Les Baer Premier ll 560 round break-in

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alright hello Patriots welcome to the first video of my new channel today for the first video we're gonna be highlighting this big dog right here it's the les baer premier - and this one has the adjustable rear sight the front side is is just black serrated so when it's going to jump right into it so as you can see over here my carry gun this is the Springfield Armory trp fantastic gun I'll do a review and shooting video on that pretty soon but I just wanted to highlight some of the things about this les baer so this is my first custom 1911 and as with all custom 1911's there is a lot of hoopla and whatnot surrounding these things and you know my expectations were really really high when I bought this I bought it on December 9 2018 so about five months ago and one thing that I'm always curious about when somebody has a custom 1911 is well one thing I want to know is where did you get it and how much did you pay for it so I bought this off of Bud's gun shop they had them in stock so I didn't have to wait three four five six months to actually put an order in and then take delivery from les Bader and believe it or not this was one thousand eight hundred fourteen dollars out the door I live in Texas so there was no shipping or it was free shipping and there's no tax so I think it was a really really fantastic price for this gun now getting back to the kind of the mystique in the and kind of the build up for this thing took it to the range with the intentions of putting the 500 grams through it that les baer recommends as the as the break-in and I actually put 560 rounds through it and in the 560 rounds there were zero malfunctions with this thing which I was expecting some malfunctions in during the the break-in period but there were zero none not even a hint of a malfunction and I can tell you that the accuracy was really really good right out of the box just empty in the first few magazines and then add around the 300 mark I don't know the exact number but all of a sudden it just started shooting like just phenomenal phenomenal groups I'm not that good of a pistol shooter but this thing makes me look almost like an expert lot of that yes does have to do with the trader we'll get to that in a little bit but yeah about 300 round mark it just it was hard to not put bullets in or near the the same hole which was a really really outstanding really eye-opening and the one thing about about this gun I'm not gonna really do a comparison but just real quick this and the in the TRP kind of shooting them side-by-side the recoil impulse is smoother I guess it's kind of hard to explain unless you actually actually feel it but it's um I don't know it's not as jarring not that the 45 ACP is a jarring cartridge to shoot it was just much more controllable I guess and and then we just just smoother overall kind of hard to to really explain that but as you can see there's the muzzle in kind of dirty you can see the barrel hood there it's got a lot of residue carbon buildup over here on the back we see a little bit more and this is what 560 rounds looks like she a lot of fingerprints and a little bit of oil you can see some skin right there probably where my you know when I ride my thumb up here and one thing also during the break-in I did keep it running this thing pretty wet with what break free break free CLP which was which is what les baer recommends and let's go ahead and do a quick safety check here so I am running the all these are Wilson combat the elite tactical magazines and I think there's the other six eight rounders and two ten rounders and again no no malfunctions and all of these magazines weren't really just fantastic so let's go ahead and open this guy okay nothing in the mag well and the chamber is empty so we are safe the safety on this of course it's on both sides when I first got it it was almost impossible to engage it was really really stiff but you know at the range and well anywhere you know load this thing up and then boom immediately goes on on safe obviously ready to shoot goes off safe and now it's tough that that's nice and broken in so I'm not sure how many rounds it took wasn't really paying attention to that not enough like I was the accuracy the finish is of course blue really beautiful beautiful finish its Matt here up on top and give this the CITES so this isn't my carry gun this is just like just to have type gun so I actually prefer these these sights the adjustable in the rear that's serrated and just a front post that's serrated that and it's obviously black on black now my carry gun the TRP it of course has night sights comes with night sights but for target shooting I prefer these sights and they're they're really really outstanding really crisp sight picture and I like that it that it's adjustable and as a side note the ammo I used was the Remington UMC 230 grain hardball and also the CCI blazer brass hardball and this thing just loved that blazer brass ammo again 2:30 hardball really really outstanding accuracy like I said around the 300 markets when it when it improved I mean it was noticeable not that it was you know spraying the the target you know before those 300 rounds but this is this definitely exceeded all of my expectations during those five hundred sixty rounds and it has these the check ring so it's thirty lines per inch one thing that's again I'm not going to don't really want to do a comparison but one thing about this compared to the TRP and also I've got a Kimber that's that's not pictured here going from transition to the grip to the front strap it's nice and smooth if you can see that there's on the TRP and the Kimber there's like a like a valley right there and then the grip comes up and as soon as you put this thing in your hand it's immediately noticeable that is just there is no transition there as far as a step or the if that's not explaining that right where this is a little narrower and this is a little taller with this it's nice and blended and it's very very very comfortable that along with the with this high right safety here I mean you can get a really really high grip on this thing really really high grip and one thing that obviously it's contributing to the accuracy now we've got a snap cap in here all right so the trigger we all know about 1911 traders especially custom 1911 traders and this one breaks at 3.75 pounds every single time and let me do this right so if you can see here and it is pointed in a safe direction and we do have a snap cap in there very very short travel as expected and like I said 3.75 pounds on the pull so really really outstanding like I said it's just it's it's very hard to miss with this thing and the the furthest distance I chose 15 yards started at 7 worked out to 15 and then kind of alternated back and forth between 7 and 15 yards and just like I said outstanding exceeded all of my expectations and it really you can really see the difference as far as as price goes again I'm gonna I can do a comparison video if you guys want to do a like a side-by-side comparison of these two but this one is just you can tell it's just very well put together not that this one isn't this is a fantastic pistol in its own right but golly you put this thing in your hands after this and it's just dumb it's just totally totally different and you will you'll see immediately what your extra whatever it was thousand dollars $800 whatever the differences in these two that that money was very very well spent when I was telling you guys about this thing take this magazine and I'm gonna break this thing down so according to les baer within the first 500 rounds like if you go to the range and shoot 200 and then next week you shoot 100 and then the next week after that you shoot another 200 we're not supposed to break it down during the break-in period so obviously I went out and then one day did 560 rounds but I was waiting to shoot this video before I actually broke it down so let's let's break this thing down and see what the what the internals look like okay um yeah this sucker is tight that took a little bit longer than expected definitely everything is definitely hand fitted and very very tight alright first thing we'll look at the frame here see some of the residue right there see some more right here really beautiful where right here really really nice look at the other side nice where right there like I said this thing is dirty that's again guys that is 560 rounds worth of just dunk on this thing that's the frame and then the this thing right here Wow this thing is on there tight very very tight and I know that's one of the things that will contribute to the to the accuracy of the pistol though how the barrel bushing is fit and this sucker is tight and it took a took a little while to get that thing the out of the slide the plug or the plug we've got the got this spring action going here spring again looks good five hundred sixty rounds slide stop right there this thing is was really tight to inside that inside that barrel link so that took a little bit of a little bit of tapping to get that out again very very tight fit and now we have the barrel so see the the way it's wearing up there offer the bushing looks like really really even where look at that that line stops right there and on this side it stops right there very very nice nice where there's the loves the hood link again you can see how how dirty this thing is I mean it's good it's just that CLP income just all over it on that barrel obviously is dirty five hundred sixty rounds dirty so we're gonna get this thing all cleaned up and prettied up and then we'll put it back together so give me just a second alright guys there she is back from the stay at the spa looking all nice and pretty and shiny and clean and just ready to go for another who knows how many thousands of rounds so really really nice finish on this thing so just from some final thoughts this is the definitely the most money I've ever spent on a not a rifle I've got some some kind of high-dollar rifles definitely the most exposed ever spent on a handgun definitely worth it and actually at eighteen hundred and fourteen dollars I'm actually considering this of bargain it's like I said it's very very smooth shooting extremely accurate it's one of those things where yeah it's gonna be a lot more accurate than I am again this thing made me look like like a superstar and a lot of it yeah is that the hand fitting and just the overall tightness of everything the barrel to the bushing bushing to the slide the lugs the barrel to the slide and of course that traitor I mean 1911 triggers a tune trader customer trader is just man it's just hard well you can't beat it and as as we progress you know with the channel you'll see I I own mm peas and own Glocks and I own a XDM and some other some other handguns as well and a bunch of rifles so you'll see all those on the on the channel and I am on Instagram so check me out there one in the chamber 1911 is my Instagram handle and you can see some of the some of the other firearms that I own and I'll do long range stuff you know how to thousand-yard stuff I'll do I'm not I'm not a tactical guy I'm not qualified to do any of that stuff I do practice you know I do I do well in Texas it's license to carry I do have a LTC so I do practice as often as I can you know at a closer range at 3 7 15 yards but I'm pretty handy with one of these things I can definitely do a you know self-defense type accuracy with without any problem and like I said final thoughts this thing is absolutely worth every penny all of the the hype and all of the just the kind of preconceived things that I had in my mind about this thing were we're all true and then some definitely exceeded my expectations and you know I know there's ed Brown out there there's Wilson combat there's nine and probably a bunch of other ones there's a few things that that kind of made me decide on les baer as opposed to those other brands which everything that I have ever seen in red for the most part you know those brands are all outstanding and I'm sure I would not have been disappointed with any of those brands but the one thing about the the les baer is I know that and again I'm not I I can't speak from experience I can only go by what you know what I've read in the videos that I've seen but I know that there are times I wouldn't say a lot of times but you know comments that I see that when you call up les Bayer the company a lot of times les baer the man answers which is which really says something about about the company and I know that again just hearing things on the reed and things on forums and seen things and videos I know that they do stand behind their product again I know if all the other guys do and they should you know if you're charging two three four thousand five thousand dollars for a 1911 you better stand behind that because if you don't you're probably not going to be in business for very long the other thing that that really drew me to les baer is what I consider to be a pretty high value item again this was eighteen hundred and fourteen dollars I'm gonna say that over and over and over again and that kind of with with those other names that I mentioned in the custom 1911 field this is a probably low end as far as price goes so that's the other thing that drew me to this you know I want to kind of get my feet wet with a with a custom 1911 and like I said I am just beside myself with this thing it is extremely extremely accurate again 560 rounds zero malfunctions not even the hint of alpha very very impressed the recoil impulse is is so so smooth it's so controllable trigger of course the triggers fantastic it's going to be fantastic on on a custom 1911 be checkering again I'm not trying to do a comparison the TRP has 20 lines per inch this one has 30 I like the 20 because it is really really abrasive I wasn't quite sure that I was gonna like the 30 I mean I felt it but it's different handling something in a gun store as opposed to actually on the range and shooting you know four or five 600 rounds I really like this 30 lines per inch more than the 20 it just it's not abrasive but at the same time it's it's pretty much stuck to your hand and the other thing I didn't mention again this is a custom 1911 it's got the high cut right here on the on the frame and as far as you know doing stuff to this there that doesn't need to be anything done to it the only the only thing I'm going to switch down it's really cosmetic is I'm going to get a pair of custom grips for it nothing crazy looking or outlandish I'm sure it's gonna be wood it's gonna be I want something a little bit lighter again that that's you know that's just that's just cosmetic these wood grips are a little bit dark they do have some really really nice diamond cut checkering on them and it's it's kind of a pretty sharp so it definitely stays in your hands and I'll be looking for something similar to that again just something in a little bit lighter wood kind of set it off against the bluing and again the mags you know Wilson Combat elite tacticals this is probably what everybody uses kinda seems to be the world standard for magazines and again they they all function function flawlessly just like the pistol did again can't say enough good things about this pistol I am really happy with it definitely exceeded my expectations and in the upcoming videos you'll see me actually shooting this thing so you guys can actually see the accuracy in real time and again the furthest that I will shoot is is 15 yards so I'll be at 7 and 15 yards and at some point I will do a kind of side-by-side comparison with the TRP so hopefully that'll be a video that'll be useful to some of you guys because this is obviously you know a custom 1911 and this one is toted as a semi custom 1911 and in a lot of circles it's considered one of the one of the better or one of the best semi custom 1911's and that's a fantastic pistol I really can't say anything negative about that in fact it's so fantastic that this is actually what I what I would bet my life life on if it ever came to that hopefully I and you guys will ever be in that situation but if I ever am this is it this is the one that's that's going to get the nod anyway if you guys have any questions comments leave those down below and again I am on Instagram one in the chamber 1911 is my handle and you can see a lot of my other guns featured on there I got some long-range Ray's and shotguns lots of handguns and you'll see more more video reviews coming up not just tabletop here but actually at the range in shooting and les baer make my head is off to you guys this is a fantastic pistol it's everything that it should have been plus a whole lot more really really happy with it alright guys thanks for watching
Channel: One In The Chamber 1911
Views: 14,289
Rating: 4.8269229 out of 5
Id: dtInvjB60Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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