Legion Go - Official GPU Drivers Released for Dec 25 - How to Update and Game Comparisons

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel for another Legion Go video we have the official GPU driver update actually on Christmas from noovo December 25th uh drop so I figured I'd take a look at it now here's uh the post over on The Gaming Community for the legion go and they explain how to download and install the driver if you got it from here and and not on the official site but it's actually up over on the official site ready to go and it's going to be the same number as the beta driver so if you're like me and you've been running the beta driver for a while this isn't going to change once you install this it's going to say the same thing so anyway going over onto my Legion go here the quickest way for me is just to go down here into support in my quick access menu it'll Auto detect my Legion go and then I'll manually select the drivers that I want in this case being the GPU drivers this is just how I prefer to go grab these once they're officially released and ready to grab so we'll go over here to drivers and software and then I'm going to go to manual update and then I'm going to go to GPU Processing Unit here and then I'm going to download the newest driver from December 25th now with this it'll be pretty easy once we download it we can just double click and run it without anything uh any special instructions or anything here for install now I'm on my capture card and I don't want to install this while I'm uh running on the cap card so I'm going to unplug and go get this done but you just go ahead and run this and install it like you would uh the driver here and follow the prompts and once you do that you'll restart your device you also are going to want to go to the Microsoft store and check for updates if your radon software has an update it's going to pop up for the newest version of driver mine's already updated because I was running the beta driver so there's no change there in number uh but you're going to want to go check that for your adrenaline software I'll go ahead and open this up after my update and once again it's going to show the same 2320 2403 from 117 here but this is now the official release with the integer scaling already in there and actually a little bit of performance difference here and there and jumping back and taking a look at that beginning of the December update video I had where we had bios uh version 26 versus beta bios 28 and we had the official November uh 6 release from Lenovo versus the beta I had uh shown a difference in games there not by very much cyber Punk was very very similar no matter what for at Motorsport however was a little bit different when we had first gotten this update as we did gain about 3 FPS for the most part which was nice in this game and things did feel a bit more stable I just want to show these from that older video because those of you that maybe weren't running the BIOS uh or the beta bios or the beta VGA more importantly might uh see more of a difference than those of us who have been running the beta for a while now already but there are going to be some differences game to game which we'll see as we move forward let's jump into the official from December 25th today on the VGA running official bios V28 versus that older um beta VGA and beta bios V28 now of course I would expect for performance to be pretty similar however there could be some difference is in here uh they were saying there were going to be some other improvements besides just the inte integer scaling uh being uh included in there but anyways jumping into the end of this one 51 and 51.6 5 for the most part I ran this three or four times and it was always about the same thing so pretty much the same performance uh for cyberpunk 2077 now fors of Motorsport was a little bit different it seems like every time I get an update I get a little bit more performance here and there out of a game and Motorsport was the same so it went from 35 to 38 uh in the other video when we made that jump and then in this video we'll make a little bit more of a jump I ran this Benchmark three times and I got 39 FPS as my average every time versus the 38 that I got every time uh previously and then 35 on the older uh V26 and the older November 6 uh GPU driver so a difference there now Assassin's Creed Mirage didn't have these Popin issues anymore which is nice to see uh it seems like whatever we were having with issues with textures loading in some of the Shadows that I kept having trouble with with the beta VGA uh aren't showing up for me so far in the official so hopefully that stays the case for everybody at least is for me here however when we get to the end I ran this six times to make sure I kept getting about 4 FPS less no matter what and I went through triple checked everything and that's just what it kept coming up with for whatever reason so definitely something up with Mirage here with that performance however if I close Legion space I gain 6 FPS back with this update so that's another video I'll have to be working on with the performance differences I noticed with space open vers close because it does eat a good bit of resources but anyways guys I'm pretty much going to leave it there I just want to show some of the little differences here there's not much to talk about maybe Mirage there but uh if you haven't been running the beta version definitely update to this official version of the VGA driver because it is much better than that older older November 6 release Lenovo had all right guys thanks a lot for coming and check out the video as always I really appreciate it and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: GameTechPlanet
Views: 13,548
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Keywords: lenovo legion go price, lenovo legion go handheld, lenovo legion go specs, lenovo handheld, lenovo legion go, steam deck, asus rog ally, lenovo legion, lenovo, handheld pc, hamdheld pc gaming, legion go, amd z1 extreme, legion go update, legion go december update, legion go driver update
Id: EBNDdYBdkh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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