Leif Erikson & His Crazy Viking Family (ft. @JackRackam & @MrTerry) | Animated History

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today's world is a pretty divided place but at drawn of history we know that there's one undeniable truth toilet paper should be hung over not under show that you're not an uncivilized maniac and get your right side of history t-shirt the first shirt from drone of history yes this is real it comes in white and dark mode and it really helps the channel link down in the description now on with the video fjord hills this drinking awning gonna refill itself more mead anyway kids where was i why grandpa came to iceland yeah so grandpa had to come to iceland because of some killings and here we are uh who is it now fjordhild the door ah by odin's beard what does this razz rocker want kids give that a minute hey oaf what is it three of your thralls caused the landslide that destroyed valthios farm yeah well how do you know they were my thralls because they confessed it to me right before i cut off their heads uh kids i'll be right back daddy's just gotta talk to alf i'm gonna be cool like grandpa thorville to get banished for murder when i grow up i don't get what's so cool about that and that's why i'm named thorvald after grandpa and you're named after the wimpiest part of a tree life that's not what leaf means freedom can you back me up here i'm going to kill you in your sleep and make a blanket from your skin okay freitas thorstein what do you think sourcing stopping the purple game pieces all right family pack your bags we're being banished for murder before you can talk about leif erikson and the north's expansion of north america you have to talk about the norse expansion everywhere else during the viking age of the 8th to the 11th century norsemen expanded throughout europe reading the british isles extorting land in france becoming super soldiers in constantinople and kinda creating russia you name the place the norse were there this includes iceland described in the la nada poke a viking named nadod was blown off course and landed there around ada 25. nadad we've searched for the source of these smoke plumes and it's not from people there's no people here it's from the kajillion volcanoes on this island we should call this place volcano land yeah but i see some flurries we should call it snow land snow land the snow is nothing compared to norway meanwhile the entire terrain is like a field of sulphuric buttholes yeah snow land sounds good forty years later came a viking named floki velgathersen who saw a fjord with drift ice in it and said snow land we should call this iceland am i the only one seeing these volcanoes and within a hundred years over fifty thousand norsemen would call iceland their home which brings us to thurvald asvaltsen around the year 960 thorval ran into some legal issues in norway thorovol did you get into a fight recently king algon i guess you could call it that and did you do anything rash well there might have been some killings but you don't have to make a whole thing over it actually yes we do that's what a thing is it's a viking assembly to decide legal disputes and we've had one and you've been banished so get out exiled from his native norway thorvold set sail for iceland accompanied by his son eric the red gee dad when i grow up do you think i could be banished for murder too eric i think you can be anything you want to be dad is there a reason we're going to iceland and none of the other much more inhabitable regions we north have spread to shut up boy just shut up now's a good time to address that historians don't know many specifics about eric the red his family and this part of norse history because the norse really didn't write it down a lot of this chapter in norse history mainly comes from the saga of the greenlanders and the saga of eric the red both of which were told orally for hundreds of years were subject to much political and religious bias have been translated from their original archaic language and should in no way be considered an undeniable literal account of what actually happened oh how did these get here so thorvald and his son eric the reds settled in hoiketar iceland eric would marry fuel hill didn't have four children thorvald leif thorstein and freitas after being exiled from hoikitala eric moved his clan to extreme but got himself into trouble again so when you go into berserker mode it's important to try to kill multiple people in one shot because odin will give you a combo kill bonus in valhalla excuse me eric hi it's torgus from down the fjord what now give me a second kids august what do you want yeah i think when you retrieved your set stoker that you had me hold for you you might have taken mine nah i'm pretty sure i got the right ones are you sure because that one has my name and my face carved into it hey is that my lawnmower hey leif i bet you'd be a great but jerker grow up already i was sick of you always being so mean white fredis you're still alive because i have yet to hunt you for sport okay freitas saucing did you hear sourcing tickers off your head you look ridiculous all right family i got news we're being banished for murder again [Music] having been banished eric headed west to a land that was known to the norse for almost 100 years but never settled for three years he explored that land and while he did find icy mountains he also found green valleys waters full of fish and valuable trees due to the medieval warm period that had just started you know eric i think we might be able to get some icelanders to help us colonize this land when your exile's over maybe but it's so far away in the boonies we need to give it a good name because men will desire much the more to go there if the land has a good name ah yes but what name would appeal to what men desire most come to big titty girlfriend land fine greenland come to greenland and in 1985 25 ships sailed west 14 actually made it and greenland began to be colonized never a large settlement greenland survived and eric now in the power position of first settler had nowhere left to be banished from kind of takes the fun out of everything you know as the viking settlement in greenland grew though never reaching a population of more than 3 000 eric's children grew up as well around the year one thousand leif had traveled to norway to see the land of his grandfather's banishment while there he ended up in the court of norwegian king olaf trigvision yeah so greenland's not bad it's not great it's like a warm fart on a cold day uh well that's disgusting anyway have you heard the good news good news we're all gonna be christians now king olaf says you'll love it so jesus is the son of god and he did all these miracles like feeding 5 000 people with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish we already got enough god's life we got odin and he's already got a son thor who's not just some glorified caterer he's the god of thunder he's got a hammer that shoots lightning well jesus was a carpenter so he probably had a hammer too probably just used it to make chairs though does anyone have a jesus chair not that i know of you know it's kind of weird now that i think about it oh freitas tell me you're not buying into this christianity stuff freitas i haven't seen you since i returned whoa freitas is that you i bet if i slit your throat and turned you into a pez dispenser you'd recognize me yep that's you freitas anyway dad do you know bjornie harrielson bjarny harrielson was a norwegian merchant that had earlier sailed to greenland to winter with his father he was blown off course got flipped turned upside down and discovered land that did not match the description he had of greenland bjarny this land has fair winds fresh water and covered with trees can we make landfall here no we have plenty of good land at home in greenland so i told leif whatever if he wants to buy bjarny's ship and sail west in search of some mysterious land i don't care imagine leaving voluntarily instead of getting banished what's this world coming to he asked me to come but there ain't no way i'll go oh what was that for there's not enough room in this bed for me and my newfound christian faith and you and your pagan gods dad i'm so glad you decided to come with us now yeah well uh i guess you could say i've been banished one last time oh speaking of did i tell you the time that jesus vanished the money lenders from the temple he started flipping tables and he was all like do not make my father's house a house of trade are you gonna be talking about jesus this whole trip well probably it's kind of my thing now fart anyway jesus was trashing the place going my house shall be called the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves but dad are you okay oh oh my leg ah that was totally got a patrol burns i am well stricken i'll leave i guess i can't go on this expedition with you well i can call it off and stay with you we can pray until it heals no i i mean no no it's okay i'll be okay you you just go yeah i'll stay here and wait for the sweet mercy of death you sure positive so around the year 1000 leif and his crew of 35 sailed west after a few days it appeared on the horizon the land that bjarni had spoke of leif disembarked and set foot in the new world they should have sent a poet to describe how useless this land is i shall call it hella land because it's hella boring back in the boat everybody and by stepping foot on what is almost definitely baffin island canada today life became the first european to arrive in north america they continued exploring finding another land with white sands and heavy woods which leif called markland which means woodland very creative leaf and company would then sail around what is now newfoundland they would settle at leicester or leaf's dwelling for the winter and before leaving make another discovery see one day taiker a german thrall on the expedition was late arriving back at the settlement when they did find him he was drunk as a skunk and proclaimed i've found vans on grapes um tearker those aren't grapes they look like berries i think they're squash berries maybe cranberries i don't care if they're dingleberries we could still make prison hooch van out of them wait a minute if you just found the berries then why are you so drunk i don't know via you're so sexy whatever we should call this land vinland and that was about it for this fabled expedition spring came leif loaded up his men some wood and a ton of grapes and headed home he even found a group of shipwrecked norsemen on the return trip and rescued them earning him the name leif the lucky oh yeah now i got 50 men packed into a tiny ship i'm the luckiest man in the world according to the saga of the greenlanders tragedy struck the winter after lace returned to greenland eric the red died and being pagan until the end was most likely buried next to the newly built church grounds though even this he probably wasn't very happy about one might expect thorvald as the eldest son to take his father's place but thorvald perhaps jealous of leif's explorative success had other plans so i want to go to finland you basically spent a winter there and ran home well i guess my stay was brief i mean you didn't even murder anyone me i want to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture and kill them we actually didn't find anyone to kill but sure do you want to use my boat shut up of course i'm taking your boat so i guess that'll leave you in charge yeah i guess so right um well ah i need a favor then i need you to banish me what come on grandpa got banished dad got banished i want to be banished too arvold you're my brother and you haven't done anything wrong i'm not banishing you well uh christianity is wrong see i've blasphemed banish me well jesus has taught me to turn the other cheek oh yeah i hang toilet paper under instead of over banish me no you don't because toilet paper hasn't been invented yet just go to vinland with my blessing ah serval stops get out of here that counts as banishment that counts so thorvald and his crew of thirty men were off to finland they wintered at leif's boudier and explored during the spring which is when they found something that had eluded leif during his journey other people thorvald greeted them the only way he knew how jeez those guys are so loud we should call them scrailings because all they do is scream i know what's up with that all right score another win for the vikings do you hear something run away run away run away we barely got out of there with our lives wait does that count as a banishment i guess it does oh yeah eat that leaf odin's nipples what was i it uh-huh is it bad as opposed to good okay just pull them out oh wait no no keep it in no oh no no pull it out pull it out slow no okay that's better he would be the first european buried on the american continent and thus ends the story of tharvald eriksen then there's the story of thorstein erickson he too decided to go to finland but immediately got lost washed up in another part of greenland died of a mysterious illness came back as a zombie creature named a dragger told his wife goodred to rebound with an icelander and died again and thus ends the tale of thorstein erickson then there's freitas eric's daughter depending on which saga you read freitas is either a psychopathic balls out villain or a psychopathic balls out hero either way freitas rules in the saga of the greenlanders two norwegian brothers helgi and finborgy came to greenland and freitas struck a deal with them to launch an expedition to finland they agreed to bring equal crews of 30 men in their ships but freitas tried to sneak extra men aboard frey i can't help but notice you have a couple extra men grab each other's hands conjoined twins they count as one quit bitching and getting your boats the brothers were the first of the ships to reach the north settlement now known as lonza meadows and took up residence in life's old house until freddy's you've arrived get out of my house we just figured since we got here first we should have first speak and i just figured that if you don't get out of my house i'll shove my fist up your ass then shove you up his ass and make a norwegian turtle needless to say there was tension between the two groups and it only got worse over the winter one morning freitas awoke her husband wake up you slapper and go kill those weirdo brothers and their crew why my love what have they done does it matter whatever let's say they hit me the ludafis twins they couldn't hit water if they fell out of a long ship listen either the settlement gets massacred today or you do dude your wife's pretty intense joke's on her i'm into that ah that's it my love all the men are dead when did i say kill only the men my love we couldn't possibly which is when freitas pulled a thanos and said fine i'll do it myself now the saga of eric the red tells a different story thorfon carl stephanie an icelandic merchant came to greenland got in good with the not yet dead eric the red and even married thorstein's wife fulfilling his zombie prophecy he also launched another expedition to finland in which freitas joined in they got along well with the screelings forging a trade relationship between the two groups then whether because the natives sorry bull for the first time or because these lactose intolerant people drank milk for the first time the scrallings lost their minds the norths were soon surrounded and all seemed lost until a very pregnant freighters emerged the slingers call yourselves vikings get out of my way freitas then grabbed a sword whipped out a tit slapped it with her weapon and scared the ever living crap out of the scrollings all right who's ready to die today so uh as you can see capitano colombo i was the first european to discover america maroon you don't count your people didn't even colonize it true it was hard enough even colonizing greenland for the couple of hundred years that we did still i think i should get the credit like neofam you should i schnee beyond guilty homesteinson first arrived in greenland in ad978 and as this tectonic map shows greenland is clearly part of north america didn't you and all your settlers kill each other i don't see how that's relevant first raven floki i wish first i founded reykjavik which is clearly on the north american side of iceland so i'm the first european in north america is that so raven gentlemen i am the first greenland and iceland are clearly part of europe both politically and culturally so i am clearly the most important explorer here um excuse me who are you me i'm a member of the late dorset people us paleo eskimos we've been living in and out of greenland for like 4 000 years if greenland is europe my specific people have been traveling and living there for like 500 years before you and your family even got there by your own logic and definition it's the indigenous north americans that discovered europe first and not the other way around so uh maybe i'm the most important explorer here well my friend congratulations you've officially been discovered uh white people rackham what you doing here did you get banished from your channel or something no eric remember this video is part of a collab drawn of history is doing this video on you and your family and i'm doing one on hack on the fourth people can check it out over here yeah and when they're done they can check out another drawing of history video over here well maybe they can support drawing history by becoming a patreon patron like these guys here these folks are the kind that you can found a colony in the middle of nowhere with so uh eric you think you can introduce me to freitas oh no jack no my boy should break you in half
Channel: Drawn of History
Views: 100,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leif erikson, leif erikson day, vikings in north america, Freydís Eiríksdóttir, drawn of history, jack rackham, mr terry history, viking series, oversimplified, animated history, erik the red, iceland, greenland, vinland, mrbettsclass, thorvald erikson, who discovered america, viking expansion, where did leif erikson land, skraelings, american history, viking age, spongebob squarepants
Id: 8O5uvF8xOBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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