Let's create a fluid simulation in Blender!

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hey kids it's me mr. Archer I'm back with blender today all right it's getting nice outside so I figured we'd fill up the pool last week we discussed a fire simulation why not do a liquid simulation today okay with blender open we have our default 3d scene we're going to take our cube here and let's go to our front view by hitting one on our number pad want to scale this up yeah how about that okay let's switch over to wireframe view so up in the upper right here let's change our viewport settings to winner for him and at the world center let's add another cube under mesh and cube okay so let's treat the outer cube as our domain and the inner cube as our flow source for our liquid so go back to one we'll choose our outer cube is our domain we'll go off to the right under particle properties or physics properties sorry we're gonna choose fluid and under type let's choose domain all these settings come up and it defaults to gas so make sure you change the domain type to liquid okay and we can scroll down and we're gonna change a few settings but we've most of them the same real select mesh here I'll drop that down make sure liquids selected now let's go to replay let's change this to modular okay we get a couple of extra options there we'll change this from 50 frames to 250 frames to match our end our default end frame 250 okay now let's select our inner cube we'll go over to physics properties select fluid under type select flow defaults to smoke so we'll change that to liquid instead of geometry where the liquid here will just kind of drop down we want to change it to an inflow so it's more like you know the garden hose you use for your pool it just keeps spitting out water so under initial velocity let's change this to on the x-value to see five five okay and let's take our cue we'll rotate it on the x-axis here actually the y-axis so our kind of point it down like that and we'll hit G for grab up there okay now if we go back to our domain by selecting our outer cube we see our domain settings we're gonna choose bake data let's make sure we're on frame one okay this may take a minute okay at the bottom you'll see and blue fluid baked data complete ok now we can go underneath here we hit bake mesh so make sure you have to do the top one first then you can do big mesh here with our fluid our flows source right here you can see the particles being generated there and again this baking process takes a little bit there alright now if we use our middle mouse button we can wheel around zoom out we can hit play sploosh cool huh alright I'm gonna change my viewport settings up to solid there and our pools getting nice and filled we can go relax in the Sun all right kids that's all I have for today bye
Channel: Wintergreen Arts
Views: 42,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8tKH2q6w6mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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