Legion - Arms Warrior - Full DPS Guide 7.3 [Basics]

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hey it's someone here back again with the class guide sticking a look on the arms warrior and the arm spec has always been about those big creds with a methodical type gameplay surrounding colosso smash isn't a very spammy button smashing spec but instead you carefully lay your abilities doing some management's to then have these windows doing closer smash where you can go crazy until reach the execute phase where you just go ham now currently that is still the case but not as much depending on your build of course now is more about managing Colossus procs a lot of rage management's while trying to get as much portal strikes as you can buffed my shattered defenses the Colossus burst window is still present to some extent but is thrown out of the window when you put the Titanic mite talent into play which we're gonna talk more in a bit so before we get to talents how does it play and what is it all about well as you probably guessed arms is all about Colossus smash so what does it do it's basically an average damaging ability applying a debuff that increases your damage by a large percentage which is defined by your mastery for eight seconds on a 20 second cooldown so the basic idea is to have the debuff active at all possible times so your damage is actually meaningful and that's when you would use all of your abilities like mortal strikes slams and etc now as you can probably already tell an 8 second duration with 20 second cooldown will be impossible to have a 100% uptime so this is where your passive proc will come in which is called the tactician but it does is for 0.75 percents of your rage spent so from Mortal shrank slam and basically all of your other abilities will have a chance resets the closest smash cool down along with mortal strike that's essentially where the RNG from arms will come in more products you get the more uptime you will have meaning you can just spam your abilities more frequently instead of just managing your rage until ease of cooldown so you can actually start doing some damage now all of that place style will be eliminated with Titanic mite which is a godsend it increases the duration of cosmos smash debuff for a total of 16 seconds and the cooldown reduced to 12 seconds meaning that debuff will never drop even if you don't get Broncs now another basic thing to keep in mind comes from your artifact traits which is shattered defenses after using a colossal smash the damage of your next mortal strike or execute is increased by 50% plus higher Christians from this other trade working in the same way so you probably can already tell where this is going right your gameplay will shift from this burst window base one to a more practiced where you want to always combo a colossal smash with a mortal strike for those big heads mortal strike wastes rage so there's a chance for both of those abilities to get their cooldowns refresh so you can just repeat and just go on this cycle while filling in with Slams until you get a park or the cooldowns refresh naturally without worrying at all about the closest smash debuff at time that's the absolute basics of arms play currently in Legion now we'll get more into that but first let's look at the talents which can change the core of your gameplay in your first set of talents you have sweeping strikes which basically adds a cleave to your main abilities mortal strike and execute now this is pretty much the talents that you want to run the most whenever there's a chance to hit more than one target like in dungeons bosses like the mistress in a tomb or even something like sisters of the moon where you would only have a small window to cleave with the odd you know the owl even on something like that will still be more valuable to run with face talents than something like dauntless which only reduces the rage cause of your abilities by 10% whenever there is a chance to hit secondary target sweeping strikes will always prove superior in terms of gameplay there's really nothing that adds to it besides some multi classes smash placements that we will talk more later overpower does add something new to your roster and in turn gameplay proc by stability that pops up from any of your other abilities it has 60% chance to creds so we will create basically all the time and the damage is decent now you don't really want to take this even in situations where you would take dauntless so pure single target files like Garth the reason for that being is that overpower is just gonna mess with your gameplay and overall flow of the spec plus you want to waste the rage for the closest match Brock's like at all before and overpower is free it can be useful for a leveling or when you are newly dinged and aren't just fishing for proxxon rage but pretty much you're gonna change between dauntless and sweeping strikes depending on the fights next is mostly quality of life and utility talents double time probably gonna be what you're gonna use the most an extra use of charge is always good for practically any fight plus you can do some shenanigans like leaping away and charge back to get some extra rage more on that later shockwave is particularly good if you need to stand for me t plus or ads can help tremendously storm bolt does the same but for single targets in PvE I haven't found much uses for it third row will follow the same idea as the first stance all are useful but depending on the situation rent is what's performing really great right now in the tomb primarily on single target fights and that's really where you would use it basically it's oblique dots but costs rage so is great for single targets but other than that makes it too difficult to use in multi target situations even if you want to multi dot rage consumption and global cooldown uses will be too high to prove valuable two targets would still work but for three or more you would be struggling keep up so formative plus or fights like the mistress is a no-go some dungeons are exceptions to this where trash packs aren't too large but essentially that's your thinking behind it drama and avatar will prove superior for such fights drama is a passive it also adds bleed for 20% of the damage that you deal with slam which is your filler world wins a weep and executes for 6 seconds now that damage adds up on top of each other so it can technically work for any fight especially if you aren't too experienced in arms and is a good passive option overall but if you're looking for the best damage on pure single target fights again will be worse than rent mostly because it's hard to people while you're busy using closest match in mortals rank which does not refresh the dot so you're just gonna draw up constantly losing a large portion of your dps in a mythic plans however or mistress which has a lot of a weeb is a great choice because you're gonna whirlwind quite a lot so makes the bleed quite powerful avatar can also prove to be a great choice basically is an extra DPS cooldown increasing your damage by 20% on 1 minute and a half cooldown so synergizes well with a blade swarm now you can make some good uses out of it in the same situations such as trauma but timing will be key so alpha can be good it can also be difficult to make it better than trauma if that makes sense so I'll leave that up to you next row is again utility or quality of life talents bounding stride is the most useful with the most frequent hero Eclipse and movement speed again for that charge shanigan shenanigan defensive stance is fine for the damage reduction but also reduces your damage done which isn't good but I guess you can use it if you really need this survivability but even if you do second winds will be the more viable choice giving that little extra heal balling stride overall will be what you want to run with the most next we have Titanic Minds which we have talked about before increasing the duration and reducing the cooling off glosses smash and I already said why this talent is your default choice basically is allowing you to permanently take advantage of that damage increase that it provides as for fervor of battle it is an interesting choice increasing the damage of your world wins to your primary target by 80 percent so is essentially replacing your filler ability which is your Slam by world wins so it's a viable option although not the optimal one it will basically provide you with more products in theory because world wins costs more aged and slam 3220 meaning higher chance for closer smash products so instead of having that easy closest smash up time you would rely on more consistent Broncs again in theory it's RNG after all Indians Titanic might seize that recommended and easiest choice and don't be confused by the total tip fervor of barrel still is a single target talents not a AoE one but again you can still work mortal combo is useless for PvE pretty much there's really never a benefit to having two mortal strikes you want to combo a mortal strike with shattered defenses Plus with the products that you get it's pretty much useless maybe for leveling or PvP deadly calm in an exterior is basically useless also I haven't mentioned your cooldowns but the producing of rich cost of your abilities during battle crime in most circumstances is just not needed whenever you pop all of your cds rage is never really an issue so unless he's PvP or you are not using all of your CDs at the same time for whatever the reason is really not that great focus rage it used to be your go-to talent actually which I personally hate it the playstyle so he's no longer the default choice thank god but it can still work essentially the way it plays is before you actually use your mortal strike you would empower it with disability three times for that damage increase and only then you would use it is out of your global cooldown so you can use it whenever basically at the same time as you are doing slams in its era but in the end it will consume way too much rage and can lead to clunking gameplay in my opinion in for the kill is definitely your go-to choice every time you use closest mash you gets 10% haste for eight seconds you may seem like nothing or boring but it's actually a pretty good boost I haven't talked about stats as well besides the little annotation because they can shift dramatically depending on your year but usually the way it goes is mastery obviously and then haste in terms of priority haste is pretty good to you mostly for the global cooldown reductions meaning you can put more abilities during better price windows generate more rage reduce quarto strike cooldown cast time off place storm and overall do more in shorter amount of time there is some soft caps or bread points with haste which I will talk about in Advanced section but with the closest match products with tactician this buff will stay active pretty much all the time even if you only lasts for eight seconds making it a perfect choice with your overall play style lastly you get some interesting choices right off the bat anger management is really not that great for you the reduction of cooldown on play storm and battle Prime is really not that needed especially when you compare with the other choices again maybe for PvP or some specific encounters I found it to be pretty useful for my tower for an example and maybe for submitting classes as well general use so not that great so opportunities francs or ravager those choices are gonna depend on your personal choice as often is the case but also gear opportunity strikes is a completely passive option basically adding this passive extra attack think multi strike back in water doing some decent damage but giving you rage now there's some iron G behind this as it is a chance to proc on any of your attacks Ravager will replace your play storm doing about the same damage but now it's just fire it and just stays in place damaging instead of rooting you in a channel like blade storm but very importantly the cooldown gets reduced to 1 minutes instead of 1 minute and a half and gives you rage every second also since ravager stays in place with movement it can screw you up like a nasty blood decay gripping the mobs away from it or just the nature of the fight so something to consider now in a general sense you can choose either of those two depending on what you prefer the most essentially you are choosing between keeping play storm or getting ravager in terms of DPS they are pretty much even both have pros and cons in terms of gameplay however as you get the tier set bonus things get a little complicated because one advantage of ravager is a cool-down the one minute perfectly ties with your battle prime meaning you can also combo your cities easily with blade storm might get a little bit awkward but once you get your tier set bonus one of the effects is that closest match is gonna reduce the cooldown of your Ravager or blade storm for two seconds so they no longer will synergize their cooldown instead of a storm and battle cry will then you enter this weird area where to make ravager viable as before or as good as before you would have to use something like a versions of fates that reduces the cooldown of your bio prime meaning both of those abilities will share the cooldown once again making it's a very powerful choice indeed Indians I'll leave that choice up to you but these are the things you need to keep in mind when choosing between those two Don's okay in terms of single targets and a we ravager does function better in a mythic class scenarios in my opinion regardless of what year you are using because you can just use it and keep using your other abilities like whirlwind cleaving with sweeping strikes you know etc something you can't do with bleh storm but again that's my personal choice alright so let's get into the game plan your vacation priorities cooldowns and all that good stuff most of the rotation I already briefly covered in the beginning but the first basic thing that you always want to start up is charge it gives you a little rage and you want to use it whenever possible now after your priority number one is closest match for all the reasons I said previously extra damage to the targets that will be easily kept up with that any fight and in for the kill buff's plans shattered defenses for your next mortal strike but before you wants to use your rent which is your priority number two applying a bleed dot it also costs rage so has a chance to reset Colossus smash that's why you want to make sure when you use Ren's or any other rage costing ability that your closest mash is on cooldown so you don't lose out on any potential products unless you have shattered defenses buff or the inactive okay only after you do your mortal strike empowered by shattered defenses then you enter this cycle if you got a closest match Brock you use it again followed by mortal strike if you don't any salon coolin enters your priority number for slam the damage isn't overly high but it's just a filler plus costs 20 rage so he's giving you a nice chance for your proc and you just do the same claw so smash mortal strike it is indeed pretty simple you just have to make sure you follow those rules and order if you don't your damage is gonna suffer a lot the only things you need to keep in mind is to keep close to smash on cooldown keep grant active refreshing around 2.5 seconds or below but not taking priority over close to smash if it's gonna drop but closest is ready to be used it takes priority anyway so you don't lose procs once you get shattered defenses buff you would refresh friends then mortal strike which you want to use whenever it's available preferably to consume shattered defenses and just fill in with slam when nothing else to click just don't mindlessly a spam slam make sure you're gonna have enough rage to refresh a trend for an example rage is a resource that you actually have to manage so take that in consideration as for your artifact ability war breaker it's a colossal smash a wheel in pure single target fights you shouldn't concern yourself with it too much and you should save it whenever you will have multiple targets like ads however if you are about to get mortal strike and closest smash is on cooldown and you have no shattered defenses valve you can just use war breaker and a mortal strike because it functions in the same way as in it gives you both shattered defenses and in for the kill so you can use it to get them or refresh them if the oranjee fails you if you have overpowered talented you would use it after mortal strike so priority number five and fervor of battle you would just replace lamb with a whirlwind as your cooldowns where do you fit them well one thing that you will notice when you start playing arms is that your damage is highly tied it to your cooldowns which can be good but also a bad thing luckily they have a really short cooldown and using them properly easkey bladestorm or ravager and battle cry the way you want to use them is after you applied your closest match and rends you would pop them and just keep your normal rotation if you using them mid fights make sure to always use the Colossus smash before using it so you can immediately go in for that mortal strike crit because of battle crime and benefit from the 10% haste from in for the kill especially for your play storm or ravager so they hit faster sin follows for rent in the end is all about trying to get as many closest smash mortals try combos with shattered defenses as you can while maintaining your dots and using your cooldowns appropriately now execute phase during the last 20% of HP on mobs especially bosses your thinking will shift a little bit because a big old execute becomes available to use and isn't just about spamming it ok now on those phases the couple priorities will change Ren's will get on the back burner and you no longer need to refresh it because using it is just wasting one potential global cooldown and rage that can be used with an execute now execute itself does quite a lot of damage but depending how much rage you actually use up to 40 but usually you don't want to save it until then and just use above 20 rage because the idea during the execute is to still do that close a smash mortal strike combo but execute improves it even further with executioner's precision adding a debuff on the target in using the damage of your next mortals tribe by 75% stacking two times to 150 percent meaning during execute phases you would execute twice then closer smash mortal strike now empowered by not only shattered defenses but with executioner's precision for this huge heads then just rinse and repeat your main goal is just to get as much as those powerful mortal strikes as you can as four colossal smash you generally only want to save it for that big mortal strike even though execute can be also empowered by shatters its defenses you want to save it for mortal strike instead if you happen to have the two stacks of the execute debuff but still no closer smash and remember that you can use world breaker to get the buff as well you would keep executing all right no slams neurons no mortal strikes just execute until the catechol so smash croc or the cooldowns just refreshes and then you would consume all of that goodness with a mortal strike as for cities stay the same but before using battle prize you can indeed use a rant once again kind of weird but it works because now the dot will Kretz and it will be worth while using it again especially if you using bladestorm and you won't be able to cast anything else during the duration if it's ravager you will get more rage in way plus you can keep executing and etc one more of its perks alright so now that's all settled and done a we now a we in arms can be a bit awkward because if you have all of your cities it can be amazingly high without them and without proper Legos can be rather weak but if you are on to target situation your rotation shouldn't really change remember that you should have sweeping strikes just take in mines that you can multi place your closest mash this way both targets will get the maximum damage you can pull off on your mortal strikes and execute Cleaves remember that execute leaves the mortal strike buff so even in cleave or AoE take advantage of it for those big more two strikes when they are about a dime as for and you can probably keep it active easily on to targets if still talented more than that might be stretching a little bit like I said before more targets and dads so three or more is when you enter your cleave and whirlwind and war breaker cliff heads are rather weak but improves your world wind damage by 20% as stacking five times per enemy hit meaning you always want to cast a cliff before world wins whenever it's off cooldown to get as much damage as possible pretty simple if you have trauma it will also apply the dots so you know it can keep some damage going now both cleave and whirlwinds are heavily resource hungry as in costs a lot of rage so you can't just spam it at least not on four or five targets so you still want to fill in with Colossus smash and mortal strikes again they can cleave so it's good fine as for your cooldowns were breaker you want to use it as often as you can just like Colossus smash and should be the first ability that you should click to immediately apply the damage increase before using anything else if you have ravager or blade storm and battlecry ready well click them and watch those numbers grow outside of cities and war breaker cleaving and whirlwind might not be enough to keep those numbers high this is where your Lego lags that makes your ear away clip apply the closest match debuff would become really good the only thing you can really do without coda cooldowns is hope for Colossus products and kind of multi place them on as many targets as you can while you cleave in world winds but can be quite clunky so again you are bound to your cities or Legos to really pull amazing a Wii numbers if you are in a situation with about eight or more targets basically a lot of them well looking just cleave in whirlwind away as whirlwind grits refunds rage so more targets you have the more you can spam so that covers your rotation and priorities the only thing left to talk about is the more advanced ish things about arms just small tricks to play arms more effectively and as you get more comfortable with it in the end we'll be all about management both your rage and your abilities primarily global coolants by just preparing ahead or just be prepared to what might potentially happen like a Ramses coming off cooldown at the same time as a colossal smash or managing products you have to learn to quickly acts accordingly without messing anything up by simply planning ahead alright just spamming your slam sometimes that might not be the best approach as rage can actually get to be an issue in arms you know that's one example the other management's is of course your cooldowns you want to have a perfect control over them and when to use them especially once you acquire the gear set bonus or the convergence of fates like a nice title Forge it's gonna make their cooldowns more randomized so you need to keep a constant eye on that and just being prepared again when they're about to be ready to be used and make the most out of them doing their small duration you always want to combo them both but anyways scenarios sometimes using them apart might be better something for you to test out on your own character that's four tricks again you can use your word breaker before mortal strike even in single target she wouldn't have an approximant and your buffs your charge can also be utilized to benefit you more than just movement you can actually use it Smit fights to get rage for an example in the middle of a downtime phase as in you getting your products and you're just slamming your slam you can literally bleep away after you just hit with your weapon just make sure you get all that rage it again because remember that your rage comes from auto attacks then you just charge back for some extra if you do it fast enough it can benefit you small tidbit but can improve your DPS there's also some shenanigans you can pull off with ravager and the tears add bonus but I haven't gotten it's in these specific characters so I can tell you on how to do it for sure as for gear arms is very gear dependent beat your sets or trinkets this is a case where item level is really not important comparing to effects or stats again might shift depending on your current situation but mastery is king followed by haste the first breakpoint that you want to reach is to maintain 10 to 15% haste that combines with in for the kill ables you to get 20 to 25% haste which will amount to able in you to fit a blitz arm perfectly doing a battlecry window and then other things that we have discussed even after getting that your set bonus may be getting to the 20 percents haste or even more flats might be beneficial to you even beyond break points because haze is really good to you either whine again seeming will tell you for sure as for other stats crit seems to be the lists beneficial as you can get it in other sources strength or item level against versatility are pretty even so make up your own conclusions on your own character with Sims and all of that good stuff lastly Legos your best slots are of course the famous ring and the head both can help you tremendously in your single target dps the ring execute proc in terms of fitting in your normal rotation would just replace your mortal strike and you just want to use it as fast as possible making sure you don't miss out on any other potential proc as for the head there's really nothing for you to be concerned about as most other legos the gloves can help you with your rage issues and the legs B we have already discussed and the others like the head are pretty much straightforward as for add-ons having something like weakauras or tell me when to track your dots cooldowns and products can also help you as well as setting some cooldown macros that you might check in the description if you want to you know just copying bison just use it for yourself so guys that basically covers it all as always I hope it was helpful to you like and subscribe for more videos have a fantastic day everyone and I will see you all next time bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Selwen
Views: 153,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legion, World of Warcraft, Guide, Warrior Guide, Arms Guide, Rotation, Gameplay, WoW Guides, Class Guides, Selwen, Talent Guide, How to Play, patch 7.3.2, patch .7.3, tutorial, mage, priest, warlock, dps, healer, Antorus, New patch, All class guides, best dps guide
Id: 9GEHpbepBnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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