Best of Achievement Hunter - 2017

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[Music] all right here i'm doing a recon i'm doing a reflection do some recon there we go in the in front of you guys what are you doing [Music] that was amazing so he did how are you gonna explain that one how are you gonna explain that one oh god jesus christ oh there's a dude on the roof dude on the roof dude on the roof through the roof gus ahead of you forward you're behind you you chucked your [ __ ] still behind your roof [Music] right i'm driving a [ __ ] car don't drink and drive but dude drink and ride shut up you don't know what you're doing i guess i'll have to walk [Music] hold on let me get behind the camera so when it goes to court it doesn't look like i'm not it looks like i'm leaving i am not going to watch sound effect of a door you shouldn't be doing that it's better than i expected wait a minute guys no let's see what you got what have you made [Music] can you right click on him with an empty hand i think so i think it's pretty all right oh oh my god where are you i need to see this okay hang on he's holding us dude no michael oh he's fast as hell michael down um yeah i'm here i'm here ryan what kind of what is that forwarded me yeah i don't know that's what i'm like oh he's running across the water he can serve it's uh spruce wood dude that looks so [ __ ] absurd dude i love this thing a little blasty i think we can put little jay on the wall using duct tape [Music] i want to get this right here in the camo deal with it you put the right shoulder on i'm dancing what the hell was that yeah you found my thing god redheaded woman who's australian that i want to sleep with he's the fisher uh yes tom cruise's wife ex-wife free free okay good who did it that's a lot of ass oh my god who did that i'm gonna say jeremy how do you have so many animals why do you have so much ass well time to start killing it's gonna be a bloodbath dude don't you wrote ask how many times a donkey roll yeah oh yeah okay oh my god the howl of a thousand deaths there we're good [Laughter] yeah so how long did that take that's pretty funny well there's a human in there yeah yeah see that you see that jeremy [Applause] so we found your fridge ryan take the pizza you put it on the bun it goes on the towel oh wait you know what it's on a bun there you go it's a pizza towel burger someone's gonna enjoy that can i actually dump this nope can i put it there yes i can [Laughter] delicious he loves it i'm preparing something special nice for you look at this it's a rocket what we got here we got a fried shrimp fried shrimp mustard bun burger he loves it he's a fun you freaking heathen like this okay i liked how there was a there was a lead-up to my death never never have i ever seen my death so clear gavin literally went like this stop talking and instantly my screen cut to him standing right behind me executing me what you can make a purple pillar use me [ __ ] that's what it's called are you having my ass and how do we do this is that like pickle paw paws it's a purple you're having my ass are you in my [ __ ] right now give it back or you can make your penis in me you can make a purple slap what are you talking about well what do you make about it shut up hey is this a dragon face still waiting for this oh [ __ ] jess doesn't have a thing [Music] saving failed unable to connect to rockstar game services all right jeremy don't be don't be a bit don't be a baby it's like it's over okay you know what i'm gonna appreciate it see all this blood here he's putting a thing in it oh god i didn't think that you would trigger it being already down scared the crap out of me no [Music] no the edge oh god damn it oh [Music] [Applause] on the bridge [Laughter] [Music] all right all right all right next time we gotta have face cams worst excuse clark ken has given to lois lane so he could go change into superman come on diarrhea's in there no no i have herpes or be right back [ __ ] in my pants so i know which one is michael and wyatt i have to go i'll be right back i've gone herpes now you're stuck with a longer conversation it's the period at the end of the sentence i have heard [Laughter] i a clickbait headline about cows uh bigger udders 12 easy steps for supermale crows [Music] it's [ __ ] hard oh a screwdriver not the kind i drink hey that's i drink it i wonder if it's phillips or not but it feels like it feels flat i feel like you'll flat oh i knew this is how i would die oh [Applause] dude you're stumped hey you got any uh first aid uh gel left this is not how evil dad works all right we need uh just a plate is what we need carrot a roasted carrot wait down there plate people roasted carrot chocolate and a roasted potato you overcooked it on the plate it's a different cooking species uh we can't walk yeah we can't never we're good oh dude i just i put a plate on the belt fire extinguisher i'm trying [Laughter] there's fires in the turkeys outside the building nice look you see that's it's not actually cooking the fruit they are starving uh we also lost the fire extinguisher fire it's not it's not cooking the food that's why i was still cooking it in the fire why but why because i assumed one of you idiots would put it out with holy [ __ ] you were cooking the food you were having a laugh is that going to make me go real fast yeah it is oh he's going back don't talk it was still a worse accident oh my god [Applause] [Laughter] are you like on my back or something right no i'm on the ground are you like an ant well yeah you actually shrunk the size of an ant actually yes sometimes i'm where you least suspect a tree what are you doing about you're back up on there huh did you see me the last time you were up there oh my god what oh my god climb back over there you go what man i'm gonna die so i can't believe that why's happening you're gonna bleed out before he finds you are you serious what i'm doing lily where you went what did you say look up he was under your feet you stepped on me you were running in you stood on me like 50 times at one point you just punched the ground right next to me and i was like careful i think you're invisible i don't know how he wants it is jeff in the killer yet no no just gonna let no no no jessica hey jeff which one are you i'm a bystander i am a green november all right jeff's killer green november i got him right here just killed him off you forever's got a gun just shoot jeffy why am i to kill her yeah he's gonna kill me there's three of us in two of them he's an [ __ ] he's in there november's in there november's in there he's in there he's running up the stairs literally michael i turn the corner and so i jump on the stairs jeff had so many he was trying to get the knife out he was like bumping up against me i was actually the killer all right be careful scoop him jeffy scoop him oh only by only by about 30 feet yeah on my screen it looks super close well ice cream on everyone else's it didn't yeah you just go first did i not take it with me no i didn't bring that driver what's that [ __ ] thing he hit a [ __ ] telephone [Laughter] that was so perfect it was stage five like you look like you look like a character my god jeremy you do it how do i get out stop stop googling i'm gonna knock you off i'll hit you with a donut don't you do it i'll hit you with a doughnut i also look like a muppet because my beard isn't attached i'm like god don't read any books you can never get out of the book this is the electricity bill and we didn't pay it oh he's being funny that's comedy that's comedy keep doing it see if the tv gets closer to the smash and you're [ __ ] what are you marking bad guys all right he's down okay watch out for the uh the hole on the left guys don't fall through it gavin just fell through it did you really [ __ ] right oh god please use my foot jesus [Laughter] that was the funniest thing jeff left left jeff flashback flashbang flashbang watch your eyes there was a giant hole in the floor i was like watch out for the hole and you get that goes look i don't know where i look i thought you hit me [Laughter] kevin said this is doable immediately jumped to us i bet that piece of [ __ ] says it's possible i'm sure andrew panton did it oh great this is like the beta tester this one why yeah why does that make sense doesn't make any [ __ ] sense at all [ __ ] left for dead or over we wanted to see if these weights were too heavy so we asked superman he actually threw him out of space so don't miss oh you've missed why would you even use it on this one you could have used it on such a better one i got my first block though i did it so is that it that's the only thing keeping it open yup so you're dead or what how have you not gotten sucked out in the space yet can i just throw stuff out dude throw it towards earth and maybe that'll hit somebody yep there it goes holy [ __ ] should we do a cut away if someone walking along in a drill comes and hits them in the head [Music] oh i didn't get it oh my technical shot i think i got two of them got exclusive behind the scenes footage here of michael level 310 we're doing it we're doing it we're doing stuff doing it he didn't do it i mean hey check out more try check out this is michael masturbating over there uh i'm starting to check out this sweet collar and leash they probably don't david style is that why you're free yep me to death holy [ __ ] oh six-year-old i just killed a little girl ryan no the monsters did he's like i can see their paths he jumps in as a water right here and so ends the story of horizons oh rock to the face fast you dick holy [ __ ] yeah i'm bleeding because he threw a [ __ ] rock in my head and then when i threw it back you were like no oh let me just rub some rock on yours [Laughter] rock caused injury rock fix injury [Applause] i don't know if i'm gonna finish what just happened to me i got [ __ ] oh no jeff no no no no oh oh oh oh she goes straight down in the ocean what's the point of that dude have to go up there you're in fifth jeff you just go jeffy you're gonna solid didn't do it that time it turns me sideways really i don't know how either jeremy hi yeah hi jeff [Laughter] you've [ __ ] me again this is the the great definer here oh this is the one that separates the men from the boys it really is you're a boy ryan are you ready jack you grabbed my bed yeah i did okay uh oh man i missed it [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] get there jeremy get there you little [ __ ] all right you got it i was told trump's america [Laughter] jeremy i could see your little [ __ ] feet i could see your little thing right behind you does this mean i have to go to the managers meeting now all right hey don't stop three four [Applause] watching clouds and jacking off to how great we were did you ever think you'd win clouds someday yeah okay i thought i figured as much oh ryan's dead what yeah he broke through the window someone promoted that guy they pick up what's left congratulations [Laughter] how much of this can you eat probably at least one or two bites there we go oh yeah get in there pal it's good actually it's a big mac how many times over have you ever got a big manga so big you could literally go in any direction and get big mac in your mouth you know it's like about right over here i got a full mouth with a big mouth i brought over here oh it's on the other side oh more oh dude we're on a date [Music] move over lady in the tram right get in the ball bottom bottom spree oh my god he almost bit my finger i swear to god he came after it hard man dude it's good to be alive i want a millionaire that is not my fault what the hell it clearly was your phone's fault except yourself flipped upside down dude all the way back dude at a principal i just i was gonna bail right after gavin and i was like i gotta see this thing through he had it fully upside down jack can you confirm if you have concrete mixing oh why'd you hear me why would you do that you slammed the door in my face it was rude oh stop breaking the law [ __ ] how's it going uh uh gaff you're right no eliminated gavin let's go through his [ __ ] what kind of freak have you become what do you mean standing on top of the house wearing nothing but your underwear staring into the darkness you know what it is i'm not friends with jeff in the game yeah that's a problem oh dude friends can't fight i sent him a request and he didn't jeremy jeremy did he just unfriend you killing him come here for a second stop killing ryan he's got no items he's probably already blocked at 70. yeah but we get a better day 14. that's true we do get a better day his score is already running ryan we're sent nope his score is zero one of the most terrifying messages i've ever received is jeremy is no longer your friend there could not have been a truer way to phrase that oh dear i think we found the club oh my god yeah open wide put your head do not try and consume me please i'm a human being and i thought you were too but put his head up his ass wrap it around his own head eat your own face vain mine you're awesome what just happened i survived i just happened to be on this one block of wood as everything around me fell oh [Music] well hey there and welcome back to the pleasures of cooking i'm your host link today on the program we're going to be learning how to make this that's right this first you will need to go ahead and obtain your cuckoo after that you're going to need to run away from all the cuckoos they don't like when one of their members of society is abducted i can't imagine why i like to cook with live lizards or butterflies they help me realize that i have a firm grasp on my life while these creatures don't now as you can see the fish you find in hyrule field may appear lively but that's just a ruse very soon they'll be dead and won't be suitable for cooking sometimes i feel like a fish helplessly flopping on the ground and then i realize i've taken too much of my pain medication and i need to stop after your fish has been seasoned and obliterated pick up the remaining pieces and head back to your kitchen now that you're back in your home kitchen choose whatever ingredients you think will glue the pieces of your fish back together and bam just like that we've made this and now that's all the time we have today folks i want to thank you for allowing me into your kitchen whether you wanted me there or not and i would like to apologize for any fires that were started to your home or your family the question is ryan what stand for uh we gotta we gotta resolve these plot lines before we end the video jesus christ you're frustrated fat up [ __ ] anus wow very close you were very close you got like two and a half of it really two and a half ryan do you have a butt for i don't know what that means what do you do if you don't know about what someone is ask for someone to explain it yeah hope that they do that instead of just saying let's do that what's the book for the dude [Laughter] stupidest once we realized you didn't know what we were going for that made it all worth it i still don't know what the a is [Laughter] splash is like an area of attack thing right yeah yes yeah i just need to figure out a potion that can if i multiply the length by the width of the uh that'll be the area of something yeah oh area [Laughter] all right i'm good you're good how did you say that you obliterated jack [ __ ] i'm beached oh you're beating missed god damn it he is kind of just sitting there did he live i'm good i don't know where he is that is [ __ ] there he is i see him running by with a bunch of hikers kill him i've got a big backpack on and i'm black [Laughter] you just killed one of the hikers oh my god you just killed this black guy al that hurt a lot i am dead i'm how about you just get him running i'm [ __ ] killing him [Laughter] [ __ ] right [Laughter] oh no that's like the thing so mass effect starts with a jump scare so the funny thing about what happened to me i'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and i have lots of bubble gum in the situation you [ __ ] a carrot and had me he looks like he [ __ ] carrot top yeah looks like we've got a mystery to solve come on gang do you think scooby doo's canon in mass effect yeah did it happen you're gonna find a great dane corpse at the volcano i'm pretty sure he wins these games because every time he goes and i just can't i just i break it down [Applause] i'm fred fred i think i think the monster wants to celebrate arbor day well that's a good thought there jim as we all know on his planet every day is harbor day uh they lost they ate all the trees right then they had to come here he's throwing [ __ ] at us uh that was oh he's hit us with a tree we are you think we can communicate with him uh no he seems to be recreating west side story soon another monster will come from across the street no no no no no no you're serious ah wow i hate the longest run-up what just happened what just happened hey who's that no it's bloody smuck over here oh oh he got me anyway jeremy ran him over and he mugged me while he was on the ground well dude you're getting married is my favorite thing about gta oh i saw your face i was so zoomed in here comes baby ryan hitting the ramp whoop boom that's fine [Applause] he's still in the refusal did you hit the jet i like clocked i clipped him with my wing and pushed him in the air he launched him a thousand feet that was insane of a video that's good that was tough millions of years ago six men touched their nugs six nations of dog confident wastelander four nugs combined a fifth nog approach seven dicks to do entered as the fifth nug holder just one nug chunk remains are you the fabled city has been revealed so uh night 14 huh yeah yeah this is good i'll see you in part 12 protect thy nugs did i make it yeah i made it oh we need to do a round where we just headbutt that's what i'm doing this really doesn't affect me you know how much i hope you miss it you know how much i don't want to be involved in this decision so i will do yeah yep chance chad's time you better go oh you're dead in the other room i was just staring at the wall go oh my god it's like dead center that's incredible you got two more turns to get to the end you got another turn blow him blow him blow him all you need is a tube don't blow me off the island don't blow me up lindsay it's [Applause] sweat damn starting off right one last insult and that's how we come back that's where it comes back don't walk away people can't see you in there i don't even know you're clawdy you did it in my eyes at the top of it it's got slime on replay see if you hit my eye shall we bloody my eye closes my eye i'm not gonna lie because i'm an animal i would love to play this in real life it would just be like when you're done you're like okay i'm oozing everywhere it's the best so it's like a victory ooze yeah someone hug me the end of sex it's victory someone out there is going to be like having sex and they're getting finished be like how about that victory i like the idea of screaming yeah i imagine it's more like the spongebob victory victory imagine telling your child like and then i screamed victory splooge and here you are there you were well you know then we uh scream victory let me stop you right there as a matter of fact actually actually dad you said last time it was victory oohs and now it's a sublued what's up shake your bank jeremy i feel like jeremy you just bounced gavin i didn't touch anyone no it was you really really i didn't [Music] yeah that's true i mean i know that's i think ryan got it i think ryan that was the closest finish we've ever had i think ryan took first i think ryan then jack dummy play the team 52 868. oh my god we were three thousandths of a hundred i was 52.99 is he he's not near the front door well oh [ __ ] oh god dammit what happened what happened gavin just did that gavin just broke my leg again he just exploded what happened just kevin just [ __ ] me i just hear gavin just snap and just scavenge us amazing part and my peripheral vision in my peripheral vision i saw gavin freaking out in real life and then the ground was collapsing underneath me oh all right jeremy killed gavin dammit damn my bag fell into the spike i think it seems about right uh guys i'm gonna try and get to the front i'm opening the front door please another goal please keep me safe okay i thought that if it was too much the sod would fall i didn't think the wood would god my goodness right where i was [ __ ] standing okay the worst cocktail that ends in genie jeremy's jeremy is teeny my dick my dick is teeny [Laughter] would be constantly yelling blank tickle me or [ __ ] me [ __ ] me hard very different very different well both similar yeah but what makes him terrible me [ __ ] me heart you call it a [ __ ] megan [Laughter] uh i wanna lick your butthole [Laughter] [Applause] god god damn this room and everyone who works in it [Applause] are you are you a butthole or tate man michael i mean i'm one of them i may be the other one i can already tell butthole is jack and tate is a magician uh pulling a rabbit out of there twice rabbits keep coming out of my vagina you guys are gonna win worse everyone's worst you guys are a room full of creative my god geniuses all right my vagina we've worked together too [ __ ] long is what we're seeing here god damn uh we gotta stop making videos was this michael and lindsey no i think it's gavin and michael maybe one of them was me husband and wife right there yes hey michael i got you they made a baby both of the people who wrote this made up and it's in this well it's just ryan or james that's a problem get out of your car and run dude you can do that jeff get him gonna have to walk where are you look at your mouth [ __ ] dude you cream jack i ran after you he's that are you wacky little [ __ ] all right there he is all right jeff do not please just don't kill yourself though i am now rooting for ryan to win this [ __ ] jacket i really appreciate that you just held your yeah i'm not moving so a while ago right i crushed some smarties all over trevor's desk and then uh trevor he did it on my desk and retaliation's childish oh well you hit it a lot softer than i thought you were gonna [Music] if you inhale that though you're gonna get diabetes immediately the smoke is doing it no matter what oh it's done it's happening it's there now you're hitting the floor is it coming on the floor oh yeah oh you're committed now it's just there it is it's now it's now all down there all over your feet so what's going on over there i don't think my keyboard is going to function anymore you're basically calling me into action didn't i retell you by just putting a closed piece of smarties on your desk oh is that what it was is that what [Laughter] it's probably not good for the horse right you replaced that horse either what is it yeah is the hose dead he killed the horse i don't even know you could do that oh god no yeah yeah that's all she needed yeah come on come on oh my god make it right oh we're gonna make it do you want to live [ __ ] yes okay do you see the camera yes that way that way yeah okay see that pine yeah what the what was that what just happened did you just kill jeremy god damn it jack i bet you shoot him with a tracking bullet i may have murdered it that's not helpful that scared me so bad how do we get him back i don't know if you can i think i'm dead ryan we can we split all the meth now oh god he's here what's happening he ran into the camper and he got me he got you alive but he [ __ ] bit me he was in the camper i was looking at the cameras and he [ __ ] like tapped me on the shoulder holy and he bit me god damn it up oh no ryan has made the decision ryan there's a man turns on man there's a trap there ryan that's it oh squatch wins this one we did pretty well though oh my god oh it's in the wood it's not coming out that's the most terrifying oh you took it out jesus that yep oh wow jeff is so happy i haven't seen you this happened [Applause] it went so far oh that's like a mile no some good aim jeff nice so that's gonna hurt someone i'm pointing at you yep [Laughter] this is mine yeah yeah that's yours i'm keeping this this is what it's like who's who's who's these are mine come here oh god honey what is brutality happy marriage god you're strong i i want to make amends i got it i got like you hit me honey you're sleeping on the couch forever oh oh no oh my god that was horrible oh hi honey this is her [Laughter] i don't know why i have strong feelings that you should be punched husband's back what ironic timing i'm in this house [ __ ] oh hey sweetie oh my god jesus is that how he comes over [ __ ] oh you slipped in the peter oh really yeah all right this is an interesting game you guys saw where you marked the shirt again don't punch women who wants to come in [ __ ] this is my house i didn't want to i poked this huh i poked him in the back of these windows the trick is to pin them all into one spot ryan you used wow oh this is where bird teenagers go to [ __ ] yes in front of the whole village looking down there look at me mom i'm a rebel oh really getting down no chickadee junior i'm showing her my feathered spear someone has [ __ ] a bird person while they're flying i don't i don't see that as a possibility like just seeing that look at that imagine it's like a scene in aladdin a whole [Music] can you see this dude everything's so big it's like it's like gold figure hold the circular blade like and run it up my towards my junk like this [Applause] perhaps you won't need your genitals you expect me to talk [ __ ] no i expect you to die and my penis is gone they should have done this this kills james bond and then no more bonds dude that would be if that was real there'd be nothing left mulch move we're going in for the brain [ __ ] hover above this fight oh you took my tail out i don't even have uh my thing down put him down oh he took me out his dick won't fly it's way too heavy matt do you see me where are you at i got the brain i need to carry this flaming dick back this is health care of the future right yeah the surgeries are all competing like no it's mine they get a drone with a scalpel underneath it and they send it in they say don't move this might hurt a lot he grew a penis as one of his fingers and i've taken it off for a second it was like peanut butter together the penis is leaving dick finger protect the penis who is that it's jeremy jeremy's here [Applause] oh my god i can't believe it i got a knee while you guys are all fighting i like that the dick says butt lovers on the side oh it's done hello oh it's got a butthole on its bottom get it up i don't know jerry's trying to have you [ __ ] a little baby alien with a sex toy want food who knows oh there you go this is contributing to the delinquency of a miner since it did just get bored but this species actually requires alcohol to live so oh it's adorable ryan it's real cute oh no he's like oh it is cute remember i'm in a chopper i'm landing away from the beach just to make sure that's fine please don't shred us to pieces please god ryan here we are i can't this makes me nervous i can't get out but i'm watching right now makes me more nervous oh [ __ ] no we got it we got it did we do it yes [Applause] no what we were there what happened did it break the [ __ ] tail rotor just snapped off wow right trigger hit right trigger right trigger how far how far back are we tell me we're not back in the prison and we have to do it all over again tell me it's at least us leaving or something please ryan we got through the whole thing [Applause] no i have no body armor either we gotta we just gotta stop no we just gotta stop what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am i looking at troy sweet little troy bart version i don't know why take his cardboard this card this whole universe be made to the cardboard it gives the baby a football and a rubik's cube you got any more of that good stuff yeah i got plenty right here oh you're not you're a coke dealer why did you punch the guy i'm talking about 35 years old things are really coming apart a little bit troy you can't keep doing this forever it's time to get realistic you need to do something with your life but my mom is making so much money on tell me what it is what do you want to do all right you're gonna be a parent or get a job nah go back to crack i choose this give it to her i choose this as i'm sure you know troy's heavy drug use troubled but you've got about 10 seconds to live no i can't believe this please goodbye he's he's attacking her together i was cool i was a drug dealer and had no kids hey dude that's the life oh what's that at least you were cool i got 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 vision and no arms there is no god people like me today we're going to be learning how to make popcorn oh no put put me in your mouth and kill me you ain't gonna fight you ain't oh what we do that's what he wants you to be he wants you to be scared oh tricks do not have to get into fear do not go quietly into that cowardly night i wish he would stand the [ __ ] still oh where's he going boom you [ __ ] boom boom boom i'm getting them i'm getting them i'm getting up uh uh uh oh [ __ ] bigfoot shot my friend randy and dub randy dumping shot it was zebo zebra shot randy your brother killed my brother there's no reason we can't be cool though ready wait we can still be cool where are you randy look just come back to the rv and we'll talk this out don't do it randy oh [ __ ] the sasquatch shot billy billy billy you in the woods and you big did shot my friend's brother yeah i better get it out of here [ __ ] a tree first you start like this that's pretty good that's like what you might be saying i'm concerned about the tree branch deep in my eyes that's another a lot of violation he does look concerned someone added the harmonica that's great we are all [ __ ] up wait god i'm outside oh my god that was so awesome that was awesome he blew up did a backflip and died on the desk look her body's on the desk oh my god uh for me she's just vibrating on me on on my screen from you her corpse is sitting on the desk turn to your right yeah walk can you walk over to it cause you oh is it this yeah look at my screen look at my screen that's awesome i watched her back flip on to that oh my god that's amazing you have to cut to my [ __ ] funeral place she blows up you're right kevin yeah i have an alternative offer what's up oh ryan's here here we go all right all of his [ __ ] is mine now all right i got kicked from the game all right here's the funny thing about that jeremy can't come back in there we have to shut the game yeah so wait what did you do with the property you had what he can have i don't have two thousand dollars i don't have to lose ryan that's what i said then why'd you kick jeremy because i don't give a [ __ ] no way i there's no way i don't get a bloody nose from this oh i flushed a little i pushed him oh [ __ ] that's why why are you aiming at me look kermit i can't tell me i'm just gonna lean back here oh i'm definitely gonna die i'm definitely gonna die definitely oh god oh i'm gonna die oh i'm so close this is all thinking cheese pump cheese pumpkins so i just dashboarded and quit before i died i i reached behind my xbox and yanked the power cable out pour diet coke all over his keyboard so it was mostly just already knocked a diet coke situation i'm suddenly recording seven days same same oh god oh god jack check it out it's perfect get on with it's perfect no one will notice i'm stuck you've also powered me jack oh [Laughter] [Laughter] wait what is he i'm on your ass oh [Applause] i had the best shot of you drooping off the ramp confused man joins fivesome at climax gross disaster at the bird [ __ ] factory sources say it's a shitty situation down there bird [ __ ] facts it's gonna be better elephant lives to tell the tale that's pretty cool come on jeff i've only got one hell yeah find me murderer all right murderer ryan i'm innocent well i know because there's only two of us left oops [Applause] what just jeff happened [ __ ] [ __ ] ryan what are you doing did he just throw his gear that was his gun wasn't that he threw his head down [Music] that's i was actually most of my bullets what's that beeping all right i don't know come back over here oh no no in the tree house and he put c4 down i was putting c4 down i was trying to sneak out away what's that beeping i was like oh there's a giant [ __ ] clock on it i was like oh [ __ ] okay this is a giant alarm clock what's that is that i want to see if this discombobulator actually hurts somebody oh my god the house is still on fire did that hurt right no damage okay cool that's the funniest thing i've ever done in my entire life and i opened it and he shut the door and i opened it when he shut it so i opened it i threw a [ __ ] incendiary grenade and shut it that was awesome can chuck norris fight one tortoise i bet he'll win i bet chuck norris will win i'm going to give that another go it's climbed towards schwab you got it clive torchwar dude he is the hero that we need holy [ __ ] chuck won whoa how much health does he have he is a hero wow that was not worth it okay come on now oh that's all right ryan's [ __ ] enough oh come on what is this [ __ ] she's not throwing me off the thing you just got [ __ ] logged son also ryan's getting [ __ ] somewhere oh jack god damn it jump it ryan jump bounce off that wall look that wall doesn't the physics on the wall are super broken you [ __ ] all right jack and ryan they're having a time the physics on the walls are like they're incredibly broken you're not wrong [ __ ] hate the [ __ ] oh my god that's not how physics works look at this it's a huge bird so i hit it right there it couldn't possibly bounce back towards me it's the d the [ __ ] ryan you caught a glitch in the matrix and ryan's physics are so there you go see that was a nice cozy one i was like i'm going over and that's that's the end of this come on come on don't you oh you what the [ __ ] is happening why isn't physics working anymore it's like he's perpetually falling into the hole we who are about to die salute you salute bye jack good luck ryan good luck jack oh ryan was close to the edge there that hurt come here ryan remember jumping in the air gives you bonus damage wow ryan's getting crunched that hurts so much he's giving time ryan time to eat ryan's eating he's a fish eater jack a surprise attack from gavin wait ryan ryan can fly like in sky high the kid comes up when you think he's dead because he has both characters what are you doing he can cry anything he just destroyed my time i couldn't find it jack i was going to take this thing apart block by boy unlimited butt bread at olive garden pillow food for me eating [ __ ] bread lover swallowing a pillow put it all in my sweet sweetness wow obviously it was bread lover damn it yeah there would have been hearts if it was bread yeah [Applause] it was pillow food for me [Laughter] wow okay what is happening paying attention to me oh [ __ ] oh eat some mushrooms being sober at this point christ [ __ ] you mushrooms did that hurt him now i think it did all right what are you doing oh no oh [Applause] hyrule was [ __ ] man hyrule is [ __ ] i think that's the end we were saying it's over ryan that's the end of link sorry link died [ __ ] hyrule is [ __ ] i there's no more heroes damn it that was so impressive zelda's going to be happy with canon romanticism franken and mine wow that's quite romantic i don't know something guttural like scheisen [ __ ] bork sizing [ __ ] very guttural [Laughter] filling jesus can i get like a family photo of you with a lip balm oh dude you totally can't like i'll even have pachimaru right here i don't i don't like this big cameras it makes me worried as to what's going on that is not 214. that is very much six man break what you do [Music] [Music] legendaries you got what you were you were very valuable at uh you know for statistical purposes you stabbed me the whole time you've been through the whole idea yeah it's been there it was everybody in the room wait are you all [Laughter] why i don't like you yeah i'll fire you oops oh look at that duly noted i don't like you you like me and i don't like her anybody else oh yeah you i don't want you give me a hater [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah he's right behind somebody he's just running along with an accident hey connell he threw something are you okay you look a little yeah i'm all right i keep tripping like an idiot your shirt's a little tired oh my god jeff no i need something that you have jeremy he can't hear his name jason tried [Applause] any minute now would just be great jeff god dude you're dead shut the [ __ ] up i wish he killed him way more efficiently [Music] oh wait the door is open that's nice oh i want to use this i died sweetums welcome home from a long day of work it was a long day at work sweetums you know what i would love right now what's that not to have someone [ __ ] my wife okay is that a dog please can we do that today who is this man what no there's another one [Applause] oh [Music] where is he slam into your helicopter turned off my xbox well it's we didn't he did it real fast you didn't even call bump shoes i saw you guys get hit but they didn't just get in bunches because i was i saw it happen i thought there was no god damn it i didn't think you could possibly survive that was like a cheesy bun life oh man this is the family guess what the wife is out now so that used to be my family oh the paste the kid paste you know what are you gonna do maybe there's a new family in the new town front flip oh my god that was for style that was for style for grace for everything we're gonna try and keep it up for 25 hits oh my god got him hippos aren't as fast on ground i think oh he's still coming through [ __ ] get me the hell out of me you're kidding me oh he's so bad oh my god plan b things are looking bad we warp out of here we wipe all of our our logs we were never here okay got it okay i like this captain enemy okay okay fields are about to collapse evasive actions okay i don't have anyone within range captain get in range the bridge is on fire sorry see you later we did it we saved six souls [Music] fire man also this one's our building yeah oh yeah that way you didn't climb stage four you climbed stage three surely you're not still here oh my god dragging somebody did you get away yep oh my god one of my brethren is dead how did you do that who died i'm a master oh another car who died i am a man i'm stealth someone on my team's dead oh gavin's dead yeah mouth gavin no he's gonna wait away there it is [Laughter] damn it i shouldn't have run back gavin gavin stepped on jeff i stepped on a toe is this it oh he's a turtle look at that no he's not he's is he a hat wait is he a car again yeah he ran a garden i was sweeping between both carts and i got killed oh man terrible timing i went right into the [ __ ] overpass it's a pretty steel horse oh my god i just smashed my face on that bridge you were so close it was like the 11 foot eight bridge that was awesome you called that guy what happened gavin hit by a car an air car i'm [ __ ] back baby hey boy it's on fire i'm on fire 20 minutes later are you like midnight on fire oh yeah i'm burning damn how's the torch damn man oh god i appreciate the company very misunderstood i was in a closet with no way out and he was in the door and he was just standing there going how how was there a [ __ ] in the closet oh my god a [ __ ] i don't know what it is i wonder if you're gonna hit the audible facepalm what please don't bankrupt me [Applause] [Laughter] god damn it oh please let's go with bankruptcy i still don't know it all right good luck jack the god damn this [ __ ] i don't know what the word is how do i not know this [Music] [Applause] all right jack you get 700 right here oh my god jack ah i don't know it you got oh oh [Applause] [Laughter] god please roll bankrupt please go bankrupt go bankrupt kevin oh go go go oh [Applause] man what's a salmon crab it's like a comma should be there salmon crab living things oh i'm a dumb no no just go hit him i'm hitting him stank this ow you guys killed me don't you escaped god damn it i thought love was more or less a gavin thing the more i gave the less i got oh yeah what's he use of trying all you get is pain when i wanted sunshine i'm a believer hey ryan uh yeah a voice in my head jeff it's me jeff you're my mom i'm your mom oh i'm playing oh god there's multiple of them what do you want kill the little [ __ ] okay okay mom i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i have no slowly wanna fornicate do not approach him stop approaching him he's approaching quit approaching breaking my bubble he's breaking my bubble personal space means nothing to jason well get away from me your mommy should have taught you better jason are you not tired yet why are you still running oh get [ __ ] get off my boy you son of a [ __ ] did i get ambushed yeah you know what he got busted jason suck this now your door is pointless okay okay let's talk about this all right my papa owns the lake i can get you a new mama and a new a new lake house and a new new mama really you can give me a new mama he was gonna get me a new mama oh my god i'm gonna put you in a little box and i'm gonna pee on you every day [Music] [Applause] oh god if there's no lightning jack oh god oh god oh god michael michael he didn't even he's not on the map [Laughter] let me just pull up my map and i see him running at me i'm like oh and i tried to close the map and as he's killing me i shot him with a flare and died [Music] sideways it's like the sidecar of a motorcycle but there's no motorcycles that was so painful [Music] i'm just gonna pull yeah on three oh god [Music] and then come on you [ __ ] come on come on we did it i don't even know why i don't even know why a climber totally irrelevant to what we just did like we got an achievement we would have got that climbing a step but we got it on the coolest stunt ever damn it jeff what'd you do i was c4 and the dude i didn't i thought it was far enough to hit them the bloody hostage could have had a phone call no stop it's possible i was so excited that i was going to kill that dude trying to come through the thing oh you like me what was that michael see if you notice me get ready how did you get there guess what bad things are about to happen so yeah [ __ ] god don't grab his hands my characters look at the screen like i bet you're wondering how i got here oh [ __ ] dude uh-oh [Laughter] oh oh no i think they can still see me over there oh somebody oh my god doctor you're gonna get me kids [Applause] yeah i went from turtle to candy cane what's his madness dude we were oh we had some real bad problems i'm a present [ __ ] there's the exit right there oh my god there it is oh my god holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i did it oh my god i got my first time bonus time bonus there we go that's the loyalty challenge michael all in order that is solely we are mastermind [Applause] i turned the corner and saw someone flip through if i get one good rotation it should go nose first then sure all right all right yep bell first right in the hole how did you do that you moved the hole that was a flat cog poking out the ceiling every time i look up we have a [ __ ] that is bulls deep in the ceiling yeah can i get a grenade through that window i can't how do i cancel can i cancel oh my god jesus christ so when you hold the grenade you're actually cooking it yep matt who cares this guy's this guy's jerking off right now his two-inch dick has never been harder he's like i just keep showing michael with rocky oh my god i finally got to play with the achievement hunters and i shot a rocket all day i'm like rain i'm ray right now i'm back guys [ __ ] ruffle my waffle i'm a challenge finder hello aloes guys check out my stream i'll be i'll be streaming after this check out tiny dick at twitch uh also known by oh i blow my mom jeff look at me keeping people safe thanks [ __ ] hell see that yeah caution oh god all right never mind jeff why did you curse me i'm a dumpster i'm killing two dumpsters look we belong yes we're gonna die so fast we're fine we belong they'll damn it wow uh if i see if we get people who know the maps i don't even know we just kept firing we got both of us all right okay ball buster um in the hole oh okay there you go and oh that is good that is it that was the way to go he didn't make it but that's still it but you know i'll take it ball swallow okay swap with me oh please swap with me pick me can you pick me oh did you guys know you could just say this is the one time where i'd like to get picked pick me yes yes oh yes oh no yes yes but wait does it swap you with jeff [Laughter] oh my god it's great it's [ __ ] awesome look i got the stink on me that was hilarious oh did you guys see that that's my favorite part brian and jack were right next to you that was so awful it was brutal oh my god man i got ball busted [Laughter] oh i want my mommy ball buster was so bad that was [ __ ] fishy well i really hope it doesn't okay i'd go more left if you want to hit that ramp yeah like right there well depends on where you're going there is a wall there's a blue wall down there holy [ __ ] you got it well yes you actually got it down there good job jeff oh there's a air bucket there it is an air bucket oh jeff you got a ball buster i hope i get it you did say i hope i get it jack's gonna stop saying things jack's losing this [ __ ] and jeff is going to kill himself like no joke no [ __ ] joke man jeff is gonna blow his brains out he's laying on his head she's got his head on his desk that was beautiful okay nice jeff i didn't oh thank you [Music] oh my god that's unbelievable hero was saying not to hop to this thing and are you finished to be honest i wasn't even happening and not cause i'm busy i just don't give a hop it's like five tiny cars i guess the hop to pop see i was voicing my rejoicing as a top caught hot before i bury my weary up and hop a topper hop then the people have my bids and then open the ride the just one hopping man could be way tougher than you five out hop another [ __ ] while i'm constantly in [ __ ] i'm topping out last now hop up really [ __ ] gym never thought i'd top your thunder but guess what a pop healing insults out like here's hop at the hot tub [Music] that won't give you a tummy around you might hop top but i won't top a community i'm honestly hard hot top hop really great when i pop out in the year when you talk about the nate every top top up half i tucked the top of the hopped on they have the type of person up to hop the top on it i have a new challenge bringing his topping me sick tuck the whole top of a hole over with hot top the popcake hop up to pop top of her beard battle winning topper exists hop and tip uh so this right here is our atomic reconstructor now we've uh we've run some tests it's been nice oh my god what's up damn it [ __ ] you but uh here's a little demonstration of what this will do dude that was uh congratulations that was pretty cool you guys have achieved evil genius status yeah i believe yeah build a doomsday device come on give me the money gavin you can get your car yeah you could win a whole car you'll never drive one thing that's ever happened temporary yeah is it no wait did you have to see it that's it to believe it i'm afraid oh my god gavin has left the room [Laughter] goddamn dollars oh the car i gained nothing from that i got 500 bucks you guys could have gotten a car damn 10 grand no pressure here alfredo we're not a competitive group it doesn't matter if you want to lose we're just going to support you either way jeremy and his friend i want alfred i don't want to feel like the weird pressure or anything it doesn't matter wins or loses as long as the audience is happy with the entertainment doesn't matter there you go coming in hot yes [Applause] [Music] san francisco and it was easy all right well rematch [Laughter] boy i can't see the target on my clothes what will be the hot new fashion trend futures in 2050 cigarettes that look like [ __ ] cover up everything but the balls don't talk about smokers i talk about smokers on off topic and caught a lot of [ __ ] you didn't talk about them jack you shane well don't worry because they caught cancer they won't be there much longer to [ __ ] at you that'll make it better [Laughter] oh cover everything about the balls takes it oh my god i'm sorry jeremy i'm so i'm so sorry dude the transformation is becoming complete he's becoming ruby tim he burns burns burns we can feed you through the vagina we're gonna kill this man hold jeremy hold come on and just like that that's where your chin is that was a complete waste of time i mean i mean not the video the video is funny but the mold it just looks like a sprayed silly string into it yeah it turns out to make a successful silly string mold you have to leave it on the person's face where i assume a day i biffed it nice [Laughter] jesus oh god oh thank god i didn't land on it what happened yeah it blew up it blew up real good would you do that too he was sparking his ex so awesome damn it oh oh [ __ ] that was brutal all right well there [Music] in [Applause] wait where's the pink one it was really soft it's like soaked paper enjoy in life right now because in 30 minutes i don't know where he went john i just have this new lamp in here i don't know where trevor went i'm right here god ah [ __ ] [ __ ] fishing ah [ __ ] it snapped again oh boy [ __ ] oh hi jack hey jeremy you [ __ ] can i shoot at you do i have a gun jack just literally killed me you see me jack i see you pulling a goddamn fish out of the water is this [ __ ] catching a fish already oh yeah yeah i got a nine pounder my friends pick up the [ __ ] i'm watching jack's character like totally loose it's [ __ ] over there come on give me a [ __ ] bite buy my food fight my [ __ ] food aren't you hungry all right i'm gonna drown myself in this [ __ ] lake no john my fish got away awesome awesome [Applause] [Laughter] i'm the only god damn one michael is the only one in the fake [ __ ] turncoats not even a crew i'll kill you get me in it i i'll kill you social club error player already has a crew invitation pending how do i get it i don't know figure it out is there like a button in the phone god i'm in the fake age group i just did it on the site it takes two seconds [Laughter] now this is why i had the camera and now we get to the bottom of why gavin isn't in the crew oh you're backing you're back you're backing back in the crew just like that it's that it was that easy that was effort though you can see why there was no convenient time to do that before no just grab the hostages that was awesome jeremy you won that single hand jeremy is the best player ever you got good definitely killed you as well he did no you died oh i took the hostage i bit them on the head and the head shot was a double kill we proposed the idea and they said yes dude he's kicking my ass when he's got this and then they gave us the most frequently showing up majima of all time i will never forget the one time you beat him jeremy oh there we go we did beat him you did it it happened so [ __ ] you developers even though you made him [ __ ] really hard to beat we still beat him take that we're the best at this [ __ ] you zombie bypass piece of [ __ ] even though you're super tough to beat wait you killed him and he became not a zombie anymore he's human this whole time even though you show up all over the [ __ ] place you're in garbage cans you're hiding in alleyways like a [ __ ] brick we still found you we beat the [ __ ] out of you i hit you with a giant traffic cone and you can't take any more of that [ __ ] suck it did you guys try it before i got here yeah scarlet witch would agree [Laughter] what is that thank god those brakes yes okay so the display stand right kevin what happened [Laughter] [Laughter] what's he done come here you gotta come look at this don't tell him the best things i've ever also also you finished your name that's awesome [ __ ] that doesn't mean damn it oh my god [Laughter] i like the idea of someone going i'm gonna put my name on this telling everyone and then writing gay [Laughter] [Music] i just hit the back [Music] oh [Applause] we're at work right now so much fun count of three one two three [Applause] [Applause] oh my god [Applause] this game didn't get any easier in the five years i've not played it stop you're going to kill me oh [ __ ] the portals are not great no you think you [ __ ] no you stop it yeah why don't we put this out in like 2017. you could no we solved the puzzle we solved the puzzle you left me jeff come back just locked in a room leave him there maybe i'll come back he can't come back now we've lost yeah but not you ryan you can live on for the rest of us okay just beat the level thank you i want to see it coming jack god that is it that is it ah i can say this jack won jared gavin you are gonna have a mark oh oh my god hey uh jack sir you see me uh i'm behind you i printed this screen guys i am a god jeremy you just hey jack how do you like god why have you done this i have no idea what happened that was just the audio is all i heard it's just jeremy going hey check this out met by he's put source blocks in so many places well he's a he's a god didn't oh my god do you not hear that you're the shittiest god ever listen they're most of them aren't great is i landed on my head once and then i hit the wall that might be the fastest anyone's been in everyone's webcam editor please cut all the webcams alfredo you deserve that one you get to take a lap the last 15 seconds alfredo was just like oh my god gavin has got this unless he gets super strong dude that ending was [Applause] three two my one [Music] cowboys [Laughter] my god [Music] what are you laughing at boy what is that it's like a piece of [Laughter] ham you're a bloody sausage wow don't bleed by accident i need that happy lit don't waste your blood hey uh ham ham guy come here and stand here real quick holy [ __ ] he's gonna stab you right all right you don't want my bloody turn michael to a total freak dude you know hey it's weird i can't go in there okay you're not ready yet maybe if i fix the door nope nope maybe if i if you oh god fire why am i still on fire why is there fire here why is everything on fire what is happening what have i done ryan is so sorry holy [ __ ] ryan they ain't gonna be up for much longer did i do that it's a long cabin of course it wasn't like that before you went in oh no she's in there dying was that me it had to be and now she's got a gun she's gonna shoot the bullets walking around with the blowtorch in the wooden house it's like that wasn't me that could have been me right that wasn't me that wasn't me oh [ __ ] here's a guy in the field with me he's right in front of me jeremy look at my screen come here [ __ ] come here he's running come here he's just as fast as us we're evenly matched don't worry i got a crossbow i'm coming so hard oh he got a little speed boost there come on you got him i'm gonna [ __ ] kick your ass i don't feel like i'm gonna catch you oh oh he's taking it he's taking it take it down here we beat him all right let's go let's get out of here he just stopped and accepted it he knew we wouldn't stop he literally just [Laughter] no jeff put glass up to try and save his trees from the lunch dude we'll find out if it'll work or not um just plot more trees no dude like [Music] yeah they are they are monuments i mean they have [ __ ] signs and everything what is that it goes straight in there straight in the greenhouse [Music] the best part it wasn't even like i thought it'd be like a like a uh like a vein mine it wasn't there no it all died individually oh it eats all right i just watched the entire forest just delete itself i mean it was two trees but i think you can see how far it goes it looks like there's a flat line jeff with his [ __ ] googly eyes so sad dude it took jeff a while to notice it was happening what was that i'm out of corn shack he's out of corn feed the man what do we do [Applause] throw it oh what was that oh is it too soon for me to be quarterback oh he got destroyed it fell over i'm gonna go and assume landon was controlling that character too so it might have been me i don't know it was definitely me i was trying to flame clip recording watch this guy [ __ ] kill himself all right jeff here we go critical yeah oh no oh suck a [ __ ] dick [Applause] all right man look at that i can't believe that wow thank you all right still a minute and ten seconds left it's still good is on the ceiling that was crazy what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] we've had two miss pats and one block i'm running it i got your blood oh i'm dead look at him get the party going he's the best he loves [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] too early then you have to incorporate gavin's all you man this is gavin slow down slow down break kevin love penis penis penis penis penis penis [ __ ] [ __ ] penis penis [ __ ] [ __ ] eater oh gavin this is uh incredible actually holy holy [ __ ] oh my god can he [ __ ] do it oh dude are you are you [ __ ] [Applause] oh holy [ __ ] okay oh what is this that's do we end it there oh are you kidding me yeah i know we gotta end it there are you kidding you think you're gonna keep going all right well jeff we're here you want to talk about your area yeah yeah i make chickens i think i take two different kinds of chickens and then i make them [ __ ] and then they make a different new chicken that's different than it was before yeah and then a lot of times that chicken will poop stuff out that you guys want and then i'll give it if i if you ask for it and then it did it then i'll give it to you i'll say here's the thing you ask for and then uh then sometimes you guys will say i need this and then but i don't that doesn't that's not a chicken yet so i'll take two other chickens and i'll make them [ __ ] and then that'll make a thing and then uh then when that chicken grows up to be a big mom chicken uh it'll flow it'll [ __ ] out what the thing you need to do get someone write that down yeah that reads it editor can you can you subtitle that literally is of like a rick and morty here we are look at my eyebrows what have they done oh my god what the [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] is that that is team nice to meet you also look the arms are the [ __ ] dx racer chairs looks like our hands are up a sock if team nice dynamite ever needs a new whoa a new logo this is it that was fun that was incredible what i just did this thing does stunts anybody have any thoughts on the character that we ended with what the hell dude our left arm is the racing chair too his [ __ ] eyebrow i know which one oh my god his mouth looks like an anus oh it's a sideways vagina maybe designate like two scion yeah who's the scion i'm on scion yeah jeremy you got it hey we got a song somewhere where's that scion oh scion uh crazy where is yeah we have one still all right all right we did no [ __ ] oh no anymore god damn it guys all right you want to switch ride yes okay cool i'll go with alfredo what is the problem well now you know where they're going clearly explained we don't know where it is what do you think is happening on our side of the map right now ryan i'm just killing the [ __ ] out of this guy listen when an idiot yells about how his [ __ ] is made just let him make it thank you you know what your job is you [ __ ] did it last time do it again it's a different area right yeah i mean it is totally different totally different he's right here he's in the center bam man he was so hard to find oh this is going to be oh you go [ __ ] look this was your job right this is the easiest thing i've ever done i killed that guy so fast all i've been doing is walking around [ __ ] waiting for the guy to show up and punch him that was your job no wonder ryan's complaining this is the easiest job ever it takes forever you have to throw bullets at him for an hour two seconds so easy alfredo where's the next one right we're going to the chalice having fun here he is look i found him again [ __ ] i punched him right in the anus that was so damn hard alfredo let's go kill this toddler that you know [Laughter] don't be bitter just because you were terrible don't be don't be bitter in jesus christ since we swapped we haven't [ __ ] lost a single standard oh well i'm glad you're not bitter about it he started it i i don't think he started dude if someone's complaining everybody's special you're all [ __ ] well if we had six ryans the raid would be over that's true we'd be finished jesus christ all right let's move past it everyone's shooting them everyone's doing something you're acting like no one's doing anything for all let's just kill them and try and beat it for the love of god everyone stop [ __ ] whining that i'm not doing your damn job you're the one that won't stop screaming let's just play them oh no oh my god i'm killing that guy over there oh that's the easy part why'd you [ __ ] come to this part all right i'm killing these guys oh why aren't you doing this part [ __ ] you all right do your job i'm just happy and nice i've literally said nothing i've been shooting my body entire time jeremy which is two hours left all right i'm just hitting the elaborator before i go on the left [ __ ] this break ryan what happened oh my god no no no no no no we don't start again i was curious what happened you died i'm curious what happened right you've been working hard you need to you deserve some respect jack i think you're working real hard i appreciate your i know we get frustrated jeremy you're contributing in the ways that you contribute michael you're great as always trevor i appreciate your patience as you're saying jeremy you don't need to i'm gonna [ __ ] it up on my own you don't need to you don't need his front wheels but we're gonna help you jeff it's gonna need your help that's like a hostage begging a murderer not to kill him let's say i'm gonna do it i'm gonna kill myself i'm gonna go with cigarettes anyway yeah jab oh my god oh my gosh you dropped it to me can you roll through that [ __ ] yeah you can [ __ ] dude they're never gonna see this coming [Laughter] one hand on the wheel no batman can't go on the stairs oh thank god that's there this is for the handy capable let's get off the bus who cares that guy no idea what happened he was alive and now he's not you're on my boat oh yes this guy bad day you're the one oh cut his [ __ ] legs off there was nothing silent about what i just did you went through one leg then cleaned through the second leg that one single swing loudest way to kill someone that is not a [ __ ] stealth kill chopping skulls legs off oh holy [ __ ] what is it what was it like i'll do it that way that's basically that's bad that's the one i know tell me why it's called whatever i think it's called tell me jack went off ahead again what's up girl let him die it's the only way he'll learn whoa [Laughter] all right what the [ __ ] i'm glad you went first dude it would be really funny if there was a goldfish commercial that went the snack that touches back goldfish and then it showed a kid curled up crying oh look at that look at all the [ __ ] in there can we destroy the blood bags that might bite me in the no [Applause] [ __ ] infected pieces [Laughter] i hope he eats every [ __ ] one of you shit's in your judgment's coming back hope he uses jeremy for a toilet oh my god oh my god dude oh [ __ ] wait a minute jeremy not to get eaten by alfredo take it okay uh it's alfredo no [ __ ] this jack it's jeff and jack dude it's jeff and jack it's not a jefferson jack dude [ __ ] you jack hey if you guys if you were the better men today i want you to know that i uh i respect that and i appreciate it and uh you know what what i'm wiggle wagging i feel like he's catching up to me though he's quick got it real quick the market cornered he's a speedy little leather man i need uh oh you're a fixer i fix and then you fix i'll fix we all fix oh wait stop stop stop stop collaborate listen why why stop oh well that's why jeff that bad bad fix how's it hanging jeremy going to need bigfix jeremy going to need severe food leave jeremy jeremy about to be lots of goo not great on that one mom who's kurt cobain good one [Music] what the [ __ ] is that it's your dead mom oh my god holy sh that's [ __ ] dark bomb well at least throw something at her yeah do you have a poking stick there you go nailed it don't watch it jeff get the gun get the gun something scary on the screen yeah we built up the attack watch every direction jeff oh oh it's off you're going to find him this oh no oh [Laughter] dude you threw it right at jeremy oh i'm sorry no you didn't hit him dead ending 107. [ __ ] well i said you beat duck caesar jeff you beat it what was that is it over you got the dead oh oh oh that's you oh [ __ ] jeff it's the libyans that's right in front of us [Applause] ryan threw me off with this labia joke no not labia that's what i heard get him jeffy they're flapping their lips whoops you want that one i mean it's right there and has four tires but does it have gas and his fire drill was absolutely correct oh yeah we're getting shot at first your hope i won't throw this one this mystical i [ __ ] did throw it though god damn it why did it have to be creepy i am uh-oh ah i did it again why do i keep throwing these important eggs [ __ ] it's like 15-20 minutes of work and then he throws it that was like 31 minutes i've been waiting for that egg and i just [ __ ] threw it why are you so disrespectful i'm stupid i'm not disrespectful i'm stupid i just don't respect your tools no respect intelligence my body just betrayed me what happened jeff i [ __ ] my pants oh really jeff i was peeing wow like when you're waiting i thought you were talking about the chicken stuff no i'm talking about real life you know when you're biting when your body's like hey i see that i see that you're uh eliminating this would be a great time to do both yeah my body was like nah it's coming so i had to like with my pants down i had to like drop my pants in the middle of the bathroom and run to the toilet and slam the door shut yeah and i couldn't even have a chance to shut it because i was too busy [ __ ] was coming out of me and so i had to spend half the [ __ ] time [ __ ] with the door open luckily nobody came in dude so that's my ear that's my life you did not sit down and immediately do this you did you did not i refuse to believe brian you're sitting next to the man i refuse all right i'm going to throw a camera and keep me from getting killed please i got it right that guy [ __ ] me up that guy that's really funny that guy okay somewhere i deserve that there was a threat there was a threat to the team that had to be dealt with you took so long to kill me you put a scope on this goddamn scope on to shoot me yeah you [ __ ] the scope i wanted to get real vague [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah it generates power off of death it does wait i've got wait wait no i've got 50 seconds of doom guys oh god you're doomed i can see you what do you mean well you're you're frothing with doom i am yeah you got to stop [ __ ] with the doom machine oh my god oh my god i made poor choices guys seeing the specter of death arrive in 40 seconds you better pick a place infected with the specter of death who mocked me for death is it my death generator wait let me see is it in my destiny gee i wonder what are the odds three two one and bret oh my god he turned into a gravestone death works quick wow jerry you know what the amazing upside was that platform that i kind of know that's oh no what's the wrong job oh no oh there's a drop on the farm on the farm what i heard jeff go oh lava and then yeah oh no oh this is mogar news here we see the lava oh thank you jeremy still on fire so if you throw a lava egg it just makes lava yeah did you not know that no symbol farmer yeah that's how i was feeding the lilies right spectate me okay jack i'm spectating you nice classic jeff i'm watching you you know my secret rule jeremy just make sure you're freaking out guess who's got two thumbs and is the devil oh it smells like hey jeremy brimstone [ __ ] get away from me i'm hiding you're safe you got the thumb get away you got the thumbs jeremy [ __ ] up i thought i lost it hello oh you're safe you're safe not your friend though oh my god [Laughter] oh my god just jerry was just slowly walking down like please don't shoot me rip it i got nothing but the points get in there oh oh oh oh jeff a little harder than that he is kicking things he's found the boxes oh look there's a there's a remote control up there how much time is left that's the box of bouncy balls i collected from our side and now he's running out of time he's running out of time dude check out this [ __ ] soupy i'm gonna hit him with ready oh you opened your mug and then i immediately died [Music] [ __ ] fire [ __ ] jumping into my dick at the bottom and then you just suicided oh jesus oh [ __ ] fire [ __ ] we're doing it we're doing it oh i'm gonna hit this thing just so you know ah damn it i [ __ ] killed myself no no we want god damn it not the flames oh god oh god we both shot it i just all right so shoot the challenge through the chalice that starts it off okay wasting time you're the king of let's not waste time you're wasting time just let's kill it no no explain it while we're doing it it's [ __ ] ryan can have a [ __ ] fit that's exactly it so you can start screaming at people i want to see him do it okay i'm going to start explaining the show this [ __ ] race ryan what are you talking about if you're a [ __ ] surgeon like i'm just gonna start cutting we're not surgeons we're entertainers and listening to him talk while nothing is happening is not entertaining that can just get cut out it's called editing yeah he's agreeing with me i'm with ryan ryan jack go grab the balls and go back to the other side remember those two swords are right here where i'm standing right now i didn't see where you were standing around but i mean michael is on it okay we're just [ __ ] rolling it i just can't hear what you're saying yeah i know because they're all talking alfredo you're also really quiet dude man get up because we're trying to explain why we're playing god damn it if you guys wanted to explain it just shut the [ __ ] up while he explains it i can't hear him while you're all talking about the goddamn race we were talking about important things dude but i [ __ ] i literally heard his explanation and then cut him off and he's trying to tell us what we have to do [Applause] do you need like to have sex more or something you are [ __ ] freaked out i'm a freak i want to make a good video yeah how much quicker do you want a [ __ ] explanation how you can talk while we're doing look we carry you through this goddamn rain go nobody eating here telling you how to whack your own goddamn dick ryan it's been me there we go okay fair enough if you're with ryan we don't know what we're doing we never explain ourselves if you can see it just [ __ ] start it and talk about it while we're doing it that's right you're just talking about jesus it looks like brian's right ryan just let us do it once and walk us through it while you're doing it completely oh man it's like you can already see your apartment we can't see ours we won't you can't see it because you won't let him get it because you're white first because it's not [ __ ] let us get into an idiot do you think i [ __ ] imagine that it is don't just say a song what do you think it is a giant [ __ ] crocodile i don't know i can't see it yet because you won't let us get to it okay so i'm just saying when alfredo we're looking at it and he's telling us as you're requesting you guys are all talking and i can't hear what he's saying that's fine that's all i'm saying we [Applause] ryan i'm i'm sorry for what happened at the beginning you know what guys we all made we're good we all made it let's go kill some toddlers god damn it hey guys you might have been shocked by the sales that were on black friday and cyber monday but achievement hunter one up that we wanted more of a garbo sale for tuesday but don't take our word for it take it from garbo manheim if you go to the rooster slash store or store it youtube promo code garbo you're gonna get one percent off all that's even on your merchandise that's one dollar for every one hundred dollars are you hungry covered criminal code oh god government that's michael's desk he's going to be living no it's a garbo dance oh god some [ __ ] kids whoa that was insane that was insanity i was like why is he positioning himself like that on top of me who should i kill he's afraid i had a perfect view of that that was like if i was a jet fighter and i just watched my buddy in front of me died there are four of us here yeah there are he's figured out that doesn't hurt him you're way back oh yeah mikey's gonna die mikey's gonna die he's got friends oh that's a second kill oh my god you gotta heal up let's go save him oh no there's more there's four of them believe it or not please let's go save him no michael is so far no michael he's in a bag throughout the bathroom with 13 bullets we're coming just every time they michael every time they try to open the door shut it hurry up get in here oh they're shooting through the door oh [ __ ] i got one of them don't shoot me i'm at the window oh i got no bullets left i got nothing left sorry we got you i got them holy [ __ ] there's all kinds of stuff that was teamwork guys you saved me we're amazing jack's got a pet that's pretty good got a pet that's cool jack's very very cool pet it's like we're gonna get some walls we're all firemen like talking a cat out of a tree do it jump okay kill yourself oh he will he will that's the problem there he goes i feel like i did that he absolutely knows too all right damn it i had the best shot i had a ghost dragon which is [ __ ] awesome [Music] holy [ __ ] it's not moving anymore oh all right well there you go don't get much better than that kobe oh what is that oh nuggets oh what the [ __ ] come on why you're back one day it's all i told you that wasn't no that wasn't me of course it was you come on [ __ ] jeremy that's close oh my gosh oh my god what are you doing over here yeah the pig of destiny yeah oliver it's just that we're supposed to kill that thing by the way no why people said like there's there's stuff that pops out of it is really rare are we supposed to not kill him i mean you already gave me all the information i needed farewell oliver i also just killed me that was um dude i watched it happen i was jokingly my god i had the arrow drawn ryan showed up at the mention of loot and was like oh you're dead now and then and then they just killed him he didn't even do anything he'd just die whatever you do don't hurt oliver i'm gonna kill him i died holy [ __ ] you heard him though oliver has no chill he did hurt him you killed him i got him good take that you [ __ ] me some photos why would you do that to me that was that was pretty there's a whole pile of stuff right here on the ground i don't see a grave for him it's just a pile of stuff ryan you're a monster you know that right i'm not responsible for whatever just happened well it's me did you throw it yeah you got a lot of [ __ ] things to choose from for the love of god [Applause] do that in he's being substituted in wait he's playing wait bring in the fridge no do i got it i don't think i got it oh my god you got a [ __ ] mascot put that cat in the [ __ ] hospital make some work for my wife i'm gonna [ __ ] crush him come here [ __ ] there you go night oh no right to him now [ __ ] no [ __ ] god damn it all right we might have let our irrational hatred for the cat get in the way of what oh oh come on why they get two [Laughter] there we go i can't breathe i'm dying yes off of that place why can't i knock you down so hard holy [ __ ] they're shooting at me holy [ __ ] the cops come here you [ __ ] you pigs dude they're standing in the brigade get your hop out get them oh you got butcher holy [ __ ] dude i didn't think it'd be this violent [Laughter] it's a game about sharks just swimming around they're on the streets and they're killing in your town they got a sword attached to his fin he's not gonna stop you're gonna [ __ ] see the shark coming your [ __ ] will drop he's got a mace there's a gunner here he's looking for one he's gonna get that shotgun and have sharky fun he's only one grand away from the end of your days when he goes to the shop your heart's gonna pop welcome to the shark city dimmy doo i got a shark from me and the shark first you changed the rhyming scheme whatever uh sorry after becoming lost in the wilderness of the oregonian valley a 29 year old new zealand woman survived by blank all right she survived by flashing her obon riding whales getting animals for warmth eating out her own [ __ ] befriending the wildlife eating bugs wasn't until she wasn't walking until she wasn't lost uh walking until she wasn't are you [ __ ] kidding me how did you call it i can't believe damn it i can't believe two people picked this small you can walk from coast to coast i mean you're not wrong that's what i thought that's what i would do i didn't think anyone would pick it dude i killed that round yeah here comes green being a [ __ ] little [ __ ] green god damn it jesus this is a giant damage in the way [ __ ] still in the lead pink's right there pig's about to finish what are you doing congratulations alfredo you earned a victory you did it really i mean jeff and and ryan they came they tied for second so that's what matters there's the old jack spin there it is everybody loves me my jack's the most likable guy i love you guys i'm gonna deep throat this dildo okay why they can't see any of it all right [Laughter] that's impressive jeff oh wow wow oh it's crazy that was really good i can't believe you put that in your mouth out on the floor that's disgusting all right oh fredo you just put it that was like lost his dick in the mail you've got to go straight though i mean you threw it at an angle it's going to be a problem we watched the pros on the right if you get this first try account for the balls oh yes oh i can't believe it are you serious fredo's in shock that was incredible what the [ __ ] was that that is the coolest thing you will ever do so we just went back kevin you're up i'm get for what it's russian roulette man get in there [ __ ] oh i was gonna fly i was just banging my head on wait gavin where are you oh yeah yeah that's right oh good job dude did you do another we were very worried about this physics test the broken path to succeed hey look at this milly there's a cow in a jar well calvin michael just made this um to make my to make my farm another big one you see this like just pouring out of my mouth [ __ ] yeah that means i want you to get oh so we had jeff [ __ ] himself in a vid like in one in the sky factory michael's vomiting on on camera it smells like rancid burgers you're ruining my thoughts of ribeye later dude i feel [ __ ] amazing now is that a jar candy i want a candy calm down just mind your own [ __ ] this has nothing to do with you and it's you really call an exorcist this demon is throwing a wrench okay that poor guy was really minding his own business and kind of wrenched himself he walked by at a really inaudible uh in in my defense uh he was auto targeted i couldn't stop myself i was not aiming i was clearly going for the candy jar bring it baby oh my god you got [ __ ] ghosted yeah ryan you got [ __ ] daytime haunted oh my god he had like a nom flashback and his golf ball on a skull for one second tiny 911. oh it's bad oh what's up jeff oh my god oh my god are you right over here jeremy i fell off all right [Applause] first person wasn't better first person wasn't better i forgot the switch jeff was so excited to play again annihilated i got enough for one more set of beans okay all right ready brunch [Laughter] much better fresh breath you're clean [Music] oh that's amazing that can penis look at this trail of the tears uh excellent work i love being away from the office and coming back you guys are ready to film gavin yep next time you swing by yep can you bring a block of gold with you so i don't need the log chicken you did something to book her why do you hate cat smoking no i had a net ryan bring him back what you bring him back put him down ryan okay no no did you just throw him off the world what did he throw why would you do that right he threw booker away i didn't do anything like that away like a piece of trash i was kind of hoping you'd catch him that says you're well i i can fall faster than gravity yeah you get i caught dirt oh damn if ryan caught dirt there's the name of his cat nerd oh it looks like your reactor sprung a leak i don't know what happens a lot of leaks can you not mine that michael that's the silence of realization it was even better if i can get a like a record like like at that moment that would [Music] what is this jeremy whatever it is it rotted really bad thank god we got all the [ __ ] febreze oh god that's hit here here here's the first thing jeff that's bad so i'll try and make a prank wiggle good for vegas 2. this is a true artist that is at his best right now above your chin feel operative make a gender point for duty oh man it's like he got into a boxing fight but okay god my own [ __ ] face jesus it's your head this could be a [ __ ] thumbnail my friend nothing else happens and it's really upsetting because it looks exactly like i'm a [ __ ] computer monster and now it's jeff's butt you are you i'm laying down guess where we're all going because you're the host look at me i can't on the way out oh my god he's immortal he's immortal i'd say we're going to want to go ahead and quit yeah dude first thing i tried was blasting people with the rocket holy [ __ ] does it work well oh i blossomed let's try in this cop car right now [ __ ] oh i blasted a cop into a wall and he blew up and died oh holy [ __ ] i gotta get out of here i got batman just killed me three two one boosh whoa gavin that was amazing i didn't even fix my window i literally just got mine parked right here oh god come on car can you turn over please oh i can turn it over please oh my god killed jack that might have been the most brutal death you hit my own car enemy i hit the fence and then you just drove over me alfred it's probably got like little water wings in the suit he does yeah alfred help alfred i've went to oh no and sometimes when you're at work you just get a bit randy [Music] i didn't get any on me that was beautiful it was perfect oh it was just so perfect that's great to get out of my system so follow up on the mayo capsule it was 17. it was from mayo to come to and there we go [Music] you you can kill me if you like but gavin was throwing shade did you do this did you do this is this you don't rub my nose in it that's that's ryan's is this you did you guess on the floor did you do this i didn't somebody did this who did this all right if anyone asked trevor you didn't see me oh god oh god you scared me i got him who was it to be honest i did not mean to shoot you scared the [ __ ] out of me no i'm getting out of this damn tree let me out watch it stop gavin let me out watch your step please dive jeff oh god no no no no no no whoa safety shed safety [ __ ] you can trust each other i didn't shoot you in the bathroom you're fine jeremy tell me you saw that when you saw that i'll get this for you but then why is it is it moving what is happening out there i have no idea i was playing on the swing set wait is that a person oh god i'm such a good god that was amazing i had a great angle of it ryan murdered me i am so glad hey michael yeah meet me by the treehouse all right oh no oh my god oh my god this is a corpse oh my god holy [ __ ] [ __ ] is who is that is that matt yeah it's mad did you drag his body all the way from the the [ __ ] the playground over here oh god there's a living truth oh god no oh no who's why are you doing this show yourself [Laughter] i jumped over gavin gavin jumped into me spun me out i landed on my roof and exploded i couldn't have been planned better uh x-ray i just i ran over here and i got stuck in the wall if he is the killer this is hilarious does he take a minute there oh [Laughter] to you when when you're the murderer i killed you so far i was like hey all right oh my god stop stop it wow three it's been him three times in a row yeah i'm the killer for the fourth time in a row oh god okay okay well i dude i'm staying behind red sierra i trust red sierra red sierra the love of god oh god four times yeah guys i need to break something to you about 10 minutes ago i realized i can decide who the murderer is i just wanted him to die like i tabbed and clicked on someone's name and saw it said forced murderer next round oh i couldn't believe it when i was the first time i couldn't believe it the funny part about that is when i killed him i didn't know yeah no ryan didn't even just happen to hear me that is phil i [Laughter] someone will walk into my i don't know what's uh going on here hey hey hey yeah the arrows around the chickens what the [ __ ] guys what come on guys they'll shoot arrows around chickens it's one person no it's two unless you to arrow in real life who else is what did you kill everything looks like it's here you killed a copper chicken you [ __ ] stop yeah what's that ryan's ryan shoot like 300 in the chickens stop mom ryan's 300 in the chicken shawn and bowling don't even know they're hey is someone hiding in the toilets no can you toy no nope can you go third person no go away i don't think so yeah damn it oh that's [ __ ] i hope you're not too late i help people you're machinimating right now [Music] again i'm feeling really uncomfortable because i know that you're inside her smile for the camera i'm sorry buddy but i have photo evidence for the deposition you're about to get frank and hard oh man i'm not comfortable with this sir please get please look at me in the eye i'm like two inches from nipple oh my god gavin stand still yeah oh jesus one eye is just a bit off i did uh i did wedge one of my eyes you know what though aside from that it really looks like [Laughter] what the [ __ ] happened to me you guys got shot [ __ ] i was in cover i was laughing too much to shoot the guy that ran by me there was another one he looks like left face when he's reloading he looks like someone's about to shag him in the mouth look at my screen you look like gollum got uglier i like gollum's downsy brother jeremy jump down okay all right should we move all right somebody move tell me what happened where'd you go he just died i missed the box jeremy god damn it you have a life left yeah all right all right i don't think so gavin you're gonna jump down make sure you hit the box nobody's coming i'm gonna go off this box so we should get together right oh god what the [ __ ] are you doing here i like that i saw him screamed i almost shot him and then he screamed and then shot me jeff come back right oh i'm gonna love him he came around twice scooby doo matt can i make a request do you can you only talk in your sanity it's rapidly becoming my favorite can i have cookies jeffrey sounds like molester claws oh god this is a big holiday for you where are those cookies at you've beaten me like an inch of my life you got beat yeah i'm starting to slit me sometimes santa has to teach the children kevin you have glitter all right here we go he was searching for something online oh there's this kind of a reveal oh there's some gravel what there it goes so cool [ __ ] upper thing i've never been up to shadows awesome jeremy you little [ __ ] they're in here we should go door i think we would be the people annoyed i feel like even if an achievement hunter fan got their house knocked on and we were there they'd be annoyed i would like egg the [ __ ] out of you guys if you showed up to my house come on this never happens how about the other one god pull it off [Laughter] jack i demand satisfaction well we're in the next round what the [ __ ] we're now props jack do you see an axe flying around yeah i'm sh i died because i shot you so there was an axe going ape [ __ ] there yeah oh you son of a [ __ ] i know exactly what you did me someone's holding the [ __ ] axe and i was shooting the axe that they were holding oh wait look at them that was clever [ __ ] he did it by accident i had no idea i was holding it i was just looking around i did it completely by accident i'm glad i'm glad we have face cams jack you're like man that was genius and gavin's going like he doesn't know what happened i was like is someone invisible and they actually got like bashing everything around i died shooting the axe you were holding that's incredible uh [Laughter] that was so amazing so amazing that's so good oh [ __ ] there's more like stacking up getting ready i'm like there's usually somebody in here watch out gavin's like oh i have no feet it looked great i was behind him so i had a great view dude i was up against the wall as he [ __ ] barged in past me i watched him run right in and get shot it was like like loading up and he's the douchebag that's like i got this out of my way all right stack up what the [ __ ] michael is happening there oh hey guys i may have done something bad what did you do you released a wither no i unleashed a bunch of withers unfortunately holy [ __ ] for some reason they're not going through the portal anymore oh oh [ __ ] jack just let him go all right okay stay low stay low stay low they're losing my bow you're stop stop running towards the platform why are they didn't go through the portal broke for some reason oh yeah i watched it happen oh it's bad all right i got one stay low stay low guys i'm fighting one i think i get a bunch of wiggles at once okay i'm dragging them away i'm dragging them away i think it's just mr flame goat all right he's dead wow okay holy are you all right that was chaos all right sorry about that dude i saw that happening i literally go what's that and jack's like oh no i just saw withers coming out like like someone just let go of a bunch of balloons all right they're up to bat gloves why is there a hole oh no what what whoa what are you doing my flint chickens are good oh my god there's a dent in his farm that was probably the wither oh the weather took a chance i don't know how that would have happened thanks for watching get your bronze we'll see you next time with the game of thrones [Music] um [Music] [Music] hey jeremy [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever you do don't hurt all of them millions of years ago six men touched their nugs six nations have now confident are you the fabled [Music] why do i keep throwing these important eggs did you do this i did it somebody did this [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys i need to break something to you i realized i can decide who the murderer is awesome this is doable well yeah ryan's done it yes we have drunk green evidence i'm in this house [ __ ] oh hey sweetie oh my god jesus achievement hunter ruined my life and now i'm dead thanks gavin that was insanity then [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah jesus christ you're frustrated fat up [ __ ] anus very close you were very close you got like two and a half of us there we go thank you alfredo we did it oh that's that's i can't see anything on my way i got a ball buster [ __ ] oh i hope i get it you did say i hope i get it jack's gonna oh thank you thank you [Music] all right here we go [Music] you
Channel: Achievement Hunter
Views: 4,684,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, Geoff Ramsey, Jack Pattillo, Ryan Haywood, Jeremy Dooley, Michael Jones, Gavin Free, Lindsay Jones, Matt Bragg, Trevor Collins, Alfredo Diaz, Andy Blanchard, Best of, 2017, compilation, minecraft, gtav, grand theft auto, friday the 13th, finding, bigfoot, sky factory, criminal masterminds, git gud, rainbow 6, between the games, play pals, Larry Matovina, Steffie Hardy, Neal Werle, Ashley Dillard, Kent Cook
Id: P_xcCQqEEcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 48sec (10548 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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