Lesson 5 - Genesis 4, 5, & 6

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you you last week we examined what really amounts to the primary reason that we have a Bible and it is why in a few chapters is going to be such a thing as a person created that is called a Hebrew because from Genesis forward the concept of sin and the need for atonement for sin is introduced and we're going to move rapidly today so let's continue in Genesis chapter 4 open your Bibles to Genesis chapter 4 if you have a complete Jewish Bible it is page 4 and we're going to start at verse 9 and read through the rest of the chapter I don't I said to Cain Cain where is heaven your brother Abel and he replied I don't know am I my brother's guardian and he said what have you done the voice of your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground now you are cursed from the ground which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood your hands when you farm the ground it will no longer yield its strength to you you will be a fugitive wandering the earth and Cain said to Auto 9 my punishment is greater than I can bear you're banning me today from the land and from your presence I'll be a fugitive wandering the earth whoever finds me will kill me and that and I answered him therefore whoever kills Cain will receive vengeance Sevenfold and now did I put a sign on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him so kind left the presence of Adonai and lived in the land of node not Nod node which means wandering east of eden Cain had sexual relations with his wife and she conceived and gave birth to Honoka Cayenne built a city and named a city after a son Honoka to hano were born Arad Arad fathered mecca UL mecca UL fathered ment mutt met who sha el and Matus al bothered lamech lament took himself two wives the name of the one was a da while the other was sila a dog gave birth to you've all he was the ancestor of those who live in tents and have cattle his brother's name was you ball he was the ancestor of all who play lyre and flute Zilla gave birth to tubal-cain who forged all kinds of tools from brass and iron the sister of tubal-cain was Naamah Lamech said to his wives Adan Cielo listen to me wives of Lamech hear what I have to say I killed a man for wounding me a young man who injured me if Cayenne will be able avenged sevenfold than Lamech seventy seven fold Adam again had sexual relations with his wife and she gave birth to a son whom she named shaped for God has granted me another seed in place of havel since Cain killed him to shet - was born a son whom he called Anoush that is when people began to call on the name of Adonai it's so very important for us to get this the first humans and their children at the very beginning of life on this planet were shown by God himself that the consequence of disobedience to him sin carries a high price and that price is death in his great mercy God allowed decided to allow for a time the blood of innocent animals to cover that is atone for mankind sin now note I said cover because the sin was still going to be there just covered up like a garment covers over the human form like Adam and Havas nakedness was covered up and in the end see our clothing is simply a means to disguise our nakedness under that disguise of cloth lies our nakedness our sin is still there for centuries and centuries God would provide a divinely acceptable but contrived covering over the sin of all those who place their trust in him and this acceptable covering was in the form of the blood of animals the blood of the animal would serve a spiritual purpose atoning for sin and the skin of the animal would serve a physical purpose by covering the naked bodies of humans at the same time providing a wonderful illustration of what was happening invisibly in the spiritual world to compensate for this sinful behavior the reality of duality is at work but in course of time as God allowed his plan of redemption to gestate Christ would change that because unlike the blood of animals Messiah his blood didn't cover didn't just cover the sin at nullified it and it sent it far away however let's be clear sacrificial atonement done in the right attitude of repentance brought forgiveness for that trespass not temporary forgiveness not an inferior kind of forgiveness actual forgiveness thus long into the future when the Hebrews would escape from Egypt and God brings them to Mount Sinai and he gives them his laws and his commandments we hear this regarding sacrificial atonement in Leviticus 4 25 and 26 we hear this the colon the priest is to take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar for burnt offerings its remaining blood he is to pour out at the base of the altar for burnt offerings all its fat he's to make to go up into smoke on the altar like the fat of the sacrifice for peace offerings thus the colon will make atonement for him in regard to a sin and he will be forgiven we read the same and he will be forgiven two more times in this 4th chapter of Leviticus alone and many more times in succeeding chapters the blood of animal sacrifices worked it brought forgiveness as we saw in our last lesson Cain had angry words with have L then he kills in some time later this is not necessarily the world's first murder it may have been there were more people in the world by now than Adam Eve Cain and Abel certainly this is the first biblically recorded murder now the earth for his family was at this time still living in Eden the land of Eden not the Garden of Eden Eden was a special place made for God's people God decided to banish Cain from the land of Eden for shedding of his brother's blood and the Lord sends an east to a land that's called node not nod node we don't note off node translates to wandering it incorporates the sense of unrest of restlessness cayenne Mary's he has children and many descendants follow over the years even builds a city and by the way concerning the sign that God put on to keen to indicate that no one was to harm him there is some interesting commentary from the ancient sages about this first the word usually translated as no one or any one in Hebrew is Cole Cole Cole can mean anyone but could also mean whatsoever it can mean anything it can mean all so what exactly Cayenne was being protected from was not necessarily only humans some of the commentaries say that perhaps animals were his greatest worry but it's from primarily those commentators who say that other than for Adam and Eve Cain and Abel probably an unmentioned sister too there were no other people on planet earth that's a pretty big stretch yet there is little doubt there had to be many people by now and you're going to notice yeah there we go quite a time before there is mention of another female other than hava Eve in the Bible and this is simply because of the male oriented nature of the Bible because genealogy and family ties were generally according to the relationship to the father so the listings of generations only rarely includes a female but then is now there were undoubtedly considerably more women born than men I mean another interesting tape by some of the ancient rabbis concerning this first is that it wasn't a sign that was put on to Cain he was the sign he was a sign for all to see that anyone who committed blood-guilt murder would be banished from the land forced to go away to sanctuary in fact this concept that the Israelites who were centuries away from ever becoming a people yet when they adopted it when they entered Canaan that of providing a place of sanctuary and protection for the person who could killed somebody as the result of a justifiable or an accidental killing is said by some scholars to have been modeled after the consequences that kind bore now I don't buy that because Cayenne committed murder unjustifiable Hamas and no sanctuary is permitted for that now what we see as a result of this story is that from here on cane cane will be associated with evil and wickedness the symbolism soul stick here we could cut it with a knife because in verse 16 it says so cane left the presence of I don't I and lived in the land of note here is one of those examples I told you I did we identify when we came across it an example of a statement in the Bible being simultaneously literal and symbolic because indeed cane was literally sent away from Eden and he lives in a land called called wandering or restless he was sent away from the presence of God it's not true from a symbolic sense let me say so other way is it not true that from a symbolic sense that when we're away from the presence of God when we are separated from God we are indeed in a state of wandering and unrest we live a hopeless and meaningless existence in a constant directionless state when we live apart from God the only rest that exists for Humanity is when we're in God's presence so Cain is the start of the line of wicked people who turn their backs on God thus we are introduced to the fifth generation from Cain headed by a fellow named Lamech Lamech is far removed from God and a lot mass has had Cayenne and many others breaks God's instruction about the institution of marriage a man and a woman being joined as one flesh he gets greedy he takes two wives and then listen to the proud rebellious Lamech who boasts this to his two wives in Genesis 23 and 24 Lamech says to his wives Adan Zilla listen to me wives of Lamech hear what I say I killed a man for wounding me a young man who injured me if Cain will be Avenged Sevenfold then Lamech seventy seven fold Lamech admits to murder the line of Cain was thoroughly wicked in godless and corrupted in just a few generations after man was first created we're going to see this same pattern emerge many years later after the great flood when Noah the second Adam repopulate the earth but amazingly almost immediately wickedness reappears and interestingly that won't be the last time history repeats itself in that way when Christ comes the second time and I think it's in the very near future and cleanses the whole world and sets up his perfect kingdom for a thousand years towards the end of that millennium people will once again display wickedness and they will rebel against Messiah and they will be destroyed completely along with Satan the entire evil spiritual world and then even evil itself only then will that pattern that cycle of evil finally be broken once and forever the all-merciful God then gives Eve another child that in her view is a replacement for the now dead Abel the new child is named Hebrew for Seth means compensation or granted as in a prayer or a hope that is granted and as we move along in our study we're going to see that Shep is regarded as the line of good as opposed to his banished brother Cain who represents the line of evil whereas Cain and his descendants wandered further and further and further away from God were told in verse 26 that through shet that is when people began to call on out of 9 Adonai as the Hebrew word for Lord or master in other words Shep led people to look to God for direction and they also offered out on either praise and their worship so the dynamics now established the descendants of Seth Chet are the line of good the descendants of Cain Cain are the line of evil now naturally this is a prophetic generality does not mean that everyone from the line of Cain is predestined to be evil or that there would be no good people and Cain's line and of course there would be good and evil individuals and the line of chef's let's move on to Genesis chapter 5 Genesis chapter 5 if you have a complete Jewish Bible its page 5 here is the genealogy of Adam on the day that God created man he made him in the likeness of God he created them male and female he blessed them and called Adam Adam a man humankind on the day they were created after Adam lived 130 years he fathered a son like himself - named him yet after Sheth was born Adam lived another eight hundred years and he had both sons and daughters and all Adam lived 930 years and then he died Chet lived 105 years and fathered Anoush and after Anoush was born Chet lived another eight hundred and seven years and he had sons and daughters and all Chet lived nine hundred and twelve years and then he died in oh she lived ninety years and fathered Canaan after Canaan was born and no she lived another 815 years and had sons and daughters in all Anoush lived 905 years then he died Kanaan lived 70 years and fathered Mahalalel maja l was born after Mahalo l was born can't cannot lived another 840 years he had sons and daughters in all cannot lived 910 years and then he died Mahalalel lived 65 years and fathered you read after you read was born Mahalalel lived another 830 years and had sons and daughters and all ll lived 895 years then he died urad lived 162 years and followed Honoka Hinault was born jahaan oak was born you read lived 800 years and had sons and daughters and all your read lived 962 years and then he died an uncle of 65 years and fathered Methuselah and after Methuselah Methuselah Methuselah was born an oak walk with God three hundred years and had sons and daughters and all Honoka lived 365 years an oak walk with God and then he wasn't there because God took him Methuselah lived 187 years and fathered Lamech and after Lamech was born Methuselah Methuselah lived 782 years and had sons and daughters in all Methuselah lived 969 years and then he died Lamech lived 182 years and fathered a son whom he called Noah Noah for he said this one will comfort us in our labor and the hard work we do with our hands to get what comes from the ground that Adonai cursed after Noah was born Lamech lived 595 years and he had sons and daughters and all Lamech lived 777 years and then he died Noah was 500 years old and Noah fathered Shem homme and yet I just want to point out a couple of things here about the genealogy we just had recited to us first of all this is the genealogy of chef Seth this is the line of good of the people of faith Adam was born was 130 years old when shet was born now we don't know how old he was when Cain was born but likely he was quite young remember that Adam and Abba were created as physically mature humans who could have procreated almost immediately and likely they did in fact even though Cayenne is mentioned first it's not necessarily so that he was an Adam and Eve's first child but probably was the first born biblically speaking the term firstborn denotes a status so the firstborn is always a male a family could have 10 children with the first nine being girls but if the 10th child was the first male child to be born in the family he was given the status of the firstborn so Adam and Eve could have had some number of girl children before Cayenne was born and given the circumstances it's very likely that they did we need to stand back and be realistic here anybody who's a farmer or Rancher knows that the way to increase your flocks and herds is to have a large number of females to each male since one male can impregnate many females and it is the female who bears each offspring it's of little help to have a large number of males and very few females so I think it's quite logical and reasonable to consider that the number of female humans was probably several times that of male humans especially early on I mean God was intent on humanity rapidly populating the earth and since he was no longer creating humans one by one from the dust of the earth but instead was allowing the reproductive capabilities he'd built into mankind to do the job many females was the answer to rapid population growth so it is certain Eve was a baby mill her daughters were baby mills their daughters were baby mills and so on there is nothing in the Bible to indicate that the age of sexual maturity and women occurred any earlier than it does today but there is every indication that for hundreds of years the age at which women were still giving birth was much greater than it is today biblically it would appear that it was quite usual for a fifteen-year-old girl to be married and have her first child even in Yeshua's day so a new generation was starting about every 15 years in a family when we realized that Adam was a hundred and thirty years old when shet was born it's probable that at least seven or eight generations of people already existed that said by the time of Abraham things have kind of leveled out a bit and the human lifespan and the span of human reproductive capacity was much the same as it is today in modern times now notice by the way that Noah was in Seth's line notice also that Noah's father's name was la man this is not the same Lamech that was fifth in line from Cain just like today when there are thousands if not millions of people who have the same name Fred Rebecca and Kathy and Elizabeth and so on it was the same way then lots of people had the same name so we have to be careful as we read the Bible not too some people simply because they bore the same name last point people who lived a really long time back then I have heard many fascinating scientific reasons why that was possible or why it was impossible and therefore a fairy tale but doesn't matter these were real people were talking about and they actually lived many hundreds of years there's no reason to take this as symbolism it's literal now there may well be a higher significance and the precise number of years that some people lived that is a significance in the number itself for instance Enoch lived 365 years the same number as days of a solar year and Noah's father lived 777 years seven being the divine number of completeness or it just may be coincidence I say that tongue-in-cheek and as we go along we will see that there are several members several numbers rather than have special significance many of which we are already familiar with then number seven the number twelve the number four and and of course six six six now chapter five ends with the birth of the three sons of Noah who will repopulate the earth after the great flood that we must comprehend that even though we're told that Noah was five hundred years old when he fathered these sons that he was probably not precisely five hundred years old because unless these boys were triplets or came from three different mothers they had have been too spaced apart you know around three years right but but more important Noah didn't get his first children upon his 500th birthday he must have contributed greatly to the world population by then his own offspring accounted for a pretty fair share of those people that the Lord would call thoroughly wicked and yet remember Noah was from the line of shed the line of good yet as God does these three sons were set apart divided elected separated from all of Noah's other offspring to become the surviving gene pool for all post flood humanity including all humanity alive today let's move on now to Genesis chapter 6 and I'll let you guess what page that mine now it actually it starts on page five dozen Genesis chapter six in time when men began to multiply on earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were attractive and they took wives for themselves whomever they chose and I don't I said my spirit will not live in human beings forever for they too are flesh therefore their lifespan is to be 120 years the Nephilim were on the earth in those days also afterwards when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them these were the ancient heroes men of renown I don't I saw that the people on earth were very wicked that all the imaginings of their hearts were always of evil only not and I regretted that he made humankind on the earth it grieved his heart and out and I said I'll wipe out humankind whom I've created from the whole earth and not only human beings but animals and creeping things and birds in the air for I regret I ever made them but Noah found grace in the sight of that and I here is the history of Noah and his generation Nowak was a righteous was a man righteous and wholehearted Noah walked with God Noah fathered three sons Shem ham and japhet the earth was corrupt before God the earth was filled with violence God saw the earth and yes it was corrupt for all living beings had corrupted their ways on earth and God said to Noah the end of all living beings has come before me for because of them the earth is filled with violence I will destroy them along with the earth make yourself an ark of gopher wood you are to make the art with rooms cover it with pitch both outside and inside here is how you are to build it the length of the ark is to be 450 feet its width 75 feet and its height 45 feet you are to make an opening for daylight in the Ark 18 inches below its roof put a door on its side and build it with lower second and third decks then I myself will bring the flood of water over the earth destroy from under heaven every living thing that breathes everything on earth will be destroyed but I will establish my covenant with you you will come into the ark you your sons your wife and your wife and your sons wives with you from everything living from each kind of living being you are to bring two into the ark to keep them alive with you they are to be male and female and of each kind of bird each kind of livestock each kind of animal creeping on the ground too hard to come to you so they can be kept alive also take from all the kinds of food that are eaten and collected for yourself it is to be food for you and for them this is what Noah did he did all that God ordered him to do the first few verses of this chapter contain some information that is among the most mysterious and troubling in the entire Old Testament it concerns the statement that the sons of God saw the daughters of men and that they were attractive so they took them as wives and the children born from these unions were different as were their fathers the sons of God different now sons of God in Hebrews Bonet Elohim and we're going to see other references to these mysterious Bonet Elohim and later parts of the Bible Laurent talk about this more momentarily but just know for now that I think these were some type of high-ranking spiritual beings they would not necessarily be classified as angels we are told that the B'nai eloheem were given charge over all the nations of the earth and we run into one of these Bonet elohim who was also called the prince of persia in the book of daniel but the bible also gives us a special name for the offspring of these now hybrid people and that name is Nephilim now the King James Bible and many other Bible translations have translated Nephilim to mean Giants you know like fee fie fo fum Giants it was the Greek Septuagint development about 250 BC who first took the tact that these people were giants this is because the writers of the Septuagint took the Hebrew word Nephilim and translated to the Greek word Gigante how in Hebrew however Nephilim is a play on the root word nephal which means fallen or to fall upon in the Hebrew it has no sense no indication of something being freakishly large rather the sense of the word is to cease or to die or to be cast down unto into the earth into the earth like into a grave it was even used to describe an abortion and in other cases indicated something that was dead and rotting Martin Luther described the nature of the Nephilim as men of violence tyrants now for lack of a better way to put it the Nephilim were a race of something different apart from anything else and it was an evil kind of difference it is as though the Nephilim or some type of mutants are they're an aberration that became endowed with much power they represented a joining together of the worst of the spiritual world with the worst of the physical world well now back to our discussion about who these verses about who these verses are referring to when it talks of these sons of God many Bible scholars have taken this to mean fallen angels now it's easy to see how that conclusion could be arrived at when fall on her cast down is one sense of the word Nephilim add to that the heavily are heavenly or spiritual sense of sons of God that phrase and the idea is formed that some fallen angels took on a human male form complete with reproductive organs apparently mated with human women with the result being a race of giants called Nephilim the ancient Hebrew certainly never even dreamed of this meeting rather they saw it that the sons of God was simply a designation for the line of Seth the line of faithful godly men conversely the women called daughters of men were representatives of the line of Cain those who fell away from God and according to the ancient Hebrew sages up to this time the faithful line of Seth had stayed separate from the wicked line of Cain but eventually some men from the line of Seth lusted after these beautiful women from the line of Cain and there went the neighborhood now the whole human race was fouled and polluted with evil well this separation and division in the line of Cain from the line of Seth is seen by the Hebrew sages as a tie in other words it's another of these underlying fundamental principles that we see played out over and over again in the Bible a long time into the future when God would take the Israelites out of Egypt and give them the Torah which we are in the midst of studying he did so with the instruction to be ye separated he separated Israel away from all other peoples of the world to be a nation of priests Tim to be a faithful people to God all the other peoples of the world everyone other than the Israelites were given a title gyeom Gentiles the Israelites were a people holy to God everybody else wasn't and this is how it was for the line of Cain versus the line of Seth long before the Israelites ever existed on any case whether the Nephilim were the result of mixing of two lines of humans or the mixing of humans with spiritual beings the result of all this was that a race of people called Nephilim bedeviled everybody and they were able at times to dominate at will apparently they were bigger stronger smarter probably they were the subjects of the ancient pagan myths and legends of great and fierce warriors leaders who seemed to have almost superhuman qualities were they actually giants like in the movies only by the most vague suggestion so what were the Nephilim in reality we really don't know for sure but more and more scholars are coming to the conclusion that likely these were people who in one way or another turned themselves over to Satan and the grain gained great power in the doing when we read in the scriptures designations of the Antichrist and how this person will be incredibly charismatic perhaps the most intelligent man ever to live cunning one step ahead of everybody then we find out it's Satan who is his source of power I have no doubt that Satan has been the source of power from many a world dictator Hitler convinced an entire nation that by the way generally identifies itself as a Christian nation hard to believe that it was their duty to rule the world and to rid it of the Jews the christ-killers as he commonly labeled he confounded the world with his abilities with his battle strategies and we were with an eyelash I was seeing him realize his evil dream I have a feeling that Hitler could well be categorized as a type of modern-day Nephilim no matter where the Nephilim existence came from whether they came from fallen sons of God been AI Elohim or from fallen man the true source of their power was evil and even the coming flood wouldn't be the end of it I think we're going to eventually see that while the Nephilim were literally literal and real they also came to represent a type that is before the flood they were very likely a real race of people but after the flood when they were wiped out Nephilim and the other names for them might have been but other peoples that were thought to have very similar attributes we're going to see later on Genesis after the great flood and then again in the Book of Numbers and eventually even in the book of data rock Deuteronomy that the Nephilim or nepheline like people are again mentioned these post flood types of Nephilim are given a number of names including the ref I am the M meme the honor came the jaurim and a few more and when we get to those biblical sections I'll point it out to you and by the way the giant Goliath who was slain by David was of the on Hakeem because Goliath was from God report to be a village where the on Akeem ruled will find that in Joshua chapter 11 it's interesting that the on Akeem and the Philistines occupied the same territory we also understand that as happens with men as time passes a reality can become distorted it can be can be turned into a legend the language of the Bible is not immune to that phenomenon because even though the Bible is divine truth it is still told to the lives and events of real people and it is told with the flaws and the misconceptions and all so I suspect that in episodes we read in the scriptures that took place hundreds of years after the original race of the Nephilim died out that the name for these strange beings was used as a general term to describe someone or some group of people who had certain characteristics that were deemed evil or maybe Clee they were physically larger than others and therefore menacing or they were the fiercest warriors or some such thing for example even in Christ's day long after the Canaanites of old were gone the term Canaanite was still in use that is while no living Israelite even knew a Canaanite it was common memory among the Jewish people that the Canaanites of old were idol worshipers and they were child sacrifices everything that Israel did tested so Canaanite came to be used as a cuss word so to speak you Canaanite usually referring to a person you didn't approve of often it was in reference to a merchant who treated cheated somebody maybe to a man who didn't practice his Judaism to the satisfaction of some of the more pious folks you know when I was a younger man I recall a person being the Communists if you didn't like him it was not really about them actually belonging to the Communist Party it was just kind of a politically correct four-letter word for the day and since communism was public enemy number one all throughout the 60s at 50 60s 70s so on what was McCarthyism the Korean War Vietnam to call somebody a communist was just a derogatory term and a label nobody wanted but let me in fatica Lee state that many of the sages and rabbis wove the legends of the Nephilim into their traditions particularly the traditions concerning angels and the world of evil spirits so as far as they were concerned these Nephilim were not only real before the flood but also after so who and what they were was to always be taken in the most literal and a real sense not taken as types or epithets one other thing we're going to move on verse 3 chapter 6 speaks about God's Spirit the Holy Spirit the Ruach Hakodesh not striving with man for ever all sorts of interesting theologies have come from this verse but to the sages it was very straightforward God is spirit so he's essentially speaking of himself when he speaks of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is that component or person or attribute of God that we call spirit in Hebrew ah that deals with mankind what verse 3 alludes to is that God has decided to give humans 120 more years to straighten up and fly right before he destroys them with a great flood this was a warning yet in later times many Hebrew and Christian scholars insisted that the plain wording of these verses mean that men were going to be given an approximate maximum lifespan twenty years but if they're correct then the number of extreme exceptions to that rule was significant because we're told in scriptures that after the coming flood many generations of men descendants of Noah's that are listed in the Bible lived to be several hundreds of years old so certainly man's lifespan was more than hundred twenty years and we also know from a historical standpoint that lifespans vary century to century from culture to culture circumstance to circumstance and since this remark about lifespan is a general statement that makes no distinction between righteous people and wicked people or between God's people and people that are not his I think this statement about 120 years was a duality it was not only about how long the human body was designed to live it was about God pronouncing that the flood would commence and 120 more 120 more years wiping out all mankind except for Noah and his family well God has now established another fundamental we all need to be thrilled about he does not destroy the faithful and godly right along with the wicked and godless oh that's good news now he shouldn't confuse the concept of God pouring out his wrath on the one but not the other with the belief that God doesn't allow bad things to happen to good people God certainly does allow the harms of this natural world to affect the godly and the godless God does not rather does allow the wickedness of evil men to befall the godly and the godless God also does not promise to shelter the godly from persecutions by the godless or the wicked but these things that come about at the hand of men are not from him they're from the evil one or from our own evil inclinations what God does promise is that he will not shower his own wrath his own divine judgment upon the godly right along with the godless I hope you see the difference this is especially important to grasp as we consider in times because by definition tribulation is different from God's wrath tribulation or the Tribulation Period is going to be men pouring out evil upon other men at an unprecedented level God's divine wrath is a divine calamity that has brought about supernaturally and as we consider an earlier time when God poured out his wrath so that the righteous would survive the supernatural wrath that God was about to wreak on the whole planet God had Noah build an ark a God designed safe haven a sanctuary for Noah and for his family the ark would allow the righteous to live while the wicked perish now I can only imagine how ridiculed Noah must have been for building this four hundred and fifty foot long monstrosity can you imagine to start with there's no indication at all that Noah lived anywhere near a substantial body of water what he did is not unlike building an ocean liner behind your barn in the middle of Nebraska but here's the deal and it summed up so elegantly simply in verse 22 this is what Noah did he did all that God ordered him to do and saved his life his and the lives of all of his family now in verse 9 were told that we are going to get Noah's story and the first thing we're told about him is that he was a Sadiq Sadiq that's Hebrew for righteous a righteous person but even more he was at Tamim which is usually translated as blameless or wholehearted nothing wrong with that translation but it obscures something that is learned in a progressive way throughout the Torah particularly when we get to Leviticus we're going to find out that much of what the Torah is teaching Israel about is holiness and one of the chief attributes of holiness is whole Ness completeness lacking nothing so I would prefer to read this verse as Noah being Sadiq righteous and Tamim whole of Noah's three sons homme japhet and Shem it would be Shem that will soon be identified to us as a special set apart line of people it is interesting that Shem means named one of God's titles that is commonly used by Jews is Hashem the name it is also interesting that Hebrew tradition is that that mysterious biblical King and priest of Shalom called Melchizedek who Abraham would bow down to and give ties was actually Shem and the timing is such that it most certainly could have been because Shem was still alive then we're going to talk about that more when we get to that point Genesis verse 12 I think is among the saddest in the entire Bible says that God looked upon all he'd made and had gone to ruin the Hebrew word you used here is Shikata Shikata and while corrupt is a good translation the word corrupt in our modern vocabulary means dishonest therefore making it as though the point of God's concern was that men were not dealing fairly with each other they lied they stole that's not the sense the word rather polluted to the point of ruin that's the sense of the word jihad now contrast this with what God said just a few chapters earlier in the last verse of chapter 1 now God saw he had made and it was exceedingly good God's creation decayed from perfection to utter ruin in just a few generations something rather interesting is said something even more interesting as emitted in verse 13 God says the cause of the corruption problem is the living beings he created often the Hebrew word used here bazaars translated as flesh which is a perfectly good translation but here's the thing besar flesh doesn't just refer to man although it times it does mean man rather it can and often does refer to animals Adam Adam means man or mankind that's not what's used here in this context so the idea at play is it's speaking about all living flesh everything to which God gave life is at fault animals and man but even more interesting is what or who God doesn't blame he didn't blame Satan he doesn't blame Satan we need to take no notice of this because it once again brings us back to the concept of the source or origination of evil and while I don't fully agree with all aspects of the Hebrew view on the subject of evil I have to say that more and more I cannot refute the bulk of it the Hebrews say a couple of important things about evil and sinned I think matches what scripture says far more that when some Christian doctrines are about on evil and sin and first and foremost is that man was originally created with a good inclination and an evil inclination that is Adam was created with the ability of choosing one over the other the second view bad boy second viewpoint is perhaps more difficult even than the first one to deal with it is that if evil was there at the beginning then God had to create both evil and good next time we're going to explore those controversial Hebrew concepts of good and evil and a lot more depth next time we'll see you next week please rise issue you should issues
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Keywords: Genesis, Book of Genesis, Bible, Bible Study, Free online Bible study, Torah, Torah study, Torah Class, Tom Bradford, Genesis chapter 4, Genesis chapter 5, Genesis chapter 6, Hebrew Roots, Messianic, Cain and Abel, Kayin and Hevel, Cain kills Abel, Land of Nod, Lamech, Shet, Seth, Noah, Noach, Benei Elohim, Sons of God, Nefillim, Ruach HaKodesh, Holy Spirit, tzaddik, Noah's Ark, Great Flood, Flood
Id: r2LDt-rFP78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2016
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