Letters from Jesus, Part 2 (Leading The Way LIVE at Apostles)

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good [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i see a generation [Music] [Music] and out of the darkness we will rise insane that [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on together let's declare that paid [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] amen it's good to gather in the house of the lord today everybody turn to your neighbor say i'm glad you're here this morning [Music] sometimes on this journey i get lost in my mistakes what works to me like weakness is a canvas for your strength and my story isn't over my story's just begun i feel you won't define me that's what my father does feel you won't define me cause that's what my father does singing lay your burdens down [Music] [Music] eyes hey church turn to your neighbor say you're in the father's house this morning come on tell them [Music] [Music] and the story isn't over [Music] in the room [Music] check your shame at [Music] say anymore when you're in the father's house we'll sing this together church come on prodigals come home [Music] here we go [Music] is [Music] [Music] put your hands together come on church put them together [Music] here in the father's house [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord this morning [Applause] come [Music] streams [Music] is [Music] god [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus foreign [Music] [Music] like [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] amen you may be seated this morning now 20 years to the day yesterday a nation not only realized that we were blindsided on september 11 2001 but we awoke to the fact of the absolute importance and the incredible sacrifices that first responders do make day in and day out amen so i'm going to dedicate we're going to dedicate our time of prayer today for first responders whether it be in the medical field on the security field i'm going to ask all our security men who really out there some of you even don't see them have really helping us day in and day out and sunday in and sunday out so i'm going to ask them to come down and for us to pray for them and pray for their protection come on in guys well i think you see the love that this congregation has for you and we thank you and also those in the medical field if you don't want to come down you can stand up where you are i know they're more skittish than than those of us not in the medical field so i understand that so believe me either way father will you pray with me raise your hands up in the air so we can join together in united over these men and women they represent so many who could not be here today but father we praise you and we thank you for these men and women who serve so faithfully serve us as a city service as a country service as a nation and the lord above all we thank you for they serve us as a congregation and we are grateful to them they represent so many faithful men and women in uniform who are putting their lives out day in and day out they when they walk out of their homes every day they don't know who they're going to face and what they're going to face and lord yet they do it because they're dedicated to their call to their cause and i pray that you bless them father and you bless all those who are serving us in this way i pray that you protect him because only you the one ultimately who can protect so we come to you believing that you are sovereign powerful mighty god who can protect them protect their families father i pray that just only protect their bodies but i pray you protect their minds and their hearts and the spirits that they would know that there is a god in heaven who's watching over them and father i pray when they face difficulties and circumstances that they cannot it does not make sense to fix their eyes on you and lord that you would answer them from heaven and that you bless them bless their families and lord that you would make them a blessing and for us as a congregation lord we pray this morning give us spiritual eyes to see the desperation that we as a nation are in we're in desperate need of you lord god unless you come and build the house in vain the builders will build unless you come and guard the city in vain the gods will guard it lord we know that you and you alone can truly truly bring a revival an awakening a holy spirit awakening that will move in our midst that will convert the sinner the renewed the believer and that in the end jesus be glorified for it is in his name that we pray and all of god's people said amen thank you guys thank you again thank you thank you amen thank you dr youssef i mean we're about to enter into a time of giving this morning and i encourage you to remain standing as we continue to worship and if you're watching online first of all thank you we're so happy that you're tuning in and choosing your time to be spent by worshiping with us so thank you for being here and if you are online you actually have an opportunity to give as well you don't have to miss out on that if you are here you'll be able to do that as you leave but while we just take a moment we're going to sing a song called fresh wind and man i uh i've been reading recently a lot of the old testament and you see a lot of people going to battle sometimes with the lord sometimes without the lord and it's really obvious when the lord is with them and when he's not and man i want the lord to be with us i don't want to move without him moving first right i don't want to move and so let's invite him let's invite a fresh spirit to move a move of god come on church let's sing this morning [Music] holy ghost breathe on us we pray as we repent turn from sin revival [Music] pour your spirit out pour your spirit up um [Music] strength [Music] so we the church [Music] is [Music] a holy anointing the power of your presence pour your spirit out pour your spirit out [Music] your spirit out [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we can hear [Music] we can hear [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a holy anointing [Music] for your [Music] [Applause] all of god's people said yes lord amen thank you team you know one of the great joys to see a couple who've been married maybe 50 60 or more years and there are in love with each other more now than ever before i've had the joy of knowing such couples and there's such a delight particularly in these days when the definition of love is so confused it's so perverted where the definition of love is so twisted and and selflessly used in the last message i introduced this new series of messages from the letters of jesus to the church and according to the word of god i shared with you in the last message that the church the believers is the bride of christ and i said that there can be no doubt about the incredible the consistent love of the groom to his bride but when the bride's love cools off after a few years of marriage the relationship not only sours but they live together like roommates instead of people who are madly in love with each other if you are not here by the way please download it when you go home because it will help it's the foundational message for the rest of this series and i also said that in many a case in many a church and many a bride of christ the words of loving for jesus have become words just songs on the screen they're no longer in love with jesus they go through the motion of marriage they go through the motions of relationship but the love for christ has become so overwhelmed with other loves other loves love for the world love for self love for things as an aside i was studying this letter to of jesus to the church in ephesus and i felt right at that moment when he was talking with heartbroken about their love or lack thereof for him i said right after this series i'm going to do a short series on how to stay in love with jesus in fact how to grow your love for jesus every day instead of the other way around and i'll do that right after this series i just was so overwhelmed how can it testify to you to the glory of jesus because of his overwhelming grace to me and this is just my testimony and i'm sure it's your testimony to many of you i am more in love with jesus today than in any time in all the 56 years that i've been walking with him [Applause] the first letter that our glorified jesus our glorified lord sins he sends to the church in the city of ephesus and we saw on the map let me put the map again we saw why ephesus remember john the apostle the revelator was given the revelation was privileged to be lifted up and to see not only the glorified jesus the magnify remember john is the man who who put his head on jesus shoulder but he hardly recognized him in his glory in his magnificence in his splendor and so he was given the revelation of the glorified jesus is given the the revelation of what's going to happen in the future and i explained to you that ephesus is the first stop if you are sailing from pottamus the island of paramus and going to go to the mainland of asia minor the first stop is the church is ephesus the city of ephesus but there is other reason why it's not just because it's the first stop ephesus was very important city that's why it got the first letter ephesus was the capital city of that region at the time but more importantly ephesus was a free city in fact it was one of the very few cities in that all of these cities in asia minor was under the roman occupation that did not have roman soldiers in it it was a free city there all the others had roman soldiers in them controlling the cities but not ephesus not only that but it was the center of pagan worship it was the center of the the god artemis or diana's worship and which made it of course to be a very prosperous city very powerful city very influential city it it was a it was a destination of all the pilgrims who were worshiping the god artemis and it was a tourist destination it had the most iconic temple for the gods uh artemis or diana which considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world at that time and that is why the apostle paul himself while he literally in tessellanaica he spent three weeks he spent three years in ephesus it probably the longest he's ever spent other than in confinement in rome the longest he ever spent in one city he was in ephesus for three is why because of its strategic importance and also because it was probably and i say probably the hardest place for the gospel seed to be planted oh but when they got it they really got it i mean they got it and we know from the book of acts that paul appointed timothy his disciple to be the pastor of the church in ephesus in fact you see that's from the letters that he wrote to him first timothy and ii timothy but history tells us that after timothy departed to go elsewhere it was john the the apostle who became the pastor of the church of ephesus i had the privilege of being in ephesus and seeing what reputedly be the home of john where mary lived with him until she died but you know i want you to imagine this i want you to imagine this and now you're not pastors but imagine the very first letter that jesus gives john to deliver is to his beloved congregation i want to draw your attention in a moment to the screen because many years ago several years ago when jonathan was jonathan youssef was the head of international division at leading the way he had a passion for traveling and ministering to persecuted people in turkey in albania in india all over india and indonesia and many remote islands of indonesia but one of the great things that happened at that time is that the camera crew said well let's read have jonathan read the letter to the churches while they were there in asia minor in in modern turkey and so for the next seven today in the next six letters we're going to hear jonathan reading the letter to these churches in location you'll see ephesus as you read so let's draw attention to the screen to the angel of the church in ephesus right these are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands i know your deeds your hard work and your perseverance i know that you cannot tolerate wicked men that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not and have found them false you have persevered and have endured hardships for my name and have not grown weary yet i hold this against you you have forsaken your first love remember the height from which you have fallen repent and do the things you did it first if you do not repent i will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place but you have this in your favor you hate the practices of the nicolaitans which i also hate he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches to him who overcomes i will give the right to eat from the tree of life which is in the paradise of god for so many people through the years who have preserved your word so today two thousand years later we can learn of your heart to know what is near and dear to you and so that we would seek to please you with all of with all of our might and strength may this be a transformative message that you have sent those many years ago be to us we pray this in jesus name amen i love the description of our risen ascended glorified lord jesus he holds the seven stars in his hands now it could be referring to those seven churches but remember i told you the seven the reason were just seven there were probably many other churches at the time but the seven is a number of completion in the bible it's a perfect number a number of perfectionist is the totality that's if you're seven then that's done that's that that is that is the perfect number and that tells us that our lord jesus christ is supreme sovereign over all of his creation it tells us that our lord is a supremely in control of the lives of his children that tells us that our lord is in total control of the lives of those who are his our lord holds the security of the believers of all those who love him in his very hands what comfort what joy what peace now there are some scholars historic historical scholars who have thought there's a possibility of that this being a reference to a coin a coin was minted by the emperor remember i talked to you last message about emperor domitian that the mission minted as specific coin in the memory of his dead son he had a son who's supposed to succeed him but he died remember i told you he's responsible for a systematic second wave because nero's persecution was not as systematic it was just mostly in rome but when the mission came into power he systematized persecution of christians throughout the roman empire and so when his son died he at that moment was insisting that the christians bow and worship lord caesar not the lord jesus christ and so he coined this this coin he minted this coin and called it the divine caesar son and and he meant it not only in his memory but the inscription of the coin read the divine caesar son of emperor domitian and the coin actually had seven stars encircled it and the sun's sort of sitting on the globe oh but listen to me this is the irony of all irony if this is true i don't know some historians say it is but here's the irony that our glorified jesus is the only true divine son of the living god who's in control of the universe but also he walks in the middle of the seven golden lamp stand beloved i tell you that our glorified jesus actually moving among the believers he's moving among the believers he's moving right here and that's why he promised and said when two or three of you gather together in my name there i'm gonna be in your midst so let's look at this letter very quickly here the the wonderful things about our precious lord is that he does not he does not he does not overlook or ignore or take for granted the smallest in fact i remember you remember in the gospels he talked about even a cup of cold water is not lost on our lord he does not ignore overlook or take for granted the virtue and he starts with that he commends them for the good things that they were doing our risen lord often commends before he condemns and i love the fact that in every letter he says i know i know i know i know of course he knows and he knows with accuracy perfect accuracy our condition our plans our thoughts and yes above all things he knows our motives let's divide this letter very quickly three sections here for those of you taking notes i want to give you three things that you will notice about this letter to the church in ephesus first of all there are three merits three praiseworthy merits secondly there is a heart felt disappointment disappointment on the part of jesus thirdly there is a three-step recovery program it says three step not ten eleven nine or whatever a three-step first of all the glorified jesus points to those three things in that church of ephesus that they were doing they were alert they were biblically sound they were discerning this is something is really missing from most churches in the 21st century they were discerning but they were active they had a good program for every age group they were busy believers they tested the false teachers and rejected their false teaching in other words there were good presbyterians they were doing everything indecent on order but i'm not going to leave anybody out they were also good batters they had a program for every ministry they were good reformed they fought the liberals but not only that they did not moan or complain all the time like other churches were [Laughter] they did all of their good works with a sense of endurance with a sense of perseverance ah they face tribulations they faced insult they faced discrimination they faced persecution and they faced it with courage they did not give in to the immorality that was invading the roman world at the time they did not give in to the immorality that is invading our churches even at this time the hill to biblical ground of fending off the barbarians and the heretics they were not only biblically sound they were not only persevering but they would not tolerate evil they refused to allow sin to fester like cancer in the body of christ they smelt a heresy a mile away they would not put up with the nickelodeons not the television station that you watch actually i'm going to tell you a whole lot more about them when we get to the church of pergamum for the time being i'm going to skip it i'm going to come back to it tell you about that group not really nobody really know exactly everything about them but there are some certain characteristics about these folks who are going into churches and causing trouble but he here we look with it again to the verse please the the chapter the the letter to ephesians uh this church first church of ephesus they were serving well they're working hard they were doing everything with zeal you say what else he got left except except the most important thing and that's a disappointment secondly in their eagerness to serve they have allowed the most important thing to get away from them what is it the love for jesus the love for jesus let me put it in a practical day they like the everyday life because the truth is no illustration you've heard me say this i keep saying no human illustration ever perfect or even close it would be like a husband who sends his wife flowers all the time and expensive gifts but he's hardly home we'll be like a wife who keeps immaculate home and cooks food and and the house is the household the details are all taken care of never sits down to revel and delight herself in his company we often do the right things and let the most important thing go by the wayside now most of you if not i know not all of you know my testimony it's in books i've written it out and talked about especially when i speak to pastors there was a time in my ministry where i have placed the ministry i have placed ministering above my love for jesus and jesus in his gracious way woke me up in time for which i'll always be grateful and from that time on i'm continuously and constantly i'm not only grateful that god woke me up in time but now i'm on my guard i know when that happens i know when other things crowd my love for jesus and i stop listen beloved as much as i love preaching as much as i love writing as much as i love ministering and doing the moment i recognize anything i'm talking about anything that competes with my love for him i stop if this letter from jesus is saying anything to his faithful children he is saying that if you are doing and serving and ministering is not stemming out of love for jesus if you're doing you're serving and you're ministering is undermining your love for jesus if you're doing and serving and ministering replaces intimacy with jesus please please stop many years ago and i'm talking about many many years ago i was involved in trying to help a couple and she just said all of a sudden she said well the problem is he just doesn't tell me he loves me anymore upon which he immediately piped up and said i told allah that 25 years ago and i haven't changed my mind don't do that don't do that here is the amazing thing about our jesus and i must confess to you when i was writing my notes on tuesday the tears were flowing i couldn't read my notes while we know most certainly while we know most assuredly that the lord loves us and he loves us like no one could ever love you while we know that he went to the cross for us and yet he tells us he loves us in a thousand different ways every day if we have spiritual eyes to see it the truth is jesus wants his own to love him back we see we see god's broken heart in the old testament i mean you cannot read the old testament without just literally saying god i mean you have you have to love him more than you ever loved him as you read his broken heart over israel the apple of his eyes running after other gods and even he does it in a practical way and hosea the prophet when his wife was running after other men and and and you see the brokenness of that man's heart and this hosea that's me i'm brokenhearted read ezekiel read jeremiah in the new testament read the church the bride of christ and how christ feel about his church when his church his bride has replaced the love for him with love for other things when his bride is so busy for him supposedly but no longer emotionally and spiritually connecting with him when his bride gets used to going through the motions goes through the routine even in his name but he's no longer deeply in love with him when his believers are more in love with themselves with their ideas with their plans and even with their biblical interpretation and being totally enamored in the love of their love with jesus please hear me right this is important believers can do all the right things for him believers can believe all the right things about him believers can work hard in his name but what god craves what jesus craves the most is for our love our love above everything else that we can do for him as some of you remember in my testimony when i basically was on my back and and the lord says you know i can do this without you you're running around serving without i can do all this without you i solved i said lord i'm so sorry i'm so sorry but just because he's so gracious his long-suffering his merciful and his forgiving do not take him for granted do not wait till sunday to sing i love you lord love for jesus is spelt t-i-m-e did you get that our lord is heartbroken when we love his blessings more we love him the blessing you cannot go through the bible every year like i do and many of you are doing this we've started years ago going through this we go through the bible every year and and and i i thank god for you doing this but you cannot read the bible go through it every year without feeling the depth of god's pain over israel's unloving heart toward him and in the same way in the new testament our god is saying to the ephesians our lord jesus is saying to the ephesians i love all that you do for me but you're leaving out the most important thing listen to what the apostle paul said to another church that love for jesus cooled off and got replaced by other things the corinthian church in second corinthians chapter 11 verses 2 and 3 here's what he said i promised you to one husband to christ so that i might present you as pure virgin to him but i'm afraid that as eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning your minds will be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to christ christ the person did you know that people can serve in the church without loving jesus yeah did you know that people can believe all the right things about the christian faith they believe all the correct biblical doctrine but the love for jesus is as cold as an ice box the way you know that is when serving or believing becomes a sense of duty oh i've got to do this it's my duty it's my responsibility i have to do this instead of joy unspeakable instead of you can't even wait to wake up in the morning because of your love for jesus why because you love him so much you want to do whatever he wants you to do the great news about those who have forsaken their first love is this the divine lover wants you back the divine lover is wooing you back the divine lover longs for you to come back which brings me to the third thing that jesus says to the church here and he gives him the three step recovery program listen to me i'm a grateful dude for that three-step program i've used it many times listen listen listen this is this is the most marvelous the most wonderful three-step program i am blessed by this three-step program used it many times and i testify to you it is the greatest recovery program in the universe nothing like it three hours recall reverse recapture recall reverse recapture can you say that with me with enthusiasm god bless you recall the time when you were so over overwhelmed with your love for jesus recall the time when you were so overwhelmed by his forgiveness of your sins recall the time when you were so overwhelmed with knowing the gift of eternal life and when you were so overwhelmed you loved him with all of your heart with all of your soul and with all of your mind i mean you could not thank him enough you could not praise him enough you could not adore him enough you could not obey him enough you could not get enough of his word into you by spending time with him then recall what caused the flame to die down what caused that flame to die down you know sometimes the good things have caused the flame to die down not always bad thing but sometimes the sin what sin entered in what person has come and replaced that love for jesus what blessing that distracted you and from loving jesus what suffering and disappointment in life that caused you to cool your love toward jesus what illness that caused you to become so cold toward jesus what virus has caused you to live in fear instead of faith what trials has distracted and taken your attention of loving jesus what or who stole your devotion only you can answer that only you can answer that my beloved friends i've tested this many times a scripture tells us that the place of failure is the place of recovery if i lost my wallet over there it's not used looking for it over here the place of failure is the place of recovery and that is why he said repent reverse course turn around go back don't just feel remorse remorse won't help you when bit staying in remorse won't help you in fact the worst thing you can do to yourself turn around get up recapture the time when you use to love jesus so much that you loved being in the presence of jesus recapture the time when he used to love to worship and adore him alone recapture the time when your love for jesus occupied your thoughts and your desire and your longing am i preaching the truth why is this so important because what jesus said next and look if i fall apart i i'm going to ask you forgiveness ahead of time two things if you're visiting you don't know about me i will break down publicly about two things always know that when i talk about the grace of god because i'm the recipient of it in abundance and when i think of sinners spending eternity in hell those are the two times that i'm broken on the inside why is it vitally important to recapture it's because jesus said if you persist if you persist he's going to remove your lampstand what is that the light of christ is going to be extinguished in your life and the life of the church the life of the church beloved let me tell you something you know i'm straightforward with you i cannot think of anything worse for me personally i'm telling you i tell you the truth i would rather die before christ removes his lampstand listen to me to me the most terrifying thing is that he removes the lamps it is so terrifying i don't want even to contemplate it neither should you neither should you adam and eve grabbed from the tree of life they believed satan's lie but when you love for jesus is rekindled and stay alive he's going to serve you from the tree of life he's going to he personally going to serve you from the tree of life i want to tell you this as i conclude i began in the message you were talking about how i'm absolutely enamored by people who've been married for years and years and years and there's so much fidelity and love for their spouses of love for each other all human examples are never perfect they're really not they're pale approximation but i use them to illustrate something much bigger illustrate the amazing love of jesus and our love back to him so i want to conclude by this true story in the 19th century there was a very famous lecturer some of you probably read about him by the name of wendell phillips phillips was so devoted and adoring to his invalid wife ann at the close of his lecture one night in a town many miles away from his home in boston he wanted to go home that night and phillips friends and even those who were traveling with me said please don't attempt to go home tonight please spend the night go in the morning they said the last train has left and you will have to hire some special transportation to the city and furthermore it is cold and sleeting outside you will face several miles of rough riding before you get home his reply was very simple very simple ah yes but on the other end of your smiles those smiles i shall find my beloved anne now my beloved friends listen to me loving jesus will not make will not only make life's journey easy and joyful but also it will make you long journey by looking forward to seeing him face to face a thing of excitement and joyful listen i know and you know there are many problems on the journey there are many difficulties in the journey there are many challenges in the journey there are many painful experiences in the journey there are many heart aches in the journey there are many trials in the journey there are many heart bumps on the journey ah but remember that at the end of the journey you're going to see your beloved jesus will you pray with me lord jesus it's so impossible to add to your own words except i for one and on behalf of all those who are in agreement with me today we come to you in repentance forgive us for allowing things and others to steal our devotion to steal our love to steal our desire to be in your presence to adore you and worship you to express our love for you back forgive us and holy spirit you're the only one who can truly renew us renew us renew us today for father we know this is the real there's no secret but there is a secret this is the secret to true holy spirit awakening we repent and we turn to you we recall and forsake and reverse and we thank you for your loving heart for your open arms it always says come unto me come unto me and i'll forgive you with confidence in your promise we say thank you in advance for what you're going to do for we pray this in jesus name and all of god's people said praise the lord as we prepare our hearts to come to the lord's table we often come in remembering the three things that are often remind you that when we come to this table with this table reminds us first of all it reminds us of the flesh that was torn and the blood that was shed on the cross and we looked at in the past with gratitude and thanksgiving and in the presence we thank him for our salvation which we enjoy today and then we look forward in the future to the marriage supper of the lamb with the table of the lord be for all the believers who be gathered and that is why the apostle paul reminds the corinthians in chapter 11 he said the lord jesus on the night he was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way after supper he took the cup saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat this bread and you drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes again and therefore whoever eats of the bread or drink the cup of the lord in an unworthy manner without recognizing their sinfulness a need for salvation and repentance will be guilty of sinning against the body in the blood of the lord everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink of the cup for anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the lord eats and drinks judgment on himself almighty god to whom all hearts are open all desire is known and from whom no secrets are hit cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your holy spirit that we may perfectly love you and worthy worthily magnify your holy name for jesus sake and for his glory all of god's people said amen community to take one each and we're gonna participate just take one each one take one and the way we're gonna participate i'm gonna show you for those of you visiting this is kind of the new thing we've been doing since covet and that you turn it upside down and you get the bread thank you father the body of christ that was torn for me and you tip it upside down and there is the wine and thank you for your blood that was shed for me lord jesus amen [Music] this white envelopes at the end of each pew we can put the left over [Music] [Music] old things have passed the way your love has stayed us same your constant grace we remains the cornerstone [Music] again you cause your sun to shine on darkest nights for all that you've done we will pour out a love this will be our anthem song jesus oh [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] has found its place in you [Music] you took these made us beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are the one [Music] [Music] [Music] my heart [Music] devotion [Music] of jesus [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about you it's all about you jesus [Music] and it's all about you it's all about you [Music] when jesus all about you it's all about you jesus [Music] rest on [Music] rest on us [Music] i know you will feel me come [Music] up [Music] your holy spirit [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm here [Music] we return to you our first love we return [Music] church [Music] come on [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] right here [Music] right here [Music] i know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] us you're only one you're only one [Music] let's look up a shot of phrases [Music] [Music] all the things he's done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] nations [Music] [Applause] praise him [Music] the light of salvation [Music] we praise him we pray [Music] sing it out [Music] forever [Music] shine [Music] praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go out of the peace and the power of the lord jesus christ you all have a great sunday we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Leading The Way
Views: 2,164
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: Leading The Way LIVE, Leading The Way LIVE at Apostles, Michael Youssef, Christian Sermon, Christianity
Id: dc_KOdL9DyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 36sec (5256 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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