Let’s Talk About BLONDE (2022)… | Movie REVIEW | Netflix | Marilyn Monroe Movie | Ana de Armas

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you know I should have known how my screening of blonde was gonna go after the movie theater accidentally played minions the rise of Gru instead of this film oh man what's going on everyone James here with another Real review and today we're going to get into all of my thoughts on Blonde the new Netflix film that surrounds Marilyn Monroe that is hitting Netflix this week September 28th guys okay before I even got into my positives and negatives let me thank Netflix for the chance to watch this early in person for review and yeah guys this movie's a lot um and not great ways but hey before we get into all of my thoughts if it is your first time here at the channel welcome to real jams where I love talking about movies TV and all the news in between so if you do too go ahead and hit the big red button below subscribe to the channel and help us get even closer to ten thousand and go ahead and hit the Thumbs Up Button if you're a fan of Marilyn Monroe and if you're interested in this film and let me know Down Below in the comments what you thought of the film if you see it because not everyone's going to be able to see this one guys it is an NC-17 movie it's the first one I've seen in quite a while but yes this is basically a fictionalized take on Marilyn Monroe's life it's based off of a book called blonde if I'm not mistaken that is a fictional accounting of her life which is controversial in and of itself but you know what the film is it's got a couple of good things about it if you don't know much about the movie of course it's directed by Andrew Dominic and it's starring Anna dearman says Marilyn Monroe Julia Nicholson as Gladys Marilyn's mother and Bobby kanavale and Adrian Brody and some others it's an ensemble cast for the most part but there were some good takeaways here so you know what guys let's waste no more time and get right into my positives and some things that I kind of enjoyed when it comes to blonde and that begins with Anna diarmus's acting she does play Marilyn Monroe here and you know what I thought she did a pretty darn good job now sometimes her accent does come through and it kind of breaks the immersion just the Tad but that's not anything against her I just think that this is her taking on a role that is pretty much larger than life Marilyn Monroe is a huge figure was a huge figure in Hollywood and Beyond so Anna Diaries to me did a good job at displaying her range now see I am a fan of Anna dramas I think she's a very good actor and she does showcase a great deal of ability and talent in this movie She's definitely capable of playing this role it's just a shame that the director and the writing and everything for her performance and her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe uh well it wasn't very great in honoring Marilyn Monroe let's put it that way so yes entity arm is her acting was pretty solid especially towards the end of the film I thought that she really did a good job at showing the spiral the downward spiral of Marilyn Monroe's life but yeah and the armis I would say for the most part was the standout among our entire ensemble cast and technically speaking there are some shots here that are very impressive the cinematography at times was very unique director Andrew Dominic plays a lot with aspect ratio black and white and color photography so there are a lot of different elements at play here sometimes yes it's sensory overload but I did appreciate some of the technical elements the blocking and framing of certain shots and even the score did Aid the movie sometimes and hold on I'm flipping through my notes Here oh okay I I think that's actually all I have for the positives you guys I'm not kidding unfortunately well blonde is it's disgusting now listen I can explain I am able to handle you know certain amounts of Gore nudity and some suggestive themes and films as long as it serves a purpose but blonde is an entire mess and it starts right at the top with director Andrew Dominic who I think is full of himself here and he's incredibly self-indulgent what he does here is provide more style over substance now I'm not going to sit here and tell you that uh oh my gosh this is the absolute worst film I've ever seen in my lifetime but for this year this is among some of the worst films I've seen and it's mainly for the fact that this movie accomplishes little to nothing in terms of Storytelling and honestly of substance there's a lot of shock value here and it's not great I also feel like the movie struggles with a consistent tone in the first half so there's a horror vibe to this it's kind of scary bringing away with Julian Nicholson's portrayal of Gladys and how they portray Maryland's younger years where she's almost fearful of her mother and there are a lot of things that are a little bit traumatizing to be honest so if you're easily triggered by things like rape sexual assault or domestic violence this movie is going to be a difficult watch for you and Andrew Dominic definitely doubles down on this style as the film goes on and yes the film definitely goes on this is a nearly three hour film you guys so if you are not enjoying it in the First Act he'll only kind of again double down on that as the film goes on and there's an uncomfortability factor to this that it's just it does not resonate with me in the slightest but speaking of the run time you guys let's talk about that a little bit because I think this is only about 10-15 minutes shy of a three hour film and the movie itself just doesn't know where to end but even before we get to the conclusion it just did not feel like this film was going anywhere special and even at the least I was hoping for some sort of focus on Marilyn Monroe's life outside of her being abused and unfortunately treated like meat okay let me preface that she was treated like meat yes in real life because men just looked at her and thought she was eye candy which is awful but then in the film Andrew Dominic the director who does pretty much the same thing and I don't to me I don't care for the whole like meta oh my gosh I'm just portraying exactly how Marilyn Monroe was treated in real life because this movie all it does it serves to diminish her and as the film goes on it just became more and more infuriating for me because it was just well it was it was just graphic to be graphic it overly sexualizes the character of Marilyn Monroe in the film but also of Anna diarmus so if you remember of course I just mentioned yes energy armis is acting is pretty darn good in this movie but I don't know why director Andrew Dominic decided to film her topless a lot more than what was really nice cesarean honestly there are some point of view shots especially in the third act that made me feel just icky it was disgusting we didn't need to see that and it just lingers on that and lingers on that and lingers on that there's even a moment where she's having a uh I think the word is polyamorous relationship and it just it to me did not do anything for the film this is a sick and twisted retelling of her life and the problem is there is nowhere in the movie where this says oh yes it's based on a fictional book so when people see this movie it's problematic in and of itself because people are going to come out of it thinking oh this was her life and it's not for the most part it really isn't I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert on Marilyn Monroe one of my friends in the space Dave Lee down under is but he even told me that this is just not Marilyn Monroe's life in the slightest and then when it comes to the themes of this movie now I understand that you know on the surface level okay I get what the director is going for here I get what the movie's trying to do it's trying to Showcase that Marilyn Monroe had attachment issues that she had daddy issues but the film is just hitting you over the head with it there's even a long period of time in this film probably for a good hour where all she does is refer to her husband or husbands as Daddy and it is really weird and honestly it just it took me out of the film there are so many immersion breaking moments in this movie that by the end Not only was I just terribly upset but I just thought to myself what's the purpose of this film and then there are some creative decisions here that really made me scratch my head outside of the over sexualization of Anna diarmus there's also this miscarriage theme throughout the film that is weird it's like this GI fetus that it okay I think we have to get to a point in Hollywood where we stop handing the Reigns over to men when they're directing films about iconic and Powerful women because this is the result guys I'm so sorry I know this sounds kind of like a rant but there are so many elements of this film where you can just tell a woman was not directing this and of course a woman didn't direct this so I really was hoping for a lot more out of this because I went in with an open mind and I thought okay yes I know it's based on a controversial book but there's probably something here that I can pull out of and come away and say you know what I enjoyed this I enjoyed that but I can only tell you that I enjoyed Andrew yarmus's performance but she is totally misused by the end of the film here and to me I can't recommend this movie I cannot recommend blonde I wouldn't recommend it to you even just to watch it because oh my gosh it's so bad it's good it's not and also there's this shock value no that does nothing this film is one of those movies that you walk out of and you think Hmm I just don't think that this movie needed to be made and if it did can it be made in a different way and that comes down to the director the writer it's all about the behind the scenes and I feel bad for those that were in front of the camera because I do feel like they're coming into a film that had a lot of promise and then the final product is just totally different it's totally different so overall you guys I don't want to spend too much more time ranting about this film I have to tell you that blonde is one of the more infuriating movies that I've seen in my lifetime not only do I think it is a terrible film but it is just a disgusting accounting of Marilyn Monroe in her life now again I do think that there are bigger Marilyn Monroe fans out there than I am but I think we can all come together and find common ground on the fact that this movie is problematic it's absolutely horrid and it's just infuriating because of the self-indulgent style of Andrew Dominic that's on display here I mean he he made me pretty much not want to watch any more of his movies after watching blonde and in the armis I feel so bad for her because she gave a good performance but not even she could save this film now there there are some takeaways technically like I mentioned that are really really Pleasant like these transitions the score the aspect ratio changes the black and white the color photography it all kind of adds a little bit of an element to this film that I think it was needing but by the middle I was just tapped out I this movie is just not for me and I don't think it's a great film overall anyway and I just really wish that this movie to be honest with you was either made in a different way or just not produced at all because this is just it's disgusting so there you have it you guys that's my Real review and all my spoiler-free thoughts on Blonde the film that again hits Netflix on September 28th if you are brave enough to watch this movie let me know Down Below in the comments what you think of this film and hey even if you don't I'd appreciate you hitting that big red button and subscribing to the channel because we got more content coming we just had some awesome content earlier this week and I just can't wait for the rest of award season because I'm hoping to come away from movies not upset like this alrighty all again thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you at the next screening and you know what maybe they should have just kept playing minions right girl [Music]
Channel: Reel James
Views: 115,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel James, blonde movie review, blonde 2022 movie review, blonde 2022 trailer, blonde movie trailer, blonde movie reaction, blonde netflix movie review, blonde netflix trailer, blonde trailer reaction, blonde netflix trailer reaction, blonde review, blonde Ana de Armas, netflix Marilyn Monroe movie review, blonde Marilyn Monroe movie, blonde movie ana de armas, blonde movie nc 17, blonde movie scenes, blonde movie jfk scene, blonde movie release date, where to watch blonde
Id: ptRWO2D4mto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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