LG UltraGear OLED 240Hz Monitor Review - BETTER THAN MOST(27GR95QE-B)

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foreign [Music] [Music] so I have finally got my hands on the LG 27 inch 240 hertz Esports gaming monitor this thing is 1440p it's OLED and it looks great and is it perfect no but we're gonna go over all of that in this video and I'm gonna tell you who exactly this monitor is for just wanna let you guys know no LG did not send this monitor out to me I did buy this with my own money even though that would not change my opinion of the Monitor and also obviously they're not paying me to make this review either but I will tell you who is paying me our sponsor for today's video flexi spot flexi spots E7 Pro Plus standing desk has been my desk of choice for the past year featuring fantastic build quality excellent long-term reliability and stability supporting up to 355 pounds useful features like the USB charger built into the keypad and also saving up to four memory recall settings having dual motors for quick and quiet operation going from sitting to standing makes it even easier to enjoy working from home and promoting a more active lifestyle flexi spot always has fantastic deals going on and the E7 Pro Plus standing desk starts under six hundred dollars and features many styles to match any aesthetic that you have going on for your office with eco-friendly products 30 day free returns and a 10 year warranty you cannot go wrong with Flexi spot's home office furniture check out the E7 Pro Plus standing desk at the first link in the description and thank you to flexi spot for sponsoring this video I hope you find something that helps you work comfortably and stay healthy starting off real quick just going to be running through the exterior of the LG 27gr95qe Dash B what a horrible monitor name I don't know why they couldn't think of anything else they finally got the naming scheme down with their TVs like they got C Series B series G Series that's so easy why didn't they do that with the miners I don't know I don't know anyways back to the exterior we have a super thin OLED design it is a pretty rigid design but this is a thing I don't recommend that you pick up this panel by the sides of it especially where there's no support you're definitely going to want to lift this thing up by the bottom specifically and I will grab the top of it very very lightly because because if you grab it from the sides and especially at the top you might break it I highly recommend that you don't do it if you are going to vase them on the monitor which I do recommend you might as well do it while you pull it out of the box put it flat on its back put the vase amount on and then lift it from top to bottom that's the way you want to do it you lift it from the sides you're taking a couple chances that I would rather you not take Now LG does give you this nice little fancy remote to control the functions of the Monitor and don't get me wrong it has great functionality super easy to use and you definitely do not want to lose it because otherwise uh there's only one button on the Monitor and that's going to be the power button at the bottom of the panel there's no joystick like there was in previous LG monitors and a lot of other gaming panels these days so just let you know you cannot lose the remote As far as reports are concerned there is one DisplayPort 1.4 Port two HDMI 2.1 ports three USB 3.0 ports a 3.5 millimeter Jack as well as an optical Port which is really nice if you want to go ahead and connect a sound bar or some speakers directly to the back of your monitor both of my computers would not play audio out of the headphone jack so I think that part of mine is defective so just be wary if you are going to use the headphone port on your monitor you definitely want to check that as soon as you get it now personally I never ever use headphones connected directly to my monitor just in case I move I don't want it to destroy my monitor if I get up very suddenly and I forget to pull out my headphones this monitor does not feature any speakers at all so you will have to rely on either the headphone port or the optical jack and plug in your own sound or you can just leave your sound up to your computer and plug your speakers directly into that if that works out better for you there are some LEDs on the back of the motor as well they're not super bright which is going to be a trend talking about this monitor going forward in the future you're only really going to get the background effect if you have your monitor really close to your wall and you're playing in a pretty dark room but otherwise those LEDs are probably not going to do you much good it is kind of nice that there is also an LED that is down firing that shows on your desk right in front of you but again it's nothing that's going to light up your entire desk is really just there to be an accent piece now this is where all the fun starts going into the spec Department this is a 27 inch 1440p W OLED monitor with g-sync compatibility not a QD OLED panel because cutie OLED does tend to be brighter than W OLED panels these days especially when it comes to sustain brightness and that's going to be something that we're going to be talking about quite a bit in this video but there are a couple things you're going to want to do as soon as you unbox this panel so you're going to want to turn off the smart energy saving mode then you're also going to want to turn off the deep sleep mode because it takes a little bit too long for this monitor to turn back on and one thing that is nice about this panel is that whenever you're done using it and it goes into the sleep mode beforehand it does do a little bit of like a pixel refresh mode but the unfortunate part about that is that I did not find anywhere in the settings to manually start a OLED restoration mode of any kind similar to how they have it on the Alienware that is just not present in the OSD software of the LG now this monitor is definitely going to be for somebody that is looking for an Esports first panel this thing has some of the best motion blur or lack thereof I should say as far as Clarity when it comes to gaming monitors right now now granted could it be a little bit brighter absolutely of course it can because during the brightness test at zero percent it got all the way down to about 15 nits of brightness and then at 100 it got up to about 221 initial brightness now this is also showing a completely white screen so it's not necessarily going to be the most bright because OLED panels as a whole I even have an OLED TV and a few other OLED panels in the house right now for testing if you are showing an all-white screen it is going to get more dim it's not going to be the same as LCD screens where you just get a super bright blown out image because they don't have that high of contrast ratings but there's just something that you're going to have to expect if you are going to move up to an OLED panel regardless of the caliber that it is if you show on all white screen OLED the sustain brightness is going to go way down so you just have to keep that in mind mind but again this is gonna have some of the best in class motion blur performance and it's going to be great for using four Esports gaming if you are looking to get the clearest moving picture that you can have to have the best tactical advantage in game now where the OLED monitor starts to shine is the fact that you can get great motion blur performance and also not sacrifice your content viewing experience and I say contact viewing to be very specific because this is a pre-balance panel when it comes to multimedia experience but when it comes to being a Creator panel don't get me wrong it's decent as long as you calibrate it but without calibration this thing is pretty freaking bad looking at the color gamut measurements that I took 98 of srgb and 74 of P3 in the srgb mode and then also it had Delta ease of an average of over seven which is really not that great but when you move it over to the Vivid models thinking maybe the Vivid mode is going to be a little bit better but no the devil to ease went to over 33 which is absolutely insane but it did get 95 percent of the P3 color gamut so that is where uh maybe a little bit closer to where LG was grabbing those numbers to put on their website when they're describing the specs of this monitor but without calibration you're not going to get anywhere near the 98 the LG claims that this monitor gets now on gamer mode one after post calibration and also using the highest brightness setting at 100 it did also achieve 95 percent of P3 color gamut and then it had Delta ease of under two just around one and a half and really the only major spike that we see is going to be in the yellow Department it did have a pretty large Delta e there and that's why I was saying if you are a professional content creator and you are doing things to literally make content and then sell to make money this is probably not going to be the one panel that you're going to want to use because you're more than likely going to need another uh more accurate color display but if you are an amateur you're just making YouTube videos quite frankly on Tick Tock and Twitter and all this stuff and a couple pictures here and there this monitor is not going to destroy your images when it comes to repurposing them and putting them on social media so you don't really have much to worry about but if you are going to do that you're probably going to want to drop 150 bucks on a calibrator I'll leave a link to the one that I use in the description below so you can calibrate yours on your own now getting back to the gaming performance of this thing you do have a few different gaming modes you have a couple of gamer modes that they set for you in fps mode that does get decently bright as well as a vivid mode which is what I found myself in most of the time because I just thought that the colors look the best in that mode and also it did get a little bit brighter as far as sustained brightness is concerned and of course IPS monitors they're definitely going to have a lot higher sustained brightness and you're going to be able to get a lot more accurate colors when it comes to content creation specifically but when you're playing games and you don't necessarily care about how accurate the colors look but more so how good the colors look on the screen and how immersed you are inside of the game this does way better than any IPS monitor that I have used personally and it really only compares to other OLED monitors that I've used so with that being said would I rather have this or would I rather have an IPS monitor that gets a little bit brighter and also less washed out and also has uh well backlight bleed that's just the thing that you have to deal with if you are going to go with an older panel technology that does not have the inherent advantages of having a much newer and better technology so I have a pretty short list of pros and cons that I'm going to go through with you guys so some of the pros of this monitor it is super clear when it comes to the motion blur performance as far as Esports gaming it is absolutely fantastic if you are again looking for a tactical Advantage when you are whipping and panning around your screen and you're looking to have the maximum Clarity to spot your next Target excellent color reproduction when it comes to immersion and having fun while you are playing games and it does get really good after you calibrate it but you just have to keep that in mind if you are looking to professional work on this monitor you're definitely going to want to get it calibrated first does also feature HDMI 2.1 so you can use the full 1440p and 240Hz refresh rate over HDMI if you want to not entirely sure why you would do that when you could just use DisplayPort but if you really want to you can and your console can only do 1440p 120 hertz anyway so until we get an update where we can use up to 240 hertz on Console I don't really know if this is going to be that exact monitor that you are looking for but given the fact that there's not really many other smaller 120hz OLED displays made specifically for console you're kind of a rock stuck in a hard place so you might as well go ahead and get this one the optical Port is nice to have as well to have really close to plug into a soundbar other sound device and of course this monitor does offer a pretty balanced gaming and media viewing experience and with this being first gen technology we know that it is bound to go down in price from its current one thousand dollar price range as far as the cons go this monitor could be a lot brighter don't give me wrong it could be but when you're actually playing games or watching content really either one it is definitely bright enough especially bright enough to have enough of an advantage to clearly be able to define the background from a subject you're going to be perfectly fine gaming on this monitor especially if you game during the tail end of the day when it's not super bright outside but I will tell you that since this thing is not a glossy coating it's not necessarily going to be the best to have direct light shining onto your monitor but even if the panel was glossy and you do have direct light glossy display ear is going to see a reflection of whatever direct light that you have facing your monitor so really I don't recommend gaming at all having any direct light on your monitor because it's going to be distracting no matter what you're doing if you have a direct light source right above your monitor and like I said before this is also first generation technology and we know that very imminently even maybe this year we probably will have another better 1440p 240Hz OLED monitor that is on the way that will be brighter than this better than this probably not faster because OLED is already so fast where that doesn't really matter but there will be something that comes out eventually that will surpass this whether it be in the next 12 months or the next 24 months but something better is definitely coming now once it comes how much is it going to cost if this costs a thousand dollars now I hope that this moves down in price and that upgrade costs around the same amount of money hopefully not much more because it's already really expensive as it is being a thousand dollar monitor but the thing is again the Asus one that is going to use the exact same panel but just with some tuning and some additional cooling I hope that it is significantly worth the extra 20 more money the extra 200 that you're going to pay to get that 1200 Asus OLED monitor that is coming up pretty soon that tuning and cooling that they're doing better be absolutely fantastic and they better double the sustained brightness that's what I really hope that Asus Meyer does to really justify paying that much more money for that upgraded panel and that slots in at that 1200 price point and stays there I really see that this monitor should be at around 750 bucks and at that point I would definitely call this thing a deal because then it would be squarely competing with the zali 360hz TM panel and even being 120 hertz slower technically because of the refresh rate it offers versatility the Visalia being a TM panel could not offer at all even though it may have currently the best speed and Clarity when it comes to having the fastest refresh rate and also having a slightly faster TM panel and all that stuff this is going to offer significantly more versatility if you are looking to do more than just game on your monitor which we all do I know we all watch YouTube videos you're watching Youtube video right now watching a YouTube video on a TM panel I'm pretty sure it's not fun for anyone so let's not kid ourselves here but if I could only pick one monitor between the Alienware QD OLED and the LG 240Hz OLED I would put it to you this way if you are not a super Mega try hard and you do enjoy Ultra wide monitors I would personally get the Alienware because it's going to be a little bit closer to an end game panel for you because 165 Hertz quite frankly is fast enough and it's OLED so it's super quick and it's going to be nicer to look at than a 240 hertz IPS monitor and also with that being said it's going to be a little bit wider a little bit bigger a little bit more screen real estate for you to use when you're doing productivity things and also while you're gaming is going to be more immersive because it's just massive and it's going to be colors blasting you in the face pause but if you know that you are a super try hard and you want a balanced media viewing and content consumption experience then get the LG I don't think that you're going to be disappointed you might be like eh it could be a little bit brighter but at the end of the day I would rather have a pretty medium brightness clearer panel than a super bright washed out panel that is kind of clear and great for Esports in my opinion all right guys that is gonna be it for this video If you guys enjoyed feel free to drop a like And subscribe to the channel as well well thank you again for watching and yeah let me know in the comment section below are you planning on purchasing one of these yourself are you planning on getting the Alienware OLED monitor are you planning on getting that new BenQ 48 inch OLED monitor that we're going to be taking a look at pretty soon what are you planning on getting yourself or do you plan to get in the new zowie 360 Hertz monitor that came out a few months ago or even that Asus 360hz IPS panel if you guys are still interested in picking up an IPS panel I do have a triple monitor review that we're going to be taking a look at in Alienware a BenQ as well as an Asus monitor and comparing all three of them to see which is the best IPS panel that is available today that is both 1440p and 240 hertz let me know what you guys think in the comment section below and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Too Much Tech
Views: 45,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lg 27gr95qe-b amazon, lg ultragear 27gr95qe-b, lg ultrageartm oled 27gr95qe-b, lg 27gr95qe-b 240hz oled, lg 27gr95qe-b oled 240hz, lg oled 240hz, lg 27gr95qe-b oled, 240hz oled review, lg 240hz oled, lg 27 oled 27gr95qe-b, lg oled monitor, lg 27gr95qe-b, oled gaming monitor, best gaming monitor 2023, best 4k monitors 2022, lG OLED VS ASUS 360hz, best gaming monitor 2023 for pc, lg oled flex, gaming monitor review, lg 27gr95qe, 240hz oled, oled monitor, lg oled 27
Id: Qfkyp34NZs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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