leonardo dicaprio funny moments

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same director taken an interesting take on each young Leo and now old Leo went viral during the Golden Globes for this moment him reacting to Lady gaga as she went onstage to accept her Globe et got the real story from leo backstage after the show and your reaction to her can you imagine your reaction Lady Gaga is trending [Music] that's trending that's behind have a lot no no no no excuse me I have a lot to talk about and I have a lot to say I have many ways to they want to hear my opinions on the world and the world find it on excuse me so Darfur hello guys Rose Eunice first Kurdish choices here that one hp9 Berliner it's a good one right [Music] [Music] one of the engines and I was the I was the only person there that seemed to see this but it was a flaming fireball and it was all Russian passengers and I kind of felt like I'd already died and gone to heaven because no one said anything and I was screaming at the top of my lungs what's going on here and people just kind of look back to me and the stewardess came and said we seem to have a slight problem here and the Russian guy finally said what is the problem he said well we we lost one of our engines and he said who knows how many engines did we have well we had to we proceeded to say that is not that is not good we re interested in learning English right now please tell me what you are paper heed to what it supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [Laughter] [Music] welcome to Moviefone unscripted I'm Lea already tip but a Caprio some real blood was spilled he broke a glass in this scene but kept on acting that's the fun part is watching their reactor boom what happened and then I opened my hand then blood starts pouring everywhere and I saw Jamie go and quit quitting like heads and then Leonardo DiCaprio is here hi leo I don't have a joke I just thought the ladies wanted to look at him for a second so look at you this affect your relationship off-screen well you got a little you were definitely rougher in bed I was really impressed I thought you really got that that and you know the neighborhood right I was like wow and but but then you got a little caddy and you know you know I just over coffee just little things it was just little things you know and that's the thing you really take your work home a key to me certainly in our relationship yeah and that's really intense I'm just talking about like you know being romantic I guess which is I guess I have a little of you're blushing I guess so I hate talk that's it [Applause] as they're weighted shirts you started off with the swag I know we can show them a little drawings we drive drawings of each other Brian is the famous artist and we always make fun of each other and portray each other silly satirical weight Leo's job on this set for some reason to make fun of me all day long Robert De Niro right there bit of a class clown and I can't happen with that sarcastic jerk it sounds well sarcastic jerk is right right it now there goes see like it thing Mad Max two men I mean that was a physicality what he had to do for long stretches of time an African man I don't know I really don't know how this dude he's a beast yeah really leo as you know is the latest hottest hunky of teen idol there is muscles look speaking of hunky huh they always like to be a teen idol Oscar Cameron uh I know well I see my pictures there and fun seeing those and uh I haven't really got the food I know the French people claim their food is the best in the world but it's not it's a lot of cheese a lot of crepes but Italian food is the best get some birds how you say birds in French what yo yo what's up with the Basu everyone's watching me put together this burger there's like a hundred people watch me 50 other stupid bird it's a certain freedom to watch his burden flight this birds sucks we're not allowed to film the Louvre nowadays is that the Kate yes it's gonna be all across the world millions people are gonna see it will give great publicity to this museum because I know it's been running a little low on sales lately say something to MTV in America was a tandem dive and I pulled the cord I looked and the chute was going like this whoa and I heard the I go oh blank Oh blank you know I I was like what you know he's like you know it's all tied up so he cut the cord we started plumbing the earth I had one of those you know flashes photo you know eight-by-ten glossies of my life in front of my eyes you know two years old eight years old you know ten did that really happen really happen you know then I didn't know there was a second shoe cold the second shoot that was clumped up as well so then I said oh wow now I'm really going to die do you have time to think yeah you have those moments it's going oh god well why do I have to die today why this have to happen you know this sucks I'm you know I'm 21 I didn't want to die always ask you when are you gonna get married and it's so annoying so I came here to save you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] right you gotta move along I have a lot no no no no excuse me I have a lot to talk about and I have a lot to say I have any ways to they want to hear my opinions on the world and the world fine and what did you find out to be the most interesting thing about shooting in those particular areas in parts of the world our woman is but you know I had some team falling short of box office records are you surprised or completely I just feel honored to be a part of something that I think so many people are related to in so many different ways you know I mean it's almost become a cultural type of film like an icon you know what I mean and it's something that I can tell my grandchildren about and it's a situation that you know I'm happy that I was a part of the movie that's that's the bottom line that's realistic let it take care I knew this was gonna happen if you got nominated but you don't have to pretend anymore your real actor now should be humble you should be gracious get it yeah I'm sorry I just I just got so excited you know I know I remember I'm good at my imitations of the cast and crew that's my whole deal did you do one fk'd Yeah right back from lunch did you enjoy it my lunch yeah pretty good luck what did you have what did I have some pasta and some pasta okay great great hey are we friends now yeah we're friends right mark do you accept me as your friend sure thank you as well g-great he's cooler now he's the cool [Music] I've been in this town for for 25 years and and you know this is the big show this is you know after after years and years of hard work this is this is the end of it all so it's it's bittersweet as well Leo if you could pick one song right now to describe the current mood that I feel at this very moment what would it be oh boy oh boy oh man that's that's a lot of pressure damn I want it I want to like scoot off and then come back and then tell you that I got to get a minute to think about you shirt as well do you think so you shot all them thank you very much and your hair is beautiful oh thank you your lipstick oh thanks you like I like your shoes Thanks and you're nice and tan oh yeah it's kind of going-away actually nice better thank you hey what's up welcome back I'm Daisy hanging out with Leonardo DiCaprio are you having a good time so yeah I'm really having a good time and really you know what's more fun to do like a really cool movie to do this show this show Daisy is it easy to get chicks actually Daisy are they all over you no actually it's hard for me to get a date right now I'm supposed to believe that I have my phone number is it one nine hundred five five five we're losing our connection Daisy I mean no we're not we had something really real going on I know but you're not with me anymore and I feel it I don't feel that relation oh well god wow that's a good grip yeah strong yeah I'm gonna get you some fruit don't be scared the carrot or the fruit definitely the fruit that's what you guys they're after huh there you go do you like carrots or not so much oh my god they're amazing yah yah either the bow or the a deck promenade port seen 72 the mount 94-96 which will come right back here to the port plug deck see 161 165 okay boat deployments Murdoch where the passengers etc if we have inclement weather we will start with scene 80 stage 2 which is Kate joining Julio for the rendezvous for the party to do he comes down and you run a moose with Evan Titanic Gary all clear now Jim all the boats here [Music] I well I did these Jack Nicholson I'm [Applause] [Music] this young girl came up to me with this real wild look in her eyes and clutched my leg and dug into my leg with all her might and I looked down at her and it was the most surreal thing in the world because it wasn't really about me or anything it wasn't I was trying to communicate what I was saying it's okay you can stand up I'll talk to you we'll have a conversation it was like no you know and that's when I realized that things were gonna be different I met the chief of all Chiefs and you know he didn't speak a word of English he was naked and he had his face painted and I was like wow man hear me I'm really gonna get to disappear this is amazing be communing with nature and his son was sitting next to me and you know we had an interpreter and he was talking to us about his village and everything and the son looked at me when Leonardo said yeah cuz DiCaprio ya Angus Titanic right yeah yeah that's that's me I really that's all I'm happy with you where's my phone who is it he loved that right wow that's fascinating I actually shut that off and it turned back on in my pocket I know I know I needed like some really cool hip hop's yeah like that you did I got to work on that one okay that's private number unfortunately can't disclose it on girlfriend own television hmm some girl I'm sure not it was literally a private [Laughter] [Music] it was absolutely mad they get a lot of fan mail I do I get gosh I'd say at least 300 letters a day and some things that I do on the set we call from the set we're not allowed to do this get the little letter that they give us no phone no hi Mary Ann you've been chosen to talk to Leonardo DiCaprio you know they're like you freaked out over that it's fun it's really fun to make them a little happy you know like oh they're good aren't they they taste like a campfire yeah see yeah it's it's breaking all you
Channel: TheDinosaur Gang
Views: 686,851
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Keywords: leonardo dicaprio funny moments, leonardo dicaprio, dicaprio, leonardo dicaprio funny, leonardo dicaprio funny moments oscar, leonardo dicaprio funny moments 2018, leonardo dicaprio funny moments 2019, leonardo dicaprio funny bloopers, leonardo dicaprio funniest moments, leonardo dicaprio funniest bloopers, leonardo dicaprio funny moments ellen, leonardo dicaprio cute moments, leonardo dicaprio funny speech, leonardo dicaprio lady gaga
Id: _h0ycLRQ5Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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