Less Common Instruments
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Channel: desirecampbell
Views: 9,240,311
Rating: 4.8953276 out of 5
Keywords: Piccolo Flute, Bass Flute, Subcontrabass Flute, Piccolo Clarinet, Contrabass Clarinet, Sopranino Saxophone, Bass Saxophone, Subcontrabass Saxophone, Piccolo Trumpet, Bass Trumpet, Piccolo French Horn, Contrabass French Horn, Piccolo Trombone, Contrabass Trombone, Big Carl the Tuba
Id: v62YjjV-Roo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 08 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Big Carl!
I love that all the previous ones had names I expected and then got slapped in the mouth with Big Carl the Tuba.
Seems to me that almost all of the contrabass instruments could be replaced by one really good tuba.
Anyone know the song title at 1:30?
Edit: found in of vid comments-( Dreaming of You - The Coral )
Not sure if piccolo flute or piccolo trumpet are less common...at least for classical players.
The subcontrabass flute sounds like les claypoolβs bass.
That bass trumpet sounds so good. Not sure why it's not more popular!
Piccolo is less common instrument ?????????
I found this video very soothing!