality and effeminate manner were condoned by his older brother king louis xiv as this made Philippe less of a political threat like his famous brother the son King Philippe had a grand appetite for romance and sex he had a few female mistresses but generally preferred young and handsome men at 18 the prince had an affair with seventeen-year-old Philippe Jules Mancini who was said to be the first to corrupt him in the Italian Vice contemporary slang for gay sex the pair had a close relationship for the rest of their lives at 21 Philippe married his first cousin Princess Henrietta of England the daughter of King Charles the first who had been beheaded during the English Civil War Henriette and her family took refuge from the Puritan regime at the French Court the marriage was not a happy one the prince told Henrietta that he could not love her without the permission of his most significant paramour Philippe de Lorraine the threesome lived together rather uncomfortably at the Royal Palace Henrietta had three children and it was rumoured that King Louis had fathered them both Philippe and Henrietta slept with legendary playboy Armond degarmot who was notoriously narcissistic but being the most attractive man at court his many lovers overlooked this Armond also seduced the King's mistress louise de la Valliere armand was banished from court when he and Henrietta hatched a jealous plot to drive a wedge between Louise and the king henrietta in turn begged the king to banish Philippe's lover Laraine the King obliged but within months Lorraine was back by the princes side Princess Henrietta died suddenly at the age of 26 and it was rumored that Lorraine had poisoned her however an autopsy revealed she had succumbed to gastroenteritis several princesses were approached about becoming Philippe's second wife but after the treatment Henriette had endured most declined eventually German princess Elisabeth Charlotte accepted she had plain looks and a full figure and Philippe remarked how will I ever be able to sleep with her she confided in a friend that the Prince needed to hang a rosary around his private parts in order to perform with her in bed despite Philippe's habit of stealing her clothes and jewellery for himself in his lover's the couple ended up having a rather agreeable marriage unlike his first wife's jealous intrigues Elisabeth was candid and not vain she tolerated her husband's lovers and was happy to move out of his bed after the birth of their third child she told one of his paramours you are welcome to gobble the peas I don't like them Philippe was the founder of the House of Orleans and made wise investments with his vast inheritance thus securing the wealth of his descendants for generations his private art collection grew to become one of the most important in the world his four surviving children made good political marriages throughout Europe and most Catholic Royals from this point on could trace their lineage back to him thus the gay Prince earned the nickname the grandfather of Europe Dutch's Hortens Mancini italian-born Hortons and her four sisters all renowned for their beauty moved to the court of louis xiv of france after the death of their father in the hopes of securing advantageous marriages their maternal uncle Cardinal Mazarin took them under his wing the five Mancini sisters and their two equally lovely Mazarin cousins were collectively known as the Mazarin Ed's at the French Court portends received a marriage proposal from the exiled son of beheaded English King Charles the first who is living at the French Court with his family however her uncle refused the offer as he didn't believe the young man had any prospects Cardinal Mazarin regretted his decision when the English royal family was reinstated and the young man crowned king charles ii a few months later the Cardinal offered a sizeable dowry but the newly minted English King decided not to make Hortense his Queen the fifteen-year-old Hortense was instead wed to Armand Charles de La Porte de la milray one of the richest men in Europe but the couple had a miserable marriage Hortense was bright and social while our Monde was miserly jealous and mentally unstable he was oddly uptight about sex he had all the private parts chipped off of his statues and painted out of his paintings and even had his female servants front teeth knocked out so that they would be unable to attract male attention Armand was so intensely jealous of his wife's dalliance 'as with other men and women that he locked her up in a convent she was able to escape with the help of her brother now penniless she used her ample charms to her advantage to commence an affair with the Duke of Savoy who set her up in a house in the French Alps there she held salons for authors philosophers and artists but when the Duke died his widow turned Hortense out on the street with no income or support she was persuaded by the English ambassador to travel to England and attempt to seduce her former paramour King Charles the second around this time she began dressing as a and Hortons is dark beauty and sleek sophistication one the English kings and fashion she displaced his mistress louise de Caro el who became extremely jealous but hortensis promiscuity soon ironically cooled the desires of one of the most famously promiscuous kings in history she was dubbed the Italian [ __ ] by the English court enza's worst offense was an affair with Charles's own illegitimate daughter 17-year old and Countess of Sussex the lovers had a fencing match in st. James Park wearing only their nightgowns and were awed by the public after this debacle Ann's husband sent her away to a convent where she pined for Hortense laying in bed all day and kissing a miniature of her beloved and was later sprung from the convent and seduced by her mother's lover Ralph Montagu King Charles dismissed Hortons but they remained friends she was set up with a country house and a pension she was one of the first women to have her memoirs published in France Hortense also had an affair with author and playwright Alfre Bean who wrote of her most illustrious princess how infinitely one of your own sex adored you and that among all the numerous conquest your grace had not subdued a more entire slave I assure you Hortense died at the age of 53 her insanely jealous husband Armand was finally able to control her in death he purchased her body from her creditors and carted it all over France with him she was eventually buried in the Mazarin family tomb Prince Henry of Prussia Henry was the thirteenth of fourteen children and the grandson of George the first of Great Britain he was the youngest brother of Frederick the Great the sibling shared similar looks personalities and interest in French art and literature and in men but Henry hated living in his brother's shadow and the two had a volcanic relationship despite the squabbles Henry remained loyal throughout his brothers rule he was appointed a colonel at the age of fourteen and while nepotism may have helped him climb the ranks he proved himself as a brilliant commander he led troops in the Silesian Wars with Austria and never lost a battle in the Seven Years War at the age of 30 Henry Wed Princess Wilhelmina of hesse-kassel but the couple had no children Henry did not conceal his passion for other men his lovers included actor Blaine Ville and French aristocrat count la Roche among a young soldier major christian ludwig von kefenhiller e's affections in order to secure a palace for himself where he lived a life of debauchery later in life henry worked as a statesman and proved gifted at that as well he had the opportunity to become king of Poland and was offered a kingdom in Wallachia by Catherine the Great of Russia but his brother King Frederick blocked him on both occasions in post-revolutionary America there was a scheme hatched by members of the Continental Congress to invite Henry to become king of America Prussia was highly regarded by Americans as a fellow enemy of Great Britain and a monarchy was seen as a way to political stability for the fledgling nation however both Henry and the majority of the American people had no interest in this idea and the scheme fell through after the death of his brother Henry was an important advisor to his nephew and grand nephew Frederick Wilhelm the second and third during their successive reigns Voltaire saw Henry as the embodiment of the philosopher king and a beacon of the age of reason he lived to the grand old age of 76 princess Isabella of Parma Isabella was the daughter of a font Philippe of Spain and Louise Elizabeth eldest daughter of Louis the 15th of France at 18 she was married to archduke joseph ii of austria brother of the french Queen marie-antoinette Joseph later became the Holy Roman Emperor he was enamored of his young bride but the more affection he lavished upon her the more she drew away from him she preferred the company her husband's sister Archduchess Maria Christina Isabella and Maria nicknamed me me were inseparable at court and compared to legendary lovers Orpheus and Eurydice the two young women shared a love of music and art and exchanged some 200 letters Maria was a talented artist this is a self-portrait of her she had a happy and carefree nature while Isabella expressed her hatred of court pomp and ceremony and longed for a more sensual life Isabella had a great fear of pregnancy and considering the morbidity of childbirth at the time her fears were not unfounded however much Isabella would have preferred to avoid her husband she had a duty to produce an heir a year into their marriage she was with child and after a difficult pregnancy and delivery she gave birth to a daughter Maria Teresa Isabella fell into depression and was terrified of conceiving again but Joseph infatuated an inexperienced failed to empathize with his wife she had two additional pregnancies but both ended in miscarriage and more heartache at the age of 22 while six months pregnant with her fourth child Isabella contracted smallpox she went into labor early and the baby daughter was stillborn a week later Isabella succumbed to the disease and followed her daughter in death joseph was heartbroken and though he remarried he had an unhappy relationship with his second wife and fathered no children with her Isabella's beloved Mimi also devastated later married the couple's mutual friend Prince Albert of Saxony Archduke Ludwig Victor of Austria Ludwig was a member of the House of Habsburg his brothers were Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria and Emperor Maximilian the first of Mexico Ludwig nicknamed Lucy woozy was a pampered young man and the black sheep of his powerful family he pursued a military career as was expected of him but he had no interest in politics he preferred collecting art and throwing soirees at his palace for his for male friends he was open about his homosexuality and transvestitism his family tried many times to arrange political marriages for him his brother Maximilian tried to Wed him to Princess Isabel daughter of emperor pedro ii of brazil his mother attempted to arrange nuptials with duchess Sophia Charlotte of Bavaria but Ludwig dodged all matrimonial schemes he was involved in a brawl at the central bathhouse in Vienna and that was the last straw for his brother the Emperor who banished him from the capital Ludwig spent the rest of his days at class hime palace near Salzburg where he was a philanthropist and patron of the Arts and continued to throw lavish parties he lived to the age of 76 Duchess Louisa Isabel Alvarez de Toledo Louisa was the only child of Joaquin Alvarez Duke of Medina Sidonia one of the most important noble families in Spain whose hereditary title had been granted in 1445 at the age of 19 her father died and Louisa became the 21st Duchess of Medina Sidonia that same year she married fellow aristocrat Jose Leoncio Gonzalez de Gregorio amarti Luisa gave birth to three children fulfilling her role in the hereditary line three years into their marriage in 1958 the unhappy couple separated though they remained legally married unlike most aristocrats Louisa was outspoken and controversial she earned the name the red Duchess because of her association with the underground Spanish Socialist Workers Party she opposed the dictatorship of Francisco Franco and was imprisoned by the regime in the 1960s she was also a historian and managed her family's extensive archives of historic documents the archivo de la casa de Medina Sidonia is one of the most important collections in Europe she published several papers including her findings that the Americas may have been explored a long time before Columbus by Moroccan sailors in the 1980s Luiza began a relationship with her secretary Liliana Maria Dallman same sex marriage was made legal in Spain in 2005 and Louisa finally had a reason to divorce her long estranged husband in 2008 on Louis's deathbed she married her longtime love Liliana in a civil ceremony Louisa died 11 hours after the wedding as her legal widow Liliana now holds the title of dowager duchess she also inherited presidency of the family archive which Louisa was afraid her children would sell off upon inheriting her children continue to fight legal battles over the estate worth an estimated 47 million euro Lord Ivar Mountbatten ivar is a great great great grandson of Queen Victoria third cousin to queen elizabeth ii and first cousin to her husband Prince Phillip Ivar knew from a young age that he was bisexual he attended private boarding school in England and college in Vermont at 31 he married Penelope Ann Vere Thompson and the couple had three daughters Ella Alexandra and Louise Ivar has stated about the marriage penny was aware before we got married that my attraction went both ways she was understanding and I will always be grateful to her ivar and Penelope divorced amicably after 17 years of marriage Ivar is particularly close to the Queen's youngest son Prince Edward and is the Godfather of his daughter lady Louise Windsor in 2016 Ivar made public that he was in a relationship with flight attendant James Coyle whom he met at a ski resort in 2018 the couple were married at Mountbatten's estate in Bridewell Park Ivar was escorted down the aisle and given away by his ex-wife the newlyweds were toasted with Paul Roger Churchill's favorite champagne and opted for a tiered collection of cheeses rather than a wedding cake he is the first member of the British royal family to come out publicly as homosexual and to have a same-sex marriage Prince Mann vendre single Hill born in 1965 Prince Mahendra is the heir to the Maharaja of Rosh pit la India in 1971 the Indian government D recognized all Maharaja's and kin of their annual pensions the family converted the raj bond palace into a tourist resort and filming location the family remains prominent despite their reduced stature in 1991 ma vendre had an arranged marriage with princess shandricka Kumari he said of the marriage I thought that everything would be alright that with a wife I would have children and become normal I never knew and nobody told me that I was gay and that this itself is normal and it will not change and that it is not a disease i tremendously regret ruining chandra cos life i feel guilty but i simply did not know better the marriage was never consummated and both partners were unhappy with the relationship shandricka filed for divorce a year later and man vendrรก turned down many other offers of marriage he suffered a nervous breakdown in 2002 his psychiatrist informed his parents that he was gay they accepted it but said that no one should ever know in 2006 Mann vendre met with a sympathetic journalist and decided to make his homosexuality public he said all these years I was hiding my sexuality from my parents family and people I never liked it and I wanted to face the reality when I came out in the open and gave an interview with a friendly journalist my life was transformed now people accept me men vendors coming out made headlines and garnered mixed reactions effigies of the prints were burned in rush Piplup and his family disowned him in 2007 he appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and explained I knew that they would never accept me for who I truly am but I also knew that I could no longer live a lie I wanted to come out because I had gotten involved with activism and I felt it was no longer right to live in the closet man vendrรก founded the lok Shia trust which serves the LGBTQ and hiv/aids communities in India man vendrรก is also editor of the Indian gay magazine fun he has opened his 15 acre palace grounds to house vulnerable LGBT people did I miss your favorite gay royal if they're English then they're probably in this video or they may be profiled in my first gay Royals video otherwise let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this video please consider supporting me on patreon and help me make more fascinating videos a link to my patreon is in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Lindsay Holiday
Views: 2,051,323
Rating: 4.8417034 out of 5
Keywords: the tudors, lgbtq+, gay, lesbian, pride, bisexual, homosexual, history, game of thrones, documentary, france, royal family, nobility, royalty, drag queens, adultery, sex, bbc, discrimination, queer, gay king, the favourite, medieval, king louis XIV, Philippe I, Duke of Orlรฉans, Hortense Mancini, king charles II, prince henry of prussia, Princess Isabella of Bourbon-Parma, Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria, Luisa Isabel รlvarez de Toledo, Lord Ivar Mountbatten, Prince Manvendra
Id: uUW1AqFIY94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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