LetsDevOps: How to configure Octopus External Feed for Jfrog Artifactory and Deploy Package.

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hello everyone welcome to Let's devops I am Sumit and today we are going to discuss about how to configure octopus external feed for jfrog artifactory through our demo first we will configure the external feed and then we will use the octopus project to deploy the package for all the demo and discussion I'll be following this article you can find the link of this article in video description now let's understand what is external feed in octopus and when to use it external feed helps to configure package from external source so that it can be deployed or used in octopus now let's assume that you are using some external source to store or manage your artifact like jfrog artifactory or Azure devops and now you want to deploy them using octopus in this scenario we will first configure the external feed and then we will use in our octopus deploy process coming to the architecture we have two main component one is octopus deploy and second is the jfrog artifactory so with the help of jfrog artifactory configuration we will first create external feed in octopus and through the octopus deploy project we will create a step called deploy package which further takes the packages from the external feed and deployed to the deployment Target deployment Target can be your virtual machine or maybe on a cloud hosted machine okay talk about the setup so in this setup first we will try to create external feed second we will add a deploy package in octopus project and third with the help of octopus deploy we will deploy the package to the deployment Target okay let's go in each component one by one so first we need to create external feed so for that we need to First connect to the octopus so I have connected to my octopus and then I need to go to the library and then external feed and under that I need to select the add feed okay so I'll go here from here I need to go to library external feeds and here I need to select add feed now here I have to fill some information since we are going to set up that external feed for a J frog artifactory so I need to get this detail from the jfrog so let's go and see the Next Step so step third says that we need to get below details that URL username and the API key from the jfrog artifactory so let's connect to the J progart directory so here if you notice I have a repository an artifact called SRS test demo and this is a nuget package which I am going to configure in octopus okay so since I'm going to show this as part of a demo and I'm also going to expose some of the key which definitely I'm going to delete after this session okay so you need to go to your respective repository and then you need to go to set me up under here you will be selecting that your repository so I am going to use this for SRS test demo and this is of type nuget assume that if you are going to set it up for May 1 or a different project type you just need to go and select the respective and you get feed okay so let's go back to the external feed and let's see what are the details we need to feed so first is the feed type so assume that if you are going to select for your different feed of type help Maven or different GitHub repository Docker container registry you need to select accordingly so for this demo I'll be selecting the nuget feed okay and here I'll be giving the feed name so it can be maybe a demo demo project and here I need to provide the URL so this URL we need to get it from the jfrog configuration so here if you see under the configuration you will be seeing what is your source so I'll just copy this and then I will paste it here and here in the credential we need to provide the username and password right and that details you can get it again from here sorry ok so this is the username and this is my password so since I'm going to delete delete this repository because I'm I'm exposing my secret here but that is fine and this username is my own uh email account normally if you are going to use for your project it is best practices to use the service account so I'll use this username as of now and then I will put it in here and this is very important the API key API key or a password is same here Okay so I don't know either so that's all so this is all we need to configure so I'll just click on Save and test now here it comes to that if you want to test whether your package name is appearing or not for that you need to also just test this validation so I will go first and check what is my the package name so package name always comes the first after that you'll have a version so in this repository my package name is deploy package so I'll just try to search with the deploy package and then I'll do search so here if you notice I'm able to see my packages right now let's go back and this all I have configured now okay fine okay so next is like once we we are done with our configuring the external feed now we need to configure our octopus project so that it will deploy the packages from the external feed to that our deployment Target now coming to the configure octopus project so since we have completed with the external feed configuration now we need to use the external feed in our octopus project deployment right so for that we are basically configuring here and this is the step which is given so let's go to the project so I have one test demo and here I have already configured one package so I'll just try to remove it delete all step and then I'll just create a process I'll just add a package here and then I will add a deploy package okay so here I need to select the role So currently I have configured my deployment Target as a web deploy and here instead of octopus server we need to select our demo project so this is the external feed which we created and our octopus package is package ID is deploy package if you get any error here it means that somewhere wrong in your configuration so you make sure that your external feed is corrected correctly configured as per that defrock configuration okay and now so assume that I want to test this also in my system so first what I'll do I'll try to add a configure features where I'll say that okay I want to see the package okay in the specific folder so let me see if I am able to deploy through the test package sorry okay and I'll save it okay now I'll create a release and I'll save it and now I will deploy it to the deployment so with this basically the package from the external feed will get downloaded and get updated to the particular development environment now the deployment has been completed if you see here basically it it has taken the latest package and then it would have deployed on this deployment Target under the C test package so I'll quickly connect to the the server and then see whether the package has been deployed or not and in this package if you notice we have this target nuget package and under that we have a bin and then we have net core app and these are the dlls and so basically with this package folder it should be deployed to the server so let me connect to the server this is the server and under that we should see the test deploy package under the C so here is the folder and this is how it deployed right so we have all this dll and EXE so I think that's all for this demo so let's go to the article now let's see you receive that okay I think that's all for that this demo thanks for watching this video I hope this will be helpful if you have any issue in your configuration you can write in the comment box I'll be happy to help thank you and have a good day bye
Channel: Sumit Raj
Views: 427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LetsDevOps
Id: zPuKw0vKm7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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