Let's Talk About ReaSynth!

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[Music] foreign [Music] so we were just listening to ree synth the default synth in a reaper um i well one of my one of my friends told me that he thinks uh i might be one of the only people um that's out there using reaper that actually uses resynth but um i think it's great and i mean [Music] did you hear that like i i don't know it sounds that sounds uh better than a lot of um a lot of a lot of other plug-in synths i have um and anyway he told me i should do a a a video on this like what the hell am i doing in here that makes recent sound decent um i mostly messed around with this on my live streams just as a way of um sort of getting stuff done and um it's a lot easier to have everything happening in the same place than it is to go plug this stuff in all the things that i use for my other recordings but um i've really grown to like it and i use it in my published recordings now um it just started by accident as a as a result of just seeing what what can we do with this what's this simple synthesizer that i don't have to buy that i can show people in tutorials and you know it turned out cool so anyway um let's jump in here and take a look at what's going on so um the first thing you'll notice is that i'm recording on three tracks at once now if i record this you'll see that uh we don't quite get the sound that we want if one of them soloed [Music] and uh basically that's because i'm trying to emulate something more like uh well my inspiration for this patch was a cs80 which we're not going to come terribly close to um unfortunately but it's um it's nice to set your standards high because you'll end up with a better result and so cs 80s um aside from all the other famous stuff uh if you're unfamiliar with them it's the blade runner soundtrack's probably the most famous application and um they have it's basically more than one synth in one unit so you play notes and it's a layer of multiple scent layers and each layer has multiple oscillators and multiple nuances and stuff like that so you can get a really really complicated sound and i thought well why don't we do it with resin then include multiple layers of the same synthesizer and patch them differently so i've got um this um really wide stereo pad [Music] and i've got this like a big juicy poly synth uh and then the last one here is a modulator and that one doesn't have a master send and what this one's doing is um essentially um recent doesn't have a filter envelope but reaper has envelope shaping capabilities in the parameter modulation section where you can introduce a parameter modulation from a side chain and if you send a side chain input from a synth that has a volume envelope or amplitude and you can use that amplitude you can actually watch it in the metering uh and you can use that to modulate anything you want so in this case i'm uh using that to modulate the mug 4-pole filter uh plug-in so you can watch what happens here [Music] and it's velocity sensitive so when i play my key really hard you'll notice that it slams the filter up really far and if i barely touch it it doesn't even hit doesn't even hit the envelope at all so if i look at this parameter modulation watch what happens adjust the strength and adjust the starting position [Music] really have a lot of control over [Music] okay um let's get into the details [Music] what's going on in each one of these places first of all you'll notice that there are sends to this channel called delay and i'm going to meet that for now as well and we'll just go down this entire fx chain hop in this is going to take a while recent instance one very boring but you're hearing that as part of that big sound what i wanted here was kind of a very solid um right down the middle um pure tone um with a great deal of octave up so i have an extra sine wave down here mixed in at plus twelve hundred cents twelve hundred cents is one octave uh twenty four hundred cents is too active [Music] and let's just get that back to where it was i've actually noticed like what appears to be glitch in recent where if you have parameter modulation going you can't type in new values so if anyone's watching that can fix that i would love to see that change um next we've got center pad center pad is a pulse width modulation thing and you'll notice that my tuning has instability built into it this one has vibrato i would call that and again this vibrato is created in a parameter modulation using lfo uh there's plenty of great videos on that i've seen uh videos from all the all the usual suspects kenny joy rod uh john heidi et cetera um on using that i've got some videos on using that um it's just this isn't the video to to explain that i think but anyway um i'm using um an lfo on this patch to create something more akin to um tuning in stability which is what we experience on classic analog synthesizers the oscillators are just uh they're being controlled by voltage um they're not being controlled digitally so the the tuning is uh inconsistent and that's a big part of why i like analog synths sound better um in my opinion that that sounding better is the result of um not requiring attention to detail to get to the desired result um you'll see a mini mug model d in the background i use this on almost every track i make because it takes like four seconds to make it sound good whereas on recent it'll take me two hours to sound design um something that that's sort of comparable uh well maybe not two hours like maybe half an hour these days since i use recent so much but um at the end of the day um i'll show you how i'm sort of recreating that that analogness um in here um so first the big thing is tuning instability again this is pulse width i mentioned um the cs 80 as an inspiration um the pulse waves on a cs80 are amazing that's like i mean enough said uh they have tuning in stability and beautiful pulse width uh modulation so let's bring in a left and a right one um i think that these are using the plug-in pin connector so you'll notice that both of these are essentially more i think there's more oscillators and they both have tuning instability and pulse width modulation the pulse width modulation is um playing back you guessed it at a different phase so i'm adjusting the phase of the of the sine wave that i'm using to modulate that and what that does is it gives the left and the right channel different pulse width modulation so um let's hear all those all four of those together in mono and then uh one in mono musically and then in poly so once you've got a chord it's got kind of a big sound [Music] and that's all there is to it okay first non-uh tuning stability analog is analogification is saturation [Music] very subtle difference i set the saturation quite low because i used multiple instances of it and on analog circuits usually you get some saturation like in your mixer section in your filter section so this is um my idea of let's introduce saturation in the mixer so um i'm thinking of this saturation as sort of the result of a summing mixer and if we have ever mixed in a hardware studio we know that uh there's a little bit of magic that you get from taking your your stereo mix and running it through some type of uh you know like one of those like magic circuit boxes whether it's you know like a pultec or a um just like a really nice old console with tubes or something like that just get beautiful beautiful sound out of those things and it's the result of again not having to worry about dialing in the uh the eq character of that board and most of that stuff you can recreate it digitally if you are willing to spend a great deal of time or if you're willing to you know go in and analyze the difference in the before and after if you've got a friend that's got like a bunch of neve preamps just you know play the same sound through them a few times and compare them and make like an ir i guess i don't know how to make irs is that a thing anyway um next up um i'm using this filter for band pass and again i've got i've got all this stuff happening in stereo so um i've got a left channel band pass and then a right channel band pass um and they are happening again out of face from each other so it creates this like bizarre um there's something else going on on the left than there is on the right um but it's subtle i think it sounds good though so there you have it next one is a high pass filter um at this point when you're working with a poly sound um polyphonic synthesizers just have way too much everything in my opinion and i like to make my polyphonic synthesizers um not have as much low end because there's a lot of build up if you're not careful and this is it with the with the filter on that's pretty good uh without the filter i'll do something similar i don't know what i just played just like it's hitting my uh limiter pretty hard i'm using um a limiter in here going pretty hot to to be lazy basically without this um i i used to record my videos with my voiceover separately from my stuff in reaper and um i just got lazy and now i have a voiceover channel and all of it runs through the same limiter everything's relatively quiet and it gets smashed together um it's a time saver for me and i hope you don't mind so back to that thing on um and then we get here which is where it starts getting really fun this is my low pass filter you'll notice that it just takes everything out and what's going on here well at this point um i wanted to have a high pass filter with a filter envelope so at this point i need to arm up my modulator and this modulator synth doesn't have a master send again and it's basically just going i've dragged the routing from one track to the other pretty simple and once you do that when you experiment with one of these parameters you can just go to the parameter modulation and select audio control signal and you choose the new channels so um after before you hit send you shouldn't have channel three and four but after you drag this up to here you'll have a channels three and four and now [Music] we have uh essentially this envelope is now a filter envelope instead of an amplifier mglove which is uh you know totally delightful it's uh it's uh annoying to have two tracks um but at the end of the day uh what do you have you have a um basically a workaround to what i initially thought was the biggest um the biggest drawback of resynth and at the end of the day like there it is right that's a filter envelope it's a velocity sensitive filter envelope and i've gotten rid of the velocity sensitivity before i can't remember how i did that i'll have to spend some time with that make another video um i'm sure that if anyone has gotten this far in the video they probably know how to do that um but anyway um i like to keep a little bit of um saturation on in the mood for plug-in which is a great plug-in and even though i'm doing that putting some saturation again so this filter section i like to think of all four of these as my filter section and there's more saturation very small amount if i take all the saturation off it just doesn't have as much power it's not a huge difference but i think it's a big enough difference to [Music] leave it in there next up what is a poly sound for pads without delay very very subtle ping pong i think this might actually be the default settings for the delay with temp ping pong plug-in this is a great plug-in um if you want you can get this really wide [Music] um in this case i'm leaving it relatively narrow because my delay send is uh quite wide next up uh reverb um reverb 8 is a pretty good reverb it's not my favorite i usually use other ones but i wanted to do something that is uh reaper plugins only for this that way essentially what i could do is i can send you this this track preset and if you have reaper you can load this um my website sucks right now so i don't know how to make it a download but um bug me in the comments uh dm me your email address and i'll send it to you if you want this preset for reaper i've got like a bunch of other ones too i can send you all of them i don't care they're free um so reverb eight there's two instances of it why two instances of it uh well first of all i'm modulating the room size which i think sounds pretty cool and i'm modulating them at different rates so it's really similar to what i'm doing with the filters and you guessed it uh different for the left and right channel kind of cool um i think it sounds good and finally um i'm taking some more um stuff out of it i want it to live more in the mid-range i want to have less low end less high end and i'm just doing a general eq at the end to clean it up so [Laughter] just i could play this for hours i think it sounds great um and it's a at this point a poly synth you know let's bring in um what do we have here you know let's start this one from scratch so this is this is synth two oh one instance of recent so basically one oscillator so blending in a sawtooth wave i like to think of this wave shaping kind of the same way you would think of a filter um essentially um you can soften up a soft tooth wave by blending it with a sine wave and that's what we've got um having said that i'm still using stereo filters um so again same thing one of them is right channel one of them's left channel and they are being modulated in the cutoff by an lfo lfos have uh the lfs have different uh face and it just creates this totally wild left right sound oh yeah it's beautiful [Music] and then after that again we're just cleaning it up taking out almost everything i want this to live just in the high mids and have reverb this one i'm using the sweet verb preset on reverb or reverb um i kind of like this preset i don't use this plug-in a lot but again i wanted to use something that just is stock reaper um part of the whole point of thinking about using something like resynth is like are you a person that likes sound design but doesn't have money and a lot of people are attracted to reaper because of the low price tag and the biggest setback in it i think is that it doesn't have a lot of instrument sounds and um if you're uh decent with sound design you can really get some delightful stuff out of recent and out of resamplomatic uh resin drum or whatever it's called um believe it or not that plug-in's actually decent too i'll do a video on that if people want it um and yeah that's there it is um if i turn these back on let's hear them together oh yeah sounds great um finally um we have a send from evolving layer and from main polysynth to this channel that's just labeled delay um unmuting that now and let's take a look at the delay channel again um just the magic ticket is just a little bit of saturation on each one of these sections just put the saturation after each uh each part that you want to treat as its own like set of modules starting with delay with tempo ping pong quite a bit more width on this one reverb but this one i'm leaving out quite a bit of the dry signal to kind of give it that space uh essentially it's like a bounce that's mostly reverb um a lot of my favorite um uh echo sounds are like echo combined with redrip which i think is uh it's one of the great delightful sounds um big big big ultra mega tip in my opinion is reverb and delay just filter out all the low end you don't need any of it um it gets really distracting when you hear like a stereo bounce echo and it's just like got all of your bass in it so i'm uh i'm filtering out a great deal of low end here with uh just a regular high-pass filter on the on the eq finally saturation yep [Music] very subtle almost no difference that's part of the idea you don't really want the saturation to be distorting it you just want to be adding a little bit more color and um all of that together through this this video you're hearing it through a limiter but i promise it sounds pretty good without the limiter [Music] yeah there you have it um thanks for watching um i'm going to play you out why not [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: Francis
Views: 614
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: sound design, reaper, reaper blog, reaper mania, reaper daw, reaper daw tips, reaper daw tutorial, reasynth reaper, reasynth tutorial, reasynth presets, how to use reasynth, how to use reaper, how to produce music in reaper, synthesis, advanced synthesis, synthesis tutorial, how to make a synth sound good, how to make reasynth sound good, how to make music in reaper, how to make dungeon synth, how to layer synths, parameter modulation in reaper, parameter modulation
Id: IhCzNfcVMjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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