Let's Learn English! Topic: Hobbies and Pastimes! πŸ”­β™ž (Lesson Only)

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well hello and welcome to this english lesson where i'm going to talk about hobbies and pastimes i should tell you that i did do a lesson on hobbies i think two years ago almost but i only talked about 17 or 18 different hobbies in this english lesson today i'll talk about i think about 40 hobbies something like that if you're wondering what hobbies and pastimes are they are things that you do for fun when you're not working and when you're not at school so they're the things that you do in life that you enjoy and you'll get an understanding in a in a bit about what they are we use the word pastime sometimes it means the same thing as hobby but it's kind of an older word i'm talking about things that people do for fun so one of the things that people do for fun is maybe they like photography photography is when you go outside and take pictures of nature maybe you take pictures of people maybe you take pictures of buildings or the city but if you like photography and you do it as a hobby we call you an amateur photographer that's different than a professional photographer a professional photographer takes pictures for money it's their job to take pictures but if your hobby is photography we would say that you're an amateur photographer so an amateur photographer spends a little bit of money buys really good cameras they buy what they can afford and they spend a lot of time taking pictures and then now they might spend time editing pictures on their computer as well so part of being an amateur photographer part of having photography as a hobby is not just taking the pictures but also editing the pictures on your computer so the first uh hobby that i talk about that i just talked about his photography um some of you might be actors so you can work as an actor but some people also perform in plays every once in a while because they enjoy acting so in my area of ontario there are some local acting groups so you can join a group and every year that group meets and they put on a play again they are amateur actors they have a job during the day maybe they work at the grocery store maybe they're a car mechanic but at night or on the weekends they go and they practice a play with other people and then perhaps they put on a performance later in the year so maybe you are an actor maybe you work during the day at a hotel but at night you're part of an acting group so acting can be a hobby you might memorize your lines so actors memorize their lines and then they will go to a practice and then eventually they will put on a performance or a show crafting so i think this is jose some of my french viewers can let me know but crafting is any time you make things out of paper out of small items you might make something out of cardboard and then paint it you might create things out of like used bottles anytime you make things out of different materials we would say that you are crafting so maybe you have a photograph and you want to make a frame for it so maybe you craft something out of old wood or some plastic or some paper so crafting is just simply making things kids do a lot of crafting kids do a lot of crafting so when you craft you have scissors and paper and cardboard and construction paper construction paper is a hard kind of paper and it comes in different colors you have glue you have paper clips i might have a little bit of paint i might have mentioned that already but crafting is another hobby that some people have and it's not just for children okay some adults will actually do some crafting as well so knitting and sewing these two areas there's actually i could do a whole lesson on things that you can make out of yarn or thread or fabric okay so knitting is when you have two needles and you knit yarn together to make a sweater or a winter hat or mittens sewing is any time you sew fabric together maybe with a sewing machine what you see in the picture here is someone using a sewing machine but besides knitting and sewing there's crocheting there's needle point there are all kinds of hobbies involving fabric clothing thread and some people really really enjoy it some people make small stuffed animals for children some people make curtains or pillows or sweaters but not everyone buys all of their clothes or all of their fabric items in a store some people enjoy sewing or knitting i don't do either of these although when i was a child i did a little bit of needle point or what we also call cross stitching it was a lot of fun my mom taught me how to make a little cat on a piece of fabric i really enjoyed it i also poked my finger with the needle by accident and it i it bled a little bit that was not an enjoyable experience um woodworking so woodworking is a hobby that sometimes older people do when they're retired i know that i know a couple older gentlemen who are retired and they really enjoy woodworking so woodworking is when people buy wood they cut the wood and they either build furniture or other small items the men i know build wooden children's toys so they have a little shop in their garage they have a little woodworking shop that's the area or the building where you do woodworking and they have all different tools they have a saw this man is sanding the wood so it's nice and smooth um but they just have a really nice area where they can do woodworking so they go and they buy some wood they get a plan for a different for a children's toy or a birdhouse and then they spend some time every every few days doing some woodworking i think woodworking might be a hobby that i will take up when i retire when you talk about hobbies you also you often mention that people take up a hobby so you'll say things like this did you hear joe took up woodworking yeah he's doing woodworking now or did you hear that jane has taken up photography she's bought a really nice camera and she's doing some photography just for fun so woodworking is another another sorry we don't say another it's another another hobby or pastime i do think i might do this i i live on the farm i might make a nice little woodworking shop someday when i was younger i learned woodworking in high school there was actually a class and i really enjoyed it so i think that might be a peaceful hobby for me to do someday um painting so this is not something i enjoy but some people love painting so they love i'll do paint by numbers i don't know if you know what that is but paint by numbers is when you buy um a little painting kit and then there's um the painting is ready to go it's just not painted and then there's all different areas and it and they'll have a small number in it so the number one and then you look and then you put that color in that spot that's the kind of painting i would do but if you paint as a hobby it probably means that you like going outside to different places and you set up your easel and your canvas and you have your paint brushes in your paint and then you paint a landscape or maybe you have a studio and you have someone come over and sit for you and then you paint a portrait of them so i'm using a lot of words in there and phrases related to painting as a hobby a very interesting hobby though i know a few former students of mine who do painting as a hobby and they're really good at it i think if they could sell their paintings they could be professionals but that just takes a little bit of time um so coloring so coloring used to be for children but adults more and more are doing this as a hobby this picture is i think an adult doing coloring notice also that i added a u to the word coloring because i'm canadian if you were learning american english there's no letter u in the word color or coloring but coloring has become quite popular for adults as well as children as a child i did a lot of coloring i really liked coloring it was a lot of fun but as an adult i haven't done a lot of it but i do know i have a friend who likes to do coloring she likes to buy coloring books adult coloring books which have very complex things that you need to color adult coloring books are not very easy so your hobby might be astronomy so if you want to uh have astronomy as your hobby you'll need to buy a telescope because astronomy is a hobby where you go out at night when it's very very dark with your telescope and you look at the night sky so we often refer to the stars and the moon and the the milky way as the night sky so astronomers so people who do astronomy astronomers go out in the middle of the night when it's very very dark and they look at the night sky they look at stars they look at planets they look at the moon and they just enjoy being outside there's two reasons why i am not an astronomer or why astronomy is not my hobby one i don't like getting up in the middle of the night or i don't like being up late and if you want to look at the stars or the moon you have to stay up late and the second reason is because there's lots of mosquitoes in canada and when you go out at night they they bite you so i know that sounds kind of silly but those are the reasons why i am not an astronomer but i do have some interest in the night sky uh you might enjoy writing perhaps you like writing little stories perhaps you like writing poems but writing is certainly a hobby that some people have you might also enjoy journaling or keeping a diary so journaling or keeping a diary is when at the end of every day you write down your thoughts about the day and you write down what you did my mother-in-law loves journaling so she at the end of every day she sits down and she writes down what happened that day it's very very cool i look forward to reading parts of that someday i'm curious to read about the days when i started dating jen i wonder what that what she wrote in her diary some people enjoy wine making or beer making so in canada you are allowed to make wine at home you are allowed to make beer at home and some people do this as a hobby so they'll go and they'll buy grapes they'll go and buy everything they need to make wine and they will make wine at home you can also make beer at home in small quantities you're not allowed to make wine or make beer and sell it but you are allowed to make wine or beer at home and just enjoy it as a hobby i had a friend who used to do this um but the wine it wasn't very it wasn't very good wine it tasted pretty bad it's kind of awkward when your friend makes wine and you go and you taste it and then they say so do you like it it's like no it doesn't taste very good um some people enjoy wine tasting as a hobby this is a hobby for wealthier people for rich people where i live in ontario there are many vineyards close to me there are a lot of wineries a vineyard is where they grow grapes and a winery is where they make wine and a lot of wealthy people from toronto from the city of toronto come to my area because they would like to do some wine tasting so they visit different wineries and they taste the wine so your hobby might be wine tasting puzzles so i mentioned the last time i did this lesson that my mom really enjoys puzzles we also usually have a puzzle on the go in our house during the winter we have a table in our back room where usually there's a puzzle uh in the winter months slowly getting finished but a puzzle is when you have a box and it's a beautiful picture on the front and it's filled with all the puzzle pieces and then you try to put all the puzzle pieces together we don't actually have a puzzle out right now but normally we do in january and february have a puzzle and you can buy puzzles that have different amounts of pieces the more pieces the puzzle has the harder it is uh where am i here juggling i put this one in i don't know anyone who does juggling as a hobby but there are some people who really enjoy juggling or other activities like juggling i know you might like there's something called a yo-yo that goes up and down i know we have something with two sticks and a string and there's a part that spins i think it's called a diablo we got it as a gift from my friend from china when he came to visit but you might just have something maybe you juggle with bowling pins maybe you just juggle with small juggling small balls but juggling might be a hobby it's not my hobby i can juggle a little bit i can juggle three things but it's very very difficult cooking so definitely cooking might be your hobby maybe you enjoy cooking meals but you could also enjoy baking so again when you cook you're preparing a meal when you bake you're usually making something like bread or sweet baked goods okay so we have something in english called baked goods and that involves cookies or muffins all of the sweet things that you can bake so again cooking might be your hobby you might enjoy going to the grocery store and buying all the ingredients and you might have a recipe that tells you how to prepare a certain meal so again ingredients are what you put in when you're making something or when you're cooking something the recipe that is the instructions that tell you how to make the dish or how to make the item that you are cooking so maybe you enjoy cooking as a hobby i mentioned that my kids enjoy video games and i also enjoy video games this is a hobby that i think has increased in popularity every year in fact there are some people who play video games professionally you can actually get paid to play video games but the vast majority of the people in the world who play video games do it as a hobby it's something they do to enjoy spending some time playing a game maybe doing a quest in the game maybe they like racing maybe they like fighting games maybe they like games where they can pretend they're a soldier but video games have definitely become very popular you might play a video game on a console connected to your tv using a controller or you might play a video game on your computer using your keyboard and your mouse either way there are many people in the world that like playing video games a lot of fun there are board games so i kind of mentioned board games earlier i mentioned the game of chess but board games are games you play at a table with other people some people even have a special table for playing board games we have a table that we set up that a small table that fits four people nicely when we play video board games hey i do want to stop and thank vasil for the super chat thank you so much that is awesome of you thanks for doing that i appreciate the support um but there are many kinds of board games in english we have games like monopoly checkers and chess would be considered board games in addition to board games people might play card games so you might have a deck of cards you might shuffle the cards and deal the cards to other people and play a game like rummy or bridge or if you're playing with little kids you might play a game called go fish so board games and card games are definitely another thing that people do as a hobby um this again is a hobby that i don't do this person is sculpting a sculptor is someone who sculpts okay that's when you take clay or other things and you create something out of it in canada we have people who do ice sculpting and they might do ice sculpting in the middle of the winter they might get paid to do it but some people do it just for fun but you can sculpt things out of wood you can sculpt them at things out of ice you can sculpt things out of clay but it's simply the act of creating something three-dimensional so it's different than painting which is flat and two-dimensional when you sculpt you make something that's three-dimensional so i don't think i would be good at it i don't think i have the patience i don't think i have the eye for it in english when you have an eye for something it means you're good at designing it okay so i don't have an eye for drawing or painting or sculpting not very good um let's see here wood carving so this is actually somewhat popular in canada a lot of people will carve things out of wood in particular they'll carve things like ducks you can see a wooden duck here in the far picture you can see that person carved a wooden spoon but wood carving is definitely a hobby that some people do especially in the winter months but also in canada many people will go up north in the summer and they'll go to a small cottage on a lake and one of the things they might do when they're there is they might do a little bit of wood carving they might go canoeing on the lake it's definitely a hobby that some people enjoy probably not super popular but it definitely is a hobby um pottery so when you are doing pottery you have a pottery wheel so that's a flat thing that spins and you control the speed with your foot and you would put clay on the pottery wheel and then you would form it with your hands the person who does pottery is called a potter so if you said oh i you know i've taken up pottery in my spare time someone might say oh so you're a potter so pottery is another hobby i have a couple friends actually that do pottery notice how i talk about hobbies right like you take up pottery they do pottery that's the english those are the english phrases you would use to talk about pottery so i say this word wrong sometimes but there are three things or more that people do as a hobby that you can find in the newspaper or that you can buy little books that contain them one is sudoku's sudoku's i think i'm saying that right a sudoku is basically a math slash number puzzle where you have to figure out which number is missing from all of the blanks um hey i do want to say thanks to kenneth for the super chat he says good morning bob i'm from dominican republic i don't speak english yet but i try with your help can you recommend any series on netflix to help me learn so f i can't right now i haven't looked at netflix for a while kenneth but certainly fine i know netflix added the ability to slow the videos down recently so you can play them back at a slower speed every once in a while if you have trouble understanding part of it um but definitely kenneth friends used to be on netflix although friends is getting a little bit old so some of the vocabulary isn't current anymore but if it's still on there i would watch that um crossword puzzle is a puzzle where they give you little hints and you have to figure out what word goes horizontally or vertically did you get that horizontally is this way and vertically is this way you can remember horizontal goes this way because horizon when you look really far you see the horizon is almost the same word as horizontal and then a word search is where there's a list of words and then you need to find those words in the big box that has all the letters in it so another very common thing some people will do a crossword puzzle every saturday they might get a newspaper and it might have a saturday crossword puzzle in it or a word search when i was a kid the newspaper had a word search and my brothers and sisters and i would fight over who got to do the word search so we definitely definitely fought a lot about who got to do the word search my mom had to make a list and say whose turn it was to do the word search every week um of course we have reading i think i mentioned this earlier a few times i might might have even had a slide on this no i didn't so reading is a very very popular hobby a very popular thing to do to relax we always say reading for pleasure so you read just to enjoy the story um calligraphy so this is not something i'm super familiar with but i do know someone who does calligraphy we live in a world where everyone prints everything out from a computer but people have started to really learn again how to write with a pen and how to write script and beautiful artistic writing and we call it calligraphy it's very very popular in some cultures but in north america there are people who have started to do calligraphy as a hobby and they really enjoy it collecting okay so collecting takes many many forms you can collect stamps you can collect hockey cards or baseball cards or football cards you can have a rock collection but there are just many many types of collecting that you can do it is probably a very common hobby around the world i know i had a friend who had um he collected um pop bottle lids like he collected the lids from all different kinds of soda i have a friend i do have a friend who has a hockey card collection and then i think if american english with this guy brent was here he probably knows people that have baseball card collections some people collect t-shirts if people really like a sports team they might collect what we would call uh sports paraphernalia that's a big word but they might have a hat a t-shirt all from that sports team so collecting is a very very popular hobby i think probably around the world i'm thinking of starting a stamp collection because i have a lot of stamps from people who have sent me postcards so we'll see maybe someday i'll start to put those all into a stamp collection book i will see um samurai in the chat says that they used to collect different objects before i had a rock collection when i was a kid i had a special place where i had all different rocks in my room magic so maybe one of your hobbies is magic so if you like magic maybe you've learned a few tricks maybe you can do some simple magic tricks so maybe you know a few card tricks where you can pretend that you actually know real magic but magic is something that you learn to do different tricks and illusions so that people think um so people can't figure out how you did it so um a couple of my kids tried to do some magic tricks at one point um and i think if they worked at it they could get really good at it um but magic might be another thing that you do as a hobby welding so this is an interesting one because welding can be a job if you weld things you are a welder a welder makes it so two pieces of metal or steel get fused together or welded together this man is welding he is a welder but some people do welding as a hobby i have a friend who makes things out of metal he makes art out of metal and he does a lot of welding so this is kind of a funny one as a hobby but some people do enjoy making things out of wood and if you enjoy making things out of metal you might do a little bit of welding when you do that so again welding is when you use really high voltage electricity to make it so two pieces of metal become welded together drawing so drawing or sketching are all different ways to on a piece of paper you know create something so maybe you like sitting outside at the park with a pad of paper and you like just doing some sketching or drawing maybe you see a nice tree and you just sit down and you draw or sketch the tree by the way i'm using the verb to draw and to sketch interchangeably when you draw or sketch it simply means you're using a pencil to kind of outline and shade something in real life on a piece of paper um let me see here i'm just going to check where i'm at yes we are almost there we go gardening maybe you really enjoy growing flowers maybe you enjoy growing vegetables gardening is something that you do outside in the warmer months if you have a spot where you can do it you obviously need to have a place where you can have a garden so that you can grow things you might have a vegetable garden where you grow vegetables or you might have what we call flower beds flower beds are small gardens where you grow flowers so you might have a garden where you grow vegetables or you might have a flower bed where you sorry you might have a garden where you grow vegetables or you might have a flower bed where you grow some flowers you can also have a flower garden but generally along the sides of people's houses they have what we call flower beds shopping so this is kind of a strange hobby and it's not really a hobby but i think some people like shopping as a hobby they just like going and buying things or they like going and looking at things and maybe not buying them but shopping can also be a hobby um it requires bunny this is one of the reasons why shopping is not one of my hobbies i like going to the mall but i don't like buying things so i guess you could say going to the mall is my hobby but buying things at the mall is not my hobby geocaching so this is an interesting hobby i've done it a couple times and it's where you take your phone and on your phone you have gps so you can see where you are in the world and if you do geocaching you can find places where people have hidden small things and then you can go and find that thing and usually there's a little piece of paper that you can write your name on you know bob the canadian was here february 5th 2021 and sometimes people will leave other little things i've done it twice it's kind of interesting because you have to find the hidden object maybe it's in a tree or under a bridge but geocaching certainly is a cool hobby you should try it someday if you're bored i might do a little more of it in the spring when i'm hiking with my kids metal detecting so you can see this gentleman is at the beach and he has a metal detector and he is looking for metal objects under the sand he's probably looking for coins like money or rings he's looking for things that people have lost and he's using a metal detector to find it i my brother-in-law had a metal detector once and it was kind of fun but we never found anything cool we just found old rusty nails we didn't find anything cool but metal detecting is something that you might do at a beach or somewhere where it's easy to dig because you are looking for things that people have found um kite flying so this is popular in a lot of places um you might have a kite and you might enjoy flying your kite outside you need a windy day to fly your kite today would not be a good day to fly a kite here because the wind is 80 to 100 kilometers an hour today that's a little bit uh that's too much wind but you might enjoy going outside you might enjoy flying your kite when i was a kid i had a kite and my friend had a kite we had the kinds of kind of kite with two strings so you could steer it that was a lot of fun i really enjoyed that type of kite in fact i should get a kite like that again that was a fun kite to have if you have lots of money you might excuse me you might enjoy horseback riding uh i say that because horses are kind of expensive they eat a lot of hay they eat a lot of food but if you uh like horses you might have a horse or you might simply go somewhere and pay money in order to go horseback riding i have never been horseback riding i think i have been on a horse once in my life i think i would be afraid of falling off if i went on a horse my grandfather had horses though my grandfather was a farmer in holland and he grew up before everyone had tractors so he always he knew how to take care of horses and he always had a horse on his farm but i never got a chance to ride it he was apparently really good at taking care of horses but horseback riding is now a hobby that some people do model railroading i see in the chat moddy says that he used to ride horses very cool um maybe i should try that someday i should maybe try being uh doing some horseback riding it might be fun uh model railroading so this is where you buy really small trains and really small tracks and you build on a on a big piece of wood or on a table you build a model railroad maybe you have little houses or like in this picture a little train station but model railroading is something that some people do as a hobby they buy different little uh train cars so they buy the train the engine and they buy little train cars and little people and they kind of create a miniature um railway station or a miniature railroad um so model railroading it's also called miniature railroading i think rocketry so this is something my brother did when i was a kid he would build model rockets so you can also call this model rocketry so he would build small rockets and then he would launch the rocket up in the air and one time he built a really nice rocket and we launched it and we watched it come down and then we couldn't find it back it kind of fell along the river in the deep grass so we'd lost his model rocket but rocketry is something else that people might do as a hobby they might really enjoy building small rockets um and then going on a saturday or on the weekend to launch their rocket they probably count down like ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero and then everyone yells blast off and the rocket goes up in the air uh when it gets to the top a parachute comes out and then it comes down again so rocketry super fun bird watching so bird watching is something i was going to say this is something older people do but not necessarily you can be any age you need a pair of binoculars and you'll go out when you have spare time and you'll look for different birds you might even keep a list of all the different types of birds that you have seen but bird watching is something i have not done but i think i could do this someday i think i might actually enjoy bird watching because i do like hiking and it would be fun when i'm hiking if i had a small pair of binoculars with me to just look for different birds and then kind of keep a list of what birds i have seen
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 65,974
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Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles, english lesson hobbies, english hobbies, english hobbies and pastimes, describe yourself in english
Id: ovmf2RaBpFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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