Let's talk about Netflix's She-ra

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you know in a world of disappointing sequels reboots and spin-offs it's kind of hard to get excited for any old property anymore because nostalgia you know it's pretty much dead at least there's one show that's got its act together she robbed in the princesses of power or as it should be called Katra and the princess of self-destruction the story takes place on a magical / futuristic world of Eternia where an evil army known as the Horde no relation does battle against the princess alliance who are your standard group of heroic rebels the main character of the story is adora who is the only one who can use a magical sword to transform into Shira helped by her friends and a cast of supporting princesses adora battles against Katra their relationship status complicated now this show is a reboot of the original 80s TV show which was a spinoff of he-man and the Masters of the Universe I have not seen either of these shows the only he-man show I've ever seen was the reboot from the early 2000s that aided on Toonami that was pretty awesome you should definitely check it out I think the first episodes on YouTube somewhere I just want to give my history with this show because I don't have any connection to the past show I am judging this one purely on its own merits I don't want to hear anything about oh they did this differently in the original no one cares media should be judged based on what it is not what it was it's not about things I didn't like first and arrived the bat I want to talk about the animation it's not bad but it just feels so acceptable all the time the action is acceptable the humour is acceptable the only fault of the show is that it just never Wow me the backgrounds and locations are very pretty they sell the idea that this is a completely different world I also like the character designs and the clothing especially when they break out of their standard designs because like the prom episode that had some killer outfits but the actual motion is where it kind of just leads to make average a little quirks add in to spice up the acceptable animation is that they use these big googly eyes for whenever they're shocked or surprised and I really hate them the expanded eyes just seem a lot easy animation you can do absolutely anything you want if you want to convey shock fear or panic you can do whatever the hell you want but instead they just give them baseballs for eyes you know it's just pretty boring another part of the show that goes from acceptable to man is sadly the supporting cast they range from good to boring to annoying and to the ignored I had some high hopes for these characters but they just don't have anything going on the princess is especially despite being members of the hero team they don't do much personally and story wise they might as well be assist trophies from Smash Bros where you summon a character for like ten seconds then they immediately disappear afterwards it's not a deal breaker for me because the characters that do get the spotlight are very entertaining but it would be nice for these other princesses and characters to get their own story arcs you know see them grow as people my only a complaint and this is just a me thing I hate swift wind there I said it I hate the talking horse he sounds like a watered-down Patton Oswalt impersonation and I think he has the most cringe-worthy dialogue when we're back I'd like to talk about freeing all the horses in your stables I think that I know the contrast between Swift winds light pretty design and how he talks and acts is intentional I just kind of wish they didn't do it I much rather see an animal campaign that you can only understand them through their expressions and how they act like toothless and How to Train Your Dragon or max and Pascal from tangled there's always so much more of a connection when you have these animals forming bonds with human characters that actually mimics how people and animals interact in real life but when you make them talk they just another character that you can hate or love based on your preferences I'm heavily biased in this regard so keep that in mind now let's move on to things I liked and you you made your choice [Music] namely Katra she is easily the most interesting and compelling character in any he-man cartoon she gets abandoned by adora refuses every chance to turn good back stabs her abusive mother figure shadow Weaver nearly destroys the world twice and after all that Katra is still sympathetic and that is hard to pull off though by season 3 she is rightly called out by a door for ruining her own life time and time and time again Katra is easily the character I am the most invested because I just need to know how her story wound will she redeem herself marry a dora and live in gay wedded bliss or will she become the big battle show and have to be put down like Old Yeller Katra is the breakout star of the show so of course her personal conflict with a Dora are where the two are at their best but a Dora the she robbed the show has actually really improved since the first season where she was defined by her relationship with Katra a Dora is lawful stupid at its funniest she is always a joy to watch whenever she trying to come up with a plan or be the serious one in her group of friends it's always good she is always fun to watch whether it's saving the world recurring new allies or feeling constrained by the shiraz that came before a Dora faces it all head-on with a likeable determination and wit even when she gets overwhelmed by these personal responsibilities her friends are there to help cheer her up bow and glimmer are both wonderful characters glimmer you will hate in the first season but she gets better though on the other hand I was loving since minute 1 he is just a sweet boy he can do no wrong his dad's raised him right the LGBT representation is another plus before that I also say that Skorpio is a supportive friend that we all deserve and trapped it is a weird barrel of laughs and insanity the other hoard soldiers are underdeveloped but I like what I've seen so far they took an interesting approach to the big bad Hordak who now has a backstory more resembling an anime print than it does a planet destroying conker but I'm game back on the issue of representation this show has been getting a lot of praise and tumblr cred from its inclusion of LGBT characters in the story which I am 100% down for this show is made for kids and the younger they learn about stuff like this the better off we will all be bows dads are great Scorpia is great even Double Trouble a character that hasn't even come out yet looks great and I am so happy they exist that said I do have a complaint and this is a two-part first while there are LGBT characters in the show they are limited to side characters or people with limited screen time we had a lesbian couple in the first season but they haven't shown up or done anything since if you want to have gay characters that's great but don't show them only to hide or kill them off they deserve to be front and center and just like the rest of the cast speaking of front and center let's talk about the other issue and that's the ambiguity of fedora and Capra's relationship were they in a relationship we don't know despite them very heavy implications that they were a thing nearly confirmation we get from the creators is that it's complicated that is weak sauce my friend I want these two to be a ship but I don't like the fact they can dance around confirming it until the season finale it's just weak yes maybe you don't want to label their connection as just exes but the creators are doing that audience a disservice by not making them unambiguously gay LGBT fans deserve it hetero fans deserve it all fans deserve it I hope I don't sound overly negative this show is doing some great things I just think they're unnecessarily holding themselves back the story is a good one and I think it could be better the one final strength of the show is its use of tension and atmosphere this is a show for kids so it will never go full anime dark the writers know when to let tension build in a scene and use it to its maximum effectiveness without it seem like it just comes out of nowhere something other cartoons fail at miserably Shira will typically be episodic with a few key things being set up until the later half of the season where it starts to pay off this is where you will find the most intense and dark episodes in the series they aren't uniformly dark and depressing the lighter episodes aren't just fluff she wrought in the princesses of power knows when they had its fill in the gas and when to slow down leaving you satisfied regardless of your age I honestly love this show it does a lot of good things this show has some of the most compelling relationships I've seen in a long time the writers understand that without an emotional connection between the characters scenes can only provide empty spectacle though in the people fighting for so much history and feelings towards each other it adds a new layer of drama to the scene complex emotions of guilt abandonment loss these things help elevate Shira above your run-of-the-mill action show and while there are some things wrong with it being stuffed they could fix - the animation though that one just might be me being in anime snob I hope I was able to convince a few of you to go out there and watch Shira or just help those of you that have geeked out over how good it is I honestly find the existence of this show so entertaining because the first he-man was just created to sell toys of its characters now lashya the shell is being sold by its characters which gives us a much bigger bang for our buck so get out there and give it a watch this has been sarcastic chorus like share and subscribe now if you excuse me I have a new season of sheer ah to go watch [Music]
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 127,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shera, she-ra, she-ra and the princesses of power, netflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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