Let's Install Home Assistant OS on TrueNAS Scale to get all the functionality of Home Assistant

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hello everybody my name is Alan from sber lab and today will be another video about home system this video specifically we're going to show how you can install hom system tras but before we start to ask Alan simple I can use one of the docker containers in the tras to run this hom system and the answer is no we're not going to do it we're going to use a virtual machine that will have the home assist stall and this is interesting because if you use the docker or the container option for home system you have a limitate option and you cannot run in the full potential but if you run in a v machine you canot run as a full potential and that the will develop a good potential for you so if you like this idea and want to learn a little bit more about it we're going to show in this video but first of all don't forget leave a like subscribe for the channel if you're not subscribed and let's understand a little bit more about [Music] it so before we start to explain what is home system we need to understand why we wanted to run home system from us and the answer is simple imagine that you're at half tras in your house it's running 20 by S and then you can use thisas for something else and you don't need to share all your performance all your system you only need to use a fraction of it to run your home system in this way you can have automization and you can have lots of Integrations and then come home system home system is the way that or the OS that you can control everything in your house all the smart device can connect only for one place and from there you can send command you can set some actions you can make automization and continue on so if you come here my screen you can see that home system have over 2,600 Integrations and we can check those but you can do it your time and check if the integration that you need it's there also you can run this one in different system to understand what system that you run you can need it to go here in get start and you go in the installation before click installation you have lots of different tutorials and how to do guides for each stage but anyway we're going to install it so we click installation and here they give different meths they say that the easiest way will be plug in for a home system green other one will Rasen pie and continue on in my case I run in Rasen pie but you don't need to run in Ren P if you already have your tras running there without all the use of your system so in this way you can install home system to tronas but before we start to install it let's go all the way down and try to understand why I want to use a virtual machine to do it instead of a container so if you use container you have limitation of applications you cannot do all the usage of your home system either in container either in core you can use a supervisor but sometimes if you don't configurate well they will not work and also why you don't use simply a virtual machine that you can back up you can do everything that you want so in this way we're going to show how install home system OS and if we come here the way that you're going to follow will be other systems principally for virtual machines so I click here view tutorial and they will give a lot of information for me but what more understand it's what kind of image that they need one of previous video I show how you can install virtual box other video install in asy now using this option now is the time to use this third option that will be KVM or prox MOX so basically the same image that you can use in your prox MOX you can use your KVM KVM will be a virtual machine for tros so we can use it before we started to download load and set up anything you need to understand what's the minimum requirement for my virtual machine so as minimum requirement I need to have 2 gabt of real memory I need to have two CPUs or two virtual cores and I need to have 32 gabt of storage I think for a tras everything it's quite simple quite small so now we can jump in the tras and try to understand how I can do this installation also they give some instructions how you can set up different options but this one don't help so much it's easy to look for my videos of course it's interesting to see what I'm doing now if I come here my tras here is my tronas this tras is running revision 23.10 and this one is running in a physical computer this computer have old CPU it's i545 90 with four cores and they use basically n of my system also they have 16 GB of run memory memory and here will be my storage and my network what's interesting to remember don't try to run in a viral machine thisas and that's after try to run a vir machine inside thisas because not work I Tred to make this video doing this stage but it didn't work the way that expect so I suggest you to use a physical computer if you want to run tras prox MOX run home assistant prox MOX if you want to choose a vir box run home assist directly virtual box don't try to virtualize another virtual machine because it not work so in this way we know what system that we have first stage that we need to do is to understand what kind of storage that we have so you need to have 32 gab of storage free in my case I have 445 gigb free and I have only one pool in this case I'm use only one hard drive what's not interesting because don't have any rate control so if this hard drive gone all my data it's gone and I don't want to do it also I don't have any kind of cash or anything so they will not have a better performance but it's only for test it's totally fine and here the health of my hard drive is totally fine as well so I match the first requirement I have 32 GB of storage also I have 13 gab of run memory free so I have more than two and I have basically four core so I can dedicate two of those for my system next stage I need to come here in my data set here in data set I need to create a data set dedicated for my virtu machine I cannot click in this data set option because not work I needed to add a z Vol or Z volume so now I click here and it will appear this page now I need to define the name of this volume I will put as a VM because will be all my V machines there comments I can define a comment and here it's quite important for you define the size of this Zol in the case we are run a home system so this Zol needed to be minimum of 32 GB so we will put 35 GB to have a little bit extra but 32 is totally fine I can for size or I can do any other configuration but the extended one is totally fine for me and I will put save now the red allocate 35 GB of storage for me and here it's the VM Zol ready for me next stage I can come in network and I can set up another Network supposedly I wanted to make a bridge network but in this case I will not do it because we'll have only one virtual machine for my system and if I connect directly for this internet will be totally fine but if you want to insulate your system you always can create another virtual Network or bridge and that connect your virtual machine to that bridge now we need to download the image and install it remember I don't need to physically drop it the best way will be come here in the system shell and we're going to download this image to download this image it's quite simple first thing we need to pull the image from the home assistant website so first thing we're going to use sudo w get and I come here my home system and I will click to copy link come here and I will insert this image remember it's really important you focus for the revision that you're going to run because the next stages or next step will depend off the revision that you define so now we put enter they will ask the password for that me I will set my password and I put enter once that I put enter they will start to do the the load and that all the image will be fully download to my system so let's wait they finish to download once that finish the load I need to remove this xif extension from my image so I will use the follow step sudo and ZX that will remove this ZX and that's I will use exactly the same revision of my hom system that I just download remember this one and this one need to match if you're not match it means that you do not follow this step so pay attention and then I can run it now if I select LS I will have this same file without this CX because I WR download few times they will have more files but you need to look for this CF now is this image that we're going to convert and create in the CVL so now I run sudo Kim image convert and that this name of image needed to match exactly with my configuration also this path need to match with my configuration if you're not sure what is this so will be Dev zvo will be exactly the same for all and here will depend off your pool so if I come here in my data set select here I select the data set that I wanted to copy or to save my image and if I look the path will be home slvm exactly this reason that I put home slvm now I can put enter once that I put on this specific step my image will start to be converted this conversion could take a few minutes so let's wait you're going to know when it's finished because you're going to have the same prom command for next line so let's wait the image just been converted so now I have admin tras again I can come here in my vir machine and now we're going to start to create our v machine to do it we're going to click add the v machine and here we're going to set up what kind of rep system that I want because home system run with Dean so we're going to select Linux now we're going to name this image in my case we will put has that will be home ass system OS and here will be home assistant now the clock I will put UTC because I want to be outside for my computer method of boot will keep exactly the same UEFI and now blind I don't change anything and I Define the password this password will be required if you want topl the information so now we can put next and here will be the configuration of my CPU so I can select that I want at least two cores or two CPUs if I select less they will not work as expect so leave Min as a two and other thing that's recorded it's leave minu as a 2 GP now we need to Define CPU mode I can select some specific mode but it's the eest way it's put p through it means that the CPO configuration will be exactly the same as the host if you have Intel will be Intel CPU instead of you define a specific option of CPU now we can put next here will be the dis because we just import that image we need to choose a existing dis I select as a virtal zero and I select the disk that I just import if you don't have any dis to in Portal don't have any existing dis it means that that step in the shelf that you did didn't work as expect if you configurate everything correct you should have this image available for you so now we're going to put next Network I believe exactly the same configuration but it will select this specific 01 Network this one if I have a bridge if I have any other kind of network I can select the one that I want but because I have only one I don't need to create another one this stage I select exactly the same that will be connect for my network card now I put next me installation I don't need because that image already have my home system so it's simple for me put next GPU my home ass system will not do so much use of my GPU so I don't need configurate it I can put next and now I can save once that you save it now we can start our virtual machine and that's we start the home system what we need to understand we need to understand that this could take some minutes for you be able to see something but then we can click in display once that click display they will ask exactly the same password that we defined before in my case will be one 2 three and put okay now they will start all all the step to start the H system and this one could take few minutes depend what system that you have or a few seconds so let's wait for him to start the system you know that the system start and is working because you have your IP V4 and also you have this URL prly look for this IP V before because then you're going to have access outside from tras so anything anywhere in your network so now we need to choose this IP address 192 1681 59 this because I already have another home ass system run my house and that they will have a conflict if I try to do only this one if you have only one home assistant you don't need to do anything you can only connect this one but in my case I will need to use this one to avoid conflict with the other one so let me tape and Port use it 8123 this stage you know that home system is working because they're preparing the home system this this one could take up to 20 minutes to bread for you and after this one you can set up your password your location and all your base configuration and go step by step to make this home system more usable for you if you want to understand those step by step or initial configuration look for one of my play s what I explain about home system there have a lots of you explain different interactions or different optimization different things that you can do for a system so if you like this video and think that was interesting please don't forget to leave a like consider subscribe for the channel if you're not subscribed and see you next time bye
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 3,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TreuNAS, Synology NAS, Home Asssistatant OS no Synology NAS, Home Assistant no TrueNAS, todas as funções do Home Assistant, Truenas Scale + Home Assistant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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