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[Music] welcome in Caribou need to aroma of Sansa but today I'm gonna share with you how I make this beautiful very very simple lemon pepper chicken all right I've got two lemons there and we are going to make a lemon zester up now if you have a grater like this do not use this big hole so you're going to use this size and not this size either so I'm going to use my small grater so I'm using the small holes and how you're gonna grate this is you're gonna start from the top and with not too much pressure all the way down and make sure that you don't want to check out the white skin because it's going to be very bitter now as you just you're gonna rotate your lemon like that I don't know if you can see so you're gonna have something like this now I was looking for two tablespoons of lemon zest and this is what I have so now we are going to make this the rub I'm using sea salt about two teaspoons you can use kosher salt or any salt and then I added about one tablespoon of lemon zest and about one and a half teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper it's cause it's not it's not a powder okay so we're going to just roast this for about four to five minutes on medium heat until you can really really smell the the aromas you know and it's really really refreshing okay so I added a little bit more you can always add more or reduce you know it's it's how you want to balance it all right and I think we are done with that I'm going to keep it on the side and let it go now I had two big huge chicken breasts I decided to use one last-minute change so I'm going to keep that away so I'm only gonna be using half of my mixture okay the rub we're gonna pound this and make it thinner this chicken breasts are really really huge all right so we're good to go now and I'm ready to marinate and this is a very very simple recipe very very delicious so I'm using about half of this you can use more if you want like I said this is a recipe that you can adjust how you want it and we're gonna add a little bit of fresh garlic but if you don't want to use fresh garlic you can always use powdered garlic that's fine alright so that's about a teaspoon and then one tablespoon of olive oil and a little bit of chili flakes this is optional you know for extra little heat not extra heat just a little heat but it's optional we're just gonna coat that all over and then I just squeezed in about one teaspoon of lemon juice and that's it a little set for about half an hour well I've got my pen ready here and I've just drizzled about half a teaspoon of olive oil now if you have a heavy skillet that's better you can also grill this if you want to and we're gonna sear this and you always put the good side at the bottom first my pain was not so hot make sure yours it's very hot all right and so I see this for about five minutes on one side and we gonna do it on the other side as well so we're just gonna flip it and I was looking for some nice crust like this alright so we're gonna do that for about five minutes and then you can finish it in the oven or what I did was I just reduce the heat to medium and cover it and let the steam you know create that nice moisture so that the chicken is not too dry and don't do more than five minutes that five minutes should be alright meantime I'm ready to make my lemon butter sauce and I started with two tablespoons of lemon juice that had a lot of pulp and seeds so I think I ended up only with one and a half now you want to make sure that your heat is low low but it should be warm enough to melt the butter okay you don't want it to come to a boil so I've got four tablespoons of cold butter that I've cut it into cubes and we're gonna add it slowly gradually and keep stirring your heat should be low because if it starts boiling it's gonna break your sauce okay so we gonna keep adding slowly because when you add too much butter too it's gonna make your mixture cold in the butter it's not gonna melt very well right so just keep adding and stirring and also you can use this recipe form for fish you can use it for chicken wings it goes perfectly alright and the sauce is optional but it really really complements the chicken very well alright so we're gonna keep adding the butter now if you see that some bubbles are starting to form like your sauce is boiling you can always lift up your pan so that it's not directly into the heat like that all right and I added about a quarter teaspoon of my lemon zest mixture you can add more however you like it and if it's too zesty you can always add honey you know to balance it out alright and then after that I also added some parsley for some color and our sauce is very nice and thick and creamy and buttery our chicken is ready too if you're using thermometer you're gonna look out for 165 internal temperature yeah so okay so we're gonna serve now now you can serve this chicken as a starter you can have it the main cause you know with the potatoes or any kind of potatoes of mashed potatoes whatever sometimes I do it with a vegetable rice but today I just wanted to make a video and my chicken is nice and juicy and moist and that's what we are looking for and it's very simple you can always balance how you want it to be you can add more you can do less however you like it alright and as we finish then we are going to pour our sauce on top of it as you can see you just drizzle it nicely and this chicken was done as soon as I was done with my picture within in less than five minutes it was gone anyway thank you so much for more recipes please visit me at aroma or Zanzibar you'll find the ingredients and the measurements in the description box below and also in the very last page thank you [Music]
Channel: Aroma Of Zanzibar & Beyond
Views: 111,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4iFL-PaoU7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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