Leverage | The Mile High Job | Season 1 Episode 5 | Official Episode

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[Music] Alan halman laughed us out of his offices they said there was no way to link the fertilizer in the water to Ashley's death because of her pre-existing condition she had a thyroid condition but that had nothing to do with her lungs her heart and they found these masses in her chest and our doctor testified but jenro Tred out all these experts who were paid to say exactly what halderman wanted them to it's not about the money I mean people like halderman they need to know that they can't get away with this they need to pay the problem is our attorney doesn't think we can win burden of proof you need evidence that genro knew what could happen if the fertilizer was leaked into the water supply we've been trying to get access to their research reports but their lawyers keep stonewalling Trade Secrets they said means they're hiding something means there's a Smoking Gun and we are going to find [Music] it excuse me the party is here I'm afraid you're in the wrong place miss this is an office building you know where people come to work I work out floor I'm sure you do I don't understand huh my pgs S is a how you say is uh is broken you help Michelle yeah sure absolutely oh a complet nothing there is no sign okay our man Alan halderman CEO 30th floor you see no I used to work with ham radios when I was a kid oh you are good with your ends I think wait you are my hero they're locked down security timer we need a key card and I hate to say it you know what we could really use don't even say his name I don't want it spoken aloud Target's on the 30th floor you don't really expect us to [Music] [Music] [Music] great another key card I'm going to kill him not if I get to him first fck okay Parker about you [Music] yeah buddy damn [Music] hey [Music] got it corner office okay let's see [Music] so we're looking for some kind of paper trail safety studies research data anything that proves they knew the fertilizer was unsafe prior to releasing it on I'm going as fast as I can okay this thing's taking forever to boot [Music] up hello hey hey hey hey guys what's up where are you I'm I'm at the office what happened what there was a thing at my my electricity went out man I swear when I see you no well my electricity man it was out you're not listening I'm out of options at this point got company what okay I'm hacking into their security system visual range in 10 seconds I'm in I'm in wait the computer seven 6 five [Β __Β ] get out of there four I know I know three uh guys two it's Alman we're going to get slammed once those EPA subpoenas are executed if I don't do something now I'm going to lose the company it's all on that cayman's flight all the assets everything yes the 1209 takes off in an hour look I need someone I can trust to keep an eye on this for me so I need to know are you that guy good good hard Ison you get all that oh yeah asset s a flight to the Cayman he's liquidating firewalling oh he's going to bankrupt the entire agricultural Division if that part of the company ceases to exist it'll become a mess of creditors they're wiping out any chance our clients have at winning the civil suit we got to get on that plane all he said was the plane leaves in an hour and the airports all the way across town even if traffic's good we're still up these people killed the kid all right they killed a bunch of kids there's no way now we're going to let them get away with it we are goinging to get on that flame all right so what are we waiting for but how does she do that I don't even ask anymore I don't bother with the stairs I got your ride [Music] down is um how you say um is is far from here far no not very far at all see this is us right here in my house oh it's right behind us right behind us Hing it's chasing us get down oh we got to catch [Music] [Music] you the hardest we need those tickets I'm working on it all right I got two seats in first class okay Sophie and I will take those what ideas have you got on you let's see we got uh Peter Davidson Sylvester McCoy and I have a Tom Baker oh yeah I have a baker s Jane perfect and not pronounce you man and wife I gone and kiss that briad and now for you million Aron I don't need a ticket I got an air marshal badge what if there's already an air marshal on the plane there only one air marshal per every 100 flights I know that's good for us but I so wish I didn't know that one authority figures good two's better Parker you're about to get a day job hello hi yeah sorry to bother you ma'am but I'm coming from the Westchester Animal Control we just got a Fess cat in here by the name of fidget oh my God fidget is he all right yes he's fine ma'am he's fine but you might want to get down here quick as you can we can only hold unclaimed animals for a certain amount of time for you know oh oh okay I'll uh I'll be right there just keep an eye on him okay I'm on my way oh oh oh my God I'm sorry I'm in a rush I've got a kitty emergency so sorry God I'm [Music] coming how did you both know there'd be an extra uniform in the bag everyone knows flight attendants are required to carry extra uniforms in case they called to work unexpectedly or if something happens to the one that they're already wearing how does everyone know that slip with which items in the trade and step forward please uh what we needed luggage must them found you didn't check the bank we're in a bit of a hurry uh uh cuffs of his whips mine we're second honeymoon idiot ah let's see what we can learn about Nathan For Today online poker online chess s dope cool crossw word damn somebody needs to get laid AR yeah uh uh what's up yeah are you in my chair no I I'm not I'm not in your I'm I'm at a desk my desk in my office wait waiting on your call so you can tell me what I can do to help you and and the team boss what's up no you can stop now appreciate it I need you go back to jro what for the assets on the plane we grab the money give it to the client they don't even need to go ahead with the lawsuit we are taking this company down not this lawsuit not the EPA us and I need you to finish what we started find The Smoking Gun I'm on it and Hardison yeah don't forget to turn off my computer but how in the hell welcome aboard hi thank you mhm there's there two in here my husband that way am my second class citizen hi I'm in [Music] coach hey sorry I'm late who are you Where's Becky she got promoted did you not get the email she got promoted she only started a few months ago wow she must really know how to pick them a few more layovers and she'll be piloting one of these things [Music] huh okay so um if we're going to play happy families we should you know really get our background straight oh yeah let's keep it simple use our own backstory our wedding day is the day we met which means we've been married for years you don't remember when we met no of course I do I was just rounding It Off by subtracting two [Music] years it's this going to be a [Music] thing couple of years Place The Mask over your mouth and nose and breathe normally in the event of a water landing your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device but let's face it if this thing goes down in the water more than likely the impact will kill you please take a moment to locate the nearest emergency exits because if this plane's on fire you're going to want to get out quick jet fuel Burns it over a th000 degrees that's hot folks all right Nate we're here now what uh yeah well first we have to figure out what we're looking for and who's got it then we have to steal it and get it off the plane without anyone noticing and we have to do that before the plane lands in 5 and 1/2 hours so business as usual then good afternoon everyone this is your captain speaking the weather is on our side today which should make for smooth ride so just sit back and enjoy the fight would you like a drink man um nothing for me thanks anything for you sir yes some orange juice and uh Splash a PKA [Music] oh excuse me excuse me what um I was hoping that I could get a ginger out yeah I'll get to you in a minute it's just that I have a nervous stomach so if you wouldn't mind there there's a system I'm not feeling very well so if you're going to hurt PE use this okay hi there sorry some passengers can be so rude why can we still hear her anyway I thought these things had stop working once we were in the air you're welcome and if you're curious I hacked from the plane's Wi-Fi connection and piggybacked our signal onto it coms will work as long as you guys stay on this side of the atmosphere Hardis where are you about to head in what's your plan do you need Parker to walk don't worry about it I got this you know go I go gra gra hey just make sure you're checking the [Music] receptionist hey is there room in that [Music] elevator guess it's that decision what nothing it's just I could have sworn I saw a maintenance guy get in that elevator a a maintenance got Wow real nice I bet you think we all look alike no that's that's not what I mean no you know what no if I have to go to one more of those damn sensitivity seminars I know who I'm blaming I know who I'm blam what it meant I'm blame you [Music] you this is impossible it could be anyone not anyone no we can roll out the elderly anyone with kids everyone under 25 I count 14 posses here in coach yeah and six more In First Class if hamman's entrusting his assets to a courier I'm guessing he's going to pay for the extra leg room so we should focus on carryon no one checks Pags full of cash it might not be cash what's it going to be Parker gold bars they don't exactly travel well no Parker's right we could be looking at Traveler checks or bearer bonds anything that packs light got [Music] it [Music] can I help you with something watch your [Music] movie [Music] oh excuse me could I have a ginger ale please you've already had two I know it's just it's like a placebo effect it's not really working but it makes you feel better anyway you know so when's that supposed to kick in look flying isn't really all that scary when you think about it I mean there are a lot more likely ways to die than on a plane car crash house fire electrocution drowning autoerotic asphixiation I mean fact is death haunts us every day no matter where we [Music] are oh my gosh I'm sorry are you okay A little bit of turbulence there yeah a little bit I know I've got you got you rum I'm I'm fine toally fine really I'm not so good on planes me there's your back thank you so [Music] much you know what that reminded me of yeah it's Paris what it wasn't Paris it was Tuscany you sure no I could have sworn it was Paris it was Tuscany H it's a thing now isn't it oh yeah yeah they transferred me from the second floor well I don't know what it was like down in consumer integration let me tell you I have been working my butt off on this account but Steve no he's just sitting back waiting for me to fail so we can swoop in and save the day I swear it's like he's a rogue and I'm a Mage and we're part of the same Guild but secretly he's a work with the alliance to undermine us for The Horde for The Horde you play World of Warcraft you kidding did you get the new expansion pack woman I was up all night now look I mean buron Crusade was great but this new one is mindblowing you bailed in the job because you were up all night playing a game first off game is hardly adequate okay well have you even gotten into halterman's office or have you found a way to screw that up too I fig something out now you can't skate by on talent and luck forever the meeting starting sir what [Music] meeting see the world is a 24/7 365 process Centric Marketplace I'm talking e-commerce EV Vector e-management but J Gro I mean frankly I'm a little concerned about our future and I'm not the only one am I right Frank right on brother people it is time for us to repurpose rescale reconceptualize okay we will take this company and turn it into an assertively dominant Catalyst for change let's make Tactical Supply Chain sexy again people who's with me my man you're a Believer you are a Believer sir I like are you all right da uh Seafood burritos it's bad call Steve my man you know what can you take over for me I appreciate that thank you um Everybody I'mma just handle that I'mma be back up [Music] Steve well come on Steve I don't have all day right um [Music] [Music] half box full of Euros pouch of uncut diamonds and a stolen Strat of various I've never lifted one of those this is insane between the four of us found millions of dollars of merchandise none of it belongs to jenro yeah Cayman Island theves holiday go for the tan stay for the tax shelter alman's not the only bad guy doing business there guys I got something I've been crosschecking the flights passenger manifest with Jenna Gro company roster I got two hits Dan erck head of security ex Navy SEAL been with the company the last 6 years and Marissa Devin an accountant she's only been with the company about 10 months weird thing is they're not seated together I mean erck is in In First Class the accountants and Coach well it could just be a coincidence they're on the same flight then how come both seats were paid for by the same corporate credit card at the exact same time divide and conquer okay er's In First Class Sophie and I will take him seems likely he's our guy Parker stay with the accountant just in case Nate can we at least take the diamond Sophie sending their photos to your phones [Music] now okay a problem [Music] [Music] no hey oh thank you so how you feeling a little bit better good so uh if you hate flying why do it no this isn't by choice this is a business trip to the Cayman wow who's picking up the tab genro Industries uh oh yeah I think I heard someone else on board saying they work their uh Dan something H I don't know they didn't tell me anyone else was going but then again nobody tells me anything if I was important to you remember it's just stupid details it doesn't mean you're not important don't yell at me it I just don't think you oh yeah go on yeah walk away like you always do you okay yeah oh I'm sorry about that let me buy a drink no no no I I shouldn't maybe just a glass of what you're having was that of your husband for now anyway d nice to meet you D Al nice to meet you I hacked to er's phone records he did call halman right before takeoff so your the fits but but it's this accountant is got me curious I'm standing outside her office right now I think this woman knows more than she's supposed to you know when we heard that halderman had assets on the plane we assumed it was currency but what if it wasn't what if it was a person okay but that means that Marissa devans is the asset they're [Music] [Music] liquidating I think we should tell her no way that woman's already paranoid crazy we tell her there's a bounty on her head and she's going to lose it I think she has a right to know anyway if alman's going to this much trouble well then then she must have something some information that could help us help our client she's a Smoking Gun mhm okay tell her don't say I didn't warn you no not you Elliot he's got a badge makes the story more credible how much longer do you think it's going to be I mean I know it's only been 3 hours but maybe there's a strong Tailwind it feels like we're going off fast ex me man I'm USAir Marshall could you come with me please uh okay so this is first class you know excuse me [Music] sorry I need you to tell me about Jen gr your boss is a Mr Alan halderman right he sent you on this trip yeah after I noticed some accounting irregularities in our agricultural chemistry division what kind of a irregularities safety studies one of the new fertilizers that the company launched last year see the checks were cut but there was never any confirmation that the studies were actually completed and some of the payments to the researchers were well abnormally large and you brought this up with Alderman and you brought this up with Alderman he assured me it was a process error that's why I'm here to audit the offshore accounts and then correct it money what Miss Devin payments were not made in Era they were bribes he was trying to pay off the researchers so they would not testify what are you talking about what the hell is going on1 D wants to kill you ginger ale what [Β __Β ] so it's a hit how's it lay out while I was going to do it I have two guys on the ground at the gate one guy on the plane to make sure she gets off I think it's time you introduce yourself to Mr har deep breath it's all going to work [Music] out it was just an opinion you don't need to jump down my throat you can't knock down an idea without offering Alternatives I I don't know Steve I got to go with Cheryl on this one I mean genetically engineered Tomatoes that's that's one thing but carrot on the cop yeah that's going to scare some people brother thank you Dave it's nice to know at least someone around here respects me is this about that conference in Omaha AR it was an accident I totally apologize you accidentally I want Hal's hard drive grab it and get out of there I barely got him out of his office the first time how am I supposed to loser you seem to like it at the time I'm going to have just do it like do not fool yourself I would never hey whoa guys that's not a fight especially not on my birthday hey oh my God it's your birthday no one told us happy birthday Dave thank you happy birthday Mercy you're being very brave you think so yes oh good there's no need to look so worried we're going to take good care of you thank you why don't we um why don't we stretch our legs huh take a take a little walk okay relax okay just nice deep [Music] breaths [Music] [Music] you do not want to go in there [Music] yeah okay A bit better and this is you yeah good STP in okay everything is going to be just fine okay maybe not I found hardman's laptop hey you know what he has a hidden compartment right up under his desk it's actually pretty cool as it's right up under yeah hard okay um I access his emails a few hours ago he made a stop payment on a fund transfer to Dan erck erck the the guy we just took out the guy Elliot just took out and that's not all I ran some back trace on a few phone calls haul him and made any guesses to who how about someone in the Cayman Bingo ear has head of security no reason why Alman should be talking to these guys directly unless Marissa devans is not the only one on that hit list halderman is going to take out both of them getting rid of the evidence and the guy in charge of covering it up I bro he had a ceramic knife if anything was going down he'd sniff him out when he saw him coming how would they do it easiest way take him out Transit you mean bring down the plane they're on you mean bring down the plane we're on [Music] yeah I'm a us a marshall I'm going to need you folks to return to your seat please immediately thank you there's no way there's no way hold on would go this far billions of dollars Decades of jail time look if you're right about this we got to get this plane on the ground right now we have to tell the Poli no no no no no no no no now no we have to understand what we're dealing with here how would you get a bomb on the plane cargo hold post screening and er bag or the accountant's luggage okay Parker I Parker I need you we got to talk to ear now [Music] jeez right when I knock people out they tend to stay knocked out look at the [Music] tags what are you doing Medical emergency passenger left their asthma inhaler in a checked bag oh and by the way coach is out of peanuts I don't understand why do you need to know what kind of bag I have are you sure it's red with white flowers I'm looking right at it there's nothing in it same as ERX hey Parker you got your phone on you yeah why okay now is there anything that looks like a computer interface hooked up to the plan's electrical system [Music] I think so okay good good now I need you to find the USB port on the control panel and connect the phone to it using an AV Adapter where am I supposed to find an adapter look [Music] around [Music] all right and I'm hooked in what are you doing well I'm just remote accessing a plan's electrical system from 3,000 Mi away you know what if you were a geek you would be really turned on right now I'm just saying huh what okay I'm I'm reading an electrical Spike Parker do you see anything around that could be interfering with the [Music] signal there's something looks like it's tapping into one of the conduits where are you [Music] exactly radio traffic control let me know we're on schedule might get in early this Tailwind keeps up Parker the device you found is is it anywhere near an orange box yeah oh they tapped into the black box no no it's not black it's orange yeah the black boxes they're orange makes them easier to find in the debris oh oh well they packed the flights computer which means they have access to the system which means they can spoof the black box they're all at the same time crush the plane without anyone knowing it was sabotaged exactly [Music] uh [Music] guys gentlemen whoa what are you doing this hares off lien me listen to me I'm a US s Marshal okay this is Tom Baker he's an engineering consultant for the TSA autopilots disengaged itself we're losing altitude now listen someone has hacked into the navigation system they're trying to bring the plane down Hardis we need you I don't I I I don't know Nate I don't I mean I can override the software attack but but that means we would have to restart the flight's electrical system which I have no idea how to do because my knowledge paranomic engineering is kind of limited to what I can pull off with Google in the next 2 minutes and brother I don't I mean listen to me you can do this I trust you no matter how many times you goof off or screw up you always come through in the clutch the only guy I can count on in a situation like this know what youo you right you right I got this yes yes yes you can you right I got you you D I'm the man I'm the man I got this I'mma do this I I you do it already Okay um Parker Parker can you sever all the wires between the device and black box I think so yol's nonresponsive it's like stirring cement we need to reset now not yet not yet not yet on my mark okay okay I got a lock on the virus I just I need to get ahead of it and divert it's attack 10,000 ft and dropping fast the Parker soon as the code stops cycling sever the last wire Niner th000 8,000 all right my code is in the flight computer pull the clip got it eight reset now hey now flight computer's clean I'm regaining control it's back 5,000 ft 4,000 3500 T's too steep we're going to have to set down find me a Runway right there got it Sophie yes you okay you ask me again in 10 minutes you're going to remember this one AR you oh yeah come on come on a [Applause] who whoa baby a of the GE smooth too smooth oh Lord I was so scared I want to cry call my mama woo y'all cool y'all cool yes cool family all right hey I want M off the plane now Aron your guys about to find out the Smoking Gun isn't dead get out of there I have the attitude problem no brother no you got the attitude problem okay I gave my heart and my soul to this damn company and this is how you repay me and on my birthday he was always so thoughtful I never like that [Music] guy you guys almost died trying to help me I wish I could help you but all the evidence was in my office and Hal took it all he didn't take it all you promised me this would be taken care [Music] of adios my brother excuse me I wish there was some way I could pay you back for everything you've done well there is something you could do testify jro CEO Alan halderman was indicted on conspiracy and attempted murder charges today after a grand jury heard testimony from an inside source the target of the conspiracy I love it when a plan comes together what I said I was sorry hey look it all worked out okay I mean I was 3,000 Mi away and still managed to save all y'all lives you're welcome ungrateful well it it took 10 years but we got our first Crash Landing 10 years thanks for getting it right this time you're right 10 years ago I saw you the first time you were swiping a dega from a collection in Prague I saw you you saw me I ran you chased then 2 years later I uh caught up with you in Damascus caught you I should say you you uh turned around introduced yourself and that's when I met Sophie Deo it'll be 8 years next month well played thank [Music] you I still don't understand how you can mix up Paris and [Music] Tuscany [Music] w
Channel: ElectricNOW
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Keywords: electric entertainment, electricnow, electricnowtv, electric now, electric now tv, free tv series, full episodes, leverage, leverage series, leverage season 1, leverage season, leverage episode 1, leverage tv show, leverage tv series, leverage show, leverage tv, christian kane, christian kane leverage, eliot spencer, christian kane eliot spencer, full episode, official episode, leverage season 1 episode 1, leverage season 1 full episodes, episode, leverage best episodes, show
Id: -p7Z2c9hjvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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