Leonardo DiCaprio Recalls When Sharon Stone Once PAID For His Salary | E! News

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show Mei that's how you are I don't know what you said but it must have been Indian for handsome devil this is such a work and people are saying the best work of your career but I got to be honest with you I really feel like and I'm sorry Leo this never happens when you're in a room you stole the show you stole the show from Leo I mean what does this mean to you in this project what an incredible incredible undertaking by you thank you um yeah I mean I'm still a little perpetually stunned by it all myself but what it meant was an opportunity to I guess try and create a world try and create a character who being based on a real person to do so as I would expect somebody to come into my community and um great perhaps like playing my great-grandmother Lily who would have been Molly's contempor temporary um the way that I would have wanted somebody to operate in that instance is the way is what I charged myself with in making this and it's just it's incredible that this story that was just not known for so long that oage Community themselves wouldn't speak about um I've had F I've made so many very very close friends in oage country that I see regularly and some that are more in my generation say they grew up never even knowing who William hail was because the community just completely stopped talking about him cut him out of photos um so to have so many oage telling this story as well and to get to be a part of that and see this history have such a huge platform it's it's really it's really overwhelming and really exciting overwhelming is a great word to describe this film I mean it is just such a a difficult movie to watch and um as a first nation's woman myself I I feel like I am hoping that in the future of Hollywood we see native Joy instead of these horrible genocides because I feel like the story is always the same um is there a story that you have now that this film is such a hit and you're such a breakout star of it that you would love to tell and you would love to take to Marty or Leo and say okay let's do this one next where she is you know on fire and she's you know incredible and she's happy for sure and I already have this guy's immense support for a biopic that I want to bring out that showcases native joy and Native excellence in an area that we're not used to seeing and don't know I mean he loves Jazz and you know rag time that whole era of music so much I feel like your your spectrum is uh classic music from like the 20s 30s 40s or '90s hip hop Jam it's like there's no in between true but um yeah there's a the first woman to ever sing in front of a big band was a cordelan woman named Mildred Bailey I love it and that's that's a biopic that I would love that he also really wants to see and is being very encouraging Let's Do It um Leo it's crazy after all of these years and all these years sitting in junket rooms with you and seeing your movies and being and watching you win Awards and people love you to say like this may be the best work of your career I think you are phenomenal in this thank you much and do you ever just wake up in the morning and you're like tired of killing it that is hilarious yeah tone it down guy you know what it it's uh this is going to sound like a cliche which it is but this you know in a lot of ways this is not my job it's like a privilege and and ever ever since I got the the The Stroke of Luck to be able to be a working actor my whole game plan has been you know take advantage of this situation as best you possibly can and cuz you know I I I grew up in La most of my friends are actors and it's difficult to get your foot in the door so I just feel so honored to be able to like do what I do that's it I love my job and you're so good at it and I the ladies were telling me like to watch you switch from like Leo the friendly nice guy on set to like Leo the actor is like a switch that just happens like do you have to really think about it anymore are you able to to switch easily between like guy at craft services to like lead of this movie that is doing terrible terrible ungodly things I don't know like I kind of think of them as one and the same I don't think of having to portray a character in a certain way even if he is incredibly deplorable and reprehensible like my character of earnest means that that's a shift in me it's all it's all one and the same you know it's it's the creative process and this movie was this movie was something I'm so incredibly proud to be a part of I really really am and I know I know how much care especially Marty took and all of us took and really trying to tell the truth of of this story and really listen bring bringing the oage community as a part of it so you know this was a sort of push to side part of American history and it felt like you know we were honored to be able to tell this story so when you tell the truth as best you can it it's uh it's an easier thing than knowing in the back of your mind that you're trying to create um a character or a story that um that is just completely from your own imagination truth I love it all right so last thing I was recently with Sharon Stone trying to interview her and all she did was was talk about this movie she was like it's a cinematic Masterpiece and then she talked about her 25 minutes I was like Sharon I really need to talk about you but like that's fine we can talk about this movie um and she had mentioned again a story she told her in her Memoir about when and you were just saying you know it's a privilege to do this and not everyone gets so lucky when they didn't really want you for quick and the dead and she paid your salary and she said I want Leo I'm going to pay the salary have you sent her a thank you gift I've thanked her many times you have I don't know if I sent her an actual physical thank you gift but I cannot thank her enough can you like what is that that's such a crazy she was she was amazing she did that with myself and and Russell Crow at the time I think she saw our early work and I think it was Romper stomper and Gilbert Grape and she said these are the two actors I want to work with and you know it's incredible she's been a a huge champion of of of Cinema and giving other actors opportuni so I am very thankful I think this year is flowers it you know what you're absolutely tell your assistant in between these interviews be like Sharon's house she needs a double roses I was recently with Sharon Stone and I was trying to interview her and she would do a talk about this movie she was like it's a cinematic Masterpiece and then we basically her interview turned into a conversation about this movie um what does it mean to you to finally be able to be out in the world and be promoting this story which is kind of Bittersweet hard to promote you're excited about it but it's awful so yes I mean I'm I'm stoked because it's just it's F it's Fally we're getting the story told that needs to be told even though it's trauma and we see so much sadness in the world it's something that very much happened and these are real people with and it's still affecting them very much today so to have this story for the oage out to me just like means the world because this we all all of our different tribes all have different stories that are if not just like this very similar talk to me about the casting process when you get the call and team is like hey Martin scy wants to see you for a movie like what goes through your body and then how does that happen it was wild it it was um it was it was an email for I think all of us and it was just like you know da da Martin scires it's like all you see it pops out and you're like oh okay and you're like kind of prepping and then prior to that though we had a pretty extensive audition process so we were prepped a bit and like prepped a bit but nothing can really prepare you fully for like a Marty audition yes um but the audition process was it was awesome like there was an opportunity to meet every one of the girls and kind of you know bounce off another and see how we work together um and I've always said from the beginning like the casting was amazing like I think we look alike I think we like but yeah the casting was amazing and it was like a six or seven audition process I'd say wow and it was kind of cut into a little bit with CO as well we had like a very long period where we kind of had to wait because of Co and the production got stretched out for another year because of that so it was a lot of waiting and when we finally found out we were all so excited especially because a lot of us knew each other like Cara and I had already knew each other from previous project so I love it okay first Leonardo CAO movie you ever saw Romeo and Juliet of course classic Basketball Diaries oh my God for some reason Titanic's the only thing coming to my mind it's fine it's fine it was good Jack Dawson Jack Dawan and Leo in real Leo in real life versus Leo work life how what are the differences wow he's quite the character it's interesting to see him like switch it on and off because it's so direct like once you see him in scene versus like he can we can cut and then he's back to himself which is interesting cuz like when you have all these like Notions of his characters from before like I did I never met him before um it was so interesting to meet him in real life and see who he was I love this so much um I think that so my grandmother is First Nations um so I'm First Nation through familyit obviously um in Canada and I think the thing that I've talked about with my family in this movie is that it feels like First Nations people are always in these movies and these things in pop culture as you know these horrible genocides and these horrible do you think there'll ever become a day where a woman like you can just be the lead in a movie and the love interest and the sex symbol instead of it being a traumatic story I feel like you thought I was like oh yeah absolutely like you know like I'm I'm a writer and one of the reasons I started writing is because I'm reading these auditions that are just sexist and you know misogynistic and racist and I'm just like we can do better and so I it's basically I started writing that I'm like yeah I'm like we're we're going to be leads we're going they're going to show native Joy I mean come on that's what I'm saying like there's such a lack of that in in Hollywood and I feel like it could be our this movie and uh you know shows a very important story but it also made my heart break because you're just like this is just what PE the story that gets told over and over again and that's really hard okay last thing this is e- news bump it up native Joy um uh this movie you're going to be at the Oscars so I'm so excited I mean I'm allowed to say that you can't say that out loud but you're GNA be there I'm gonna be there it's GNA be great have you thought about fashion for award season yet yes okay you have definitely I love this have we had fittings already or you like I want to rep here I want to rep here I think I haven't addit fitting personally but like uh top priority is native designers um I think in my list personally but U if if you guys want to test or like do you I'm asking about going to the Oscars right now is your mind like blown you're like oh when I go to the Oscars it's kind of like this weird thing where we're like we'll see when we get there I think with like this whole strike and everything it always feels like it it's it's weird cuz it's like we we can do things but then it also they got taken away so it's kind of like are we going to have another strike or Co or you know oh God no we say that right no totally and I feel like the three of you together are going to be award season joy for me so this is I'm going to see you every week until March so see you when I see you and um we're going to have so much fun and congratulations on a beautiful performance really happy for you [Music] guys
Channel: E! News
Views: 107,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: E! News Now, LEONARDO DICAPRIO, LEONARDO_DICAPRIO, MOVIES, PARTNER AMAZON, SHARON STONE, SHARON_STONE, TOP STORIES, WOCHIT, E! NEWS NOW, Leonardo DiCaprio Recalls When Sharon Stone Once PAID For His Salary, leonardo dicaprio, leonardo dicaprio sharon stone, leonardo dicaprio interview, leonardo dicaprio movies, leonardo dicaprio new movie, leonardo dicaprio rapping, the quick and the dead, quick and the dead, killers of the flower moon, leonardo dicaprio killers of the flower moon
Id: 5fZ530noSiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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