Let's Watch - Animal Farm (when animals meet politics)

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foreign cat sounds for debuting your new furry Sprite and what better movie to watch than animal animal farm right that cozy classic all right I think we're good [Music] yeah this is all like I have no clue about this movie except like an angry pig or something I've seen a picture of an angry pig cool I don't I don't even want to tell you what it's about then [Music] memorable doors Orwell was he the guy from Citizen Kane was he like die from citizens no I'm being stupid he's gonna say he's a real life person you know the guy that's pretty yeah I love this kind of recording that's beautiful but all the magic of spring was not enough to conceal the misery of Manor Farm how's the audio by the way chat for like the actual like show or movie once thriving and fruitful the farm and its owner Mr Jones all right here we go the set by problems of his own making there we go Mr Jones had turned to drink oh that's one does and toy is misery he had found poor company was this meant by Warner this looks like Looney Tunes animators nah I don't know this is on YouTube it was later than usual when Mr Jones came home from his drinking to make his rounds the Universal Pictures it's a British studio is what someone is saying production company realist and Bachelor [Music] huh it's very interesting to me like I'm very curious to see how you're going to respond to this without knowing I don't know what it's about yeah I have no clue cool all I know is it's something political that's it yes that's that's not incorrect that's all I know [Music] good for nothing please hate their heads that's me meow how's the audio by the way folks hey everyone says it's pretty good so far good it's kind of like Frankenstein a bit I don't know why Frankenstein Maybe I'm Wrong never mind don't you hurt that dog don't you even do it oh all the animals are so scared [Music] hope this guy step stubs his toe on Lego yeah waste on all the booze too you just smashed it useless he's not that good at drinking he's just not even good at drinking I love those like very Loosely painted backgrounds yeah I'm about to say on this night it's a cool start to it all the animals had agreed that as soon as Mr Jones was in bed they would Gather in the main Barn for a secret meeting called by old major the prize boar hog who because of his years was regarded as by far the wisest of the animals but to say he's all like drippy like that droopy the other Pig started first for the meeting being clever and fond of taking the lead [Music] I love the shapes of the pigs it's so awesome right largest and strongest of the horses and his devoted friend Benjamin the donkey from Pinocchio 28 22. all the other animals Great and Small were anxious to get there for such a meeting had never been held before God I love animal stories what a good movie for us to debut or well for me to debut my guy on yeah that's one of the reasons why I was like oh I really want to debut it like a good movie right versus my typical garbage not that this was like the greatest or anything but it is pretty cool it's it's not provoking [Music] it is yeah for sure like but this movie is phenomenal compared to animal dwarves that's pretty cool it was some things at least we've got like a story to tell here and not just in nonsense and stupid uh pop culture references for 2000s reading in Hebrew [Music] oh good horse to find the seats the pigs had taken up the best positions immediately in front of the platform among them snowball determined to get a good view you're afraid that's out of the way Napoleon equally determined and even less polite what is that [Music] I see where are the kitties I like how the Mr Jones the narrator is kind of like a part of it yeah but to say it's kind of fun it's very immersive and at last everyone could be settled nature there we go I wonder what his voice sounds like my idea I have lived a long life I'm two years old I have had much time I won't be with you much longer than before I die there's something me talking to Zoomers but being with you much longer [Music] no no you buckshot when you have given the last of your great strengths who are dead whatever we produce is taken from us stolen from us and sold our children are born to cold and hunger [Music] look at them while you can it's not my fault these guys can't evolve jeez [Music] for you who we deserve such a fate is no comrades when the farm is rich but we'll never get our rightful share from Farmer Joe's overthrow these evil Tyrant and we shall be rich and free huh image his face [Applause] [Music] we know that big lip [Music] oh no [Music] no no no no no no it's a very unique designer remember absolutely when you have your squash of Jones don't adopt his vices we animals I can already see where this is going no yeah no small clever or simple fur or feathers no and forever all animals are easy equal look at this this style and animation seems very like about it for sure uneasy energy in the air [Music] is this the frequent babe yeah totally yeah it's funny how like the designs are very simple and almost like Snow White looking but also the anatomy is really realistic and like they know exactly where to exaggerated like that's the lighting the lighting's so good lighting it's so dark right it's so dark and eerie [Music] here yep oh [Music] there will be bacon in the morning right oh creepy showing him with his eyes open the chat doesn't give a [ __ ] oh it's so creepy [Music] oh yeah I also cared Jesus rise up workers of the world [Music] Mom's home political rallies political rallies they're stupid sentient political rallies demanding equal rights of humans oh so creepy just leave the body there Let the dead Dairy the Dead [Music] I'm out of here Dad I'm floating on ice bye Dad I think I'll be okay [Music] joke was like sending someone adrift on the ice isn't that a South Park jokes addicted the animals found their situation quite unbearable I don't know he's a bad farmer but you should feed your animals terrible that's why they were making such a point that like he's he's a drunkard he doesn't take care of them he's an Epson leader yes [Music] rising up [Music] don't eat all of it too much guys rain whoops [Music] I mean they are just animals I think weirdos find the cookies thing of food of course they're all just gonna go for it oh here they go right now we got you outnumbered buddy yeah wait a second hit their mouths furries can fight creepy [Music] oh [ __ ] uh that's really funny actually it's like the super Peter Pan with the little kids getting jumped all right it's it's like when when the lost boys with like the two other British kids are like looking for like the you know Indians as the movie calls it you know and it has like the Indians surrounding them like coming in slowly like in cover and then they just jump them because they're a bunch of loud mouths gosh it's been so long since I've seen Peter Pan but Peter Pan is not a good movie in my opinion it's it's got like little Peaks but I think there's lots of valleys lots and lots of valleys and for sure definitely a product of its age [Music] get a drink Kyle it happened again [Music] all right oh oh [ __ ] gotta get these enforcers no [Music] this is really interesting yeah isn't it [Music] on top of this game oh [ __ ] oh wow let's just started fighting [Applause] get out of here kid [Music] charging at me foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I gotta kill their Pig leader get out of here this Farm belongs to the animals humans you make your ancestors embarrassed you had a gun for crying out loud the horse though that's terrifying one kick of a horse you're dead almost oh yeah the animals had fought and won no they had casualties to mourn and those who died left children to be cared for [Music] them of hateful Mr Jones [Music] why didn't the dog who died I hate that well probably just because a dog is one of the more sympathetic animals you guys Sex Dungeon oh I'm digging this so far oh yeah so they're burning all the stuff or you know what dogs there's there's obviously like lots of temples in this movie and even more so in the book I mean I think the movie downplays it maybe just a tiny little bit or doesn't 100 represent everything that the book was conveying but there's a lot of symbolism obviously um so maybe the fact that the dog died like when you think of a dog because the dog symbolized ability loyalty you're right and they just killed that so they want that or maybe I'm talking out of my ass I don't know [Music] [Music] um Fantasia oh for Charlize [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] when it came to Mr Jones's house the animals hesitated Napoleon showed the way but snowball took the lead in entering the place where their Tyrant had lived we stumble the one who got shot I think there's there's a few different Pig characters obviously Napoleon and snowball [Music] I think yeah I think the Cowardly one is like Squealer or something like that but I don't know 100 I don't I haven't seen this movie since the 10th grade so [Music] foreign [Music] story of power corrupting like yeah we got rid of our oh that's interesting we got rid of our leaders got rid of the corrupt people in charge and then like be intoxicated [Music] thank you donkey um but no just turn down a little bit if it's too loud for you no I'm good but yeah you're I think you're you're wrong well and I draw that because of Napoleon was a very like you know give me everything like yeah look at him he wants it all the Bubbies we need someone to care for us yeah [ __ ] these pups they have no real leadership [Music] this guy had a picture of himself just on the wall his Royal portrait I want to print that out and put in my office but obviously with your favorite cat Sona right right exactly all fancied up [Music] the animals were all agreed that Jones's house was no place for them oh that is the epoxies the puppies well Napoleon's aware of the puppies I guess the other ones sorry a bunch of young impressionable puppies is he gonna train them can you mention loyalty you know what yeah just in terms of like what it what do you think like these animals represented a dog obviously represents Society [Music] [Applause] oh God what's the one I'm looking for here the laws of Animal Farm were inscribed forever prosperity for a pig [Music] thank you Madness for sure you heard those these poor Birds yeah hey what about us counter snakes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shall kill another animal thank you Moses are equal yes yes indeed agreed [Music] I like the backwards and Eminem look at that face that pig face he's like the ethical good intended like oh God what was the name of that one living yeah linen there was the one person with the with the Bolshevik Revolution I'm pretty sure it's the [ __ ] Revolution with like the rise of Communism in Russia and I'm pretty sure it was Lenin who actually was like I don't know enough I really don't and I'm sure there's multiple layers to him as a person what he was about but if I'm if I do remember at least enough bullet points Lennon at least had some convictions of like communism post fall of Russian monarchy wanting it to actually make it of the people and then like Stalin and the Russian communistic brutes took over and disguised it like you know it's communism it's for the people and it's like no this is just like once again we're doing the exact same [ __ ] again so I uh but yeah they certainly are representing a lot of people from real life like with Napoleon you can probably easily guess who he's meant to represent or you'll figure it out if you don't already have an inkling well yeah I mean like Napoleon was power hungry and he was an emperor so like it makes sense this guy is kind of he also has a really angry face he's so angry um but when you think about like the Russian Revolution and you think about the people no yeah I don't want to just spit it out because I like to hear your interpretations I watched Anastasia I know what's going on oh yes clearly because Anastasia was so the documentary called Anastasia and I particularly like the part with the uh American guy who was in the Russian Palace and had an American voice actor resting pig face attempting Farm by themselves posed problems for the animals but the pigs could think of a way around every difficulty [Music] okay oh my God it's Heaven I guess the pigs were able to figure out how to milk the cows right hey hey get back to work still got jobs to do oh you're helping each other [Music] oh you're gonna have to cut the grain boxer was the admiration of everybody he had been a hard worker in Jones's time but now he seemed more like three horses in one I like the horse I hope he's okay oh I'm sure he'll be just fine don't instructed by Snowball the character who's a really valuable asset I'm sure nothing bad will happen mom work was done like magic magic take these signs in these sickles and hammers oh we've got a little one for you [Music] what's gonna do their part dude this is just like the good dinosaur it is but not stupid that completely just average and at least these characters look like they belong in their world agreed [Music] it's off to a good start for these animals yeah what could go wrong thank you there's this really loud German dunk across town you just keeps screaming at everybody something about Soviet or was it the success of their efforts national socialism that's right including Sly Napoleon and this constant companion fat pink Squealer fat pigs pig squitter look a sex maneuver at pigs that's terrible thank you for the compliments about the uh our characters by the way thank you yeah thank you chat do you dig the uh the answer characters that just say it um no I mean like I wanna I wanna use these more often for um for the stream I think they're fun I think I think they're a lot of fun um cool yeah they say we're so cute we're adorable awesome thank you all good I think we're cute too so make sure that like I I was a little bit conservative not because I don't care about the furry stuff I don't uh but more of folks are like really they're like his shirt's not orange he has a nose I just can't recognize them anymore right who is he all right cool thank you all you all are amazing and we're willing to keep streaming like we might keep doing like I mean uh we'll go on with the movie here in a bit but like tearless Tuesdays and movies on Thursday and then maybe Saturdays we can do something uh we'll be playing a game we'll be playing A Night in the Woods this Saturday by the way so no yeah oh my gosh you're right we're playing that on Saturday finally finally yeah get around to it and get the check that out and I miss about the folks who subbed earlier uh thanks for the support folks you all been amazing they come from the mayors oh the colors are so bright and saturated now everything's going so well foreign [Music] it's a cool use of the different kinds of animals and like the socioeconomic classes they recommend represent s a bit of like a cast some system yeah I imagine anymore I feel like most of the because all the farm animals kind of just represent Like A working class right thank you ceiling goes down the animals they need me that's some of the animals without any help going proposition I'm just gonna say if you're a farmer and your animals are taking care of themselves without you you probably should quit go be a streamer instead you kind of failed as a heartbreak the farmer becomes an e-girl what the hell he's a YouTuber [Music] I don't think they had YouTubers that's okay the ones you think that the fields yielded richly and they were cut and gleaned with diligence and devotion foreign yeah they're doing pretty well they're quite fruitful oh safely home animals had time to think of the future and at a meeting in the big Bond many resolutions were put forward it was always the pigs who made the resolutions So It Begins uh first by mother's plan as the time has come to spread the Glorious news so that our down total coverage on other Farms will break their chains enjoy the edible Revolution [Applause] [Music] prosperity to others [Music] [Applause] [Music] doves too [Music] that's cool are they oh I guess they are doves I thought they looked like pigeons at first but now they look really gross [Music] other Farms this is this is interesting to me yeah dude it's awesome this is that cat that's like I'm good bro I want to change the status quo right the cat looks pretty happy right there is happy in their own surroundings were alarmed the thought of any change [Music] it's like they care about their animals yeah they're good leaders but wherever they were having a bad time animals listened with interest let me tell you about this thing called communism right [Music] now I've been home in like five months right he just lives here you're right this Farmer's really pathetic in certain quarters the rebellious behavior of a lot of dumb animals much conversation Animal Farm Mr Jones and his cronies did not know what to do what about animal farm and Watership Down you know political animal movies [Music] he actually has conviction [Music] baby [Music] My Little Pig please [Music] educating them [Music] well that was really goofy face [Music] [Music] he's moving on to like algebra calculus go away [Music] to solve the problem of power they stumbles like brilliant right and so yeah this guy he's been training those puppies I guess that everyone else forgot about they were they were white puppies and then they grew up and got black furry oh it's like 100 dalmatians cool in January there came bitterly hard weather inexperienced management brought shortages to inexperienced management but snowball continues thinking for the future and in such thoughts I feel like snowball would like just completely like pick at the same like but uh if if snowball in in Wilburys which rolls snowball would have been like I don't need shower to help I'm doing math I'm some pig Wilbur ribbon shot um Wilbur would not have survived why are they so mean it says Charlotte communism [Music] [Music] all it needs is your vote oh my gosh that's amazing I'm so angry you have to work more and eat less but my plan will bring us electricity [Music] you mean a warm ball in winter a light in every storm sky at Roost luxury for all coverage in one shot here Animal Farm will be the first in the world oh let me space streams it's a lie oh my gosh that boys nonsense [Music] [Applause] the face [Music] enforcers [Music] [Applause] oh dang just straight up kill him oh Dad [Music] oh my God [Music] no [ __ ] did you all fight like seven humans [Music] yeah well those Cubans were super in now the dogs are vicious though this is not a fun test [Applause] yeah Napoleon didn't like his ideas you think snowball would have been like horse took these guys just with a snowball disposed of Napoleon's disposed little Tails happen yeah like you said the dogs are like the enforcers cropped ears and everything she looks so much meaner than there mother or father whichever dog Jones let's have no more of these useless meetings hey from now on I'll protect your interests and I'll make your decisions [Music] for Animal Farm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so the windmill was started after all I like the Cadence anyway foreign could have been achieved without boxing whose strength was greater than that of all the other animals put together [Music] I guess boxer definitely represents the strength of like the people 100 [Music] . doing this without hands God bless him I know they're smart little animals thank you oh here comes the punishing probably [Music] superintended by the pigs all the animals worked long shifts which lasted From Dawn till Dusk I'm just waiting for this to get like so much worse for them no they're making technological progress it'll be fine it's good here's your food ration I mean the pig's probably just eating everything but the pigs by virtues relatively provided for but the greatest inspiration came from boxer who with his friend Benjamin worked early and plate in season and out that boxer never get hurt [Music] hey the animals are building a window right I mean they they are getting more intelligent they were shown to be learning English and learning math and showing stability of self-rule right self-governing [Music] [Applause] oh no oh it's break time okay for the day oh they're the hardest workers they never stop I mean they're cut out for it yeah [Music] come on yeah I feel bad for these two it's sweet that they're friends though I mean I agree always helping each other out I love it I need friends after working long and blade as usual boxer and Benjamin made a curious discovery [Music] house right all the other animals were like the humans home is no place for us yeah it's it's pigs are like [ __ ] yeah yeah it's intoxicating [Music] the pigs are becoming humans spread quickly through Animal Farm some of the animals thought they remembered a law against beds but obviously they were mistaken with cheats it's called an amendment right what was sheets that's funny [Music] yeah just eat everything waste it all right now [Music] I need my jelly and now now other changes in the laws of Animal Farm were in store we've been sitting here every month ew gross ooh designs in Mr Jones's Circle the subject of shortages at Animal Farm was a popular one in the shop Trader named wimper wimpers just the soap to do something about it all right penguins [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] International intrigue hey keep perpetuating the system because we can benefit from it so here's your agenda right give me those imported goods and it's like this fictional movie is crazy what's it based on right gave away the chicken eggs doing exactly what the farmer did well I mean with egg prices nowadays he's like he's rolling the money yeah nice imagine the guy coming home his wife's like where'd you how much you make today honey I sold all 20 jellies for 30 eggs what about money what's that videos I was wise as he's belonged has decided to trade with the outside world of course we 'd be unworthy of our Noble principles how to have the honor all your the state's repossessing yourself let's check this one on to make Chick-fil-A the chicken seem to remember old Majors saying that their eggs should never be taken from them indeed it just just takes a crack at the armor one corrupt person get in there and run a market it's just kind of a a big old table flip [Music] interesting with the Silhouettes [Music] what's going on here I don't know [Music] maybe the chickens are rebelling [Music] can I pause the seconds I'll wait to the next scene okay okay I mean it we see the chicken feet we saw all the eyes and they had reason to be pissed off destroyed their stuff don't take away my eggs cool that's so sad I'm scared little chicken [Music] [Applause] pepper to me it's cool it's cool [Music] [Applause] yeah the Rebellion is pissed off there's an egg in your face oh my gosh it's [ __ ] up the eggs wasn't demand it's a Thursday when you've got egg on your face right yeah doesn't that mean something I guess it means you're like isn't that on your face mean like you said something and you're hypocritical and now it's backfiring on you I think to when you have egg on your face it kind of means like you look foolish or you like you made an idiot of yourself or something uh yeah to be embarrassed um I watched him last night called All Quiet on the Western Front and like oh it's really it's unfamiliar what is that it's a World War One movie and there's been the original oh okay okay yes well this is the Netflix remake and I guess make it fast because in vain of this movie it's like it makes you wonder like how one small group of powerful people can force like Millions to their death where it's like so that's the point of the movie is the fertility of war and how it's like you know what makes us so different and it's like these soldiers French and German have a lot more in common than they think uh compared to their leaders where it's like they're the ones in the Ivory Tower they're the ones telling you to go die and for what like literally only a few miles have changed with the trench lines you died for nothing so I don't know just goes to show you how the words of what it's like what what gives a person power you just believe that you have it I guess I guess guns and dogs [Music] dead [Music] it looks a little funny it's brutal but looks like a hippo just sat on it or something I'm gonna draw your first song Draw my cat like that you're coyote oh my God yes oh I'm sorry it's like the cat did nothing wrong but Uprising was short collateral damage it's really funny kill the cat did nothing not the picture [Music] Mussolini cats lateral damage dude do you hear what he just said dude no way oh my God holy [ __ ] this movie was so ahead of its time this guy's got my vote no right there's a chat losing it hmm bring that snowball is the Imposter he hates all the Cherry Donuts in Lee with Jones and snowball [Music] Animal Farm foreign what's interesting to me is like this guy is only as good as his Soldier dogs any of those dogs ever are like let's get rid of them why is the sheep saying that why are they saying that they're guilty I don't know like they're coming forward did they help maybe like sabotage oh hey Snuffy oh wow that's a massive raid Snuffy you you re your raccoon I think if I am getting my Anthem characters wrong oh no she's raiding us who's who's Snuffy Snuffy's a v tuber she's like blown up this year and last year she's like really enterprising and really funny I was actually watching your stream and feed SEO stuffy you're you are a uh raccoon right I really want to call you trash that's why her entire Army's showing up and I'm like What's Your Leader raccoon trash um we're watching Animal Farm folks if y'all want to watch it with us speaking of you know furries trash Panda there you go no stuffy it's good seeing you thanks for reading appreciate you uh to the folks in my chat Stephanie's a fantastic YouTuber she's a lot of fun uh check out her stuff um yeah I uh appreciate the rate it's really nice y'all Welcome to the Animal Farm yes we're all animals down here was there another rain on top of this one good God I know oh my goodness hello everyone is there another raid on top of this other one I'm sorry I just want to give props to the people who are who are uh yeah it seemed to double all of a sudden what was the other one sorry I just want to give credit where credit is due sorry I I won't be I want to be a good uh host or guest I don't know yeah you're being a very good you're being a good furry host everyone's whiskey look at how many people showed up to see to see your new fursona everyone's just so happy and that's actually really yeah I love that actually whiskey dingo thank you so much that's really you know um oh whiskey Dango thank you so much oh whiskey Dingo and Snuffy thank you so much uh you all are amazing and hide all the viewers who are joining us and yeah do you know we're gonna keep watching this movie about Political Animals hell yeah let's keep going [Music] for the Sheep's about to hit the death sentence it is actually oh my God they're gonna put him to death [Music] oh and all the chickens well you're like destroyed and that's not a that's not a fast death dogs ripping them apart [Music] and blood I can't let the farmer to come back with a machine gun and just shoot the pig farmer John thank God you're back yeah this guy's a power hungry tired yeah no kidding yeah you can see like uh I mean you called it already [Music] had they started out with big with good intentions well it's it's it's straight up like I mean this happens time and time again in history where it's like I mean God I I don't get political uh it's the different I mean politics in history political movies so I can't listen I only get political talking about Animal Farm all right it's kind of It kind of comes with the territory no but like it's it just goes to show that like it it takes a public servant who's truly selfless it takes someone who with a real conviction to put their people ahead of them knowing that they'll probably die in the process but you push the needle forward like George Washington really [ __ ] up in a lot of ways but like I kind of see it as a net gain and I know I say that as a very privileged person from like you know just history being kind to my you know family genealogy but like George Washington could have easily been like I am now the Emperor of America I am now the king I am now the single de facto leader and it's mine and he's like I don't want it he actually wanted to quit and they're like please be president um right it's just one of those things the great thing about you know establishing democracy is that there could be no one true like no King there could be no like one Tyrant right and like they're it's kind of remarkable and I say this just knowing how terrible humanity is you know historically and and things have gotten better but like again that's more of a testament how terrible things were before but like yeah I guess it goes to show that like again like I'm not saying like I'm not one of those doe-wide like America it's not I remember I was like that kid when I was a kid I thought I thought Colonel Custer was a good guy when I was a kid and then I like read a book and I was like oh this guy was a [ __ ] idiot like he was he was a terrible leader he was a terrible tactician and he was like a raging racist he got completely smashed so it's like yeah like I'm not trying to frame it that way but more of like it's interesting that the founding fathers you know for America's it's kind of a founding fathers it sounds so like weird to say it like that but like no one's going to run for more than two terms because that's as far as George Washington did and after FDR with World War II they're like okay we can't let someone run that long so at least it hopefully prevents anybody from becoming a lone dictator of America but like I don't know corruption finds other ways but like it's interesting to see something that was it wasn't even a flat out rule back in the day with George but like that there's some things that were put in motion that at least still hold to a degree which is again a net gain compared to the atrocities of like if you look if you look way back it's you know even actively there's a lot of terrible governments and terrible people and the common denominators just power corrupts and it falls in the hands of a small amount of people and this movie's literally proving it right now it's uh this talking pig is an example of it so yeah I mean exactly this whole movie is just about how the how power corrupts yeah it and that's the thing it's it's that's always been the common denominator across the board whenever I am wondering like well does blah blah blah have intentions and I'm like well let me just see it what's there what's the goal here if it just so happens to push him in a place of like supreme power I'm like well there you go they're probably doing it for themselves so I don't know I don't know and it was so one last thing before I got my Podium here there's that Stanford Prison Experiment which really I don't know that that one kind of freaks me out a bit where I'm probably gonna butcher it but it was like this experiment like a few decades ago that had a random group of people of students who um were split up um some were like assigned to be like a fake prisoner the other ones as fake like guards and they were basically LARPing as this and all the power went to the head of the guards and they actually were like mentally and even physically abusing like the students and the prisoners are like what the hell are you doing like this is just an experiment and the guards were like all the power was going to their heads especially this one guy and it was like it's like dude it's all perceived it's all perceived and they're like losing it and I've seen this before too like oddly enough I went to a convention you know I've been to cons and you have like a con staff you have the con share you get their leadership and you've got like the security like con Ops and stuff like that I remember one time and I'll keep us Anonymous but like my my buddy AC racebest and I were going to uh a panel where we're doing some autographs for free of course because we love you know just hanging out with folks and oh my God I'm sorry I just I just love that this is your furry debut and you're taking this opportunity to like dive into politics and talking about how like power corrupts probably gonna like talk about experience that a con yeah those viewers are like he's a fun cartoon cat guy and it's like let me tell you how politics corrupt or power but no but here's the thing this is such a weird moment though because there is my my buddy um my friends uh who I'll let him remain anonymous um he was walking up to me and my buddy Jeff and uh one of the security guards at the con it was a volunteer might add was like Hey get behind the line and he was like getting really angry at my friend who's walking up and he was like barking orders at him like and I was like hey dude like calm down it's okay we know him he's with us like hey just take it easy you're doing good just you know there's order established and we're all having a good time don't don't you worry about it and he was seemed a bit egg on his face actually a little bit embarrassed and he kind of just you know kind of almost like stood at his post it [ __ ] he was LARPing and but you know he calmed down but I was like that kind of that little moment kind of just gave it made me a little unsettled where I was like dude he's a volunteer at a convention for nerds and he's taking it that serious imagine if the opportunity actually presented itself like this makes me wonder what's in our DNA to make us go behave that way I this is why I feel like a good dose of existentialism is so important to humans to give you perspective because if you don't you could go fly off the tracks where it's like I'm in control of a very Niche convention it's like oh there are some people who are just so who can just be so unhappy with their lives that just the tiniest a little bit of power means everything to them so they take it very seriously and tend to be kind of like uh a little dominating with that power even though like it really is just not that much it's very little but well you wouldn't know where it comes from though where does it come from comes from their own lives they're probably people who are yeah exactly they probably get bossed around and yelled at by other folks in positions of authority it makes them resent it and when they get their chance to seize it they don't want to let it go and it could be something as banana is like a security you know person at a convention with a bunch of nerds it's still like I in this in this intangible you know Arena I I'm in charge because I've been designated power and it's like you know you have to abide by my rules um and I enforce them and that's like oh man it's just it's all in our minds you know yeah it's weird um let's just say if I was on that farm I would have Drop Kicked Napoleon into a box of dynamite all right yeah okay all these poor viewers from snuffing whiskey screams are like this guy's weird [Music] all right they're all they're always hanging around because of you that's it oh that certainly isn't true oh they're all okay well they still have eggs though I guess they didn't kill all the chicken this guy's booming egg business as might be expected Mr whimper's prophets inspired others to seek fair share or at least give then to their jealousy Animal Farm seems to be making money for whimper guys so hold on it's like not only did your animals overthrow you but they have a more prosperous financially successful Farmer John you might be the worst farmer in human existence a show off oh my God look at him [ __ ] knocked out the windmill back away from my face dude come on yeah he's terrible oh my gosh what a basket case I haven't seen that dead by now his neighbors let him know his day was done yeah no kidding all right here comes some International aggressors oh they got multiple multiple shotguns this time guys this entire time animals can be more than just you know milked my birds like right now they look more like pigeons because they've got the markings [Music] wait I was joking about the dynamite I really was is it Dynamite yeah it does kind of look like it no that's not it's no there's no there's no way there's actually no no that's a danger and they look like dynamite there's no way in hell I do I made a joke about Napoleon Dynamite with a pig named Napoleon and the farmer grabs Dynamite there's no way this is happening there's no way that's happening you're just a master of prediction no um [Music] huge it's not camouflage those uh those Piggies are all Caked Up I'm gonna say even what it sure has he's just walking trying to break he's like I'm gonna help you guys hey guys wait for my dynamite oh dude that's kind of Awesome camouflage [Applause] [Music] I was gonna blow up the windmill oh he's gonna book the window oh that sucks if it lose all their prosperity well not really shared though [Music] it's a very fluid animation that was great honestly like it is a little funny looking but it also looks really good ever since these French farmers what wait they're not French are they American um they look American he's a frying pan hmm I gotta pick us down look at the human [Music] guys if we can't lose to them twice oh they're British okay oh that's right well this was uh this was animated trapped [Music] notice how he's not using his own private security course [Music] yeah I mean maybe maybe he just hates them for his own like because it's just police not the soldiers yeah oh my God this guy in the Aquarius is that an accordion no it's a boyfriend accordion [Applause] [Music] no oh at least you're away from my friend oh I'm helping I got Dynamite [Music] [Music] I dare Canadian goose to ever cross me like I'm ready I'm the Canadian goose are so way out of their depths if one ever tried to bite me I just grab its neck and just throw it away and just throttle it I wouldn't like heard it I just take its neck and I just toss it I'd be like get away from me like what if it like bit you it wouldn't fit like hissed at you and made a scary face I don't care I'm like I'm like 20 times it's wait I'm gonna grab its Little Neck and be like okay like your intimidations are you know pretty great too bad you have to move in the back up I'm literally I mean with a knife walking up to her like I have in the kitchen I'm out looking for trouble I want to fight geese yes [Applause] another raid thank you Prof pica tonight this guy's just like I'm gonna blow it all up another one Goose boots [Music] I'm here I'm talking about fighting geese and Goose shows up thank you for the rain they appreciate you yeah we're talking about I was talking about fighting a goose actually so you know to the right hello to everyone we're watching Animal Farm watching animals fight [Music] ing back what's that I gotta go for the done dealer right dude we got drunk during the battle The Bite of 87 but wow that's [ __ ] useless so much for that rule about not drinking alcohol this guy is such a he's such a Muslim there it goes they're faces I love those expenses this is brutal hey look I made a bridge [Music] yeah they can't build that whole thing again oh can't build that whole thing again without him yeah he's also like he's gonna be like so just discouraged [Music] oh there's they're still trying to force them to do it all you can see it's ripped out again the heartbreaking job of rebuilding and as before boxer and Benjamin worked hardest of all I hate this by now supervision of the work by pigs was hardly necessary so they had time for Less laborious Pursuits [Music] just sitting around being lazy playing games eating food you're not even finishing the food I hate this purple I just want to swap out there next [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the baron Harkin long after the other animals left good Society moment boxer and Benjamin worked on and on giving their all I don't like seeing the rib cage [Music] but emaciated or emaciated emaciated no no I do Wonder but like there has to be a lot of Mussolini inspiration for this oh that's some baby pigs I didn't even realize what were considered arts and Graces very flattering to animal farm and its presiding genius [Music] it's so much hard work now but still the windmill was not finished and boxers injured foreign [Music] like if they were to be attacked again there's nothing that they could really do to fight back oh yeah or rise up oh I think I remember this scene come on YMS you can do it come on Adam [ __ ] they're good strong horse [Music] that's really sad so I'm the ceremonious conclusion you know oh [Music] hi doctor [Music] yeah that sucks oh gosh it's really a brutal how they often show the animals like dead with their eyes still open right I think that makes it especially creepy yeah what do we do while Napoleon's oh he's not dead he's not dead Benjamin predicted he could look forward to it he just got hurt really bad okay oh it's the hair out of your hair okay it's all right guys he's not dead but he's just everything should be okay it's fine the next day the windmill work went on as usual but now without boxer yeah what are they going to do without him he did like the bulk of the work and during the morning what appeared to be an ambulance arrived only Benjamin suspected it wasn't an ambulance [Music] who killed him they didn't kill him are they going to kill him finally recognized the death wagon from Mr whimper's Glue Factory [Music] you know it's so distressed or depressed [Music] let me go [Music] foreign [Music] Factory oh hi boxer I really hope this comeuppance oh [Music] a piece of [ __ ] Faker I was with him right to the end yeah [Music] you gotta show me that expression one more time with those eyes starting around Edge For The Wicked rumor that boxer was sold to a glue factory he said I just want to see that expression one more time with the eyes starting around [Music] to the end it's pretty good I would pay for this animation so okay yeah thank you everything holy [ __ ] so wait is the point dead Edge For The Wicked room no no Napoleon's not dead boxer is dead I would never do that don't live Napoleon go [ __ ] yourself don't leave Napoleon [Music] Live Free or Die [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] that would be a good yeah yeah the whiskey they had bought with boxer's life oh they got whiskey God I hate this this pig they're awful years past years Seasons came and went the short animal lives fled by the completed windmill stood as a monument to its Builders faith and sacrifice oh what the hell oops it's the animal's Revolution was only dimly remembered but they say they've gotten pretty serious Animal Farm appeared prosperous but the animals themselves were no better off with the exception of the pigs oh my God the supreme leader Napoleon [Music] he's Stalin but like it gives me more silly knee Vibes too I feel like maybe it doesn't have to be just one it's just because both mostly in the end Stalin were you know dictators so yeah it's you know kind of not too far of a stretch to be like oh this guy gives me Mussolini Vibes like what Loosely neither the dictator of a fascist regime regime of yeah I of course have you all ever seen Mussolini's headquarters let me see here no I have not it's hold on I'm gonna look it up real fast yeah this is uh I'm pretty sure this is his headquarters um I'm trying to find a closer picture of it hmm yeah look at this can y'all see that oh my gosh really that's what it looks like yeah I'm I'm pretty sure that was um like the party's ha like that was like their building if I'm correct it's just I don't know that's real oh my gosh that's insane yeah mostly was such a piece of [ __ ] he was all talking no bark Italy got destroyed and Titans hated him for it I mean I'll barking no brain don't you see the other way around he said he was all talk to no parking yeah his Pig run Enterprise now had many of the Frills of real civilization tint like fences and One Fine Day Pig delegates from far and wide arrived at Animal Farm to celebrate the coming of us oh [Music] for like Porky Pig totalitarian [Music] walking on two legs yeah you're right you're they totally betrayed all the rules in the first place all the rules have been broken [Music] oh there it is up the line of animals that are more equal than others well your rules have been destroyed [Music] when reports of this great change reached them other animals everywhere were incredulous they headed toward Animal Farm from all directions instinctively uniting once again in common cause of the are they going to over overthrow it and start all over [Music] followers [Music] [Music] on farms own and operated by pigs there is order and discipline our lower animals do more work and eat less than on other Farm well this I will encourage you to make your lower animals to work even harder and each even less work on your E-Class need to agree to Animal Farm to peace and plenty under pig rules someone kill this guy please yeah it's looking a lot like a human now a bunch of parmesons pretty crazy hey I'm sorry he's like the [ __ ] yeah oh my God [Laughter] [Music] now they have to die [Music] to the animals it now seemed that their world which may or may not someday become a happy place to live in was worse than ever for ordinary creatures [Music] the rise and fall of Empires huh right it was like we're right back at where we started it just happens over and over again [Music] yo shout out to my bro Egypt been around for a while [Music] the boots don't really fit them mm-hmm [Music] how these dogs only just completely steamrolled [Music] oh they're drunk oh they're all drunk off this I guess didn't expect it look oh what the dog doing [Music] what the dog why are you telling me to shut up save the bad things for me okay he's like uh okay get out of this one and it's rude [Music] I want to see him die [Music] [Music] yep I think the ending's a little bit anticlimactic but like yeah makes it climate it's kind of the point though it's the point is that power corrupts and they're right back at where they started that's true yeah I mean it's it's just a complete like Loop and and the only thing that breaks it is like accountability and actual public servants who care enough to like a change that doesn't fall right back into it you have to be actively like on guard to prevent it which uh I don't know yeah and you know I don't really remember because it's been it's been so long since I read the book and since I originally saw this movie but I'm pretty sure that the movie believe it or not is slightly more optimistic than the book better say focus on the person in the book it was like nothing changed in the book it's sorry if I'm talking over that message I'm sorry oh no you're fine you're fine they're I think in the the ending of the book I don't think they even rise up against the pigs I think what happens is they just see that the pigs have become basically exactly like the humans and they're just kind of like well [ __ ] and I think that's it I don't think they even like rise up against them but maybe I'm wrong it's been a long time since I read the book someone in the chat probably knows better than I do I mean man I mean this this really was not as good as animal Wars so shut up there wasn't even one Star Wars satire parody in this not even one they didn't even make one like pop culture reference so zero out of ten I'm just so happy that we watched a movie that was good has some really quality animation and actually has some very thought-provoking messages and reasons which is pretty rare for this channel considering all the girls pretty rare you can look at that face again because like earlier today I I told Lizzy I was like um let's watch uh another bad movie and because it's a bit more time sensitive or that was my initial thoughts and Lizzie was like please no wait what yeah and here's the thing you were right you're absolutely right like this was a this was a really good experience so I wasn't thinking uh folks I want you all to know you were saved from a very not fun evening if it was in my hands so it was like let's watch this really dumb ugly monkey movie and I was like oh I really wanted to watch animal farm yep and I'm very very glad that we did and she talked Simpson to me because like it would have been really good we can we can actually watch good movies on this uh on this channel so yeah the pig's face that's such a good fit it's like when you're flying on a plane right and you got the middle arm you know the middle seats and you should get both armrests but then somebody just takes your arm rest you can just look at him like great when you're on a plane and you feel the turbulence and I'm like well but this is when I die this is me dying he actually it looks so incredulous that's great yeah chat remind us to make a E-boat of this one that's that's got some let's get some mean power it's pretty good well I mean uh any final thoughts uh from you on the movie and I'll share mine and then we can ask the chat and we can take from there um gosh I don't really know what I can say that hasn't already been said just that uh the movie for sure does does change things a little bit from the book but overall I think that it has the same impact that the the overall message was going for which is done what is it what is the the quote the that absolute power corrupts absolutely yep yep and that's it's true they do it very well and they do it in a way that you know even if you were young you can understand because it's a story that's told through animals and what do we like to say on this channel that animals are Universal anybody can relate to an animal character and they tell the story they tell us they explain this allegory very very smartly in like a very simple way and that's just by doing it with animals on a farm it's I really like this movie I like the story a lot well whenever we do the anthra video like we'll we'll definitely have to use Animal Farm as one of the great examples of it being used in a very profound way and like you said thought compelling or yeah I thought compelling provoking thank you and cerebral because there's there's that uh oh gosh I got the book I need to read it but there's the it's called like mouse or Mouse m-a-u-s oh yes yes I've never read that but I I know what you're talking about if you think about it it's just the Communist Revolution wonderful but also like incredibly dark and depressing but yeah sorry I'm laughing with Ryan Curry said he says Animal Farm is the Russian Revolution but with fursonas I mean that's not incorrect so it's not wrong actually no I um what's up I'm just I'm just you know like glancing at the chat and everyone's just a lot of people are talking about Watership Down yes and um I would I don't know I it's probably not available on YouTube for free but I love Watership Down I would be so down to watch that on this channel I watched it um wait is it on the side I don't know if it's on YouTube for free it is on YouTube for free it is or it is not it is is it really oh my gosh oh do you all want to watch that some other time I mean not 10 minutes but like we're gonna keep doing Thursday movie nights and we can actually you know make it fun we can watch good stuff uh and we also watch this angry pig here um oh my gosh dude I love Watership Down I would be so happy to watch that it's um someone says it isn't Watership Down not playing dogs oh plague dogs plague dogs is just too depressing Watership Down is pretty depressing but you know what it's pretty hopeful too plague dogs is just like hella depressing it's just like what you want to just feel really bad about everything and watch these poor sad dogs just be in misery no no no no no no no no no I can't like dogs is awful I really I I would love to talk about playing dogs one day because I know there's a difference between the movie adaptation versus the book but good Lord that movie is so [ __ ] sad it is so sad it is hard to watch I mean I I hate seeing dogs get hurt period like it's hard to stomach like I'm watching a human get ripped apart and like Starship Troopers and I'm like yeah whatever and it's like the dog's like and I'm like no the movie the movie opens with the dogs don't say it don't say it I will watch it one of these days just so I can oh wait wait you've never watched it no oh well now we have to watch it okay wonderful I can't wait oh my gosh no no no no no um okay I won't say anything then I won't say anything oh gosh I thought you had seen it before I thought you and I had talked about it before and I remember telling you about the differences in the way that it ends am I imagining that I can't recall my I have a superpower that might just be dementia and disguise but I can forget things so I can't recall okay well then I won't say anything then but playing dogs is really hard to watch it's really really [ __ ] sad Watership Down I think is a little bit more palatable um and it's like a lot more hopeful um what I drip down because I remember as like in like the early 20 tunes of YouTube how like I never heard of Washington as a kid and then I saw like a highlight reel like a fan cam of the rabbits fighting a dog and I'm like why is because I guess seeing like one of the rabbits with like a bloody like it was like bloodied up and to see a rabbit actually fight and bite back against a dog with their little rapid teeth oh I did something stupid yesterday I don't know why I did this I got morbidly curious and not like some Twisted way but like Nature's nature you know and I watch a lot of Nature Documentaries but I saw a picture of a stoat on Twitter and I'm like I'm gonna look up stoats on YouTube just you know like because that's that's something I've always like always never used YouTube for is just looking up animal videos so I don't like to see animals suffering um no me neither like there's a little difference it's like a weasel or something right yes uh here for those who don't know what a stout is I'll show you it's from like What's called the vestapod no well I've I'm using the wrong word what no the uh uh you're such a you're such a furry in training you're learning all the words I'm not it's called nature it's not a furry training day I don't know how to pronounce this I don't know how to say it Mustafar it's the planet that Anakin got burned so cute look at that little bastard and so [ __ ] cute yeah these guys are like terrifying like uh oh yeah I've never seen fella Day by the way we'll watch it sometime oh I've seen that before it's kind of [ __ ] but so these guys are like it's so funny how these guys look so cute but they'll like they're they're very like deadly predators um they'll just jump on the back of a rabbit and snap like bite into its back of its spine just disable it and kill it you got like rabbits and hairs are like 10 times its size and they just take it down so yeah I'm yeah it's it's just nature you know cold cruel and different perfect nature and and that's why like whenever it's like a human hurting an animal I hate because I'm like you don't want to do this stop and I know that their folks are like boy do you eat meat and it's like I know I know but like yeah watching things in nature like I mean there's a kid being like why isn't anybody helping the zebra from The Lion It's like because Lion's got to eat bro and zebra zebra is there's more zebras than there are lions and it's called nature but like it's tough I don't know it's it's weird when human empathy versus human cruelty you know um have them have you ever seen Ricky Dicky tabby bless you no you know what I said you know yeah I've seen Ricky tiki-tavi he's like he's like beating up cobras he's like I'll kick you in the face so he's great God I love that movie I love that movie as a kid I rented it from the library and I was like oh [ __ ] yeah hell yeah this is awesome Ricky r-i-c-k-y Tiki t-i-c-k-y Tavi uh that's not how you spell it fixed it for you because it was just like what are you saying oh my God he's so [ __ ] cute he's so cute look at him jumping around he's like some badass mongoose he's a mongoose yeah I remember the way they animated him like when like he's just like this one fluid emotion all the time still move I strike and if you do not move I strike turn around oh my God I will strike the boy what price for a cobra's egg for a young cobra dick is everybody dirty give it to me Ricky no God you're sick in the head because I never even considered that um you are I never even considered that it's just a snake It's supposed to be scary that's so scary about a cobra nothing I guess nothing no it's so well to me that there actually are animals in nature that like go head to head with a snake and it's like yo I'll just I'll outmaneuver it I I think these the cats actually their reaction time is just a few clicks above a snake so you'll have cats that are like I'll Dodge it like bullet time just in time to dodge a snake and then smack it it's just right I don't know Nature's wild all right we'll watch what happens Christopher Robin here we could have jumped around him up come and fight with me nagaina [Music] no mongooses do not have little buck teeth like that do they do they not I think they do have sharp teeth though don't they I don't know if they have buck teeth but then I'm certain that they have sharp teeth Mongoose I typed in Mongoose animal well search up like just like Mongoose teeth they got fangs yeah yeah they're things like I don't know if they like [ __ ] teeth like like a beaver but they have canines yeah like they have fangs don't bite you [Music] a little bushy tail did they actually shake their tail when they fight maybe they do I feel like that that wouldn't just be like a fun creative Choice I'm sure that that's what they unless maybe they go and it was just for the character you gotta open engine if you're gonna do a character about a mongoose versus a cobra then you'd actually study the animal right and wise they may be care to follow up quite looking it up right now I'm sure you could find like actual footage of it's like a Cobra on YouTube I would feel bad about stories we're not watching this sad yeah I was gonna say I wouldn't want to stream that I don't know I was never gonna cross that line um if someone wants to watch nature unfolding on YouTube you can but we're not streaming it um no I I it's interesting because I'm watching at least a clip on my own monitor that I won't show but their tails get really fluffy which is interesting because it probably yeah distracts the snake a lot more to look at it looks like it makes it look larger too it just it probably makes them look larger and more intimidating like with most animals when they like flare up their fur like that it's to make them look bigger no I I feel so embarrassed like about a few months ago um my cat she like got really fluffy it was like two or three in the morning and I was like walking like downstairs and I was walking back up and she had like little nighttime Zoomies she was running all over the place and she like ran and got into the corner and then she like see her little eyes looking at me and then she started running really floofed up sideways toward me well it was so alien it was so alien to see it like it makes me wonder if like big cats ever do that and she like um oh yeah she's like just running sideways just kind of this little weird like uncanny like running at me I just kind of stuck there and my brain was like oh that was creepy but I was just but I immediately was like what are you doing like I was like ran up and stopped and then she ran away and I was like yeah you're weird yeah I I think that's just like katsumis well they'll do that they'll they'll get poofy and they'll run like because when they run sideways make them look a lot larger than looking at you head on so I don't know nature what the cat doing what's the cat doing all right folks we've been going on for about uh two hours and this has been a fantastic stream wonderful uh movie to watch uh great company wonderful you know people to rate us all of y'all watching right now who've joined us thank you um I think we're gonna wrap it up and call it this has been a good time if you all want to follow the channel for alerts we're going to try and do tier list on Tuesday and just kind of chat with the chat and then more movie Nights on Thursday and then see what Saturdays bring we'll be doing the night in the woods on uh this coming Saturday um anything else to add Lizzy no just that I'm so happy that we decided to watch a good movie a movie with some substance yes and I'm even I'm even happier that we're gonna play a truly truly wonderful game starting on Saturday uh and like it couldn't be more perfect timing with the debut of our updated Sprites so yeah I'm just happy that that's how the things unfolded this evening and I'm looking forward to this weekend I posted her Twitter by the way someone in the chat was asking about your you know profile uh Lizzie's profile she draws great art she did the avatars here I posted in the chat thank you I'm sorry I don't have a twitch you guys I don't have a twitch or a YouTube yet but just follow me on Twitter if you feel so inclined because maybe someday I'll have more to share all right folks thanks for donations bits um subscribing follows and just your general support and viewership it's always fun doing these these uh movie nights and I think this might have been the most viewed stream we've ever had so that's pretty cool a good way to kick off I guess the the all right folks have a good night see y'all bye
Channel: Saberspark Highlights
Views: 212,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6VwgLDo-N64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 52sec (6652 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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