How to win with the Dora in DCS

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greetings this is Greg before we get into the meat of this video let's knock down this Spitfire the Dora's mg-151 cannons make a real mess of things especially when shooting at close range at a target with the non-self-sealing fuel tank I want to talk about how best to use the polka wolf fw190 Dora 9 in simulation specifically in DCS which is digital combat simulator in multiplayer simulation the Dora is far less popular than the bf-109k4 and I understand why on paper at least the K4 is faster has a better rate of climb is far more maneuverable and packs a 30 millimeter cannon however the Dora has its advantages and is an absolute force to be reckoned with and if flown in such a way as to take advantage of the plane strengths you can run up very high kill ratios in this video I'll talk about how to use this plane furthermore I'll demonstrate that these tactics I describe do work by getting 10 air-to-air kills in a row on a multiplayer server with no airframe losses meaning I make it back to base with a flyable airplane every time now I am not the Ace of the base in DCS there are people in multiplayer who beat me in a fair fight almost every time however if you fly the Dora in such a way as to take advantage of its strengths it doesn't matter too much how skilled your opponents are to start off with when in the Dora think of yourself as a hunter through and through in the Dora you're out looking for victims and not looking for a fair fight in fact while looking for victims you're actively avoiding a fair fight of course you could do that in any fighter but the Dora is particularly suited to this full disclosure this isn't really how I normally fly the plane in DCS because when I'm flying online I'm trying to have fun and frankly I think it's fun to dive Aura into a group of enemies with Reckless abandon or to have a dog fight with a good P-51 or P-47 pilot but for purposes of this video I'm flying the plane in the fashion I think is most effective in multiplayer simulation for the purposes of generating a high kill ratio and it's probably the more historically accurate way to fly the plane except of course that I'm flying at Lone Wolf style before we get into the action we should probably talk about the Dora's advantages over the Allied fighters in DCS and to some extent over the 109k4 let's start with speed the Dora can outrun any Allied fighter in DCS below 6000 meters or about 19 500 feet contrary to popular belief the Dora is not a high altitude fighter it's a low and medium altitude fighter its high altitude performance is good enough to attack bombers but not to duel with p-47s or p50 ones up above 6000 meters this is a graph of the Dora's speed from a wartime test of the plane it's with mw50 and seems to be very representative of the way it's modeled in DCS its speed starts to decrease dramatically above 6000 meters because its single stage supercharger which is non-inter cooled is just out of breath up there and power really starts to drop off you should understand that it's not just the speed that's dropping off it's the horsepower which means that climb rate and sustained turn performance really suffer up there you really want to avoid dog fighting in this airplane above 6000 meters the fastest World War II Allied fighter in DCS is the p51d so let's add that in these numbers are from a wartime chart for a 51d and seem to coincide with what I see in DCS I'm going to talk more about the specifics of this data and the hotter versions of each plane that are not in DCS at the end of the video I know that's a subject that comes up a lot in regards to the dcsp51 but for now I want to stick to the main subject the Dora can outrun the P51 and DCS at most altitudes below 6 000 meters however it's darn close when down very low the Dora is about 12 kilometers per hour faster which isn't much it's enough to stay away from the P-51 but not necessarily enough to escape if it's already behind you and in gun range note that the door is greatest speed advantage over the P51 is in the 4500 to 5500 meter range against any other Allied Fighter the Dora speed Edge is greater below 6000 meters making escape and evasion easier than it is against the P51 although in some cases a pursuing P-47 is a greater threat because with its 850 cows very large ammo supply and sometimes a gyro sight a P-47 pilot can hose you down from long range as you're trying to accelerate away the Dora's strongest performance characteristic is its climb performance when below 6000 meters it has a high rate of climb and more importantly it can climb at very high indicated air speeds I'll talk about how to use this to your advantage later in the video it's a huge Factor that's in your favor as a Dora pilot the Dora has an excellent roll rate good acceleration and deceleration however it's at a disadvantage versus the Allied fighters in a close-in dog fight in almost all situations because of its very high stall speed and poor turn performance if you tried a dog fight a Spitfire Mark IX in a traditional Turn and Burn type of Engagement you will lose the Spitfire will easily win a turn fight its margin of superiority is so great here that no amount of tactical trickery like low yoyos or high yoyos will help one Circle two Circle level turn climbing turn whatever it does not matter the Dora will lose to the Spitfire fire in a turn fight almost every time there are a few exceptions in fact these turn fight exceptions cover all the Allied airplanes it's often worth entering a turn fight if the enemy fighter is sufficiently damaged before you get in there if you know that a P-51 is already hit and you can risk slowing down meaning there are not other enemies in the area then you can try and turn fight them and if it doesn't go well escape to safety using the 180 degree rule I'll talk about later second if the enemy plane is on the tail of another fw-190 an Anton or Adora during a turn fight it's pretty safe to join in for example a Spitfire on the tail of a 190 Anton isn't going to be turning much tighter than the Anton because he's trying to get shots off in fact he's likely to be flying nice and steady making himself an easy target it may be worth joining in on that turn fight if there are no other enemies around third if you know the that your plane is close in turn performance to the enemy and that means you're fighting a P-47 or a mosquito and yes the mossy can turn it's possible you can win a fair and square turn fight Apples to Apples the Thunderbolt will out turn the Dora however most Thunderbolt Pilots don't use the flaps in combat so if you do and they don't you may be able to win that especially if you're light on fuel and they aren't against the Thunderbolt or Mossy if there are no other enemies around it's safe to start a turn fight because you will be able to escape easily enough if you need to with 180 degree rule I don't need to explain this now as I end up demonstrating it in combat against a Spitfire later in the video last at very high speeds the Dora can turn with any Allied fighter because they all become G limited by the pilot as a general rule if you're above 465 kilometers per hour indicated you can pull a 6G turn and match your turn performance with a Spitfire however it's a horrible idea to do this for two reasons first you will slow down and end up playing the spitfighters game second and possibly worse you stand a good chance of jamming your guns if you fire them while at high G so let's talk about that for a moment the Dora's cannons will Jam if fired above about 4GS and the machine guns will Jam if fired above 8 G's as we don't have a g meter in the plane we have to know the speeds associated with those limits for example if you are below 375 kph the Dora will stall before it gets to 4Gs so it's always safe to fire the machine guns are safe about 100 of the time up to about 535 kph if you're going faster than that of course it's still okay to fire the guns just don't do it while you're pulling back on the stick too hard because you could exceed those G limits for the guns and jam them fedora's guns especially in combination with the Dora's gyro sight are excellent they pack a powerful punch and the plane carries plenty of ammo 250 rounds per Cannon and about twice that for the 13 millimeter machine guns you will see me adjusting the gyro sight quite a lot in this video I use it as much as possible and I switch it between gyro and fixed modes depending on the situation I want to get this show on the road and I'll cover the other combat tactics as we go the plan is to get 10 air-to-air kills without losing a plane and end up in Paris for a night in the town I'll start off in carpa Quay ironically that's where I ended my last Aura video and at first all Patrol the Normandy Peninsula I'll have to land and re-arm and refuel at least a couple times while fighting my way from Normandy to Paris so we're westbound now just south of the Normandy Coast one of the invasion beaches is off to the right there and off in front of us there are two aircraft engaged in a fight and I know that there's no other enemy aircraft in the area so I can safely go over there and see if I want to join into this fight and try and help out which I do however I can't just get into the turn fight because it's a P-51 fighting a 109. so if I get into that with the Dora's inferior turn performance all become the easier Target and likely gets shot down or at least shot up so what I'm going to do instead is cut across the circle and take some shots at the P51 if they hit great if not um I'll be able to use my energy to stay safe and even if the Mustang notices me and wants to go after me he's not going to be able to do much in this situation so I didn't lead it enough I didn't get the nose up enough I didn't come anywhere close to hitting I'm going to full power I have the mw50 switch in the armed position so anytime I move the throttle all the way forward the mw50 kicks on you'll hear that come on the engine makes a distinctly different sound when the mw50 is spraying versus when it's not and I'll pull the power off a little bit to disengage it I don't want to waste the water methanol and I'll come in on the downhill occasionally you'll see me trigger the padlock which will put red brackets around the airplane I'm looking at it's different from il-2 padlock is not a search function it doesn't work that way in DCS it only enables you to lock onto something you're already really looking at so coming back up in the climb and the 109 got some really strong hits on the P51 there so now I'm comfortable slowing down and coming down into the circle because I know that I have a pretty good chance of being able to turn with the 51. notice we've got a slight accelerated stall there because I was really pushing the limits of what the Dora can do and right now I see something bad happening the 109 is going into a low yoyo which is a really bad idea in this specific situation that will result in the 109 shooting out in front of the P51 and I know that's what's going to happen so now I'm really trying to get the P51 into my sights before he gets the 109 into his I've got the gyro Gun Sight all set up and I've got to zoom the range in on it just slightly which you'll probably yeah that's just so I just saw myself do it there fortunately like I said that P51 is already damaged so I can turn with them I'll get some shots here I got some hits they weren't much but they were enough to cause the 51 to start to break off you probably thinks I'm another 109 and he can outrun me I got some more hits there and now the Pilot's pulling up to bail out so that's the first kill a P-51 and that was kind of interesting because it was one of those situations actually two of those situations where you can put the Dora into a Turnpike the first condition being that it was against a damaged airplane and the second being that the door was already in a Turnpike against uh another judge against a friendly German airplane now checking behind me check six always check all around uh after every fight because fights tend to bring undesirables your direction I'm heading north out to sea because I want to swing around to the Northwest side of the Normandy Peninsula and avoid anti-aircraft fire doing so so now we've fast forwarded to the next engagement and I see a p47 off in the distance way off there we'll zoom in and because it's p47 I've got to readjust my gyro sight it was set for a Spitfire or Mustang because those are the more likely things to encounter now it's set for a P-47 I'm concerned the 47 might turn in and go for a head-on pass but he doesn't thankfully the 47 if it's a competent pilot with a gyro sight can be very very dangerous in a head-on pass the Dora is pretty dangerous too so if you're both in a head-on pass there's of some chance you're going to shoot each other down but I don't turn to fight the Thunderbolt because I've got some other things I'm worried about here I'm concerned about my situational awareness I know that there are other planes nearby but I don't know where they are and again I know this because on the Wolfpack server you can check with the German radar controller when radar is functioning which is not every single time that right now it is I know that there are other German correction I know there are other enemy airplanes around I also know that there's quite a bit of anti-aircraft fire around there are two Allied bases that can send any aircraft fire my way and also their Allied ships so what I'm going to do is just keep my speed up and head towards the coast see that River mouth off to the left okay I'm checking behind me off to the left there's a mouth of Two Rivers there people call that frog legs and because it kind of looks like a frog's legs when you're up at altitude that tends to be where there are a lot of battles the there's any aircraft fire to about my one o'clock position right now there's anti-aircraft fire potentially to my nine o'clock position from ships and also to about my 10 to 11 o'clock from another base so this forces me towards that River mouth I really can't go anywhere else and that happens a lot that's why there's so many battles in that area on this server all right what I'm doing right now is climbing at high speed I'm climbing at 500 kilometers per hour that gives me a pretty decent rate of climb and a lot of speed traveling forward the Thunderbolt cannot possibly keep up no Allied airplane can now there's another Mustang involved in the turnpike up here and as much as I would like to get in and try and help out if I do that I'll make myself an easy target for the pursuing Thunderbolt so I'll take some hot shots to kind of do my part for king and country so to speak but then I'll just keep keep going straight I don't want to get into this fight I do want to keep track of it because if I fight the Thunderbolts and that P51 is Victorious I gotta worry about the P51 coming after me so this is a situation where it's important to try and keep your situational awareness up to the extent possible now you have to get about three kilometers ahead of a pursuing airplane before you can turn around and engage that means that it should really be just a little bit more than a DOT back there it should be maybe possible to discern the wings on the airplane if you're zoomed in but not much more than that so I've just about got that distance right now on the Thunderbolt I'm still trying to keep tabs on that fight it's very difficult because of the distances involved but I see some smoke so something is happening over there and also I know now if I turn around I've got a pretty good altitude advantage on that Thunderbolt notice my air speed 300 kilometers per hour that's a very important speed in the door that's the speed at which you get your best rate of climb in other words the greatest numbers of meters per second or feet per minute and it's the speed that gives you your best sustained turn rate not instantaneous turn rate but sustained so we're turned around and we're taking fire from the P51 he hit us very lightly nothing to worry about but we hit him too also I think very lightly I think just some machine gun rounds so I'm going to come back around on the 47 and I'm pretty comfortable with what I'm seeing here I'm winning this turnpike I end up very quickly behind his 3-9 line here I think he lost sight of me and uh just didn't turn aggressively enough so now we're behind his three nine and with about equal energy so I'm really comfy here now I'm really on the edge of what the Dora can do but the Thunderbolt doesn't seem to be taking advantage of his potential turn performance the Thunderbolt to win a Turnpike with the Dora is much better off getting the fight down to lower speeds but he's not doing that so I know it's either a computer pilot set at one of the lower skill levels not at Ace or it could be a less experienced human pilot the only way in DCS to know for sure if you're on a multiplayer server if it's AI or not is after the battle go into attack View and check I didn't do that in this particular fight but I'm very certain now that this is a computer pilot because most humans won't do this continual descending turn it's it's just a losing battle because you don't get slow when you're in a descending turn and the P-47 needs to get the Dora to get slow all right you'll notice some really sloppy work with the gyro gunsight here I have it set properly but I'm missing a lot and the reason for that is it's not the fault of the gyro Gunsite it's me I put the plane in the side and I pull the trigger you can't do that you have to keep the plane in for a second or two for the gyro to stabilize and when you do that you'll get hits I did get some minor hits there not as good as they should have been but the earlier ones were extremely poor again this Thunderbolt I'm pretty sure is an AI which is fortunate if it was a human pilot this would be a different battle right now so closing in we're at high G that shows you how fast we're going again this Thunderbolt is just using the wrong tactic in my view against a single 1v1 fight with the Dora there are some situations where you do want to do this so now I'm settling down I'm gonna hold the Dora in the sights long enough I didn't do it there but I will and now I'm starting to get some hits and here now I'm tracking the Dora The Gun Sight is stabilized now when I pull the trigger I get really good hits and that's the end so that was a really good example of how not to use the gyro sight and then ultimately how to use the gyrosite as long as it's all set up and you hold your Target in the ring for a couple of seconds it's going to work well now we need to check six we're very near not one but two enemy bases a plane has crashed it's very likely that there are some undesirables on their way over here we can't go this direction Allied ships over there any aircraft fire we can't go that direction where I'm looking right now Allied base over there we can't go back Allied base over there so our only real choice is to head towards that River mouth as I discussed earlier and again on the wolf pack server on the Normandy map uh there is a lot of action near that River mouth in fact so much so that I would say that if you log onto the map and fly there you're going to be in a fight all right so we've left that area and we're continuing more or less uh Southwest bound away from that River Mount and radar has reported somebody up in front of me now we've shot down two airplanes so far a P51 and the AI p47 I don't know what's up ahead of me I'm a little low on fuel I'm very low on ammo at least Canon ammunition maybe not very low but I'm about you know 50 percent uh empty and I don't know what's in front of me so I'd like to go return to base rearm and refuel but I'm not going to because I don't want to leave whoever this is up in front of me at my six o'clock as I run for home so I'm gonna stay low it's very hard to see aircraft that are below you in DCS it's easier at least for me to see him uh when they're above me so I see it's a mosquito so I'm going to set my gyro gunsight to mosquito's wingspan and I'm going to try and get a Kill from the low 12 o'clock position and that's a pathetic miss you know I kill planes from that exact angle all the time and in this entire video I don't think I successfully do that a single time you may have saw me uh hit him with padlock real quick there that'll help you keep them in sight so fortunately because I wasn't firing tracers the mosquito wasn't alerted to my presence I think he knows I'm nearby but I think when he last checked he thought that I was at his 12 o'clock position and he doesn't realize that we've already overflown each other he definitely knows that there are enemies about so we need to close in pretty quickly before he figures this out but we are really moving fast the Dora can run down the mosquito without too much trouble although the mosquito is fast but the Dora is faster so I've got my gyro sight all set up and I want to stay at the low six position that's generally where you want to kill things with the Dora the Dora is particularly good at this because it can climb while gaining on enemy aircraft a lot of other Fighters can't do that so you can low six people like there's no tomorrow in this airplane so all right we'll light them up here and the mosquito is on fire so he's done for he's bailing out and we are now in the clear and we're going to head to linger rolls to land and re-arm and refuel this thing so that's three kills uh two of them on really unsuspecting opponents so we're headed toward linger rolls at high speed we're down low I'm checking radar because I think somebody's following me not sure if it's Friend or Foe okay there is an enemy west of us so that's behind us eastbound meaning he's chasing us he's low and it's a P51 so he's not going to be able to catch us because unless he just came out of the dive his energy State's going to be about the same as ours and we can now run them down here and now he's got to choose is he going to overfly linger rolls and risk the anti-aircraft fire or is he going to go around it and lose sight of me so I'm checking the heading to carpet Quay we're no longer landing at linger rolls I don't have the fuel or ammo to fight this P51 we're just going to keep going straight to karpuk which is only like six minutes or something away anyhow next time we look over our shoulder we'll see that the P51 elected to Brave the anti-aircraft fire from linger rolls and ended up taking hits and crashing on the field boom just crashed and blew up so one less P51 I don't get credit for that but uh I still feel good about it because it contributed to the cause so I also am pretty darn sure that there's a Spitfire in pursuit of us but I can't see them so I'm going to keep my speed up to linger rolls land Get Off The Runway and then now we've despawned and got a new airplane because I didn't want to repair it because we did hit take some hits earlier from that p47 if you recall setting it up with no tracers my standard paint schema number I'm going to set the gyro gunsight altitude adjustment to zero to two thousand meters turn off the nav lights and just do my normal flow gyro gun sights on wingspan adjusters to Spitfire weapons weapons are armed water methanol switch is armed and I flip the cover to allow me to retract the landing gear after I take off checking radar there's somebody near and again I'm pretty darn sure it's a Spitfire because one of those was after me it just couldn't catch up before I before I safely got to the airport and landed once the armors and fuelers are done working their magic we're gonna blast off and this is an emergency take off so we're not going to tax you a Runway the greatest threat right now is from the enemy not from friendly taxiing aircraft so we're blasting off along the grass you may notice that I have the control stick in the neutral position left and right that was a big mistake you always want to hold that stick all the way back into the right in the initial portion of the takeoff roll in a door or a Anton for that matter so gears coming up flaps are coming up I want to get to 300 kilometers per hour that's the minimum speed at which the door of it comes combat effective let's say very rare that you would be going slower than that in combat it does happen but it's rare so I see another airplane in the distance but as I get closer I see that that is an FW 190 probably an Anton coming in to uh land so we've got to figure out where this enemy aircraft is so I'll start my turn and just start looking for them hopefully any aircraft fire will provide a clue I want to say I cut out a fair amount of this video this entire video is like over four hours long because it takes a long time to get four kills on a direction 10 kills on a multiplayer server as you can see I've already had to land and rearm one time so uh disregard the black screen here that's because I'm checking to make sure my recording software is recording I actually missed some kills because of that we'll talk about that later all right I see the anti-aircraft fire pointing out the Spitfire and looks like he's chasing a 190. which is great except that I don't have the energy to get into this fight online relatively low and slow as compared to those two airplanes so I'm gonna just go out straight for a while build up some speed and energy and then come back in so now we're coming back in and we're going to be able to turn in with this Spitfire you can see we're right on the edge but I'm going to be able to do it largely because he's chasing an opponent that's not turning that tightly so we'll get in here I've got the gyro sight all set up and I should have killed him in one shot here this wasn't a very good job I think I did get some hits there but it wasn't enough in fact it looks like he didn't even notice it maybe I didn't hit him at all so we'll get it lined up again and now we got some hits he notices that he breaks off his attack so it just helped out my buddy uh we're right over carpick way you can see some anti-aircraft Fire coming this way but that Spitfire is badly damaged now and you can dog fight on even terms with a heavily damaged Spitfire if you're in a good Dora right now I'm wishing I took less fuel but uh I didn't so he's jinking I have now turned off my gyro sight because of that and we're going to light them up so the Spitfire is going down but unfortunately we took Friendly Fire there you know I'm flying in this paint Scheme because it's the paint scheme that during the war was the least likely in my view anyway to take friendly fire that was the intent of that red and white striped underbelly that you sometimes see on Doris of course with AI ground Gunners that's not going to do you any good but it's very rare to get hit by a friendly anti-aircraft fire in DCS but uh it just happened and I know it happened because in this one I went into Tac view to look and see what happened I thought maybe there was another airplane around or another enemy aircraft I didn't know about or maybe a friendly aircraft that I didn't see but no that wasn't it that was friendly anti-aircraft fire so now uh even though we're fat on fuel and ammo we've got to land this thing back here at carpaque and get a new airplane but hey we've got four air-to-air kills so far and we did take damage from a P-47 early on but other than that I think this is one of only two times I take any damage in this entire ordeal it's it's really possible to stay safe in the door and not take damage very often and when it does get damaged it typically gets you home which is why if you want to generate a really high kill ratio it's it's really a good plan to use now I'm coming in really fast here 300 kilometers per hour so I'm going to use a slip to bleed off the Speed and I just want to get the thing on the ground in one piece if I wreck the airplane that counts as a loss and I would have to uh call it 10 call it four kills in a row instead of the 10 which of course is what I really want also notice uh yeah the speed's about right now about 200 for the touchdown I mean basically the plane is flying okay so we're on the ground and I want to get it solidly on the ground get the stick all the way back to lock the tail wheel and then use the Rudders and brakes to steer as best I can so now we'll steer Off The Runway to make us less visible to any enemy aircraft that come into the area if you're sitting on the runway you're really an easy target and uh we're gonna have to shut this thing down and get out of it and get a new airplane looking at it externally it's pretty shot up but I've seen worse well I had that airplane repaired rearmed and refueled and we're heading westbound along the Normandy Coast I see an aircraft up ahead which I'm pretty darn sure is an enemy I don't know what type but I have my gun sight set for Spitfire or P51 again we're heading towards uh what people refer to as frog legs there's usually some action over there and I want to go for a low 12 o'clock shot and I miss it but this really is normally a bread and butter shot for me it works pretty well in the Dora but uh certainly don't succeed with it here but that's okay I miss and bring the plane on around I want to stay below him so I'm a little harder to see and then come in from the low six position the low six attack works very well you're hard to see there and the Dora can pull this off really well because it can climb at a higher air speed than any Allied fighter cruises at least cruises normally so that makes it pretty easy to close in on people from here and they don't have a whole lot of time to notice you if we were closing in on some of these low six in a slower airplane then they've got more time to notice that you're there so this is going pretty well he definitely can't see me now he may be asking Allied radar if there are enemy airplanes in the area in fact I think that's what happens here because he seems to get some warning but he doesn't really go into a hard break turn so I know he didn't see me so he's turning now probably because he knows somebody's around and he's looking for him but I got my gyro site set up just right and you can see with the gyro sight and you use it correctly it makes quick work of things so that thunderbolt's on fire that might have actually been a Turbocharger fire in any case that Thunderbolt Pilot's not putting out that fire now I will say the P-47 can fly around for a surprising amount of time while it's on fire so you do have to watch for that now here's another aircraft but that's a Dora so that's a friendly anyway back to talking about p47 a really aggressive pilot might stay in the fight while the plane is on fire especially if it's a Turbocharger fire because that doesn't uh get into the cockpit too quickly so just because of thunderbolts on Fire doesn't mean it's no longer dangerous but it does mean it's going to go down so you can just Escape now around this point uh an interesting thing happened I got a message from the controllers saying that ju-88s were going to come into the area and bomb an Allied Target knowing that ju-88s are juicy targets I headed in that direction and unfortunately I forgot to start the recording for this whole part of the video so I'll just tell you what happened and you didn't miss too much I went in and found a thunderbolt that was tearing up the ju-88s and I low sixth the Thunderbolt and shot them down just just as I just did a moment ago except that the whole situation was at much lower altitude and that was a human opponent in fact I talked with them that guy has is a really good Thunderbolt pilot that was Bishop he's got his own channel and you'll see that discussion we had a little bit later so hopefully that makes sense of that it also explains why I'll suddenly have one more kill than we actually saw additionally after low sixing that Thunderbolt and shooting it down I got the bright idea of strafing some Allied Forces and when I did that I took out a ground Target but then I took some rounds and limped my way to doville where I landed and that's where we're going to pick things up and we're going to start working our way to Paris so we all of our fighting so far has been on this part of the Normandy Peninsula but now we're going to the extreme East edge of the Normandy Peninsula near the mouth of the sign River I know the name of that one because it's the one that goes through Paris and we're going to take off from there the surface at doville is very rough it's a little bit tricky to take off for land here and that rough surface is aggravated by the fact that there are bomb craters all over the place it's also hard to even figure out where the runway is and line up correctly on it this isn't a very good airport unless you're really good at takeoffs or Landings by the way I did not land here I thought about that after I strafed Saint Lo the Allied Forces there I took some minor damage but better safe than sorry so I landed at the nearest German base which was linger rolls and then either through the magic of DCs or if you want to use your imagination maybe my character took a bus or a truck but in any case we ended up here at Deauville so we're taking off I don't have the stick to the right I can't believe I'm screwing this up that's something I talk about quite a bit proper takeoff techniques in the 190s in any case I messed that up but we survived it although that was close and and gears coming up flaps are coming up I'm pulling the power back to 2700 RPM because that saves a lot of fuel versus 3000 RPM now if there were enemies about I definitely want to leave it at 3000 you can run it at 3 000 RPM all day long provided you make sure to keep the oil temperature in check by manually manipulating the Cal flaps notice in the message list on the left uh Bishop mentions the low sixing technique and that it's hard to counter that and he's exactly right that's that's how I got him I would not have wanted to fight him in a fair fight I'll put a link to Bishop's channel uh in the description he has quite a few PCS videos notice that uh my Dora has been demoted to Cabbage crate that's an interesting term he used there uh cabbage crate for those of you who don't know is a very poorly made wooden crate usually used to hold lower value produce like cabbage I know this because I've been with my wife to the farmer's market in any case there's the sign River up ahead and the mouth of the sign is to the left there's a lot of trade and commerce on the sign the sign also runs through Paris it's sort of a French Mississippi River of course it's much smaller so we're going to head off up the sign towards Paris into Harm's Way and hopefully get a few more battles before we get there as we head towards Paris I repeatedly query the German radar controller for the location of enemy aircraft so I know that there's somebody up ahead the problem is the enemy probably knows that I'm here because they can do the same thing plus I accidentally flew too close to an Allied base and anti-aircraft fire came my way which certainly would have alerted anyone in the area to my presence so I see the enemy aircraft and zooming in it's a p47 so I've got to readjust my gun sight for that fortunately I already have the altitude of Windows set correctly now once again low 12 o'clock it's my bread and butter thing and I I miss it how embarrassing in any case fortunately I'm not using tracers so the enemy did not see me I can come back around close in on him and hopefully get some shots in before he figures out I'm here but this is a bit of a race because eventually he's going to check his control of his radar controller and see that there's somebody behind him in nearby I zoomed out for the fisheye lens effect there to try and keep the enemy in sight that really helps and some people consider zooming in and zooming out in DCS not realistic or cheating I don't think so you have to zoom out because that makes up to an extent for the fact that you don't have the normal peripheral vision you would have if you were actually sitting in the airplane and as for zooming in that gives you the detail and enables you to ascertain certain things that you would be able to do in real life but just staring at it for a moment but you can't really do that in the monitor the monitor doesn't differentiate between something you're staring at or something that's off to the side a little bit notice that we're at full power 3250 RPM and we're spraying water methanol where we we were I just pulled back the power to shut it off but you can tell when we're spraying water methanol not only by the sound but because on the gate which is just to the right of the oil temp gauge the needle will move over to the right to about the two o'clock position when you're spraying so I've pulled back the power because I don't want to waste the water methanol and we're closing in fast enough again the beauty of the Dory is that you can close in on a cruising fighter while climbing and that makes this uh hunting method using the low six position pretty easy to use unfortunately the p47 noticed that I'm there and he is starting to evade I'm not sure these saw me but he certainly checked the radar controller he's not maneuvering too hard so I don't think he saw me I'll try and make good use of the gyro sight here it's all set correctly although the fact that he's descending sort of screws up my altitude setting but if you're only one range off it was probably going to be okay so I use the gyro sight and I got some hits there got some hits there you'll notice he hit about every time I pull the trigger if you use the sight correctly you may have also noticed that I'm adjusting the range on the site as I come in to keep the p47 wingspan equal to the diameter of the circle so I want the crosshairs on the 47 wingtips and the circle and track it for a second or two before I pull the trigger and the gyro sight makes quick work of things I used relatively minimal ammunition there shooting down the p47 now of course he's on fire trailing a lot of smoke so I really want to leave this area because I don't want on enemy aircraft to be coming in and finding me I want to be hunting them so we'll re-establish our course towards Paris and hopefully find some more targets we're moving in fast on an unsuspecting Spitfire you might notice I try to adjust the range on the gyro Gun Site but I just don't have time doesn't matter I'm firing from close range anyway where the gyro doesn't do much good and we made very quick work of that Spitfire now most Spitfire variants including the ones used in the Battle of Britain as well as the Mark V and the mark 9 and the mark 14s and 16s have two fuel tanks forward of the cockpit the lower fuel tank is self-sealing but the upper one is not now that upper non-self-sealing fuel tank does have some light armor protection but it's nothing that will stand up to the Firepower of the Dora in fact upper fuel tanks caught on fire so often in Spitfires that for a while Britain led the world in plastic surgery and facial reconstruction in fact there's a monument in Britain to the doctor that pioneered the the charge on that so to speak and I I can't think of the name of the doctor where that Monument is but if you're interested you can look it up I imagine about this time some of you are thinking well Greg you're not really demonstrating any amazing skill or really clever tactics with the Dora and that's true but that's kind of the point of the video when you're flying a Dora you don't need those things you can rely on the plane speed tremendous climb performance Firepower and the accuracy of the gyro gunsight provided you understand how to set it up and you keep it set properly for the engagement that you're in and those same attributes that make the Dora so good offensively also make the Ghidorah good defensively it's very hard for people to come up on you from your six o'clock position let alone your low six because the plane is so fast now it is possible for somebody to low six you in a door obviously if you're going slow or they've built up speed in the dive I mean there are some cases where it can happen but it's very rare very difficult for the enemy to do now that's Paris off to the left you can see the Eiffel Tower there I did check a few minutes ago when we were off camera the radar controller in other words I press the right button to inquire about the position of friendly and enemy aircraft there are no friendly aircraft anywhere near me but there are enemy aircraft and so I know that the dot that I can see way out in front of me has to be an enemy he's significantly above me probably a Mustang or Spitfire human pilots on This Server tend to mostly fly on the Allied side Mustangs and Spitfires there'll be some Thunderbolts mosquitoes and i-16s mixed in the AI Pilots tend to fly Thunderbolts Spitfires and Mustangs I don't think they ever fly i-16s or mosquitoes but I'm not sure about that and in any case that could I suppose change at any time they make changes to the server on a somewhat regular basis so I'm not going to be able to get this guy from the low 12 o'clock position I'm going to try and get them from the low six o'clock position by doing an immelman and hopefully ending up behind him if you go vertical like this into an immelman in the Dora you need 400 kilometers per hour indicated at the time you enter the maneuver more is better and it varies a little bit with weight and altitude but as a general rule if you don't have 400 kilometers per hour you're not going to be able to pull up into the vertical you need to keep that in mind when you're in fights with somebody because if you're down at 300 and they go vertical you need to know that you can't follow all right we lost a lot of speed in that maneuver but uh we're chasing a Spitfire and we can gain pretty quickly now he certainly knows we're somewhere about in fact he was flying this direction right for us almost certainly because his radar controller told him about this however he probably doesn't know that we're behind him just yet so once again this is kind of a race to get the shot in before he queries his controller and finds out that there's an enemy behind him so you guys have seen this story before we've got our gyro Gun Sight set properly we're trying to close in on his low six and get the shot and if we get a shot in on a Spitfire at close range he's done for whether it knocks him out of the fight immediately or whether we get him later it doesn't really matter unfortunately for us though he found out we were there I think certainly from the radar controller I think I was doing a good job of staying in his blind spot nevertheless he's turning at a rate we can't match and furthermore he's not turning as tight as he could he's keeping his speed up which means that this is probably a pretty dangerous character he's staying out of our Gun Sight but not bleeding off much speed doing it you know you're dealing with a weaker pilot when they Crank That Spitfire into a really hard turn and bleed off all their energy so I don't have any good way to come in and attack him right now my best move is to keep my speed up keep a shallow climb going and keep him in sight if he just keeps the turn up he'll end up on my six o'clock position but out of range so we won't be able to shoot me and all have an altitude advantage and I'll start working the distance and altitude game you can see I shot a padlock out there just for a second just to help keep tabs on them now it appears that he stopped his turn and I think he's either lost sight of me or it's possible that he thinks that his information from the radar controller was incorrect I don't really know what but I can tell you that this does happen people lose sight of you in DCS and then get over confident and think that well if they've lost sight of you you've lost sight of them but of course that's not always the case and it's not the case right now I can still see this Spitfire and I plan on closing in for a second attempt at a sneak attack of course the dilemma here is that this Spitfire pilot seems to be from what we can tell so far a pretty sharp character uh so I don't think we're going to successfully sneak up on them we didn't sneak up on them the first time it's reasonable to think he's very suspicious right now I do have my gyro Gun Sight set you have to adjust that for altitude in the Dora every 2 000 meters up or down and sometimes that's really inconvenient you can't always go heads down to do that so there are going to be cases where you're best off turning off the gyro and using the gun sight as a standard reflector site but generally speaking the gyro Gun Site gives you an advantage and you want to use it when you can I'm descending to build up speed to close the distance more rapidly and to stay safely in his low six and hopefully blend into the terrain but it seems like this isn't working he's starting to climb which is also making them very difficult to see that I hit him with a padlock there is to make sure right now where he is and we're gonna climb and unfortunately he's evading us there is no way we can turn with them we cannot possibly get a shot in if I continue this left turn but I have to continue the left turn if I straight now to go to the right he's going to turn right and he'll get on my six within gun range the name of the game here is to stay in the left turn until he's at the 180 degree point this is that 180 rule I talked about once he's there provided I'm at 300 kilometers per hour or thereabouts I will be able to accelerate away in level flight or a slight climb and he's going to get on my six o'clock but he'll be out of gun range the thing to keep in mind here is that in that situation where we're in a turn fight with the Spitfire he's going to get on our six o'clock anyway there's really nothing you can do to prevent that so by using the 180 degree rule starting the turn when he's directly across the circle opposite of us his heading is 180 degrees off of ours I can ensure that when he does get on our six o'clock he's out of gun range and can't do anything then I'll just continue to fly straight I'm going to check the map and kind of figure out where we are here but I could continue to fly straight and just ignore him because he can't catch up and I could just go over go after easier prey or when I feel the time is right I can turn around and come back in on them now in this case I'm turning around way too soon I got impatient here this is a big mistake don't get impatient when you're flying the Dora the Dora is all about being patient and keeping your head in the game there was no way I was going to get that shot fortunately he didn't want to risk a head-on pass which was probably smart of him so he didn't get a shot either he went maneuvered to try and get onto my six again which he's done but again he's out of gun range so I'm not going to make that same mistake again I'm going to fly at high speed in a shallow climb and and I'm going to try and open up some distance I need about three kilometers of distance before I can turn around and have enough room to have a reasonable chance of getting a shot off on I'm thinking about quite a few things here I'm thinking about a friendly aircraft on enemy aircraft there are no other enemies in the immediate area and there are no friendlies anywhere near I would have liked to fly towards a friendly aircraft in this situation to try and get some support because this Spitfire pilot is a pretty cool customer and I really don't want to fight him 1v1 but then again I don't want to just run away either I do want to finish this fight so we're going to open up the distance and turn back around now before I do that I want to look for airports in case I get hit in the head-on pass it's not too likely but it's possible my dogs have said about something I don't hear that in the background in any case I want to get all set up for the head-on pass I'm going to double check my gyro site and just as importantly I'm going to start thinking about where I'm going to go if this whole thing goes pear-shaped on me I know I'm very near evero which is a friendly airport and evero is very near conscious which is a German held airport I would like to go to conscious in order to rearm refuel and repair if necessary I'd like to get to Paris in this same exact airplane although it's really all that important that I do so what's important right now again is just getting the distance notice I'm being very patient okay there's evaro so I could land there if I have to so that'll be a good spot to turn around now let's use the map and use the ruler tool to get the heading from everode to conscious that'll enable me to run for a friendly base if I'm damaged and also run towards friendly anti-aircraft fire if I feel I need the support so this is a good spot to turn around I'm I don't have any friendlies to support me other than possibly an aircraft buyer I've got a safe landing airport right below me a friendly airport nearby and plenty of distance so I can turn around and get my sights on target so that's what I'm going to do and with the gyro sight and time to line up if he doesn't swerve he's going to get hit all right we got good hits it's very hard for a Spitfire to hit you in a head-on approach from a distance up close you can do it but I hit him early enough that uh he was never really a much of a threat there that big puff of white smoke is because the Spitfire uses a highly pressurized cooling system and when it gets hit especially in the relatively low air pressure up at altitude the Spitfire expels a large amount of its coolant almost right away so his engine will now be suffering from very decreased Performance Plus his wings are hit we know that because that's where the radiators and intercoolers and so forth are located it's cooling stuff for the most part is in the wings so I know he's not going to be able to maneuver well he can't outrun me or get away even in a perfect Spitfire so I'm comfortable slowing down and coming in for a nice safe shot because even if he starts trying to turn with me or out turn me he's not going to be able to get onto my six o'clock so I just don't have anything to worry about here that's one of the nice things about coming in on a Spitfire if this is a P-51 undamaged yeah I'd have some things to worry about so his one of his landing gear legs is down we know his engine has problems we know his wings have problems he's basically just a Sitting Duck here he probably has slight controls that are shot out too so line him up and boom as soon as we got a hit on that fuselage forward of the cockpit we lit up that non-self-sealing fuel tank so there's evaro working ahead for conscious and land so we're on Final going into conscious this is kind of interesting because my airspeed indicator is rapidly decreasing that's not because I'm slowing down that fast it's because the line between the airspeed indicator and the pitot tube is depressurizing either this is the delayed effect of damage I took and didn't know about or it's something that's just programmed into the scenario on This Server I know that in single player action the mission Builders can program in all sorts of failures and base it on random chance or be triggered by certain events time proximity to other things on the server and so forth I don't know that that happens in multiplayer but in any case it's definitely failed so maybe I took damage that I didn't know about maybe uh one of those 303 rounds from the Spitfire hit near my pitot tube in any case the plane has made it to a German base just fine so we'll repair rearm refuel and hopefully start our final leg of the journey to Paris and get another kill on the way there I think I'm at Nine Kills now I've kind of lost track but I'll think about it as we re-arm and refuel here 100 we are on our way to Paris there is a Spitfire in front of us he just ducked into the clouds and I hope to catch him on the other side when he comes out he knows I'm here but he may have lost sight of me he almost certainly did just like I lost sight of him because of the clouds but I'm betting I'm going to reacquire him first so I see him and I'm fairly confident he doesn't see me if he does he's going to turn this tighten this turn down but he doesn't he turns the other way which means he's probably looking for me and he's probably looking for me at his seven to eight o'clock back towards that cloud so I'm going to be able to come in here and I make a mistake here I should have hit him from low six when you hit him from high six or even right at six there's a chance they're gonna pick you up in the rear view mirror the Spitfires usually have one uh but in any case he didn't see us and we got hits into that forward fuel tank which is typically what I try and do and set him on fire so that plane is done there is at least one other airplane between us and Paris according to enemy radar so let's use the magic of DCs fast forward a bit and we're at the low sixth position of a thunderbolt so we want to get our Gun Sight set up and this time I'm going to fire from a little bit longer range I'm getting late in the mission here and I really don't want a prolonged fight especially since I don't know if that's a human or AI it could be somebody really really good I'm just going to start shooting them from about 400 yards that way no matter who it is once I've got rounds in that airplane I'm going to be at a big enough advantage to almost certainly win the fight so we'll open up here and looks like we didn't do a whole lot but we did Pilots bailing out we probably knocked out the controls I'm not sure I'm not as exciting as seeing smoke in an explosion but sometimes you get what you get so there shouldn't be any more enemies between us and Paris so let's head over there well we made it to Paris it's been a long tough Journey this total flight represents about four and a half hours on the server it takes a long time to get all these kills especially when you're flying the plane in a very conservative fashion like I was and just not taking whatever battle comes your way but taking whatever battle comes your way that you think you can win it's a train station down there all sorts of detail is built into the City of Paris on the Normandy 2 map in DCS keep in mind I'm playing this on a fairly old computer it only has 16 gigs of RAM most people are playing with 32 gigs of RAM or more also I have an older graphics card I mean just the whole rig is older so this doesn't showcase how well or how great DCS can look maybe it does showcase how well DCS can play and work on an older computer but it doesn't show off what DCS can really look like if you want to see that there are plenty of channels that have exciting action with great graphics um there are a bunch of them that come to mind really too many to list but just ones that are popping into my head are growling Sidewinders which I think is probably the big one grim reapers is really big Cortana has some really good looking videos with some good fw190 action in it but my videos just you know not about the eye candy I'm just trying to have content here I will get a better computer at some point it's just not high on my list I'm happy with the way it flies in combat and I'm not really concerned about the eye candy for my own personal use we Flew Over the Arc to Triumph a moment ago I thought about going knife edge and trying to fly through it but I thought nah that'll be a horrible end to this video if I don't make it and since I haven't tried that I probably won't make it we have one of those Arc de triumphs just like that in Vegas actually we have an Eiffel Tower in Vegas also and ours has a really nice restaurant in it I don't think it's as tall as the one in Paris though uh right now there's zero chance of taking any enemy fire because as I said there are no enemy aircraft in the area and I believe that the date of this map is July of 1944 so Paris would still be under control of the Vichy regime which was very Cooperative with Germany's National Socialist Workers Party I'm on short final to the airport at Orly that's just on the outskirts of Paris we want to come in at 250 kilometers per hour on Final about a three degree Glide slope with flaps all the way down gear down of course and I want to slow to about 220 kilometers per hour on short final and cross the fence at 220. I would like to have a really good Landing here but that didn't really go my way but like I say after four hours and maybe four and a half hours some huge amount of time on the server it gets pretty tiring and I will say the Dora that's another advantage of the Dora since it's a little bit easier to fly than some of the airplanes or maybe a little fresher after a long long battle or it's easier to fight in I should say because of the way you use it when you fight so we're touching down off the center line kind of bouncing or in the yaw all over the place but uh we're gonna get the thing on the ground and gonna be just okay so our attempt to get 10 kills without losing an airplane is intact we did not lose an airplane we did get shot a few times uh we got shot once by that p47 in a head-on and we got possibly shot by a Spitfire in the head-on I'm still not sure why that airspeed indicator depressurized we got hit by friendly ground fire once and although I failed to record it I got hit by ground fire from the Allied Forces at Saint Lowe so we'll taxi in we'll shut this thing down and we'll take a look at the final score hopefully this video has given you some pretty good idea of how to use the Dora in combat as I said at the beginning of the video it's all about using the plane as if you're a hunter you're not as if you're a fighter you're looking to sneak up on people and kill them and if things don't go your way you're looking to escape and find an easier victim if you really want to you can come back in and take shots at them but often it's most productive with a Spitfire for example if it's behind you just keep going it's going to lose sight of you and you'll find some nice juicy targets somewhere else down the line when I started making this video I had hopes of encountering certain types of airplanes I would have liked to have had a dog fight with a mosquito with an I-16 I wanted to take on some B17 bombers but with the dynamic nature of a multiplayer server you just have to kind of take what you can get and that's what I did these were the planes that I had battles with in the consecutive order from the time I took off initially in carpaquay until now when I got to Paris so I did make a second video showing the bomber action by the way I did not shut that engine down properly for those of you that caught that I couldn't remember the key command to pull the throttle into the idle cut off position slipped my mind for a second so I just shut it down with fuel selector valve and here's our external View isn't she beautiful the Dora in DCS is really a great module it's well worth getting especially if you like the World War II stuff and you fly on the Normandy or the channel Maps it is a little bit unpopular in DCS and I think that a lot of that has to do with the fact that when this thing came out it did have a lot of bugs and a lot of problems and it took the company that makes this module for DCS quite a while to get it all sorted out but it's sorted out now you have my word for it it works perfectly and nobody's paying me to say that I bought this thing at full price with my own money and I've been enjoying it for a time and I bought it when it still had problems and I know now that all of those problems are resolved so here's the final score I got 11 air-to-air kills and one ground kill and I shouldn't have gone after a ground Target because uh you know I risked the whole operation by doing that and that's not really what the door is for if you want to go after ground targets take the Anton or if you're on the Allied side take a thunderbolt or maybe a mosquito so that scores pretty good although look at Bishop up at the top of the chart he's got 17 air-to-air kills and 18 ground kills so he's pretty awesome he did lose one airplane and uh I think we know how that happened but uh Bishop is a real force to be reckoned with he's got his own channel I'll put a link to that in the description this is probably the last video I'm gonna make for quite a while flying the Dora in DCS I want to get back to the Anton and the p47 and also I want to start flying the Spitfire and mosquito plus I do fly some of the Jets in DCS just not in multiplayer I fly the F-14 and the Mig 19. anyhow I really appreciate everybody watching I also appreciate all of the support on patreon you guys are great my computer's beeping at me so I guess that means it's time to go so have a great day and goodbye
Channel: Greg's Airplanes and Automobiles
Views: 35,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rlAbKASO4W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 2sec (4022 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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