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hi everyone welcome back it's a cold day outside it's windy it's windy it's cold I I don't even want to go out I mean it's like in the 20s but the wind is blowing and the wind chills I don't know what it is but it's cold so I tried to get all my chores done this morning but we still have to do some stuff outside what are you doing hey that was it smell like my shampoo okay anyway it's myself okay oh I'm sorry yeah so while she fixes herself oh that was fast she always wears a hat no dude she wears I have a lot so it's comfy when you go outside and you're cold you just want to come in the house and keep your hat on I do that all the time okay that's why I always look like a hand this is why go ahead do you do your hair in the camera how much she can see yourself today anyways I need to cut hair all the guys need haircuts and she knows - I do ok this I need to do it this week though it's maybe maybe today maybe tomorrow I always put it off because I don't like cutting hair the worst job but cuz he's gonna go to school for that so then we I offer to cut their hair and they're like no you're not touching my head I don't know what to say about that they don't want to listen to us all day we just go rambling on buddy I know because you're good at rambling but I'm not not a good Rambler it's cold out I love surprise because it's cold anyway we got to get a lot of fancy and I've been dried the semi in heaven through the five chapter but the tractor won't start so we've got to get some jumping cables start that tractor I don't know you guys my trucks for me it's loud but it's cold out that's what we're gonna do for a little bit you drive in some funky so the tractor will it start it's too cold it doesn't like to start no it's like me [Music] all right let's go start the tractor it's gonna give me a flush [Music] huh [Music] Hey ever drove a semi in a couple months hope I remember how [Music] [Music] I let him do the cold job it's really windy out there it's not snowing today yesterday I think was worse than today but still that wind is it's chilly so maybe I'll watch the video of me teaching Mackenzie how adharma semi or actually it's a subway that we turned into a straight truck and I have a lot of comments about that things I should have done different or things I was doing wrong so maybe I'll take this time to clarify a few of them people will ask like why didn't I teach you how to drive using the RPMs you know watching the gauges and my answer to that is because that check I'll check your truck if that Chuck's gauges do not work none of the gauges work I don't think maybe the fuel gauge but everything all the other gauges don't so we had to go by feel and I thought you know I don't mind teaching her how to drive by the feel of it because in the long run what we really listen to is the sound of the truck and you know just the feel of the truck to know when to shift and when not to are we to upshift and windy downshift I never look at the RPMs anymore maybe one aides for when I first started years ago I watched it but I just thought you know I've had teacher since the gauges don't work that I'm going to teach you how to just go by the feel of it and thus out I seem to have worked at first she had she had to get the feel of it you know it's like anybody does but she's she's doing really good with it another one was why don't I teach you to double clutch that Chuck had some tell reason to be double clutching and the type of driving we were doing did not need double clutching either I don't double clutch never do never will and I didn't think it would be necessary to teach her I did teach her how to drive with the clutch and without the clutch so she does know both but we prefer not to use the clutch it's just easier especially in the type of drivers that we're doing and that truck is super easy to drive with without using the clutch another question people ask why is the Jake brake on maybe neuter the Jake brake off that truck doesn't have a Jake brake a lot of people said that this had to be laughing but that truck doesn't have the Jake brake it's just the sound of the truck and if you thought it was loud and muffled it's because it was the muffler is less than perfect to say that so I can't remember what else I'll put it into gear that first time yeah I had to walk her through that step because sometimes when you first push the clutch if you push it down too far I won't go into gear she had to learn all that and she did that she drove truck for us all fall and hopefully you can hear me she drove for harvest and all fall and she did really good and I'm very impressed and proud of her for that but she took to learn how to do that I been driving truck for many years and so I kind of know a little bit about oh I don't know everything so I'm not gonna claim to know everything but yeah once you get the hang of it I think you could drive any truck I've told several different ones I used to drive for my parents and then I used to drive I've drove for other farms as well during their custom work so yeah I you know I'm not scared to jump in a different truck and drive it and I also needed to clarify that she she has drove semi before so she's kinda already view the ins and out how the truck worked how to handle all that she just never did it on the road she would always drive in the fields we started them young when they were hardly able to touch the pedal they would drive in the field and we don't think of bales and I love them drive was always fun so it's not like she has like I just threw her in the sea and she had no idea what she was doing because she really did she just was determined and she did really good with driving this fall and we're very proud hopefully she can drive again first this next fall because segata school to get a job all right that's my two cents I Drive a truck it's really easy you guys you ever want to learn how to drive a truck it's super simple once you get the hang of it anybody can do it really this takes practice all right I get the sands home so that our cows can have some nice soft sand to lay on tonight
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 25,241
Rating: 4.954751 out of 5
Keywords: Dairy farm, farming, homesteading, family farm, farm kids, farm, cows, cow, dairy, milk, homestead, country, life on the farm, diy, how to, Massey Ferguson, New holland, John Deere, tractor, crops, #homesteading life, #acresofclay, acres of clay, Michigan, dairy farm, calves, calf, homemade, canning, how to make, how the farm works, farmers wife, farmers daughter, farmboys, driving truck, semi, sand, teaching, learning how
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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