LEGO Set 10497: Galaxy Explorer - Part II

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foreign foreign oh man not Mardi Gras weekend I I'm about to do like four or five bags of this build I'm glad you're lurking but you might want to pop in once in a while because it'd be big uh Big Ups I actually just woke up from a nap I went to Burger King this morning at like 11 30. I went and got my oil changed went to Walmart bought some stuff went to Burger King pounded Burger King and took like a 45 minute pound I'm having a an all right day so I understand yo is Derek Carr down there I hope he's down there to celebrate I heard he's going to the Jets this weekend but uh he should have came down for Mardi Gras I would have been probably better for him we can uh go get him go get him I don't even know where you are in the Derek Carr debate but all right we've done all our things why don't we just start streaming let me just let me just do this Lego cam we're doing Lego cam uh hello everyone I'm gonna just move my keyboard here I don't need it for the moment oh I forgot to pull up my phone's charging on my desk which is up here oh no you have to see my sink here oh geez oh this oh oh this sorry oh than just the New Orleans Saints football team all right give me just a sec here it's easier for me to see chat this way because I'm pretty far away from my monitors which are all the way up here past all the cameras um a little bit different I'm still experimenting with this top cam looking down um so we're we're figuring that out as we speak um yo j-man made it this is why I pinged you because I didn't know if you were even awake or not I was gonna do this either way I thought about doing it tonight but I will be with my you know my son tonight so the issue is uh I can do it now or I could do it at you know nine o'clock or later possibly because it's not a school night and he likes to you know hang out and do kids stuff later so I was like ah let me just do it now because I can stream longer and um yeah just kind of worked out I got the time I can spend my night doing other stuff I don't even know what I'm probably reading I just I'm about to start a new book I just finished my current book which is piranesi by Suzanne Clark Suzanne Clark Susannah Clark Suzanne I think it was incredible five out of five book not too long either um so it was really good honestly oh I bought Cadbury eggs today I got caramel ones and chocolate cream I've never heard of these I've heard of the caramel but never the chocolate cream so I was like I'm gonna try one of those at some point today I'll do that is my water build it up I don't know why I'm like Saint Stout today but I am that's that's happening um just happened to wear all the uh Saints goodies Pete Stevens lurking so he can't even see uh but anyway we're going to continue Galaxy Explorer today um as you know we got some two bags this has been a couple weeks ago at this point my job's been awesome I love what I do for a living but man does it kick my ass some nights and make me really tired and uh that's not great but where's the Mountain Dew Baja blasket yeah where's the green can you imagine this and like that that weird green minty chocolate that's like Andy's candies but you bite it and it's it's Baja Blast I don't know how I feel but I mean I'll try anything once I guess but uh yeah I don't know about that run yeah we're on uh bag three there's nine bags in this build so we're on the third one I don't know this is not let's see where we where we were good God okay no I this looks like we've done this oh these are no we have not not done this okay so we are here we are bag three oh look we need a what we need a name for our white space person we've got what was this guy John space person right here oh I put the put him in front of the microphone instead of the camera John space person Jack you think oh here we go j-man get that Lego noises now it's one small bag inside we got some good pieces in there we could do the uh oh wait did I turn on my uh Mike is off again come on let me reset this properties you're right it is set to Nvidia broadcast and now you can hear everything including my daughter as she cleans her room next to me you go get some of those big Lego noises there we go all right so we're building our you said his name should be Jack I shouldn't say his their name should be Jack Jack what not check Sparrow we're not looking to get you know banned for copyright infringement here oh shoot I screwed him up so we got Jack we need a last name we're gonna name this person Jack Galaxy for the Galaxy Explorer Jack Galaxy so we got John space person and Jack Galaxy there they are here's Jack Galaxy gonna get his helmet on right their helmet on right sorry Jack Galaxy and John space person and of course dubot but of course as you know dubot lost the code red he was on my printer they were on my printer it was on my printer and uh it fell the Dew fell into the paper loader part of the printer and today I actually turned it over and shook it and it didn't come out so I don't know where it went that the do the code red part of dubot is is am I uh but Jack Galaxy is all set and it looks like we are here so you can kind of see the the book A little better in the Stream not perfectly but you'll be able to kind of see me as I'm doing these steps here we're doing some gray brick gray brick action a lot of great bricks in this this section uh so we need a 2x4 both kinds and we are off happy Mardi Gras Steven by the way Steven is lurking and uh probably recovering from an awesome Mardi Gras I'm hoping that uh this is a cool piece where is this piece look at this one this is like a flat with that with studs on it that's crazy it's one one piece yeah it's like two Too Tall right there you know Jay man I'm doing this on Saturday as well because we finished this by Monday Monday becomes the Oracle Day by default so we go right back to Oracle of Ages Long play on Monday if we could finish this so you know I'm I'm trying to help you out it streams free up quite a bit um all right red Monday and Wednesday okay don't get ahead of yourself I know we did the dark and darker demo which set things off last week but it was the last day of the alpha for that game so I had fun playing it and I you know I wanted to get my time in with it before before the end what is this oh a big big grilled cheese cut right here at the triangle Kens how do you like your grilled cheese cut yeah there you go that's my that's my kid right there everybody you said diagonal if you did not hear it I need a two bite two wait what hold on oh that confused me we're putting this here and I was like I need a two by one by two white stud but I don't we're putting this on top oh fancy Mondays for handheld Wednesdays for breath of the wild mods oh no I did since when we got to get a crowd control day back on the calendar I have not done enough crowd control yet this year and I really want to get that going again um I don't know if we'll do Zelda crowd control we could it we could I'm not saying no to that which probably is a big mistake but here we are okay and now we need two two wait what okay one goes here and one go okay okay and then the yellow button goes on top of the white one here we are uh and then there's a curvy boy this one no too big we need the smaller one could be here it is there it is all right and then that goes oh gosh okay so it goes um the white lines up with the black so it's gonna attach like that I think yep lines up perfectly for yep yeah all right cool I'm assuming we're about to do the other side same thing nope we are doing some more stuff on this side so we need this we need this we need a three by two by three and then that big one I was just looking at all right curvy up and this you know it lines up but it doesn't hold on okay this leaves one no but we have it up one and then it's this one goes okay got it got it that's how we do it right there which Zelda would be the best to crowd control is the question because a lot of them are on there just go here there's that one Gap yeah there is I wonder which one is the most mess with it I mean obviously linked to the Past would probably be the best one to do because it's the one I know the best we could randomize it and crowd control it and I could realistically like not screw up at playing it all right we're doing the other Wing now I could actually hold my own in that game oh geez Zelda though I know pretty well too pretty well I'd need the the tracker for it there's a special tracker for it but I know how to use the tractor really well uh from my days playing that randomizer when I went one in five in a Zelda randomizer tournament I did win one game I won one [Applause] it's on YouTube you can actually YouTube search me and find that match and I'd beat somebody in a randomizer race called all boards no swords so it was a swordless tournament and I actually won once and then I proceeded it was I had a couple other close rounds but I got put against some some really good other players more than once and I got resoundingly hammered uh more than once obviously four other times all right cool loved playing that game though and that Community is incredible um I just could not hang with the rest of them all right so how are we doing this this why doesn't this line up perfectly or the way it should oh it's because I put this on the wrong way that explains a lot okay and now this will go here okay cool this looks neat then we're doing this again the White and the blue studs this is obvious it looks like some sort of flare there's a really cool piece in here by the way it's a one by one stud that's green translucent I love the translucent pieces Leigh green that is green for sure all right um yeah I want to get too ahead of myself here I think I forgot something yes I did this goes here cool cool and then the two yellow studs tweet you put the white stud down on it and then you put the yellow stud right on top and then huh oh wait wait wait did I and all sorts of discombobulated here this goes here this goes here and then this goes here there we go okay almost screwed that up handheld zeldas what happens we run out of handheld zeldas I know what you're gonna say just play them again but there are a lot though because there's links Awakening we already played that though we played the Remake um which I know you don't even you're gonna say hero mode don't I know what you're about to say hero mode do not all right look at that this is uh the wings all right getting a little bigger here in the Galaxy Explorer we're gonna put the other part here we've got the DS games you got the 3DS games we do want to play and we can use original hardware for it the uh the uh I think between worlds on 3DS I've got that 3DS hanging out it does not have any charge on it right now because uh I was playing it quite a bit but uh the steam deck really uh is is super fun so the steam deck kinda put my poor 3DS out of commission for a bit um here then here then here like this this one's a little weird in the directions it's hard to visualize but you get it and it looks okay it goes on just like that the look at the by the way like look at this in the picture this thing is wild looking so it's huge and there's so much like detail in the studs so you get lost in that picture it's like a work of art in itself oh this is cool there's a fun fact here this color palette for this spaceship uses only colors that were available in 1979 when the original product was released except for color 194 medium Stone Gray fun fact hey Shiloh it has been a minute that's okay yeah I I appreciate any time when somebody comes in says hello and and drops drops a message in chat obviously it's it can be a day a month a year but you come on in and we're always here to say hello and have a good time we're building Lego probably a lot different than which you know whatever whatever I used to do there is a story behind why I build Lego um and do this for fun now I have a job at Lego group so I build I I this is what I do for work well not what I do for work but this job this product is one that I support in my everyday life now I work for Lego it's neat hey I'll be back in a bit gotta go AFK j-man's gotta go buy some Mountain Dew and uh go to Bojangles get some yeah I mean I'm a little biased now um because I have a super cool job at Lego group and uh but it's uh it's been a lot of fun I use it as an opportunity to get my hands on some really cool sets here uh we got Galaxy Explorer right now and we're building that uh last month I built the big old Mighty Bowser um and he's actually hanging out back behind me right now he's in the on top of my refrigerator uh it's a small little refrigerator he's uh next to me it's like an end table to my couch he's hanging out on that um and yeah this is the second month of doing this I uh I plan to do one major Lego build per month uh I don't have my uh March set purchased yet I I have a specific in my Lego office which is in Connecticut um we have a Lego store and in that store there's a back section for a damaged product because it's also a distribution center and they sell it to employees at a very big discount I got this on discount because it has a dent in the middle of the box right near the top so I got a huge markdown on it and yeah so there's that this is a neat thing we just we just made here you can kind of see it in the direction it's a big long big long thing um and what are we doing with this okay so we're doing something on the end here we're using this little stud thing and we're using these green the green ones the green translucent one by one studs I love these I love building with Lego I've kind of found a new appreciation for it and I didn't realize there was such an adult following for Lego and I think that I oh man where does this go okay so I have to be is it just like that yeah okay there it is an ambulate something it's gonna for long but um yeah so we built that and it put a whole thing of studs oh get it closer to the camera on the side it does move but obviously it'll probably attach to that side there we're gonna probably build one on this side which will be a little bit easier to see excuse me yeah every month big build this is February's big build March I was looking at a I was really bummed because there was a monkey kid uh Heavenly Castle heavenly something I forget the name of the the set but it's essentially where the monkey kid lives in the Heavenly Realms if he has it Heavenly realms and uh I saw in the damage section and I was like man I gotta I gotta sleep on that though I gotta sleep on that and then the next day I was like all right I'm gonna go buy it and it was gone somebody bought it so I missed my chance at a really nice Monkey Kid set and I really like monkey kid so part of my job is to I'm a training specialist and I create content um you know training content and I create uh training programs training curriculums and I facilitate trainings as well I actually haven't done it yet but I will be very soon and uh I I have a lot of experience of facilitation it's the least part least worried part of my job um but anyway uh in the content I'm creating right now I get to I have access to the Lego like assets I guess the best way to put it so I can get like the monkey kid you know like art that they put on the boxes and stuff and put it in my training collateral so that way the training material is very brand on brand and I fell in love with the monkey kid assets they're really cool um the show assets are really good and they're really fun to work with that and ironically enough Lego Friends is another IP that's really has really good assets to work with and I really like making content or like that has that branding um because it's really called the color palettes just blend really nicely it works out really well but uh Monkey Kid almost got my hands on the Heavenly Realms whatever the set's called need to get my little green things out here is this it yeah okay and then it's how's this going it's going outside good to know purely Lego uh so yeah I um I'm not purely Lego Lego so this is usually takes up one day a week I'll do some progress on on a major build uh to usually Monday nights but I've had trouble the last couple Monday nights so I work on a global team and I'm usually working I'll work a full shift during the day and then at night I log into uh do work with my Global team in Shanghai and Singapore so it's gotten a little difficult uh these last couple Mondays to get on so I'm due it Saturday but uh right now I also stream Zelda games I'm playing through Oracle of Ages um I have done a little bit of variety streaming I still play Mario Maker um I'm putting trying to put the cap on a project right now in Mario Maker so a lot of you know Nintendo IP stuff still I've started integrating crowd control into streams so um depending on what day you pop in you might have the opportunity to mess with me a lot uh but yeah Lego is just a one day a week thing that we have fun with here what am I doing here this is am I oh this is detached hold on so this step has me build these which is like a little little cups coming out in these studs and then they attach to these other yellow studs on the side of these things I just made somehow yeah yeah so we're having fun we're doing a little bit of everything but I came into streaming this year knowing I wanted to keep keep kind of like changing it up having fun uh doing what I love to do and uh I don't play as much of the Mario ROM hacks anymore because the progress on them is really slow it takes a ton of practice and a ton of dedication I do love playing those games but um I'm not as good as a lot of people on Twitch that play them and so it's not probably as entertaining to watch so I was like you know what um as much as I love doing it it's not gonna draw people that actually want to stick around because it's just two hours of me dying fun to watch so this this is not working this is not how this goes oh my goodness please please don't fall apart it's falling apart it's not falling apart it's falling apart it's okay we saved it all right we'll figure these guys out in a sec let's put those right there oh okay oh we're only supposed to do that once oh God no wonder that didn't work okay update we're gonna move it to be the same angle as in the directions which actually looks good on the big cam right there um so we have two of these we only need two of them now there's a blue one where we're putting a white stud on it then putting the the little frying pan as the best way to put what this thing is not the Dai yeah yeah I mean I I think the biggest thing too is um I wanted to have fun I think that's the most important thing you know I'm not doing twitch as my full-time job I just like to stream and have fun and be here and and you know do what I enjoy and if I'm not going live and enjoying myself that that reflects in the content you know like you can feel that when somebody's not enjoying what they're up to and I think that was happening a little bit um as much as I love I think I love watching people play ROM hacks more than I like playing them and that was our that was a lesson you know I I had my fun kind of playing them but I hit a I hit a ceiling where it's like yikes at this point you know it'll take a lot of hours to be able to do what I want to do in these games uh and as much as I love the games and I love like the the creativity of what people do in the Mario around that communities the Super Mario romhak Community is insane I have a ton of respect for that place and what people do and especially the players that you know suffer through those games like when Grand poo World 3 drops when Barb releases it like it's gonna be a huge deal and I'm gonna wanna see it and I'm gonna but I think I'm gonna wanna watch other people try to figure it out and that's when I'll be watching people like Pooh Bear and Barb and dode and Jazz um you know beat uh Fab you know like all the big ones uh panga and I want to watch them do it and I think that's uncomfortable with the uh with the realization that I'm gonna let other people get frustrated and want to throw their controller at the wall and not me so I had to give that up but that's okay um because I feel like I'm much happier doing what I'm doing now okay so here's what we do in this step just so I could help clarify as you know in the last step we kind of made these things that ambulate but now where these yellow studs are we're going to be attaching these so the one part is going to actually attach to the base of the wing and the other part's going to go on the yellow stud which will then kind of lock it into place but because it's at an angle it's a little strange so I'm trying to figure out where these go and how these attach and each one's going to be a little different and then on top of that it looks like there's where do these blue ones come from where when did those go on I don't was I supposed to put the I was oh hold on let's Let's uh I missed something here this is good good that I'm seeing this now these yellow circular ones go here yeah you switch it up you switch up your content strategy um I'm happier I'm having a good time and I've gotten feedback already from viewers that like you know when you go live like it's it's really fun to watch it you're having a great time and I'm like hey thanks and that's kind of what I want I want somebody to be able to click here and be like hey that guy's pretty cool as opposed to like man I love this guy he throws his controller at the wall and that's silly like that can be fun for so long but uh yo you feel like everyone's doing Galaxy Explorer you know it's a really cool build and I think the Nostalgia Factor really sells it um yeah let me pull up I'm sorry camera get it nice and centered here I got it on a really good deal so that's why I'm building it and um I've thought about that uh Crimson rain uh thanks for coming by the way I I that brick building Community I'm hoping to get my streamer tag on there soon somehow and uh I see I think I saw you do no you didn't do this you did the uh you did Bowser around the same time I did Bowser and then I think you did the question mark block right before after that if I'm not mistaken if I remember I don't know how I remember this stuff I have a terrible memory but I remember that hop on alert thanks for being here Shiloh I do appreciate even alert um but yeah that's that's uh yeah okay I do remember that I do remember that so I'm I'm thinking about where I'm gonna display this or how I'm gonna display this I think it's because it's so wide right like it where how do you do this on a shelf like do you you gotta angle it somehow maybe like I don't know I hear that because there's Technic pieces involved it's not terrible to like hang but I'm terrified of the prospect of hanging it so I'm not too sure what what that's gonna be hey cool VA responsibilities if that so for me that's like voice acting which I do and that's another thing I do in my job now is I do voice over work for video trainings which I've done like three times yeah oh my God command strips what are you doing I don't know if I could ever trust command strips for my Lego builds I would oh man that is playing with fire I mean if nothing's happened yet I guess that's great but I would be so terrified of doing that power to get okay so this is where again this step is really strange because we have to like attach these to the yellow studs and figure out so this goes oh my goodness yeah and it's gonna be slightly angled and then it's gonna hopefully you can kind of see what I'm doing and that's a little a little tough to see but I'll show you in the end this is interesting they haven't failed thus far I put quite a few of them on there I'm trying to think how oh interesting so the starry night I assumed I shouldn't assume I guess but the starry night maybe that's good feedback that should should the builds have the ability like especially starry night I feel like there should be some sort of method behind it in the back so that it could hang easy but if it's all just flat and and smooth you know in the back with no way to hang it like I would oh that would be scary to me it would it would just like I'd get like one of those little like little like wooden wooden things that like you know like a phone could hang on and like oh it has a hanger but I don't know how much I trust it yeah I think everybody that has ever dealt with Lego bricks right so that's what it looks like first of all so what we did here is these so this red one attaches has a little arm that attaches to this yellow stud that's the arm right there in the middle of these two yellow studs so that's how that instead of this being in the move that's how it attaches so that's what we did here with this yellow one got the little arm between the yellow studs this blue one here has the arm between those yellow studs so now it's nice and nice and sturdy we're gonna do that on the other side with these three right here yeah asked I don't know Astro connect I gotta check them out um but yeah if it's on the wall I would assume that it could but I feel like every Lego builder has had a moment in their life where a Lego build was held incorrectly or in some way and it fall it fell apart and they were then the saddest person on you know ever for that what for that moment in in their life and then I feel like if I were to finish starry night and have to hang it up it using the Lego approved method right I would have this these flashbacks like my my mind would just go back to that moment in my life where that thing that Lego build crashed in the ground and fell into a million pieces and I honestly it's funny enough for me as that moment did happen and it was when I was little I had a it was a Lego Space build from the 90s I could probably find the exact build and it was a huge like kind of like Galaxy Explorer I kind of find that build but uh it was white and blue was that white and blue era of of Lego space after the like red and black era of Lego Space and uh my sister was mad at me and she picked it up like she was going to throw it and I was like no no dude it was so sad as a little little boy right and she was like I'm gonna do it and it like it like she gripped it too hard and accidentally found part in her hands and it like crashed on the ground I was like you did it to this day she was like I didn't mean to do that it was a complete accident and luckily none of the bricks were lost it was able to be recovered I didn't finish the build and you know she was very apologetic that that happened she was babysitting me too so you know sisters right I do I have a really good relationship with my sister but you know when you're growing up stuff happens disagreements and whatnot but yeah and since then I feel like if when I hang starry night if I had to hang Starry Night like there'd be that moment where I would be oh these go oh okay okay never mind these don't go here they go let me build this properly okay and then we'll put it up if I go to hang starry night right I'd put it I'd like hold it and I'd have it on the screw put hanging it as as Lego intended and I just have this like choir playing in the background like [Music] and it'd be like flashbacks slowly like coming by me of that that Lego space slowly falling to the ground the the the surprised look on my sister as it's crumbling in her hands and falling out of her hands and like me my my little like young self like going yeah oh and you know like everyone's like dude are you okay it's like the room's quiet and I'm holding starry night and I'm like I'm like yeah yeah I'm fine sorry [Laughter] that turns into this like super dramatic movie reference where oh the other one I put on improperly we have to take it off cool luckily that went okay I'm scared because there's these these I feel like are spares which is fine but like these two yellow ones I'm scared they belong somewhere and I've missed where they go they could be in the next step they are okay thank goodness you ever have that moment where you like the bags always usually have a couple extra pieces in there just in case but sometimes you'll get like something like this with like two very specific pieces that are just here and you're like I don't know two two of these in the spares like I don't know how I feel about that yeah like I don't want to cry I wanna I wanna love and I I gotta worry too because you know I have a five-year-old son and of course Lego is super cool for him and we we endorse that right I have he actually loves Lego Super Mario and we uh have a lot of those upstairs actually half of them aren't even built yet I could do a stream where I just like build the heck out of tons of Lego Super Mario kits um we could make that March okay like March Mario March Extravaganza where we're just building tons of the Mario sets I've like I want to say at least six upstairs that are unopened um we could do that that's a thing unless I find something really cool laughs yeah I would if it if I were to come home so like starry night right I'd have to put it like high up where he couldn't get his hands on it because it would it's one of those things that he'd seen he'd be like that is cool and I want it in my hands right now and then we you know that would that would just be concerning to me um it would have to go high up enough where it's not in his hands so I don't even know what the heck I'm gonna do about Galaxy Explorer because this is also a set that he's Gonna Wanna you know I'm gonna come home and and I'm gonna see it on the ground in a million pieces you know that that movie scene comes back Galaxy Explorer becomes the new uh the new Lego set for my youth that I you know that one moment with my sister and my son will just be like I tried to fly it or even claw went ahead oh no kittens cats cats explain so much I get that luckily I have rabbits and you know they have zero interest I shouldn't say that if we were to leave Lego on the ground they might they might like they might nibble on it but nothing nothing too crazy so that's bag three actually where did this come what that is not what you want to see when you when you pick up your oh my goodness oh geez okay um interesting uh so these still ambulate really no they shouldn't they should not this is bad uh oh there we go okay why doesn't this wanna line up okay we have to fix this oh boy oh okay that one's good that one's good we're good oh boy uh okay okay oh crisis averted yo j-man yeah I'm here when they're loose well that was quite a moment there war man Jay man all the mans hello sorry if you're just tuning in I picked this up to show off bag three this is through bag three right here and there was a a random piece underneath like oh oh something happened but we fixed it here it is bag three Galaxy explorer that means it's time for bag four so do bots here we got John space person we got Jack Galaxy um and we got dubot it's time for more Lego noises oh man you gotta when you Crimson oh hold on we gotta do the Lego here we go so bag four got quite a bit of a like kind of plates and studs it's like more Wing stuff we've got one smaller bag in it so there it is and here we go Lego noises everyone a favorite what's the best part of the stream it's the the Lego noises um so when you Crimson when you finish that hang I'd love to to ping me please I want to see it on the wall I want to see your bravery in action get the little bag here and let's put this over the big bag but I want the smaller pieces to be back here because then my my belly might bump them and then we'd have big problems Let's see we got here so we've got cool little triangle triangle clear studs here um love that red whenever there's translucent pieces I get excited there's a more red the tree house build oh man when you miss when you miss something subtle like that or you ever get to the end of a big step and like a big collection of steps and then at the end of it it says times two and you're like if only you oh I'm not on your Discord I think I I follow you through the brick Builders Discord the the gray server with the BB uh you can link your Discord here that's fine I don't mind if you wanna if it lets you I don't know if my my bots do weird things sometimes so if it doesn't I apologize but you're free to lick that my bots have been known they take matters into their own hands and we have to figure that out or you could DM me on Discord that's I'm also there I'm right in the stream channel yeah J Min we're not too sure is a human uh so there's that too uh yeah sure go ahead I'll have to get to it afterward because I've got this table is in front of my desk which then has my monitor so I have to like oh yeah I'm all too old to I get in there all right I'm getting to that age I think where I I have problems and I'm like oh no like I don't think this is just illness this is just what old feels like old is that's all I am okay so this is kind of cool we're building this so this is a neat piece and we've called this the a right I assume I'm assuming that's kind of the correct term here that the A-frame it's got studs it's like a four by one stud on both sides with a little plate in the middle it's hard see my my you know what my I have one light that's faced funny let me tangle it down a little I'll probably eliminate the studs a little better it didn't uh Barely There we go yeah it did good my one lamp was like usually I have it I don't have it pointed directly at me because it then I turn into a ghost but I have to like tilt it down slightly and right now it was like like staring at the ceiling so it's a little brighter now in here hooray awesome I will join that when I'm done here I don't know how long I'll be streaming today uh is if War man is here Warman how's the uh EV life it's the easiest way to start a convo with you I know that I heard you were dry are you still driving in Virginia soon is that did that happen already or is that still going to Virginia where are you going you're like driving halfway across the United States to pick up a car that's what I think I I read there it is that that was hard to find in that bag I appreciate that I will join and we can I will say hello uh okay so we made obviously some sort of wing Contraption here and it's I'm assuming this is going to be like the other bag where we put oh yeah it's right here this step literally right in front of me oh we're using the cool studs what's up um you know what else we could do j-man I thought about while you were gone is uh maybe we could do the you know get on the the multiplayer games this week I'll have to figure out my epic games account login information oh how do I how do I put stuff oh I'm doing this wrong I'm doing this wrong how do I do this thing well you first you do it correctly that's step one yeah we could we could uh what what oh my goodness what is this this is why this is why wait that doesn't that makes things worse what huh okay you know what you know what we're just gonna back up here back up backup we're backed up I was getting fancy and it did not work in my favor oh we got little little girl tops here that's fun I mean if you're down for it Jay man you let me know I obviously I'm going to be a liability in any multiplayer game we play for quite some time but I'm willing to try you know and that's that's half the battle is is showing up no well knowing's half the battle right is that the GI Joe um but I really again okay but yeah oh yeah you're down all right cool we could we can make that work obviously Monday we're gonna potentially continue this depending on how many bags we get done today I'm honestly hoping for four bags today so that way the final stream is three bags so it'll be two bags then four bags then three bags and then bam Galaxy Explorer Wow done all right there we go that's how that's supposed to go and now we attach it I see I was doing it like trying to build it on this thing wait now it's not what oh jeez the worst today what is wrong with me that power nap really messed with my mental acuity that's today's word Tuesday template Tuesday's a bad day Thursday team day two weeks we could keep the TT going but it'd be Thursday Tuesday's tough because Tuesday my office days at Lego Lego Corp Lego Systems Inc oh no you don't have you is it small like how small are the holes like stud sized what I'm trying to think of how like we're talking like like studs here like that those are the holes that'd be real tiny I I would feel I feel that like what screw would be sturdy enough but small enough I feel like that that's scary Yeah Tuesday and Wednesday are my office days at Lego and uh that gets tough for me because I wake up super super early uh Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning so streaming Tuesday night is normally out because not only did I get up early on Tuesday morning but I have to get up early on Wednesday morning so I'm kind of beat in that Tuesday night that Tuesday night spot's a very big like recharging night for me like I gotta take it easy because this is this old man can't can't be up late fortnite and Tuesday night and yeah I have to be at the off I don't have to be I can work whenever I want but I like to get to the office very early on the days I go into the office because then I get to leave early I put in my time and I get out so I usually get to the office around quarter to eight so I'm out of my house by like 6 50 every morning um to get there for like 7 45 ish and then that means I can leave at 3 45 and then not deal with insanely bad traffic it's kind of bad traffic by four o'clock in Hartford um and that's if I I'm worried if I streamed and gamed Mountain Dew gamed hard into the night you know that would uh that would affect my ability to get to work early enough to not have to sit in an extra hour of traffic after work which I I believe is a fair point I need a 1x3 where are you there you are I found you sorry that the uh we're getting to the point in the build where it's hard to keep it all on camera there we go ah that that starry night's got me anxious I actually have a co-worker looking to get that set and uh we're building this backwards this time um and that's uh one we haven't seen in the damage section of the Lego building yet and that's what it's usually how we buy our sets we get them at a hefty discount um when they're in the damage section so starry night is probably also one that any employee would see and jump on right away so you gotta you'd have to get really lucky to get your hands on it we luck I lucked out because my co-worker saw this and damaged and he knew I wanted one so he picked it up for me that's how you know you got a a g that's how you got a a true friend oh I gotta look at the back of Starry Night now I'm very intrigued by this how many times do I do this okay two of them oh there we go now it's the white stud one by one stud that should be enough and then we do it this way and then it goes on this and it's the right size I actually did it right this time yay there's no way it's 16 pounds right we're gonna learn today we're gonna learn a very valuable lesson I kind of like how these I don't I'm most intrigued by these red grippy arms in the wing and what what is what's that gonna do what what and it's there's a blue stud right under it I don't know if I can get the camera yeah you can kind of see the blue there kind of Wonder I wonder if that's going to be so can one command strip how does this work one command strip can do 16 pounds oh I'm supposed to put plates on top of these and yeah so if you had two command strips theoretically you could do 60 like 32 pounds I I wouldn't but I'm just wondering like I'm gonna have to do this someday so I'm gonna need to know what the what the science of a command strip is I think what happens to me is we've used command strips for like my kids school bags we put them near the door and they've Fallen before so I think I have trust issues even with command strips come on to try I mean the worst that could happen as you know adult Lego builder right you never want your build to fall apart we're not we're a different breed of Lego enjoyer and we don't you know kids see Lego stuff fall apart and like yeah all right let's rebuild it like I think back to that space station that I uh built as a child with you know that my sister accidentally checked and like to me it's like oh I can build it and that's okay it sucks for a minute but you you know as a kid you're like hey now I just have to build it again but as an adult you're like oh like if I came home and Bowser was on the ground in a million pieces I would be like oh man Bowser's 22 bags I'd be like we're doing something here I don't know what yet but we've got a a hand we got a moving arm alert here whoa okay I would be very sad if I came home and Bowser was on the ground that would be catastrophic are these the same so we want six on one side and we want more on the other I think do I have a longer one I do there we go that's what we're doing this is one of those moments where you're like what in the heck am I doing here what is this thing I'm about it's obviously it's funny because there's so much like longness to this thing that you build these like super long things and you're like okay I feel like I'm just putting random stuff like I sometimes I feel like Master Builders when they're making these sets it's like a fever dream like they they put I'll show you at the end of this right so they've got this and then they've got this we got more of these little yellow studs so it looks like we're about to do some like we did in that last step where we're combining something on the build to plug into these here and I'm ready for that life I guess [Music] it's like the the good thing in the master builder right they're like oh I put the wings on the ship and they're just like and they they bring this out and they're like perfect like somebody walking by be like what what is this what they pick it up and they're like what are we doing I I don't understand like why are there why is there red and yellow like what what is this little arm thing for you would never know but to like a master builder this is some crucial crazy piece oh it's going on the front okay so this goes on this side and the red goes all the way up here and it attaches looks like it's supposed to attach here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so there's a clear red clear red in the front there and I think this clear red here is going to attach to that and then that yeah that lines up that checks out there you go depends on how big the set is and I do equal command strips and also yeah I would I would like starry night would be like like four on the top and then maybe like a couple on the sides near the bottom so it's like two on the bottom that are like Inward and then four on the top no less than six command strips going on that bad boy right there it's kind of in my way off camera up here so all right so we're doing another third one oh no no we're doing the arm thing again yep that's exactly what What's Happening Here and then the yellow stud and then the yellow with the front we call this I don't know what this is called I want to call it the frying pan oh no start which P hopefully it wasn't a big piece that's the worst we lost a spare piece so we called this little guy dubot right here for Mountain Dew because he's got little cups and I had a spare um one of those poker pieces the red ones that are just a stud on one side and a small like the Technic the Technic things that poke into the Technic things and like I put it in there and he had his little Code Red Mountain Dew but fell out now he has some sort of unidentified gray beverage hahaha that's dubot yeah I don't know it fell behind my printer which is like the Twilight Zone of my computer setup so dubot lost his code red sorry Dumont it was a terrible terrible day was had happened last night actually last night maybe two nights ago so we're doing this again where we're kind of like plugging in and really like getting that thing solid onto the yeah that looks good and the yellow one okay here it is it goes yep behind it's so wild to me like look at that the fact that the Lego build has a like piece that's not aligned with all the other studs that's at an angle and it looks like that in the directions too like it ha it looks out of place a little bit okay so obviously we're gonna do that on the other side now and it looks like we're nearing the end of this bag here we're about to be a bag five super cool super cool bag five [Music] excited for bag five bag 9 looks really easy too so I'm hopefully if these bags keep flying we finished start we finish Galaxy Explorer today question mark can we do it can it happen another funny thing that you can't see right now is uh the way I have this camera set up the top one is it's my normal camera that's on my monitor but I pull it up and I stack it on a bunch of books the top book that it's on right now is this one one of my favorite books actually it's a really good like you know personal book but it's just funny that like I keep looking over and it's like telling me hey stop stop giving a you know okay man I'm doing my best oh now I screwed it up oh no don't you do that good enough close enough so funny stream things you behind the scenes on streamers like setups it's normally really there's usually some funny quirks and that's mine today that's the book that's holding up that's the Crux of this setup is that one book it's a good book too has has riveting chapters like you are not special I think that's one of the chapter names this this one uses the the grill we got the grill on this one I don't think there was a grill in the first one at least I hope not oh no wait no we're building it okay we we never mind this is different yep and then a Tui there it is am I gonna it's the uh is the next bag gonna just be another the other side that's interesting interesting okay and then this goes right here the grill near the back perfect in front of the red perfect it's the right length perfect length oh j-man if you're still here say something because I I got something today and uh you'd be proud of me I'll show it to you I'll show it to you if you're still here oh something yes oh today I went and invested in a brick of do zero 24 big old cans I was out I had to do something because it was at Walmart real good price I didn't even know they did zero in 24 can packs but they do if anyone was wondering they do DW do yeah okay you know what I'll take that I'll take that out I'll take that l so we're building that other wing and we're we're in the Master Builders fever dream again like we were that first time 24 count is more exp I you know I checked that math and the 12 the 2 the 12 pack as you know Soda is expensive up here for some reason the 12 pack was like seven and change and the 24 was 11 bucks so it was significantly cheaper for the 24. than it was for the the 12. so it was it was substantial there it is the fever dream piece once more yeah so I was like you know what I don't feel like 11 bucks is a bet it was 11 40 so you know Walmart's got weird prices for everything uh but it's just under 11.50 and uh when you think about it 24 cans for 11.50 and it's what less than 50 cents a can I don't have a calculator nor you know nor am I good at math is not my vocation so I feel like that's less than 50 cents a can which comes out to be pretty good I think right did I get swindled by Walmart did Papa Walmart get me today I don't think so I feel like that was a good deal I don't do much I don't shop much so that's that was uh that was the extent of my my shopping life okay we're doing this crazy diagonal thing that like goes against my brain waves like look at that right there like look at how that's diagonaling that's a that's a verb I'd say you look it up it's in the dictionary diagonaling 10 . these funny prey it's like all right and after dinner honey we we do our daily prayers to the The Starry Night on the wall so what are you talking about say listen we we pray to the the mighty 3M that van starry night will live to see another day it's like I I have to go thanks for dinner I would though don't ever miss a day praying to that starry night I would be superstitious I am that person oh this is cool now we're doing greats on this one again six pack bottles are four for twelve dollars at Food Lion so you get 20 what 24 bottles for twelve dollars so I got 12 cans or I got 24 cans oh wait 620 yeah 20 yeah so it's about the same it's about the same I did okay I did a do deal today please clap all right so we're making the underside of the wing as you can see we've got these like gray flat things going on here um I have a feeling a lot of these will go up here as well but I'm not doing things in advance I'm not making assumptions because I'm always wrong and it always backfires we're not doing that today not today and oh thank God oh didn't see that one piece for a second oh I need another one oh oh there's a oh I got scared twice oh wait a minute I need one more oh these are all okay plates unless I so I'm missing something I need another 1 by 2 with the line on it all right did I drop it we're playing everybody's favorite game did I drop it did I lose it did I put it somewhere and it's on the it's on the do Cube isn't it this is what I get for sharing the do Cube all right we're under the table I do not see the piece all right so interesting lost Lego Hunt yeah everyone's it's time to play everyone's favorite game all right so here's the deal we're missing now we can substitute which we will do for now um with just a plain one by two stud I do have one and it's a slightly darker gray which we'll do that for now if it turns up then we will we will replace it but it's interesting it goes right on the front too that's lame it's up on the wall and holding it's strong on the wall it's holding it's holding as long as I don't get a random very sad face emoji in an hour I'll be I am your biggest fan and Advocate right now all right so we need four of these oh God they're going in completely random spots Okay so let me so I'm assuming these are spares they are we're gonna wait what no have to do the math now all right we're gonna turn it this way these four L studs are going in completely random spots you got a jet in a few minutes where are you even going I don't want to make assumptions I I don't you know what you live your life and then this one's going back oh are we just is that yeah yeah yeah that's weird that red so that red grippy thing isn't gripping anything it's just to put this yellow l-shape to okay well I I expected more you to bed you know you don't even fool me because that could be exactly what you're doing and I like it's that is a reasonable thing to assume don't even tell me that's not a reasonable thing to assume oh this is cool so these like corner pieces are going right where these two things meet so they the angle off real real real good three four no oh it does overlap oh this is weird this is getting funky I'll show you why in a moment that's good that gray piece is really hidden already so no big but look at how the plates overlap on the bottom a little bit there um yeah that piece is like super gone maybe it never even existed it's okay oh we can check the bag too it's in the bag look oh it's in the bag it was crinkled up all right so let's we found it let's replace it POG pug pug pug pug yeah we found it we don't need the oh you know what's funny is I saw I've seen so many videos on the Lego manufacturing process as part of onboarding and training at Lego so it's like when when I see something like that I'm like no I don't have that one in 800 million it's not quite that much uh j-man this is the last thing I need out of you we're about to build the other John space person what do we name the other John space person bag five by the way here's the contents a lot of a lot this one's a this one's a bit of a doozy but we've got our next minifig in there and it's time for everyone's favorite part we got two little bags in this bag as well okay all right let's move these up microscape atmosphere Saint atmosphere okay Michael Saint atmosphere we need a way to tell him and John's space person apart oh don't you do that all right let's double check our bags this time yep we're looking good bag five okay Michael all right so we're building Michael's Saint atmosphere here and we oh nope we need his little it's a little oxygen tank and then all right so we need a way to differentiate them I wonder yeah so here's John's space person I feel like we should put John you know I'm gonna put John's space person in the build maybe that's it's a bad idea but we're gonna put John's space person we're gonna put Jack Galaxy the front row two and then oh come on buddy and then Michael Saint atmosphere is going in the back row on the left his his helmet's also a little crooked and I'll leave it that way so we'll always know who Michael's who Michael's saying atmosphere is he he never really put his helmet on right um there we go so we're building gosh it looks like the front of the the like the very front we're building a little front piece right here no translucent pieces in this bag no crazy cool look I mean there are some cool like slope pieces but uh and then some Technic pieces we've got these like tubes tubes with like little little little dupes cut out of them little doopies a little whoops all right all right let's get rolling here let's let's figure this out here we go bag five how long we've been gone only not well an hour 17 and we're through three bags already wow we're actually making really good time today I'm feeling jazzed up I'm feeling great oh there is a cool piece in this bag where is that hold on I'm gonna show this off here it is look at this so 1 by 2 with a hole in it with a plate randomly in the middle in front of where the hole is what is this this is another master builder fever dream right here that's kind of cool all right yeah Michael's sane atmosphere isn't quite right in the head he I think his backstory will can be that he uh he ran out of he ran out of oxygen once and uh hasn't been quite the same since but since they're already light years away from the planet Earth you know they're kind of stuck with Michael's same atmosphere and all of his quirks so uh wait wait what oh okay okay so we have these one by twos with the the holes under them the step got like a lot of stuff happens in it and it was like how did we get all that going on all right we've got the blue the blue big boys and these go through all the way kind of creates that you know poles on both sides I don't even know the Lego term for you know whatever these are the pokers but you know pokers as a Lego employee I would I bring shame to my namesake not knowing they're a fall term which I'm sure there is one there is an internal Lego glossary of what a false call all the pieces and but it's absolutely massive it's it is unrealistically large to know what all those pieces like what what they're all called like I would fail a quiz even if I studied I would fail a quiz on what all the names and pieces are it's incredible it's it's a testament to how incredible the a-fault community is honestly but it's also like unbearably huge to have to learn all of those things um and then is it just yeah okay so it's just the end this is the front oh oh my oh goodness oh goodness gracious Great Balls of Fire okay there we go so there you have it the front of the spaces [Music] my phone just went off who is it okay yeah hold on one moment hmm oh no hold on this is how I read my chat and it just broke because I sent a text message I made the mistake of sending a text message all right so we built this and then this goes this way then we put this on it so now we got a little little fireplace [Music] we've had our fun it goes attaches to the front so that crazy piece that has the thing that stood in the middle just goes right on the blue end here and we're just okay that's it there you have it the front of the Galaxy Explorer is on just like on the box whoa okay so now what are we doing here oh cool we're starting to actually hide all of this under under stuffins under under underneath these under crazies there you go hope y'all didn't just hear my tummy Rumble because it did all right oh cool we're putting one of these but backwards whoa and then oh my God the forwards we're doing like doing some crazy backwards forwards on these little v-shaped things look at that that's kind of it's kind of neat it's like forwards backwards forwards creates like a little plate in the middle there okay and then we okay uh this is what I get for mixing the little bags with the big bags I deserve this let me get the big plates out of the way a little breathing room here what I'm looking for is those little slopes those one by two slopes here's one and it goes so faces forward like that okay okay and then we need one more should be like closer to the up here oh these plates are cool they have flat like a you you study in a u-shape or a c shape I don't know depends on your front you know your frame of mind there a lot of wings shapes in this bag too we're gonna I have a feeling we're gonna really start plugging it up here um [Music] um ah found you I I did not I believed I believed okay so put the wings on four one okay we did that yep we got the two we got the one okay what's this one plate where's that going ah behind right here okay there we go oh man it's really coming together oh yeah it's really coming together okay cool um okay and now we're putting a plate yes okay in the front here and that's just like the Box oh man we're like finalizing the front of the Explorer right now this is super cool this is super cool we're getting little grates here because we got our exhaust and our engine up front and then this is cool we're using more of these v-shaped plates here and we're putting a grill in the middle of two of these front and back this is cool this is the kind of thing like when I was a kid making weird stuff with Lego this would be this is like a total me move right here I'm putting the exhaust like that I love it I absolutely love it and then a plate two by three plate put the whole step for the yeah yeah so okay okay okay okay okay I really love how this kind of comes up and then it's flat I was really wondering because on the box you can really tell there's this really neat like oh man I was excited to do with this cam um so it's just this really neat like design on the this is hard to do one looking at a camera um right here and I was really wondering how that came together and this is how we've figured it out and it's really cool to see in person and feel in link look at it's just so interesting to look at um I love it I love it good looks oh man so this you can kind of see on camera depth is like a full-blown view of the whole dang thing and pieces are going in random spots all over it so this step's gonna take a minute which is okay oh man we're putting like little studs even in random spots so okay first of all let's point oh no don't please please I don't want the flashbacks um okay so we're putting these yellow studs right here and on the other side on this red piece and it fell in between okay come on oh gotcha kiddo all right and we put the Blues next to it those are done good I feel like that's the hard part of this step and then a John space person Jack Galaxy Michael sane atmosphere they're hanging out in the in the cockpit already yeah and then where are we putting is it the back oh man we're covering all this in the back now okay okay we need three three one two three one two three okay Where Do We Begin right on the edge wow this is great this is cool one two this is gonna this has that that not straight brick in it will it will it fit it oh oh it did yes oh we did it right oh man that's been worrying me for a hot second well well let's not speak too soon here wait a minute one minute oh my God okay it's like this doesn't it's the wrong way I was terrified okay okay ah yes even though they're curvy they still fit perfectly that's awesome I'm super happy oh that was scary I was heck and scared everyone and now I am no longer I am Vindicated oh we're putting these cool c-shape U shape see shape U shape got that's it yeah oh I did it backwards oh my God of course oh I have to keep going hopefully till Stephen comes back so Steven's lurking today and okay so two of those three of those two of those where are those going so these are in this step too where ah I think right here yes okay ship explode I think this goes and then it's just like the that one like generic explosion animation the stream just cuts off my Discord account's gone Discord servers eliminates like what the heck just happened what just happened all right so that was that that was a cool look at this we're like covering up all the look at that it's starting to it's starting to look like a ship instead of a crazy colorful amalgamation of nonsense all right so here this is like the the crate the biggest bag yet I feel like I mean it isn't because it doesn't have all the cool subtle detail but this is like this is a bag telling you right now like yeah we're cleaning this up we're we're moving this is this is moving we're moving and grooving and beep up beeping I have no idea what I just said be completely honest with you I probably insulted j-man in his native robot tongue somewhere in some way that's how how dare you you're lucky you're not on planet Robotron that gets you killed all right these go here I mean they fit I don't want to push it down yet until I'm sure and then this three by three goes here right and that's but we want four exposed and one exposed yep okay this this is scary to put down because it it ha it connects on so many spots that if I were to have to peel that off it would be an absolute nightmare so I wanted to be absolutely sure that it was not yeah right you know it wasn't gonna have to be yanked off that would be super sad moment okay so there's that there's that so we did four of those two of those oh I did not do two of these so we got a 1 by 4 with the studs on one side so we gotta put this somewhere and there it is okay side of the ship where the end of the wing is where we're eventually gonna do okay so that goes so we're gonna probably build that in bag six if I just look at these cool Jets oh I can't wait I'm so excited this is getting so good so fast it's all like it's just like happening it's happening right now I have no so this step also needs one of each of these and I this I'm completely lost on where oh right here yes oh he found it in such a subtle random spot too that is so like how are you gonna see that look at this look at this look at that like look at all this nonsense going on in this step and you have to be able to see that they go right there and this whole thing it's you know what it's a lot harder it's not hard for anyone else yeah just special all right so these are going down uh okay so they're gonna line up with yep again we're gonna like quadruple check here because it is like connected these these would be impossible to have to get out off we want to be quintuple Shore all right so we're using the last of these two okay this goes here and then one two three okay one two three okay look at this it's a girl it's getting all flattened oh I'm so happy okay those two okay we need these for this step oh I'm like I'm like I feel energy with my fingertips right now I'm so jazzed okay so we're working on the end of the wing here so we're we're doing stuff down here that's where we are okay so this this goes behind the the the thing and then another two by three plate goes here same on this side on a two by three plates where are you there you are huh look at this oh look at how cool I'm so excited and the the back still goes up and down great these are supposed to be exposed still I have a feeling they're gonna get covered though yep okay so now it wants the it to be angled a bit this way and we need four of these oh eight of these all right one two three four eight and then four we're doing like the the little banners I don't know what what flag is yellow black yellow I'm sure it's no flag but they uh that's the the space force hmm yellow black yellow almost looks like it's not Germany but almost I feel like almost resembles Germany maybe perhaps I don't know anything about Flags that's the more likely outcome um okay so these go might be easier to do these first so it looks like they go right here lines up yeah yeah and then these go okay yep that's the way to do it and they're covering up stuff why did I those random yellow studs we did in the last bag they just they get covered up here like what a weird random detail holy cow this is getting so good so fast oh it looked like nothing a bag ago now it's all ah it's all ship looking what's up that's you know that's the term and I'm sticking with it it's all ship looking okay so this goes like this Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah question mark yeah all right now we need eight oh man eight of these so this is a very particular step because we're putting some detail in and it needs to be pretty exact eight of these little studs that go it's a ship the ship looks like a ship I can't believe it it's almost like I'm I got what I what I paid for here uh but the fact that it like ah this is such a magical Moment Like and the same thing happened with Bowser you know like for so many bags like you build the base in the first four bags of Bowser and then you kind of spend the next few bags like building the core and the mechanics of Bowser like what's happening in his body and you don't really like you don't really get that that feeling you know like that payoff that's something that you're doing something substantial and then it just hits you once you realize you're like done with the body and you start building the head even with the head was a strange thing for a while as well but even then it's like when it finally starts to come together it's like oh and that's that's this bag in this build this is the moment where you're like I'm looking at a ship I'm not looking at a weird assortment of colors inside of a a foundation like it's it's ship looking though oh wait four of these wherever these go uh all right so in the front looks like they go here and here right yeah and they're all referenced by the front one so the inner yellow one stud out yep okay there it is that was easier to do than I thought it looked a lot more complex so we put my little flat studs near the the space flag whatever whatever that is it's sturdy now too like it's it's got a little heft to it hey oh okay hey take care if I finish I'll post pics I'll post pics I feel like now we're only an hour 40 in what time is it 5 45 I feel like we can get this done by seven maybe I don't know let's see all right this flat and this that was a nice snap I also like when Lego pieces give you that nice but wow once in a while don't explode it no promises that I cannot guarantee if I know me and I do oh we're doing the side of the wing here now all right so we're angling this and then goes up oh man look at how this fits so there's a diagonal here and we got these studs in the front right and then this yeah yeah it fits just like perfect on the side there the angles all line up that's cool and like the the red stud is on the side there oh this is this would be so cool to display like at an angle all right so now we're doing one on the other side I love that you can really get a good snap when you put Two Flats together I don't know I guess these are stairs too okay and this is gonna go on this wing on this side there's bag five wow it's really starting to come together bag six oh we're finally using this plate that was just in the Box and it literally just goes in the back okay it's expecting it to be a little more exciting but bag six a very small bag actually smaller than the others got a lot of blue gray white in it time for the the fun part the ASMR of the Stream we do have one tiny bag in bag six as well a lot of tiny pieces in this bag probably a lot of finer detail that's going uh on the top of the ship here which is kind of cool we do have two different translucent studs here red and a green which is kind of cool love seeing those easy to spot all right and there should be a white Technic piece let me get these big plates out of there it is I think this is a technic piece all right so we have this and we flip it over and we put this on one side of it that's it it goes in the holes okay not between the holes there it is and then this goes here it doesn't attach though which is so weird it uh I don't know quite what it's oh does this go down that's what it does it goes down not up okay I don't know what this is gonna do though for me for now we just need to place it there I guess okay yeah yeah I'm gonna move this in let me get these pieces moved over and move that in a little so top cam can see that's where that black plate went on a journey together oh we're putting a lot of blue down here oh we're starting this like back cabin area okay okay so these both go oh um so what these one by twos go here oh we're really we're layering on layers here and then this goes here and then this goes right behind it getting the easy ones done and we get a wrong stud thingy do behind that one more one by twos I feel like Steven's gonna come back it's gonna be done and be like yeah so we start with the base and then we drew the rest of the owl this would be like one of those situations where you just went down I go take one nap and then you finish the Galaxy Explorer yeah I guess cool that's still working all right so two two four one two and then the foot yeah okay cool yeah all right now we have these cool things these kind of like plates that have a little slope to them and these are going right here oh they they they're wait there are four of them and they all connect that I like the gold I feel like that's a that's a piece that comes in gold and they that's the gold bar the gold bar set up for Lego I feel like I've seen those before it's gold bars oh man we gotta put 10 of these 10 more of these blue slopey studs in this step I'm whizzing right now ah I'm feeling we're hitting the groove in a big way then there's a gray and these robot heads I don't know what to call these I feel like my strange diff watch we got a black air tank that's gonna go somewhere we got all sorts of craziness in this bag you have another one of these though there are these Wing pieces that can be covering up other pieces so I gotta be careful this is a neat thing too oh that's probably where the air Tank's gonna go it's like spare air tanks go in there do I need to I do so we need to find that other air tank oh it's up here okay my microphone was covering it up from my field of view all right so we did to those two of those two of those two of those four of those so now we need the ten studs all right so four six eight ten you're just enough and they're gonna go kind of like connecting to this blue area here and then this here um yep okay so there's six of them and then around the the blue the robot head the drum oil drum I don't know whatever you want to call that I feel like it's more fun when you give pieces and neat names cool and next we will and that's the whole step actually yeah it is moving on okay we need four big slopes with studs ski boots I would call these ski boots if I were in charge of LEGO Group which I'm not if I were a master builder it's kind of exciting we're moving to Boston in a few years and there's going to be a lot more like stuff happening with LEGO Group in Boston and it'd be really interesting to see what I can kind of be exposed to being up there it is going to be a bit of a haul but I'm really hoping my department follows them the rest of LEGO Group to Boston because I really want to stay and make all that work you know okay now we have oh which one of these yeah it's this one this little like circular stud with a grippy grippy boy on the end or a little bar I should have two they're gray right yeah there's the other I feel like we're setting up the schematics for what eventually becomes like the the holding area I might need some sort of clipping stuff that Clips to other things oh I think the engine Clips onto this yeah that's what it looks like look at these things oh I can't wait to build them this is exciting um can you tell I'm hype right now all right so building two of these and they're just stacking up I love when I can start seeing the stuff on the box and right in front of me oh man I'm so excited and it's cool because we're like flying through the pages here we got another tip the astronauts as beds are designed so they can lie down without taking their air tanks off that's a cool fun fact and there you have it the next fun fact thanks for the free content Lego all right so these get a gray and then a second Gray and then oh and then two these three of the gold bars the white gold the white gold bars I guess this is their pillows and there's the pillow on top there we gotta build two of these so let me do that the white gold bar wait do that yep okay two three four and then where good Lego noises there for you two beds and then they go here it's kind of cool that the beds are I don't even know there were beds in this so you can kind of see there's like a little area yeah yeah I love it I love it cool that's that step okay now we're doing two pokers in the holes yeah oh boy they stick out no they do not okay they go in all the way uh oh did I just oh I locked I just locked it in these don't ambulate anymore okay yeah all right oh oh they ambulate when you break them oh there we go that was scary for half a second but not anymore all right so now we're back to the way back here kind of take stock here and move everybody in a little so we're building these white things now okay so that goes here here we're gonna build two of these by the looks of it and then one has a poker in one has a poker yeah they just need their pokers to be facing opposite and inward it's the whole step that's the whole step all right ah so we're gonna put this to the side for just a moment and build the spare oxygen tank by the looks of it so we got some sort of hot and cold water faucets here we've got oh man I wish j-man were here we've got our Code Red our code red faucet and our original Dew faucet there they are you know I gotta take I gotta take a picture of this he won't want to miss this step okay I had to they go inside of here but okay so how does this work okay here's the top part that part I can do okay that shuts and then for somehow this route sticks out how does this stick out okay so this just oh they're flashlights okay so this just goes in like this this is like their survival pack and then the red one goes on top and then that wait what oh this this just shuts okay and then we build a second one for okay okay for just the air tank that goes in air tank down there we go oh we're gonna call those Dew faucets even though they're flashlights okay and then these okay they face outward right yeah they open outward so when you're out in space you can access them and then really this stuff has a season all eight of these oh wow oh wow oh wow wow okay don't hyperventilate foreign oh it's one piece I was looking for like a slope within an NP it's one piece okay that's that fooled me for a thousand the build just new boot goofing on me there and then we put them on the inside like this and that's that right there [Music] okay we're back we're back to building up here eight one one yep that's it all right now we need eight of these clippy boys right eight yeah there should be four six seven eight which is a 1 by 2 but it's got a a clip instead of a stud in one spot and these go ah this is not oh man it went skittered all the way up to the front of the that scared me for a Split Second I think the engines are gonna Mount some yeah they are oh this guy looks so damn cool golly cool all right looks like we're doing some finer details here all right one of these which is those you know one by twos with a more more going on under all right and we're building huh this is interesting so okay forward one down and then the one that does this which is a stud with two hooks one by two with two hookies on two hooky things on the side and then we get a plate a little seat plate the hamburger Grill underneath ah and then uh a pole that's it and then it goes right here oh and attack yeah it's attaching to that hook that I talked about earlier ah ah sneaky sneaky and now we're doing it again but on the other side oh awesome oops hooks the seat the hamburger Grill and then the antenna I guess we can call that and then it goes oh we're turning the ship around please don't blow up we knew it would happen foreign goes down there we go ah and this step has us oh I was supposed to do this in the last step too poking outward we have some a lot of spare stuff going on here yeah what we got two spare hamburger grills oh wait no yeah yeah no they have a home on the edge here are these I believe two spare translucent studs and there they are in that step and then yeah cool all right bag seven oh we're building our last space person you know what I'm doing with the studs right away giving them the dubot but they don't clip into the cup really well we're just gonna have to be super careful dubot has original do and code red now oh Crimson rain A-frame cabin back order Lego site I just saw that for the first time in night so I'm in a contact center for Lego and we have it built I actually also got to see Rivendell in person um the A-frame is awesome I live uh my wife has family in the Pocono Mountains and uh the uh there's a lot of A-frame cabins in the mountains so when I saw the A-frame build I was super excited because it's like they really nailed the the Spirit of the A-frame cabin um I gotta get a picture of dubat for j-man here hold on these would be so pumped okay A-frame cabin I didn't realize is on back order that's a really neat set though yeah the TR I think I've seen that on Reddit actually that people have put the A-frame cabin with the tree house and like used you know some green leafy tree tree assets to like put them together and I've seen that I've seen that and it's super neat all right we're on bags seven oh man this is normally where I was gonna stop but oh we're so close I think we're just gonna hammer it through and finish Galaxy Explorer today as you can tell we've got our really cool cockpit holders here I hope your Discord call is okay though I always worry when I hear people have calls we have two mini bags in here and here we go the ASMR ah the best part the bag is empty oh this bag is so cool all right so not only do we have these crazy awesome third third okay yeah they definitely feel really solid look at that there they are we also have like neat printed pieces in here oh you can't see it now here's one here they are look at that look at all those printed pieces with all the little Boop y'all can pretend like you don't make sound effects playing with Lego sets I know the truth we need a name for our final space person we've got John space person Jack Galaxy Michael Saint atmosphere we need a we need a name for our last space person printed pieces yeah yeah I know I think that's funny oh you know what I have it upstairs I should run really quick and show you what I got um the Lego building that I'm in just hit its 50th anniversary and we had a a off-site you know we need a a star name for our last person here in honor of Starry Night Vincent we'll call this person Vincent Van Starr there they are Vincent Van Starr in the back seat next to Michael's scene atmosphere so they all have names that's good I'm glad it hasn't fallen yet but as the night is young I don't know your times oh man look at this print okay so let's look at all the printed pieces here we got the ll928 there's a significance to this number by the way I forget what it is but there's an actual reason for that number um and let me grab all these little printed pieces here this is a really cool one I feel like this is triggering memories of my youth right now this bag also has look at these translucent red circular two by twos I love ah this bag is the coolest one I've opened yet holy cow there's tons of printed pieces in this one this bag just made the whole dang thing worth it look at that oh I can't even hang it there's so many this one's probably the coolest one right here this one's triggering memories of my youth I feel like I've had this printed piece before so much cool stuff Vincent Van Starr Michael sane atmosphere John space person and Jack Galaxy and then dubot in the back holding this Mountain Dew we actually had spare clear studs so we got new Mountain Dew it's what you need in space a good beverage all right let's do this this bag looks a little more complex than I initially gave it credit this it's full of strange pieces this is nuts this bag's where things are going to get real weird real weird all right let's get going though let's let's start figuring it out if nothing to build well hey I've got a pulled ship pull up a chair help me out I wish I need to figure out I think the big thing for me is I do one big build a month and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to be doing for March um there was a I saw the heavenly uh God the heavenly Palace the monkey kid Heavenly Palace Monkey Kid does not get enough love those builds are incredibly cool if especially the the ultra Mech that is a very underrated IP and I really want to bring one to stream and do it in the heavenly uh Palace was in the in the section I could have got it at a discount and I didn't yeah that's exactly how I feel Bowser was a little it I had to do like seven eight seven streams to finish Bowser he was he was a lot for me but he's also like what 2400 pieces almost this is 12 54. it's just under 1300 and I'm finishing it in two streams so I agree with you I think ideally for me I want to be at around that two thousand two thousand mark uh with how much I stream Lego in a month because I usually only do it once a week on Mondays and uh it gets tough when you got something like Bowser because he that was a big boy a very big boy and a lot of complex interactions too and I think that adds time it's not just piece count I think people underestimate sometimes that there's other complexities in the parts with Lego sometimes and Bowser is definitely one of those builds that's like you got a lot going on with Bowser there's look at that look at all these pretty pieces [Music] uh where does this go oh it's the cockpit oh it's going right in the front look at that so it's right where they all look at their little heads up display I love it God every single page is something super oh there's another fun fact here about Galaxy Explorer the pilot of the original set used a single steering wheel to control the craft the updated version also has upgraded controls two steering wheels what if what if John space person and Jack Galaxy turned their steering wheels in opposite directions though what would happen it would be the moment my when I was young and my sister accidentally dropped the spaceship that's what would happen all right so we have another printed piece going in the cockpit oh my God oh my gosh look at that it's not even cooler cooler up there oh I can't even angle it right we'll do the top cam there you can see it right in there oh man this is getting so fun all right we're using that printed ll928 going over here oh and there's these one by twos with grippy Lego is so expensive for the bigger builds yeah I mean I don't know if I could do this quite as much um but I agree with you it's it uh it's getting my brain just fried looking at what I'm looking at Okay so we've got where is that coming from that oh wait did I do this wrong did I no it goes I did do this slightly wrong okay we fixed it though get rid of that moment where you gotta move something because yeah my my brain just went into full loading wheel [Laughter] oh man that that was something else for me right there um pick the A-frame but since yeah Bricklink uh I would prefer you should just sometimes wait for the the new ones to get available in Warehouse bricklink's great though Lego just bought Bricklink I actually have a Pier who is working who will be flying I think to California next month or in April to meet with the whole Bricklink team and train them on all of our internal stuff that is my my us peer is actually handling the Bricklink merge process with LEGO Group um yeah and that's how I I knew of Bricklink um but that was like now I'm seeing Bricklink in Action a lot more lately because I see what he's working on and it's it's cool stuff it would be really cool and we had just talked about this if Lego could find a way to integrate bricklink's reselling process into its main website I don't know if they would ever want to do that for the brand you know the brand implications but I feel like there's value there to what am I doing here okay this goes here there'd be value there if somebody can't you know if something's out of stock then it has those listings from Bricklink like right on the Lego website so you can you know see if the aftermarket Market after market market reselling Market sorry is is an option but I don't I kind of feel like you would be yeah it's it's not a cheap hobby I I think that was lesson one when I bought my when I first was like why don't I do this for fun and I was like oh my goodness gravy what have I done how many three is that two three by three three one by threes it is I'm looking for a one by six there's no such thing um yeah I think that was step one like so you wanna you wanna be an a fall huh I'm gonna join the a-fault community I'm gonna be a part of the Lego a fall Community how rich are you I'm not kidding yeah how much money do you have it's worse too and you know you work for Lego and your paycheck goes back into Lego because you're like oh I could buy that and I can buy that and like yeah I get a bit of a discount which is nice but like in the same regard at the other day it's like oh man as it it helps but it used you know it can only help you so much all right cool I'll see you in a minute oh man this is intense okay so we are in there we are in the cab we're in the back part of the cabin now putting more of these put more of the craziness we got the front which is kind of cool we got the here I'll kind of zoom in on that you can see got the plate in the front there right like it is on the box all right so we're in the cabin now this is the cabin bag so we got those we're gonna need this which goes yeah we'll figure that out in a sec but we got the white 2x2 and on the bottom it's this and then on the wall how do I do that okay what am I doing here okay we got a 1x4 with the studs on the side and then we're doing this one and then we're doing another one of these like this and then it goes here and this goes down oh man I didn't realize how many printed parts and cool details this cabin was gonna have and then we put a random uh random little lever right here oh this is this is tight uh there we go nope let's get in there no come on come on that is not oh oh boy what if I take this out give me a little more room to put this in wait is this this is a very stiff lever here oh is it not going in because it was oh that might have been what was going on there that's my fault okay and then okay there we go and then next we're turning it around turn around maybe now and then I build a Galaxy Explorer and it's awesome all around you don't want to activate singing mode that's the worst stream benefit okay so we're putting another lever right here turn it a little lever up oh that gets very very tight in there that is super tight oh curse these fumbly adult hands okay that looks really cool in the back there I don't even think I'm done making it cool oh I'm not all right so these get Windows so I guess the spaceship runs on Windows hahaha this is rad plaid dab everyone you're gonna get those quips now and again all right it's just something that's gonna happen that's just how life goes all right so we got the windows here and they go on both sides looks like they just look at that yeah oh the windows to their little beds love that and then we're putting two of these are these right yep cool and then oh we're using these cool okay I'm back sorry I gotta feed cats that's cool sometimes I have to walk away to feed my bunnies they are chunky bunnies well only one's really chunky the other two are normal size but the I got the one and that one is something else I'll tell you what and then this is where you get white piece oh my gosh this is getting so cool I didn't even realize there oh I'm so jazzed up that's awesome and we're building one on the other side yeah oh when I built this when I was I'll Zoom it in see or I'll put it up so you can see what I just did sort of oh man this looks so cool this box actually also has translucent yellow one by twos which is awesome where am I from I am in Connecticut I'm United States so I live in Connecticut uh not hard to kind of get out of me uh Legos corporate office for North America is in Enfield Connecticut and that's where I work so I'm not far from there look at that that so this oh North Carolina okay so East Coast same time zone um I've been to North Carolina my sister or my brother-in-law has a house there and uh I've been to it it was I wouldn't even say it was too hot it was I remember it being very it's the day not damp humid I remember humidity I think depending on where you are in North Carolina that's that is something you have to consider I remember humidity 57 minutes away in a mall oh okay that's cool there's there is a Lego store in there's one in Canada there's at least one I know of in Connecticut and it's not far from where I live I'd say maybe four I used to work in that Mall I used to work for um T-Mobile I had a job there for four years and I was unfortunately laid off in the middle of last year and that was uh what led me on a career journey and that's eventually what led to my role at Lego getting a job at Lego I was being laid off by T-Mobile but that same mall where the LEGO store is West Farms Mall um that was the T-Mobile store that I was running 83 on Thursday this has been a weird winner and I live further up north obviously so Winter's a little different for me but it's we haven't even seen I don't even know if we've seen accumulated snow yet like yeah like it's been warm it's been a not winter winter like it's we still have cold so like it is still not pleasant to be outside in in January February but like no snow yeah it's and Mild for us is concerning because we live far enough North where you know 10 years ago I think I just saw pictures in my Google my Google photos of you know got more printed pieces here um and uh like 10 years ago I was we had this like epic snowstorm it was Unreal huge it was the biggest of big snowstorms and uh it was like feet of snow and I I remember I worked for a t then and my boss was like see coming in right and I'm like dude they I lived in an apartment complex and I was like a half mile in from the road in my apartment complex they even plowed an apartment complex I was like I'm not coming in like what it was one of those uh one of those days where the boss is really hoping you you take one for the team it was not happening we were snowed in for like three days so it was it was bad I don't know I remember that it was but like this this winter last night it like peppered a little bit of salted like peppered is a bad term it's white um a little bit of snow on the ground and that was it and that was kind of like okay um sure and that's like the most snow I've seen all year is this like it's it was dust it was coming down a little bit and that that's that's all you get today that's oh wait is this no wait this I just did okay I'm here okay so you get me talking too much and I will like just talk talk talk talk talk and then I'll like be like where was my brain a minute ago foreign it's okay though I love distractions and talking it's just funny what it does to me once in a while I took a personality test recently the what is it called insights profile and I am a very very yellow person so I am okay so let's look at this this does this and then this goes on the top and the stud goes underneath okay yeah and when you're and you know it's fun when you're ahead of the game you know like your your homework or your homework did you say school work so what are you studying um you said you were older as well I would love to know I'm actually gonna try to go be going back to school very soon myself I'm halfway through my master's degree and I never finished it because I worked for a company that I left and they were paying my tuition and uh I didn't uh Lego does pay for that so now I'm looking to like finish forensic computer Examiner well when you look at my search history and it's a bunch of nerd stuff don't get too bored by my music and music and uh game stuff and Lego stuff web searches and books I read tons of books and I'm always looking at book deals okay so we're gonna put this to the side for now because we're we're starting something new I guess oh we're using the oh we're using the yellow translucent guys in this step that's cool yeah I I always laugh it's like aren't you like I get that like data collection and stuff is a huge Topic in the tech world nowadays but it's like man I feel bad for the person that has to like look at my data or if I ever had to like be somebody ever had to like do a search on me or like look through my stuff have fun man because try not to get too bored I I get why it's a problem like I don't want to downplay that but like I I have zero concern for what somebody could on unload on me and go through my stuff like you're just boring yourself uh I've had you know it's funny I've only ever ended a stream once because I had to walk away and it was uh I I feel you this is a funny story it's Barry I don't even think I have the VOD like the VOD did not survive but it uh I um I was playing the the number one Crash Bandicoot got remade and they did like the the Crash Bandicoot insane Trilogy I think it's called I have it it's probably in the boxes over there and uh I uh I was playing it and I was struggling I was like how am I this freaking bad it crash I played this on PS1 growing up like I've played this game I'm losing and uh at the end of the stream oh by the way we're putting these on I just wanna want to share how cool that looks there's some sort of window situation going on here um and at the end of the Stream I was I ran out of lives or something and there was no like continue system and it just like pooped me back with like one level done and I had done like the whole first world as in the second world and I was like end stream that was it I was like this is I was dying a lot I was not enjoying it and then I lost all my progress and I was like you know what this is a day I'm just gonna take the L today and walk away from this look at this it's some sort of like door if this is the door to the back area this is gonna look so freaking cool I don't even know what this is some Star Trek stuff going on here oh man we're still building onto it okay it goes in the back it's gonna go like back here when it's done uh okay but this this step this this this is this is really crazy looking right here yeah sorry I didn't want a negative stream you know I just had this talk and I knew you were kind of hanging out earlier but like I've changed a lot of the content that I stream now because I want to do things that I love and enjoy and obviously I love doing this and this is this is a uh fill the cup activity for me you know you call it I call it's a term where it's like you know you do things that fill your cup and you do things that empty your cup and this is like I just want streaming to be activities that fill my cup that's all I care about um but you know you hit those moments oh 13. what's up we're drinking water right now out of my Saints cup hopefully you're not a Panthers fan cleansing rain if you are it's okay I forgive you um but yeah um yeah variety streaming is fun and I've done a lot of things like play Kaiser Mario um God I've tried competitive kind of gaming in the past um and I it's fun because you try things you figure out what works what doesn't work oh Patriots oh well there you go I live in Connecticut talk about Patriots that's that's that is what what happens up here Patriots fans are everywhere um Connecticut is kind of divided because you have New York's you know New York is on one end of Connecticut and then you got Massachusetts gripping Connecticut all around the other way so you kind of hit this divide there's one Highway that kind of cuts through the middle of Connecticut and on one side of it you're gonna see a lot more Giants and jets and all that and then on the side I live on it's Patriots you know a lot less a lot less of the New York stuff going on but you get you kind of have that divide it's the same with uh baseball you know right Yankees Red Sox Connecticut's like this war zone State when it comes to sports because there's uh you know you got your Massachusetts people and then you've got your New York people and your New York people are gonna feel one way and you're you're Massachusetts people are going to feel another way and you know whoever I got family in Massachusetts so I love these teams yeah it's it's a thing best way it's a thing up here okay so we're going back to this holding it inside and oh oh my gosh the door stop look at this oh it's the door come on that is so cool this gets ah man I am so glad I'm doing this right now yeah I love this hold on where's the other blue one oh okay do I I do need two of them and then three plates three blue plates go on top let me take care of that that was my Reddit I have a Reddit account that just follows all the Lego Subs that's what you just heard if you heard it uh oh here it is my goodness yeah I love when I see oh I'll be right back okay Okay so the good news is I can see most of it the bad news is okay wait so this goes that was quite yeah the Lego who knew that Lego bricks were so they want to they just want to fly okay so this goes back here right I'm missing this one white that one went like it really flew so I'm gonna look for it oh I see it that could have been a lot worse and it wasn't see anyway I've had to spend my whole life obviously he's a Saints fan Drew Brees right one of the best to ever played the game but you live up here and everyone was just like Drew Brees is nothing to Thomas Brady so I had to live my whole life like you know constantly loving my God Drew Brees but oh wait did it wait a minute so and then uh Tom Brady signs with the Bucks and wins the Super Bowl and in my division which made me sad oh I see okay so this has to like really fit in there okay good we're good we're good we're back we're back look at that okay so now we can and it locks in can't can't come out yeah I mean that's the right thing to do he did win a Super Bowl as a as a uh Buccaneer right but like I know a lot of Patriots fans that are upset that Mr Brady is not uh retiring as a as a um Patriot he should in my opinion that's the team that took a chance in you this ambulates right now and I don't think it's going to in the end but it can for the moment and I think it goes there yes it does it definitely does you're playing you can play with it later all right you definitely should retire a patriot yeah Tom Tom was weird you know the first time he retired he didn't mention the first time Tom retired I think that's the other problem that guy has he doesn't know when to stop playing football um he didn't even have the Patriots in his like goodbye video so Pat's fans were like you know they were making lots of noise about that and then uh he retired this time he was just like on the beach and he was like yeah this is it I'm finally retiring see you later and then somebody actually went to that exact spot Tom Brady retired bagged the sand and self sold it on eBay the Tom Brady retirement sand and they had photographic evidence that they were in that spot people will sell anything all right does this actually how does this work so they want the dot they want the dots to go inside that's what I'm saying here no oh okay okay okay okay we got it I figured it still ambulating a little bit which once we kind of like built the top it probably won't but oh oh no yeah that that was also drama with Giselle and all um I try not to feel too bad for people's career you know who've had careers making millions of dollars but it sucks like you hit a point man you what more could you have accomplished in your career as a football player you will literally retire as one of the greatest people to ever play the sport of football and just walk away for the sake of your marriage man I know I would yeah like she made her commitment it's time for you to make yours I mean he does love his son you know like I I I'm not saying he doesn't love his family but like I feel like you know they did they underperformed this year too like was your marriage really worth a first round playoff exit and a division that sucked NFC South was terrible the fact that the Saints had a losing record and a chance up to the final week of the season to get into the playoffs with a losing record says everything you need to know about to be sucked this year and that was done like that's how you're going out man a middling record and a first round playoff exit like cool like go go beg for forgiveness from your awesome supermodel life ex-wife but you know what there could be other things I guess I can't assume yeah Sports people are people too and there could be other things that got in the way um but I I have a feeling you know that played a big role but maybe it wasn't everything but at the end like Tom the sooner that man can stop playing football the better because spent my whole life loving Drew Brees right and everybody up here in Connecticut Pat's fans oh these no Tom Brady's no Tom Brady's no Tom Brady's there's always this inferiority complex right then that very same man joins my division wins the Super Bowl just to piss me off more I'm all set with that Tom Brady guy I'll tell you what look at how this red these little red things on the side here like I feel like they'd be a little emergency lights they kind of like poke out a little bit that's just super cool how that looks okay I can't believe we have two bags left and the eighth bag has a lot of pieces and I think it's the engines I can't imagine what what else would I mean obviously if more to do but like huh there's a lot of pieces in that next bag yeah it's really yeah you always hit that point in the build where it starts to like look like the build you know and you're like it's starting because like you look here like we are practically done with this whole front part we just have to somehow clip this thing on in a minute and that whole like front half it's done it's just this back part that we're on to now uh we're making some other sort of advanced wood thingy do here okay so you got this and then we've got uh this and this no wait wait wait are these the same thing they are okay wait these go under and then we what okay and then how what oh this is cool so we're taking these right which have the little circular pieces but we're poking them into it upside down is that what I'm seeing yeah and then oh neat look at that how those I would assume this is an illegal building technique but it's legal it's nine bags so we have two bags to go which honestly maybe sounds about right at this point so we flip it over wait and then okay so these are pointing down and then we're putting this on top of that and then we're putting the plates okay so these are pointing down so these plates go up up like this yeah and then this goes right here so oh man okay so there's little white hooks there so this hooks in oh wow okay so we're on to bag eight however this bag has two of these white one by twos and I'm worried that they belong somewhere so let me just back up here they don't go here they don't go here they don't go here they don't go here they don't go here there's no step that uses white one by twos in this whole bag oh there they are whoops oh no I did use oh you know it wants two of them okay oh okay this is this is a little a little uh squeeze here but we're gonna try to make it work okay got the first one oh no Jack Galaxy okay John space person okay okay that got scary the tall neck oh you built the Horizon zero Dawn tall neck that's a game I've always wanted to play I own it and I have a steam deck and obviously I have my computer here and I haven't played it yet and I know that that's that's like a very cool game all right so this is probably obviously one of the coolest steps that you get here is putting these on so here we go the space people are in there they are this is when it falls apart this is that that core memory it's awesome yeah it's on my list um I'm actually playing the Final Fantasy VII remake on my steam bike right now oh my gosh first of all incredible game so here's the last two bags right I'm feeling we're just gonna humble this out at this point let's just let's go oh the way hey cans cans come down here I said come down here if you want for something here we go ASMR bag eight oh I think I'm about to get about to go into bunny cam in a second whoa look at these okay this bag is not as bad as I thought so cool who'd you bring cheers all right ladies and gentlemen cheers you say little man and two camera angles you're doing a good job don't go up there that's not good oh you want to stay back here there you go buddy hi how you doing it's my little man you wanna do pizza sure Family Pizza you want to go with me I'll be done within the hour we could go together can we get a pump get wings we'll talk about it thank you my little man you want to go all the way to Taco Bell yeah and Barnes Noble um we'll see I'm on I have two bags look at this this is all that's left look at it what do you think looks cool huh oh you won't be here you get the uh I'm sure you have a cat voice [Laughter] yeah he's very judgmental and grumpy like a cat oh did he thump my chocolate heart was gross Why Did You Eat My Chocolate heart I don't oh yeah well three were missing out of my chocolate heart mm-hmm oh look at this we got a little walkie-talkie I love these custom molds what is this for like what is the point in this I don't know it's just a decoration all right so we're gonna move this out of the way for now I did put some of the bigger pieces out so I don't lose sight or the smaller ones it's obvious we're probably gonna finish the cabin here then put the engines on in bag nine and that is Galaxy Explorer I think we are near the end here all right six L shape I can't believe I did this in one day I thought we were gonna do at least three more streams of this but not three maybe two more streams but I anticipated so there's nine bags I did two bags the first stream and I was expecting like maybe if I did four bags in the second stream and then three bags in the final stream that would finish it but today you know we just were like nah just gonna do it we on bag eight of nine yes this is the last bag that's it where the end is in sight for Galaxy Explorer I can't believe my daughter said we can go to Taco Bell now I'm excited you wanna quesadilla uh well Teddy's a sweetheart when he's not being a grump y you finished your book good why aren't you cleaning your room also clean your room well I know that's your problem all right let's keep it going here oh we got so we we do have green translucent pieces in this bag that's the only translucent piece we also got a cool wrench we'll probably need it to tune up our ship here oh that's so cool that even the wrench can fit on a stud like that look at that just all those cool details never fail to to show up and be amazing all right looks like where this is one of those you do it twice but the second time you do it backwards nope why because you still have a c in French yep get me that point and you can build your penguin dad my daughter has a she wants these four season sets and what do you have now you have the you have the owl right and then I found the the penguin the like holiday penguin but you can't build it till she has all B's or better she has one grade that's a c plus yeah and at one point it's all you need well you get that point you get your penguin I took French I used to see a lot of French when I played Final Fantasy 14. it isn't it your Spanish grammar makes no sense oh man this this has me doing a lot of funky stuff right here like I put this inside right and now I'm putting this on that to create more studs this way and now I'm going to be putting a a seat piece on the side this is like look at that look how weird that looks it's got the studs out has the seat in I don't know what their goal was there but we did it now we're doing it on the other side and then see this is cool it's like a I don't even know what we're doing here it's got a little arrow though we've made an arrow I need stud a stud thing or a whole a holy piece piece with hole this looks cool so far I got the arrow and the the green studs are kind of built into it there you can see on the sides interesting interesting oh the wrench goes in this Boop there we go wrenches in and then we put oh careful with that bag and then this goes across and then the four go across cool yeah making this obviously the room that goes back here I don't know it probably goes this way I don't know yet we're gonna figure it out now we make a little blow horn you'll see what I mean in a moment cool there it is there's the room with the arrow I didn't even know that arrow thing oh I guess yeah you can see it oh man this is wild this this build has so many cool details oh I'm so jazzed I love this build so much I can't even believe I am yeah we're we're we are Trucking through seven bags in one stream yeah the bags can vary in size but Bowser was just yeah he was over a thousand pieces bigger than this one so there's the blow horn by the way you Bowser is 2300 I think the Harry Potter one was like 2013. really that's a bigger building I thought my this camera got like super macro on me come on we like focus a little bit here please it's like won't yeah maybe I just gotta like move it shake it a bit no I would hate to have to cover it uncover it okay still like go on macro on me huh maybe I can just scoot it in scoot it in a little more yeah this is weird my camera just doesn't want to behave here let me go to the source here disable it re-enable it I don't feel like that did anything oh it did okay no did it it did not you can see my hand really clearly so here's the blowhorn you see now it's okay now it's working all right all right Teddy's behind me hey buddy checking out my bags okay the blow horn goes oh wait a minute wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh we're making another layer okay now this here's a three then an L shape where are you L shape there you are and then another one by three oh oh no my arrow there we go and then a 1 by 2 with a hole in it and then a one by one oh there's another fact on this page by the way about Galaxy Explorer so we're gonna now we're sticking a pole through this white pole really does this wait a minute is this supposed to did I do this wrong this is supposed to go deeper oh there we go okay but how is it oh the red we need this is the the Mountain Dew piece there it goes yeah you get Pro tip when you're building Lego sets follow the directions just okay the T it says the original model the arrow decoration was printed on a 1x2 brick the arrow in this model is built using a shield from a Lego nexo Knights set fun fact there you go all right so that goes to the side we're starting something new this and then a one by two instead the slope and then a white this on a 1 by 4 white you had me thinking about that Crash Bandicoot stream I haven't thought about that in so long I'm like it's like a core memory just reactivated it's so funny that of all the things for me to remember that that one time Crash Bandicoot got me so mad I ended my stream what a funny way to have that story come up why is this you stopped your screen yep he's under my feet I think there he is don't get thumped at please when rabbits are mad they uh oh oh big white feet it's okay yep you can get him yeah okay there's his feet oh he's shaking take him up he's scared he's a big scaredy cat you like to act all big yeah you're right he does ACT big and tough never played the new crash game I do play you know it's funny I played one and two I kind of played three I didn't play a whole lot of Crash three which I hear is a really good game um but I played a lot of I didn't play the fourth one either yet it's on it's not on my steam wish list but I feel like I should put it there is it what is it okay hold on this goes here okay all right I'm making sure I do this right there's another fun fact the walkie-talkie and wrench were the original tools used by astronauts in the original set so I guess these are very old pieces that wrench there okay and now we keep this out we have that there oh we're putting five five of these on one oh five of the wingies the wings look at that now we're doing the cool things do not attempt to complete crash Joe Stevens here Steven we're finishing it today I'm so glad you're back we got this we got the Saints cup we got the Saints shirt on we're finishing we're finishing Galaxy Explorer today we got we got the the Saints Avenue sign that I'm going to hang on my wall soon All For You Stephen and I are big Saints fans that's where the connection came from so I get excited to share Saint Steph when Steven's around is Crash four that hard will that will my will I be insulting my childhood okay so this this big plate here has a room on the back for a four a four and then we just put this 2x4 here so this is like all situating okay so we first want to flip this over and put two two one by fours underneath I can't believe crash four is that hard is it frustrating is it just hard like what what is it Stephen you've I have more questions than answers oh it's going on it's going on the build now we're pogging okay so it goes here yeah yeah and it fits oh man stop look at this look at this it opens up oh and it has two hinges oh my God that I can't even believe that oh wow we're about to build the other one to a hundred percent is Twinsanity to finish it's find isn't twin sanity another Crash Bandicoot game are you are you doing a a giggle right now you doing a joke yeah that's yeah I can oh I can't wait to build the other one and then look at it okay so we're we gotta do this we're we're powering through the Finish Line then me and my daughter are going to Taco Bell that's that's literally my night finish Galaxy Explorer go get Taco Bell and that's it that's I'll probably be playing um I'll probably be in my Discord later um screen sharing the Final Fantasy VII remake I won't stream it because I'm way late in the game and it's just not worth streaming that late into the game if I wanted to if I'd been streaming the whole thing I would but um I'm just gonna have like a mellow Knight stream Sharon or screen sharing and the Discord I'm really late into the game um and it's so freaking good I can't believe how good of a game it is um Taco Bell in ages you know it's worth the drive the in in Connecticut there's only so many cool things to do I guess and Taco Bell is one of them today it gets an interesting place to live I'll say that too um twin sanity I kind of want to play it now like I have it and they are steam deck enabled games like they're really good on Steam deck all the crash remakes and stuff you know it's funny I never played and maybe you can shed light on this one crash game I never played was the Nitro cart is that like a good game is Nitro car worth it I I don't know I hear it's I hear oh you joined my Discord well hello um I'm in the chat right now I think if my Link's up to date if you see me in the voice Channel you're in the right Discord I'm pretty sure I updated that link though it used to link to a different Discord that I left let me let me scroll really quick do I see you I don't see you Czar oh you are in there yeah okay good it's not a very big place so I appreciate you hanging out and again I'll get on yours when I'm done here probably while I'm eating my Taco Bell let's be honest full disclosure oh crash team racing yes yes yes yes that's the game so it's is it good so like I gotta be honest with you I it's not that I dislike you racing games but one of my favorite racing games of all time was Diddy Kong Racing right I loved the campaign I love to like the like personality of it and the how you would replay races for the coins and then you had to fight whiz Pig like it was just it had all that cool like personality in it obviously the game had flaws right but it made up for it because of all that other cool stuff that the game had and the races were fun enough like it just like it kept you coming back oh yeah I have a new one yep hey 13 you're still here what's up um welcome to the Discord by the way it's it's your pretty standard Discord nothing fancy and I can Crimson Reign what I can do too is add you to our our streambot I have Lira that I gotta add to that too I don't mind helping people out where I can we're small but I prefer to do anything I can do to help anybody out I'll get you that extra view now and again oh my gosh okay there we go the walkie-talkie hangs on the other side by the way the wrench is in one and the walkie-talkies in the other this walkie-talkie is upright though oh okay it wants to go that way it pokes out I was just concerned um oh The Shield here's the shield wait did it was I supposed to do a shield in the other one oh hold on bag eight was I supposed to do a shield I was where do I do this oh right here oh uh huh okay I have to figure that out I have to take this apart oh this is scary okay that's the what the thing was referring to that's the nexo Knight shield it was referring to I can fix it you're good at building Lego sets you can fix this we've successfully fixed it okay whoa that was that was scary generally it's probably more generally accepted as more fun so like crash team racing can you do like various vehicles does it do like the airplanes and the the water the hover boats and the cars like other boss fights is there a hub world like what does it do how much of that am I getting in Crash team racing is there like a a balloon system like Diddy Kong Racing had you know like what am I getting oh I love Mario Kart Crimson Ray you ping me anytime you want to play Mario Kart 8 careful bringing 13 along though because they do that weird Waluigi wiggler Strat oh it's just races ah man I still I mean I shouldn't say oh man I'm sure it's still a very good game but you know you you can tell what I'm looking for right that that like Adventure cart racer game you know that existed in years past no game quite did every time they do an N64 announcement on switch online I'm always like come on Diddy Kong Racing please we got Banjo-Kazooie obviously rare is okay like just give me the car racing why are you holding it out on me what did I ever do to you Nintendo okay you know I'm getting a little emotional if we did econ racing yeah I'm down ping me I'll stream it we can co-stream it Friday nights my Friday nights are straight you know I got the dad mode that I do a lot but if I'm around I will join you I'm and you know what the best part about bringing me on Mario Kart Knight is is I will make you look good at Mario Kart because I am not good at Mario Kart I am as average as it gets as mid as mid like the word mid was invented because of my Mario Kart bill so I will help you look great on on stream yeah I mean you know what and again that goes back to what we're talking about earlier like it doesn't matter how good or bad I am at something now I just like having fun on streams and that's all I care about is playing stuff that's fun and doing things that are fun like if I suck at it I don't care because I'm having a good time I'm chatting with everybody we're all having a good time yeah I I love that you're you know you've got that same mentality like really oh bring these over sorry if that was loud scraping all right one by two I'm just like click click click click sorry that I haven't shown much I'm just like I am in the the Brick zone right now I am flying and it is feels so good to be like Just In This Groove I did not expect to finish this today I almost didn't even go live I was like yeah I mean I guess maybe I pinged j-man I was like I'm going live he was like uh really and I was like yeah I guess and I'm so glad I did because here we are like just clobbering this whole rest of this build easy skill becomes irrelevant and turns into my kind of Mario Party you got it I when we play because I know I've played with like you and chuckle and Toad or whoever else is in that you know the Mario server and you you guys are very good at Mario Kart and you all clearly have practiced and played together and I'm just like you know I sh I I'm here I I showed up yay that's so funny that activating Mario party mode in Mario Kart frantic items and easy CPUs and it's just like chaos yeah I mean I don't put it past toad I if toad has any level of experience in a game I'm automatically I want nothing to do with playing against toad in that game because what toad is capable of unleashing with Toad's level of skill in anything it's it just becomes nonsense I look at the fact that he's crashed my Mario maker on switch he's found multiple ways to break my game lag further behind they roll lightning bolts and blue yeah you have the Frantic items it's just like yeah you're I mean you you asked for it at that point that's so funny oh you hear that click oh once in a while you get a real good a good brick noise I think good brick noise is like get those Snappy snaps the best part about building Lego I feel like the yeah like first place is you almost want to be in second place all the time in in that kind of chaos because then you you're not getting blue shelled all the time you still get oh my God this ready here we go the first time ever and then uh Steven didn't see this earlier we got to show this off again crimson ready here we go that's the door to the inside and then you can see in there oh look at all the detail in that ah this is the this is the coolest thing oh my god oh this is so good I don't oh I have a 10 out of 10 build I can't even believe how awesome how good this build is all right two of those for those two of these for these and then we're just building these up I guess so we're enhance enhance enhance what I'd love to do too is like get a I was thinking about like a Jack box party night getting some of that going again because we used to we do that once in a while but Mario Kart night I mean that would also be a good time okay so we should have a one Gap there okay yeah yeah all right okay and now we're taking this and we're putting this in I have no idea what is about to happen oh jackpots yeah it's already 770. I'm hoping I could finish by like 7 30. the good news is Taco Bell is open all night so now I don't gotta worry if we had to go to the pizza place then you know time is of the essence a little bit but Taco Bell dude it's gonna come out we're good I just gotta work to make sure my son is all set for the night all right ah you hear these snaps and we're getting killer snap noises everything is going my way right now that's the end of the bag and a couple extra pieces again and then this goes on top but there's what am I doing here what how am I what what I get it but I foreign wait what hold on so we expect oh we take it out oh they click in okay so there's little arms here right here and here and these can like click in there we go and you can click them out okay yeah it's just grippy grippy we got grip action and look up here look how the the hamburger grills oh wait can I get it on camera oh we use top cam the hamburger grills go to these like little studs that's just a really cool little uh detail yeah bag eight did go fast oh look at this thing I'm holding it I'm so excited it's time everyone for bag nine the final bag of the build we're here it's the engines that's it there's tires too looks like we're building a little I think there's a little companion buggy in the bottom here the final bag just gotta make sure we've had issues in the past with my poor method uh getting me in trouble and pieces going everywhere look at this we've got domed red translucent pieces in this with this crazy Technic piece look at this that is very technical so Technic such wow all right so yeah we're building engines and we're building a little little buggy we've got Vincent Van uh star no Vincent van yeah Vince Advanced star Michael Saint atmosphere John space person and Jack Galaxy there they are all right so we're building two of these so whatever I'm gonna do here I'm gonna do it twice all right so we got we need these waffles and come one waffles like Golden Grahams no not golden that's the hunt what's the honeycomb that's the cereal I was the next of course I why am I maybe I'm getting hungry because now I'm thinking about Syria ha okay honeycomb yeah I don't cannot remember last time I've had that if I've even really ever had that cereal oh there's the other honeycomb yeah I'm trying to think like I don't think I've had honeycomb in a very time if I cannot remember a time I've eaten honeycomb there's tires hey the fun fact Lego is the largest worldwide manufacturer of tires fun fact thank you for subscribing to Lego fun facts here fellow Lego employee here all right um let's do this my go-to cereal is uh trying to think I like Reese's Puffs those are good my my kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch that's the thing I think I see the most of in this house Cinnamon Toast Crunch but I'll eat anything cereal what's nice is I work from home now in my job so I get to like like I'll do a meeting and then I can like make a breakfast like fry an egg while I'm doing other stuff have you ever watched the show Lego Masters I did have and I actually love Yeah Cinnamon Toast Crunch is good you know why too because I'm a milk Drinker at the end of my cereal The Cinnamon Toast Crunch gives you like that nice sweet cinnamony milk that's good I I I I know that like there's probably polarizing views and do drink milk or don't drink milk at the end of cereal I definitely do cinnamon toast crunch milk is good stuff I have watched Lego Masters uh a little bit it's promoted everywhere internally obviously at Lego um I see Lego Master stuff all the time how does this get weight I gotta make sure this is look at this honeycomb piece um and uh yeah it's got the main reason I love Lego Masters is because of Will Arnett though Will Arnett is just so funny I love Will Arnett oh man so this has to push all the way down and then we get a little white yeah Lego Masters are fun it's a little like game showy at times I'll admit but it's fun Will Arnett's funny you know they there's definitely I've seen some sick stuff um yeah the those builds yeah they I would love to see Lego do like a a Lego Master set because you have Lego ideas Lego architecture you know one of our IPS be like Lego Masters the the greatest hits I wonder if we have plans for that but you also have to realize there's a Lego Masters America's there's a Europe one there's like spin-offs it's like the American Idol now for Lego there's like it's everywhere all right we have to do this twice I completely forgot so now we got to do it again it's a cool show I've watched it a couple times there was one where they did the parade episode and like two guys made these this parade float of dragons that like Technic went like this and then like the different parts of the dragons like were off cycle from one another it was wild it was really cool that that build like stuck with me as one of the really cool ones um and then they've got like the golden brick where it like saves you from elimination it's like they try to add all this drama to it but we'll learn it is super funny I think I fell in love with Will Arnett um in Arrested Development and then again in 30 Rock 30 Rock is Arrested Development 30 Rock are probably some of the only show like I want to say they're not sitcoms but like two shows that have ever made me like ugly laugh um and uh I Love Will Arnett in both of those shows because he plays banks in 30 Rock and then he plays uh job in Arrested Development and his he just has this this personality as an actor that I love and it's fun to see him just be himself in Lego Masters he's definitely a great host okay so we built two of those engines enough of that oh these are the back engines oh here we go boom it's an idiot we're so close now now we're gonna build the side ones ah here we go I know I'm making ugly noises I'm sorry I'm just so hyped this is coming out so well these are cool little stud piece and little studs with grippies they'll obviously they'll clip onto that right there ah we're so close actually have their set so I don't think I've seen it I'd have to do that research to see because I've seen obviously I see a lot of Lego sets and I'm surrounded by Lego sets at my job all day and I don't remember seeing um like a Lego Masters set it would be a cool theme like I don't know why we're not doing that that just that just seems obvious at this point um but we just denounced that BTS collab that's gonna print money that's the big one I think right now that is going to be promoted everywhere I can't believe we did that set that's that's a really great collaboration for LEGO Group honestly ETS fans are crazy and they will they're going to buy the junk out of that thing okay so that oh we're putting these the little oh these are really tougher than I expected I would love to know which one which set they're referring to if they if it exists I'd love to buy one that's a cool set to own the Lego Masters Edition of a set you know what I also want to start investing in and I'd have to use Bricklink for this Brickley brick brick Bricklink right yeah um is the uh the lit the modular City the jazz club and the hotel are in my Lego store right now and they're not cheap but I really kind of want to start building the modular City I have this really great shelf that lines this room I can literally have the whole city just lined up on this Shelf okay this is right yeah okay oh we have to do this twice though yeah so let me do this again so I don't have to go back a page I'm like click click click click [Laughter] I love this part of the build where you're like this close to finishing it and you're just like oh I see the end it's in sight I just wish to finish you're probably right about that Lego Masters thing I'm just I you know it's funny I'm still learning about sets all the time the Lego just has there's so much to learn about like like what Lego has been involved with and the sets that are out there Rivendell in person though who there are so many secrets in that build there are so many cool details in that build I've seen so much of it and not I haven't even seen everything and yeah build is going to it's just everything I don't have a better way to say it yeah you're like finally you can visualize the end you're seeing it in action okay so this is the the wheelie wheelie piece and oh man we're doing this weird thing now yellow big yellow this looks like a connects piece Anybody Everybody Have connects growing up I had connects growing up and I had Lego um and I I remember having fun with connects sets I would I I'm pretty impartial Lego nowadays I don't even think they make connects anymore do they I I don't feel like I've seen K'Nex in forever but I had connects oh yeah and I think what's cool too is when you build it obviously this is a perk of building it but um when you build it too you learn all the extra details that are in it as you build it like all this ambulation and stuff I didn't know it did any of that I didn't know had all these printed pieces and Living Space cabin and I don't know any of that about this build and like when you build it you get to learn all those secrets that are like waiting for you I feel like you're you're you're seeing you're like you get to experience the set as you build it like you see the tree house and you're like oh that's cool but then when you start building the inside of things and the trees and like you learn all these other things that that you didn't know about the the build and it's like it like enhances your your love for it that much more like the the Titanic build the engine room has the engines in it but you you don't even um it's not even visible when it's done like you don't see the engines when you're done building it but you know they're there because you took the time to build them and you know you know that that level of details in that build and I love that stuff and like people may not because they want to be able to see everything but like I don't care I think it's I think it's cool foreign Del has like I don't want to give it away I don't want to say everything about it but there's oh man there's so much cool stuff in Rivendell I don't know how many people plan on buying it because it's so expensive it's definitely one of the big boys in terms of price but I'm really hoping a when I go into work next week they really cool set for March just jumps out at me and speaks to me so I can start planning my big March build if not I thought about picking up a lot of the speed Champion sets and like doing one stream or I'm building a car each stream so I really want to I like those kits too those are really neat um but I'd prefer to get my hands on a single single big set okay so this is it and it's gonna go and here we're building the car now the little companion car which officially means Galaxy Explorer is done but I won't show it off till we actually finish the instructions so let's let's bangorino this out yeah we're this close I'm like I feel like you ever play those Lego video games I feel like I'm that I'm that guy like when they get in front of something to rebuild they're like these are just like flying in the air and clapping onto things like that's that's where I'm at that's my that's my mood right now is Lego Lego video game guy [Laughter] that's that's the vibe all right steering well oh we've got clear I don't even see these thank goodness they're just literally clear studs uh stick not yet not yet this piece this piece oh and now we put this this is cool we're putting a one by one and then we're attaching the light or whatever this is to it now we put on the steering wheel the back rest the other thing I don't even know what to call that the four wheels four wheels mad scientist Lego yeah master builder making all that weird wild stuff that's on the inside of this build now we're gonna assume we're just gonna attach these yeah oh and it goes inside here we go oh what stop okay so I'm gonna see if I can set this up so here we go here's the fun because we are done building Galaxy explore that's it that is it we've finished all of Galaxy Explorer it's done we put it in the books do bots here he's happy yay all right so but there's a cool thing in this page I'm gonna try to set it up now so we open this right we open this and the buggy goes in right buggy is officially in it and it stays like there's a little little uh little studs here that prevent it from okay so there it is completed top cam do a front to back here there it is and there's side cam get a good view of Galaxy Explorer so here's the thing on the bottom they say I'm not gonna flip it over but there are feet down here that you can bring out I'm gonna do that now don't drop it don't drop it don't be clumsy don't be clumsy not today not today okay so they're the feet you can see the the feet underneath there that you can bring out right it stands up so you gotta let your off the ground a little bit there and what happens is this can open check this out and if this works I'm going to be amazed and then this can come down and then this that is incredible that is so great and then you can just back it back up pull this how does this ramp goes up okay yeah and then you can just put that back in lift that up close it up holy crap this is so awesome all right so let's let's take a look at some of the other details here so obviously we got our four space people right again that's John's space person we got in my stupid camera again here I'll try to get up a little bit we got John space person we got Jack Galaxy we've got the red one uh is Michael Saint atmosphere and then Vincent Van Starr right there um there they are in the cockpit which we can open up all the way okay these like kind of click click click so there's our four Dudes and in the cockpit you've got all those printed pieces those are not stickers those are actually printed pieces that are in the cockpit up there which is awesome and uh let's close that up and then the back here also opens up and there you have the cabin where they kind of live this might be easier on this camera on top they have beds in there and then they also have oh like little stations where they can work little Boop stations there's one on the other side let me turn it around there's one that you can see it back there but by far again one of the cooler features oh no one of my feet down in the feet you can see I have that little like little hydraulic looking like all right let's open this up and of course you know we have the blue that comes down this actually when you lower this the it comes out on its own like it's low enough so that it can come out and then of course we have the door uh to the cabin there in there that's kind of the the long and short of Galaxy Explorer right there um incredible build oh I just broke something let me fix it I had a lot of fun with this one shorter than Bowser obviously we did it in two streams instead of seven but we did marathon though we've been live three and a half hours but I'm so glad that we we got it done I'm so happy with this I have no idea how I'm gonna display it um as you know it's time to uh let me hmm hey everyone it's me as you know Bowser lives on my mini fridge behind me there he is uh and I'm not quite sure where where this is gonna live um I do have one thing I want to show you really quick though and it's upstairs so I have to run and I'm gonna come back I'm gonna show you one more thing stay put foreign I'm back so this is um so Lego just had its 50th anniversary in the building that we work in and as part of the celebration they gave us a a custom build and uh this is the custom build right here you can put it with a bigger cam so there's the state of Connecticut obviously there's the original location of the Lego HQ and then here's where we currently that's where I work right there on that star in Enfield and then we have this little like thing in front of our building it's like our little Monument but check this out Lego Systems Inc uh 50th anniversary and that's a printed piece that is not a sticker that is a printed piece right there so I'm pretty excited that I have that like really neat unique printed piece hopefully someday worth a billion dollars and I can retire we'll see because let's say they're closing the Enfield office so this is like this is going to be something someday Maybe all basic pieces except that one printed piece so I'm really excited about that but this will actually live uh down here with everybody else so I've been meaning to bring it down I wanted to show it off today here it is Galaxy Explorer all done um yeah I love printed pieces and a Falls are wild look at there's the Arrows by the way those arrows that we were making earlier there they are then of course the uh these open up and there's tools and stuff in there that's where the uh the Dew the Mountain Dew sprayers in there and then the other one had what the extra air tank it's in the other one but there's the arrows there's the sirens this is a good one I I love Bowser but I definitely loved Galaxy Explorer this was so worth it I was a little wary of it but I am no I'm a Believer this is absolutely a set that I would recommend to anybody um it was an incredible joy to build anyway it's been three and a half hours so needless to say I think it's time for a break and for dinner and all that and for me to kind of settle down a bit oh so I'm gonna figure out where to display this I'm gonna figure that out this might actually no I want it to live down here I don't know I don't know I gotta figure it out I I've got a lot of things thinking to do um I can't put it over here so right like if you if I lean up a little and move the Box right so I've got my like everyone is awesome set I've got my Lego people books there's the that Connecticut build I was just showing you um and then of course Bowser's back here so I have no idea I have all these books up here I could probably put them in my bookshelf upstairs but there that's not enough shelf space to display this um so I'm gonna have to figure out what what I gotta do with my other camera by the way and there's us there's a look at my a look on what I look at for three hours of streaming um anyway uh yeah so probably not streaming tomorrow I streamed last Sunday uh what did I do last Sunday I remember but I did stream what did I do I don't know I did something I don't know if I'll stream tomorrow Monday There's No More build Mondays normally our build night and we just finished Galaxy Explorer maybe I'll bring a small build uh I don't know we'll figure something out j-man wants me to play Zelda but you know that's if you know j-man then well that's par for the course um it's really weird like seeing my camera in two angles like you've watched me pick up the bottle on One camera and bring it to the other camera that was cool anyway dumb stuff you think of that [Music] um I'm thinking we're doing like a multiplayer game night when's Thursday we might play I don't know if you're into this Stephen we might play fortnite we might do that we might be that guy this week and play fortnite because j-man really wants to do it and I gotta you know I wanna see what see what it's all about um Wednesday will definitely play Oracle of Ages we're doing that long Play Still um oh the 13's ready okay cool so I guess that's that might be a thing um uh that we'll see yeah I've I've not played it and I guess there's a no build mode now so it's way yeah they just removed the that's hilarious that that was even a thing in that game um but I uh I heard there's like a no build mode that's you know I don't have to be good at like constructing a tower in like 0.3 seconds in order to be competitive in the game I just want to like I just want to explore and shoot stuff that's that's the that's the prerequisite here so hopefully we can get that done uh Thursday we're thinking Thursday for that so you know yeah it's set so that's all I want to do is is goofy goofy and hang out and you know to hang with you guys uh so definitely Monday we gotta figure out what we're gonna do if we build or not Wednesday is definitely Oracle of Ages Thursdays probably looking like that Fortnight um but yeah Monday is kind of in the air we'll see what Monday brings uh I might pick up just a small build from the store unless I get something more substantial we'll see uh either way though we will build Monday it's happening and then the Zelda then the fortnite and that's our week and we're really we know we we do it we aim for that 10 streams a month this year that's one of our stream goals for 2023 and we're getting there I think this is six or seven so this week will put us at that 10 which is also really good we're staying consistent month over month so I'm really happy that that is also a thing I know we're just talking at this point but I like to give those updates when I know a couple key people are in the room um bad word things are healthy things are good um I do want to update a few things in the Discord and in in the channel one of them is I want to add a ocarina or an Ocarina chat command and play that Ocarina when somebody redeems the points it's gonna be annoying and terrible but hey you paid for it so yeah that's that's on you at that point um I also want to put more bunny emotes and stuff in I gotta like I asked for potentially for somebody to uh design bunny emotes for me uh so we could have those that are based on the obviously the bunnies um so that's also could be happening soon and yeah we finished Galaxy Explorer in the books we are two big builds into our 12 goal this year and March is right around the corner so we got to figure out what March is gonna be yeah I gotta do all that uh my emotes are just the and I'm sure Steven can throw them down or just like these they'll pause me at the most inopportune moments and turn that into an emote that's that's what ends up happening on this channel um yeah just looking for something really graphic like very yeah there you go there it is [Laughter] there's welcome to my channel we have the F the F used to come out a lot during the Mario streams and I die a lot uh there's the POG there's the bruh there's the excite and the k you know the K is obviously when it's like okay yeah that's okay but bro twice that's okay but yeah those are all critical moments of my streaming career right there [Laughter] Taco Bell I'm gonna go make sure my son's got everything he needs for his sleepover at Grandma's tonight and uh yeah again I'll be on my Discord later just hanging out if you want to chill while I'm hanging jerking around in Final Fantasy I'm also looking into building those three color magic decks so I might be researching that as well but either way I'll be on the Discord it's quiet night here so yeah if you want to pop in pump in anyway everybody thank you so how you know let's let's raid somebody who's doing who's doing Lego right now let's see who we raiding who's doing Lego in the maker stuff oh here's somebody I don't know any of these people so I hope I'm not rating somebody that's super super weird brick builder Ed this is cool it's brick builder Ed cool he's got somebody here let's take a look at brick builder head what's brick builder oh it looks like he's doing flowers right now he's doing the flowers yeah we're doing brick builder let's read brick builder Ed oh brick Builder Ed is that how you spell it brick builder Ed all right so that's it I'll see everybody Monday take care of a great weekend hang out tonight if you want and uh yeah we're gonna have a fun week coming up let's go hang out with brick builder Ed for a minute see you all soon yeah yeah I love this
Channel: Rad Plaid Dad
Views: 176,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AFOL, LEGO, Retro, games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 8sec (13508 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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