Let's Make a Custom Brush in Procreate 5!!!

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so I got a request from a viewer named Sonya V on how to make a brush with spaghetti lines like this so today's video I'm gonna walk you through all the steps using the iPad and procreate five to make your very own version of this spaghetti brush that you can make some really cool designs with even drag and drop colors to change each line so if you wanna learn all about that more keep watching right guys it's going to jump into the video today as always I'm using the iPad pro twelve point nine inch this is the first gen model along with the first gen Apple pencil however you do not need the Apple pencil to make this brush or to use this brush we're not going to be using the pressure sensitivity so you can just use your finger or your stylus I'll just make sure that you do have the newest version of procreate installed procreate five so make sure your app is up-to-date because we're gonna be using the new procreate five brush engine to make this today so let's go ahead and make a new canvas starting out let's hit the plus button here plus button inside these folders and let's make a 5,000 by 5,000 pixel canvas at 300 dpi so we're going to go ahead and create that and you'll see just a basic white canvas here first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna change the background color to black and then let's go up to the wrench icon here and under canvas let's turn on drawing guide we're gonna be drawing some circles in here we want them kind of equidistant from each other so these drawing guidelines are really gonna help us achieve that so now from here let's go to our brushes and let's go to calligraphy and go to monoline to make these circles just pretty much everybody has these brushes because this is kind of the default by procreate you get this this brush so that gives everybody kind of a starting off point on the same page and let's just draw a circle so for here just draw the shape hold down your pencil or your brush or your finger and then hold down the other finger to lock in a perfect circle we're gonna drag and drop the white into there and then using the arrow we're going to kind of line this up a little bit so kind of centered here so you've got one circle when I kind of touch in that bottom line there that's going to help us kind of space these out evenly so now that we've got that let's go ahead and slide this layer to the left and duplicate go back up to our arrow make sure magnetic is selected here because when you start dragging this with magnetic selected it's gonna leave that blue line lock it in and let you know that those are lined up and then we're gonna drag and drop that down here leaving about a square space in between those two I'm gonna shrink this down a little bit so we can see everything slide this one to the left and duplicate this is gonna be our last circle we're gonna drag this one down once again leaving that gap of one square space in between so there we go that's gonna be the basic start for our brush so now that we've got this set let's go ahead and save this we're gonna go back up to our wrench icon go to share I'm gonna save this as a PNG now you can save this to photos or you can save it to files personally just gonna save it to files and save and that's it we're good so that's step one let's go ahead and delete these layers we don't need those anymore and then let's change our background color back to white change our brush to black and then let's go ahead and get rid of the grid here we don't need that any longer so let's go to our brush now and hit the plus button up here this is gonna make a new brush so this is what the basic untitled brush looks like when you make a new brush nothing special about this first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna adjust the shape so we're gonna go to shape and you'll see shape source is just set to a basic circle right now so we want to edit that and get into the shape editor so we've got the circle here and we want to import what we just made so we go to import and we saved it as a file so we're going to go import a file and right here is in our procreate and there we go there is our shape source it's the three circles that we just made us let's go ahead and hit done and I'm gonna hop back out here you the canvas and show you what this looks like right now so this is what we just made this is not our final product this is not what we're really going for as you can see we've got a got some opacity here towards the ends tilting the brush here tilting the pencil gives you this taper that we don't want and this here you see once we kind of twist kind of bunches everything up here so we want to get rid of that likewise this is going horizontally if we go vertically you can see it's just a solid line so we want to get rid of that we want this to kind of work both horizontally and vertically so let's go ahead and clear these and let's start making the adjustments so going back into our brushes we're gonna hit on our brush now as I make these changes I'm not gonna walk you through and show you kicking back to the canvas what each individual one does want to keep this video kind of short so I urge you as you follow along you know pause the video go back after you make an adjustment and see exactly what effect it has on the brush I said I want to keep this video a little bit quicker so I'm not gonna do that in this video I'll leave that up to you so we're gonna start off on stroke path up at the top right now we're gonna have spacing turn down all the way to none we're gonna mess with this a little bit later and streamline a little bit later too to show you some different options but right now none on both those same width jitter and fall-off those are going to be set to none next up is taper like I said that we didn't want that taper so make sure these are set to the left and right they are by default so you should be good there this is turned off size will be none opacities none pressure we want this set to none because we don't want to use pressure on the tapers we don't want any tapers at all tip is going to be set all the way to the left tip animation we can go ahead and turn off touch taper left and right same thing here link tip 2 sizes turn off size opacity and tip all those leave on the defaults and pulling down here classic taper that's going to be turned off as well next up is shape which we already changed this shape source but we need to change a little bit here so scatter will leave that as default rotation it's gonna be the first one we changed here we're gonna put this all the way up to follow stroke count 1 is the smallest you can get so we'll just leave that at default count jitter should be to none and all these will remain the same and you don't have to mess with this pressure roundness or tilt roundness shape filtering leave that on improved filtering next up is grain and here we don't have a grain source it's just plain white so we don't have to adjust that at all so we can skip past that next up is rendering for in rendering the first thing we want selected is intense blending flow we can leave it max wet edges and burn edges both at none leaving those at default multiply normal and luminance blending turned off all those at default so the only thing we're changing here is the intense blending next up is wet mix and for here we just want everything set at none so the charge we're gonna turn that down to none disabled tack none pull change that to none grades gonna stay in the middle because that's actually 0 and wetness jitter is gonna stay at none color dynamics we don't have to mess with any of that either regular dynamics here let's go ahead and see 0-0 we don't need to mess with those same thing with jitter and opacity we don't need to change those either Apple pencil we're going to make some changes here because we don't want to use the Apple pencils pressure sensitivity so we're gonna turn down opacity size is going to be left at 0 flows 0 bleed and smoothing at none response we're gonna turn this down to none we can just leave the tilt where it's at opacity gradation bleed and size Senate none and size compression we want to turn that off finally on properties the big one here so we want to make sure that orient to screen is turned off and that is the only thing that we have to adjust in here nothing else so that's going to give us our finalized brush so let's go ahead and hit done and see what we're left with so here we go this is our final brush so going horizontally you can see everything's nice even as we tilt and turn our pencil we're not getting that overlapping it's just the three lines split up same thing with the vertical then you can see vertical works exactly like we planned we're not getting that solid line down here anymore we're just getting a nice vertical three section line which is what we were going for in the first place so couple things that we can change here the first one let me go back into the brush and let's go to the stroke path we can turn upstream line all the way I'm sure you guys are familiar with this this gives you nice curved lines that kind of follow the stroke a little bit better and make everything a lot more smooth so you can see right off the bat how you can make some really cool designs with this so with talking about coloring books and stuff like that this would give you a chance to make some really nice background patterns for coloring books if you guys are looking to get into the Kindle direct publishing like I talked about in the previous videos this also works with circles too you can do circles hold those down and that's going to give you those lines for a circle and also works with ovals if you don't want a perfect circle you can do an oval it's going to lock in those lines so there are just an absolute ton of options for this same thing here let's clear this out just getting some nice patterns you can do just some waves like this slide this to the left and duplicate drag this down pinching these together then and making one layer here if I can get them to go sliding to the left and duplicating bring these down you can see you just get some really nice repeating patterns that would be super super great for coloring book backgrounds or just making some repeating textured patterns just some really cool stuff so the one other thing that we can do we adjusted the streamline to kind of give us that really smooth flow to our lines the other thing we can do is adjustment wise let's go back in here we'll go to our brush and let's turn the stream line back down but now let's mess with the spacing so let's turn up the spacing and you'll see as we adjust this I've got this set to about what 30 let's go 40% we'll hit done and now what it's going to do is it's going to give us lines of just those dots so with this you could duplicate that brush and actually get two different brushes out of this and now you've got just a dotted line brush which is super super cool so it gives you two different possibilities with that the other thing that you can do as well is that you can actually go in and each of these lines even though they are you know one line they are still separate as far as colors go so you can actually drag and drop in separate colors to each of the lines to kind of give a rainbow effect likewise there's that gap in between there so that can work as a line too if you drop a color in that gap it's a little bit too close to that one and that white gap here if you drop a color in there you can color in those gaps too and those are almost gonna work like a line as well so hopefully you liked today's tutorial if you did make sure you give the video a thumbs-up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and definitely hit that Bell for notification so you can get alerted when I post new videos like this let me know in the comments - what you guys think are you gonna be able to use this brush to give me something that works and your kind of flow of work let me know in the comments for me I can be found online bj delcom as well as on Instagram and Twitter at BJ Dell I've also got an awesome group over on Facebook for any artists looking to meet other artists show off their work it's called keep creating a learn draw share art community I will link that in the description below definitely join and start sharing your work and until next time keep creating [Music]
Channel: Let's Draw with BeeJayDeL
Views: 46,116
Rating: 4.9182158 out of 5
Keywords: ipad pro, procreate, drawing, art, ipad pro art, ipad pro illustration, ipad pro drawing, procreate illustration, ipad pro procreate, procreate drawing, procreate art, digital illustration, digital drawing, apple pencil, ipad, ipad art, apple pencil drawing, procreate brush tutorial, how to make brushes in procreate, custom procreate brushes free, procreate tutorial, procreate 5, custom brushes procreate, free procreate brushes, how to make my own brushes in procreate
Id: CDiN7_ZQ6Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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