Lewis Grizzard - Confederate Soldier

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General Sherman leaving it long 1865 after he burned it down just going out at 20 it gets on the Stone Mountain freeway because just outside of Stone Mountain got 125 thousand Yankee soldiers behind they're going by Stone Mountain sudden to hear a voice and then look up on top of Stone Mountain there's one lone Confederate soldier standing on top of Stone Mountain got his saber drawn he's talking real nasty too saying ugly things to the Yankees and General Sherman called to halt this crowd he said listen we got to get this guy off it's better relations for hell we got CBS News with us USA Today said who's the toughest man the outfit he said a fellow named Schwartz of Minnesota's toughest man we got he said sense warts okay get that Confederate off of that Schwartz goes to top of Stone Mountain he ain't there five minutes he comes flying off the mountain hit some splats right in front of General Sherman General Sherman said send ten men up there he send ten Union soldiers to the top of Stone Mountain not a one leaves to tell the story General Sherman said this is terrible so we got to do something about this he said find the hundred and fifty finest men we got in this company and send them up better get that rebel off top at Mountain 150 Union soldiers go to the top of Stone Mountain only one lives to tell the story and he comes back off Stone Mountain and he's bleeding from every pore Lee his body don't look good at all and he walks up to general chairman General Sherman said son what's the story up there and the soldier said it's a trick General Sherman there's two of them [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: rc648
Views: 101,703
Rating: 4.9319148 out of 5
Keywords: Lewis, Grizzard, Confederate, Stone, Mountain
Id: Km9KeUFmQtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2010
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