Leisure Travel Vans floor plans - PROS & CONS of Unity MB, RL, FX, CB, IB, TB

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today we are talking floor plans of the leisure travel van unity now why is this so important well as you probably well know there is not a dealer around that is going to have one much less several floor plans for you to walk into now then i have a 2020 unity fx i was very fortunate got mine pre-pandemic i got mine when there were like four or five of these on the lot and so i was able to walk in most of the floor plans and really get a feel for which one was going to be best for us we chose the fx well we had our heart set on a completely different floor model but the second we actually walked in them we knew that that the fx was actually for us so i want to give a little bit of my insight a little bit of my experience walking in them and actually owning an fx to be able to tell the differences between the different floor plans so that you're able to hopefully make a better decision if lead your travel van is on your short list or if you're planning on ordering one or if you're just interested overall now then if i make a mistake if i leave something out if you own one of these floor plans and you see something that i that needs corrected please put that in the comments down below this video is totally intended to help people make a informed decision on which floor plan is best for them again put those comments down below now then if this is your first time on the channel you're going to want to subscribe because we're always talking about leisure travel vans about rv in general gear gadgets and travel and so be sure to hit that subscribe button hit that like button and again comment down below if you see something that i left out okay let's jump over to the leisure travel vans website and let's get started okay here we are on the leisure travel vans website so we are going to be talking about the unity today i'll do a video on the wonder i'm not that familiar with the wonder we own a unity so let us let's just go explore and so if you click that come over here and click four plans the very first one that we are going to see is the murphy bed as you can see just seats two just sleeps two and of course has 55 cubic feet of exterior storage now it says up to because i do believe if you choose a generator that's probably going to go around underneath this closet here you are going to take up some of that exterior storage so keep that in mind as well but let's just jump right into the pros and the cons of the murphy bed i do believe the murphy bed is one of the most popular floor plans out there and i think it's due to this large huge bathroom so uh if you've never stepped into a unity before the bathrooms and the other four models are pretty small now mine probably is the smallest in the fx and so i do appreciate this large bathroom and so if you look at the shower the shower is definitely larger than the shower in the fx as you can see it has a skylight so you are able taller people i'm 6'2 and my head actually you know in in my fx actually goes up into the skylight as well but as you can see it is a massive shower this sink is a large normal size sink with some decent uh counter space so as you're going to see in the other floor plans all of this goes away and so if you like a big bathroom then the murphy bed is going to be for you okay it also has this storage and this large closet so the door slides right here it's going to give you a little bit more area to get ready in and just have a little more room in the bathroom so now then where does that con come in to this well as with the bigger bathroom you have a smaller living space and so you got to take that into account how much time are you actually going to be spending in the bathroom right now these showers it is this is larger than the others but still it's not giant and so you're not going to necessarily want to take 20-minute showers and plus with what if water if you're boondocking and water is an issue you definitely are going to be in there for about two seconds so keep that in mind on when you're thinking about is this big bathroom worth it so then let's jump over and we're really going to talk about the living area so these two seats right here they call these the leisure lounges and of course the murphy bed is behind so the leisure lounges i have heard basically either love them or you hate them i personally have been in this floor plan i have sat in them they are really comfortable and so i i personally like them now the negative to that you're not going to have a couch that you can just plop down on you can choose to get that couch the same couch that's in the fx i love my couch and when we get to that i'll show you all the different ways that you can configure it but it is really comfortable as well and so if you like these leisure lounges i would definitely say they are comfortable and so that is a pro or a con either one you want to look at so another big big pro is this massive television i say massive it's 39 inches but whenever you're talking about a leisure travel ban that is massive because the other floor plans they are much smaller so if you like television watching then probably this murphy bed is going to be up your alley all right so the other big pros it is had this probably is the largest closet in any of the floor plans so if you carry a lot of stuff you may want to think about that but it also has the least amount of overhead storage which you will see in the other floor plans are have have a quite a bit now then another pro it has a slide so it's gonna be a much larger interior so with that slide when that slide open i mean you're gonna walk in and you're gonna feel you're not gonna feel claustrophobic at all like you could with a non-slide version so with you when you walk in here you do have plenty of room now then the good thing about the murphy bed is you can bring the bed down whether it is uh the slide is out or whether it is in which is not the case for the fx and i'll share that with you in a moment but the bed in the murphy bed and the effects they are the same and so it is a fantastic bed i absolutely love it i'm six foot two like i said and so that's one of the big reasons we chose the fx because the bed is the largest uh that in the murphy bed it's the largest of the floor plans fits us perfectly so you can't complain about that so that is the pros of the murphy bed so let's talk about the cons a little bit like i said the large bathrooms gonna take away from your living space and then as you can see with every leisure travel van there is unlimited space with your kitchen now they you know this is your propane stove it does have a cover that you can use as counter space they do come with a corian uh sink cover that gives you a little bit extra of some counter space now then give a little shameless plug here um we actually offer a a better solution than this we have a cutting board sink cover that is perfectly sized for the 2018 and above unleash your travel vans um we have a bamboo version and then our also an arctic white plastic cutting board version that is flush anyway that's just a shameless plug if you want to look at that pagosa supply dot co anyway so let's jump into a little bit more of the fact that this window is not visible unless this bed is down and so but it does have a window right here for driver side so that is a positive on that now then uh one thing about the murphy bed that you're going to have to keep in mind along with the fx and the rl is you do have to make this bed so you do have to configure your living space into a bedroom and bring it down so keep that in mind if you have you know mobility issues or something like that where you think that folding all of this stuff up moving cushions around and then bringing this bed down could be an issue then probably the murphy bed the fx or the rl is not going to be the floor plan for you so do keep that in mind it's not a terrible hassle i mean it is a hassle but it's not a massive hassle but once you're getting trade out you get this big bed and um we absolutely love it super comfortable okay so that's it for the murphy bed just to recap the murphy bed is going to be best for uh taller people because that bed is going to be larger than most of the other floor plans also that shower is massive and so if you are a taller person a bigger person then you may want to keep that in mind and then of course if you're a tv watcher that's going to be the best floor plan for you so that basically wraps up the murphy [Music] bed all right now then the one that i'm an expert at because i own one of these and i have the most experience in obviously like i said i have walked in most of these floor plans so i do have a first person experience with them but the fx this was the floor plan for us so i'm just going to jump right into the pros real quick of what we love about the fx when you walk in right here i mean with all of this open space it is i mean as far as a 25 foot coach it is massive and so that's what i really loved about it wasn't claustrophobic at all with the other floor plans you know like i like the murphy bed it it you know stops right here and the other ones there you know they they stop about right here and so you just kind of walk into this little area right here i didn't like that i loved walking into this massive massive area and when the slide is open it is it is really really roomy enough for two people to walk back and forth from each other and everything so as far as openness the fx is going to be your best bet now then another thing that i loved about it is it does have the two different areas right here so if somebody is and let me just jump in right quick this isn't always this is showing as the dining room but as you can see the lounge system is this little thing right here that i absolutely love so it's a couch it's a shade system it's a dining room it's a bed it is everything you could ever want in a lounging area and so as you can see that is perfect and you can get a glimpse back here here's a whole nother living area and it is fantastic so say you're up here working right and your partner your traveling partner your spouse whoever it may be is back here there is a tv right here there's a tv right here so you can watch television separately somebody can be working somebody can be lounging watching television so you can be watching the game back here and your wife can be watching whatever it is the bachelor or whatever it is that she wants to watch up here right or vice versa maybe she watched television you watch the bachelor anyway so as you can see it is a fantastic living arrangement so it's fantastic then a couple of other things you do have a lot of workspace there is a little hidden stool right here so this little guy right here watch this it comes out it's a table it's a footstool i just love these little touches that leisure travel van does it's fantastic really sold me on leisure travel van in the first place all the little ingenuity that they do now then we do have some decent closet space there's a closet here and a closet underneath the television here uh it's not massive but it works and if you're getting a leisure travel van you're probably not carrying too much stuff anyway now then another pro we love is this almost king-sized bed i think they call it a true queen i think it's a little bigger than a queen so as you can see it is fantastic i mean now then right here you can see this so unlike the murphy bed this is a con in the fx the slide has to be out in order for the bed to come down keep that in mind so that is a con of the fx so then now then let's uh that's what we really love about it counter space is about the same in all of them uh it's not a lot i can just tell you that it is not a lot always keep that in mind and no matter how much uh which floor plan you look at also this this the pantries are really small as well you're not going to be carrying a ton of stuff but look at all this overhead storage we have tons of it much more than the murphy bed so let's talk about the cons of the fx real quick one is this right here the exterior exterior storage is smaller than the mb and basically smaller than everything but the rl so that is a you know that is a con definitely and so that is something to keep in mind also the bathroom is tiny i mean tiny tiny tiny especially when you've been in that murphy bed but what we decided was we don't spend that much time in the bathroom and so we were wanted we were willing to give up this space to have all of this extra space right here okay the sink it's ridiculously small and this door i don't like the door at all the good news is they are changing it in model year 22. um i mean it works as you can see whenever you're not using the bathroom it goes in when you're using it it goes out to give you more room in the bathroom but it's really fragile i just know it's going to break someday but they are changing it for a year model year 22 so that should be out what that's going to be soon so i'm excited about that but this sink my gosh it's tiny i mean it's so tiny that i'll usually brush my teeth out here in the kitchen in the shower it's doable six to 185 pounds i can turn around in there my head sticks through the skylight it's plenty of room again you're not going to be taking 20 minute showers in here at all so that's probably the biggest con is the size of this bathroom it is i mean tiny all right another big con of the fx well the murphy bed is the same way with this window right here it is if your bed is up you have no window now the murphy bed has a window here the fx does not so when the bed is up you have zero windows in the house as far as ventilation that's not a great thing so you really have to use your fantastic fan which is about right here and open one of these windows or your your door only the screen open so that is a big that's a big negative um then of course also you do have to transform the bed down in order to to use it and the slide has to be out so that's can be a con all right now then also the mb and the fx they have 11 and the rl mimbi fx and rl have 11 less gallons of fresh water capacity than the corner bed island bed or the twin bed keep that in mind if you're a boondocker all right so who is going to be the best um suited for an fx i would say couples who need a little bit of space because you have two living areas all right and then also for somebody who might be claustrophobic because this is the least claustrophobic uh of all of the floor plans so you do have a lot of open space there so that is the fx again it's one we chose i'm highly biased all right so let's talk about the corner bed now then the corner bed is going to be a fantastic solution if you like an always made bed because this bed is always down and so the bed uh the only thing you do have to keep in mind it is a bit smaller but it is always made always ready unlike those other the fx the mb and the rl where you have to you basically configure your rv like a puzzle right and so you do have this always down bed now then another big positive if you have a small family c belts up to four and sleeps up to four and so that is you can see the seat belts here and so also it's pretty wide open just like the fx but just like the fx let's get into the negatives right away because it has that tiny tiny bathroom basically the same bathroom the fx does it just has a better door system okay so you're not going to worry about that door i told you about but they're improving it the fx door in the 22 year model now then let's just jump into the negatives real quick because i think you can see the positives being you can travel with four people the beds always made different things like that so the negatives are going to be besides the small bathroom is the small bed so if you're a taller person you can see you're not going to have much room there at all really take the dimensions that's on the website and see if that's going to fit for you because it gets smaller right here and so that's that's something you gotta look at also there's no true lounge space other than the bed and so this is the dinette it does come in a u lounge as well which is basically just you know same thing but a little bit of seating back here you do have these chairs here but your tv is here so you got to be thinking about that everything else it's going to basically have the same closet as the fx here and here uh so really the cons are no lounge area other than the bed small bathroom um and then it basically has some decent exterior storage so who is this going to be best for well i think with this small bed it's going to be either a single person right who can just use this as a lounge area and you know because it's a smaller bed or it's going to be somebody with small families because you can put your kids here they this actually makes into a bed you can sleep there mom and dad sleep here and so i think that's probably who this is best for so the cornerbed is uh i mean it is what it is all right let's talk about the real lounge because i think this is slowly turning into leisure travel vans most coveted floor plan and for several reasons i was fortunate to walk into one of these and it is gorgeous so let's just jump down right now with all of the pros of the leisure travel van rl standing for rear lounge first of all it's super modern inside even the lighting system up on the up on the ceiling is super cool i mean it just it sets its apart itself apart immediately with the most modern design also this window right here is massive and so you have this huge window that is on the side there so plenty of light we also have a window right here tons of cross breeze as well it's going to be fantastic for that now then several seating seating opportunities here as you can see you can use this as a lounge they've got the table set up here it is all kinds of different things like the fx it has multiple uses and then the bed is behind that and so you also have these seats here and a table here so you do have multiple seating you have lounging you have all kinds of tables you've got separation again if somebody wants to work up here and watch tv back here it is a perfect solution for that now then the bathroom is a much better solution than the fx or that corner bed but it's still not as good as the murphy bed uh as you can see these doors actually swing out and it makes this basically this entire area the bathroom so you do have more room to walk around turn around in the shower's still small just like the fx and the corner bed so you do have to keep that in mind as well but you do have more room to get dressed and different things like that plus you can use these doors to really separate off if somebody is back here sleeping somebody gets someone to get back here working that way you won't disturb them so the rl is really fantastic for people who basically do things different at different times because you're going to have some of that privacy and be able to to um you know separate yourself then you also have probably the most kitchen counter space as you can see here and then um they have a little fold out right here so you have a massive more amount of kitchen counter space a huge win compared to the other floor plans now then i guess we've got to talk about the negatives okay so the negatives that's going to have the least amount of closet space as you can see right here it does not have that extra closet that i have in my fx right there so least amount of closet space and then of course right here the least amount of cubic feet of storage 30. so that is less than all of the others so you have to keep that in mind now then also the walk-in when you walk in it's very small no slide so you're not going to have all this extra room it's very small when you walk in that's the one thing that really probably knocked me off of the rl is i i i just felt claustrophobic when i came into it also this bed when it's down it's small i mean it's much smaller than the fx and the mb and so if you're a smaller person that's going to be fine for you but if you're a larger person you really need to get those measurements and see if that's going to work for you so that is a negative to us that's what that those are the two reasons i didn't like it when you walked into a very small space and also that bed was kind of small so then again seats four and sleeps up to four so great for small families so that's a fantastic thing so again i think this floor plan is going to be great for that for small families or for people who just need some separation two separate areas to either work in or want to watch television differently because they do have two televisions here and here so that is the rear lounge okay and so we are going to basically take the twin bed and the island bed and combine them because of the same floor plan just a little bit different in the back now then here's the truth whenever i was first looking at a leisure travel van before i step foot in one the twin bed was what we were going to go with i like the exterior storage that i had with it as you can see it is a lot 63 cubic feet the twin the island bed actually has a tad bit more than the twin bed has a true pass-through in the in the island bed but also these twin beds they actually will make into a full king-sized bed a real king-size bed you fold that down and they've got cushions there i really like that the problem was from here to here isn't that isn't as great for somebody over six foot two okay and i'm six foot two so it wasn't great also when you walk in here i didn't like how closed off it was again no slide and so i just personally didn't like that but just like with the rear lounge you have the benefit of this larger bathroom by moving these doors around but it's basically the same the same shower size everything you do get a little more closet than you do with that corner bed and then with the island bed you get a little less closet space i would say but there is that beautiful pass-through storage so if you're somebody that needs that this is a great floor plan for you again same thing with the rl i do believe that this has a this counter will come out so it gives you the best kitchen space all right so then uh the very large bathroom is probably the biggest thing to this and the always made bed those are the positives and the kitchen so who are these going to be good for well like i said somebody who needs an always made bed you're not going to have to put a puzzle together just to change your living room into your bedroom and so also great exterior storage so keep that in mind i think the biggest cons for this is just when you walk in you just walk i mean it it's very small i mean it's smaller than what it looks like here um so you could just come in and this is what you're looking at so keep that in mind that's why we went with the fx had that big open airy feeling really really love rfx well that wraps that up i hope this was somewhat informative and it helps you make a little more of an informed decision maybe got the thought process thinking a little bit different and so if you like this video please hit that like button and again subscribe if you haven't done so already and we will see you next time
Channel: Pagosa Adventures
Views: 71,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leisure travel van, leisure travel vans, leisure travel van 2021, leisure travel van 2022, leisure travel van murphy bed 2021, leisure travel van unity rear lounge, leisure travel van review, leisure travel van rear lounge, leisure travel van unity, leisure travel van wonder rear lounge, unity fx, mercedes sprinter camper, unity murphy bed, Unity RL 2022, leisure travel vans unity rear lounge, leisure travel vans wonder, Airstream Atlas, navion, navion 24d
Id: Or3rJsjYLzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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