Lenovo Legion Go in-depth REVIEW 2024 | better than Asus Rog Ally & Steam Deck Oled?

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here I have Len noo Legion go it's time to do a full review of this device as you know from my previous videos I got it back and it's time to to analyze the experience with this device and how it is is it better than Asus rli or steam de OLED and what do I think about it uh because as you know when they released this device in November 2023 5 months ago um ago um I bought it but after one week or so I took it back it wasn't ready it wasn't finished now I decided to get it back and to to compare it with my Asus rli or steam deck OLED well in this video you will find everything about this device about Hardware experience gameplay experience battery everything so it's a a bit uh long longer this video but you will find everything that you need if you want to buy Lenovo Legion go if you if you want to buy your first handheld device so it's not only about Lenovo Legion go but it's um related to every handheld out there uh as you know um I have videos with Asus R GLI with steam deck one steam deck 2 or steam deck OLED and um Lenovo Legion go now on the market there is also MSI claw but from my point of view it's only an Asus RI in another color and with a small modifications to design that's it so not interesting uh for me let's go back to Lenovo Legion go and let's analyze it and let's see what is my experience with this device now so uh going back in November 2023 when this device was available I bought it but it wasn't for me it wasn't ready the the software wasn't finished the games they weren't running fine here on this device so it was a very bad experience and very disappointed I took it back at that point I was waiting for this huge display for this 8.8 in Quad Quad HD display for for so long and it was such a beauty when I got it but unfortunately as I said nothing was fine on it now after um 5 months the experience it's different the software it's ready the software works the games AAA games everything runs perfect and it's quite what I expected so for those of you that don't have time to watch this entire video yes Lenovo Legion go it's a very powerful device yes it's incredible yes it's better than anything else on the market and I will share with you why yes it has some problems but overall no device it's perfect and at this point this is the most perfect device if we can name it in this way um if it's correct to say this so let's start with it so at this point it's a huge device it has 850 g with controllers it seems huge but don't worry about uh this you won't feel it like a very heavy device it's comfortable to to hold it like like this it's more like a steam deck experience here with this these huge controllers and I like it from all the devices I believe this is very good and probably one of the best any anyway it's on the same place with steam deck and um I would say after that it's Asus rli because it's smaller and you keep the fingers like this so here you have space it's comfortable to play for quite a lot of time not to mention that compared with um HSR GLI you don't have fans here and your fingers when you play and you put them like this they won't hit here um those uh ventilators like on Asus rli you know what I'm what I'm talking about anyway let's go back to hardware and let's uh analyze everything and I will share with you with you my experience starting with the design I like it it looks great it looks like a premium device not to mention that it has the most interesting design here on the back it's metallic nothing plastic here or here only the controllers and this feels great also it helps with the cooling system because this the entire area will dissipate the Heat this is uh this is uh this is great so the design it's one of the one of the best in my in my opinion it's the best in my opinion not to mention that we have this uni aspect this kickstand the kickstand it's incredible it should be on any handheld out there you can uh you can set it at any angle here it's well built it's well made it's fantastic and it's really helpful also metallic you have great hinges here and um they work excellent so um on Asus rli or steam deck you don't have this you have to put uh something over there you have to buy a small kick stand something like that so um related also to design I uh I like the fact that we have flat um base here you can put the device like like this and also when you take the controllers uh down you can use it in this way you can put it anywhere like this and it will stay no other handheld can stay like this and there are moments when you need to put it like like this believe me so um back to to its design you have huge display it's the biggest at this point uh if we analyze um Asus and steam deck the most common uh handheld uh devices out there you get a huge 8.8 in um display it's beautiful and from my experience to understand I don't want to give you numbers and um something like that I will tell you this I had steam deck OLED as you know the uh this display it looks better and more interesting than the OLED available on Steam deck OLED and I believe in this way I said everything it's huge any game that you throw uh on this uh on this area it will look incredible crisp um sharp and it has 144 Hertz refresh rate as you see here you have the possibility to choose between 60 htz and 144 you have also a huge screen resolution 2560 x600 you can choose between um 1280 by 8800 the steam deck resolution and you can go up to 1920 by 1200 Asus rli has a smaller resolution 1080 this one has 1,200 and you can go even higher at 2560 by 1600 everything looks super sharp here and you will say well can I play games using these resolutions yes you can play with, 1600p Medium games Indie Games even some triaa games if you play with low settings but in general I play everything at 1200p resolution 1920 by 1,200 you can play triaa games with medium settings even some games at high quality um everything looks incredible with this one and no other handheld out there has this resolution the the the highest resolution it's on Asus rli 1080p but here you have 1,200 you will say related to display it doesn't have vrr this is what I said when they released the device well listen carefully to this aspect um at this point with 144 Herz refresh rate compared with maximum 120 on Asus rli you don't feel like you don't have vrr there are games when indeed where indeed you have to lower a bit the settings and but if you use it at44 Herz this helps a lot and let me say in this way steam deck OLED doesn't have vrr also it has 90 HZ refresh rate smaller than than Asus rli and it doesn't have vrr that variable refresh rate only the Asus rli but here um after I tried a lot of games I can tell you this aspect you won Miss that vrr you if I if they would tell us it has vrr you would believe because the games have a great refresh rate um and a an excellent FPS depending on your uh graph Graphics what you select there and the screen at this refresh rate it really helps you feel everything so smooth and great and it's unbelievable um and keep in mind this steam deck doesn't have vrr but still you love it so um I believe this is this this is a great point to show so um this is the display it's the most stunning display that you will ever have on a handheld device if you analyze steam deck OLED steam deck Asus rli MSI CL the other devices have a very small display steam deck um has a 7.4 um Asus roggli has a 7 in display this one it's 8.8 it's huge and what I love the fact that it has small bezels here it's almost like they aren't here on Asus rli you will see a huge bzel something like this like a like my finger here it's annoying at some point and you will feel that display it's smaller I know uh Asus rli it's it's a great device but it has a very small display this was from the beginning um a disadvantage you will say but can I play games using this huge display they will do they look great here they look fantastic don't worry about this play with 1200p resolution watch my game plays and you will understand how excellent this display is I will say it again in ending this area it's better than the OLED on Steam deck OLED this is it so um going um uh going to uh let's let's finish with this accessory you get this case when um when you buy the device it's a hard shell case very well made it will protect your device you can you can put it here right like this and this is how you get it so um in my opinion it's excellent you also have a space for this accessory for FPS mode Mouse mode immediately we will discuss about it too here you can put the the thumb stick if you extract it from here when you play uh with mouse uh I don't do that also it has a window here to charge your device I will advise you to charge it only if it's off don't put it here in this case in standby mode because Windows sometimes will start by itself it's crazy and you will have problems with the cooling system the ventilations here uh it would be great to have here something for EVS but this is it don't put it here in standby mode my advice let's go back to this device well let's analyze um the controllers well let's start with the buttons here on this device you have the the volume buttons here really nice and easy to to reach uh to them you you don't get confused by having them here or know it's easy to reach to them and this is very important um here you have an USB type-c it's a new it's uh USB type-c um Generation 4 it has power delivery and Port display this is very important because you can charge and transmit data in the same time so if you connect an USB type-c hub here you can have connected to that USB typ C Hub uh the charger and let's say 2 three 4 um ssds hard drives USB accessories whatever you want so you can do a lot here you can connect um your uh your device to a screen because it has a port display and this is great and this is USB type-c number one you have another one here at the base it's the only handheld device with two USB type-c devices um ports and this is great for example you can you can charge it here or here you can connect an external SSD or whatever you want to to the other Port this is fantastic to have options I would love to see on the back an USB type-c port here it's very useful because I have a magnetic um SSD that I put it here as you know from my previous videos and um I would love to see an USB type-c here on the back it's easier um than than here at at the base um than here but anyway let's go uh further we have the uh the port for micro SD card here up to 2 terab you can use it I don't really use micro SD cards anymore uh with AAA games they are uh they are very slow and sometimes you get the lag in the game in games if especially if you use to 1 1200p resolution the the micro SD cards are so and so now with games but also they have a very slow um read uh writing speed so if you download a game that has 100 GB it will be an eternity until you you download it and write it on a Micro SD card because the micro SD cards they are slow and once they get hit they they are even slower so if you use an SSD it's fast in a few minutes I don't know in 5 10 minutes I install 50 GB 100 GB something like that it will write with 60 megabytes per second or even 70 I reached 90 because it's very fast it depends how fast it is and um how it's cooling in in that SSD uh Rack or um external um case anyway um let's go to ventilators here we have the vents here the fence in my opinion this area is too small and sometimes and here is a very important uh moment to discuss because uh some of you will ask how noisy the ventilator is and does it have um coil wine or that metallic sound well in my opinion this is very smallish should be double even if here on the back we have this huge area for ventilation from here it gets the air and it's ejected through here you will hear a small sound it's not disturbing it's not noisy the ventilator let me show you here you have the possibility to to customize the fan you have this curve and you can work with it but I keep it on Smart because they updated this problem they fixed almost this problem compared with um Legion go from 5 months ago this one it's incredible that one five months ago had a very noisy fan um I don't know what they did but they solved the problem and you don't need to to at least this is my experience I don't work with this fan I let it to Smart it does a very good job um uh uh evacuating the heat so um and it's not noisy compared with Asus rli it's not noisy it's it's the same or I don't know something like that but it doesn't bother you um but if you put it to full speed then indeed it's a turbo jet ventilator but you don't need full speed probably if you connect the this one to to a monitor I don't know but I never used full speed as I said I keep it to smart and this is it you have three modes here quiet for TDP for Watts balance and performance I use it on performance but imediately we will discuss about this and Battery let's finish with the ventilator the entire device has very good cooling system it it stay it stays cool it's evacuating the heat even in AAA games you don't have problems and the ventilator it's fine it's it it's it has normal um um decibel sound but sometimes when you play triaa games you will hear this one it's impossible not to hear it let's be honest but it's not disturbing anymore this is what matters so in my opinion they fixed this problem with the ventilator and it's fine at this point it's not noisy look at this point you will you will feel hear in a way um how it dissipates the heat if it's very silence in the room when I speak for example I don't I don't hear anything um but if you listen and stay close to this you will hear it it's it's impossible not to hear it it's a fan and they have a very small area to evacuate the Heat and this is a problem I believe um anyway let's go uh next this is the uh this is the port for uh headphones you can use your wired um headphones and this is uh this is a great um this is a great aspect because it has a jackport here the next one is the onoff button and this is the best design ever I believe it has uh this R RGB light here uh around it this ring look how cool it is it's easy to find it it's easy to press it to see it it's great next let's go to to to the controls after that I'll go to battery and sound so we have these huge controllers you can remove them very easy like this they have internal battery 800 milliamps it's enough to play don't worry about it it will keep you longer than the batter internal battery of this device so you can take them like this and you will say well why should I do that well this is what I said in the first moment why should I get these devices like like this it's nice to have them like like this they are great to hold look great grip and um when you play on a TV for example it's great to have the these ones and not to connect an external controller or maybe you want to use a tablet at this point you have Windows 11 and you have a very powerful tablet here available no controllers here to to worry about you have um a huge area here for uh for work so really really nice let's go back to controllers you have the best joysticks they have whole effect and they say they are Lag free in in theory in um at least we will see in the future but this uh holy fact indeed it's marvelous to to be present here for these joysticks we have the RGB lights here they look great you can customize them the d-pad I like this d-pad for me it's not a problem on any device you can adapt to any d-pad we have the legion go button here this this is basically a center for games settings um but I don't I don't use it it's it doesn't work so good look and I prefer to have the steam deck um uh in in a big window Mo Windows mode and uh it's better so I don't really use this one so let's exit um here we have some buttons to use as options in games also another one here um this is for uh shortcuts you can let me put back the controller you can uh start basically um uh the command center here with shortcuts and so on you can choose um uh brightness volume uh screen resolution refresh rate you have a frame monitor here let me show you frame monitor here to to see the FPS and temperature and so on rsr you have an FPS limiter here very useful in a lot of games uh OS power mode I use it every time with uh performance um and some other settings here for controllers touchpad and so on and you have some system Quick Settings some shortcuts so um this is it everything that you need it's here I like that they um updated also this interface compared with uh generation one when they release the device you have everything that you need here during your game plays uh the controls ABX y they are great and I don't have problems with them I saw some videos saying that they are pressing here and the entering between this plastic no never had uh that problem the the shoulders really nice to to use to use them look look here the most interesting buttons ever um you can press them here like like this but you can also press them like like this the entire area this one it's basically the button look here it is really really interesting this this aspect look you have another button here uh you will use it when you start the FPS mode immediately we will go back uh we will go to it you have the triggers really really good and some back buttons some of them Works in games others like these ones they are for FPS mode and immediately we will analyze them you have a trackpad here it's not the steam deck trackpad but it's here you can use it um you you can um you can work with it basically uh anywhere in games in Windows it depends I don't I don't really use it um so let's see here I don't really use it um for me it's look like like this you have it's basically like on a laptop press and hold it I don't use it this is it probably this is the first time here I use it sometimes in games um you cannot play with this one let's be honest you you barely play on Steam deck and the steam deck has a very good uh has very good trackpads and I never played also on those ones because they are small and strange to to play and this is for the moments when you want to to press uh for the moments when you want to press something you cannot select otherwise and it's very useful to have it here but Legion go has something else more interesting the FPS mode or Mouse mode well if you press these buttons here here well you can remove the joysticks the controllers sorry and they are connected via Bluetooth uh immediately but here at the base you have this button if you activate it this is it FPS mode here it is you have a lay laser here for mouse or whatever it is at this point when you put it here magnetically look like this really nice you have a mouse at this point and no other handheld device out there including steam Deck with trackpads can bat this you have basically a mouse like this integrated in your controller so you don't need to carry this one anymore because you have everything that you need you have left click right click middle click you have um uh the scrolling wheel here look here it is so this is this is stunning when they released this I said well I don't need an FPS mode I don't need the mouse mode well I'm using it in strategy games you can use it in um Shooters also it's great you have accuracy and it's it's really really nice to use it you will get used with these buttons here to press them look you have this one and this one for um for um left and right and you have this area here where your hand will stay look like this so you you don't touch um the desktop it has a resting area in this uh on this pad you have the the scroll here it's easy to to reach you have these buttons here so this is how it works basically like this you press them like this here in games or with this area look so the FPS mode it's absolutely as stunning um you can remove this joystick here to if it bothers you but I like it I I don't I don't mind to to keep it here when I use the FPS mode so this is it so FPS mode it's absolutely incredible and this is the only device that offers something like this it's uh innovation in my in my opinion and uh it's it's great to have it here because I have a lot of strategy games and look you can watch my game plays and you will understand so um to put back the controller let's turn off uh FPS mode here it is it's connected via Bluetooth at this point click and here it is you will say what about the controllers do they have problem here well when I got this device um the device had a small problem with uh left one very very small here look it feels if if we move it like this I don't know how to do it look something feels here but when you hold it like like this no problem when you hold it like this you don't feel anything let's close this you don't feel anything when you close it like like this or if you move your hands like this no wobbling or what you want to call it no it's like day one here nothing happened so I am very glad with this aspect related to controls to finish this area I really like the controls I like the joysticks I like that it has big area here uh to hold it like like this and to reach this so for me it's um it's really really incredible um the controllers are very good in my opinion it uh they have a huge area to rest your uh your fingers to reach everything basically it has everything that uh that player um a game player needs so uh let's go uh let's go to to sound here you will see the speakers in my opinion the sound is a fail unfortunately it's a fail um but you will get used with it why it's a fail because you have the the speakers here at the top and not towards you um here I have the steam store okay this is it this is uh steam a steam store immediately we will uh talk about it let's finish with the sound so I would love to have the sound in this area uh to hit you directly instead it's going like this from very tiny speakers unfortunately sometimes you you'll play with maximum sound and you will want more so the sound is not so great but it's clear you it doesn't have this kind of problems it's clear it's what it needs to be there but it should be better because they say we have two speakers uh each one has two Watts so four watt U capacity for sound no I don't get it we don't have four Watts here so it's so and so and the sound I would like to to to have a more powerful sound unfortunately but this is it um we can accept this related to to battery um the battery has almost 50 W hour capacity 49.2 this is huge the Ali Asus rogg Li has 40 watt this one has 10 watts extra the same capacity as as Steam deck OLED you will say on Steam deck outed I get incredible time for my game plays yes you get it also here the 50w hour capacity for the battery it's excellent and my device at least doesn't have drainage doesn't have power problems no you will play triaa games for example two two hours 2 hours and a half with 1200p resolution and medium quality high quality Graphics um depends the game depends what you get on the screen it's not something fixed you can play 1 hour and a half in AAA games it depends uh what you use um you'll say what on Steam de ol let I get magnific no I had steam deck OLED I know that battery I know the device on Steam deck OLED you have lower Hardware that gets lower Watts here when you use 1200p resolution compare it with this one 1,00 by 800 this is what steam deck uh uses for the screen and it has a very lower Hardware compared with this one this one is AMD Z1 extreme um it's a very powerful C puu 4 nanometers you have 16 GB um of ram it's the fastest from uh from uh if if you compare it with Asus R light has 7,500 mahz um you get um 512 GB SSD for internal storage and also you can choose one terabyte um but the hardware is very powerful here and if you want to get very good quality for game plays you will set it for example at 1200 P resolution performance mode and you go and you have an extra quality for for your game plays on Steam deck OLED you play at a lower resolution lower quality Graphics so you don't get this one to play at steam deck quality you get this one to to play at double triple quality um this is very powerful this is a very power ful device um I had every device out there but at this point Legion go is the most interesting and the most powerful in my opinion because it has some extra you say you would say Asus rli has the same Hardware no it's not the same Hardware this one has a faster RAM memory it has a bigger battery so overall it's a it's a better Hardware so um I don't want to forget something here um um I we talk about battery sound controllers design let's talk about the experience in games so you can play anything on this device any game you throw uh on this device will look fantastic and um compared with the other handheld devices no other handheld device can compete with this one this one has an incredible display it's huge and it's better than the OLED display available on Steam deck OLED at least this is how I see it how I feel it because you know I had steam de OLED it went back to steam because it had problems with Wi-Fi never wanted to connect to Wi-Fi 6 and it had some problems with the display so I took it back that was the moment when I decided Well let's go back to Lenovo Legion go and it was something marvelous the Divinity said go back to Legion go and it I'm so glad I did it um this one has also Wi-Fi 6E it has a dual band connectivity for that that um uh Wi-Fi 6A don't confuse um maybe you know already but I will say don't confuse Wi-Fi 6 with Wi-Fi 6 e they are different and they are totally different things um in speed of uh of connectivity in terms of connectivity speed um U uh air waves basically how it transmits over air and uh uh that congestion in air all those Wi-Fi around you you know with Wi-Fi 5 it's a problem they will mix and they will wait for each wave to to go and it's an another discussion I don't want to enter it's hard to explain for me now um with Wi-Fi 6E everything is different it will travel faster it doesn't have problems with the other uh connections around and so on um anyway um as I said if you play Indy games Medium games AAA games they look astonishing here on this display and once you play a game like this one or um I don't know a small game or an older game like this one once you play it on this huge display and you go back to Asus rli you will say what no way I cannot play it again here um also even if steam deck OLED has a bigger display no once you play it here you want to go back look how how huge everything is here and as I said it looks better than the old Le on Steam deol I like it more um so any game that you put here on this display it's marvelous and once you play on this device you don't want to go back to any other smaller display this happened to me and definitely it will happen to you if you try this device so compared with um steam deck OLED and Asus rli and you will say why don't you put them here I don't have have them anymore um steam deck OLED it's back to steam deck to steam to valve it had problems with Wi-Fi as far as I saw in that video posted by me here on the channel there are a lot of other users with Wi-Fi six problems on Steam deck OLED so this is it on um related to Asus Rog I decided that I don't want to keep that device because I don't play on it anymore it's the screen is too small at this point after I get used with this one so it wouldn't be a good um investment uh I better keep those money to get probably Asus R li2 if it has a bigger display than this at this point any hand from my perspective any handheld out there that has a smaller display than this one it's not for me once I get used with 8.8 in display this is it you will say but you play on playstation portal well that is something else it has a bigger display than steam deck and um it's something else it give me it gives me the possibility to play play uh play PlayStation 5 games and it's my favorite um I would love a display like like this I don't want to to say anything else I would love a display like this on my PlayStation portal anyway at this point this is the best device if you don't want to if you don't know what to do let's say it's your first handeld device you already have Asus rli or steam deck let me tell you my experience I prefer Legion go because it offers a better experience because it has better controls and better display so after all this is what matters to have the best experience no device out there it's perfect but when you analyze the every aspect and you see that this one Legion go has the best to offer well this is the go someone asked me what to do to keep my um gaming laptop or to get a legion go from my perspective um go with Legion go because why do I say that I like portability I like handheld devices and it's more fun to play here on this device than on a laptop I had a very powerful laptop never played on it U after I uh I gave that uh that laptop I took another gaming laptop less powerful than that one also I don't play on it I took it because I want I need a laptop for office jobs for various tasks and so on basically a bigger display um but if you if you don't if you work at office definitely have a laptop for your works if you want to play play on this if you want to mix the job well you can do it with this one this is a laptop this is a tablet it's a handheld device all in one if you want a bigger display just get an external display connect it to this one and that's it do your tasks video editing on a bigger display or word or so if you if you can't do them here um for example how I use this device let me let me show you I have also this uh keyboard here it is and at this point it's connected to to Legion go and this is how I use it at this point this is this is a laptop I have also Mouse I don't need to extract the controller I can use it in this way so um you can you can do your your work also here on this device no problems word words office documents video editing if you need a huge display get an external one connect it via USB type-c here and this is it it's very very simple so um this is it to to to see it correctly so um this is this is my experience anyway uh with Legion go for me it's the best um for me it's the best device let me uninstall this for me it's the best device ever it has the most to offer and it's better than Asus rli and steam deck OLED um now as I said no device it's perfect it has various problems of during uh during time steam deck had problems for example steam deck one destroyed a lot of micro SD cards because the software when I formatted micro SD cards had problems at that point they fixed that problem after that Asus rli had that problem with micro SD card I replaced the motherboard um on warranty um this one wasn't wasn't finished when it was released and so on but now overall this is the best this is the king in my opinion and uh you cannot beit the experience that you have on this device with any other handheld so I will say this if you don't know what to get maybe this video will help you uh my advice go with Legion go it won't uh it won't be um it it will be basically the best choice in my vision so this is it what can I uh what can I say more I'm really glad that I uh that I uh took it again that I have it here um and if you don't know what to do maybe my experience will help you ask yourself do you want a bigger display or not obviously yes uh I played a lot on I RI it's a great device it's powerful almost the same Hardware 99% except RAM memory and um battery but that display was Tiny oh no no no no way to go back to to that uh to that device so this is Legion go in 2024 after more than 5 months um after the uh the uh the release or since it was available in fact since it was available and now in my opinion it's perfect so it depends on your what you want and what you need
Channel: MGT - Max Games Tech
Views: 9,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nk-9mQkK28U
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Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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