Let's Talk Paginated Reports In Power BI (Premium)

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hey man what's going on oh just living the dream my friend living the dream I've had a dream at home I'm always at home that's right yeah yeah all right travels do come I don't know what's up everyone everyone in the in the chats how are you everyone staying safe the upgraded Patrick's equipment a little bit for a little bit see one Donald Donald had a had a great comment the Donald said this is a nice way to spend his Saturday mornings while doing dishes that's awesome Oh dishes doing dishes and watching a little guy in a cube a bit of one this guy's an evening where he lives so Otto Otto are you doing buddy Carlos Cantina in the house all right good morning good morning good evening depending on where you are the one where you are it's beer-thirty somewhere somewhere all right all right guys we're gonna keep it up we got we got five minutes here so we're gonna kick it off to the the countdown and then we'll be back in five minutes hang in there hey Chris Finland you [Music] funny historic I was little but bigger dreams they try to bring a sucker down singing louder than the crowd [Music] like helium [Music] set me up like lemonade we burp oh it's bittersweet this darkness will bite your tongue [Music] Oh [Music] it's getting warm [Music] 'i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo yo Patrick hey what's going on man what is that Saturday morning for us Saturday evening for others if you're in Australia in Europe at this hour kudos to you cuz it's pretty late there and it's in the future future though yeah you're in the future all right thanks everyone for joining us this wonderful morning hope everyone is doing well in this day and time so it is there's an amazing time to be alive today we are going to talk pageanty reports now here that is your sweet mistress this is my sweet mistress my sweet mistress I like some paginating reports I know you do I know you do I have a long history with pageanty reports going all the way back so it's uh so it's nice it's nice to see someone else jump on that bandwagon so you know it's funny if you search but if you search the into its for reporting services stuff somebody pops up you some really good some really good blog posts by that guy some really good blog quotes by that guy yeah yeah yeah yeah so so we're gonna get into some good information here about paginating reports and then we're gonna answer some of your questions about it as well so it's imaginary reports definitely have a place and I think we're gonna we're gonna help answer some of that also just you know if you see someone lurking in the chat I know he's there mr. Chris Finland is there in the chat watching as well so he can help out with some of those as well so I would say Chris Finland I I would label Chris as the horse's mouth is the PM on the product team that owns paginate reports so it's great to see him in the in the chat so thanks for thanks for getting up early sir and I'm sure Padgett native report' berry is sitting by your side ready to mock us and some yes all right so there's a good comment though listen there's a great comment let's just start with this comment okay it's paginating report its paginating reports meant to replace I'm assuming as this RS that's what pageanty reports and assume wait a minute yep a Janee reports and power bi are definitely not replacing SSIS yeah or SSRS me necesario still a thing it's a that's right we're still updating them both we're still updated necesarias and power bi report server which is a superset of necesarios yeah yeah yeah yeah not going anywhere yes all right so so one thing I think we should start off with here it's the elephant in the room we talked power bi paginate reports Patrick this is premium only premium only right now and only right now today it's premium only as of this livestream its premium only this premium OMA you gotta get it configured yeah you got to set up your workload for it yep yes now with that I'm trying to pull up the ideas there are I should have had this before we started here that is a fail on my part but I would say go to if you are interested in imaginary reports outside of premium so for pro usage yeah outside of premium definitely go to ideas that power bi calm there are I know there's an item out there on my search foo is failing me right now oh there it is there it is I got it I got it hang on not gonna share it on my screen but I will share it in the chat that is the power bi are the ideas that power bi calm item or it it currently has 3900 votes on it so make sure you vote that up and you know let your voice be heard so that is just something for you so yeah so lots of questions in here right so Rana pageanty reports only work with premium capacity and so that is today inside of the power bi service yes that's true but pageanty reports are also available in other forms as well so it's not just in the power bi service so you could do this from power bi report server you can do this from a single server reporting services so so those are all options that are available for you as well and you know what else it's it's somebody else made the comment about export Adam I just couldn't hear I didn't want it to fly by I didn't want it to fly by and it was a comment saying what paginate it reports give you is unlimited export and you need a really cool video on going from car part bi part bi has that limit on Excel and CSV files I think it's 150 and CSV is 30,000 but when you're using paginate it and your video hit it hit the nail right on the head you can exceed that limit you can go as far as you want yep yep yep so that is available for you as well I'll try and dig up that item and put that in the chat as well I was looking for that comment I can't find it so so yeah yes absolutely that's a great use for paginating reports inside of a power bi itself so all right what else we got so so let's talk about Patrick why first off we're talking power bi I'm going to use a passion for report versus a power bi report like why why is that even I thought power bi reports are just to be able to solve everything and we don't need paginate reports anymore I think it's in the name itself right I think it's in the name of the product what paginating reports or power bi their power bi imaginated reports and then you have the the part bi power bi reports right and the power bi reports or what do they call them five minutes a while right but it's that one pane of glass you got everything on that one painting glass but if you're doing paginating reports if i need to go beyond that single page how do you do it you can't do it in power bi but you definitely can do it in paginating report should I hit on my should we stop always talking yeah let's head over to your laptop man let's do it enough of all this talking let's head over on a laptop all right so pretend but do you got this report right yeah okay I spend a lot of time creating this beautiful power bi report and as you can see on this but I'm old to put Jesus on this report right how do i what if I just wanted to print what if I want to print a page for each one of the invoices how would you do that oh yeah I'm Mexican the audience I'm axion Adam how would I do this okay well you know I would I would manually go in just one by one you know and okay change my filter live down change my filter print wait a minute we know how we do that I'm not lazy Adam I'm just really efficient and so I would uh that's where that's where passionated reports really shine they really allow you to do something that you can't do so take this out before we get into this before we get into this though so I'm using power bi report builder right and so there's a couple of tools you can use to create your imaginated reports in fire bi there is sequel server data tools is just report builder and there's power bi report builder if you're gonna create these reports for our bi write the pageanty reports hosted in power bi you should absolutely use the power bi report builder because it's optimized for those paginating reports in the service if you use another tool you part it'll probably work but you may do something that's not quite supported yet and there was a comment in the chat window Adam about hey what's what what can you do which which tool should you use for creating your paginate reports and you should use power bi report build it right all right so looking at my patented report take a look at my paginate report if i select the exact same feel look what I did there's invoice one if I go to the next page there's invoice two so I can print him I can export him it looks like yeah it looks like the screen is frozen man just so you know yeah it looks like the screen is completely frozen I was looking at that don't know what happened don't quite know what happened yeah it's not good all right yeah I was looking at it and I saw it just freeze up technical failures awesome oh yeah now with that okay now about is it working no you're definitely yeah your desktop is frozen yeah it's moving now is it I don't I do not on my end buddy so yeah I love Kevin's comment here you should get premium screams scream steam streaming I can't say that I love it yeah see if you can I'm gonna I'm gonna restart the v-max desktop capture yeah still working out the kinks folks still working out the kinks so so what we're doing that we've got a there's a couple questions that are better there oh wait oh hey that worked all right all right so a couple questions here so Sam's got a question here compassion area reports be pushed out to users via email with only their data with a custom covering email it's interesting custom covering a data driven subscription so well I think I'm saying I think so I got I got the feel of row-level security in there but right and so but you gotta have oh yeah the the custom covering email thing threw me off I don't know what that means maybe maybe Sam could elaborate a little bit yeah Sam I need you to live write that a little bit all right Chris mate Chris just made a comment in the chat saying soon I guess Chris understood using the API with power automate all right yep Christa that sending with power using the API with power automate okay cool still trying to understand the oh so Sam Sam did comment yes RLS can we use RLS with paginate reports oh all right so and in the general service you should be able to use row level secure like it'll it'll honor the row level security if you have that defined on a data set like if you're connecting to a power bi data set from a pageanty report yeah RLS will be covered there so excellent all right sorry my friend continue sir no no this is good okay I didn't know if you were like in the middle of showing something and we yeah let's look at a re I'm trying to go through all these uh let's look at it's so weird he did that one so Padgett report supports parameter based query to fetch the data set only but power bi reports cannot because you can monitor all base parameters with power bi reports yeah but I think he's talking so you can create those parameters of Harvey I but those parameters compared to the parameters in reporting services I'm sorry paginating reports are completely different the parameters in power bi or a dataset level thing so when I do my refresh right I can control which connection string or what data filtering out but when it comes to power bi it's kind of like a real-time query a direct query that I'm sending back you know when I were in that report and providing the fields within you know at runtime where power bi data sets is something completely completely different yep yep oh you show my screen no do you want me to show my screen oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so like if you look if you look at the report on this now and it's not you and it's not sure what I'm showing no justice oh it's just like we're gonna fight you get that up all right that's what I was trying somebody say can we get a look all right so you can see at the top I have these parameters and when I specify these parameters I'm connected to my back-end is a sequel server it's taking those parameters and passing those into the report at runtime and then it's bringing just the data I need for that particular report and where it's different from power bi is you take all your data cache it up into the data set based on the parameters that you specify in power query so completely different completely different things two completely different methods and two completely different mechanisms for accessing data nice Thanks yeah all right so look at I've got one in here all right so Edgar's got a question Adam how can I create a parameter from an existing data model I keep getting errors on dependencies I need some I need some more details and what's the error yeah what's the air yeah what's the area I mean I mean cuz in power bi if you use power bi report builder and if I go back to the design mode in part of a report builder and I choose my data I mean I choose a data source you see right there let me zoom in on this you can see that I can do they just a connection to a data set and then I can build the queries however I want right I can be and still usually reduce with those right yeah yeah absolutely and I can write I can write my own Dax and that's typically what I do when I'm using power bi report builder not that part bi report builder doesn't generate really good Dax really efficient Dax I tend to write my own Dax queries for my parameters because the report builder will add a lot of over here that I don't want and so I write my own decks queries to populate those and then you can filter your objects or your data sets or you can build that into the ramen is of the day to say you can completely do it it works I just need to know what era is getting nice yeah um so let's see what else we got here got ooh do the last question the last question the one that's in there now I'll read what can we connect to a more different by a Goku yep yep I'm sorry if I it similarly can we connect to tool yeah we'll get out two or more different power bi datasets and use them in prompts in report builder yes yeah yeah yeah so basically using those so in power bi today for power bi reports you have this limitation of we can't use composite models with two different power bi datasets right so it's got to either be direct query or import and then with power bi report server or power bi paginate reports sorry yeah you can absolutely connect to two different data sets and and do that and there's nothing stopping that and and if there's key values that you have across those data sets that relate them you can use a function in that's available in power bi reports paginating reports called I think it's lookup and you can connect them and even filter both of those across each other it's pretty nice it's pretty nice yeah I agree I agree so let's see here so Kevin it's something here I haven't read it completely as a silver-level Microsoft is B partner we get access to power bi premium in our partner membership so we can access paginate reports they don't know my my gut would tell me no so I don't I don't I'm not aware of any anything I'm pretty sure the answer to that is no which was another good one here's another good one the last one by well it's not the last one anymore Rahu God God I guess that's how you pronounce it the he is correct you know about well there is a limit on the number of items in the Select all ideas and parameters where we get errors yes you're absolutely correct and we know about it Chris Finland knows about it who's on on the chat right now I don't know you know what should work you know the limits were working on but you can definitely do some filtering in the parameter right instead of returning everything or kind of breaking it up a little bit that's one solution that we work worked on for one of the customers I was working with nice nice yeah so Dimitri said I'm still awaiting response on the a four plus Pro from a licensing perspective so the a for you can run paginate of reports like it supports that functionality the problem you're gonna have though so if all your users have Pro licensing then yeah you're good right and that works is the thing that you lose with the a4 is that sharing and collaboration aspect that you get with power bi premium but if everyone's got a pro license and you're just doing this internally that should work but I mean you know there's nothing stopping that so yeah it should be good to go so uh let's see here all right so so Patrick tell me about let's talk about maybe someone's been using you know sequel server reporting services or they've been using power bi report server how do we migrate to power bi the service the cloud service is it just do I just republish and everything's great or am I going to run into some things or they're in is there anything to help yeah so there's my great tool and I'll get a link and I'll find the link and I'll post the link in the in the chat Finley's may or when you guys might find it's on github there's a migration tool that'll actually look at a folder or a specific report it'll tell you if it if there's something that paginating reports don't support when I run it it'll say oh well you can't do sub reports like self reports or support it right now and it'll give you an output it'll give you like a exceptional report to say hey you can't do this or if it works it'll download it and upload it to the workspace for you and it'll just works it just works it's nice yeah yep so uh so Bradford s I'm assuming so as when is that coming Harvey I need that badly you lost my audio let me know in the chat if you can still hear me I can still hear you Patrick no music okay alright so people in the chat say they can hear me so it's just an issue on Patrick's end it's just you my friend it's just you anyway so Bradford made a comment here when is this coming to power B I need I know I hear you need that badly need to use analysis services and other data sources so I'm assuming you're referring to composite models and the power bi service the release plan the public release plan has that noted there and I believe it said August for public preview I'd have to verify that but in the release plan its composite model support for data sources are planned for August May 24 is a the power bi release plan that is publicly available yeah that was a Patrick issue with the audio thing I don't know I had to I had to redo v-mail all right it's not about this must be them beats should probably get the surface head by spend like 300 bucks on a new headphone I tell him just replace the earpiece because they were they were peeling we we spent a lot we've spent a lot of money these past couple of days I'm not buying anything when he says we means him was just because of me oh and it's not about the cells commented the composite model for power bi datasets got pushed back to September so I haven't that yeah just go off of whatever is in the release plan whatever dates there that's that's the official word oh alright cool let's see so where we done talked was there anything else you want to mention about migration and like are there any limitations I have when I migrated yeah there are there are some things that yeah there's some things that we don't support you right there's the report it and then you know depart the Christmas inland and is saying they're working on getting everything up to parity and but the migration tool will definitely let you know before you surprise migrate that report if they support it on out nice nice yeah then it's not about the cell commented wave plan tomato tomahto our potato a tomato potato whatever I actually got in a comment with someone about this it is it actually uses the word plan and wave so there's it's the release plan which is the overall item that covers all of it dynamics and whatnot then the individual items I believe is called wave the power the 20/20 wave one or I don't know whatever yeah whatever I don't I don't have any say in that naming structure so so cool so CK ours got a question here when there's more than one parameter will it wait for the first parameter to fetch the list of parameter ones of cascading parameters cascading parameters yeah how do you is that I don't know what Patrick is that possible it it is but let's say I have the first parameter that's year right so I select year and the second second parameter is month and I only have a couple of moments I have to filter or create write the query so that it's accepting the parameter from the first query from the first parameter right I have to pass the first parameter the second parameter so it'll filter out filter out that way it just doesn't automatically do it you got to build it yeah so but you can configure it to support imaginary report absolutely supports cascading parameters yes absolutely you can do absolutely that's no it's not there by default but you can you can get it you can get it working so awesome let's see here so one just had a nice comment in the chat I want to call that out sorry for this guys but it's my moment to regard you for your job and contribution really thank you for the help to this community and going know what that is but one thank you so much much appreciated my friend alright let's see what else we got here so Kevin this was a little bit ago so maybe this was answered in the chat I don't know but so he's like I don't get the premium versus pro feature play by Microsoft it's very frustrating I hear that a lot from folks it's you know it's something that does exist but just note that you know the idea of the Pro versus premium the things that I've seen look at incremental refresh so that was a pro only feature and that's now available for pro as well and then pageanty reports hopefully one day that will also make it to pro but those are those are things the way I look at it more as like this is me personally just my opinion is that premiums is seems more like that's the if I want to go big scale and do things at that level but today there are some feature capabilities that are limited to premium only paginate it being the the big one at this point now that incremental refresh is available for pro a lot of misconceptions also about like composite models and aggregations being availed that SAP ream iam only feature and I'm like no that's not a that's not a premium feature so you can do that without without premium so good good sentiment though let's see here the chat is chat is nuts kudos to Chris for helping out there it's much appreciated alright so Muhammad's got a question is there a way to copy the matrix in a power bi report to a paginate a report there is not there is not and I've heard that as well - like if going from any format to a pageant report so I've heard like well how do i if I've got a tableau report or I've got maybe an old Cognos report or you know one of those items like how do i how do i migrate that to paginate report and unfortunately you're gonna have to it's basically just a rebuild there you may find if your internet searching is good you may find something that is out there to help you with that migration like some third-party tool but there's nothing out of the box today for for doing any of that so so Chris Chris asked a follow-up question to Mohammed on this is good so he's like would like the ability to have a pageant native report matrix as a visual in a power bi report be useful hmm that's an interesting item okay so what only if it only if it's gonna print the whole matrix right it's gonna page out the whole matrix when I print it I don't want to just print the screenshot of what I couldn't see right right let's go all out if you're gonna do it go be don't go small go be well in the power bi report then just set your page length to be you know nine thousand pixels and that'll be that would be fine right that'll work that's funny so let's see here so Bradford commented also that they're migrating from Cognos so a lot of a lot of folks are migrating from stuff over to power bi report which I or a power bi in general which I love to hear that's always welcomed let's see here here we go Ken's got another question here when should we use drill through for from pageanty reports to power bi and vice versa it's interesting I would say I would say it depends on your scenario right like it's all about what are you trying to accomplish so the one case the one video I put in the chat that Patrick mentioned is there's a I use that the example or scenario I used in that is I'm hitting a limitation on the table export of the hundred and fifty thousand rows in Excel and I want to then hit I have a little image for like PDF or Excel or CSV I click on that it generates the URL to the pageanty report to then export the excel so I don't hit that row limit cap that's one example of when I would maybe do a drill into and not even a drill or just an export but you could do the same thing from a drill perspective of doing that if you have a cream crisp crisp paginate report you're in a power bi report but you want to be able to print off some crisp item that's pixel perfect right then that may be a good reason for doing that drill through into a pageanty report from a power bi report and vice versa if you're in a pageant a report and maybe it's like hey we've got this static set of data or a static view of what that is but hey maybe I want to explore on that a little more and just see kind of maybe some what-if type scenarios that might be a good reason for jumping from a pageanty report into the power bi report right so it's all about what it is you're you're gonna need and what your scenario is so if you wanted to go all head hop on your date right yeah all right so I don't I don't remember us actually mentioning this in the beginning but Muhammad did bring up a good point of not that one I'm a ha so but Muhammad said Patrick's right users will prefer the whole table and paginate compared to RBI when printed yes awesome alright so this the skull prophet had a kite Amir I don't know if we covered this but he said he's new here but we explained when you can and should use a paginate report like what's the point of a pageanty report versus the power bi report Patrick there's a lot of reasons reasons to use paginate reports the the primary reason I was showing it a little bit I think my screen my screen stop sharing is when you need to do export you need to exceed the export what are gas ports that's one reason right this same reason though is when you need to page when you need to page if you're trying to a good example and this was a really unique one it was they wanted to print report cards at a school that you want to print report cards and they had I want to print report cards for all the students in a particular homeroom if I tried to do that in Part B I really can't do that if I'm trying to print multiple report cards on multiple invoices and know from a pet across multiple pages that's when you use paginates and if you get really detailed operational types of reporting that's imaginated reports make sense but if you're using power bi reports it's more of an analytical or ad-hoc type of thing right if you want to you know do some data discovery where paginate of course just don't give you that they are more pixel-perfect ITR third types of reports yeah yeah maybe I went too far it yeah that's good all right so uh I want to say his name is Andre I'm gonna go with Andre and also Andre kudos to you thank you so much for signing up to be a cube visitor definitely appreciate that as a new member of the channel so he says I'm using paginate of report for a report that needs to be generated for 300 plus clients and then save on SharePoint and run a script to change the name of every report any recommendations so we're generating I'm assuming we're generating a PDF for that and then we need to save that on SharePoint and run a script to change the name of every report for each client though which is interesting because if you do that I mean if we just do one generation of the power bi piece of the pageanty report in a PDF it's kind of the same data for every one so I'm assuming we're gonna run this 300 times based on a client parameter to generate that and then dump that into a SharePoint list either way that sounds like a for me that sounds like a great case for like power automate or something of that nature to do some operations on it yeah there's not a I don't know there's not a native on the the export to for pageanty reports is not there yet but you could manually call like write up a PowerShell script that's gonna call like a URL that does that so that's kind of somewhat of a hack where you could do the export format on the URL and then just manually call that from a PowerShell perspective package that up execute that from either power automate or some other fashion and then dump that into SharePoint and put in those parameter names so I would I would look at how are autumn a for that or something similar so either maybe if using Azure data factory or sequel server integration services that's that's a great way to do that as well so lots of ways to trigger and automate and things of that that nature good question good question all right so uh let's see here all right so - yeah Mahesh has has a question here my report server takes a long time to load the report are there any caching options available on the server side or memory tuning good question good question yeah yeah you could start right we'll just start with cache data sets I'll let you get into the report configuration and all that right but you can start with a cat you you can start cache data set depending on how the latency right how fresh that data needs to be if you're going against the data warehouse that's loaded nightly you can have your cache data sets run after your data warehouse loads and in reports we just hit that cache data set and then they will just open instantaneously yeah I would say you probably have a little more options on the on-prem solution than you do on the power bi service cuz I'm the I'm Prem you can actually do like the report snapshotting which I don't believe is that's not there on the power bi service side so that would allow you so the report snapchatting for on Prem either in power bi report server or in sequel server reporting services what it does is it basically on a triggered basis there's some schedule it will actually run that report and then cache results so when someone hits it it's not going and doing all the querying again so that's a great way to increase improve performance of a given page and a report that's dependent though that look it's going to be based on whatever if you have different parameters that snapshot is based on the parameter selections so so that could cause some complications for you but that's a way you could end up doing it on on the on-prem on the on the power bi service side like what patrick said i mean it's all about the at that point is about your data sort or the data set or the the connection the performance on that at that point so it's gonna have to render it so good item good item all right so I'm gonna not say this name correctly I'm so sorry Anna Chari Charlie's got a got a comment here sorry I missed the first half of the broadcast does this cover power bi paginate reports on Prem I believe I want power bi on Prem as data source for oh that's a that's a good point so someone else had this question earlier on I think also to find it but uh can I use if I'm on Prem can I use a power bi data set that's in the service as my data source I think that's what yeah yeah acharya was going for so yeah they want power bi with v rms data source for paginate report if that's possible yeah yeah so you can't do it like you can do it in power bi report build it with connecting to the data set but if you go through the XML a end point you could do it Danny should work so actually that's just like connected to the dataset right so XML a end point so that is a premium only option so it only of reply R corresponds to a data set that's backed in a workspace backed by power bi premium and at that point that's just an analysis services connection and so you could do that from an on-premise pect 'iv I've also heard comments along that line to our questions along that line of if I published a power bi report in a power bi report server and I do a pageant a report on that same power bi report server connecting to the data set of the power bi and the answer there is no technically you you could potentially do it but it's fraught with issues and because there is an underlying a/s instance that runs but I would not recommend it so you could technically connect with an AAS connection there but you got to get the grid of the data set right and make sure it's loaded and because that thing gets loaded in and out based on the power bi report not the paginate reports to knowing that that data set is actually loaded in memory is that's anyone's guess right so that's a it's a that's that's fraught with problems so in general though a power bi data set think of that as an analysis services tabular model and so we could connect to that you know in various ways so but to connect to so actually sorry I'm gonna correct myself a little bit wasn't there Chris may have said this in the comments I don't know but I recall something where we could connect two data sets from power bi report builder that weren't in premium is that right it's like if you're just a pro user and was there I thought I remember something about that maybe I'm remembering that wrong I don't connect to the data set if you connect to the data set right Chris said stop telling him terrible hacks Chris said yes you can so yes you can connect to so Chris's is verifying that yes you can connect to a power bi data set in the power bi service without it being backed by premium from on parameter that is that's correct yeah all right I'll let him correct in the comments if I'm if I'm off base on that so what else we got see here Oh Chris said no all right all right well I'm wrong on that so refer to the documentation please on that one it gets a little you said in the context of report builder okay yeah I don't know about yeah I wouldn't even thought scratch all of that we're just gonna cut that out all right so uh let's see what else we got here all right sofa nein just post something here so how can we browse a pageant report hosted on premises from outside the organization Patrick's shaking his head no but you can absolutely do that yeah but it's not easy it's not easy and you know what you know what it requires you know what it requires it requires a little bit of Kerberos see me rolling my eyes rolling my so what you have to do is what I don't recommend you do is expose your report server that's on premises just out to the internet because that will be that's just not secure and I don't recommend that also by default the on-prem solutions by default used windows authentication there was in the sequel server reporting services there was a custom security extension you could use or there were ways to use anonymous access which I absolutely don't recommend don't do that but they were there is a way that you can put try to remember it's a web application proxy in front of paginate and in front of an prem solution that will allow it to be exposed to the Internet it's still gated by a login right so he still need a login for that organisation to get into it but that's a way that you can at least host and expose your on-prem report server to the Internet through that web application proxy that's the Microsoft solution I'm sure there's other solutions that do the same thing right so that's that's uh that's something you can look at the configuration of that is a pain in the butt I'm just gonna be honest with you so there's certainly there's security certificates that you've got to be having place on multiple levels multiples certificates that have to be in place Active Directory Federation services or a DFS needs to be configured you got to have the web application proxy go on constrained delegation from a Kerberos perspectives in the mix but it just works though you know great all right so got a precaution I keep up with this China I know I know Ghana Prakash says when is the on-prem gateway support coming for azure data sources you can do that today I don't necessarily know right now what that means I can force a sure sequel database source through the Gateway so oh wait I in the context of pageanty reports that is that is that is a different that is a different B sorry I was just thinking in the in a sense of regular power bi reports in the Gateway but yes in the case of pageanty reports that is yeah that is problematic so yeah so it is not some yeah there's another there's a question by kr our I don't know how to pronounce it about version control okay and so oh wait paginate reports if you use Visual Studio to create your reports right Visual Studio or whatever it is data tools yeah it integrates it integrates with a lot of virtual control tools if you use power bi report builder or report builder you can still take those RDL files and put them in some type of version control you don't have to just use onedrive that's right you're using github is just on a per file basis right so if you're using github basically those RDL files are gonna sit in a folder somewhere right and so if that folder is backed by if you're using github for that sequel server data tools has automatic integration with source control so if you're using github or some other source control you can do that if you're just doing it a report builder you have to manually do the the check out check in all of that in commits and stuff from and whatever may be you know pull requests and whatnot from a github perspective but you can absolutely do it's just an RDL files just an XML file you can do diffs you can do merges that kind of stuff so if you are doing merges on items and changes tests make sure you're testing the output of that merge I'm not gonna say it's always gonna be a hundred percent great mergers are always sometimes fraught with problems if you're not doing it right so be aware of that all right what else we got [Music] all right so someone asked it was one question coherently uh there was one question about what do you get besides paginating reports and premium okay I don't know where that is so oh wait wait yes it's gone no no no no I got that one what can you do with premium that you can't do with pro regarding paginate reports well so you can't do paginating reports in pro at all so you get passionated reports in premium to take this a little bit further what what can I do on premises that I can't do in the power bi service with paginate reports data-driven subscriptions snapchat subversive reports yep yep so so there are there are some capabilities that you have on premises that you don't have in the power bi service I know Chris and team are well aware of those and I've heard him say in many public places that they are working on it I know Chris Oh Chris Chris said sub reports in April those sub reports are coming in ate my jazz hands jazz hands nice nice yes sub reports in April so that's great so so Chris does that means data-driven subscriptions in May I know the answer to that is no but you know I always want more Chris I always want more he did finally get me the URL parameters though right to make my button thing work and I have to him like no end on that one constantly I did yeah and so John John Kirksey post edition about RS format in the query screen strange for exporting and so yeah there's a render and a URL there's a URL program where you can do if you want to do PDF or Excel you show that your video I did I did I'll put the link to the chat I'm putting the link in the chat again that video I show like how to do that though yes you can absolutely do the format it's I don't know that it's I'll top my head I don't remember that it's actually RS : format I think that it's a little different on the on the parameter itself but you can do it it's the same effect right it allows you to to do that so awesome awesome love it alright so Patrick this one's for you Brad asked question URL parameters can you tell us more about that oh it's a great video we'll put the I'll get the video for it and I'll post it in the video but you can absolutely do it you can pass them in the string and filter away I'll find the video Adam yep yep so let's see what else we got here so Chris did comment on the data-driven subscriptions he said they are coming no commitment on timeline but they they are working on it and they'll it will look a little different than on Prem and that makes sense because the power bi service the way things are handled and the power bi service are vastly different and the web portal with inside of power bi report server or sequel server reporting services so that's that's to be expected it may look a little different but the end result hopefully will be familiar see what else we got here go back to my I did tag a few from from a Q perspective let's see here so Vermont said been waiting for this kind of talk where I can get both of you at one place for quite some time quite a long time I agree it's always nice to do so Patrick and I definitely prefer to do stuff together when we're doing the recorded video format it's not that easy just because we're in two different places so typically most folks could only find that if they were at conferences where we were at so but now doing the live streams we've got a setup now where we can do that assuming Patrick's internet keeps up with it yeah yeah yeah yeah there was good it was something running in the background on the chain and I closed it and I saw all everything just the performance go get much better so was it Microsoft teams it was not saying if it was Microsoft I will not I will not answer the question sir [Laughter] embezzled it is not he did correct himself though and he did said I guess it moved online yes so it is moved to a digital only format that is as of yesterday so business application some it will not be in person it'll be online only so you know that is I that was foreseeable hi I did I expected that to happen so not not surprised at all so so here's a here's a request for you Patrick Carlos asked can you please make a video about power bi report server subscriptions limitations p bi x vs paginate 'add we did some videos because you do have some power bi report server videos out there we talked about some of that I don't know if it covers all of those yeah items specifically all those things video list that's gonna be more than one video though yeah so Bradford also commented that Gartner was canceled so Gartner was technically postponed not cancelled so we're waiting to hear what the new dates are for that it was because that one was gonna be what its week after next and that was too short notice to to get just to say hey we're doing it digital instead of in person so maybe they'll come up with a digital format I don't know we're wait waiting to hear see what else we got go ahead so so Perry Liz NBC Oh Microsoft provide a better mechanism access SSRS datasets from the power bi disk so if you define a data set so I think what they were but what Perry is referring to is a shared data set from a power bi report server our reporting services perspective and there's no plans but I know of to do something like that I would again ideas that power bi calm I it would be interesting I think from a power query perspective to use that as a get data source to say hey there's a data set a shared data set defined in it's almost like a almost like a sequel view at that point right but at that point I would also challenge you to say if that's what you're trying to do why not do depending on what your data sources why not just do yeah why don't you just access that from a view perspective in like sequel or something like that I don't know what your data source is although Chris did get on to me he and I talked about that Oh data is absolutely performance you should absolutely go use them yeah very slow so yeah oh data in general is slow look at this one by Scott look at this one by Scott pop before you do that Otto thank you so much for becoming a supporter muchly appreciate it yeah thank you sir all right what didn't you said Scott had something here yeah pop that struggle with formatting and pageanty reports like it to width looks fine in report builder what columns split across pages I don't know what the rest of it but we get we get we get that yeah Patrick do you or do you want to share the the tip I gave you early on about items I can't I can't get the edges quite right but you use a rectangle but always the old joke we had when I was doing support on single server reporting services we had this long-running joke if someone had an issue with a design of a report maybe there's blank pages maybe stuff's just not coming out right or formatted correctly if it's in a rectangle move it out of the rectangle if it's not in a rectangle put it in a wreck right and so that fixed a lot of issues so try play around with that a little bit if it's actually bleeding over where it works on the like when you're actually viewing it but when you print it bleeds over to another page you're saying that you do have fit with but check some of those options on like columns and things of that nature there may be something in there that is throwing it off again if it's not in a rectangle sticking in a rectangle see if that fixes it also pay attention to the keep together properties on the paginate report because sometimes that will affect if you're using keep together like maybe you play around with that a little bit you know differences between it or not and and at what level you're actually doing that that can sometimes have an effect yeah there's some good documentation out there that really is there's a doc out there on the par VI guidance document that talks about you know avoiding why are they white pages empty blank pages on your reports just go check that document you know yep all right Patrick last thing I do want to touch on just from a power bi premium perspective if you're gonna be using pageanty reports let's talk about resources and resource allocation what should you be aware of there sorry your chairs working let's see if it is right you hovering over settings yep alright and so we're gonna go in in yep in your workspace if you are a at man you go to the admin portal and choose on click capacity settings so this works actually capacity administrator yeah this takes a little bit more time if you're a capacity administrator yeah yep and then inside of that you're gonna have items different workloads that are there so you've got data set workloads ai workloads data flow workloads and paginate report workloads all right so each one of these these are different compete things compete for resources right so you got to be aware of that in terms of what's consuming memory and whatnot so that's the AI workload data flows there we go the options and then reports so here you can see max memory like so this is how much memory our pageanty reports gonna consume on that capacity so that's something you need to be aware of and that maybe maybe since totally was and you can I think you can go up to 50% 50% webpage and they do report I think it's 50 percent so but you got to be careful because realize if you're using the p1 right you taking you're saying passionated reports can take Oh Chris just said you can go up to a hundred percent now Oh an option to like if you do have the ability to have multiple capacities then what you could do is say hey this this capacity I'm going to use for data set workloads and then this other capacity I'm gonna use strictly for paginating reports now just know that the workspaces they've got to be split out when you do that but and then Chris said that it's been a hundred percent for almost a year yeah sorry yeah so also Chris Chris made a comment up there so Chris said that they had a rectangle caused a huge customer issue just yesterday as soon as they removed the rectangle problem solved what I'm saying it's in a rectangle move it out if it's not a rectangle put it in you'd be amazed at how many things that fixes kid you not so Chris go have a chat with Robert Bruckner about all of those items we used to have back in the day John John John Heidi would also know those good times good times all right buddy what else we're getting close to the to the end of this and another what other things are top of mind for you working with paginate reports Patrick so somebody posted a question any kind of scroll past that I said paginating reports or ITR that reports right and I might stick to that and they say well when is it when a witness Microsoft gonna make some effort to make it more of an end-user type of thing right and so you have the power bi report builder you have the report builder and those those tools are out for anyone to download or anyone to use not just TT but you got to think about what's required and build in a Jannetty report the first thing is accessing the database I mean a data source and what power bi would make it really easy to get data right there's your data sources if I'm going to a party I dated set piece of cake no worries you know but if you are trying to go against a source like sequel server or Oracle or some relational database it typically requires some knowledge of writing queries and that's usually beyond the scope of what a business analyst you know the skills of analyst so I don't think it's that we're lacking because part of a report build is a pretty good tool and it allows a lot of drag-and-drop capabilities especially that connected to the data set yeah go ahead I think the sense of that though is that way it's a lot easier from power bi desktop it's more of that drag-and-drop or as a Christian Wade like to say clicky clicky draggy dropping with pageanty reports there's a ton more options that you have in more finer grained control which give you that pixel perfect capability right as Chris I love Patrick he doesn't remember the stuff I tell him on our weekly calls this is so true I don't remember the hundred percent thing I don't remember the hundred percent there's lots of Patrick's getting old a little bit Chris you know you got a good mom cut him some slack man but but I would say in terms of usability and ease of nest our bi desktop is much more user friendly more geared for that business user that doesn't necessarily have maybe the in-depth knowledge on some of those things whereas report builder is it's it's got a steeper learning curve as part of it but you can do so much more fine-grain type adjustments inside of a passionate report that power bi desktop today doesn't give you that capability to really get down to that level of fine-grain support so so so it's not it's not about the cell hold up power query query folding in power bi report builder and how Chris Finland did an interview where he said he'd love to have it have it he'd love to have it they'd love to have it yes yeah power query inside imaginary reports that would be amazing that would be amazing and you see he did have another comment there where he's prototyped it so awesome awesome alright sir we are up against the clock thank you everyone so much for hanging out with us a Saturday morning please stay safe and I mean we're glad that we could give you something to do this fine morning with all the craziness in the world so thanks for hanging out with us we will definitely be on next week I think next week we're going to talk about some of the power bi desktop release that just happened so we're gonna go a little bit so alright everyone have a great weekend rest of your weekend for you thank you so much for hanging out and we will see you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 9,485
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Id: roNBmS398WQ
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Length: 68min 13sec (4093 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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