Level1 News December 7 2021: Kick-Tok

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[Music] hello welcome back to level 1 news today's december 7th we're doing government and social news uh we had one messed up recording already but we fixed it now and wendell's drinking orange crush i need this it was gonna be a different orange crush but i wasn't emotionally ready for something different i made a lot of decisions this week and so i'm all decisioned out and it's like i need i need the comfort warm fuzzy blanket of the old standby diet orange crush i remember that for a while the you know the pop science was that your willpower and i don't know what the cooldown time was they never i guess 24 hours but you have a reserve of willpower and once you're spent the rest of that amount of time you're just gonna be doing whatever you can yeah welcome to friday i've heard that about like fast food so people you know they work all day they make a bunch of decisions at work and then they they come home and they're tired and it's like oh i don't want to cook i don't want to have to make that decision so they get fast food yeah but this would mean that like the tougher your decisions are up to that point the more likely for you to fail at whatever it is later in the day yeah which is why you don't want a court time or a surgery late in the day um ever for any reason every surgery my mom's ever had has been in the morning so that's probably good which is great yeah the hospitals noticed that too [Laughter] also devember is going on we forgot to plug that lenod is sponsoring november you can get a hundred dollars of lenode credits it is now december you're in the first week you're already behind unless you've already started and there's a lot of really amazing november stuff going on both on the gaming side and the development side you can find out at the level 1 forum so be sure to check that out and thanks lenode check out the node link below for all your linux hosting needs 100 credit you know who's not involved in human rights abuse the node we are fairly confident fairly quickly you know we don't let us do that we got some freedom information requests waiting but we're fairly one man i'm not so sure of i do not have a lot of confidence that this man has never committed a human rights violation in fact i'm pretty sure he has and i'm pretty sure some of them are ongoing which makes this weird and really you can just rewrite this headline as china bad white house to unveil alliance to curb human rights abuse of tech so this is talking about how you can have dual use technologies we can put an implant inside you that'll give us all sorts of really amazing health info but if we overload it we can explode it and kill you dual use technology we we think that that's probably something we should keep an eye on it's it's you know getting used to two very bad ends surveillance technology maybe a little kidney harvesting that kind of thing but they didn't make a list of the countries that they're even going to like include exclude it does seem like they're targeting china more and facebook and google less and it's like wait a minute that knife cuts both ways yeah well google and facebook aren't countries but there is a might as well be there's a line in here that even takes it further than what you said krista because this is a non-binding agreement yeah this is a press release to just just attack china this is just a burn book to determine who's popular i was reading the news stories and i i noticed that there is a theme for today's episode which is news stories that don't matter like it's all meetings right like meetings to determine things yeah we literally it's like okay here's the thing we're gonna talk about stuff and it's like here's why it doesn't matter well you said i don't know if you said it in this iteration but it is december so it's time to coast we're not gonna get anything done we might as well just pretend and but that's in some cases you're right but in other cases and it seems to be week after week it's the fcc and the ftc now headed by two just wolverines who are constantly attacking and this one is interesting because this one isn't our country lena khan has said listen i am the law and not just the american law the ftc sues to stop blockbuster chip deal between nvidia and arm yes that's right nvidia which is based here in the us is being sued to not acquire something that exists in another country this is you know a bold move cotton let's see if it works out for four to one or four to zero this was a unanimous vote that was the thing that was surprising for me well no one has nvidia hasn't lobbied right that's the problem nvidia needs to do more for glorious leaders that's the thing well they are i think another thing that gives them confidence is they're in a long line of people trying to stop this deal yeah so it's like no one even cares but this is just a nice little headline for the ftc just get that out right before christmas oh beautiful you gotta think nvidia's backup plan is risk five it's like all right we can't buy arm we'll just do it with risk five because risk five is open but that would be not a risk five acquisition per se but just using risk five intellectual property well china as we know is the enemy the greatest enemy and they do seem to be stirring a bit it is worrying especially that south china sea so we come up with all these rules about not using their technology but there's a big difference between the man in the white house dictating a thing and the reality in the server rooms because there's so much technological disconnect between the two how does the the big man on top ever confirm that these things were done correctly well it's a long audit process and the news is not good the us government agencies several of them bought chinese surveillance tech despite federal ban include lorax da hua and hike vision or high k vision oh these are you know those are companies that tech crunch alleges have been uh linked to human rights abuses and uh they're on the naughty list well federal agencies bought them anyway is the lorax of dr seuss character laura x yeah it's spelled differently yeah that was a good move with him wasn't it change that one later the seuss family can't do anything well krista i believe uh this is another one of those stories that you previewed where it's something that's gonna happen but i guarantee you that nothing will come from there yeah it's like oh that's a feel-good story i guess essentially a press release crypto ceos will testify before the u.s house panel now if you'd like to see a preview of what this is going to look like go search for the video that has uh uh pichai google you know he's he's being grilled and he's being grilled about what an iphone does and he's trying to explain i don't know what an iphone does because google doesn't have anything to do with an iphone and he's trying to be very patient but the congress critter obviously doesn't understand that he's holding an iphone in his hand maxine water is going to run that show do you think she understands anything about cryptocurrency you're out of your mind i don't know if any of our congress critters really do yeah there's probably one or two maybe our congregators don't understand like who makes what phone most of them don't sure i don't bother with phones anymore i have an aid for that i have a human being whose only responsibility is just following me around with the phone but okay so in that mindset and inside the window of what you just said how could we ever expect this to matter we cannot because it will not but administration makes first move on data privacy so you might be thinking does this have to do with aggregate data or like your self-driving car collecting all kinds of data to use in the cloud do you have some rights for that do you have some say so or control no this literally has nothing to do with any of that this is just the most amazing fluff piece that i've ever seen they went deep in the archive for this image what's who's the illustration credit i can't read that from here uh sarah grillo from axios that's like that's like a performer 476 macintosh that's like super old see i was focused on the curtains because i was like oh those are the curtains from house flipper you didn't notice that the curtains weren't a crt listen the curtains from house flipper how much house look have you done this week i may have done i may have done some off stream just a little how much is some though just like one house i flipped a house that's what like four hours yeah i should have streamed it four percent of you get out of your house i gotta say krista is good at the like i'll flip a house and it's all just meme stuff and people are like i'll give you 15 grand krista always gets above 50 on her flips uh i had one that didn't do as well i i tried to cater it toward a particular person who didn't want a kitchen which i thought was weird so like they didn't have a lot of bidding going on because the one guy was the only one who wanted a kitchen or didn't want a kitchen it's a classic mistake yeah classic builder mistake but i think i would have died i want to 100 and get every seller or every buyer in the game well i know somebody who's done this or at least claims to and uh i might be in trouble a little bit of terrorism it is a horrible thing i hope that one kid with cancer get a car it doesn't excuse it that's like i was helping the cancer kid cross the street so i shot into traffic what am i a monster come on but u.s lawmakers once again are deciding that they're going to do something about this i was reading through it i didn't get any concrete steps did you as usual another fluff piece us lawmakers announced bill to prohibit bot scalping of high demand goods so everyone has a fair chance of buying popular products at reasonable prices this is one uh when we're talking about like gpus a lot of those are being sold directly to miners there's not really scalping going on there's just a very small trickle of supply going out and even people that are not scalpers you know if you can buy something if you if you randomly win the lottery and you can buy something for five hundred dollars and sell it for two thousand dollars don't wouldn't most people sell it yeah it's called supply and demand yeah so yeah we're lacking supply that's how it works i'm curious what reasonable price is for them too considering the state of everything well they're not necessarily benefiting from the aftermarket sales but they are benefiting from the fact that everything they build is immediately sold that's got to be nice in business we'll have some more information about like margins and sales and blah blah blah but yeah things are are out of control and it would seem to be like scalpers are at fault but it's really just supply which the bride administration can do nothing about but they can't admit that but they can't do anything about it bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general if you've noticed there's been a wave of acceptance among the banks they are now getting in line to try to be a part of it to try to create very complex financial products to do bitcoin backed loans just all kinds of madness all of a sudden something is turned which means that you also have to go out and do the speaking tour where you say things where you pretend that you haven't crapped on bitcoin solidly for the past five years the sec chairman gary gensler uh you know this bitcoin thing competes with the us banking system he's saying that with an air of like caution and undertones and stuff like that while secretly cackling because they have control of a large amount now and he's no longer saying it's a fraud he's saying oh maybe there's some products we could explore now that i've acquired quite a bit i have a vested interest in making sure the value goes up yeah funny how that works yeah and the anti-merger i think that is going to be a meme for 22-22 for sure don't you think i think you could read this article and mentally substitute the uk for like caracas or anywhere nope maybe the u.s for a while but nobody else is going to let this kind of thing happen from now on i think it's a nevis they're just going to shut it right down uk regulators order facebook owner meta to sell jiffy st kits and nevis regulators order facebook owner meta to sell jiffy carl down the street orders facebook owner meta to sell jiffy i mean it's all basically the same the uk not being part of the european union i'm i'm not sure that we're gonna we're gonna get demonetized and because we're gonna have too many controversial opinions about your pronunciation of that word [Laughter] sorry go to war in the comments yeah it is it is meta but i always want to say mata oh no i was thinking the other word oh yeah so uh the crazy thing about this is that so it's uncompetitive the advertising business that jiffy used was stripped out by meta because they're like we don't need that we have our own advertising business these uk regulators were like put it back imagine you got that email you're a facebook engineer and you get that email yesterday they probably just commented it out because they knew that was going to happen i've done that in the past the client's like i want this feature removed and i'm like i'm just going to comment this out because they're going to want it back there's bank accounts and that's like a lot just comment it out comment let's call it the bank could you put two slashes in front of my account real quick that's fine yeah i mean well i mean in in the facebook acquisition it would be like you know somebody cut off the guy's hands and feet and then they're like all right well we realized that you need hands and feet so you need to put those back they're just rotting in a trash can somewhere they knit like a little basket and hanging around his neck oh there you go buddy you're fixed you're restored you smell terrible get back out there little jiffy [Laughter] oh god this story is so dark now buzzfeed news is not a great source i know that but this is from like real freedom of information documents and we can only harken back to australia yes but it wasn't the australian government it was our fbi somehow operating in australia i don't understand that one yeah no but they did a very very similar thing because when it comes to possibly exposing themselves that's always stay keeping that from happening is always more important than i don't know protecting children from the worst possible thing yeah the cia files say staffers committed crimes involving children that are the worst kind of crimes involving children that you can possibly have that i have to very carefully avoid saying some words together because oh boy we did not get any money last week so that's fine they weren't prosecuted on this story there's a quote in here and it was one of the federal guys who does like uh i.t you know like in the security part of their it team and he was doing a presentation at a conference and one of the things he said was i see an astounding amount of this kind of thing that we can't say because we demonetized and no one was alarmed about it it's a room full of law enforcement i mean i that was disturbing but he went on to say that yeah we basically weaponized that and then used it against their enemies and it's like wait that's not that's not the mission of protecting that's the mission of we want to stay in control that's bad and that's the fear here and they even they didn't say it in those words exactly but they really barely danced around it they're saying if we put one of these guys on the stand we're afraid of what's going to come out you can't handle the truth that's kind of true i don't know if i can handle that i mean the truth around this kind of stuff this is just like it's a level of corruption that uh is hard to get your head around and google google has long had this policy of like we don't want to work with the government but you know that we have to sometimes except in this case they didn't have to but they gladly did which is weird google removes pirate bay domains from search results citing a dutch court order so brian said uh i guess brian i don't know how that's if that's how you pronounce it bring brian the copyright authority they said hey this domain doesn't have anything but pirated material let's just block the whole domain and google's like all right whatever fine i don't know if they said it with that much resistance yeah i think they're probably like fantastic i think it was more like yes my lady then they delicately bent over and kissed her hand the eu uh you know like we talked about of course the uk is not the eu but like uh what does the eu have in terms of chip fab do they even have anything oh there was a couple of things but there's nothing like super insanely high-end nothing really useful they got some data farms and stuff like that a couple places in italy of course ireland has but the tax shelter stuff is done right they need to bring costa rica into the european union so i think this is a very smart statement it's a very true statement but it's politically it seems like a terrible thing to do eu officials semiconductor independence is impossible yes because the european union doesn't really have a lot of semiconductor manufacturing but that's not true it's not impossible it's impossible in the next 10 years right which is kind of the same as impossible yeah depending on where you are you know if you're 85 years old right now it's impossible maybe we'll see it in our lifetimes no i don't think so because then because they would have to like really make some smart decisions right now and i don't see them doing that and spend a lot of money right now yeah which a bit of an issue in the world right now and uh israel now one thing we know about israel not necessarily government but you know really i mean you know the government has it is israel is really good at spyware amazingly good at it shockingly so they seem to have a monopoly on it which makes this so much more terrifying ruts group petitioned israel's top court over omicron phone tracking oh you said oh no i said the thing he was talking about a transformer i was talking about star trek we were talking about stuff on star trek star trek star trek star trek that's all it's too late it's too late they're gonna know chronoton particles chronotons so yeah they can't wait to see what the subtitle is on youtube what it thinks you said there in the in the you know the the whole vein of like oh my god we have to stop this they've really stepped up the controls but i can't say that [Music] they're going to track you that's that's what it is they're already tracking you using your phone and you know what and that was a reuters article too reuters you should go read voyagers because you can they gotta pay well they're proud of it yeah well i mean it's that's more for like if anybody shows up to actually manually check this which i don't believe it's like look that's a reuters article it's reuters that takes too much time uh and so if you live almost anywhere in the world there's probably some places in you know like the the russian borders and stuff like that is not the case but we have lived through we've never seen a direct military conflict all the wars we've experienced have been proxy wars but a different kind of war is happening in a proxy war the citizens really don't have to deal with too much yeah you may have just some rationing maybe you lose a loved one yeah it's terrible but this kind of stuff is way different how much is the populist going to tolerate of this israel and iran brought in cyber wars to attack civilian targets i remember the iranians they couldn't buy gas the other day and now uh some personal info from like dating sites has been posted and so it's just like there was lgbt dating sites for people that you didn't necessarily know or lgbt a little asymmetrical [Laughter] but still it's a terrible kind of war like i'm sure those people on the dating sides probably didn't do too much to contribute to the conflict yeah unfortunate and the gas thing was crazy shows you how delicate the infrastructure is for all that stuff it was down for a long time like a couple of weeks wasn't it yeah oh yeah we that this got cut because it was in the original intro we're also speaking of bad infrastructure we're also under a boil water advisory for what 24 hours now oh yeah very long time but they figured out what it was yeah it was just taking them forever to fix it so uh man i was driving today and there was someone it was a woman i saw after i passed doing 35 and a 55. it's going to be crazy and then of course you know when you pull up the side of them i'm i'm analyzing my brain do i want to let this person know what i feel about them and it's an old lady and she's over the wheel like this and i'm just like okay i'm not gonna say anything but that person needs to be removed from the road i don't care what we have to do we have to do it which is why i want this technology as soon as humanly possible and let's not worry about age i'll do it every five years as long as everybody else has to do it every five years south korea will use vr to determine if the elderly can keep driving and they've got some pictures there's actually some scenarios like a little kid runs out in front of you and all kinds of random other stuff graphical fidelity is better than i expected not great but not awful not great these kinds of programs are never good so uh my concern is like you put an old person in front of any sort of vr setup and i don't know that they would understand it good then they fail but like working a vehicle and understanding like vr are kind of two different skill sets i guess it depends on how they set that up why would an old person be driving in tesla we're all going to be driving tesla's chris have you not seen what they're doing they uh when they're talking about this gas price thing the woman that's supposed to be in charge of that i think they didn't confirm her right oh yeah she's a straight communist and they're like how do you feel about the gas prices she was like i don't like gasoline engines problem solved [Laughter] so yeah we're all going to be driving away from cars eventually we're going to have to start doing unfiltered news on float plane [Laughter] what would be left [Laughter] uh moving on to social media and uh this is not anything new we all knew it but there was no admission and even then it's kind of like you know i mean everything that this man does has to be inspected with a fine-tooth column which is probably how it should be but now because of a lawsuit they've kind of admitted it but not publicly trump's social media site quietly admits that it's based on mastodon and they have a link to the source code and you can download the source code which is all they needed to do to be in compliance with mastodon's open source rules so mastodon has publicly said looks like they're in compliance the best kind of compliance minimal still i don't believe that you can use that yet right no it doesn't exist but soon dm and it might actually function now that we know that it's working on a something that's tried and true yeah yeah uh meta has an interesting new offer to the people of the uk here's the deal i can protect you somewhat from revenge can we say that no i don't think we should video adult revenge videos i can protect you from those but here's the catch and it's a hell of a catch you have to send me your videos and pictures yeah that's mmm i trust that yeah metta is going to build tools to stop the spread of that thing but that's the catch not that thing a different thing different spread it's uh you know i don't know sending to zuck that kind of thing now if it's already out there doesn't matter and you see it in the wild i can understand be like let me get a let me right click and save as put this on the meta side but if you just have it like in your possession you're like what if i wouldn't send him to zuck no that would be the last thing i would do wasn't wasn't his initial claim to fame making a hot or not website like let me just run you down the uh the most dystopian future possible remember the stuff that snowden leaked let's imagine that we compute a hash of like that powerpoint presentation and that hash is you know this really long number but that number is unique in the entire known universe that's and that's guaranteed like we know that's nobody would argue that that's how that actually works now let's suppose that all of these systems have all kinds of stuff in place to automatically hash everything and compute that number because you need that anyway to do this i mean in order to figure out what is this file it's doing the exact same thing for that as it is you know this so when the next snowden uploads a presentation that generates a number and that's the number you're going to immediately know where it came from on what devices because every device your phone your cloud provider your hard drive is computing what those numbers are to make it faster as you store something that is going to become again like a drug dog that that can trigger on anything they want it to trigger on and who's going to say otherwise you think they're going to let you look at what they're doing nope so it becomes hey it's this is the equivalent of searching your vehicle on the highway of i detected the odor of marijuana there's no argument against it and it's this is terrible it's a terrible thing to to saddle you with but they will and another thing that they will do much like all the banks you think there was like a a little memo went out to all the power brokers it's like it's time yes absolutely like wherever they've invested their cash on hand they were like we are exploring this in the portfolio you need to change your policies we joke about that but there are meetings like that where the heads of companies are like this is what's happening in the industry this is the direction we're moving in i assume this happens at the clinic where they get the the teenage blood infusions all right they're all sitting around the table they got their own they've got cucumbers on their eyes they're just like it's relaxing so jamie yeah i know uh maida needs to allow more cryptocurrency ads according to you know engadget here and uh you know jamie dimon is is just it's like yeah at least this is what we're gonna do what what idiot argues for more ads no matter what they're for but these ads are going to make a lot of money chris the people who argue for more ads are the people who are selling yeah the ad space now the way this works is that there are different regulatory licenses for crypto and who knows who knew there were this many previously they wanted only the top three now they've expanded it to 27. so you'll be seeing a lot more crypto ads if you use meta which you shouldn't and also the article also talked a little bit about uh dm which was facebook's failed attempt to do that so expect to see that come back in one form or another that got spiked down so hard that they haven't even mentioned it it's still there don't worry they talk about it at the blood transfusion meeting but uh you know there's they're not supposed to talk about it outside that at the blood transfusion meeting one of the big like memes is like oh god here mark mark's going on he's going on a deem rant again dm it makes me not even want to get teenage blood zuckerberg's just going around like taking people's cucumber slices and eating them because that's what he thinks you're supposed to do he can only it's not zuckerberg doesn't get the uh the blood transfusion he gets an oil transfusion but it can only have like the original like 1800s oil that it was you know processed during a different way not because of his bill that's just his preference yeah well reddit you don't hear much about reddit and uh reddit is social media but it doesn't get considered with all the other big dogs when you talk about big social media nobody talks about reddit which is kind of weird they're tired of that yeah reddit rolls out real-time features to keep users engaged i was really excited to see what these were it's just animated up and down vote counters so as something is being downloaded up or or uploaded or downloaded the page doesn't have to reload and you get little animations i've noticed that when sometimes when i watch tick tocks as gifs posted somewhere else they have those little hearts that spawn yeah and it's so distracting yeah no you need that you need that endorphin any little thing like that to get the endorphins because when you post it it's like oh yes look someone's putting hearts on my video like favorite and subscribe well maybe you're thinking hey you know what i'll go on reddit i'll post some really amazing memes and i'll get to watch those animations and i'll get the fulfillment that all the rest of my life has denied me but wait because the memes at least on twitter actually i said read it didn't i this is twitter but i bet ready we'll adopt this yeah the memes are endangered twitter expands safety policy and bans the posting of images of people without their consent no existential dread herald no you know who loved this jack dorsey vietnam it's like on one hand it's like oh that maybe would be nice but at the same time like you lose so much so many great memes because of that michael jordan crying oh yeah salt bae greta this is catastrophic it is a little coincidental too that all of these changes happen and they've already started banning people and deleting old tweets and things like that that happens immediately after jack dorsey is like well you know what i'm out we get more about that in the business section yeah that's true they didn't even wait a day did they no [Laughter] will that kill twitter a little bit because part of the joy of twitter is seeing something trending on the sidebar and then being like what is that and then you see pictures of like a live event happening i don't think so it's so unenforceable that it won't be universally enforced it will just be used to remove dissent like everything else on twitter right as we see with all of the changes removing dissent is the goal for a lot of things and not only is it the goal they're succeeding at it they're really good at it that's the terrifying part it has been a long time what was the last hot ticktop stupid challenge devious licks also slap your teacher i think was one oh i don't remember slap your teacher that one i think was relatively recent i saw an article about it but that's the assault charges but yeah that is just blatant crime and another challenge that will definitely result in some charges if not you bleeding out on my front step this is a real risk people you should not play around with this door kicking tick tock trend to mistaken for home invasions prompting calls to police this has to be happening in the north right like you can't do that around here even even kids have more sense than that around here i didn't potoma california is the police that's commenting on it yes if if someone kicks the door in and on a residential house around here there is a non-trivial percent chances they're just going to shoot you there's a shotgun on the other side of that door but i think part of the meme is they don't kick it in right away it's an escalation so you kick harder and harder and harder which gives me time to set up on the other side of that door you don't really need a lot of time i feel like by kick number three is probably you know there's a greater than 50 chance that by kick number four there's there's not going to be any more escalations and they did say that a couple of instances the doors have been kicked completely in i don't know if that was on purpose or not but just a real bad idea yeah around here that's just cause yeah that's a let's put that but in california you know what that all everything i just said doesn't count for california do whatever you want in california there are no laws in california you know what just kick in somebody's door and then head down to the tj maxx and walk out with whatever you want because i don't care i don't care at all now last week we talked about that australian politician remember yep and we got some comments we confirmed your suspicions he was a terrible person although i'm still not sure because again it was a it was a bad law that affected a terrible person and benefited terrible person it's like oh i don't know where to land here i'm in the exact same place here i assume this guy is terrible right it seems like it but it is also a dissenting voice that has been silenced by social media craig kelly mp banned from facebook appointed to parliament's social media inquiry why was he banned saying things he questioned he asked some questions that are not allowed to be asked and so he was banned and then they came up with his counsel to decide if social media was you know restricting too much they put him on it i have a feeling i know how he's gonna vote could you should you be banned from social social media for if you're a politician and you say that the earth is flat they actually made the argument that he wasn't commenting as a politician he was just commenting as a user and that's somehow they've used that to say we can't do this would would we weep for the future of humanity if somebody like michael jordan was a very pro-flat earth kind of a thing because so many people look up to him but it would just be michael jordan the person not michael jordan the basketball player that was his one controversy do you know that story they there was a so he's from north carolina and there was a black guy running for the governor of north carolina against jesse helms jesse helms was like when we talk about racists in government jesse helms was a racist in government there is so much documentation after a spoiler alert jesse helms won that race and his quote after he won it was there'll be no happiness in mudville tonight the man was a monster so everybody was like mike you you know you're the king of the world you got to get behind this other guy and mike's quote was republicans buy shoes too the man's a capitalist wow so you know your question that's the problem weep for humanity enjoy your orange crush it takes to take the pain away while you can [Music]
Channel: Level1Techs
Views: 21,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, science, design, ux, computers, hardware, software, programming, level1, l1, level one
Id: lzf0-EuuwYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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