Lesson 2 - Sam and Mel English for Children

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Hello Mel Hello Sam Where is my pencil? Your pencil? Yes, my pencil Where is my pencil? Mel, Your pencil is there Where? There! My pencil is here Hello Sam Hello Vicky Sam? Yes, Vicky Where is your house? Where is my house? Yes. Where is your house? My house is over there in the city Vicky? Yes? Where is your house? Where is my house? Yes, where is your house? My house is there in the tree Oh yes Your house is in the tree Goodbye Sam Goodbye Vicky Mel, Where is your pencil? Here is my pencil Goodbye
Channel: Sam and Mel English for Children
Views: 1,169,464
Rating: 4.7695832 out of 5
Keywords: English For Children, Video English, Lesson, Lessons, Course, Language, Education, Learn, Children, Kids, English, Online Learning
Id: kYKfqa_zAQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 13 2014
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