Let's Talk About The Server

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today we are happy to announce some changes to the server the original concept of the server was to introduce a persistent style of play around a dynamic campaign that was anchored in the early to mid Cold War era and while we have been very successful with that we have also come to realize that our server has evolved from just Enigma Cold War server to really becoming the main Cold War server as we are the place where people can play Cold War at any hour of the day with a stable population with this additional responsibility we want to broaden ourselves out a bit to cover a wide area of the Cold War this video goes over those plans and explains the recent changes to the campaigns so this video will keep you in the loop if this is your first time here this channel focuses on multiplayer same gameplay so if you need that please subscribe the first thing we will cover will be our campaign we currently have two campaigns in rotation and with the introduction of the F4 we will be adding a Third campaign into the rotation which will be Persian golf just so everyone is on the same page we always intended to have three different scenarios and basically have been running three scenarios squished into two missions this is going to change caucuses is our early Cold War scenario and the hope is for it to to stay rooted in the 1960s era this means that we will avoid Precision guided Munitions and push people toward using unguided rocket iron bombs and the earliest of air to a missiles as more modules come out like the F1 100 and the MiG 17 this campaign will anchor around the earlier Jets the other Jets like the F5 mig21 Mirage viant and the F4 will still be present but the Sabers Huns Mig 15 17 and Mig 19 will be the main focus the next campaign is Syria which is focused more on the 1970s in this scenario we'll really anchor around the a9p type missiles and start to introduce some Precision guided Munitions like the earlier Mavericks and and Laser guided Rockets the air to- air game will still be rear aspect but the missiles will be much more capable like the r13 and the m9p additionally this will also have some of the earlier Fox One missiles like the r3r and the early sparrows this is the mission where the F4 F5 vgan mig21 and Mirage will be the main focus additionally heavier air to ground planes like the a 10 and frog foot are present if you have been playing Cold War for a long time in the DCS Community this mission is basically what people typically expect in the cold war scene this campaign will be our and butter the next campaign and our newest one is Persian Gulf this will be our most advanced campaign scenario and the focus here will really be on the semi to all aspect missiles as well as some of the earlier Fox One missiles the fly times on this mission is slightly longer and it is reflective of the more capable planes and missiles that are present on this Mission eventually when we get the M23 we will have to find out a way to introduce it into this Mission or we will have to introduce a fourth campaign the missiles on this Mission will be the r60s a 9 p3s and other early sparrows the focus of the of this mission is the same as Syria which is the more advanced gen 3 planes to make things really obvious this is how things should look like between all the campaigns in general our ambition is to make sure that each module gets its time to shine this process will take some time but we are already starting it as we are preparing the server now for our third scenario as more modules come out the Cold War era will get more fleshed out and we can make campaign feel more distinct our server has always been really inspired from the very curated and sophisticated I2 servers and we have always tried to set a Vibe where the planes in the mission all feel cohesive in short not every server has to have the Hornet and we think that us staying true to this makes the server unique and compelling the next big thing we want to talk about is how we want to broaden ourselves to cover more areas of the Cold War our hope is that campaigns generally last around a week and right now campaigns end and immediately go into the next one instead what we will be doing is introducing intermissions between each campaign these intermission missions are small bite-sized missions that only last from 4 to 24 hours these missions are going to be very reminiscent of Alpin Wolf's Mission which a lot of us were very fond of while I'm really happy that it is considered viable to be able to play Cold War at any hour in the day now I am now aware that with DCS multiplayer numbers and the majority of the player base being focused on Modern that there just aren't many cold war servers so we want to use the size of our community to be able to power interesting scenarios that don't get the time of day in the rest of the community these missions will have no impact on the overall campaign the purpose of these is to spice things up get a pallet cleanser between our campaigns and to introduce some more planes to give you an idea of what missions we will have here is the starting set that we have number one pvo which we are all familiar with it's an escort mission where blue has to escort bombers while red has intercept this is a 24-hour long mission number two 1982 Lebanon war this is a mission where blue has to strike Damascus and Beirut using f4s f16s and a4s while red defends with their Sam sites Mig 21s and Mig 19s cassab Invasion which is a similar mission to pvo but it's read escorting a naval Invasion against the UAE lastly we will be experimenting with adding new maps like Sinai there will be a mission where blue has to strike the red Sam sites along the Suz please note that we are not going to be actively supporting any new paid Maps outside of the main three caucuses PG and Syria we are going to test introducing one intermission mission that is set on Sinai if you are cash strapped and are a fan of the server I would not recommend buying this we are going to test this and see what population is like if it goes well we will talk about it if it doesn't we will just stay on our three my mindset on the paid Maps aka the pay walls is that it's it's not really great for multiplayer because they fragment the community I really wish servers could buy a map license and make it available for anyone to play on the server with that said some players advocate for the use of these newer Maps I personally do not think that these Maps outside of our main focus will be a hit because most players do not own these maps and I see the stats of who plays what maps with that said we will try it once and see how it goes the last thing about these intermissions is that we will try to make some other ones like Korea and and helicopter only ones but these will come over time our hope is that we have a good little rotation of missions and over time and based on community feedback shape them up where we all look forward to playing these alongside our campaign again these are for flavor the main focus is the campaign but these will sit between the campaigns as a pallet cleanser 95% plus of the time of the server will be on the campaigns let me know what you guys think if you would like to support then please subscribe as this channel acts as a mouthpiece for the server thanks and have a good one
Channel: Enigma
Views: 25,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enigma, enigma89, dcs multiplayer, dcs cold war, dcs cold war server, dcs enigma, dcs enigma cold war, enigma cold war, dcs ecw, ecw, ecw server, dcs enigma server, dcs col dwar multiplayer, enigma server, enigma dcs server, dcs cold war future, ecw 2024, dcs cold war 2024, cold war server, dcs world, dcs multiplayer server
Id: UgEImccu9PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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