Let's Get Lit! Frankenstein - Chapter 7

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[Music] hello hello and welcome back to let's get lit all right you guys know the routine today we're discussing chapter 7 of Frankenstein the first six videos are already on YouTube well chapters because there's also the letters so are you guys ready you got to catch up before you watch this one that way there's no spoilers all right awesome all right so chapter 7 of Frankenstein this begins with Henry and Victor coming back from their trip in English when they get home they see that Victor's father has written him a letter so Victor opens it up and the letter sadly tells Victor that his youngest brother William has died now the father says that him Elizabeth Ernest and William all decided to go for a walk they went for a walk in the town close to Geneva just right outside and well Elizabeth and him got tired so they sat down on a log the two brothers went continually and they played they played hide-and-seek but after a few hours only one brother returned and that was furnished so it was getting late and they decided that well maybe William is just went back to the house so they go back to the house but they don't find him so they look all night long for him and finally they find him the next morning with a handprint around his neck he was murdered now at this point Victor is filled with continuous grief he can't believe that this has happened to him now his father asks him in the letter to please come back and to be with them not to find the murderer not to do anything like that but just to grieve together as a family because he just really wants Victor there Victor is the only one who can console Elizabeth Elizabeth feels like she's the one who caused the death of because the night that the murder happened Elizabeth let William wear a necklace of his mother's and it was gone whenever they found his body so she immediately blames herself so after reading the letter Victor decides he has to go back to Geneva Henry gives his condolences he gets into a carriage and Victor rides off during this ride Victor describes the beautiful scenery that he's looking at while he's traveling home and he feels like it's mocking him because he knows the terror and the dread that's gonna await him when he gets there now when he gets to Geneva it's too late at night the gates are already locked and he can't go home so he stays in the town adjacent to Geneva the exact same one that William was murdered in so Victor can't sleep he goes to his brother's murder site and at that point there's this huge lightning storm that's happening at that moment he can see the Lightning everywhere and he was in the valley and the mountains were all around him so he's looking up and he is seeing everything that's going on around him and during one of the lightning strikes something catches his eye he looks down for a split second and right there he sees his creation something that he hasn't seen in four plus years well now probably close to six so he looks and there it is standing and staring right at him and as soon as the light's gone Victor starts looking around and then the lightning strikes again and he could see the creature going up the mountain with every bolt of lightning that creature is getting further and further towards the summit of the mountain Victor runs away terrified but at that moment as he's running he knows who killed his brother he knows for a fact that it was the creature that killed his brother and not anyone else so he goes back to the town and it's around 5:00 a.m. in the morning well at that point the gates are unlocked and he to his house he makes it to his father's house where he's greeted by Ernest the middle brother they're talking and talking and Ernest says they know who the murderer is they say it's just steam and the reason for that is because the night that William was murdered the locket around his neck was taken but it was found in Justine's room so they believe wholeheartedly Justine is the murderer after this point Victor's father walks in and Victor is telling telling Ernest no no no no it's not just Dean Justine is not the murderer he knows who the murderer is Victor won't say it's his creation because he feels like everyone's gonna think he's crazy if he if he does say that so Ernest tells Victor's father or his father that Victor knows who the murderer is but will say Elizabeth then comes down and Elizabeth agrees with Victor she does not believe it's Justine at all she loves and respects Justine so much that she just can't bear the thought of her being the murderer this is where the end of chapter 7 happens they're awaiting the trial of Justine at the courts all right guys so please remember to Like share and subscribe down below for more content also the next video will be about chapter 8 so let's see what happens in the court and let's see what happens to Justine all right have a great one you guys and as always stay with [Music]
Channel: The Life and Times
Views: 2,067
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Keywords: Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, Chapter by chapter, Literature, Book, Books, Reading, Reading is Fundamental, New YouTuber, Let's Get Lit, Vlog, New Channel, Adventure, Action, Science Fiction, Victor Frankenstein, Classics, Summaries, Synopsis, Justine, Monster, Playing god, Educational, experiments, Switzerland, Death, Life, Creature, Frankenstein's Monster
Id: Qb029FkCz2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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