Let's Play Hades Part 1 - Megaera, The Fury

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all right it's finally time hades because first it had to hit 1.0 finally ah hello first i had to hit 1.0 finally and then i needed to have like a clear moment in the schedule to get around to it and it's finally time i'm a little a little distressed by how long it might be but we'll see uh there's never going to be a right time to play a really long game if i fixate too much on that i want your permission okay do i have much options to set up this time around i'm not necessarily god mode jeez yeah i just want to know that subtitles are on uh okay yeah we're fine i wasn't ready for a weird interruption we're good everything's good everything's normal we're fine yep all right so i when i played bastion about a decade ago at this point now right like that's 2011. i guess that was the year i started let's playing two but that was slightly before that uh instant lifelong fan of the company boom that one game was enough like immediately i'm like okay super giant i am going to be a big fan and play everything that you play that you make until you unless you like completely betray my trust in like a mass effect andromeda sort of way like and that has definitely not happened uh their next game was my least favorite admittedly but then but then the next game was my most favorite like bastion set the stage but uh pyre was incredible and i just like seeing what they'll do like they they they hop and do particular genres and kind of make them their own and do something interesting each time like bastian at first glance feels like oh it's like a diablo-style game right but like diablo games are about kind of like i don't know like semi-consciously grinding like you're just like like you're practically drooling because of how little engagement you're getting really and you're probably listening to a podcast or youtube videos because you're just you're just clicking and the numbers keep getting bigger and then you go forward and you click and the numbers get bigger and they keep playing more levels forever and it's like bastion's like no what if we use that perspective and that combat style but it was all about more the dark souls direction where it's like this is going to be challenging specifically because you have to play pay complete attention to every moment of the game be really aware and reactive and like everything's really dynamic and interesting and it's like yes this is what i want um transistor was weird it was like a particular style of turn-based combat but like a few things didn't work for me in part like that's like punishment system because i'd make these big complicated builds but then i'd take like some damage and it would delete one of my abilities and then my whole build would fall apart and i don't know i didn't love that game but it was really cool and then the setting and the music were great uh it's just the actual act of playing it didn't really work on me that time next time around pyre like i completely tried to not pay any attention to it at all i saw that it was a top-down game i honestly thought it was going to be a turn-based strategy game based on screenshots alone then i started playing it i'm like this is this is like nba jam or like rugby or something this is a sports game and then you see how long the story segments are like this is a visual novel sports game i didn't okay super giant let's do this and then i it turned out to be like one of my favorite executions of anything in a long time and a serious game of the year uh candidate that year and so on i love how it implements consequence and choice into the story and how you you winning or losing just rolls into the story and like you have all these developed characters you care about which gives you these interesting dynamic choices of like do i want i want to help them because like them ascending is like their goal and i want them to be happy but also i lose them if i do that like what a [ __ ] dilemma to think about like what a cool game and so so i go into this and i got i've got misgivings because i'm like ah it's a roguelite this is like the genre that i'm like they're kind of they're cool i don't like want to diss rogue lights aggressively or anything but like for me the dying and starting over is a big ask in many cases i've played a few of them like rogue legacy and i think this game is a little closer to rogue legacy and so on uh but the constant like starting over and losing all your progress is a little rough for me i've never quite gotten the appeal of that the way other peoples have people have but there's plenty of people that sit here and play a a uh roguelike for hundreds of hours like the northern lions and stuff out there and then as a content creator there's also the part of me that like i want a clearly defined series like it starts here it ends there that's when the finale is and that's when i can be like okay let's move on or the check if there's dlc to play afterwards or expansions or something and if i really really love the game maybe i'll be like ah let's do a new game plus with a different character build or something but that's that's about it and that's really rare so when a game like dicey dungeons comes around or something like this i'm a little nervous because it's like i do i disappoint the audience by not doing everything they want me to do or having or experience every single element of the game or sticking around for like the hundreds of hours to properly experience this genre or uh do i like go on for too long when i'm sort of getting tired of it and so it's like i don't i don't know we'll we'll see i'm dipping my toes into here and i'm kind of trusting super giant on the fact that just like they've just knocked out the park so much and they got me to play a visual novel sports game last time so i i'm hoping that i love it i did a let's try of this game so i know that's fun uh like a year or ago maybe or something but i'm gonna pretend that didn't happen because i don't really remember what happened in that anyway so this is gonna be the functional part one anyway but uh yeah don't know what the scope of the series is gonna be i'm sure i'll like i'll beat it at least once or something but i i won't be really clear on when to end it necessarily and maybe audience feedback will give me some information about the scale the scope of this and what to expect because i'm going in blind as i usually am but careful with spoilers don't like actively spoil everything but like some kind of vague structural hints about like what a finale could be for the series could be helpful because it's confusing alright so there's my old save can i just delete it and just click on yeah there you go get out of here all right i'm excited few tales are told of hades whose very name inspires fear and penitence reminding us of the inevitable fate which we all share i however mean to tell you such a tale listen carefully goodbye father and off we go i'm playing with the controller because this perspective it works better for me uh as a dual stick game than it does as a game where you wasd around with one hand and then mouse click with the writing like that never really gotten that in this kind of game like i definitely played diablo 2 that way but like i said before it's like it's kind of mindless most the time it's more about like planning and builds if anything if you can even give it that much credit sometimes but like uh this is how i play bastion left click move left stick move right stick aim press buttons to fire and so on and yes i don't have a playthrough of bastion on this channel i do have a playthrough of transistor and pyre but not bastion because it predates me doing less place i'll get around to it one day i swear i'm leaving hi there stop me oop there we go oh sorry checking my buttons here so b throws our thing yeah and this it's a resource we lose and it comes back if we go gather it again so x is my melee attack a is dodge we have to be very careful because every hit sticks around in their other games there's usually some kind of healing or like between combats checkpoints or so on but because it's a roguelike every single hit continues to build up so it's all about avoiding as many hits as i can for as long as possible because every single damage i take is it's it has consequences for the rest of the run it's definitely part of the appeal right of this kind of genre is just like the stakes there the constant pressure to do things perfectly while also not necessarily because of the randomization having the ability to completely plan and react to like memorizing the same run over over and over again the way you would like if you were like speedrunning something or just i don't know playing a game like dark souls for example several times over it's got to be her then here goes nothing um in the name of hades olympus i accept this message hail noble cousin now let's get you from that miserable place i'll see that all of us upon olympus do a part beginning here with me hello the standard boon system really consistent in these games the you pick one of three things sort of intermittent upgrades so divine strike your attack is stronger and you can deflect oh and can deflect so the attack itself deflects projectiles i assume phalanx shot b casts a powerful ranged attack retrieve it to the token to use it again and it also has to flex so this is a projectile that deflects your dash deals damage and can deflect okay so do i want my really basic attack to just be 40 stronger do i want my b attack to be very strong but it still is the thing that i have to pick up again or do i want to dash that does a little damage the attack seems pretty me all the way where you straightforward goddess but thank you seems like an easiest option for my first run because you're just this is a very big attack swing and i'm usually just attacking a lot of time anyway you is that you like attack support beams and then like stuff from the sky falls down can that hurt me it's a fun detail i absolutely oop what's going on i love how supergiant just uh refuses to stagnate like they're always trying something new with each game like this is cl this is technically one of the safer choices they've made so far in that it's kind of a return to what bastion was but it's their first roguelike and it's their first early access game which some might say those two were hand in hand some darkness it always makes me curious about what they're gonna do next but they'll just make simple straightforward upgrades sequels to everything oh that was a door choice not a item pickup was that that's a bomb oh [ __ ] i looked away i was looking at this i was looking at the exploding thing oh i'm a wreck it's like a oh it's like a dodge attack wait why is it happening wait something's so hot what's up thanks for the heel ooh maximum health not a heel but it also healed it gave me what it gave his maximum health these guys explode what was going on huh trying to figure out what's going on sometimes when i after i dodge he attacks and is is it because i've already pressed this was i mashing x so hard that it like queued up the attack and then did it after the dodge maybe i'm like is my controller broken am i trouble here what's that wait is there a skull by his head i think they had skull skull but there's a skull in his head technically uh they have like skull health bars is that just their are they tougher they seem to have two health bars big stab dash dab gonna be careful a lot of enemies try and attack me at the same time i like the dash stab so [Music] their music is always so good those are spikes oh i'm a disaster mixing up my buttons a tad maybe i should remap if i can i'm so used to uh i'm used to be a b being a dodge a as a dog just feels slightly weird blame dark souls i wonder if right bumper's already assigned to something or if i can just make that my normal attack that'd be a weird move set for people's standards but muscle memory is there your special is stronger and can deflect oh so why is my special have i not been using that when you deflect attacks it deals more damage deflect damage plus 80 percent uh resist damage from foes attacks reduce damage pose five percent i'll make my special stronger that seems straightforward uh can't heal myself but i can fight i'm looking everywhere on the screen for like a meter or like a cost i don't think it has a cost i think it's just risky to use there's a bit of a flourish so if he's at the wrong moment you might get in trouble okay so yeah now we've clarified these are doors i think those are also the branching paths through the environment so you pick a particular reward but also affects which path you're taking in fact i think you potentially don't get the reward until i think this is telling me what reward is inside that room right i don't get the key now but there will be a key in here is that the idea this is the branching path to usually have and like an ftl or a slave the spire number skulls seems a little rude oh press the wrong button again my wires are getting crossed i might might need to after this episode try a new control scheme but then i'll be completing that episode that my wire is across because i've been playing the other control scheme controls are weird you just you pick one you struggle for a while and then eventually you're like ah i don't think about them anymore okay i'm looking at my interface which is risky during combat but i don't see a key anywhere so i don't think i have a key yet oh where is it [ __ ] oh it's over here i tried to i tried to i'm about to die i tried to pick it up based on memory basically as opposed to actually physically finding it on the screen there's the key all right so we verified door shows what reward is in that room but you have to finish the room to get the reward the first glance is just like it's just a ball with an item in it i must get that ball i must be picking up an item right now that gives me uh an osiris-looking token or not osiris the jackal am i forgetting the jackal's name anubis got anub's ears and then there's this just a bag of gold just a bag of money right there uh let's pause the game uh can i like bring my mouse over here and highlight these no no we won't have a bet we won't have a great understanding of what these things are until uh later in the game probably between runs would have a chance to potentially spend them well i already have see is there a resource show up here so i have a key i have 20 purples and i have 71 uh like i'll just call them anubis tokens i guess until i know what they're called i don't have any money i don't think i don't see a money on the screen when that bottom right with all the currencies one hit will kill me oh it's a store you spend those tokens is that a healing item i think that's a heel yeah um hey sharon how you doing well good to see you care on mate just minding my own business taking in the sights and hey what's that you got some sort of wares for sale and i'll just have a look around your name not sharon the infernal wares of the stygian boatman carom lie sprawled about available for sale whomever would be willing to quench the boatman's great thirst for riches that would be me i guess i'll call them karen coins for now but i think there's a there's a name for it i think because yeah they're talking of i think they're referring to like the idea of like when you you put the coins on the eyes of the dead when they're buried and those are like to pay their passage across the boat like the app there it is there's the boat that's the boat of the dead and all that that this is the the river of lost souls or you know the names names names names i'm getting them all wrong but yeah i think the coins we have are the ones you put on people's hat on people's eyes when they're dead they pay their their due i can only afford this one and i'm about to die so i probably should there we go coins for 30 health that is not the best exchange rate now watch me lose it immediately uh i don't see other paths so this gives me it looks like an apple in a wine glass or maybe it's just wine uh and there's like an increased difficulty icon it's a little skull with an up arrow with this red the skulls must be like harder versions of the enemies i noticed that when the skull enemies had skulls they had a second health bar wait is this doom music oh god oh no oh you die when you touch it i thought the bombs exploded on timers so i accidentally walked into one and took a ton of damage damn it not our best start that was uh i bought health only to die in that room anyways carry on everyone don't mind me how grumpy that ghost is oh you're right welcome to the house of hades where wait i know you guess that means you died out there huh well don't be sad though pretty much everybody dies sometime some of us more than others that's all they have to say back already cerberus pat there's a good boy and they've all got different personalities well that's just resting how you doing buddy you're more important than dad infernal watchdog cerberus regards the underworld prince with mixed emotions from purest joy to deepest melancholy you watch over things for me won't you boy you know i'd take if i could here boy just as long as one of your three heads enjoys these pens the other one wants the attention to one of them's just so sad why you got to hit me with the sad dog all right stupid boy i told you nobody gets out of here whether alive or dead how was your want and ransacking of my domain greetings father my round second was a delight thank you for asking so i'll just be on my way again be on your way indeed what do i care you shall never reach the surface go see yourself ah why is your shoulder pad that is skull have eye on it everything's rotted away but the eye is still there you are irritating me boy it's fine i don't really care a vast and intricately crafted mosaic depicts the underworld king presiding over the enormity of his domain whilst it's catholic residents look on in awe of him he's not really that great keep it down catholic it's a pretty ballsy move having a mural of yourself behind your desk being surrounded by a ring of skulls and all that i guess he has hades and he's back to sleep you've returned so this will be a mechanic at some point this door is just waiting to open up at a later date we're good to see you lad despite the circumstances remember your training out there the pain of death is but another obstacle and fear is for the weak take care achilles it would be pretty funny it would be pretty funny to have a dog named achilles yep keep that in the back of my mind for later it's like what if you named your dog achilles and you're going out on a walk like hey achilles heal i love it the house of hades that dark and lavishly appointed layer of the underworld's king is home not just to him but to his willful protony you know i can hear you old man oh you can hear the narrator also are you and the narrator and hades all the same voice actor from the one that played the old man in in bastion and isn't every game that they make i think they're all the same i think they're all him i don't know his name doesn't come straight to mind which is a problem oh yeah he's like their go-to voice actor in that he was their only voice actor for the first two games you have come home do not despair child such setbacks are inevitable and may be overcome with effort and with time you made contact with the goddess athena she shall be true to her word i believe it next i'm grateful that you put us into contact i know you took a considerable risk in reaching out the risk is not to me i expected the olympians would involve themselves in this eventually reveal to them no more than they already know are we understood yes we are then go she just told me to gather up all of my negative emotions my despair my helplessness and nix them hey room i'm back the mirror to grow stronger that's um all right are you sure i'm not narcissists because the bed chambers of prince zagreus lie in a perpetual state of utter disarray despite his lord and master of the house repeatedly insisting that he pick everything up oh come on it's not that bad is it night in darkness guide me let's go flex in the mirror shadow presence deals bonus attack and special damage when striking foes from behind plus 10 per ring backstab attack catholic vitality restore a small amount of your heart when you exit a chamber plus one per rank oh that's interesting so right now it'll do trash nothing but eventually it'll do a lot like five rings eating five health per room like that's definitely not nothing especially with a lot when like every little chip of damage you take is inching you towards failing your run building up that cathodic vitality is very useful in the long term i have very little purple and now i know now i know purple is i kind of figured because purple's often experienced but yeah it's directly like that and we want as much of it as we can death defiance restore 50 uh heart instead of dying when your life total is depleted one time per rank wait so you just get like a whole you just start having like more and more lives that seems incredibly powerful greater reflex perform plus one additional dash and quick succession huh this one just straight up has a little diamond so i'm assuming that you buy it and then it just goes away but maybe it doesn't even mention having more ranks so maybe just get an extra dash maybe more things yeah unlock talents so getting keys unlocks the next part of this talent tree so i'll have more things to spend purple on but for now it's just these things i figure some of these things just go away forever and something like death defiance might have a cap on how many you can buy they might all have caps eventually but i've mentioned these plus one and whatnots are much more expensive let's go and grab the plus one health per room it's kind of a weak start but why not then 10 attack from behind why not would have preferred to have more health but it's gonna get more expensive every single time so we're just gonna have to actually get more purple okay oh the keys are also used to unlock new weapons well isn't that interesting i need to track down monkathonic keys oh i just wanna know what it is huh wait i can escape through that pink window there yeah that's that's just the sword i'm holding right now uh didn't quite recognize it without the color at first so i have that sword there is a bident and a shield or something and this is a bow and these two are just empty completely so we don't even get to know you know when i get the hint of what they are i must get them as a reward at some point what was this i'll have to come back later keepsakes ah and a secret stash other stuff in these boxes i can unlock with special keys apparently okay that might be where two of these weapons are i can do this first get past the wretched shades of tartarus easier said than done and doubtless i'll be running into meg the river of flame ought to be just beyond find a way up to elysium from there and after that all right let's give it another shot he's planning but you know what they say about the best laid plans all right let's check controls and see if i can remap them i assume i can yeah all right we'll see how this goes i've remapped my controls right bumper is attack right trigger is my special because it's kind of like your heavy attack at least it is with this first weapon like this might this rb and this is our trick right trigger like that's pretty intuitive for light and heavy then um i've got x for reload because that's the usual reload button and shooters and whatnot a is interact that's pretty straightforward a ton of games a is interact right bumper was a slightly weird way that this game mapped it but that's because the in this game they mapped they used up all the face buttons and they're like that's some peripheral thing it's fine because for them it's like they could be any button because there's gonna be a prompt when you interact anyway casting is y dashing is b so dark souls logic a little bit b is my dash around y is my ranged attack because you know y is your forward pointing up button on the controller so that's kind of like intuitively is often used for that kind of case interestingly this frees me up so that dashing and attacking are different fingers so i don't have to pick up my finger off of dash in order to hit attack which is kind of handy i don't really know what some of these other buttons do necessarily like call and and uh summon well someone's conceptually straightforward i just don't know what it mean what it'll do in this game specifically but call and summon which technically are synonyms uh or lb and lt until i have a any reason not to have them be that and uh yeah originally reload was clicking right stick but now it's uh x which is pretty normal for me but that might not be the best thing because maybe it was right clicking right stick because you're running around with like a bow and like you're moving with left stick and aiming with right stick so maybe clicking makes sense more so than pressing x at that point so i might remap that we'll see for now i'm gonna still use a sword so i don't have to worry about that yet let's see how quickly i can get used to the new controls or if it messes with me ah thunder the top of hades's head has the same icon as those icons as those coins is this really him okay in the name of hades olympus i accept this message greetings there young man look your father's always been rather difficult and he's not so he's not so much as cold in a long time your attack emits chain lightning when you damage your foe i do love chain lightning uh your your cast is a burst of chain lighting that bounces between foes and your dash causes lightning bolts to striking your photos they're all lightning i do really like chain lightning so me and me and zeus are probably gonna get along even though he's like he's zeus which is his own other bag of lord worms zeus lending his support never thought i'd see the day or night whenever i'm also not super used to uh this whole system of firing a projectile than having like go get it so let's not overly upgrade that yet until i get better at actually retrieving it and keep track of where i sent it and so on composed of such innumerable ever shifting interlocking chambers the underworld of lord hades all but guarantees the dead shall there remain until the end of time good thing i'm not dead until the end of time oop let's say i got some health immediately i'm pressing the wrong button because played this game for a whole 20 minutes i've already internalized different controls danger i can just really like just layer that into my normal combos really really casually it doesn't really matter yeah for the mirror those are definitely good finds whenever they pop up [Music] so this gives me more coins for this run oh yeah i have 10 now which i think is even less than i had after i spent some so i think you lose all your coins every run so those are just yeah that makes sense is it a go-to for these kinds of rogue lights where you can upgrade over time like rogue legacy and whatnot i don't remember that game specifically had it or what but oftentimes there's a run currency and a metagame currency and so one of them is a currency you spend for risk reward choices during the run but then you lose it when you die then the other currency is the one you spend between the runs to keep upgrading yourself so you can then be better next run i'm curious about this one let's learn what this means it might be a goddess specifically or a health upgrade i figure like some of these icons might represent characters i'll encounter oh that deleted him oh uh no i have it i just mixed up my buttons it's cool i'll just stick with these buttons until i get used to them now that i've customized them even if that's going to be an awkward moment of me still using the the old controls from the beginning of this episode yeah i definitely do a little dash where i attack afterwards sometimes i'm not totally sure why it's hard to say if something's going wrong or if that's an intended like you dodged at the right time here's an attack that was interesting i that time i dodged and did oop it is a it is a boon of a specific character that's what i figured there must be a mess let's see here hi there in the name of hades olympus i accept this message hello hello there little godling i have to say you're quite the specimen and so i've decided i shall aid you for the moment you interested yep it's literally aphrodite so i was on i was right to suspect that the very specifically designed pink heart with other elements going on and whatnot means a bit more than just a health upgrade or something i need to memorize some of these icons because they're the boons of specific characters like the lightning bolt is zeus that's the reward of the room heartbreak flourish your special deals more damage and inflicts weak four seconds the victim deals 30 less damn at least 30 or 30 less damage it gets stronger than that potentially huh and my special gets way stronger which now that i'm actually using my special i know that you can just kind of like pepper that in at least for this weapon and it's a big aoe it's like i could practically spam it as long as i don't get caught your cast is a is a wide but short-range blast that it flicks weak so it's like a shotgun now does it being a short range blast mean it's easier to get it back each time and you can reuse it i wonder passion dash your dash deals damage when uh where you end up inflicting weak hmm i'm getting used to using my special interested in the power to break hearts sure i don't see why not oh yeah it's even become pink so i guess each individual attack will take like they start off as red when they represent me but as i upgrade them they'll take on the color of different yep yep my red bumper does a lightning attack because it's the zeus attack that's that's interesting they actually incorporate each upgrade into the visuals and not just us on on the crowded icon spam that usually happens in these games so it looks like you have a you have a fast attack upgrade you have a special attack upgrade you have a casting upgrade i'm back oh what have i done and you have a dash upgrade and so that's what those four icons mean you can specifically tell like that uh that third one represents the casting icon and the last one is the uh the dashing icon so that all makes sense but i assume that means that if you upgrade to just call me and i can bring you back no help okay there we go uh i assume that if you get a second upgrade for the same slot then you then have to pick like you have to lose the previous one maybe you can hot swap between the two when you want to or maybe just straight up lose the one you already have and you have to choose that that's what you want to make happen then you have like the risk reward i said you have the you have like the the uh the trade-off of potentially like um do i like this i like this upgrade way more than what i currently have but it is already upgraded so like do i want this upgrade that i think is better for for a thing that's already upgraded or do i want this thing that goes into a slot i don't even have filled yet because that's just like a gap in my build so you might have to make choices like that at some point but my right my right trigger seems very powerful so making it more powerful just seems like an easy call does it just one shot these people yes yes it does my god what have i done aphrodite chill oh my god aphrodite chill this can unlock something back home i see the irony by the way saying oh my god aphrodite um [Music] is that a persimmon i think that could represent a god that definitely represents a god a trident that'll be a water god i don't have the best memory for this stuff sometimes so i have to keep greek and norse and uh roman straight at the same time even though some of them are the same gods to call it persimmon is that what's called dude this is so strong backstab yeah yes i dash behind them and do a backstab on top of everything else a palm of power that's a pomegranate not a persimmon i had the right letter one two categories wait the pomegranate of power oh it upgrades these aren't new skills it upgrades the existing skills so you don't want the right trigger to be even stronger or the chain line you'd be even stronger would you like your lightning damage to go from 10 to 14 or would you like to think that or does a billion damage to do like a billion more damage disgusting i'm gonna miss this upgrade when i die i'm dead see your right trick right stick opens this up i'm definitely gonna miss this upgrade when it's gone oh my god it's so powerful uh experience or key are both so tempting um what do i do when i run out of i do want keys do i already have two though uh i already have two keys so i can already unlock the next tiers let's go for experience so i can spend it on said here i think i want to play with this weapon for a while before i get around to buying a bow uh did my attacks deflect [ __ ] i don't remember no they don't but they do break them there's that i'm a mess what are other buttons i've got my trash button thank you auto aim backstab what do we have here um flaming sword what mean oh it's these guys again it's time for revenge what where's my thingy thing i don't know what oh there it is oh i took damage i finally took damage you bastard it's easy to keep track of your bombs when there's only one of you no oh he dropped when he died it didn't hurt me though so maybe it's just a death animation huh yeah i i'm really bad at the cast mechanic in this game i keep losing track of where my diamond went and then i just i glanced around i'm like i just don't see it it's a there's a various desert it's a screen full of a lot of details and the the diamonds does not hop straight out at me this one was bound to show up i guess in the name of hades olympus i accept this message you've got quite the fighting spirit in you there i have to say most intriguing and yet no surprise for someone born in hell itself you come on out of there and tell me all about it i'm a fellow student of death you see the flaming sword is airy as i should have figured that honestly epic and rare so epic is rarer than rare i assume that's usually the language going on here your cast sends a blade rift hurtling ahead what blade rift slashing metal vortex steal it rapidly deals damage in an area damage per hit 24 i mean it sounds exciting after you take damage inflict doom on foes around you after a brief moment a victim takes a burst of damage 120. so i do like it's like an explosion of damage around me urge to kill your attack special and cast deal more damage 16 just across the board okay so not all upgrades seem to go on your existing things this one looks like it goes on like is there like a miscellaneous bar that has like infinite slots that's for upgrades that aren't specifically one of your four skills um it's just a flat 16 upgrade to your character for all three of your attacks it's very tempting but also this sounds cool and i kind of want to see it so sometimes that's the logic of them i think they might have made it a deliberate choice to pick these up and then maybe you can just leave them without picking them up if you want to do like no boon runs because everyone like everyone knows that people like to do runs oh it's a lingering slow moving thing that does damage over time that's some [ __ ] zone control right there that's important if i uh this opens up a bigger screen when i open it the top of the screen's yeah looks that top bar up there okay yeah so that top bar is all of my purple experience point upgrade so far and it numbers the ones i have and that's that's my overall character and then that this this like disco elysium diagonal grid next to my skills is all of my passive effects that don't affect my direct abilities that i've equipped right now okay i'm getting it all down i'm figuring it out i took damage in that room though and that disappoints me the bombs are scary these weak arms are heavy ah enjoy that no one got hit by it i'm very good at this game being this effective is cathartic but also not exactly skill building so i'm not necessarily becoming a better player this run but i'm making some progress that's fun oh did i just get hit by that or did i break it with my attack dash explode now i am very creative maximum health upgrade they call it a bull's heart it actually doesn't do that much damage compared to what i couldn't do otherwise though i'm playing like such a coward oh i got hit oh why did i get hit by that i'm such a fool oh crap oh my god wait does your oh your yellow bar has tons of health and your red does not god i'm happy i'm getting this but geez my poor health they got me no way to patch up got to keep going he even has dialogue tied to the having taken more damage those guys attack relatively quickly i need to be careful and i just leave myself open those are all spike pads right yeah so we went there last time right so the the bag is a store and i have over 100 this time [Music] oh power up oh don't want to power up or a heel that that's a rough one oh sorry fine day to you as well there mate now let's have a look at your supplies shall we i didn't mean to i'm sorry i haven't [Music] that's what happens when you take the interact button remap as the attack button i've now been playing with the new buttons for about as long as i played with the old buttons but i'm already a mess i'm breaking stuff in your room ah it's so tempting to want to persimmon just to make myself stronger but like a heel don't spend it all in one place mate we don't have we don't really have healing mechanics right now i don't think i thought i'd find you here oh survive for 45 seconds okay triple kill i think i missed one of them oh sneaky and the downside is that it's a pretty slow attack it's kind of like a crowd control ability in that they have to avoid it but i think they do actually like i think they're smart enough to avoid it these enemies are a little messy to fight this way that's that that was easy i took one fireball i think uh those enemies aren't super dangerous because their projectiles move so slow that if i'm just moving enough they'll never hit me uh but they're kind of hard to hit sometimes when there's like a like here where there's like holes in the environment were those spike pits did the spike pits go away is that what happened hmm there's a door here but the table in the way it might just be there for modularity's sake and that they could have a run they could have a door there in other randomizations if there wasn't a table in the way i would think that maybe that path would have opened up if i had like killed more enemies fast enough but i'm thinking that maybe the table in the way indicates that uh it's just not in use this time because in rooms like that surviving is like easy enough at times because these a lot of running away so they might add an additional risk okay this time the lions aren't spikes maybe they didn't make it go back and forth as to whether the spikes at the time so that you uh aren't always sure out meaning you have to be more observant a lot of projectile enemies admittedly which can get me in trouble my trip my tracking on like bullet hell modes can be a mess sometimes hey buddy come here multi-kill oh ah ah did i just get attacked by the thing did i see that right did the did the manticore statue shoot arrows out yes oh god oh the lions are traps oh it bounces that's interesting so these lion thing uh i guess now that i've seen the statues i should color i should correctly call these manticore tiles but the manticore tiles trigger traps but they're not active once the room's over or do only some of them work now that once the room's over they don't do anything okay so the ones that don't so the other ones had holes in them because there were spike traps these ones trigger the nearby statues to attack you so the ones in the previous room might have never been spike traps they might have triggered those manta core statues in that room to attack me but i just avoided them out of habit because i thought they were spikes another store so soon [Music] is this because there's a boss fight next that's a skull with two up arrows and a star and a new i kind of never seen before so i think this might be the pre-boss fight last chance to buy things before you potentially have a run-ending room oops beyond the present chamber lies the outermost perimeter of tartarus promising terrifying dangers far beyond the underworld prince's reckoning and i can reckon quite a bit um i'm gonna waste five of this i think i should do it good because chances are i won't survive the next room unfortunately that i guess it's a hand just chunks are broken off but still floating let's go let's die [Music] well this is awkward hot saggies not one step further come on meg haven't we had more than enough of each other by now besides don't you have some place else to be your father sent me all in all i'd rather be on your bad side than his now you can turn back like a good little man or i can send you home the painful way what'll it be i'll have to go with the painful way a man after my own heart a one-winged angel okay so when she goes up in the air that's bad go away oh she has summons oh i didn't dodge away fast enough now i'm a mess oh was that oh god okay no no no no no no no no that's that keeps going nope nope no jeez kind of a mess right now on my authority huh that's not where i want to go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no damn it uh we were getting close it's a chunky health bar oh cheers for that meg um flawless runs are going to be a struggle all right so concludes our intro i'll see you guys next time uh we'll see how episode structures work it might be one episode one it might be one each run is one episode or something but i don't know how long they're gonna end up getting eventually uh i go for vaguely half an hour episodes but sometimes it might be like here's a 25 episode minute episode here's a 45 minute episode uh or if a long or or if run is just so long i might eventually have to split it because you know we're just trying to figure out the time here yeah let's so begins our hades thing ah i wanted i wanted to succeed on my first my first run not like a successful run i just want to beat a boss but we did not i'll see you tomorrow [Music] do you
Channel: Keith Ballard
Views: 17,431
Rating: 4.9347472 out of 5
Keywords: let's play Hades part 1, keith ballard, sebastiansb, Hades review, Hades walkthrough, Hades hd gameplay, 1080p, 60 fps
Id: NJVqQwLCkf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 35sec (3815 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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