Letting Go of Anxiety | Jeff Vines

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hey CCV hey CCV hey sue cv what a fun few weeks it's been for us to be with you in this series our own home churches in Valencia and Anaheim I've also been blessed to get to hear some amazing communicators who are also our friends preaching the same messages so to wrap up this series let it go pastor Jeff is about to come out and deliver a knockout final message of course this is the time when the service would normally he asked you guys to cheer for us real loud before we preach his guests but now we just kind of want to turn the tables on him and let's just make sure that he knows exactly how excited you all are to have him back with his church family so Church let's give a big CCV welcome to your pastor Jeff finds I don't know how okay okay all right all right all right I don't know how you guys got those guys to film that cuz I didn't do it for them so the tech guys must have gotten those guys to film that when they were here speaking so okay all right all right thank you yeah yeah we're into this series called let it go the worst thing about this year is I gotta wear this but mic bro he had to wear a yellow shirt didn't he oh my goodness he's such a such a good guy turn in your Bibles if you would at Genesis chapter 29 verse 15 through 20 and there will be some others following Genesis 29 what's interesting is that when we started this series the whole theme was that you know if you ever go bowling for the first time and people are trying to advise you how to do it usually they'll say to you man just just run down the aisle and let it go that was the whole thing and there are some things in your life that are so complicated that you face there so difficulty or difficult that have the potential to really ruin your life that the only way you can deal with it is simply come to a point of faith where you let it go just let it go give it to God and let him do what he's going to do with it I couldn't believe when we were seated at a cafe over in Valencia that we were talking about the topics that each pastor would deal with and all three of them looked at me it's okay Jeff the only one left is anxiety do you think you could deal with that one I thought man I don't want to deal with that because our people have heard me talk about that so much they're really tired of it you know the way I am when we get on with your life and then I started thinking that you know as a pastor I try to be I try to be honest with you and I it's probably good you don't want a pastor who lies but there's there's honesty right and then there's what we call total transparency it's where you allow people to look in to see something that you normally wouldn't share with somebody and so I talked to the guys and I decided okay I'll deal with this but if I'm going to deal with it we're gonna go to that area of transparency where I let you in a little bit in this journey by way of getting started about 30 years ago I remember reading an article in the Orange County Register I didn't read it thirty years but I read it after he'd been written and the title of the article was Americans want happiness but no one knows where to find it and the article was written by a secular humanist so the man is the measure of all things there is no God and he said that he was having trouble harmonizing why it is that this generation we are more healthy than our parents or grandparents because of the advancement and medication medicine depending on which way you look at it and we're also more wealthy we have a greater sense of income than did our parents or grandparents and we have a greater sense of liberty we were able to go and travel and see the world do things that our parents and grandparents were never able to do because of lack of funding or it just wasn't that readily available so he goes to great lengths to show you that in this generation were more healthy more wealthy we have a greater sense of Liberty than did our parents or grandparents and yet he said something has increased in this society today increased 20% that makes no sense now when something increases 10% in a given generation they start to refer to it as an epidemic he said but this has increased 20% and then he goes on to Thursday the article to say we are more healthy we are more wealthy we have a greater sense of liberty than did our parents and grandparents and yet something has risen 20% and that something is anxiety and depression so how can we increase an anxiety and depression 20% while having a greater sense of health greater sense of wealth and a greater sense of liberty than our parents and then he goes on as a secular atheist in the article he goes on to say that we're not willing to admit in America that what is happening is the disintegration of the soul now it's very rare that I'll hear an atheist use the word soul it'll usually be something psyche or the emotions but he actually uses the word soul he says in America the soul is disintegrating and it's a problem and it's epidemic for me this is much more than just theory of some kind it's it's personal when six years ago you know waking up every morning around 2:30 and my blood pressures you know 240 over 130 and stroke level and they're rushing me to the hospital and I'm going to the emergency room almost every night for six months it's ridiculous I'm not convinced they're telling me there's nothing wrong with me and I'm just waiting for the next one become I can't leave the house I get out in traffic and if the traffic stops I start panicking I remember for the first time in my life I started contemplating the idea of suicide not that I was gonna take my old life but then I started thinking why I started understanding why someone might do it cuz if I was gonna have to live the rest of my life with that every day of my life I started thinking it would be better just to die and go to heaven wouldn't it rather than to have to face this for the rest of my years and there would be people come up to me and put their hand on me and the the first time I had my first attack I would I was in Zimbabwe and they rushed me to the emergency room since I lost both my parents at an early age I thought I was dying of a heart attack and it feels much like a heart attack and the doctor put his hand on my hand and he said man you just need to settle down now if any of you do that to me today I will I will strike you in the name of God I will smite you because if you tell me that you don't understand what's going on here but through the whole process there's been the realization of some things about about myself it's hard for a pastor to talk about this because we're supposed to have it all together and when you go through something like this you realize you don't you just like everybody else and so I want to take you back to one of my favorite narratives in the Bible and I think it's my favorite because if you were to ask me what Old Testament character that I am most like it would be Jacob man the more I learn about Jacob the more I'm just like him so in Genesis 29 we find a story I want to take you through the narrative quickly I want to speak to you from my heart but I want you to learn the scripture because the scripture is we said it's like a jewel a precious jewel and depending on what phase of your life you're in you can turn it and the light will reflect a different way and it'll have a different meaning for you it has an objective meaning but it always is applied differently depending on what phase of life you're in and so we have Jacob in Genesis 29 and Jacobs life's in a mess because he's growing up in a culture of primogeniture primogeniture means that the firstborn gets everything how would you like to be born in a family and you're not the first morning and you've got you don't have the love of your father like your brother like the older brother does and you're not going to get the inheritance by the way the older brother in primogeniture he gets three-quarters of the inheritance and the rest is just dispersed methodically really with the other siblings and so I remember in Sunday school remember the final graph board where the Sunday school teacher would have Jacob and Esau and Jacob scramming East halls watt Hill almost as if to say get back into the womb you little punk you know as if they're fighting who gets out of the womb first because even though they're very closely related the first one else firstborn and probably the saddest verse about Jacob's life is in Genesis 25 28 when the Bible says Isaac loved Esau but Rebekah loved Jacob so Jacob because he's not the firstborn does not have the love of his father and anybody who's not had the love of your father knows how devastating that is no matter how much you've tried to deny that it's devastating and so Rebecca the Jacob's mom loves Jacob like Isaac loves Esau and in the narrative Esau is described as a hairy man who smells like you know the wild because he's out with his dad hunting and gathering all day while Jacob likes the tents likes to cook in the kitchen he has smooth skin but his mother loves him and there's no way she's gonna let Esau get the firstborn blessing now the firstborn blessing is much more than just an existential reality it's a contract that you made with God and so Rebekah comes up with a scheme Isaac is getting older he's losing his eyesight and it's time to give the firstborn blessing which again is a contract with God so Rebecca goes out and she gets some goat hair and she glues it to Jacob and she goes down to Walmart and buys a bottle of outdoor man perfume and sprinkles it all over him and he goes into the tent and Isaac really doesn't see that well and he's when you feel like he saw and you smell like he saw so he gives him the firstborn blessing and Jacob thinks his life's gonna take a turn for the better but it doesn't cuz suddenly he realizes he's wounded the heart of his father forever father's never gonna forgive him Esau now is trying to kill him for stealing the firstborn blessing and he's never gonna see his mother again the only woman who's really ever loved him because he saw he's definitely the Bible tells us in this powerful story that he runs to uncle Laban Rebecca's brother in a far distant country but it's a real place and Laban hires him working among the cattle and the sheep it's long hours and very little pay and then one day uncle Laban comes to Jacob and says Jacob just because we're related and I'm your uncle doesn't mean you should work for free tell me what your wages shall be and Jacobs response is that of a desperate man the Bible tells us that Laban had two daughters the name of the older was laying the name of the younger was Rachel it says Leah's eyes were weak but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance Jacob loved Rachel and he said I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel now basically uncle Laban says walk through your wages being jacob says forget to cash give me the girl forget the cash give me the girl and he says I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel seven years is any woman really worth seven years hard labor now guys if you're married and you're seated next to your wife that I just gave you the perfect opportunity like I can only open the door I can't make you all through it you should have said honey you are the normal price for a suitor in the days of Jacob and Esau somewhere around forty shekels Jacobs job with the cattle and the herdsmen per month so if you do the math he's not offering double he's not offering triple he's offering quadruple he's insane in a culture that's built on haggling he's not even haggling verse 17 might tell us why the Bible says lay his eyes were weak but Rachel is beautiful in form and appearance these two words the Hebrew word for form is the word for curves it's the Bible's Way of telling you that yes Rachel had a beautiful face that's what the word appearance means but she also had a sexually attractive body that's the Bible Bible's honest it tells you it's a good-looking woman he's overwhelmed when he sees Rachel how overwhelmed is he genesis 29:11 says that he was able to sneak a kiss then jacob kissed Rachel and lifted his voice and wept ladies when's the last time your husband Webster so beautiful and then in verse 20 Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days just a few days seven years hard labor now before some of you women say wow man I want a man like that no you don't this is not the kind of love that you think that you want this is not the the kind of relationship Jacob's not looking forward to walking on the beach with Rachel and talking about the emotional state of their relationship in their future no no you said well how do you know that Pastor Jeff because after the seven years are up he goes to uncle Laban and look what he says in verse 21 me your daughter Rachel that I'm a lie with her I love watching Hebrew scholars squirm to try to explain what's going on in this pan this is utterly outrageous you would not do this in Jacob wait a min you wouldn't do this in our time imagine me dating Robin my wife and after three years going to Charley my father Ilan saying okay I've been dating your daughter for three years give her to me I want to sleep with her you know we'll do that that's not how you asked for somebody's daughter's hand in marriage just so you know and you didn't do it in Jacob's time either now Robert altar is a Hebrew scholar that actually lives in Northern California quite respect and he says the explanation is a lot more simple than we make it here is a man Jacob who is spiritually emotionally and sexually overwhelmed with longing for Rachel Jacob will do whatever it takes to get her but the question is why and the answer is because this is the way Jacob is dealing with the unrealistic expectations or unresolved expectations or unrealized expectations of his life he's saying I'm out here in the desert in the wilderness I got this no good job my life has taken a turn for the worse when I thought he couldn't get any worse I've wounded the heart of my father I'll never see my mother the wall he won't has ever loved me again and my brother Esau was trying to kill me my life is a mess but if I can just get the girl everything will be good that's what he's saying if I can just give this mutable woman actually he's saying this if I can just have sex with this beautiful woman my life will be fulfilled and complete time out aren't you glad that we've advanced so much in culture that never today would any man or woman say man my life will be complete if I could just get the guy or the girl isn't it such a relief dr. Tim Keller and addressing this particular passage of Scripture mentions Ernest Becker's book who want to pull surprised the denial of death again he's a secular atheist I'm finally interesting that all these people who are atheistic in their worldview Becker in the book that gained high praise said that we Americans we have no idea how Americans who once believed in God no longer believe in God or if they say they do it's a God they've created in their own image so there's no relationship in this God he says you won't believe what Americans are doing now to to to satisfy the inner longings that only God can fill and he's not even a believer in God he's just making the statement and he says he calls it the romantic solution he says that's why the dating websites are so popular and there's a gazillion of them because we feel if our life is in disarray but if we can just get the guy if we can just get the girl everything will be fine he describes it as the romantic solution to life he defines it like this the belief that if we can find that one true love all of our feelings of insignificant purposelessness and meaninglessness will dissipate so we say to ourselves the abuse that I suffered growing up the fact that my mom or my dad loved my brother or my sister more than me the fact that my family is in disarray this great sense of failure that I feel the fact that I didn't get the recording contract I didn't get the the the I wasn't drafted by the sports team I didn't get the promotion at work I'm not living where I want to live or how I want to live the fact that all this is a mess but if I can just get the guy or the girl everything will be fine Jacob is applying the romantic solution to Rachel he thinks Rachel can be his Savior if I can just get the girl everything's good now here's where the story turns somewhat humorous because Jacob is a deceiver and a con artist he gets that from his mom remember what she did but neither one of them they're not a match for uncle Laban because uncle Laban takes one look at Jacob and sees how desperate he is and how he reveals his hand way too early I'll work seven years for Rachel and then his evil mind goes to work because he has an ugly daughter he's trying to unload now don't be mad at me I'm just telling you the Bible story so he looks at Jacob and things man Jacob you're not thinking properly and clearly your you're way over the top you'll do anything to get Rachel so Laban uncle Laban comes up with a plan if you notice in the narrative he never he never agrees with Jacob on the same in years no he never says yeah let's do it let's enter in the contract let's shake hands let it be written let it be done seven years you get Rachel know what he says is in verse nine he says well it is better than I give her to you then give her to another man that's all he says that is a salesman's statement it's oblique it's positive but there's no objective promise anywhere in it but he knows that Jacob is so desperate Jacob will hear what he wants to hear so the seven years are up Jacob comes and says okay uncle Laban I'll work seven years give me my wife he actually says give me your daughter that I can sleep with her now you don't have to be or don't have to possess a lot of historical archaeological or even philosophical knowledge to know what happens next if you know the story it's wedding day the bride will be heavily veiled the entire day and the wedding ceremony will start at her house uncle layman's house and we'll go to Jacobs house and the family and then into the village where all the family could celebrate they'll blow the shofar the trumpet and there be dancing and there will be a lot of eating and there will be a lot of alcohol all day long lots of wine lots of drinking and then at night time Jacob and Leah or Jacob and Rachel will go into a tent after all the ceremonies and they will consummate the marriage and it'll be official okay the problem is Jacob has been drinking all day and he's been kept far enough away from the bride and there's no electricity in these days so you can't turn the light on and they go into the tent to consummate the marriage and Jacobs had too much to drink and he says all rachel and in the morning wakes up to find out it was Leah and now he's married to Leah the marriage has been consummated and he's so livid with rage that he goes Dunkel a but he says why did you do you knew for what and for whom I was working why did you deceive me this way and uncle layman's response is classic in verse 26 well around here it's not the custom to put the younger before the older ouch he must have heard what happened when Isaac and as soon as Jacob uses were deceived I'm sure it was like an arrow going through his conscience and exploding because that's exactly the word Isaac used when he said why did you deceive me and then for an uncle Laban to throw into the word around here it's not the custom of the older to be preferred before the younger what happens or the younger before the older it dawns on him suddenly Laban is doing to me exactly what I did to my dad my dad reached out in the dark thinking it was Esau but it was me Jacob I reached out in the dark thinking it was Rachel but it was Leia and then he just goes away there's no discussion no I said seven none of that he knows he's been had and then the rider introduces us to Leia what about Leia the Bible says in verse 17 Leia had weak eyes but Rachel was lovely informed and very beautiful what does weak eyes mean does it mean that Rachel could see a long way but Lee could only see a short distance doesn't mean that she was like cross-eyed or something she couldn't see I don't know I do actually know what it means it's uh it's kind of a metaphor when you have weak eyes in the Old Testament it means that you are not confident you have a low self-esteem when people look at you look away okay now what would it be like being in less use growing up in the shadow of a stunningly beautiful sister and you know you're the ugly duckling and so much so that your father's trying to get rid of you by attaching you to some man now here's what's really interesting about this narrative how does that happen how does he convince Leah to dress up and pretend she's Rachel what girl would do that and then at night how does he get her into the tent you know I just imagine the conversation you know Leah sweetheart you're ugly I know it's harsh but let's just get it out there it's the truth and if you ever hope November we're in a culture we're having babies having male sons is the ultimate so sweetheart if you don't get in that ten you're gonna die all mine you're never gonna have any kids you gonna have to get in that ten now what's what's really interesting here is nowhere in the narrative do you find Leah saying no way I don't want to go to the 10th no no no and here's why leah is doing the same thing with Jacob that Jacob is doing with Rachel this is her opportunity to get married and have kids in a culture where that means everything you're nobody if you don't have kids she too is looking for a savior now she does something after the marriage is consummated she's married Jacobs to husband and if you know the story she he's going to work seven more years and she starts doing something that I know we would never do in our time and culture she starts having babies in order to keep a man aren't you glad we've come so far we'd never do that and she starts having sons so she's blessed and every day she sees the man for whom she most longs in the arms of the woman in whose shadow she's lived all her life and as she she starts having these sons she gives them a name that will get Jacobs attention she tries to speak to whom through to him through the kids so first she has Reuben which means to see now maybe my husband will see me maybe I'll be visible to him and he won't look straight through me that doesn't work so she has Simeon which means to hear now maybe my husband will hear my cries of love or for love that doesn't work she has Levi which means to attach to now finally my husband will love me and attach himself to me I've given him three sons for crying out loud maybe he will attach himself to me in the way that a husband should do his wife if anybody's in hell in this narrative oh it's Leia because she's got a pseudo Savior in Jacob and no man can live up to that now I want you to stay with me let's put the narrative the story over here and I want you to hear my heart and go through this with me man that this is every single one of us every single me the people back there all of us there's a there's a little story that I heard first from Ravi Zacharias that I tell often and I usually tell it and then I try to make a way to fit into the message you know that's what pastors do that's a good sort of got to tell it doesn't really fit but I'll twist it and turn it it's a story where the bodybuilder is out of work and he goes to the local zoo and they hire him to dress up like a gorilla because the gorilla has fallen ill and the schoolchildren are calm and they don't want to disappoint the schoolchildren from seeing the gorillas he fills out the uniform everything's fine the enclosure where the gorilla is is far enough away from the gate where the children stand and watch and they think he's a real gorilla and they throw him peanuts and bananas and he eats him and he likes peanuts and bananas but then he gets a bit rambunctious and he swings over the oak tree branch over the wall into the Lions then and so now we have a talking gorilla and the kids are scared and he's yelling help help help help and he keeps yelling help help help help help and finally after about ten minutes the lion looks at him says dude if you don't shut up we're both gonna lose our job my favourite story but this is us man this is this is you every single person in this room we do the same thing you spend your life trying to be somebody you were never meant to be because you got the approval of somebody you wear masks pretending to be somebody you don't have the real potential of ever being and you attach yourself to things that you think are going to deliver that never do you put your faith in something that your soul knows is fragile at best and then you get to be my age and somewhere around my age you realize that there's the disintegration of your soul and you take off the mask and you cry out for help to your pastor to your friends or to whoever else it is only to realize everybody's playing the same game you are you you you can't trick your soul you can't no matter how much health or wealth or money your freedom or Liberty it doesn't matter you may feel good in the moment but your soul knows that the things you've attached or to are fragile and frail and if it knows it will disintegrate and die slowly but surely and you'll come to the age of 40 and 50 and 60 and realize you've wasted your life in every life and every aspect of your life there will always be a ground no running of cosmic disappointment look we've said it before what's the death rate in California and the answer is it's one per person and pseudo saviors will never will never heal you so I don't care if you're if you're not even if you're not a Christian you're just here visiting this still applies to you man if you've attached yourself to anything that's gonna fade or die you're you you can convince yourself it's all okay and block it out but eventually your soul knows that for which it's living is going to fade and it will start to disintegrate nobody said this better than CS Lewis most people he said if they ever really learned how to look into their own hearts would know that they want something that this world can never give them these are longings which no marriage no travel no learning will ever satisfy there's always something that we've grasped at that first moment of longing that just fades away with reality the thing we thought we were going to get in the new experience always evades us so what do we do when we first come to Jesus here's what we do we're hoping that Jesus will help us get the things we really think will save us think about the irony we hope to get Jesus on our side so that he will help us get the things we really worship the things we think will save us our idols so if I got Jesus he's gonna help me get the recording contract score a touchdown hit a home run he's gonna help me get drafted by the team he's gonna help me get the girl get the guy get the promotion at work but down deep inside you know that you can do everything right and your marriage fall apart you can do everything right with your kids and they will still walk away from you and God you can do everything right at work and people will step over you on their way to promotion your soul knows it even if you're not willing to admit it you attach yourself to any of that stuff you will disintegrate die in anxiety and depression will be the model of the day and anxiety I discovered in my own life is directly tied to anything you don't have that you think you can't live without or something that you do have that you're afraid of losing because your heart knows ultimately you're gonna lose it all but one thing Jesus and somewhere along the line you actually start to believe that you know better than God how your life should be going but your soul knows you're not in control of everything and if it looks like you're not in control of everything chances are high that you're not in control of everything somebody else is do you know I read an article once that said good-looking people have a greater chance of committing suicide I had to read the article it's like tongue is funny and the idea is that if you're good-looking you put all your significance and purpose in your looks and everybody eventually loses I'm living proof of what happens after you turn 250 I used to be good looking I used to have a hair and things were more up this way then that way it's life but you know who's the worst at this and this is how I want to end who's the worst at this and this is where I moved from honesty to transparency pastors oh yeah we never will admit it so we're busy telling you not to attach yourself the things that are fragile and we're busy telling you to make sure your significance and hope is ultimately placed in Christ because everything will fade away and you know what we do we start building our own little kingdoms and that's why in so many cases the church goes south because I'm a firm believer that God's blessing has a lot to do with the motivation of your leaders and I can tell you that for most of my life until the anxiety disorder my significance was based on how big my church is and it's my father all who reminded me hey it's not your Church of how big the building is do people adore me do my peers respect me and pastors are the worst that their identities being fragile because they put it in the approval of the people and if you live your life that way you will disintegrate from the inside out day after day after day until you take the mask off and you realize me and I am a mess now here's where the rubber hits the road if the Bible is true and I think we believe that it is or would be wasting our time the Bible says God's ultimate objective for you is that he would have supremacy in your life that you would have other passions and we do it's okay so if you have passion for cars some for golf some for the Dodgers because you're religious people and and you know just let me stop here I won't get to do this and I just want to say something that they won the time that I was at the game and last night they won when I started watching because I couldn't start watching till the seventh inning because I was busy and as soon as I started watching that's all I'm saying Anthony McMahon he's got tickets to Game seven so I'm just putting that little hen out there for now here's the deal here's the deal though if God wants our primary pay it's okay to have other passions but if he wants our primary passion to be him because He loves us and he knows when our primary passion is him man that's the best life you could possibly live your fulfillment sin then here's what God does this is going to hurt you but if God is truly like that that means he's gonna spend most of your life stripping away those other things until he gets first place and he's not doing it because he hates you doing it cuz he loves you I am full-on convinced that he sent aloud whatever you want to call it the anxiety disorder into my life to wake me up to the reality that everything that my faith is ultimately in will one day be destroyed anyway and the best part about the journey is that I don't care what you think about me I love you but you're not my pseudo Savior I only have one and I know medicine can help and I'm thankful but only Jesus can truly heal you of depression and anxiety so what am I saying okay all right what am I saying all right so go back to the peewee baseball when they steep me out in right field and I'd collect four-leaf clovers and I got bored so I started staring at the Sun and my mom told me not to do that which was a direct license to do that so I started staring at the Sun and then I learned over the course of an entire peewee baseball season that if you stare at the Sun for 20 seconds close your eyes these little dots bounce around and they're purple and blue and green and yellow and they're beautiful they're just beautiful but then I was frustrated because I couldn't see them because they're bouncing everywhere and they're jumping so over a long period of time I learned that if your stare at the Sun for 20 seconds close your eyes and then stop trying to look at the dots looked at the fixed point in the background something beyond if you did that then the little dots would stabilize and you could see them out of your peripheral vision and they're beautiful blue and green I'm doing that now because I'm just staring at the light so I got all tight all kinds of beautiful colors this is your life isn't it it's your life it's locked what do we say why do they call them selfies because they can't spell narcissism [Laughter] so if you if you get your focus off yourself and put it on something bigger than you which is God then the interesting thing is the dots of your life will stabilize and you can see how beautiful your life really is you know what's interesting about this this is this is the last phase I'm learning I really do believe God wants to give us every good and perfect gift but he's not an enabler so I think he with holes until he's given supremacy and then they start to flood in and I think somebody famous said this seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you so your entire life God's trying to get you to give him supremacy in your life and when you do I believe he opens the floodgates of heaven and gives you things that you never even knew you wanted primarily peace do you know who got this right in the story Leah she's the only one who gets it if you read the narrative she starts praying out of her desperation because it's not working Jacobs not working she thought everything's gonna be fine it's not working and she starts referring to God is Yahweh rather than Elohim the more generic term she discovers that name through a personal relationship and guess what she does she decides she's gonna have one more child she named him Judah which means praise and in verse 35 this time I will praise the Lord therefore she called his name Judah and look at the next line then she ceased bearing she doesn't need kids anymore to prove that she matters she found her meaning in God she took the deepest most passionate desires of her heart took them away from her husband and she put them on the Lord and I'm telling you when you do that the anxiety and depression will fade away your soul will start to live again because it lives for the one thing you can never lose what did Jim Elliot say he is no fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose and when your soul knows you're living ultimately for that which lasts forever it'll be healed it'll be healed father thank you for your love for us and for the power of a narrative that will open our eyes to who you truly are and how you can work in our lives I I pray for everyone in the room suffering from depression and anxiety I pray that in no way would I have been little - that it's real and I believe in the healing power of Medicine and the gift that you've given to doctors I also know that is abused so often so I pray for wisdom and knowledge for those who are in this journey but I also pray that you would remind us ultimately only Jesus can bring the healing we can mask it and we can deal with it but only Jesus can free us up to live a life of peace that passes all understanding no matter what's going on externally we can have peace peace of soul in Christ's name
Channel: ONE&ALL
Views: 8,149
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: Anxiety, Depression
Id: sVIAvxWCtsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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