Lesson 9 - Genesis 9 & 10

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in verse 18 of chapter 9 the new history of mankind begins let's explore this for just a few moments so open your Bibles to Genesis chapter 9 starting at verse 18 if you have a complete Jewish Bible its page 9 not used to these single-digit numbers starting at verse 18 the sons of Noah who went out from the ark were shem ham and japhet tom is the father father of canaan these three were the sons of noah and the whole earth was populated by them now noah a farmer was the first to plant a vineyard he drank so much of the wine that he got drunk and he lay uncovered in his tent tom the father of canaan saw his father shamefully exposed and went out and told his two brothers and shem and japhet took a cloak and put it over their shoulders and walking backward they went in and covered their naked father their faces were turned away so they did not see their father lying there shamefully exposed and when Noah awoke from his wine he knew what his youngest son had done to him and he said cursed be Canaan he will be servant of servants to his brothers and then he said blessed be out and I the God of Shem Canaan will be their servant me guard may God enlarge you fat he will live in the tents of Shem but Canaan will be their servant after the flood Noah lived three hundred and fifty years and all Noah lived nine hundred and fifty years and then he died well just as Adam was the beginning of all mankind on earth so it is with the new Adam who is Noah now if it's true that it is patterns that we should look to to understand God in his ways then we ought to find an identifiable pattern begun with Adam from whom all humans would come which carries over to Noah Noah the one from whom all humans would come after the flood now of course we do find that and while we all relate the fall of Adam to the fall of man we seldom remember that Noah also fell and rather quickly I should add I want to just list a handful of the attributes of this god pattern first of all Adam was dominant over all creation Noah was made dominant over the entire purified new world second Adam was blessed by God and instructed to be fruitful and multiply so was Noah third Adam was placed in a garden and his job was to tell it that his care for the garden is the world's first farmer Noah began as a gardener as well for he was the first to plant a vineyard as the world's first farmer after the flood the new world's first farmer in other words fourth Adam fell by means the eating of the fruit that grew in the garden that he tended Noah fell by means of eating and then drinking of the fruit in the garden that grape wine that he tended v Adams nakedness was uncovered as a result of his sin of eating the fruit Noah's nakedness was uncovered as a result of his sin of eating drinking the fruit sixth Adam's sin resulted in a curse being placed onto man Noah sin resulted in a curse being placed along the line of ham although technically here it was hams son Canaan's line and seventh Adam had three sons one of whom shet was to be the line of righteousness through which the Messiah would come Noah had three sons among whom one Shem was to be the lion of righteousness who through through whom the Messiah would come so there's a few more parallels but I think this is enough to illustrate how the patterns that God establishes repeat and because of these established patterns of God history itself is cyclical well now we're introduced to the three distinct lines from which every human alive today comes and is from the three sons of Noah we're told that these are homme Shem and Japheth or in Hebrew you fete you I we all come from one of the sons of Noah and likely many of us most of us probably have some genes from all three of them in us now notice of the three sons Homma spoken of as the father of canaan that's a little unusual in the hebrew format for a father to have his family identity wrapped up in his son that's all always the other way around well we're gonna quickly find out why that is a story is told that begins in verse 20 continues through 27 it's so emotionless it's told in such a matter-of-fact way that it seems almost trifling unimportant not just a little bit difficult to understand in several places in the Old Testament we run across these odd scenes it seems almost out of place slightly out of context perhaps the problem is not with the verses it's with our inability to connect them to the matters of the grave importance that they address so let's examine closely what happens here this is about Noah planting a vineyard making wine and getting drunk then crawling inside his tent falling asleep naked as a bird yep the great godly man Noah got drunk in this case wine by the way this is the first mention of wine yay een in the Bible now much argument over these verses has occurred over the centuries mostly centered on whether or not Noah accidentally created wine and then accidentally drank it and had the world's first hangover and not much chance Noah undoubtedly knew the result of fermenting grapes and then drinking it Noah was just a man he had flaws and the beauty of our holy scriptures is that they don't sanitize human beings make them make us perfect and infallible like all the false religions tend to do with their leaders and founders not even the greatest men of the Bible our Bible heroes are mentioned without including some of their food paws and their disagreeable character traits and the reason for this very for this is very straightforward our righteousness before God's not depended on us it's dependent on God always has been always will be but for some reason ham enters the tent of Noah and discovers him drunk and naked and he goes out of the tent and he tells his two brothers Shem and japhet the two brothers then drape a cloak over their soldiers shoulders they walk backward and to know his tent and they let the garment fall over their fathers nakedness without having looked upon him when Noah wakes up he's offended he's angry he takes his wrath out not so much on ham but on ham son Canaan he pronounces a curse upon Canaan yet there's more to what's going on here than only a curse on at least one member of hams line there are also some blessings pronounced upon Shem and upon AFET now before we discuss those blessings the logical question here is what was know was so upset about why did his grandson Kanan who doesn't appear to even have been involved in this event get the brunt of this curse well ancient sages have come up with all sorts of reasons without going into detail the thought is that ham did far more than just to happen in upon his father's nakedness that Ham committed some type of unnatural act upon his father Noah because ham had become a wicked man virtually every competent Bible version uses words in verse 24 that says something like and when Noah awoke he knew what his youngest son had done to him yet although I used to think so I no longer accept that ham did anymore to his father than seemed naked and then run out and report what he saw to his brothers after a lot of reading of the ancient Hebrew sages I see that there were likely two crimes committed by him first was the crime of shaming his father it was not simply seeing his father Noah drunk and naked that was the crime it was what ham did about it rather than show respect like just covering up his father and then leaving without uttering a word ham dashed outside and tattled to his brothers and in doing so ham did not honor his father and what principles laid down here Noah deserved to be honored because first he was hams parent second because God called Noah of all men on earth Sadiq righteous in his sight if God thought Noah righteous that's the end of the matter ham should have not pointed out his father's sin to his brothers now the second crime that ham may have committed and this is my own theory on the matter is that called leshaun Jara in Hebrew Lashon Hara means to speak evil of someone usually in the form of gossip or slander now though it may not sound all that serious because it's done rather usually in our society in fact once we get to Leviticus and bindus begin discussing Surratt which usually mistakenly called leprosy we're gonna see that this disease is thought to be God's punishment and that the crime or the sin associated with contracting sirata is almost always Lashon Hara speaking evil of someone now Kanan was named as the accursed one likely because Kanan would have more to do directly with Israel than any other descendant of ham but the Bible shows us that in reality all of line all of hams line suffered greatly if we can assume that this is the result of this curse and not just Canaan further the ancient Hebrew sages and later on rabbis say that one of these two scenarios is the most likely first either art the text as we have it got corrupted and the word should have made the accursed one as the father of canaan in other words the phrase the father of either gotten is placed or just dropped out or equally as likely in their eyes there is more to the story than what was recorded perhaps canaan did play a larger role i have a third option and it's this since it's not stated which of hams sons was his firstborn it might well have been canaan and since the firstborn will carry with him all the father's Authority and power then cursing canaan is essentially cursing the next head of all of hams line but there's no way to prove this or any other assertion as to why cain and got first for something he seems to be innocent of but moving on Noah's other two sons Shem and Japheth err he offend reacted correctly they discreetly and honorably covered their fathers nakedness making every effort to give their father utmost respect and thus not bringing shame upon him well here in Genesis 9 verses 25 26 and 27 the futures and the destinies of Noah's three sons and the three lines of descent from which every human alive today is attached is set in stone in other words what we have contained in these few words is a powerful prophecy for the future of the entire human race this predictive prophecy of the long-term outcome of a line of people happens from time to time in the Bible and the pronouncements of Jacob upon Israel Jacob called Israel upon his three twelve sons is very much along the same lines that we see happening here in Genesis chapter 9 but before we ever get there let me mention that the name Shem means glory but can also mean just name name in the sense of someone making a reputation for himself a powerful person perhaps full of authority hum means hot or warm or even burning heat the name AFET means enlargement can also mean beauty now bearing this in mind let's look at the curses and the blessings that Noah pronounces on his children he begins cursed be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be to his brethren Canaan hams son receives a curse or perhaps it was actually ham who received the curse what's a curse it's the opposite of a blessing a blessing is a beneficial thing a curse is a judgment just as people who were born into the line of blessing the line of Shem did nothing to merit their good fortune so it is for the people who were born into the line of the curse the line of ham they did nothing to merit their misfortune the people that come from Homs son primarily Canaan became the races that occupied Africa who have for centuries suffered the fate of subjugation more often than not poverty for some unknown reason Africa has just not thrived as much as the rest of the world now there's much more to this lack of thriving just a lack of personal freedom even a lack of natural resources but the idea is the descendants of Canaan are gonna wind up for some reason being subject to the descendants of Shem and the effect now we have to take note that if we look at all of hams descendants often they represent enemies of Israel at one point or another in history so we're gonna find Israel either conquering or being conquered by some of the descendants of ham the people of Egypt come from ham from his son mitzraim and interestingly so do the Philistines come from him now blessed be Adonai the God of Shem and Canaan shall be their slave here we have more proof that something went wrong with ham and with his children and doubly so Ford ain't Kanaan's descendants because it indicates that while Shem will follow the God of Israel many of hams descendants will choose another direction but we all have here is also indicating that Shems ancestors will carry the authority forward for Noah's family which basically means all mankind I want to say that again the rulership of mankind is within the line of Shem because it was handed over to him by Noah in this blessing that we're examining Noah had every right to do that just as Adam was preeminent over all other men for a long time so Noah was in essence the king of the world immediately following the great flood he was the head of the only family that existed on planet earth his authority was absolute over all humanity even if the sum total of humanity was about eight and Noah chose to pass along that power to Shem and we see that this is so because God the only God is called Watt shims god indicating a linkage and allegiance a relationship between Shem and Yahweh and this relationship with God is not associated with that either japhet or hung the line of Shem would go on to become Hebrews Arabs and some of the Orientals next may God enlarge you fat let him dwell in the tents of Shem and let Canaan be his servant this blessing bestowed upon the effete was somewhat dependent on his relationship with Shem the descendants of you fat Japheth would benefit when they were in good relations with SH M which is the meaning of shall dwell in the tents of Shem the effete was the branch of the family which would enlarge that is they grow greatest in population and in wealth japhet is the ancestor of the Romans and the Greeks and most of the European peoples who themselves are ancestors of the earliest American colonists and no time at no time in history have such wealth and fruitfulness been seen as what happened first in Rome then in Europe than in America and by all appearances it had not to do with luck but rather with the blessing of noah upon his son effect and again the descendants of canaan but in reality ham were to be subject to offense offspring just as they would be subject to Shems offspring once more in the last couple of chapters of Genesis this exact pattern of blessing and cursing and bestowing them upon a son who represents an entire branch of the family gets repeated and it concerns the blessing that a dying jacob israel pronounced on his twelve male children that's why the twelve tribes of israel in a few months when we get there we're gonna look extensively at this blessing because it's every bit as monumental as noah's blessing upon his three sons i want to give you just a slight preview of that so that you can see the important relationship between the blessing of noah and then hundreds of years later the blessing of jacob pretty soon now in genesis we're going to be introduced to the formalized concept of the firstborn or better the firstborn blessing in essence the firstborn blessing ceremony is like the reading of the family will at the death of the father only the firstborn blessing took place before the death of the father because it was to be pronounced by the father upon him his son the father at some point usually later in his life would decide it was time for him to tell his boys who was to receive what upon the father's eventual death and by tradition it was the first male child born to a man the firstborn who received the bulk of everything the father owned plus that son would now be the head of the family the ruler of that family or tribe that formerly had been run by his father the firstborn was never a female so the firstborn blessing consisted of two major components first the passing forward of the right to the entire family's authority and power second the passing forward of what came eventually to be called the double portion of the family's wealth in theory the double portion meant that the firstborn son got double the amount given to any other son so for instance if a man had four sons he divided all he had into five parts give the firstborn son two of those five the remaining sons than each got one part it wasn't always that neat and clean because it wasn't necessarily the giving of exactly double that wasn't the goal it could have been almost everything it could have been yeah just a tad more than the other sons father had a lot of latitude in his decision I want you to stay with me because understanding the firstborn blessing is most helpful an understanding Scripture so the firstborn son by tradition he gets all the power and the bulk of the family's wealth his siblings are now under that firstborns authority in other words their brother and what we saw and Noah's blessing was a type of firstborn blessing before it became formalized and was given a name of Noah's three sons though two got blessings one got a curse now what's interesting is that in the typical firstborn blessing the transfer a family authority and family fruitfulness wealth goes to the same Sun just goes together it's packaged but in Noah's first born blessing the blessing got split Shem received the authority japhet the fruitfulness the wealth the biblical term is enlargements very strange now fast forward several hundred years Jacob called Israel is now living in Israel and in Egypt he all his twelve sons to him because he's on his deathbed he know his time is nearing so he performs the all-important firstborn blessing we find this by the way in Genesis 49 and due to the indiscretions of the first three of his sons Jacob winds up declaring his fourth son Judah as that firstborn actually doing that isn't all that strange it happened with some frequency that the real forest born was passed over for a younger son who for whatever reason had one favour with his father or equally as likely had fallen out of favour for something that his father didn't like the real strangeness is Jacob goes against all custom and tradition and he splits the firstborn blessing just like Noah did he gives the family's power and authority to Judah but he gives the double portion the family's wealth enlargement expressed as the blessing of enlargement Ruth fruitfulness gives us to Joseph now this is highly unusual but it's exactly the same thing Noah did all those centuries earlier the impact of what Noah did merely set the destinies of the peoples and nations of the world until history ends that's all the impact of what Jacob did set the stage for the emergence of the Messiah who would redeem mankind and put it into history as we know it and he would do that through Judas offspring and the taking and to end the taking of the fruitfulness of the gospel to the whole world through Jacob through Joseph's family now we're gonna spend quite some time on that subject when we get there because it's really vital now here's the thing to keep at the forefront of your minds as we go forward the accursed Canaan son of ham is the founder and the namesake of the land of Canaan the land that God told Moses and then Joshua to take away from its inhabitants who were the descendants of Canaan because these people were so wicked in God's eyes the land that God set aside for his chosen people Israel as they came up out of Egypt was what Canaan and his descendants had were currently occupying the Canaanites Hamm's descendents would eventually bow down to the Israelites Shems descendants and noah's prophetic blessing set all this into motion and will culminate when Messiah comes in the near future chapter 9 ends by informing us that Noah lived for another three hundred and fifty years after the great flood dying at the ripe old age of 950 well let's move on to Genesis chapter 10 but before we read the chapter I want to set the stage for it it's quite common in teaching the Bible to go around Genesis chapter 10 typically the reason is that the content is seen as about as interesting as reading a dictionary dictionary full of difficult names that seems to have little bearing on much of anything except to Bible academics well we're gonna read chapter 10 we're gonna chew on it for a while and the reason is that here we will see what is often referred to as the table of Nations I do think it's important to know which nations come from which of the sons of Noah and one of the reasons that's important is because of the blessings and the curses and therefore the destinies that God decided would follow each of these family lines you see we are all tied to these destinies one way or another like it or not we're all tied to Noah sons so when you find yourself in one of these three lines of humans don't scream at me complain to God these blessings and curses and destinies have not ended then they have not changed rather their true fulfillment is continuing to play out even in our time and it's going to continue right until Christ is back on his throne on earth where he belongs as far as I'm concerned now to God family lines are always key we've already seen this constant pattern of God dividing selecting electing this was a major part of what occurred and Noah's blessing of his three sons with the blessings that created division we saw this principle established early on when God divided light from dark good from evil we saw it when he divided mankind in the male and female we saw when Seth became the line of good Cain the line of evil now we see it with Shem becoming the line of those who followed god ham becoming the line of those who wandered away from God and yet the line of fruitfulness and increase and if we were to follow this theme all the way to the New Testament we find that Christ is that seed of the woman who had come back from us who had come from a specific family line divided off from all other family lines and that line of course traces back to Shem let us remember that these lines of good and of good are the paths that the eventual seed of the woman the woman being hava Eve would eventually come knowing these details about family lines his is really important to understanding not just the Old Testament but the New Testament as well so let's read Genesis chapter 10 open your Bibles to page 9 if you have a complete Jewish Bible there we'll find Genesis chapter 10 here is the genealogy of the sons of Noah Shem ham and japhet sons were born to them after the flood the sons of japhet were Gomer Magog Madai Javan Yuval misha and Tiras the sons of Gomer were Ashkenazi Refaat and togarmah the sons of Yvon were la sha Tarshish key team and da da neem and from these the islands of the nations were divided into their lands each according to its language according to their families in their nations the sons of ham were cush mitzraim put and Canaan the sons of cush worst Chava hvala SAFTA Rama and soft akka the sons of Rama were Shiva and did an cush fathered Nimrod who was the first powerful ruler on earth he was a mighty hunter before Adonai this is why people say like Nimrod a mighty hunter before I deny his kingdom began with Bevelle babel erech accad and calneh in the land of Shinar Asher went out from that land and built nineveh the city wreck 'vote calah and resen between nineveh and calah that one is the great city mitzrayim fathered the Lu deem the on a meme the LA hevene the not to came the Pot regime the cause Lu came from whom came the Philistines and the COFF dream Kenan fathered Sid own his firstborn het the abou see the amorite the girgashites the hivite the arc heights the sin i'ts the Arve Deitz the samurai --tz-- and the Hama tights and afterward the families of the Canaanites were dispersed the border of the Canaanites was from sidon as you go towards Guerard to ASSA being gaza as you go towards sodom gomorrah admah and so aim to lay shaw these were the descendants of ham according to their families and their languages and their lands and in their nations children were also born to Shem ancestor of all the descendants of ever and older brother of Japheth the sons of Shem were Alam ashur arpachshad lud and aram the sons of Iram were lutes cool guitar and mosh arc picaud fathered Shayla Shayla fathered aver - aver were born two sons one was given the name Peleg because during his lifetime the earth was divided his brother's name was Joktan yoktan fathered Alma dad shell F hat Sarma vet Yara hadarom who's Alda claw avoir la famille shaiva Oh fear hvala you evolved all these were the sons of yoked on their tour is stretched from maisha as you go towards far to the mountain in the east these were the descendants of Shem according to their families and languages in their lands and in their Nations these were the families of the sons of Noah according to their generations in their nations from these the nations of the earth were divided up after the flood since Noah's three sons have populated the present entire world it's only fitting that we would know something of those who came from each line now interestingly although akka dot academics tend to scoff at the Bible they grudgingly admit that the tenth chapter of Genesis is the most accurate and complete document of its kind pertaining to the historical origination of nations and races it would not be inaccurate to say that generally speaking Shem populated Asia homme populated Africa and japhet populated Europe and of course there's exceptions there's ongoing migration there's a lot of inner mixing among the three lines coming from no other took place over the century so it's less cut and dried today as it was three thousand years ago and more and as we look at this map many of the names I've just read to you start to appear and without touching on them all we find for instance that the descendants of japhet became this simile from Gomer who were the first to settle in the area of Wales and Brittany the skiff Ian's from Magog who formed the Russian people the Medes from Medaille the Greeks from Yvonne the Thracians from T Ross who became the Macedonians from whom eventually came the world conquering Alexander the Great from these groups of people came the Germans the cells rather the Celts and the Armenians we should also take notice that in the line of japhet was Tarshish this is primarily modern-day Spain some of you prophecy buffs might recognize the name Tarshish because it's mentioned in Isaiah I want to take just a few minutes and examine a prophecy that's 2700 years old but whose film fulfillment has only begun in our lifetimes and it's continuing as we speak and this is from Isaiah chapter 60 and we're only going to read verses 1 through 12 for right now open your Bibles to Isaiah chapter 60 if you have a complete Jewish Bible it is page 531 Isaiah chapter 60 arise and shine yerushalaim for your light has come the glory of adonai has arisen over you for although darkness covers the earth and thick darkness the peoples on you odd and I will rise over you will be seen his glory nations will go towards your light and Kings towards your shining splendour raise your eyes and look around they're all assembling and coming to you your sons are coming from far off your daughters carried on their nurses hips then you will see and be radiant your heart will throb swell and with delight for the riches of the seas will be brought to you the wealth of nations will come to you caravans of camels will cover your land young camels from Midian and ephah all of them coming from Sheba Sheba bringing gold and frankincense proclaiming the praises of Adonai all the flocks of Kedar will be gathered for you the Rams of Navi oat will be at your service they will come up and be received on my altar as I glorify my glorious house who are these flying along like clouds like doves to their dovecotes the coastlands are putting their hope in me with the Tarshish ships and the lead to bring your children from far away and with them their silver and gold for the sake of adonai your God the Holy One of Israel who glorifies you foreigners will rebuild your walls the Kings will be at your service for in my anger I struck you but in my mercy I pity you your gates will always be open they will not be shut by day or by night so that people can bring you the wealth of nations with their Kings led in procession for the nation or the kingdom that won't serve you will perish yes those nations will be utterly destroyed now if you don't have a chill running down your spine when you just heard that just read it then I think you completely missed what I just read to you our generation is in the midst of this very event this is about the Jews returning to Israel but even more it's about all Israelites returning to Israel well we'll get into this more fully in the months ahead but for now just know that Jews only represent two of the 12 tribes of Israel there are other Israelite tribes in existence in Asia who will be returning to the land very soon how do I know this not only is this not only is it in this prophecy in Isaiah it's even more specifically with more detail spoken of in Ezekiel 37 and the Israeli government officially acknowledged for the first time in March of 2005 that there have been found members of what had been termed the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel and they are indeed Israelites but they're not Jews that may be a little bit murky for you right now but well later on it won't be now I've often heard Bible teachers and pastors speak of how ships will come from Tarshish to bring the Jews back home to Israel in the last days but the Tarshish wasn't really literal just a word symbolic of faraway places they must have been among the many who skipped over Genesis chapter 10 because we certainly see there and then here and Isaiah 60 it's backed up we see who Tarshish is he is the son of Gomer who is the son of japhet Japheth not only that but one of the largest Jewish sects in exist is called Sephardic Jews Sephardic Jews are Jews who come primarily not entirely mostly from a large group of Hebrews who settled in Spain during the 6th 7th and 8th centuries many Sephardic Jews led the way back to the Holy Land late in the 19th century then again after World Wars 1 lay end and to Spain equals Sephardic Tarshish is a city in Spain this is neither speculation or allegory it's just historical fact and we'll continue with this next week would you please rise you
Channel: Torah Class
Views: 29,994
Rating: 4.7426901 out of 5
Keywords: Genesis, Book of Genesis, Bible, Bible study, Free online Bible study, Old Testament, Torah, Torah Class, Torah study, Tom Bradford, Genesis chapter 9, Genesis chapter 10, Hebrew roots, Messianic, Adam, Noah, Ham, Shem, Japheth, Vineyard, Noah drunk, wine, nakedness, curse, Canaan, lashon hara, firstborn, Table of Nations, Noah naked
Id: K4B6av1WVmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2016
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