Lessons from the North! Build Show in Canada - EP

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the build show is on the road we're actually in Vancouver British Columbia and I've got a bunch of job sites several videos to make but on today's video we're gonna hit several builders who are building to a really high standard today's video sponsored by sigue initech windows and quad michael let's get going Oh Baby Vancouver I like what I'm seeing already this looks like a really complicated house and I can tell already this being built well there is my cell yeah your brother welcome to my Kubrick so Marcel your company's econ sir that's correct you're an architect as well that's right originally I studied in Switzerland a long time ago and about 20 years ago very cool in your past about certified yeah yeah I even teach for passed across Canada teach builders and architects about the standard and how to apply it man I can't wait to see your your project in your car my cell so we got going on I'm seeing some concrete I'm seeing some some what I would call typical wood framing but but much much thicker walls it's like a 2 by 8 walls on the inside of that right yeah so when Coover has a coat that requires an hour 20 to effect defaults so one way of doing that is you know increasing from a 2x4 or 2x6 to 2 by 8 so we have more space to put insulation within the structure but then you still need a bit of exterior insulation to somebody break that the stop the search add a bit more insulation value so in this case we added three inches of exterior mineral wool on the outside so you've got rock wool or quilt on the whole outside of the building just like a blanket around the whole structure okay so just like on a cold day you know I wouldn't I wouldn't stuff insulation in between my ribs I've heard Joe stearic say I would put a big jacket on and zip it up and now I've got continuous insulation for my body that's what you're doing for the house and I'm below ground it's concrete and it's a full board insulation on the outside okay on the outside of the walls and then as your slab insulated as well no yes yeah there's six inches of insulation underneath this laughs as well wow that's great I wanna see that now tell me about what you're doing on the inside though are you insulating in the inside cavities as well that's found enough to quite get you to coat on the outside right yeah so we put in banks pack cellulose insulation on the inside okay and then we're inflating the outside and for our air time is reusing the WRP so the machining material I'm remembering look at the CG on iris in this case with the edge of tape so that's our primary airtight layer which we again wrapping around the whole building so we don't have to do a lot with that choice and for air tightness now I'm seeing that you don't it doesn't look like you have an overhang on this house right we go right from the walls to the roof is that on purpose yes again eliminating celebrating so if you have roof joists rafters coming from the warm to the cold you got thermal transfer happening right to eliminate that you do in a way that he - over frame and create the overhang or you tack on an overhead actually from act back to your main structure and so is that what's happening here that looks like you've got an overhang here but that is that over frame meeting installations behind it as well yes okay that's pretty cool and then is there insulation on the roof deck as yeah so there's eight inches of mineral wool on the roof as well Wow eight inches in the roof what's that our value on the rooftop well with that that's about our 40 that's our 32 right it's four per inch we'll be adding in some insulation in the choice as well which will actually bring it up to our 70 no that's some serious insulation what's going to have a look can we all right I juice and 2x8 constructions right so it's too late pretty standard in the server more so um so before this Vancouver code yes it's not my favorite because there's thing I like to have to apply bit closer into the warm side okay I'm running into a potential issues of compensation being trapped because in the colder climate lagasse air we have to wait to drive ninety percent of time from the warm cold to the outside side to the outside so if we don't have enough exterior insulation on there then the potential acts we have bought upon sating behind the sheathing on the inside and then he gets trapped it can't dry out let's let's take a quick timeout on that and explain for people who don't know we're talking about so we're in a cold climate here which is not hot humid this is cold and very cold in Canada and so most of the time we're drying to the outside because it's cold outside and so he's gonna have a vapor barrier on the inside to delimit the amount of moisture from the house from breathing and cooking and bathing we don't want that moisture to get into the wall cavity because oftentimes the sheathing is cold and that cold condensing service if we had moisture from the house could actually be a condensation risk on the backside of that plywood which eventually could cause some denigration on the plywood it could have mold growth to get up other things so what Marcel is saying is actually he likes a little thinner of a wall let's say a 2x4 or 2x6 wall with some insulation but lots of exterior insulation so the backside of that sheathing that's behind us there is actually staying warmer it's getting a little bit of heat from the house and the exterior insulation is what's really keeping it warm and so you've got three inches of exterior insulation which should be enough to keep that sheathing warm but we've got eight inches of cellulose in the cavity which is almost a little too much right that's right so that their ratio to proportion isn't quite right there but in the south or I am we've got typically a low perm membrane or I even use zero perman the outside and no vapor retarder on the inside because i'm in a cooling dominated climate meaning it's hot outside i'm d humidifying and cooling my house I want anything that gets wet at the sheathing to come and dry to the inside very different in your climate the more so your on concrete here but we're on the first floor or we even Franco did you pour a concrete deck here is that topping got some in floor heating pipe under there so we need the thermal mass of the concrete to you know spread out to eat potentially we gonna run some cooling strip to be not really in the cooling temperatures are changing or climate change happen it's definitely affecting the way you know our summers are they're getting much hotter and a lot of people are asking for the option of having something cooling as well smart so assuming here is this on purpose yeah right here on your on your topics love that's right yeah it's gonna be a purplish shower for accessibility one of the clients wheelchairs so they can get in here yeah we gonna waterproof that you feel are really nice that's a great product I got some sugar my job coming up so you will put the candy Kirti right down on top of the plywood base tonight yeah and that way you've got that two-inch difference now get fall to your drink yeah yeah so it was worth it to the drain on the subject it's going to be a linear frame on the side or sample rate noticing these two plywood walls here look like you've got concrete poured up to them are these shear walls on the inside of the correct yeah today different the lateral strength sugar thanks for building and they're not higher oxides makes someone here much higher than New York in Texas yeah the whole west coast of North America's and the fault line so we have some pretty exciting Koran so these are making sure the house doesn't do this doesn't move a rock and a seismic Harriett serious nailing pattern on this two of the racks all specified by the engineers yeah roughly half inch plywood mainly a top - yeah yeah yeah okay interesting stuff yeah let's uh let's go downstairs I want to see what you got going on in the basement sounds good I like this mechanical room I'm guessing correct yeah all utilities coming in there I have an HIV in there a heart attack and I'm seeing a bunch of green seiga tape around the perimeter what am i seeing there that's the the poly that's uh minista slap it's tied in taped to the concrete don't be that way barrier on the concrete wall because the concrete itself is way over here okay good actually if we now will put on poly on the framing there that would actually not be good because my chick will be trapped behind it right and then it starts to rot down so in this case we don't need a membrane there check this out man this is cool now we can really see what's going on with your your basement slide - so here's your 4-inch slab and it looks to be poured on how many inches of foam six inches of XPS so 2/3 inch layers yes Sam yeah well you can kind of stagger the seams yeah dang that is some serious foam that's a really high R value for this basement slab isn't it mm-hmm that's gonna really keep the cold out yeah and and a lot I should say it's gonna keep the loss from this slab right here yeah because there's the important ADA - laughs - all right oh this is in Florida yeah hole basically you see the pipes coming up that's what that is right there oh that's cool this is gonna be one comfortable house now Marcel talk to me about air tightness for this house what are you normally getting for blurred or scores what are you shooting for in this house and what's code at the moment in Vancouver for this house it would be two point five air changes would be the code okay so two point five ACH fifty yeah exactly is the current code yeah that's changing with the step coat we mentioned that before so if you go to the highest level of the step coat it's five that we're bringing out into one air change okay so step five the top level which you're gonna have to get to by 2030 yeah twenty thirty to twenty thirty two is one ACH ft yeah and what are you what will you get on this house and what are you typically get it ah so we specialize in pasta files which is 0.6 right now changes yeah we have to get that to certify above average and not the average Passivhaus as bumped 0.3 0.3 yeah yeah so just shy of 10 times better than crack 10 times tighter than code I should say more so I get this question all the time I'd love to hear what you say to this and I didn't prep them for this so what this is gonna be there's gonna be a lot of response right here what do you get when people say houses are too tight you need to let houses breathe what's your what's your answer what they don't need to breathe the need to dry so they need to be there's a difference between air going through or vapor it's like a gore-tex chaff and yeah you know it is airtight but your your sweat your wafer gets ruins and that's the difference right Sabrina doctor right expressions just say it has to be vapor altar he has to let moisture yeah would I be comfortable in my dried up jacket if my zipper was down and I was skiing down the slope so that wind hitting me in the chest no no jacket would keep you comfortable but if I heat up my jacket and got it nice and airtight and now I'm going down the slopes and it's hitting my jacket I can't get through then I'm gonna be comfortable and that's exactly what we were talking about when it comes to air tightness and my assumption is you got fresh air coming in here as well yes we got an HIV I have some heat recovery ventilator that's on all the time provides fresh air and it prevents heat loss because it's warming up the colder incoming air it's called the arrogance and preconditioning it up to 90% efficiency and that's just more core there's no heat pump in there it's just yeah so even if there was zero degrees outside yeah that air as the streams mix in the core it's gonna warm it up ninety percent of what the house temperature was so I'm gonna talk Fahrenheit since I'm an American you know if it was zero degrees Fahrenheit out in the house was that let's say 70 degrees that incoming air is probably gonna be maybe 60 degrees coming around that's incredible what so what's going on here you got a outdoor patio yes yeah down here and rock band rooms we gotta walk out something patio so they can you know take advantage of the exterior connection to the garden is that what I think it is yeah that foam and better than the concrete that's right yeah what's going on there so rather than having the concrete go directed from the warm side to the cold create the huge thermal loss was concrete octave we inserted a piece of EPS in flying with ready the rest of the insulation was in the building so that's not breaking that concrete and structurally we still connected and rebar through it so we still have a bit of heat loss through the rebar but not as much as now why is there a membrane over your concrete down here more so that's insulation is about here that's insulation so where your windows gonna sit I've got pocket yeah so then any water that got in would would hit this membrane and would run out right and it's recessed which is really smart Plus this is insulated then that's insulated now that is a smart builder right here for a cold climate nice job Marcel impressive build man I'll tell you what let's go up to the second floor I'll meet you upstairs hey guys Scott is a project manager on this job Scott tell me about this assembly so you did a peeling stick that's a self adhered Seeger product right yeah this is a seagull I this self it here okay 500 si so how's that to walk on it's great is this it's got some grip - it's quite crispy it's easy to lay down so much better than just the non-adhesive because when you're walking around it's not sliding and yeah and then you get a couple layers here of rock wool comforter board these the 2x4 size 2 foot by 4 foot size yeah okay too late for so would have been easier to do two layers of porridge but our supplier couldn't get it in time so doing a two-inch layer and two layers of three-inch to get eight inches okay so you got our 32 on the roof deck and then because this roof has a really shallow pitch we're going to be one and a half of two twelve something like that yeah this is just loose laid and then it's getting it fastened when you put your batten on just one by four bath yep and you've got a big old what 10 inch 9 inch through there and in school yeah and then you're putting the plywood on how are you venting this cavity here though so this cavity running along the pitch yet like you said it's like 1.75 12 okay so at the bottom this was a tricky area because we have a torchon gutter going in oh you got an integral gutter detail so we couldn't have it venting at the bottom okay so I just left the channel and waterproofed that because we're outside the building I'm blue here so our insulation actually stops back here but our building okay smart it'll be able to vent Oh north to south okay to the end and then this end our roofers will take care of that so you'll have a then all the way continuous there and then both the two gable ends yeah we'll have a vent and then use when you ran your one by four is you stopped them short so there'd be cross ventilation yeah between these bays as well yeah and it's got impressive job dude tell me about your when you put the wall insulation up any tips or tricks to putting the rock wall comfort board on the walls cuz good some heavy three-inch two-by-four pieces yeah tell me about how you how you install those because you can get your battens a little bit off track if you're not cautious right yeah that's most important like after a few runs through doing this exterior insulation I learned just as you're putting the membrane up make sure the guys are marking stud centers okay on the membrane on the members once you cover it you don't see anything thanks all right so have somebody on the inside take a measurement of studs and get all your stud centers measured oh okay and then we actually offset the stud centers out we're using three and a half inch strapping you can offset it into three quarters so then as you go if he's starting at the bottom put your flashing on you can have the flashing actually barring some of the weight or have some shims or something and then the easiest thing to do is just get your sheets up working with teams of two guys and measure off your your lines and just start sending your your rain spoon up like that smart and then you can slide them in from above if you leave a few spaces between you slide them in from above or the sides and I just fill in the new string lining from corner to corner so that you get leave that wall nice and flat yeah one is you can overdrive on that an inverter and kind of make that insulation that rock will crush right yeah with like three inches of rock so you could easily suck it in like half an amp so yeah and then your wall would look like this yeah I don't know if you're not paying attention yeah you can we found the easiest just to streamline it once you have you know ends up and work your way between just measuring to the straight line and make planes out back the screw off if necessary yeah and how far how far are you trying to screw in those battens into studs are you looking for one inch into the side would you guys really go two inches okay so other people we've seen it depends on your engineer to this time where they've said respect like a much longer spear at an angle to the rim I'm certain Engineers will say like especially on a cantilever detail some of them are too happy with the idea of hanging heavy sliding insulation that's all heavier side st right so yeah sometimes I'll spec a diagonal screw going into the rim or into your top plates but yeah with three inches we're just using a six-inch treated screw three board surrounding so okay so this is borate root strap yeah this stuff is yeah interesting Scott nice work dude thank you compressive java sup man I appreciate the tour dude Marcel man that roof impressive those details whoa top notch your guys are doing a great job hey before we head off to your next job I wanted to talk briefly since it was all exposed about your foundation waterproofing and we don't do a lot of foundations where I am in Texas but I've done a couple and it looks like this is your foundation waterproofing membrane but talk to me about the whole assembly that you've got here so concrete behind and line with the sheathing right and that this is actually insulation again I thought yeah that's fine so we're running our waterproofing our peel-and-stick this case over top of the yes yeah goes all the way down to the footing and then are we adding on a dimple verb match product here okay so this is dorkin's delta dry membrane it looks like that's right and then you've nailed through that whole assembly back to the concrete yeah and then you've got some bitumen maybe - yeah toes yeah and then also the flashing tape that's really smart it's gonna hold that up until you backfill you've also got rock that you clearly backfill aware but you also want to make sure that as your homeowners start planting all this that you don't get soil back in there to clog that up and you probably have a French drain or something run around the perimeter as well right four inch perforated PVC pipe that basically goes around the whole perimeter okay and then ties into the city storm oh it ties into the city storm so you don't have to have a sump pump it goes right into a storm drain no we have a sump between that's not pumped it basically acts as a buffer between the city storm and the house so if the city storm floods then he wouldn't back up into the house and then that sounds just like it's just a concrete sump that's you know doctor down has a bit of a buffer the interesting I've never heard of that before well done Marcel you're a smart builder my friend let's go see your other project oh yeah all right guys we'll see it the next one hey guys quick shout out to my friends at Rockwell as you're gonna see a ton of rock wall on these builds in Vancouver and by the way I wanted to invite you to come see me at their booth there a long time build show sponsor every day at their booth during the International Builder show I'll be giving a 10:30 a.m. talk about details for installing comfort board 80 and on Tuesday I'll be at the high performance building zone at 2:30 back to the video next house we're meeting Marcel again from econ group and we're gonna check out another one of his projects look at this hey Marcel looking good so similarity that's right yeah that's right oh my Grob yeah lots about now this one has okay so we got a Passivhaus them check out here that's your dimple Matt and then you've got exterior EPS foam here or XPS file maybe an EPS yeah and then you got your waterproofing you're taping it always grease and tape yeah and then you've got is this your okay and this is which product is this is sigue my vest right right mechanically and this isn't even itself it here no not interesting and then you've got some wig love on the seams that's right and then check this out man lots of outboard insulation that looks really nice and should see your battens are fly with on this job though yeah they're boar I've treated plywood because the pressure-treated sometimes you have to problem with reacting with the metal content for the boride pretty interesting and your battens are running over top of your foundation yeah we gotta do like a finishing strip visit get parched concrete boards okay to the ground dude can't really have the siding that close to the ground yeah so when you get down here then you'll stop your siding and then you'll put a cement board yeah like a Hardiebacker baby right yeah and then you'll part over that so it'll look like a foundation that's right and then and then you'll have you have a place for air to inlet into this cavity as well yeah at the bottom there will be a screen mosquito net okay yeah so di will come in there so this is just a bit higher than they finish crater will be once it's spread out the fish grade will be like you know an angel motor I saw them at a bathroom man this is so awesome super big let's go inside I'm curious is this to buy before to bus six times four okay some points to attach a screen so again it's about how to fasten them without a thermal bridging so we basically so spacing it aways of the insulation can rock behind containers behind there yeah look at this oh that is a serious look at America sounds bad talk to me about these are you how expensive are these have you found any tricks for um this is my boss that's American one wall it actually is cheaper to order them from Europe it's not really to use a lot of them so there's a bunch of different brands okay and we need those I mean basically you want to bring you a strap back to the structure right so whatever that structural engineer is gonna tell you how much in Bevin do you need any new at that on because we got these six inches of mineral wool and I'm strapping right so that's why he needs such a big screws yeah you look at the head it's not just a simple Philips pretty right that's a Torx yeah so you get much more power transfer from t20 bit or something like that yeah in there on the inside what we do for interior insulation typically but just use a mineral bath okay so Rockwell bad in here a lot like the last drop where we do sell those because then to buy anything you know it's about windows and doors for this house okay the envelope normally what a lot of insulation our walls but I want in the windows it's two frames so there's a lot of aren t that goes into this high-performance windows for sure if you're working towards the Passivhaus standard that's really key to get the right product is there windows and doors yeah yeah and then how do you heat and cool a house like this it needs very little heating right so yeah so the equivalent amount of heating a passive house this size needs it's like one hair dryer Wow holy cow not much use are and you don't have reading on this needed that would actually overheat the building it's too much too much power okay and so what were you use for heating just let me use another that's one option if you want to cool as well if you just feed heat you just put a fine coil into your HIV so busy you like a hair dryer or like it on and the heats up the air that's your fresh air supply anyway and that's all you need yeah so that's the classic pasta approach you could use you know elective baseboards the lawn again or you could use it may display by convention especially if you want some in our most people putting your conditioning in houses and thank you starting to a go it's getting hotter than summer yes yeah now what am I seeing over here let's walk over to this room I'm seeing some strapping and some some gray tubing with a nice let your dry walls right from from this wall yeah and then and then why the why the half-inch plywood on here - we have to further that out this is all one big boss front so this from here to the end that's one big glass unit one fixed panel on one sliding panel holy Keller so so those are in the middle of the Atlantic right now there will be here something about the center TV that you go so far so it's this reading you whenever sander has made this I think its first you know maybe 2019 so that's actually made in North America USA America and so it's it's flexible to run through Michael Brown wall to ceiling but it's really not enough attention great pinch points within the airflow yeah this is for the HIV supply and return pipes they're all about a three-inch diameter can run in a 2x4 wall it's a manifold system so rather than having like a traditional truck and branch system where you have like a big stock them getting smaller these pipes run out to an animal each has its own set of pipes [Music] Marcelle you get a lot of bags of comfort bar 280 over here from Rockville let's go outside I want to see what you guys are doing and see if there's some tips that we could give some people who aren't used to doing some thick exterior insulation look so let's pop out in your scalpels alright so our 12 so we're our 24 with two layers right two by six spanning back and then you got a wrap something over here what is this we need an attachment point here for a screen that's gonna get put on in front of the windows okay so rather than having you know something stick out from the inside again it's about some overreaching here so we want that insulation to run behind that that fascia border that's back aboard Florida okay so now you've got really minimal bridging really just like this one spot right here and so that insulation is gonna come up all the way through and then again you've got your battens that go on that's right yeah and now I'm noticing in the wall it looks like you've marked out center lines of studs is that what I'm seeing here yeah I guess the the mark that can screw in transfer it we typically would run a tape all the way from the corner and then one guy inside measuring it or transferring or writing it down and then transferring it to the outside so you're making sure that you're hitting your stats with your screws their time back I'm just wrapping it altima the strappings holding it on but I'm seeing using a couple of cap because it's two layers right so you got to start with one layer then you want to stagger the joints so we just use very sparingly use some cap nails to hold the first layer on and then they'll start building up the strapping and your your sigue WRB is your air tightness layer but this is not a self adhere product right now this is this is a loose sheet it's basically just stapled behind the joints here so we don't need any mid field staples yeah it's not wrinkly or anything yeah because afterwards the climbing or the rain screen squizzle holy yeah and this is holding it on and this is holding it alright and then you're taping all the seams yeah and then once the windows and doors are in I'm assuming you're gonna use some more sigue tapes on the inside yeah to really make definitely gonna have to hit 0.6 I think we're gonna come in probably around 0.3 that's our average record yeah man that's great okay so now you can see there's that attachment point and you've wrapped just a standard SPF lumber in the sigue so yes they dry yeah we could have used pressure-treated as well yeah that makes sense and so now you can attach that screen to into a yeah hard point right here and then at the top of the wall you're gonna have an outlet for air right yeah then you'll have an inlet at the bottom that's right and what's your cladding that's going on here later it's actually gonna be like a board and fan a vertical cladding so you're gonna have to strap this horizontally again okay this way yeah that's why we're not really worried about the screw head sticking out right because it's gonna be behind that big so you're gonna go horizontal in one more time and they end up being that much further on in this case that will give us also an opportunity to shame if we have to right between the two you know when we have regular horizontal signing we got a countersink or heads so they're not getting in the way of the siding and then we got a we got a spring line the strapping as we work our way up the wall to make sure that we're not getting deflection because these screws are pretty strong and I can pull in you can maybe see a little bit of you know yeah you could give the breasts this if you really push that screw in there so by backing off we're pulling in the screw we can adjust for that and then just make sure it's a nice plane and for a builder who's not seen rain screen give me a couple of your benefits that you would say to a rain screen assembly and by rain screen I mean that the cladding is held off with an air gap because one of them is air so it allows for drying the fat gets wet so there's a space of air if the client would be directly to that there's no convection happening there is no air drying cycling it happening out so happening there so that's one of them the other one is also if water gets behind the siding it's not stuck against the insulation but actually you can drip down in the back of the siding so it's creating like a capillary break that one for an extra plane afterimage capillary break no the other thing I've found two on my houses in Texas in a hot environment is that lets my paint film last longer okay I've been on a product like you know James Hardie siding that you would think wouldn't have any issues you know I just visited the house recently that I did ten years ago with James Hardy artisan on the outside and the paint jobs still look great ten years later you still haven't repainted most time in Texas I tell people you're gonna repaint it every five to seven years on the outside of your house but with the rain screen can dry to the back and try to the front world of good happens by our rain screen man myself I really appreciate it guys I'll put a link to Marcel's company and his Instagram feed in the description below but man I really appreciate you having me I'm going to some other job sites today I've got one of the Sica guys as my tour guide but man I really really appreciate Marcel you're doing some great work in Vancouver thanks alright next up on the high performance Roadshow we're gonna visit Greg Hayes lair but check out this house next door this totally reminds me of an old house in Vancouver because it's dark and stormy and gray a lot here but it rain so look what they do here they have this big glass kind of pitched front porch to the front of this house man that's ugly however Greg is building this this is Greg hailer Greg how they doing that see you good to see you Greg I gotta say I love your branding man I think having your windscreen with your logo on everything your job rules your architects sign up there that's nice man thank you yeah and this looks like it will insulated the house right here what are we going on here we got a nice house we got five and a half feet relation on the exterior comfortable ICF foundations insulation sloped roofs 33 inches to 13 inches okay and see you guys throughout the whole envelope to do up for air tightness yeah and this is a customer home right so you've got an architect involved over here and you're a custom builder how many houses of the year do you guys built about five to seven okay good deal and tell me about this this rain screen detail I don't usually see two by fours on the rain screen as the more typical one by four having five inches of comfort board insulation yeah so we found with them past doing the one by four does waver so we put two by four and it you know we string line and have it all tape so it's straight as an arrow okay so you said a bunch of things there that I think are worth mentioning the string lining is really important so you're probably making sure your outside corners are right plumb first plumb them first then streamline it streamline it so that when you're when you're using the impact gun you could still over tighten this right and I think it's interesting - it looks like you pre so we didn't over type you know ever the biggest thing we started off realize it wasn't working so we pre-drilled all them pretty good so then there's our counter sucks and our thanks flush here - correct and what's going on with these horizontal led ends in a few places so we ended up coming in and we wanted to put a vertical siding on we plan to do horizontal everywhere so then we came back and did so we can create the air barrier still and have the the raine stream yeah so this is a change order basically if you went from a horizontal to a vertical what's interesting is when you get that dip look at this his box is fully outside of everything that's kind of nice yeah that's a big panel basically we take an insulating caulk around all our wires first so I saw these cat fasteners on another job or you'd get in those locally you know makes those I don't never make some our supplier don't do Columbo give him to us yeah that's smart I like that now check this out guys I've not seen that detail since I left Germany I love these big thick exterior window bucks out of metal he's got flashing on them who's making those for you is that your guys no we have a custom guy here it does it for us comes out measures insight doesn't like button Benzema shot comes out and installs and and that's Nic Cage looks like 24 games maybe 20 to 22 games with a drip edge on there you can drop your siding up you can see he's got his bug screen on there already his bug screen here so now when his clouding goes on he's got an inch and a half there so any water that gets past the clouding it's gonna fall down and plenty of airflow to pop in and pop out and drive man that is the best practice well done Greg thank you let's uh let's go inside shall we thank reg before you run I don't want to make mention I like this garage job desk you got plans set out for the Carpenters anybody can pop over here you've got everything staged if you need some screws if you need to grab something you've got some sigue tapes right there that's pretty smart job Ward so you know schedule-wise what's going on and you're protecting your garage slab with this plywood is that what's going on where do you have quality then we got this tape don't take this from job job probably yep yeah we'll reuse as much as we can that's pretty believer and then you get some some r22 batts here's this what you're going into the cavities on the inside of the house yeah these are used for that and a parapet wall so all the parapet walls we frame them you insulated that yeah smart yeah our man let's go inside rehab that's cool I like seeing that very nice now I'm seeing that you've got some standard SPF lumber and then you've got some of this engineered studs as well right correct we wanted to take some of our bigger wall there to be straighter than the house so we decided to try this probably got one of the first time tried out in our homes really like we're gonna keep it really straight so cool and then you've got all engineered lumber for your ceiling joists as well yeah that's 13 to 3 inches of insulation okay ups and then what would you do for insulation in these cavities 2 pounds very closed so you're gonna have our 50-plus yeah that's pretty impressive check this out y'all this house is getting something brand-new apparently this owner has a connection to the inventor of this product but it's a tile that has a magnet base on it so you get a perfectly level subfloor and then this rolls out apparently was on the Canadian version of shark tank which is dragons then Greg goes all right Brooke and then check this out the top goes down it literally clicks into place got it stop pretty good yeah and then the tiles down so if you ever wanted to change your tile someday it'd be hard to get up but I'm sure there's a tool you can use and check that out it comes right off there'd be no probably no grout even on this right you just have nice tight rectified edge on probably a porcelain tile that's why I wasn't receiving like that you know what the products called I don't know not sure what it's called but look for it on the Canadian Shark Tank mystic way straighter yeah yeah yeah I do but you have to really convince yeah yeah definitely what do you think the up chart is in terms of percentage any idea thank you I don't know another boat 2x yeah or more oh this more yeah 2.5 yeah yeah yeah it's it's what it's worth it I mean your straight balls you also hope this was a kitchen cabinet wall that would make it eat the difference yeah like you got some Schlueter going it's going on there we are we got three flavors coming back some linear greens that one correct that one's an offset man slitter makes a killer linear dream that says it's one of the reasons why I personally have moved over to later is this drain system really integrates into the water pretty cool nicely and we got it we got into linear drains on 10 years ago and they first started to get hot by designers they're a huge pain oh yeah no they've been amazingly even every day yeah that's this is gonna be your vapor control layer on the inside right correct because in this cold climate we need a vapor control layer we don't want that water from the house coming in and condensing in the back of it sheathing and so we want to control that and this is also a secondary air tightness layer for the house to you right yeah so you're probably gonna blow up pretty tight blower doors forever here out back right yeah our midterm was 1.1 1.1 ACH 50 that's good yeah time you get this drywalled and get this air tightness layer and you'll be really tight yeah point five maybe or something when it's all done hoping see that you run all of your drain waste back up here data in ABS we don't do that at all in Texas everything's PVC for all our drain waste and I don't know I honestly don't know the difference is between the two but it's interesting to see you guys have all ApS yeah we were lucky on this video the outside wall because we already have our technical our code required yeah all your insulation is al board so we can run it here which most times in here we can treat to have a steer wall around here and then your pecs guy yeah obviously pecs and Canada I'd say worse bro oh yeah so most of its growth no that's open or open our muscle packs mi do that's right with mall restricting flow mellow right yeah yeah cool all plywood in this market too isn't it yeah I haven't seen anybody use osv other knives used on their floor systems that uses seven eighths gold edged gold it's cool to see that I'm actually changed our homes to 3/4 of that cooler now because we're finding that we're putting so much insulation on them yeah just to be able to through a screw it anywhere instead of having to hit the stuff for sure so pretty much our are the three homes we're doing our all 3/4 and that's we the recorder into your wall which means that you can take really a fastener just about anywhere and I've heard from the engineers that I work with to that if you upgrade to 3/4 fingers and brick ties and all those other details you're not worried about hitting a stuff just get in at the record let's get in the clothes because it's so beefy in there that that much thicker if we have to we run a row of the brick ties if they're heavy enough yeah yeah good stuff Greg impressive what else - what else we won't show me anything else interesting over here um we honor another slab zone here base left you can see if we use too late [Music] that's to protect over time just crazy eating up on it yeah but we steal it and then we'll spray foam right through oh okay you will so you'll go to blows cellphone from the from the bottom plate oh you're all the way up half pound half a pound opens oh yeah and we'll do that till we hit here it's open so here then closed cell yeah yeah that makes sense and that's I think you mentioned there's some close I'll going to the roof line upstairs on the top level as well then you have exterior foam on your rooftop as well yeah we have your insulation 13 inches to three inches of BBS okay so there's a taper yes flour correct very cool yeah then we get slip between the floors all soundproofing and then we'll inflate all the pipes will come back through guys guys I just finished doing their pipes that's interesting on this not at all what we would do down in Texas this is like a almost like a bubble wrap inspiration yeah that's wild exterior on the outside of metal pipe it's our six that's good it's really good and that's all metal I'm assuming that's cool what's your heating cooling system in this house we have both we both we have in-floor radiant floor heating comfort again then we have an to water heat heat pump outside doing AC and heat if you want it designed by the mechanical engineer just wanted to have a comfortable actually really the client you really want to do so cool a little bit different and we're having a full Crestron home so fully automated press at Bill Greg I'm really impressive bill anything to see upstairs this our wheat that is the upstairs right there no no but we could go to the rooftop you want to yep Google I've never seen one in person before all right so this is your main stag from the house go this is all of your drain coming down and then the idea is that this drain has some hot water in it and then this is this your incoming water incoming water those were loops around really sorry and then does this go where to the water heater now what's the heater yeah so here's a pre here [Music] that's why everyone actually does because I feel like in our last home we put it in after the fact you're reading I believe it was four degrees on this my time I was leaving was 13 and a half on our last so it was pretty to me was issue to see that effect yeah 10 degrees Celsius gonna say over time how expensive are these oh well 350 to 500 you usually the 60-inch ones and this one they spec this size so we do statement aspect that's a lot copper no wonder it's so expensive yeah in this coupling right here this couples this unit with your abs so is this a solid copper pipe in there tube and it's actually like this so when you get water actually compare try it is that around going all the way around that's wild so then you go a little neoprene gasket I wonder if you need access to that in the future are you gonna an access door or is this a mechanical room no no we don't have to have access we typically try to always put them in the calc room so you can visually see it it's actually kind of a cool feature cool little things show people but this one with the way the stock ran where the design was done because put it over in a wall over here that's why I'm never seen one before yeah that's me so 350 bucks it's gonna take you a while to pay that back it does if you look at the thermal drink thing they say it's the cheapest form of a green solution to your house I mean isn't it and there's nothing to go wrong and it's a static you're stopping yeah you're developing one right now that goes on the horizontal which would be pretty cool when that comes up so because then you could actually have all of your water and it just portions because right now this is only picking up three units upstairs okay another house view we have three of them because we're picking up everything and what you say your Inlet temperature was here 104 degrees that's like what 40 degrees just about freezing coming in no wonder you want to preheat my water here is sixty degrees or so yeah coming in so what's that in Celsius probably 15 change and then we bypass just takes you directly if you want to bypass it complete just for cold water so your system it's cold water anyway except obviously going through a new do most of the house pretty much run the house but I mean honestly our solar and take man Greg I appreciate open up your job in guys I'll put a link to Greg's website and his Instagram feed in the description we got to get going to another house but we really appreciate you've been on - hey guys thanks for hanging in there for a long video there were so many details it was hard for me to turn the camera off because I was so excited to see how they do things in Vancouver and one thing I wanted to point out that I may not have made clear in today's video is that they've got something called a step code going on in Vancouver which means that builders buy time twenty thirty two comes around we're gonna have to build a step five which is a very rigorous code when it comes to air tightness and insulation and speaking of insulation long time show sponsor rockwool I want to shout out to those guys boy Vancouver builders we saw rock wall all over today's video that was not a purpose that was an accident honestly that I didn't realize how much builders in that area have really embraced rock wall I've been using it for a couple years now I really like it as an installation I think there's a lot of benefits and if you saw my earlier plug I'm gonna be in the rock booth at the International Builder Show this year on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday giving a talk every day at 10:30 for about 30 minutes talking about some tips and tricks for installing exterior rock well a few different ways to mount your windows how to do details how to do rain screens lots of in the weeds building science details and on Tuesday the 21st I'm gonna be at the high performance building zone so if you're gonna be in Las Vegas for the Builder show in January come see me at the Rockwell booth guys thanks for hanging in there for this long video I've got more from Vancouver I was actually there for five days so we've got several more Vancouver videos coming out if you're not currently subscribed or hit that subscribe button below we've got new content every Tuesday and every Friday oh and by the way check out our new content every single day on build show network.com we're filming at job sites all over the country with four different builders now for that version of the build show follow us on Twitter Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 555,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canadian building, canada construction, building in canada, waterproofing, best waterproofing techniques, best construction waterproofing, homebuilding waterproofing
Id: jKQIogspIcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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