ASMR Reiki for Sleep 🌛Body Scan & Hypnosis to Fall Asleep Fast (Hand Movements, Finger Flutters)

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hi there welcome to this reiki session today we're going to focus on falling asleep nothing else just getting a good night's rest if you've been feeling pressure around sleep if you've been experiencing insomnia then this reiki session is really going to help you we're going to release resistance and blocks around sleep so that it becomes just another fact of life something that is easy and natural for you to do as it should be so yeah that appeals to you if you are ready let's get started first we're going to begin with a smoke lens as always and today we will be using palo santo allow yourself to relax feel into your entire body now i'm just going to wave this little stick around your entire body your aura so that it's all around you that it cleanses your surroundings the energy around you take some deep breaths breathe in and let it out breathe in and let it out if you've been feeling pressure on your chest this is your opportunity to let it go deep breath in inside out of the mouth so i've just activated the honsha seshon symbol and the chokery symbol and with these two symbols you're going to begin to feel more and more present and in the moment this energy is inviting you to be here in this moment with me and what this is going to do is it's also going to help you get into your body instead of being stuck in your mind we're going to get into the body sleep is for your body to replenish yourself to rest so get into the body now so that this is a natural and easy process allow reiki energy to flow from the top of the crown of your head down into your body now it's going to penetrate the crown of your head and move down down down into your head space into your head's face it's going to clear up thoughts clear up any murky dense energy it's cleansing your mind reiki is in your head's face cleansing your mind you can let everything go now there's nothing you have to think about nothing you need to think about if they're stubborn just let them be but otherwise you can wave them off breaking energy is clearing up your headspace creating more spaciousness emptiness so that you can just be you're doing really well continue to relax let this happen naturally and easily you don't have to effort you don't have to force this to happen it's already happening take a deep breath in now and let it go very good now from your head space this reiki energy is going to travel down down down through the neck it's going to lengthen the neck relaxing the neck and then this freaking energy is going to flow into your shoulders expanding the space in your shoulders allow the energy to push down on your shoulders slightly you may feel a pull from your arms allow your arms to get heavy as if your shoulders are being pulled down pull down by gravity drop your shoulders drop your shoulders let go of the tension let go of burdens great space this reiki energy is creating space in your shoulders take another deep breath in and let it out really nice now with your arms heavy you can let go of the hands relax the hands and relax the fingers now relax now relax the chest allow this energy to flow into the chest feel it the center of your chest expanding outwards with every inhale and exhale allow this energy to sink deep into your heart center helping you center yourself balance yourself breathe in and exhale breathe in and exhale concentrating this energy in the center of your chest your true center feel a sense of centering gentle vibrations the middle of your chest enjoy these gentle vibrations now let this awareness help you relax take deep breaths in and out [Applause] deep breath in and out [Music] in and you're doing so well remember there's no right or wrong way to go about any of this whatever is happening to you right now is perfect you're receiving healing energy universal energy that is for you that has always been here for you you're simply letting it in and allowing it to help you and serve you you're doing so well with that now that you've tapped into your heart center begin to work your way down now down down down to your navel center slightly above the belly button feel into your belly this is really going to help breathe into the belly now expand the belly and exhale again peel into the belly breathe into the belly expand the belly and let it out let's do it one more time breathe into your belly expand the belly feel into your navel center this energy center it's very invigorating and then let it out amazing from here on the energy is going to continue to move down into your legs so begin to relax the legs now and it's going to keep moving down relaxing the legs bit by bit inch by inch down to your feet start to feel into your feet now and this is going to ground you ground you even more allow yourself to feel a sense of heaviness begin to sudden this is a relaxing sense of heaviness you may feel and notice the heaviness but at the same time because you're so relaxed you may also feel the exact opposite you may also feel really light in your body because you're so relaxed now free of burdens whatever you sense it's perfect it's just as it should be now your entire body is relaxed continue to let in this freaky energy allow it to flow naturally through your body healing your body life is very paradoxical in the sense that when you force things to happen they usually don't happen the way you want them to and this applies to sleep as well sometimes we try so hard to fall asleep we do all that we can we focus with the mind but because we're trying so hard we're forcing we're actually resisting the very thing that we want because whatever you force you resist and what you resist persists so what if you just stopped trying all together what if you just gave up on trying to fall asleep because falling asleep is a very natural thing isn't it it's something that your body just does it has to it's something your body needs which is why we struggle when we don't get enough sleep so it's supposed to happen naturally isn't it but when we go about it in unnatural ways then it doesn't happen naturally so here's an invitation what if you gave up trying to go to sleep instead you got into your body instead and allowed your body to do what feels natural the body knows what to do because the body needs sleep so what if you focused on reconnecting to your body mending this relationship between your mind and your body so instead of being in your head and trying to make sleep happen you're in your body and sleep just happens because it's supposed to it's a very human thing to fall asleep that you don't have to try very hard for it to happen you can get into your body to allow it to happen give that a shot right now you're in your body now you're relaxed and reiki energy is all around you and within you you're in the moment you're present you felt into your heart center and your gut now just let go let go completely there's nothing that you need to do right now just let go surrender and give up everything in this moment surrender completely and give in to your body again you don't have to force this to happen it just happens just sigh give in give up let go you're in your body now let your body take over your mind can rust your mind can take the back seat allow your body to now take the front seat relax the body totally completely and let the rest happen so and if you haven't closed your eyes already you can close your eyes now and from here i'm going to count from the 30 to 1. with each number you're just going to drift deeper and deeper into sleep it's all going to happen very naturally without any bit of effort from you there's no effort needed your body knows what to do you can trust your body drifted deeper and deeper into sleep now trust your body allow your body to take over your body is going to help you rest and it knows what to do drifting off now 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 drifting deeper now keep going drift deeper and deeper into sleep 18. seventeen sixteen 15 you're halfway there 14 13 12 eleven keep going keep drifting going deeper and deeper and deeper ten nine eight seven six five four three two one you're doing so well keep going keep sleeping have a beautiful deep sleep you're gonna wake up tomorrow feeling so much lighter so much more rejuvenated you're going to notice less thoughts less negativity and more lightness more positivity enjoy your sleep and i will see you in the next video good night good night
Channel: ediyasmr
Views: 1,536,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr reiki, asmr sleep, asmr for insonmia, reiki asmr, ediyasmr reiki, asmr, asmr roleplay, ediyasmr, asmr reiki sleep, asmr reiki healing, asmr reiki hand movements, asmr reiki symbols, asmr sleep hypnosis, asmr sleep relaxation, asmr sleep meditation, asmr for sleep, asmr reiki healing roleplay, asmr reiki energy healing session, energy healing session asmr, asmr hand movement face touching, hypnosis for insomnia, reiki healing, asmr finger flutter, asmr healing
Id: 51Kjn6exDro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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