Lenovo Legion 5 15ACH6H dead after windows updates - Sadly, laptops are dying after windows updates

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hello so we're back and this time we have a customer job this is a nice laptop this is a Lenovo Legion it's a gaming one so what's the problem with this laptop we have the customer letter here during a Windows 10 update system uh the system downloaded the system firmware update after rebooting the system start updating the BIOS and after that completed the system rebooted instead on on a black screen for 30 60 seconds before rebooting again the machine this time the machine stay on the black screen for five minutes before they turn it off steps I tried to repair myself was disconnecting the CMOS battery and battery then hold the power button to remove charge before you connect in the system with no success I saw your video on a similar laptop remember we had one with the same issue however I'm not comfortable performing that repair myself so I'm hoping you'll be able to sort the system out so basically the laptop died during a Windows update and you know what in the last period of time I had so many like the laptop dying uh doing updates I mean before the update was related with the windows but on those days the update is related with everything you know I mean I mean an update can screw up your Hardware I mean the BIOS yeah the bias is there the laptop is dead now let's quickly open the laptop and check inside okay so the laptop is open it's super nice inside let's find the charger look we have a seal here so the board was never a took out just let me find the the the the charger yeah I found it yeah Lenovo square yellow pin so we'll be connecting the charger to the power supply to see what is happening you see the iot chip is really in the power button oh okay plug in the charger we plug the charger this is a bad sign I mean it's not charging so uh it is bad it is bad okay let's try and Power on the laptop and the io chip is not uh reading the power button and you know what this is no bias I mean it's just a coincidence yeah nothing yeah I do have current I do have everything nothing it's not reading the power button on the other hand I can't see any current drop like any current the laptop will take any current should take like 10 milliamps because we have a 3.3 volt sport supply which is always on now we can see here what we can see here just a quick check yeah before we are stripping down the laptop we have that a fuse we have a mosfet so we can check few things so here we have a fuse and you have 19 and after the fuse we have 19. so the fuse is good okay the main power L before we are opening the laptop yeah just a quick look the main power rail should be on a power supply like this one and probably snow here here 3.2 oh so the main power rate is like three volts so we are like over one hour later overall it took me one hour just to understand what is happening here so one more time one more time yeah let me plug the charger let's understand so the customer said actually you know the laptop is coming over not for us so the main issue was the main power rail check on the screen 3.2 volts yeah so we start from here and I spent over one hour I even go there to replace the BQ chip and I still didn't solve any problem to realize actually it's a charging ID issue you can believe that so here I have another charger is like a basic one I cannot use the customer charger you know we cannot diagnose or repair things with like 12 up 12 amps charger we discharger yeah we discharger check here check on the screen 20.3 you can see so I spend over one hour only for from this reason don't get me wrong yeah usually I trust my tools and I did fixed and test a lot of laptops with this universal charger yeah with this one I fix a lot and was no problem and I never seen this kind of issue like if you plug like a a charger if or if you come with the power supply without charging ID pin usually you have your main Powerade it will not charge it will not come on yeah but you will have your main power L not on this case on this case the Powerade was not present I had like three volts which was driving me crazy like over one hour of work just realize wait it's not working with this one insane okay so what I did obviously yeah I took out the bioshi because we have a bios problem I mean with a charger the board is coming on of course you know picture so we do have the bioship here I got a bios so all we have to do now is to go on the screen and program this by chip and test the laptop if it's working accept let's identify the chip fine let's open the BIOS good now let's write the BIOS and we are praying for the laptop to work I mean should work clearly this is a bias problem laptop coming on with no picture on the screen died because that's the thing that's the history the laptop died during a Windows update let's wait for the bias okay and everything seems to be fine yeah the content is verified now all what is left is to solder the bioship back and hopefully it will work let's go under the microscope and solve the chip back the bioship is here he's saying on the board the pin number one let's see so must be like that yeah so if you prepare this laptop this is 1.8 volts bios let me grab the solder item we can solder back with the silver iron let me use some flux Crossing flux yeah the problem with the gaming motherboard they are sucking the heat badly that is perfect so it will work or not huh what do you think your opinion um now is the moment let's plug the charger uh bios battery charger let's see what's going on yeah the laptop is coming on okay so the BIOS is good let's just connect quickly the heatsink foreign foreign let's plug the fans now let's plug the charger again let's see if we have any picture yeah I can see the fan spinning here you can see the keyboard the RGB why it's taking so long and we have backlight I see him backlight huh we have picture we have picture we didn't have pictures before we have picture let me put it all back together quickly and then we can test properly with with the hard drive back and everything yeah give me a few minutes okay so it's all back together I plug the original charger Let's test it pressing the power button and the laptop is coming on is loading the windows and we have Windows okay so we fix the laptop and it was a bios problem which came with the Windows update okay now what is to learn from this because I spend over one hour and the answer is I don't think it's anything to learn I mean indeed this is a strange case where actually the Powerade was missing with a third-party charger but you have no choice that's the problem first you don't know if the customer charger is good the second you can't be insane yeah I mean you you want to be insane and try to diagnose and fix are laptop with a 15 amps charger I mean check on this charger I mean any mistake like any it will blow up your board 15 amps we are speaking about 300 watts charger probably this has some RTX 3080 I believe if you need 300 watt charger but yeah you got the point you can't really use something like that to diagnose any pair a laptop okay good so uh I'll stop now I'm happy I helped the customer I'm happy I held the customer all good low battery let's try to raise the brightness yeah working great now the bias is not that big problem writing the BIOS but you you're right probably are empty bios like a white one like like no cereals inside and uh you know just to share with you you can use this tool if you want to change you on the Lenovo to change the the serials yeah you can use something like that I'm just saying okay maybe you have a case like this and uh you want to make it like original now I use this tool to fix this no it's more complicated so actually the cereals was encrypted on the original bios but because we are a community and a lot of people good people in this community like how I told you so many times and people underestimate the power of the community we have this code we have Forum you know we have good people there which can help us with something like that okay so I'll stop now I will say thank you for watching like And subscribe if you like the video like always and see you on the next one bye
Channel: Electronics Repair School
Views: 287,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lenovo gaming laptop motherboard repair, lenovo legion bios update, lenovo legion corrupt bios repair, how to update bios in lenovo legion 5, gaming laptop no picture after windows update
Id: oPvm4B4s2Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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