Lemmy from Motorhead Funny Interview - 2000 - Channel 4 'All Back To Mine'

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let me usually I'll get invited round at people's houses to go through their record clips of course you do why are we here well because over 6,000 miles away is very difficult for us to walk over there in the Sun pre-major this place gates have got a reference to you in your life yeah must have spent 600 pound a week on the one-on-one date down I say it's gone then preserver rundown and revenue there so you're born in stuck when you stuck on train yeah briefly which which was our birthplace for slash yeah okay Williams as well birthplace of rock a rock or in trance and mission the Bombers you know rock and roll here at 18 from Sid Duncan's doubtless faces had done to pledge to move out of you know and you were born on Christmas Eve you dad was a vicar as well yeah so the religious life in Peckham for you well there's a kind of religion looking office my religion got along with that one yeah at least more so than Christianity well what would be the first record you building for whoever was Tony Steele I'm 78 during the deep in the blues mainly due to the fact that I'd never heard the original because there was a time I mean this is almost impossible to believe now but so he was the British rocker he was the first one that we saw on TV coming and taking whale strike so we don't get much rockin rollin well the first record that really grabbed you that pulled you in that you thought hang on a minute this is it Little Richard live delivers my weed Little Richard there was definitely there was that flamboyant side wouldn't it were you aware of that I mean it wasn't probably until later that you realized that he was arriving clear in his rubbish you know like I always describe it as like fierce joy no no he was the best rock'n'roll vocal I still think that today yeah there's still some rock'n'roll vocal they don't come any better than did you guys seemed it was like the girl can't help it which is the first color rock'n'roll didn't never got released in England did it no not so much later rock around the clock to me so you know there's riots at the cinemas so they banned all the others yeah great the British you know explain will you paper mini Tate on the side do you spoke with that wasn't the menu the real thing what's the impact light cuz brilliant yeah you saw if you look back at it it was very drab gray Elizabeth yeah but I'm talking about the showmanship as well you know and these these records with no wanna do it energy like that on record I know you had to be there to understand it totally but on it now it sounds badly recorded and amateurish and like kind of same results you know however then it was magic can you still listen to things i'll good golly Miss Molly smothers return this was denounced from every pulpit across America yeah sport of sight did you get off on this rebellious side that was coming through of course if that was dragging you into the housing can you name a record that made you pick out the guitar and the shadows that would have been the shadows they were very good band the shadows they're very much overlooked now never they're a great force and Bruce rock and roll music the shadows always at that yeah well they're only copy and American lives you know I still think it looks good you know I'd like to see their old clips of American bands like The Temptations hold of this giant yeah yeah yeah oh it's it's impressive because it looks like they worked at it yeah you know it looks like they know what they're doing I thought some some geezer and they're like plaid shirt looking at his feet all the way through you know there's a lot better than that one yes you see I've been very privileged I lived through several magic times over fear the original rock and roll Olivia the Beatles I was in London during the upsurge of the psychedelia thing in that and 67 that it's a great you know I've been really lucky and what about what won't cut you missed guys I'm you Joel but look what you mean yeah that's it house houses house impressed no well you always a leather antenna man or did you not fall into the suave sophistication of the mod thing no I hated mods we're we're late that's because really long and modulated that and they Joe scooter so that was impossible you know and how can you be mean on the Vespa you know just isn't gonna work is it you know I watched a couple of the mud bands you know but I just couldn't do that Parker thing well that bands like The Yardbirds obviously got a fantastic guitar or interrobang Oh what they did was they spawned guitarist mainly they hug the Agena I mean they're a great band originally reflection and these two play the marquee residency which used to be across the road another cultural heritage icon destroyed god how I does it does it make you a little bit coming back and seeing all these things that have disappeared every person is like reserved on Monday instead of that nevermind the marquee going up which of epitomised that whole swinging London thing as well didn't that give me the traits that epitomize the artistic bloody angst of the love sagging oh you know in that film well cuz there was we just give it us it in the pill at the same time would you expect you know everybody's [ __ ] like rabbits everywhere you look you know and always in the bath in bed you know did you get lucky lucky I've always been lucky often that's are often almost constantly coming never give me the secret of your success then as far as wearing yoga I judge them that's why I catch him you know if you don't chase him you don't catch him that's it simple a rough guess Emily during your van ever to use them had to know over 1500 probably 2,000 it's mine I was Kings you know this sex change episode a foot one yeah get off and tell think what listen well I think I've he's got to get serviced dick in Belgium it was I forgot that you guys for [ __ ] wearing Li at the the light 60s were in the summer of love the hippies well what was going on all around Oh was it knock on was that whole thing a little bit of it there wasn't like um for about a year then it was you know did you get involved in that did you go for this well my house Jimi Hendrix's roadie would you expect I mean he come back from America 100,000 subs of acid right Jimmy I yeah there wasn't even the legal then he brought it back here in suitcase and he gave offers it around the crew I mean that's a lot of us who and what you were part of the crew at the time there was only two of us right what were you doing seems ridiculous now there's only two of there's only three this stuff all the Hendrix's stuff to us and what about the acid then was it a continual trip oh yeah we had so much of it really get rid of it somehow yeah because it became illegal we have to get rid of the evidence this is not an advert no it's not no just experience talking no I suppose a band that stood totally stood against the whole hippie ethics was a band that was out of Detroit mc5 you know there was as bent as everybody else it was just that they had pretensions to politics you know but they were a Burnout you know I mean they all wound up on smack you know and Wayne Kramer was the victim of a sting by the FBI and land up in prison for five years yeah didn't they managed can they get possibly for for two huge or not you got no I'm Beluga as home of the brave' land of the free yeah yes because they're gonna [ __ ] you okay they're gonna [ __ ] you within context or something they'll put you in jail if you disagree with them you know this Dublin has always been an [ __ ] you know so when you're in Hawkwind but what sort of how did you go about setting out to live that life of anti-establishment our very existence threatened them why because we were doing everything that they hated we weren't in a regular job we weren't paying our taxes regular we weren't like you know joining the Young Conservatives or whatever is you know maybe just like getting Rex and playing music that we liked and they don't like that not because you're not a productive member of the community yeah so [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] man yeah still now it's still carried out oh yeah absolutely I mean if you don't distrust politicians or something badly wrong with you so if the pre punks companies with the gnostics Los Angeles was busting open with what can only be called soft rock with Fleetwood Mac equals soft rock a cool smart rock because it was great musicianship it's got a place in your record collection and some of it I mean there is great stuff coming out I mean it doesn't have to be raucous all the time take me to a place with your record from your collection the Eagles Hotel California that's a great Sun a lot of people when that came out and remember a lot of people think it was like a celebration of that whole California thing that's slightly bordering on bland almost that's the thing is they think the wrong thing every time [ __ ] great subtext a translation for that could also be about Coke really couldn't it I don't know album is about doing America 99 did you embrace the California lifestyle an itemised in the embrace me or some of them did anyway I mean I noticed that with all the hot weather women wear less all the year round so it appealed to me immediately badge another at the time I don't regret living that's good don't miss anything new about Friday night point in the Carrie not really I was never one of them fellas didn't eat much no I just didn't want to vomit into my own plate you know which is one of the highlights of that culture in another like football anyway imagine all the [ __ ] you can be doing up and down that field wasting your energy on the stupid little ball you know when it could beat it's better I rest my case assemblies were well chronicled with towels of excess this route they went they just yes please you see that's a funny word you see mostly I've never heard a guy in the band say that word ever right it's always the people on the answer there's always women talking about other women and interviewers and so other words are you using it so listen there's chicks they like to [ __ ] and there's chicks that don't and necessarily to trans are like these seventies we mentioned there with the Li thing that was massive over the world and then bang Punk all the sudden who's was Punk yeah but you know it felt like it was the punctuation to the whole thing didn't it I just thought there's a bunch of yobbos really and I was right I know y'all go and I see one musically dad oh he came at the same time I read was formed at the same time as all the punk bands responded usually were pretty much the only one from another generation who was given the seat of approval when you wash because I was approvable you know we gave them what they asked for you know we give them rock and roll dr. Knowles always popular there's some of the media that goes in and out with it and tries to make you unpopular because they can't think of anything new to write about it so it's bollocks you know usual the media is always bollocks your bollocks obviously she's in the nicest possible way did you get into the music though did the pistols first album mean anything to another person's word right there was a dick that was happening with punk now from a lot of musicians from a previous generation wasn't there no these guys can't play the mystic technique for exciting yet you know and there's that quite often gets lost isn't it there's never been true you know and excites the public and you can forget all your technique right the throw out the window and seek to play bags no no I failed to teach because said I've actually not aptitude for the base whatsoever then I told him that I said said you can't play bass and then three months later he went yeah let me guess what said what said you said I got a job in the Sex Pistols so do mom said playing bass you know this would be a gun play basin and you said yeah I know Brown in the Sex Pistols which says it already you know these death touching I was very sad about said Dino could you never had a chance you know I mean especially after Nancy get hold of him and that was it was over you know did you make that oh yeah she was a pig yeah enough you know okay if SIDS death affected you who didn't you sing quite a few for wonderful by the wayside haven't you yeah about 300 of them I say does that not give us the total thing to say B to get used to after a while you know cuz you can see I'm beginning to go before they do you know does that not ring the warnings in Europe in your warnings I'm not doing what they do heroin is usually the cause of that like this city was hairy we definitely kills you I mean everything else might kill you but I never seen it but is it a lot of things you can take to excess isn't there there's a lot of things a lot of it do you only thing I ever saw anybody die in retirement right or inhale your own vomit drunk you're right yeah that's it nobody ever died of marijuana or speed or I said oh and then they all died on heroin but you are a man of excesses I mean we're sitting here and you've been knocking these back before I entire menu I haven't no that's not a very big blind Jimmy do you ever wake up without a hangover the thing about hangovers is you have to stop to get one how many days do you reckon you've done on the chart then how many what was what's the record with a Lemmy record four days on the top so Jewish ones too without a blink and all they ate during that time is to individual fruit pies in a yogurt I mean believe me I don't recommend my lifestyle particularly because I mean a lot of people try to keep up with me and really [ __ ] up you know but it suits me you see personally you have to find out what suits you and then do that small ya go of it so records we've gone through a set of records that have embraced rock and roll that ever embraced the 60s that have embraced the seventies thing breaks Punk understand you've been there you've and for a lot of that time you've been a musician through that how on earth have you kept it on track why do you think that you are sewing doing this is it the music cause I think you as a character should I believe it my culture is based on rock and roll I believe in rock and roll that's great it's better than Christianity it never let me down I knew you current state of affairs as far as music goes boy bands oh yeah they really good well bad DJ DJ friendly records what's your take on that oh absolutely cutting-edge [ __ ] yeah I mean you know you could put their contributions in the Hat and still have room for their head you know DJ's are DJs they play records what the [ __ ] up they contributed you know wow yeah he's a really good DJ okay next what's he do for a living really play stuff by other people okay that's good what's up music rounds in the last few years that you do hold in your collection you can't go back to again and again the best bands who come out of England for 10 years which can kill NZ yeah skin is a great rock-and-roll person you know nothing she probably doesn't realize it but she's like up there Little Richard you know yeah and she has a wonderful voice you know I mean and then they write great stuff and the arrangements are great you know they're really a good band it's almost like the sins of the Beatles listen to them there's something new every time you listen to him you know what guys if you're gonna go out and if you're gonna go out in a blaze of glory did you see that you see yourself flat on your back with a 19 year old and you're facing the butler jacked by your side well that's not that bad is it room I've got a pretty good life menu and I can't complain I've been at all the interesting bits of rock and roll and that was a pretty good thing you know and I'm finish a there you know yes
Channel: AATV
Views: 40,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motörhead (Musical Group), Lemmy (Film), Channel 4 (TV Network), Music (TV Genre), Ian Fraser Kilmister (Musical Artist), Interview, sean rowley, funny
Id: 4oRvdwrDAGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2015
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