Lewis Hamilton Visits NASA - www.APEX.one

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NASA Engineer: This is really hard to drive, fighter pilots often have trouble with the controls.

Lewis Hamilton: You don't say...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hardigree πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What was said (when Lewis was trying on the glove)

 Engineer: How does it fit?

 Lewis: Its a pretty small hand.

What he should have said

 Engineer: How does it fit?

 Lewis: Like a glove

0/10 unwatchable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sozin91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Must be vacation time. Saw he was at the MotoGP race last weekend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dmclone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

South Houston! Did a helicopter water ditching class in that pool. It’s got mock up pieces of the space station. Pool is used for zero gravity training. If I remember correctly the Pool is 40 feet deep and you can see from one end of the ppl to the other side without any issues because it’s so clear.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unfocsdgaze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

NASA lives in a different world ! October Sky !

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey! This was in Houston

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SultanOilMoney πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] the manner [Music] October 18 2017 and just days before heading to Austin Texas for the race that will see him take victory and bring the Mercedes AMG f1 team its fourth consecutive World Championship Lewis Hamilton is about to take a very special journey he's done countless visits in his life but today isn't a sponsor event it's not a PR drive it's his own time his own boyhood dream to the home of NASA the home of the Apollo missions and the beating heart of America's space race so this is the International Space Station Mission Control Center this is another one you kind of see images of this is the main one it is we have a room just like this well not this big but almost mission controlled back at the factory so when the race is on they have a full team of guys that are on the radio listen to the guys at the track it looks a lot different to the ones in the movies it is it's it's we've actually upgraded it twice since the space shuttle retired we haven't controlled the launch from from this facility this is controlling the International Space Station which is kind of a kind of an endurance race if you will almost all of the management of the vehicle systems happens from this team here on the ground and the team in the Russian control center there's a team in Munich that controls the European module that Brian mentioned and and a team in in scuba Japan that controls the Japanese segment so it's a it's a big team operation [Music] Wow this place huh [Music] pulls 102 feet wide 202 feet long 40 feet deep 6.2 million gallons of water and maintain it around 86 degrees fairness pool blast the hardware you see in there is a mock-up there National Space Station now we don't have it zero-gravity room so you have to simulate zero gravity by using the water which segments our us-russian most of it is is us in fact there's only a small portion of the the Russian components it's mocked up in the pool but that's what has the thrusters in the restaurant section yeah exactly yeah there's about a brief this morning yeah well I'm a big fan of the whole project so yeah [Music] guys I'm freaking out you know the water and only astronauts and your divers got to go in here I can't come back and visit and go in there with you guys fine getting your race car no way to make that happen if you crashes I've caught me accountable yeah it works for me it's a deal you've been up sometimes twice one time for two months second time for six months Wow must have been the most exciting but you nervous when you about to go or is it just the most exciting thing yeah you know I think in my role I was the copilot in the Soyuz I was so focused on doing my job that you're not really spending a whole lot of time thinking about the factor on a rocket really I mean how many times you have to get you get to go outside and do the maintenance it all depends when things break you just hoping something breaks you don't hope that it breaks but you hope for the opportunity to go outside minutes a major event I know you just nervous when you go outside is it is it you know no I wouldn't say nervous but I think you're anxious and it's the same kind of thing is when you launch you're very focused on the job I mean it's definitely it takes your breath away when you open the hatch you look outside but you know then you hook up because you have a tether line yep and just get to work get a street set up now yeah let's check out suits there's where your photos too amazing you gotta yeah yes this is it's like its own little spaceship so this is the hard upper torso and you have all the controls up front your thermostat right here you can adjust the cooling it bypasses this device that sublimates the water makes it flash of operate and then you know you typically have the the visor down because when it's when it's bright outside I mean there's no atmosphere to filter it so it's super bright you could damage your eyes so you want to keep this down hold it for you can pull on it how's it fit it's pretty small hand I don't think my fingers going in it okay I've got it oh yes nice hey man that's like custom fit you're nice that's fit well here it fits pretty good initially I thought it was normally get it in there you want to be really tight right you want to make it exactly form-fitting yeah okay pull it out over the years that's the what mm-hmm can I put the helmet on with it you know supercool we're gonna we go yep I'm freaking out out here how can I leave with this hat on what is that where do you have that yeah you put the diaper on underneath the cooling garment yeah just in case you need it wow really yeah more than that even six hours outside maybe this would be too heavy yeah I'm all it's all about weight thank you guys and so to something more familiar four wheels for the soon-to-be four-time world champion and for the first time in a long time he's the one that needs some advice from NASA robotics engineer Justin Ridley okay so this is a it's called MRV modular robotic vehicle this was a car that we built and it really is for Earth the concept is driving around in urban environments take a smart car sighs driving around New York City in and out of parking spaces around traffic highly maneuverable and all-electric you want to ride yeah Charles hopping that how about a star seat no you driving around ma I'm gonna drive you'll see why in a second okay ignore these strollers you'll grab the lap belt so I just put the vehicle four-wheel steer mode I can do a center point turn here and then I'm gonna change this driving but I could drive us just like a regular car which isn't not you know nearly exciting awesome Wow Hey well this is incredible it's just a little unique a little different great grip as well I must have taken a while to get used to yes sir this driving mode like this this is really tricky to drive in the first 10-15 minutes because you're not used to using with a steering wheel in the joystick all right if you promise to be real careful here I can I can get you in the driver's sure yeah that's right so so be careful I definitely want to be doing what you just did and you can see the tighter you spin the wheel it's gonna bring the steering axis right to the center of the vehicle then it's like do a hard right turn here let's watch out for this car here yeah in that memo does this do it that doesn't do anything but I'm gonna give you that in a second up so hit that button again and you're gonna go to omnidirectional put your foot the brake pedal rotate the wheel to the right okay now this is good a lot better than I usually I usually see the first time there you go man you drip drifting around the island that's awesome huh that's crazy okay then get the whole drift oh no I'm not kidding you usually it takes people a hell of a lot longer to you used to okay pilots in here that really struggle then already yeah this is pretty it's pretty good for first time so awesome this thing can I pop Cup there guys Hopkins gonna be amazing with this thing you get right up to the cub amazing it thank you so much absolutely that man awesome yeah yeah that was very cool [Music] we use this for training because it gives you a real good idea of size and volume it's not a hundred percent accurate but it's pretty close to every module that's built by a different country looks a little different like you go into a different country when you're floating around it's pretty neat it's they're all kind of unique but what's gonna happen when when you've it's done this time out there and it's a good question it'll they'll target it to re-enter over the Pacific it's a sweep station that's so that's where they sleep that's what we call a crew quarters so you gives you your privacy when you're up there for six months you can kind of go in there it's not good these sleep in this bag so you can just be floating here obviously you move eventually but you could just pull a seat comfortably like yeah maybe what we tell people is if you fall asleep outside of a sleeping bag you're gonna wake up somewhere different than where you start Wow in real life you go right through this hatch and you'd be in the Russian segment okay it's actually just right down there okay they will live happily got together up there I guess so that those are will open yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's that's the one thing that's really neat about the space station program in general is just how international it is I have a I guess it's a touchy point but the big question is there's the obviously the theory is that you didn't land on the moon so well why would people have that theory so all those different there is a base I've always maintained it would have been harder to fake it oh yeah really oh god yeah I mean you think it's one that just takes one person that goes spill yeah of course I mean in yeah I mean it just I had people in my own family that thought we faked it really and then they came and watch me go fly in space I mean it's you know not many but there's you know every family's got a little bit of afraid ya know Lois you see similarities between you and Doug in how you operate or pork noop he goes to space and that's way cool and what I do know but I think a pretty good job too yeah I mean just an or of you know what you've done I would say our similarities with previous precision than that that that journey to perfection I guess you have to be a perfectionist you do have to be a perfectionist at your job in order to keep everyone safe and and so I would say those are the two and also a thrill for speed it's going on your everybody jet later on our hands yeah going fastest I'm trying to go we are you know what's that yeah where can I go on the phone to bus so here let me show you the Russian segment real quick woody what are you pulling the car up to six I think it is yeah so you know what it's like we it's not vertical it's it's on this channel yeah and that's really yeah yeah and that's like even in space it's it's different like in airplanes it's it's like down this way but in space you most your G's are like somebody's standing out really you know cuz you're the way the seats are oriented and just and it's different yeah it's really different I'll gift it well how old are you when you start the test program um when I went to test pilot school I was 29 I think I just turned 33 is to come 32 so you're good yeah but you've done all the study and still that he's gonna say if you have to have a engineering degree or technical degree yeah thousand hours of jet time okay yeah I don't mind getting their jet time now it's rare for anyone to receive this level of access at NASA but while Formula One and the world beyond our world may seem galaxies apart there existed a shared respect and awe between a world champion and the men who have seen our planet in a way few ever will perhaps above all though today acts as the ultimate reminder that even our heroes have heroes of their own where the steering wheel has less down okay I'll definitely about the steering wheel in one of my
Channel: APEX ONE
Views: 7,470,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1, Lewis, Lewis Hamilton, Formula, Formula 1, Race, Racing, Motorsports, Mercedes, AMG, Australia GP, NASA, Shuttle, Space, Rocket, Jet, Johnson, Johnson Space Center, Texas, Houston, Austin, Cota, Space Suit, ISS, international space, international space station, space station, hamilton nasa, hamilton
Id: qQ-AwFxdJX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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