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welcome back everyone for today's video we are going to be taking a look at the seventh round of the Madrid chess Festival now we've been following Levy rosan as he tries to make a historic first Grand Master Norm in this tournament after having not played for a couple of years now before we jump into the action you guys are probably wondering wait why is why is everything look so different so wild and everything well I'm actually on my travel setup I'm here in New York so I do apologize the quality is not quite up to scratch at any rate round seven of the Madrid chest Levy playing with the white pieces now in these final three rounds he needs a score of two points out of three games he needs one win and two draws to make nor let's jump into the action so in round seven Levy with the white piece against Aaron Alonso Garcia and the game starts with the move Knight F3 we got C5 being played and now Levy plays the move E3 now bro has been playing a lot of openings like he thinks he's aaro and today Levy continues that Trend as he plays Knight F3 and E3 which I have played countless times on the internet in various Blitz Games so Knight F6 played by Alonzo we get D4 we get E6 Bishop D3 we get C takes D4 e takes D4 and this move B6 game continues with castles Bishop B7 Rook E1 and now we have the move Bishop to E7 here Levy decides to play the move Bishop F4 trying to put the pawn on C3 and develop the Knight to D2 and play this a lot like a London system now white has other options here for example you can play this move C4 but it's a little bit tricky to figure out because if you go C4 here black and play D5 and try to give you the classic isolated Pawn on D4 here after a move like Knight to D5 black can also not play D5 whatsoever and play for a move like D6 followed by Knight B D7 and this E5 Pawn push so Levy decides to play Bishop F4 instead we get to move castles and now we have H3 logical move as well is Levy wants to be able to retreat the bishop to H2 to protect against either Knight D5 or Knight to H5 we get the move A6 Levy plays move Knight bd2 and now we have the move D6 now black could play D5 here but D5 is actually not a great move because what it does is it closes the diagonal for the light square B on B7 and now white can play Knight E5 C3 and queen F3 and he gets a nice position with a lot of easy straightforward moves so D6 is played the idea here is to put the Knight on D7 and try to play for E5 but more importantly you also keep this long diagonal open for the light square B we get C3 Levy plays Knight BD or not Levy sorry Garcia alono Garcia plays Knight bd7 we have A4 and now we have the move Queen 7 Levy goes Queen C2 we get the move Rook a C8 Rook a C1 and now the move Rook f8 now thus far most of these moves have been pretty straight forward developing moves finishing your development both sides have castled the Kings out of Center they put the Rooks on Central squares here was C8 and E8 versus C1 and E1 so the development phase of the game or the opening phase specifically is now over so we get Bishop H2 from Levy a logical move he plays this move because he's worried that down the road black could play E5 to attack the bishop or play Knight D5 or Knight H5 and this is what we we call Tempo where someone plays move and it gains you some extra time as your opponent will have to move a piece away from a square so we get Bishop H2 no ideas with E5 anymore to Target the bishop on F4 and now we have Bishop to f8 here Levy plays the move Knight G5 and now we get to move G6 now I don't necessarily like Knight G5 as a move but this position is actually already very difficult to play for both sides for the following reasons it's a little bit of a cat Mouse game white wants to kind of play C4 here but if you go C4 right away down the road black can play A5 and let's just say I'm just going to make a random move to illustrate a fundamental problem here if you ever end up in a situation where the structure becomes like this and black gets the Bastion black is much better so you don't really want to play C4 necessarily at the same time black also has a decision what is he playing for is he playing for D5 is he playing for E5 and both sides are sort of in this cat mou situation where you don't really know exactly what you're trying to do so Levy decides to play Knight G5 I personally here probably would have play Queen to B1 with ideas like C4 or B4 trying to force the issue on the queen side but Knight G5 has its own Merit now we get to move G6 of course black does not play H6 here as this would lose on the spot to Bishop H7 check if you take the bishop Queen takes H7 as Checkmate GG why not and if you go King h8 Knight takes F7 is also Checkmate as the queen guards the bishop on the H7 Square so in this position we get the move G6 being played and now Levy goes Knight E4 so Levy's plan here is he figures black had to waste time playing G6 and now after Knight takes Knight Knight takes Knight White white has ideas to pressure the pawn on D6 or play for this Knight F6 check as well so here we get Queen C6 being played by alanso with the idea of trying to line up with doublea battery if white plays a silly move like B3 for example after F5 it's uh oh spaghettio time no Knight jumps with the check and if you move the Knight away it's check made in Uno and if you don't move the Knight you lose the horse and you lose the game this would be no way to lose your shot at a Grandmaster nor so Levy goes F3 supporting the Knight on e4 also breaking up any of a Checkmate on the diagonal and now we have the move E5 here Levy trades the pawns on E5 and he plays this move King H1 now this is still a very very double-edged game very tricky black has achieved this E5 break we get F5 Knight D2 being played and so while black has more space in the center of the board he's got the chain AT3 as well as these two pawns together it's still very very complex because black can't easily push E4 as the pawn the Knight the bishop the queen and the cover the square and the bishop on H2 is always spying this Pawn on E5 so here we get Queen to F6 and now Levy plays Rook E2 intending to go for the double sack and loading up even more pressure on this Pawn game continues with Bishop to D6 and now we have to move Rook C to E1 after Rook C E1 alono plays Rook E7 we get Queen B1 and now we have this move King G7 now I'm a little surprised that black not play Rook C to E8 because it feels like the whole purpose of moving The Rook forward was to double but black doesn't have to do that immediately so we get to move King G7 here Levy plays move Bishop to C2 and now we have have this move A5 being played now after A5 is played in this position we get this move Bishop to D3 from Levy with the idea of putting the bishop on the B5 Square now I just realized it might be a little bit bright so I'm going to turn off this light and that might make it a little bit better I'm not sure if that does or doesn't make it better but I'll turn off the light temporarily um now the thing with A5 here is black plays A5 to try and stop white from playing B4 but at the same time after Bishop D3 now white has a square on B5 for the bishop to pressure the Knight on D7 and put more pressure on this Pawn on E5 now at this point looking at the position I saw this very briefly before I started my trip I thought that Levy was doing very well here would have good chance to win the game because he's basically he's basically tunneling on one idea with this bishop B5 move or Knight C4 to pressure the pawn and black still does not have this E4 Pawn push so black really has to worry about all these threats on the queen side and white is also only down about 9 minutes on the clock so here we have to move Knight C5 from Alonzo Levy plays Knight C4 and now we have this move F4 being played now the purpose of f4 by alono is he wants to shut down the threats towards the pawn on E5 and maybe also lock this bishop out of play now the good thing for Levy here is with the King on H1 this bishop can very easily reroute to the G1 square and become active on another diagonal at the same time however black is a very concrete plan of trying to push this Pawn to E4 and open up the scope towards the white king so here Levy plays move Knight takes D6 we get Queen takes Knight and now he goes Bishop B5 another excellent move removes the Bishop from being attacked but the bishop is now anchoring the pawn and the pawn anchors the bishop as well so you have a double anchor here and the bishop covers this E8 Square so there still remains there still is a lot of pressure remaining on the pawn and E5 so after Bishop B5 alono plays E4 and Levy goes for this move B4 now this is unfortunately not the best move white should take the pawn here but I understand why Levy didn't do it because after Pawn takes and queen F6 suddenly there's a lot of pressure black is threatening F3 and if you ever go E5 for example after Queen H4 suddenly this bishop on B7 becomes a gigantic piece or all these threats towards the white king and white is actually very close to losing here I think maybe it's for a computer it's not lost but in human play it would be so after E4 it takes Queen F6 for example the computer thinks that after Rook to F1 Bishop takes E4 and a move like Queen E1 white is still better after F3 and this very ridiculous 3500 move King to G1 ignoring everything where there's pressure on the E file and there's also pressure on the file as well frankly I don't think this is very human and when you're low on time in a situation like this and you're feeling pressure for sure it's just not realistic I I'm not even sure I would be able to find this frankly it's just so insane so Levy plays more practical idea with B4 trying to remove the knight from the C5 Square before capturing the pawn on e4 now we get Knight to E6 F takes E4 but now black is able to snatch this Pawn on C3 versus the other variation so now material is even but on top of material being even Levy has to be extremely careful because if this diagonal ever opens up for the be white is toast and I mean actual toast so we get pon takes pawn pawn takes pawn and now we have the move Queen A1 being played by Levy and here alono plays the move Rook to C7 now after Rook to C7 you might be thinking well wait there's this massive massive pin on the diagonal white should surely have something but unfortunately due to the placement of the dark square B and the lack of hsees on the board at this point there's no way to take advantage of this pin so we get Rook C2 now we have the move Queen to D4 breaking up the pin but more importantly with the queen on D4 the Knight guards this queen here lovey plays move takes Rook we get Queen takes rook and now Levy decides to trade the Queens off the board now again with Levy being so low on time I think this is an excellent practical decision even if there maybe better moves one thing you want to do if you're getting low on time the position is very unclear like it is in this situation you want to try and simplify because if you lose the game your chances of a norm are out the window and you have two more games and you have a chance to go for more now what I also mean when I say like trying to simplify here is there's a big imbalance you'll notice that white has the two B's versus a bishop and Knight imbalance number one one the second big imbalance is this Pawn structure with the pawns on e4 and F4 so basically down the road if black can ever get let's just say I'm going I'm just going to set up a random position um just to illustrate a point if black can ever get these pawns connected like F4 to H6 black has a chain of three and the bishop is always spying the pawns on these two squares E4 as well as G2 and the King on H1 so you have the two Bishops versus the bishop and Knight but also due to the imbalance in the pawn structure it's very very double-edged and there's not a simple way to force a to draw and the position will continue to go on and on and it's you're probably going to run some risk if you keep a lot of pieces on the board so that is why Levy decides to trade everything off and we do have the imbalance here again but it's not that bad as Levy plays Bishop G1 understanding that the bishop has no future on this diagonal so he reroutes it Bishop B6 is an idea to pressure the pawn A5 you can also put the bishop in the center of the board down the road say you get Knight G5 Bishop D4 and this would win the game for white on the spot so we get the move Bishop to C6 being played here good good move by alono understanding the two bees are very powerful and this Knight on E6 is probably objectively a little bit better than this bishop on the G1 Square so we get Rook B1 Bishop takes E4 and this is a very very unfortunate blunder by Levy now I suspect that Levy was probably just feeling the pressure low on time and he simply missed the next couple of moves so you got Bishop E4 Rook to E1 and Levy probably thought here Black Goes Bishop D5 you sack the rook and after Bishop E6 Bishop D4 you check the king and the Rook you win the game it's glory you sack The Rook all the memes are in play it is the dream but unfortunately after move Rook to E1 black and play this move Rook takes H3 check and you canot capture The Rook here as the bishop would capture the king so Levy plays Bishop H2 and now we get this move Rook E3 now fortunately for Levy his opponent makes a huge blender with this move the correct move to play here would be this very counterintuitive move Knight to G5 if white were to play Rook takes Bishop black sacks the rook and after takes takes you'll notice that black has two extra juicers on the king side and this is an easy win probably his opponent was afraid of King G1 here but after Rook to H4 the Knight guards the bishop on e4 Rook guards the pawn and later on black can also go Rook G4 and put massive pressure on this Pawn on G2 and the King on G1 as well but Levy's opponent plays Rook E3 trying to simplify but now Lev is able to trade the Rooks and go for this move Bishop E5 and after King F7 we get this move King G1 and even though temporarily black has two extra pawns on the board due to the power of the two BS and the fact that the pawns on A5 and E 3 are both potential weaknesses black is not actually anywhere close to winning the game we get Bishop to C2 Levy plays Bishop C3 pressuring the pawn on A5 Knight C5 takes takes and now we get to move Bishop C4 King E7 and Levy plays move King F1 trying to bring the king to the center of the board and win the pawn on E3 here alono plays Bishop D1 and now Levy goes Bishop B4 we get King D6 to guard the Knight and Levy plays Bishop E2 here which is fine personally I'd probably play something like Bishop G8 but none the less Bishop E2 is completely acceptable and here alono decides to play the move Bishop B3 not trading the Bishops cuz this end game is simply a draw with the 2V1 on the same side of the board so Bishop B3 is played Levy goes Bishop F3 Bishop C4 King to E1 here not Bishop E2 by the way because now black can move the king forward and suddenly black is probably winning the game we get King to E1 Bishop B5 is played and now Levy plays Bishop A3 very very good understanding here from Levy realizing that this pin cannot be broken so you'll notice that the king cannot move to either of these squares du the light square B which means that if the king ever moves you lose the horse so these two pieces are effectively paralyzed because you can't move the king or the Knight due to the two bees and here alono plays to move Bishop C6 now ly goes King E2 we got the swap King D5 King takes E3 and all the danger is gone for Levy he has now survived the worst of it and this should be a theoretical draw so we get the move Knight to E6 being played here in this position and now we have to move Bishop B2 Knight G5 King F4 Knight F7 Bishop A1 King E6 Levy starts repeating all over the board get G3 Bishop D6 Bishop C7 Knight F6 King E5 Knight E8 and eventually the players agree to a draw at after a few more moves here they keep repeating over and over and over and over and over and over um but eventually the game does end in a draw here after the move Bishop C7 black cannot really make much progress here the bishop always guards the pawn on diagonal you can't really bring the King around easily if you ever go G4 white can simply go King F4 here and the king is so close to these pawns the Knight can't really rotate very easily even something like this for example white can always just keep yo-yoing or go King F4 So eventually the players do agree to the peaceful result after this bishop C7 move and Levy keeps the dream alive with this draw this means that Levy is now on Five Points out of seven he needs one and a half points out of the remaining two games to make a grand master Norm but this game is probably actually in a way the best game I've seen from Levy in the tournament because what he's done in this game is he defended he was much worse at a critical moment he was under real pressure in this game unlike any other game in the tournament he kept his nerves together and he held the draw and this bodess very very well for the future if Levy can control his nerves because in many cases things are not always going to go your way you're not always going to be winning every game out of the opening sometimes you're going to struggle and being able to control your nerves and save games like this are very very valuable so Levy saves the draw we wipe some sweat off our brow as he's able to save the draw and keep the dream alive Levy will need one and a half out of the final two games um his his next game rounde eight is being played today as well we'll take a look at that later on but at any rate that's going to be it for now you guys I hope you guys have enjoyed this recap of round seven of the Madrid chess chess Festival if you guys have not already subscribed to the channel make sure that you smash that subscribe button below and I will be back with another recap after the eighth round now this recap tonight might be a little bit late cuz I'm currently in New York for an event but I will do a recap at some point so I hope you guys enjoy it and once again I do apologize for the quality is not quite up to snuff but I am on the road so hope you guys have enjoyed it and once again I'll see you guys very soon hope you enjoyed the recap have a good one bye
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 300,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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