Les Paul DIY Guitar build kit from Ebay ( part 1 )

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[Music] [Music] okay so here we go we're gonna start this process and if you guys saw my last video we did an unboxing and i am not in my workshop we're gonna i want i want to show you guys how you can do this just in your own home without making a huge mess using what came with the guitar this is a 78 kit off of ebay and it's not bad and as you can see it's not drilled out even for the bridge or the saddle so we're gonna do that um it doesn't look bad it really doesn't i'm kind of impressed with it no it's it needs cleaning up when i say it's not the best well it needs cleaning up and that's my job let's make it nice let's get a majority of the sanding done be very careful on these veneered tops you don't want to go through so we're going to scuff lightly some places we might have to use a little filler too because we got some some deep i say deep they're not too deep and i think i can sand down and still be safe let's see how far we can go the first thing we're going to do is raise the grain so let's do that and i'm going to do that with a paper towel and some a light paper towel that's damp with some water okay so we just dip this in the water a little bit just a little dampness and i'm gonna run it over this grain here and it doesn't take a lot we're just gonna get up next to the uh binding also and i just this will just cause the green to lift just a little bit and what i'm starting with here and i might even be finished with it depending on how it is this is just a fine scope this is a 220 220 grit and i'm putting it just over a piece here so it's soft and we're going to start sanding and what i'd like to do is take care of these bad spots first if i can we want to smooth out all of our edges we don't want any surprises we want our binding to meet nice and smooth and that water does lift the grain very a lot and you can i can feel already the smoothness coming just already so it doesn't take a lot you don't need a lot of pressure some people spend a lot of time in the sanding department but i'll tell you if you're going to clear your guitar it's best to under do it rather than overdo it now as you sand you may see more imperfections and that's what i'm seeing now but what i'm doing right now if you're wondering is i'm actually sanding down the binding and making the binding flush with the veneer because it's not and that binding will still pop once we get the cleaver on just take care and do portions at a time we do not want to sand through the veneer now this is the worst spot on the guitar right here take some care hopefully we don't go through it and work our way around now this appears to be really close to book match too and we got us a little bit of paper towel right here we got a small imperfection here and i don't know if you guys can see this just that little bit that i'm doing really coming into play already really working out okay i don't think you can tell very well in this light but a lot smoother a lot better we do have a spot that started getting a little thin right there but that's gonna be fine once we get our stain on and if you want to you can go inside and you can clean up your edges to make them not so ugly where your pickups go and clean up your holes real quick just so it's not so such an eyesore even though you're not going to see it i like to clean them up real quick all it takes is a couple passes all most of the imperfections are gone i went as far as i dare to go without removing the top but it looks a lot better now we move on to the rest of the body which we don't have to be as careful with because well it's not a veneer on the back so let's start that process same thing we're gonna start with a sanding block and then move to doing it by hand smoothing out the curves taking off any glue that is there and you can do this a bit more aggressively clean up your edges where your covers are going to be and already already a smooth surface now i'm not going to raise the grain yet i'm going to knock it down on the back then we'll raise the wings okay so you get the gist well let me finish the back and then we'll go to the edges okay so we got our back pretty much sanded and i haven't raised the grain on it yet so it's going to get done again but i'm going around the edges here making sure there's no edge on the edges and they're smooth and rounded over there's nothing worse than a sharp edge on a guitar and you want to be careful right here on the horn if you want that's where you really want to make sure that it blends in nicely nice and smooth and i do this part right here not using the block for this and just uh go by feel down there's some imperfections in the back here but we can take that down quickly very quickly and that quickly but we want to make sure this edge right here right there it's not sharp let's knock that down real quick it doesn't take a lot roll it over blend it in so it looks like it's supposed to be that way and around the edge of the binding around a little bit too now we want to get up in here this is the last part and then we're going to do the whole thing again but raise the grain pretty much all that down i'm going to clean up these little the covers go just the edges i'm not going to worry about the inside too much we're going to use some shielding in there shooting paint before we're done and they just knocked down really fast and easy so don't want to overdo it we'll test fit the covers later on make sure they fit okay and we don't have to sand anything else out well the reason you knock these down too is so you don't ever get a chunk or a sliver taken off because if they're sharp edges they can they run the risk of splintering we don't want that okay dampen our rag give it a wipe down and when you do this the color will change and you can see if you have any imperfections too i see one already i kind of knew it was there but two well you can see what it's going to look like if it was taking a stain now right not too bad let's raise that green a little damper raise that green okay now we'll do that and we are going to go back i'm going to take some fresh sandpaper i'm going to use my hand now i can feel the greens lifting and if you have cosmetic blemishes in the wood it makes it unique so um what i mean by that is i mean blemishes that you can't fix with sanding blemishes that are part of the water but a lot of people would consider them blemishes what makes the wooden kind of unique how it's changing looking more more depth more green when we knock down that rays from the water it takes a whole different look but look at the difference in the grain now let's get our edge and i sand right into the binding pay attention to inside your curves because it's a really easy part to miss and it's very noticeable in light if it's not sanded i know this video is going to be long but i want to give you guys an idea of what it's like let me finish this part up and i'll be right back with you guys okay so most of the sanding is and keep in mind we still have to do more sanding so when i say we have to do more sanding well we got to stain this thing and i'll tell you i mean this is an inexpensive kit this isn't like a solid piece of wood it's actually plied so you want to be careful with the with how you do this and approach this but um it's still a cool guitar so what are we going to do now well we're going to clean our surface off a bit here make sure everything's kind of where we need it and i'm not going to go any farther on this top simply because it um i don't want to go i don't want to go through so what do you say we experiment with some stains now let's try some stains and see exactly what we can do um i've never seen a guitar before so this is going to be a first version however i'm going to go with do what i think would work good so i'm going to tape off this binding and let's see how good we can make this thing work and um i know i keep coming back and touching up things but hey you know what gets me is how easily this binding sands and i do like that okay let me mix up some special brew and we'll start staining so we have the binding taped up and um i actually come up with a name for the guitar and we're going to call this guitar old number 47 because well i guess it's number 47 so that's the theme we're gonna roll with this with so old number 47. i'm not worried about the edge binding because it's going to be sanded back down to white let's get some black on here and then um to bring out that that uh plain top so i've mixed up some food coloring yes food coloring trick we used to do with drums food coloring um let me see if i can find my gloves and what i'm doing is just folding up a paper towel and as you can see we got some black food coloring and some water over here i'm not sure really the mixture we're gonna go a little light and we're gonna see let's see that's almost a blue right which is very pretty very pretty color blue but it's not going to stay blue because we're going to sand this i don't want to put it on too thick here i'm going to sand this i'm hoping that's not glue because if it is then i got to go back and do that again and what appears to be it might be glue so okay we'll let this sit for a second and this is also raising the green as you can see and then we're going to go back through and sink we're going to do some experimentation with this guitar so let that dry for a second we'll come back let it dry looks really cool right now doesn't it guys that's not the color it's gonna be though this is just the uh the first step and i know you guys think that looks amazing but i mean it does look pretty cool except for this section here and i want to say that that's glue in there but i'm not really sure right there sorry guys it got carried away i thought the camera was rolling and applying my outside base color i'm pulling it pretty thick okay now we're gonna change up colors guys and we have two here we have a lemon and buttercup and i am thinking we do a buttercup into the lemon let's see how this works out here so i'm gonna try not maybe we should mix it let's mix it with some water to see what we got first and then i rather under do it than overdo it so let's see what we got here lock this on here maybe get in here let's see what we can do so i'm trying to burst this in a little bit here and what we do is we're going to blend this and i'm going to blend it and get it wet blend it in with the black hope you guys can see that green coming out feed it in a little bit we're gonna have to do something right definitely here the blue is not staying guys this is just a back color but now we're gonna get into a whole different color which is going to be a lemon yellow and i think i'm going to lay the lemon yellow on heavy so let me cut that open i'm going to lay this lemon just like this yes and run this all together and i hope you guys are getting the gist of the old school look i'm going for here i do have a spot that i'm going to have to contend with i'll let that tiger come out let that tiger come out there we go now i think my camera is looking a little bit green but it's not very cool right so i'm gonna have to contend with this spot over here definitely so let's see what we got going on i'm gonna work on some sanding there and i'll be right back so very unique i know this looks like it's um it looks like it's more green on camera for some reason but there's a lot of yellow to this and i wonder if it has to do with the tape that's around the edge we're gonna do some sanding on this after this sits for a little bit and um i'm blending we blend sometimes i use my fingers to blend you can see that green come out so that's what i'm doing blending blending my blending so here we go we'll let this dry and then we come back and we sand again and then we do the back whatever color i decide to do and it's going to require of course more and more and more sanding and there's debris on it right now because it's sitting you get an idea of the type of burst i was going for and it's more yellow it's yellow now i hope you can see that green tape on the side makes everything appear green but it's uh going to be very unique so let's get this finished and i'll see in a minute here we are i'm still laughing right now because it looks so green on camera right now and it's yellow it's uh it's almost a dandelion yellow in the middle it's it's but a camera i'm laughing because it's green a lot of that's the light that i have on it i i figured out what and i hope you bear with me because i'm cooking dinner in the background and sharing my evening with you we're gonna we're experimenting this is an experimentation guitar and we're going to also use some wood finish with this now wood finish this is an espresso and i want to add espresso on top of this to make it kind of a tobacco color that's my goal anyhow so if it works i don't know i've never done it um something i've always wanted to try so i'm going to try it right now and we're going to open up this can of espresso and i want to do this kind of before it's fully dry to make it blend this is a darker this is the color that the back of the guitar is going to be entirely and as well as the neck which we have not sanded yet so let's get i know it's messy but i like to use paper towels and i don't care if it gets on my hands because that's the name of the game right so let's take a little bit of this espresso let's get this up here let me get that on this paper towel and we're going to rub this espresso into the edge and this is a stain so let's start with the edge and this should really blend everything quite nicely if it goes on other woods but i've never done it with these colors before so that's what i'm trying to do a little espresso blending run right over here espresso come on there we go now let's put the espresso on the guitar sand it in a little bit yes that's the look i'm going for there we go you see that yellow hue in the background here this is what we want this is what we were looking for yes michael now so um still may have to clean up some spots that look like it has some glue we're gonna come back and i'm gonna sand this again lightly try to bring out some more grain which is working sometimes you can't be afraid to experience it can't be afraid to get in there and get a little dirty and try it because this is actually looking very very cool beautiful now do you see what look where we're going for isn't that amazing let's get some things out of the way because now we know the direction we're going so i hope you guys can see this isn't that beautiful that's cool right okay so at least i think it's cool it might not be cool for everybody old number 47 here is doing well black hole son number 47. okay so we're going to slip this over on its back let's we're going to peel this tape off right now i was trying to avoid the binding but i'm not going to worry about it well we're going to sand it anyhow right just sand it and take this tape off and it might not look as green as it looked before very cool okay very very cool let's flip it over and let's take some sandpaper and get some of this stuff that i messed up off okay now once again take a fresh paper towel and we're going to start steaming the back why am i doing it so fast well because a lot of us don't have time to do things and to take a lot of time to do things so this is why um in the life experiment because again this is espresso and how is espresso going to take to stay how is that going to look look at this guys what a beautiful color very 70s very beautiful and i am happy with it let's get in here yeah i'm gonna stick away for the details okay let's do our edges and this expresso sir very unique very unique kind of reminds me of a pdp you guys are drummers a pvp drum kit concept maple kinda what it reminds me of so there we go there we are so we gotta wait for this to dry and we will continue this tomorrow and um hopefully you guys are liking this so far and i'll work on the neck tonight i'll get that sanded and stained and uh we'll have a ready to rock and roll guitar here pretty soon so blink of an eye for you and overnight for me see you in a second so my number 47 is drying i went ahead and took some time to start this headstock and um i'm liking what uh i like the vibe it's putting down what i've done is as you can see was we stained it and i did a sanding around the edges to give it a binding look but it's just uh just a scuff up and it gives it a little rustic look we got everything else taped off because that's all we're doing because i'm just gonna have a fast neck here and um i thought you guys might appreciate that pretty cool right and matches the body um i could go a little darker on it i may blend it out a little bit in the center um so but i want to just touch base on that and now it's time to set it up until morning a little more progress before i call it quits cleaning up the binding a bit we'll finish sanding the binding a little bit tomorrow and now that it's drying you're getting an idea of that beautiful color that's coming through and i kind of tossed in the pickups to sit them in there so you guys could see exactly how it's going to look and um just letting it dry i got the paper towel on the other side because i'm trying to suck out whatever impurity is on that spot but how about that color how about that color stunning to me what a tiger stripe right and you can you see that tobacco color now okay so here we are the very next morning last night at about midnight i decided to clamp on the neck um that's pretty self-explanatory guys um i didn't have to do any shimming so this is just a glue in process using gorilla wood glue and as you can see it's still clamped i like to keep them plant for about 24 hours um some people only used to do it for a few hours but as you can see the tops turning out very nice i still have some sanding i have to do over here i can touch this up later um we're going to be cleaning up this binding now and taping off the binding is something that's really hard to do getting a nice edge they do actually make a special tool but of course i'm not going to purchase it i use a razor blade and the binding scrapes really really easy and i'm going to show you how to do that here so what we do is i'm going to clean up this so we can get some really sharp edges just use my finger as a guide and you'll see that that binding you can get right up close to the wood cleans up so nice you see that or not you can see the the white coming up and this is how i make the binding very clean to the top of the guitar and it might take you some practice and have some patience but this is what gives us a nice sharp edge around the guitar when we're done and just start out with a i start out with a new razor blade be careful you don't want to get into your the finish of the guitar but as you can see some spots have some stain on it and this takes it right off because you're actually scraping the binding let me see that edge looks really good now so let's see here if i can get in i'm going to come back here a little bit off camera guys so i can kind of show you and if you get a spot that's gives you a hard time just go over it would be very slow that really cleans up the edge a lot so there's a spot right here that is being difficult and we're going to fix it and make it so it's not that well there we are we have some bleed that's where we sharpen it up is where we have the bleed sometimes it takes a couple passes in a spot to get it and this is very important for you to finish product and then we go and we do the fat side after we do the top side and there's a lot of professionals out there that do a have special tools and they do a fantastic job and they can do this lickety-split there's a people who literally do this all day long to guitars but it's really sharpening this edge up a lot see that coming off so this is making it white again and smoothing it now what i do beforehand is i go around with a little thinner to make sure most of the stain is taken off the binding sanding the binding never works for me this is the easiest fortunately while i have never built a guitar before i have worked on binding before and if you can see you see the stain right in this area there's some stain on here and this will take it right off and i rotate my blade around so i have to keep it kind of nice and sharp if it starts getting dull on you grab another one but this is where the detail really shows in the finished product and this is why i went with a binding because it just looks so good when they're done if i have to go over a few spots i never start in the same spot i always drag it back so we don't have a big indentation nice and sometimes you just get on a roll and it starts going and then we're going to run it same thing right up the edge flat board and hopefully you don't catch any frets because if you do you need to i need to redo your frets because that's a good sign your friends are not quite right yet i don't want to scratch the fretboard for sure but what i do want to do make that nice and make that weight pop again now i haven't decided what i'm going to do with the back of the neck yet whether i'm going to leave it the other thing i'm not sure yet so a lot of people here are going oh no i cannot do that to my guitar it's not that hard just take your time as you can see this side is way off so that's what i'm correcting decided to added to add a little little uh burst in here a little more burst that's what i'm doing right now we'll sand that all in here a little bit and we're blending right now blend it and um hopefully it looks great when we're done hopefully i'm kind of digging it later towards the center and then we sand it down and hopefully bring back some of the yellow again i'm really getting that tobacco color oh yeah very pretty and let's re-scrape our top edge again i just uh changed it on a whim because well i think it's cool okay so we are going to now the guitar is not finished by any means and i still got a straight bind my binding again i think i'm pretty happy with the finish how it's turning out i'm going to start test fitting stuff and getting some holes in this before we do our well our final finish on the guitar so we're going to install pickups and at least get the holes drilled um now you want to install these correctly so you'll have one pickup ring that's fatter than the other the thin one is the one that goes up towards the neck so the thin edge goes towards the neck and the wire will sit on this side and your fat you see that your fat one your fat edge will go towards um back side of the guitar the base of the guitar this way in this manner and the wires will be concurrent to what direction they're running through the body so you're going to have your pickup screws up here to the top and this one to the bottom so the first thing we're going to do is run see if we can get these wires down through these the cavities all are all drilled out so hopefully they slide right down through easily and they should yes there we go nice and easy so now we're gonna see how that pickup's gonna we want now we want that pickup up against that neck and it looks like it's going to sit just about where it needs to and then we're going to take this pickup and slide it through the hole and hopefully the other one will act kind of as a guide and so far so good sometimes we have to reach on the back side and grab it but i could see it in the cavity so i know i'm in the cavity so i'm going to pick the guitar up a little bit and reach grow in the cavity here and see if i can grab it here we are yep and pull it right out through and that is where i'll pull these screws out for now and get an idea of where it's going to sit so i'm going to turn this guitar and i apologize willy-nilly but i want to do is get an even spacing on the neck here and there we are make sure they're about lined up there so i'm going to start the top and hopefully this screws in without uh too much problem now what i'm going to i didn't drill these out because i always want these to be tight i'm going to try to start this without drilling it i hope that makes sense to you guys there we are we always want these to remain nice and tight and i'm not putting any pressure on the neck just so you know it's sitting on a pad on the bottom i'm not going to tighten that i just kind of snugged it make sure we're still up against the neck these are all this will all come apart again shortly but we can we can um make sure we got everything for one make sure everything's there to wire it for two and test fit everything and have all the holes pretty much ready to go after the final finish i know this is a long video and i've skipped some processes because i've changed colors on this a few times and i say changed i've changed variations and i did the back of the neck which i was not going to do but i did it and i did it in kind of a red first and then put an espresso over the red kind of matches the way that's in the burst here okay so i only got one more to go so i'm going to start tightening these down in the order it's just snug in the order that i did them just snug just snug they fit nicely they look good i already killed the plastic off if you're wondering why they got fingerprints on them i peeled the plastic off already just wanted to see what they look like pretty much we can adjust our heights on them later on providing providing the strings pass over everything okay that is actually looking very good i'm impressed with that so normally i would take a straight edge and line these up with a straight edge and there's a lot of room to work with but what i'm going to do is kind of press this up to the top because it's nice and even this way and i'm going to make sure double check down upon it yes about right there use this pick guard as a straight edge i guess boom beautiful okay so we're going to start one in the same process wrong screwdriver though so you don't want to drill these out you don't the drill can just kind of overdo it on you you really make things uh difficult let's see make sure we're still lined up we are okay sometimes you get a little it's a little iffy but this this these screw in nice these are pretty much self tap so this is all being done mostly from the kitchen because a lot of people don't have a space or a shop i have a shot but i figured why not do this right here in the kitchen to show people i want to make sure that i'm getting this straight that is not straight so let's get it straight let's get it right mike okay a lot of times if you want to give it a tap with a little brass hammer you can do that to start it i'm just kind of eyeballing it where to wing it there we go i don't have this one tight over here so it's moving around more than it should i'm just gonna snug these ones up obviously what i did before don't take this as an example and so far we've had all the parts that we need i thought i was missing a couple of these uh surround screws but i ended up finding them they were just in a different bag in these parts when i said so the bridge is in pieces so the intimidation is literally from scratch you have to put the keys in i call them keys and uh put the spring in so basically you gotta build your bridge i'm not gonna use that bridge i might for now but i'm gonna change it out because i don't like it they tend to rattle the way these ones are there and i hope you guys can see that but what a difference right i mean that's looking pretty so what else do we got to do well we're gonna do this pick guard and hopefully i gave myself room to do it and i did i should have tested that first so you can learn by my mistake but anyhow our pick guard's gonna go right there we're gonna have to drill a hole for that there is a bracket so we can actually take care of that right now also a lot of people would just finish this guitar leave it flat and roll with it which is a cool look but i'm not going to do that let me go grab the uh the bracket for this and we'll get that on so if my phone keeps beeping i apologize but anyhow we got this here's your bracket simply goes on here it's fully adjustable you got a little screw that goes through here and then you have a nut that goes on the other side normally there should be a little washer this one does not have it but however we are not going to worry about it i may end up changing these pick guards out anyhow do something a little more and i won't want to see quality because i mean this cream color looks good down here in here it does we'll tighten this up afterwards so we'll get this kind of in place here now there's a variety of screws that come with us and nothing is labeled so you're going by guess where things go here so how high do we want our pickguard well kinda looks like it's gonna be just below the binding right there so i'm gonna attempt to do this the same way the thing is we got a variety of screws we have a lone screw right here and we have all these variety of screws and some of these should be for we have our screws for the for the strap and then we have a variety we need our jack to be in place so let me come out and see what we exactly what we're going to need here because i believe that this is the screw for here and if that's the case i may drill this out a little bit so let me check and count and make sure we've got just like i said there is no literally no direction and pay no attention to the stain on the binding that will be getting scraped off so unless i'm missing something we should be okay so this takes four so we'll put four over there this takes three and pull put three there this takes four and we put four there and then we have a one here which means i need to know what this one goes to i can't see using this long one right here unless it ever did not work oh okay wait a minute yes that is the long one so there's two so this will be the long one this will be the short one so let's set this in place here maybe sometimes we gotta check stuff out and make sure right so we take that start this one i want to start so kind of pulls it over a little bit here there we are nice to have all of our holes um although i had it or tapped out ahead of time before clear coat there i think that's where that one goes yes yes yes okay and that seems like it should have a little bit of a bit of a i don't know maybe that's not the one let's let me see what we got here because that's no i guess it is okay all right yep that's the one just looked a little odd to me looked a little big but no that's the one so there we go so that is set there now we just adjust we just did i can't wait for this thing to completely dry so we can give it a final sand and get the finish the clear coat on it now i'm going to be honest with you as far as clearing this goes i'm hearing conflicting stories i i believe we should clear the binding also not on the neck but on the body so that's probably that's probably what i'm going to do yes look at that isn't that beautiful okay now this should theoretically tighten a bit we might have to get in there with a wrench but we get you get the gist of it how does that look guys not too bad right okay like i said there's your wires coming down into the hole okay so i'm going to flip this over on its face it's got a nice weight to this guitar too i don't think i've mentioned the weight it really feels like a les paul weight so that's good all right so let's tuck those in we're going to have to be doing wiring later on but let's tuck those in and let's check this plate and see how it fits or if it fits it should be tapered it is and that's where that's going to go so let's start them and i'm going to start across from each other let's start them you know what i could do if this bit works it things like easier this may make life a bit easier you don't want to over tighten so we'll set it to its minimum setting let's go for it kind of line it up here kind of where it goes say kind of where it goes man i don't want to scratch my guitar hold up but we don't have a level surface on the other side i might have to do this just you know i could i know we're gonna let's do the same thing we did with the big hole and um make a little a little pilot just a starting point starting reference point that way we know everything's going to fit right and correct so now theoretically this should go in yes now we can change it out and put our regular bit on do i suggest doing it this way no i would do it by hand if i was you but we're not each other and that's why because i just slipped that these are just gonna have to come right back out anyhow because we're gonna do some wiring i but that's on so much better just gentle gentle gentle as they said there we go and that's what i did with the neck if in case you guys are wondering there you are not too bad not too bad at all still got a blemish in the top and i can't get rid of it i can't sand it out without going through the veneer it's a flaw um that obviously was on the guitar and it's over here but it's a characteristic so we're going to keep it um other than that everything's going pretty smooth now let's try this this uh if we can get are you still in focus here guys um this is jack and this is going to curve that way i believe yes just like that so let's kind of start this i hope that's the way [Music] there's that one beautiful immediately i'm gonna cross it up here to make sure that the other ones just line up the hard part of this build is going to be let's say a hard part the finishing it sucks but um the hard part is going to be i don't know if it's how hard it is but getting the screwing in the bridge in the saddle because there's no holes for it i got a drill out for the bridge and saddle which is kind of crazy right and all this stuff keep in mind this is all coming apart again i'm just tapping out the holes there we go and now we have that like i said pay no attention to the stain on the binding that will be getting taken care of okay so there we go now we need to put on our sling mounts and i think these insulation things go on the inside like this i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure it goes like this so let me do a little bit of research to make sure i'm putting these on properly and the location is proper and i will be right back so we got one strap button on and simple really fast i just wanted to make sure it was in the right location about this area right here just wanted to make sure and i don't know if this is where the les paul original ones go i believe it is but we're just going to do a dead center definitely dead center of the guitar um so i'm just gonna that center would be right here i'll mark it in the center i can actually i'm gonna say i'm gonna go by the flame top so it's aesthetically correct i'm gonna put a little mark right there and now i know where it's gonna go so let me find my screws wherever they may be and um we'll put this button on there it is so so far so good and i'm gonna have to lower this a bit and bring it back so i can get the drill on it you guys probably can't see this but i got the drill maybe you can you'll see here in a second very dead center right that's center and i'm not putting much pressure on it beautiful and there that is sweat button installed the hand strap button installed so it's becoming a guitar now and that's the cool part still a lot of finishing and wiring to do but it's looking pretty cool we still have to drill out for our tuners let's uh let me cut and come back and we'll get started on that okay now i'm not going to use the tuners that came with it i have some bikers that i'm going to use so let's uh install these and get them kind of in place where we want them and [Music] we'll line them all up make sure everything looks good just so our holes are there once again and as you can see i got these nice brass washers that are really gonna set it off on the other side let's get these all on there and then we can there's nothing worse than willy nilly tuners now let's start them and then we'll screw them in and make it pretty i won't bore you with this i'll be right back okay as you can see they're on they're all willy-nilly now what you're going to want to do normal size on the other side is usually a 10 mil and you want to go down the other side tighten them up snug them it's going to make your life a lot easier in the back when you get ready to put your screws in snug them up so they're not moving all over on you then we can align these things now a lot of people align these in different ways i like them perfectly straight up and down so that's what i am going to do so i'm going to move this guitar so i can get a good bird's eye view of it here as i drop the tool here but i want a good bird's eye view and uh kind of get it or i think it looks right now i can tell that these holes were drilled perfectly across from each other which always sucks but i've seen worse so i guess we could we could do with the gibson way but no let's uh i just want him straight let's put them straight with each other that's what we want to do i'm going to scrub a straight edge to make sure they're as close as possible to up and down that's actually not bad right there i'm sorry i you can't see me um i can turn you now though put you here where you can see me and there we are let me grab a straight edge okay so what i want to do is just make sure they're straight with each other now they're not going to be perfectly lined up because well the headstock's not perfectly lined up there is a gap or a space if you will and that bottom one needs to straighten out a touch with the top there we go and now that's not looking too bad right there so now we're going to put our screws in and you'll have to bear with me because this is maybe a slow process i don't want to put any undue stress on the neck doing this and once you do this there's no going back so i'm gonna look at it and see if i'm happy with it and i don't think i am i think sometimes you have to split the difference on things to give you there we go there's that one looks a lot better i have seen a lot worse than this and that's that's the truth and i'm sure you guys have two so but i'm gonna have to push down on this neck and i don't like doing that but we do what we got to do [Music] there is one and i'm hoping this doesn't poke through the other side that'd be horrible right it won't there's one snug not tight this is not not tight okay and so snug not tight i'm gonna have to put these in and i gotta shut the camera off because or stop it for a second guys because i gotta rearrange so i'm on the last two and i'm gonna give you guys a little tip that i learned when you start it out put it on your screwdriver give it a good get it where you need it okay make sure you're still kind of level where you need to be down through there give it a good push down and it's in that soft wood that's fine before you start it and when you start this do not bottom it out do not tighten it because what that does is it will draw your tuning peg over to whatever side even though you're straight the force will draw it down so when it just starts to touch the base of the tuning key right there that's when you stop so we got one more to put on and i need to find the uh the screw i have more screws i just wanted to use a particular one there it is right there okay once again i double check as you can see it's pretty well lined up and you put it where it needs to go give it a press hand on one side of the the other side of the stud give it a press and we start to tighten it it draws itself in make sure you're straight not up and down because you're coming at an angle but straight with going straight into the headstock there we go now we flip it over and as you can see there's the the brass i was telling you about there no i haven't haven't done the nut yet the nuts pretty simple as long as it's a decent nut it should be pretty simple um so i'm going to come through here give these by hand a good snug with a 10 mil make sure there we are now let's move on to the knot so we're all over the place here and must be we did the neck right because it ain't going nowhere i've been grabbing it by it all day okay so here's the nut obviously a plastic knot it seems like it's gauged out pretty good and i want to see how it fits and surprisingly it is the right size wow and very close to the right height however i will give it a little bit of a sand because it'll help the glue stick so put this place this on a flat surface like so give it a little sand on the bottom i'm not gauging it guys so a lot of you would uh gauge it but it looks really close to me and that looks actually really good so i take my sandpaper come in here and do the same thing now just little holes right here a lot of people don't realize this i had a buddy show me this some of these there's holes these holes is where you put your glue so you're not getting it all over so i'm gonna go over here you could use wood glue if you wish i'm going to use some clear gorilla glue and be done with it i get the top off it's proper and even on the fretboard yes that actually sits really actually pretty nice i'm going to save one more part here real quick don't take much to stand these very good i want this perfect so hopefully this glue comes out here come on gorilla and we'll be patient i don't want this so strong that you never can get it off a lot of people do that where those holes are and it puts the barrier don't need a lot puts the barrier where those holes are so when it pops off those three when you need to get your nut off those three spots a lot of people use wood glue and 50 water too by the way that works sit that on there make sure it's flush and that was what i didn't tell you guys it is flush on each side so they didn't make it correctly very very cool yes indeedy so that should be all that it takes right there no i'm not being pretty i know i know nothing pretty about it but it is now level what each side should be yes there we are wonderful and i can tell through the tape that it's right okay i'm not gonna go crazy sticking this down with the tape guys but our nut is now on and we're turning into a guitar i am not doing this truss rod cover so we don't have to worry about that next thing we'll do is install the switch which i believe is over here someplace if i am not mistaken yes there it is there's our switch so simple just test fitting rhythm and trouble okay so we can take this and pop this right should go right up through oh i can't we got the cover on we have to wait on that listen let's let that nut dry up and then we'll start wiring this thing up and um at least mock wire it up so we know we got everything before we get this thing off to clear coat [Music] you
Views: 153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY les paul build kit, ebay guitar kit, amazon guitar kit, Les paul guitar kit, gibson les paul, gibson, chibson LP, LP build kit, how to build a les paul guitar, guitar kit diy, diy guitar, slash Les paul, How to finish a guitar, How to scrape guitar, guitar kit, diy guitar kit, cheap guitar kit, good cheap guitar kit, How to instal a guitar bridge, Ebay Les paul, how to build a les paul guitar kit, guitar lit, guitar kit review, Diy guitar
Id: 0K2_L_yP_vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 36sec (4356 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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