Lets Build A Whippet Gun

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and then this is that's locked until you push the button to get that out of the way and then you can load your shells in there she Cycles good so um I went on eBay and I found this Old Stock set very damaged I didn't want to mess with the original stock set so I found this one we're going to start with all the wood work required to get this um up and running and uh the previous clip was just me testing the gun out after I had disassembled and cleaned and reoiled so now we're going to jump into to the uh nitty-gritty project side of this thank you for hanging out okay so here's another thing I've been noodling through so basically when I cut this down I can't cut it too short on the back because there's obviously the mechanism for the recoil system on an A5 or a model 11 goes back here right so I have decided I shoved this big screwdriver in here and um we're going to mark it so I marked the screwdriver with a sharpie and basically what I'm going to do so I have that much room and I'll measure it with a measuring tape that much room that cannot be cut off back here so I'll mark it on here and I'm going to cut it down and I think I'm going to cut it down now instead of later because if I cut it down now that means this crack right here will actually the whole piece of wood will just split apart right because it's only being held together but the wood back here but I'm not keeping the wood back here on this stock right so if I try to glue it now and then cut it it's there's not going to be any glue all the way in this giant fracture in the stock right so I'm thinking it's better to have it actually be two pieces that I can clamp back together than than having to you know try to squish glue in there with something like a old needle or a syringe or just shove it in there with like try to shove it in there with my fingers I just don't think it's going to work so I think I'm going to I'm going to measure that screwdriver Mark and I'm going to see how far back I can cut and I'm going to cut it get this piece to fall apart and then glue it back together with tight Bond and pins and obviously I have a big pin going through here but I'll probably put a few more pins in it from top or bottom cuz these these these will fit so all I have to do is drill a hole in here on an angle or try to get it as straight in here as possible or whatever and just put a couple pins in here with wood glue and it being clamped together so that's what I'm going to do I think I might have measured that perfectly by accident there's the plug and there's that and there isn't any ex so I didn't cut any of the plug off I'm literally right in front of the plug which is quite unexpected but now this should probably yep it should just fall apart cool you can see where the recoil system sits in there and now I have full access to that crack cool let's go to the other table again all right so cutting on that old mark1 chopsaw and I literally cut it so it came apart like I thought it would literally cut it right in front of the plug right in front of the plug so the way so now that's cut I can actually have full access to the fracture in the stock so that's very nice because that means I can fully clamp it together with glue fully in that full crack all the way back cuz there's no way I was going to get glue all the way in all of this so that actually makes this easier on me so there you go all right moving on more pins more noodling trying to make these less boring more to the point okay so cut this in half it broke right right so now um what I've done is I've just done this by hand with the drill gun and a screw or a drill bit hole there hole there holes inside so basically all these pin what I'm doing is using these nails as pins they're going to go down inside of here they're going to get filed off flat up here and they're going to be covered in wood glue going down into these holes and there's obvious going to be wood glue down in here so now I have two pins from either side holding the back of this back together and that's that's how this is going to work so now moving on to the next thing so I have a pin holding this in but I'll probably put a pin right here in the middle probably well I can't though because how this oh maybe I can no I can't because this so what we're doing with is we have this mechanical index coming through so I can't really put anything in the way of this except for on the sides of this so I might try and put a couple pins on the sides small Nails small holes on the sides of this we'll see if that works okay so more mucking about here so basically what I've done here is I'm going to reuse this I'm just going to sand it to fit the new end of this butt plate basically so what I did is I measured out the screw stuff um with these old these old butt plate screws and so what I did with this one is I just shortened it so that way oh I should show before I take that out so I shortened it because there's the pin hole right here so it's only going in a little bit and that's cuz I'm justly permanently attached to this cuz there's no point in ever taking this back apart again once it's all glued in so that way the pin can go in and come out the other side and it's not interfering with that screw anymore so that screw can be there that can be there and there's going be a bunch of glue holding it all together so that's how I did that I don't know if I'll do that for the top one because the top one had more meat available for me to screw into I did not have a whole lot of room to put a screw head right here and I actually did put a little fracture in there so gluing this in place and putting this in with glue and yeah that's going to reinforce that hopefully and obviously it's not being shouldered so um but yeah this top one so you can see what I did I just shortened the screw and then filed down the head so that it has a new head on it basic basically and now that one goes on the bottom that one goes to the top this one I can get all the way in cuz I had a lot of wood to work with but I'm obviously I'm in I'm impacting this pin head right here this pin going through so I think what I'll probably do is put this pin through here cut it short so that this can go in and then I'll put another piece of pin on top so that way it just fills that hole that's what I'm thinking I'm going to do cuz I don't really feel like I want to cut this one short too so that's what I'm doing so far so good so I think my next step will probably be to start gluing this all back together at least this segment of it and probably this segment of it all back together with the pins and then after it's dried I can start thinking about maybe putting some extra pins like down through here and in other places so anyway start gluing so what I've done is uh put a whole bunch of holes in this for to help the glue to stick and just a little tiny surface holes just to for the glue to for somewhere to go since that crack being in there you can see how dark it is along that crack just Decades of oil getting in there and I'm using tight Bond 2 which is supposedly better with oily stuff and I just didn't I don't have anything to strip this with and I don't really want to cuz I actually like this like really old nasty patina on these pieces so anyway we're going to start with this though so how to start this what I think we're going to do first is get glue with the the screws that I've you know or these nails that I've sized get glued down into these holes I think try to get as much glue down in there obviously that's going to be kind of hard I might have to use that syringe I have and like shove glue down in there but we're going to try to get glue down in to those holes down into these holes so this is going to be boring and take me forever to do probably again I'm trying to get more concise with this you understand what I'm doing if if you're even somewhat mechanically oriented or you know any anything like that you kind of you get the concept I'm going for I don't need to show you 30 minutes of me spreading glue but or trying to get glue down into holes I will try my idea so so this is the syringe I have take that needle tip off of there don't need that so the syringe and do this into glue oh that actually worked let's see if I can shove it down into these holes force it down into these holes so this hole shove glue down into it that might have worked that might have worked a little bit do it again on the other side leave the glue there see if I can some more glue into this syringe and then put it over that hole and inject it have some overfill so just wipe that off put it over here always I'll coat the nails in tight Bond as well spread this tight bond out over here I have a wet cloth over here since tight Bond's waterbased it comes off really easy with water and then obviously I have to keep glue out of this channel which I'll probably glue it all together and then stick a drill bit down here and just kind of just kind of clean out I drill just kind of use the drill bit to clean out anything that's in the way so that's what I'm going to do so I'll get back to you when this is together okay so I have it all cinched together and uh I think somewhat where I want it um obviously there's extra glue on the outside of this I might have to do some light sanding on it I don't really want to cuz I kind of want to save all this nasty old patina but we'll we'll see what I can get away with but um basically what I'm doing now is I this I basically permanently attached it's not coming off ever again and what I did is I shortened it obviously I tried to use the original holes and then um it was glued here you can see where this crack where it was glued at one point with like a resin or something so I figured ah I'll just make sure it never comes off again so now I'm going to sand it down so that it actually fits on other side I have pin there pin there so there's two pins coming up from your side there's two screws coming from your side and this plate is now basically being used as a reinforce plate to keep these two sides together since there's a screw that's been glued in here and a screw that's been glued in here so it's basically what's going on so now you can kind of see what I did here so I put glue behind this after and what I did to flatten this out obviously cuz I cut it at a 90° angle so and then these are usually curved is I actually took my heat gun um and I heated it up and then stuck it in the Vise and let it cool down and it actually flattened out this piece of plastic and then I just glued it straight to this so now there's actually glue also in between this to do fill in any cracks or any inconsistency cuz obviously this is very very old uh Remington UMC butt plate and I just then basically sanded it down to fit the new Whip It gun pistol grip and uh you know once this dries tomorrow I'll move on to the next day which is up here and all that should be pinned and glued probably the next day I work on this once this has got enough time to cure so this is just piece of um medical tubing that I've you know CL done it as tight as possible obviously I have a lot holding this together now I have this holding it together these two I have two I have sorry I have these two holding it together I have this pin I have this pin I have a lot holding this but this together now a lot of glue and I'm not even sure if I'm done pinning I OB have that screw that wood screw under here it's coming up through here that's another pin technically right so and it's glued in place permanently that's never coming out again so I this is basically a uh you know it was a total Foo bar piece of garbage and I'm trying to make it into something that's actually somewhat usable for my purposes okay so it's been a a a full night um so it's been like I don't know like 12 hours or whatever and I did a light sanding on this I took the clamps off of it you can still see the crack a little bit but there's so much glue and pins and things holding this together now that uh I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon anyway so now we're going to do the top half which is sheared off into two pieces so three pieces I guess one two and three so this just sits like that but we're going to need to probably put a lot of pins through this so obviously I have one pin holding these two pieces together I'm probably going to need to put a pin down into here or through here and I'm probably going to need to put a couple pins in the sides here on either side and uh then glue it all up and clamp it in with some of this uh tubing and uh yeah and then let it dry and then come back so yeah there's going to be a pin through there there's already a pin through there there's going to be a lot of pins in this segment just because this is how this is broken is all of these parts right so I'm going to have to put a whole bunch of glue into here A whole bunch of glue into into here glue through that pin hole pin it um trim the pin so it's the right length and I'll probably use the excess of this pin to go through the base of this into the base of this I'll probably have to do that pin hole from this side so I know that I'm driving it through this bottom piece of wood up into this top piece of wood so anyway that's what I'm going to do doing all right so I just got a rubber band on here holding this together just dry fitting it kind of what we're going to do is I'm going to show you what I've been doing to make my pin holes so I have some drill bits here and I have my nails I've been using so this nail and this drill bit are basically the same size and so we're going to just put this bad boy in here and this is one of those really awkward things where excuse me where I can't really clamp it and do this so I have to kind of do it the hard way quote unquote so the first one I think I'm going to do is put a hole straight down through the Tang here yep and it's going to push away because it wants to see where that came out Okay cool so there's the hole and so it went through both pieces of wood and now I can put a nail through there as a pin and that's going to pin this side to this side once it's all dried together more than anything obviously you can see if they're not tight holes right they're not like super tight the biggest things I want glue down in there and I want this reinforcing that brake that's what these are for they're not I'm not nailing this back together I I'm using all of this metal as a reinforcing studs basically on these on these cracks that's all I really wanted to do is to make sure that these never go anywhere ever again and honestly with all this wood glue in these in these nails it might be stronger than one was when as one piece when I'm all said and done so that's the first that's just an example of what I'm doing to do these these holes and you just GNA have to go slow you have to let the drill bit do the work don't just shove it through and you know destroy something even more so anyway time to show off the horrible Frankenstein's monster here so pin through there two pins through there pin through there and that's that's all I can do honestly to to try to put this back together and um I think it will work honestly I think it's going to work uh if it doesn't then you know this is a fun woodworking experiment if anything but so these holes on the side here those are pretty hard to do and you can see I got a little bit of blowout in the end there and yeah so basically to do that it's kind of counterintuitive so you have to kind of start the drill on a 90° and then walk the drill bit up and start poking down once you have a place for it to actually grab otherwise you're just going to fall off the side of this constantly so I'm going to try to use the nail to fill a lot of that in and then have obviously wood glue around it and wood glue become very very tough stuff so we're going to see how it looks once it's all not ugly and looks like I'm trying to nail it back together all right so I have all my pins sized I cut them all down to size so I can trim them once it's all glued back together you can see even without glue these these hold them in there oh that's a like little tiny pin that falls out it goes right here go back in there yeah so that one you're never going to see so I made it short so it just kind of fits over the gap app but that way I don't have to get in there too much and trim it with a Dremel so anyway let's glue it up film this just cuz I can but this is going to be messy messy messy messy I got a a damp cloth over here to help me kind of deal with the the mess of this but this is just going to be a mess to get this together all this glue yep absolute mesh so I'm using a thinner screw I really wish I had something long and skinny and Pokey I might if I poked around somewhere in here I might have like a piece of wire or something but trying to get glue down into these holes um and I also I'm almost out of glue in this bottle so I just had to cut it open but basically I'm just getting messy here taking this smaller finishing nail and just kind of coating it in glue so that way I can like shove it down into these holes and it's UND sized by quite a bit so I can actually get glue down in here and that way those pins actually have some glue around them not just hopes and dreams so got to go in on both sides and kind of impregnate these holes with glue and yes I did use that word just to just to make you cringe okay now there's this hole right here too with a pin can get some glue down in there okay get some glue down into here some glue down into here this is why I'm just like I'm not filming everything this time I'm just kind of giving you the Highlight Reel because this is honestly just really Ted tedious boring work to get glue into all of this so anyway I'm trying to be more informational so this little pin can go down into its hole like that make sure it's not sticking too far up this side wipe some of the extra glue out of there put it in that hole all right put this pin through its hole all the extra glue wipe it back up here why not get some extra glue around that hole this is all just going to get sanded off anyway so runoff is not the worst thing for this extra glue in all these cracks and craves not the worst thing just kind of annoying to clean it all up when we're all said and done here oh man all right you kind of get the GIF of it right here's the horrible Frankenstein's monster all glued up and pinned so we'll let it dry and I'll come in and clean up after myself well on to the next thing the handguard so on this we have a fracture here um a fracture here a fracture going all the way down here that chipped out right here and both my studs I have one that's still intact needs to be glued back in and I'm going to have to make one out of a a big nail so I might even just use the head of that yeah might just use I just cut it off right there stick it in there glue it back in So this I don't know if it's going to be as intense as the stock since it's not broken into a bagillion parts I just need to reinforce all of the cracks with some glue and um yeah call it good okay so this I can only do so much for so I just put a bunch of glue into this crack with my fingers just rubbed it in I glued that little piece that popped off in there I put a whole bunch of glue on the inside of this like just rubbed it in there so hopefully has enough strength now I remade a pin with a piece of nail I glued both the Nubs back in I just did the same thing up here with this crack I just put some glue on either side and that's basically all I can really do for this and you kind of hope it survives I mean once it's on the gun and back and the glue is definitely going to reinforce all the broken stuff so we'll just uh yeah hope it does its job well enough you know um otherwise I have another handguard that I can throw on there with the new stock so we we'll figure it out he so quick update Frankenstein's monster is now out of its uh clamps and I'm just uh basically taking down my pin heads and then I will sit here and sand all of the excess glue off and uh I'll get back to you once I'm done it's just really boring work so I don't really need to go into too much detail you understand what I'm doing I'll probably use hand files for this and um then sandpaper for the glue residue and then uh yeah I'll get back to you all right so I tried to do minimal sanding I still have to do some sanding on this so there's all my pins holding this together so that's obviously a pin as well but there you go one reconditioned stock made specifically for a Whi it gun and uh I um there's the extra pin I trimmed it down I tried to do some minimal sanding on the outside of this in some places where the cracks and uh there's a whole bunch of extra glue in the entire of this I'm going to keep that there so it holds it together as I was worried this Wood's really old and oily so there's some probably some issues this pen started to work itself out cuz the glue had nowhere to go cuz the hole was so full of oil so I don't know if it'll stay in there but it's just meant to retain this on the gun better so we'll see if it stays I don't know it might fall out but anyway there you go one fully reconditioned and rebuilt purpose made Whi it stock all right let's make a Whi it gun it's 28 in Barrel 28 and a qu so I'm going to cut it down 10 in and make it 18 and a quar and we're doing the super sketch with a cut off wheel in a chopa which is definitely not how this is but I don't really know how to make it straight cut otherwise cuz doing a hacks saw is super not straight so we're just going to take it slow instead all right I'm doing my measurements we're going to we're going to commit we're going to we're going to commit so basically my original plan was to have this go far as far back as I could get it to go but of course this is a recoiling barrel system into the receiver so um I can't get away with doing that because this will bottom out on this and just rip the whole front of the gun apart I don't even want to know what would happen if you did that so I have to I have to jump it Forward um quite a few inches actually we're actually adding more length back onto the gun while also shortening the barrel um so right now the barrel is 18 in and I'm going to cut off probably several more inches and then we're going to permanently attach this to the barrel and we're going to see how well this works but so this was my original Mark that's too far back it would interfere with the mag tube this is the cut I have to make and I'm just going to do that so then how we're going to permanently attach the callar body to the barrel right cuz originally these weren't permanently attached they were just the collar was soldered on and these could thread off well I'm don't think I'm ever going to undo this gun ever because this Barrel is borked now like it's cut down it is what it is so I'm going to just Commit This Barrel to being a whippet gum barrel and basically what this right here is is a set screw hole and you can see the little tiny divot right there which is actually end it in the metal which is a a timing divot and it times perfectly into this hole right here you can kind of see it go through there right there so what I'm going to do is fill that hole and the threads with solder and basically solder these two pieces together but to make it even more permanent so nobody questions my permanent of this is um we're going to drill another hole with my drill press in the top [Music] [Music] all right we finally got through there all right so I finally got this all um cleaned out and re on here I totally boogered the [ __ ] out of it um but it don't matter because the rest of this gun is booger the [ __ ] so uh and it's a w it's a 100-year-old whippet gun so don't matter it's all getting brazed together right so it's never coming back apart ever again so it doesn't matter if I've damaged some things trying to clean those threads out I've taken some of the bluing off back here so I can actually get cuz you don't want any bluing on anything that you're going to braze into so I've tried to clean out all these holes as best I can and get all this degased and ready to braze now I just got to hack my barrel down and get that prepped all right I've committed I'm I'm in it this Barrel is now Fubar I have to commit so we're just we're just slowly sanding this rib back is all I'm doing uh with hand files with sandpaper I took a lot of it off with the cut with giant sander wheel on my my grinder that thing right there so I could get a majority of it off so I could do kind of the more fiddly work with this and uh yeah it's just really boring tedious work to just you know keep hand fitting right and so it's going to this this collar has to go back quite a bit back about that far so I still need to take a lot more metal off I'll get to back to you when I'm doing something different all right so I thought I screwed it up didn't screw it up thank God H sweating bullets I tell you so I have it fit to the I have this fit to the end of the barrel the collars fit to the end of the barrel um the barrel has been sanded I think I need to make some little shims cuz there's some movement in this on the actual collar itself so I have to go find some copper um sheeting I have and then if we push it back into the receiver it recoils back in the receiver it doesn't get anywhere near the handguard so that's nice so anyway yes now we have to do is make some shims and Prep Prep for soldering dear God say a prayer for me don't screw up don't screw up so expensive if I screw up stupid barrel cost me almost more than a whole gun if I have to replace the barrel [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so this clip we're watching right now is me doing the first test fire after reassembly all of the malfunctions you're seeing is because I'm a dummy and I did not relube the gun at all it is literally bone drop there is no lubrication not even light grease or oil on anything so the fact that it's even running as well as it is in this clip is pretty impressive it had a lot of failures to feed and failures to extract and um just yeah a lot of stuff like that and that's because it literally had nothing on it it was D bone so I learned my lesson and the next time I went out it ran much better because I had put grease on the recoil system and I had put um oil into the actual action on the bolt and all that type of [Laughter] stuff then I'd probably hit myself in the face but we're going to give it a go here we go got 4 plus one in this but anyway she's she's holding together the monstrosity she's she's holding together put some rounds through her all right shooting trash suit and trash get in there get in there you bastard I think it needs a new recoil spring so I'm just on the floor in my room here just kind of go over some of the things I forgot to uh go over um to kind of round out the video even though it's 53 freaking minutes long so um I've been just experimenting with a like a shoulder strap to be able to put it over your shoulder underneath your armpit so that's what this is instead of a leather boot lace um the malfunctions I was dealing with is basically this lifter right here if you watch this it is you can see how much so it's actually binding on the the bolt release thing and if you smack it it literally comes back up so I think I just need to modify that interface right there a little bit or polish it out and I'll fix that and then um I ordered a new magazine tube spring cuz this is the original spring and it's pretty soft and Squishy it had a uh a stop in here a me or a uh a limiter for a really long time and it probably just wore the spring out from being compressed all the time and then something I completely forgot to film was just um the finishing work on this so I just did a lot of hand filing and uh obviously I reblued this and uh you know it looks pretty nice so anyway definitely not perfect definitely not per professional work but good enough for somebody who's literally never done this once in their entire life so anyway there she is a whip it gun okay so uh I have it all ripped apart again woohoo um and uh I'm just screwing around with the uh shell stop right from the magazine and the uh lifter right I believe that's what these two things are called This is the lifter this thing right here is a shell stop right cuz it stops a shell right here I think that's what those two things are called I could be wrong again I have to look at the diagram again for this gun um I'm definitely getting binding issues on this side of the lifter right here around here on this so I'm I'm thinking I can just maybe Bend this back a smidge and maybe p this up a little bit and call it good I don't know taking this thing apart and putting it back together is kind of laborious a lot of little tiny set screws and lock screws and things that get lost that I can never find again if they ever fell on the floor so it gu kind of it's just kind of annoying to take it apart um so we're going to we're going to take this thing out of there um and maybe bend it a little bit back off of that off of the out of the action more towards the receiver and see if that maybe fixes the problem just a smidge um so this is a a wolf extra power uh trim to fit 12 gauge shotgun recoil or sorry 12 gauge shotgun magazine tube spring um so this is the original 100y old magazine tube spring this is the wolf extra power that I just trimmed I gave myself some extra coils because obviously this has been squished down over over 100 years of use who knows how much it's been squished down it's very weak so I gave myself a little extra room here on my trim so that way if I put it all back together and it's too much I can take a little more off if it's good enough then whatever and then I have some extra spring out that direction for if I messed it up I don't think I did though so we'll see anyway that's what I'm doing all right so uh here we are we're going to test this thing again um hoping we figured out all the things that we're kind of freaking out on it so uh new recoil spring polished up some of the Interior geometry you know just going to have fun with it make sure I'm actually in frame here oh that's loud I don't have herro on ow that's way too loud to shoot this without ear Pro holy [ __ ] all right um let's do this now with a freaking ear Pro on that hurt a lot I'm GNA have ringing for the rest of the day ouch freaking ouch all right that was five slugs I'm shooting slugs perfectly extracted and threw those through there load five more I was thinking of just doing like 15 or 20 rounds and then you know going from there got to love the old suicide safety on this old gun oh boy okay so that was 10 slugs all right we're back so put some buck in it now just threw that in the snow cuz I'm a dumb ass uh dropping stuff in the snow got to love it not it's 12 Dees outside right now just want you let you know that all right [ __ ] I don't even know if that was in frame hopefully it was okay we'll do five more we'll call it good for the day we do five more slugs um I use the Slugs because um they recoil pretty damn hard and if anything's going to break or go wrong um or not work or malfunction it's probably going to be under 12 gauge slug recoil so anyway last five rounds of the day and I'm going to choke up on this bad boy okay here we go boy oh oh oh okay okay just a we malfunction okay maybe we'll do some more all right five more five more all right I don't really know what that malfunction was might have just been a failure to uh feed all the way it kind of got stuck I don't know if you guys saw it I can we'll watch the video back but the shell kind of got stuck in like the loading phase but the gate yeah that was weird I can't even recreate that malfunction cuz the the lifter was up underneath the shell maybe I can try to recreate that malfunction so that malfunction was kind of like this I'm holding it open it doesn't want to do it but it was kind of like the shell got stuck so I don't know if that's just the ammo I'm using but yeah the lifter was like that exactly the shell was kind of but it was just you know doing its thing I don't know it's a weird weird malfunction I don't know anyway it's cold I'm going home so uh I'm literally editing the video as I record this so that's the f few days after that last test fire and um so I think I this is just to wrap up this video thanks for watching if you watch the whole thing it's probably going to be like 45 minutes long I've tried editing it down as far as much as I can but talking about this thing so I put quite a few pretty high recoiling rounds through it slugs and Buckshot uh is all I've shot through it it is 100 years old but it's actually technically now that's 2024 it is 101 years old um so I think I've narrowed down what the problem is I think it's a um this is the carrier I am now learning the terminology of all the parts on this thing believe me I'm I'm trying okay so the carrier latch and carrier latch spring and all this stuff in here so there's a a spring underneath this trigger pack right here I I think that that spring is worn out and it's causing the carrier not to have enough oomph to like throw the last shell into the action I also think it's so heavy though it's so crazy the the how heavy the Springs are on this gun um I have a hard time believing they're worn out but they could be but basically okay there we go um the action spring too the main action spring which is off the end of the bolt the bolt in these sits right here but then it's got a tail that goes down into here so the action spring could also be toasted so I'm going to try to replace the action spring at some point I'm going to replace the carrier spring and hopefully that that fixes all of my and maybe I'll even replace this latch on the side here that drops the bolt um I might replace and then I might also replace the extractor spring I have a lot of Springs to replace it is 100 years old um I don't think I need to replace any of this up in here I might though don't know um I bought this obviously secondhand and then turned it into a Whi it gun so who knows what bushing and recoil spring I got stuck with cuz they came with multiple from the factory Remington 11s and people just lose them over the years but so I have a few things just replaced over the years I'm going to continue this project done for now and I'll probably just order Springs when I have some extra money to order Springs um cuz I'm looking at like 50 to 100 bucks in Springs depending on where and what I buy um especially if I start replacing things up in here um obviously this is an outof production gun for a very long time and it kind of is iffy on whether or not Browning and Remington um model 11s and a5s have cross like compatible Springs I don't know um I know you can also modify the lifters to be two-piece lifters like more modern brownings but it requires a lot of replacing of parts in here so anyway thanks for watching this is a fun project we might continue on I haven't decided how far I'm going to take this thing yet obviously right now it's sitting in a pretty um authentic configuration for a whip it gun except for obviously I I threw a cut compensator on the front the only other things I thought about doing maybe is putting on a MAG tube extension and then also there's the companies that make um rails for these guns so you these pin right here and this pin right here and you can have a red dot rail on top and I think that would be pretty hilarious to have a whip it gun with a red dot just for shits and giggles but thanks for watching this is a fun project and um I'll see you whatever I'm doing next I don't know I have videos to edit
Channel: Maximus Overhead
Views: 111,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wbozzLEnPD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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