Legend of the Superstition Mountains: The Climb (Season 1, Episode 6) | Full Episode | History

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[gun cocks] [gunshot] - A cursed mountain hiding $200 million in gold. 250 lives have been lost. But now five treasure hunters will defy the curse in search of America's deadliest treasure. - Let's rock and roll, baby. - On the northern edge of the Superstition Mountains, Wayne Tuttle's 40-year search for the legendary Lost Dutchman's gold mine is coming down to one final clue. The target? Black Cross Butte. A 2,000-foot peak that is the center of the deadliest triangle in the entire range. - More mysterious deaths have happened here than anywhere else in the mountains. Just one more sign that's pointing us to the truth. - The butte might be the team's most promising lead, but could the Dutchman's gold be hidden here? Follow the trail of evidence a lost map that revealed a pattern of Heart Stones apparently marked with Xs Goldfield and its million dollar mines that may or may not be tapped out. - There's stuff I'll talk to you about and there's stuff I won't. - Cryptic black handprints. - I see a black handprint on the wall. - Signs of the Apache Black Legion or a warning to turn back? - This is not good. - A booby-trapped cave, ancient petroglyphs and markings, symbols that could conceal the origins of a mysterious religious order, and a map of the Superstitions' fallen victims. - Superstition Mountains are a nexus of death, but within that, there's an epicenter where most of these deaths have occurred-- Black Cross Butte. Why were so many men lost there? The pattern of death in the air makes me think there's something there worth dying for. And maybe it's the Dutchman's gold. The south side of Black Cross Butte is a sheer cliff. So we're going to have to go around on the Salt River to the north side and try to get ourselves a foothold. Check that out. You see those two boulders, Frank? - Yeah. - Any day now those things are gonna let loose and come down that waterfall. - They're just wedged right in there. - Wedged right there at the top. - Wayne, how we gonna know when we're at the right spot? - We'll know it when we see it. - Heading through this canyon there's sheer rock faces, there's wild animals everywhere. - See that big rock? See the little green up in there? There's a Big Horn sheep. Yeah, he was walking up that ridge going up towards that cactus on the end. It's beautiful, but, at the same time, you don't get caught up in that beauty and think for minute that it's not dangerous as hell. - Geologically, we're in a really old place when we see petrified wood. - The deeper we travel in Apache land, the more ghosts I feel around us. This land is soaked with blood. - Check it out, guys. That there is the infamous Skull Cave. - Why they call it Skull Cave? - It's where the military got a bunch of women and children-- a bunch of Apaches-- sent them in the cave and killed everybody. Left the bodies. - Of all the violent skirmishes that occurred between the white settlers of Arizona and the local Native American tribes, one of the bloodiest and most devastating was the massacre at Skull Cave. By December 1872, the U.S. military was determined to remove the Apache who remained in the Superstition Mountains. A force of 130 troops surrounded a cave where a group of Apache were hiding inside. When the soldiers opened fire, their bullets ricocheted off the cave walls, slaughtering 76, including women and children. After the massacre, the bones of the dead were left undisturbed in the cave for more than 50 years. - Jacob Waltz could've climbed up anyone of these canyons and found that mine. - Another helicopter? [helicopter whirring] - There's a black helicopter in restricted airspace and it's following us along the canyon. Some of the guys are concerned. Somebody's screwing with us. They want us out of that area. We're getting close to something. - Hey, guys, look up there. Cross up on the canyon wall. - Look at that. - I would be shocked if that was natural. - Every segment of the cross was the exact same length. They were all at perfect right angles to each other. To me, that means it has to be manmade. - How the hell would you get up there? - That might be an area we want to check out. - In the 17th century, Jesuits sent from Spain arrived in the New World on a mission to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. Their work turned from religion to mining gold from the mineral-rich mountains. But when the king of Spain discovered the Jesuits had been stashing gold, they were expelled from the Americas. Legend has it they hid millions in gold and priceless church relics deep in the Superstition Mountains. Whether the Jesuits were specifically in the Superstitions is a matter of some debate, but signs found throughout the mountains have led people to believe they were indeed here. Could this cross in the cliff be a Jesuit carving? If so, what is it marking? - Why is there a cross on the north side of this butte? This could be the clue we've been chasing all along. This is the end of the line. Grab your gear. We're going in. - Here she is. - Well, it's gonna be tight. I can see that. - Kill the engine. We can row from here. [engine stops] - I'm always keeping my eyes open for any sign that matches up with the Lost Dutchman riddles. When we turn into the inlet at Black Cross Butte, I immediately think of the riddle-- "No miner will find my mine." This riddle could match up with exactly where we are, because the Lost Dutchman mine could be up on that butte. And if that's the case, no miner would ever find it. - Oh, you can still make it. You can still make it. - I've been all over these mountains. Something's not right about this area. As soon as we turn into the inlet, it's like the sky just disappeared. - Okay, we're on the rocks. I think that's about as far as we can go. - Okay, guys, we've got to break up this canyon here. I'm going. Who else is in? I don't need to be taking four people. Three is more than enough. We only got so limited supplies. - I'm definitely not getting off this boat. - Well, Woody's not going. So Wood, Frank, you guys are hanging back. That's just the way it is. - You okay with that, Frank? - You guys find something, I want my cut. - Absolutely, brother. - I'm taking Magnuson and Deal up the canyon with me. Frank and Woody need to stay back with the boat. There's no way I'm getting stranded. - Woody, I have enough water for us. We've got enough guns here to fight anything off that would come up on us. - Hey, Frank, you good on ammo? - I'm good on ammo and I guarantee that nobody's getting on this boat. - Head up into the canyon, but if we're not back, you go get the authorities. You guys don't split up. Send someone looking for us, all right? Got that straight? - Got it. - All right. - I've got as much food and water as I can carry, Wayne. - Guys, watch your step. There's pockets in here. - Wait, slide up. - You guys be careful. - It's pretty rough back here. - Look at all them freakin' boulders up there, man. Anything could fall at any given time. If it starts going-- - I know in my gut that Black Cross Butte is an important piece of this puzzle. That cross is trying to tell us something. We're gonna find the secret behind the Dutchman's gold or we're gonna die trying. - According to the map, the top of the butte is somewhere directly above our landing site. Instead of just a vertical ascent, we're gonna be working up a canyon that's pretty chock-full of house sized boulders. And the weather's not gonna do us any favors either, I think. Looks like the rain's coming in. It's going to pour on us, we want to get up out of this canyon now. Hopefully it doesn't pour, 'cause then we're just gonna get washed out of the canyon or have to look for higher ground. You guys break the path for me, okay? [grunting] - Good job. [thunder rumbles] - I hope those guys are okay back there. You know, that's scary [bleep] in here. - I'll tell you what they did. - Left me and my shotgun and my pistol back here-- - Left you with me. - I'll protect you. You don't need to worry. [thunder rumbles] - Look at that. - Holy [bleep]. - Look, the beard on the bottom. Horns up on top. Two eyes, a nose, and a frown. - Woody and I are waiting on the boat, and then I turn my head to the right, and there's this huge devil looking down at us. I mean, it was unbelievable. And then you start thinking about the Dutchman who said, "There's a face in the rock looking down at you." So are we in the spot? Are we in the spot the Dutchman walked? - That is freaky. - What the hell does that mean, buddy? - We seen a face on the mountain that looked just like the devil. You know, it's like he's smiling at us. Like he knows something's gonna go wrong. Out of all the things that's scared me so far, that's the worst. His face gives me the freakin' creeps. I hate it. I can't believe you guys talked me into even coming out here. [thunder rumbles] - Don't be afraid. Just keep your eyes open, we'll be fine. - Frank, I'm scared of anything that I can't see. I don't care what it is. You think that this rumbling is a coincidence. That's the Apache gods. And they're not happy that we're here. - I better check on Wayne. [radio chirps] - Yeah. - Frank to Wayne. Frank to Wayne. - Hold on guys. [radio chirps] - Frank, Woody. Is that you? - Are you guys okay back there? - No, right now it's chock-full of house sized boulders. - All right, just take it slow. - Will do. Roger. Out. - Why are people being killed here? There's so much death in this area. Is there someone protecting something? The question is what is it they're trying to protect out here? We need to find out. - You're almost clear. You're clear. - Okay. - Hey, Magnuson. - Yep? - Get a good-- get a good, solid grip. Pull me up from here. One, two, three. - You're good. You're good. - Thank you. - Navigating through the boulders trying to make our way up to the cross. We really gotta keep our eyes peeled and see if we can find any other signs. I realize that we were in a north trending canyon and one of the Dutchman's riddles is that the Lost Dutchman mine is located in a north trending canyon. I think we're on the right track. - I think this way. - I like this one better, too. - It's up to Wayne. [thunder rumbles] - Here is comes, boys. - We've got rain. - Ugh! - Oh [bleep]! You all right? - You did? - You serious? - How bad? - Wayne ended up taking a really big spill. It looks like he jammed his knee pretty hard. He says he can't even put any weight on it. I hope he's ok to keep going because if we gotta drag him out of here, it's definitely not gonna be easy. - What part hurts? Inside or outside? - Calf? - I don't care that my knee hurts and I can't put any weight on it. But I'm not sticking down here in the wash, I'm going up the mountain. - All we need is him blowing an ACL or something. - Yeah. - I know you're guns a'blazin', Wayne, but don't hesitate to let us know if that knee starts killing you too much. [thunder rumbles] - Ugh! It's slick, Magnuson. You might need a hand. - If you do, I got it. - Whoa! - Holy [bleep], Magnuson. Are you okay? - Yeah. - Oh. - It's fine. - I thought that whole thing was coming. - Yeah. [groans] - I'm glad I stayed back. Oh, my God. - This hike's beating me up. I am tired, I'm cold, I'm wet, but there's no way I'm quitting. I mean, we're talking about millions of dollars here. This is the closest I've ever been to something like that. There's no way I'm coming off this mountain 'til I get some answers. [sighs] - What? - Just be quiet. - I can't hear. [distant bang] - Hear that? - No. - I heard a banging noise. [banging continues] - Hear that? - Yes, I did. Wish we weren't here, buddy. - Frank and I are sitting here in this canyon and all of a sudden, we hear this noise. We have no idea what it was. - Maybe I should fire a warning shot. - There's no place to go, no place to run. No place to hide. And that's scary as hell. You better call Wayne. See if he's okay. [radio chirps] - Frank to Wayne. [radio clicks] [radio chirps] Are you guys okay back there, Wayne? [radio chirps] - Are you guys okay back there, Wayne? [radio clicks] - Wayne, Frank calling, can you hear me? We've lost radio contact. So I'm very concerned. I don't know what's going on up there. And we're just sitting here waiting. We may want to back out a bit. I've got a hunch that these high rock walls and this weather that we're experiencing is interfering with our radio reception with Wayne. - We're hung up on something, buddy. All right, we moving. - All right. - I think we've got to move out into the riverbed to try to get reception with him. Because where we're at right now is a really bad spot for that and I'm getting worried. - Hold on. - Paddle. - I am. Start paddling. There we go. We're out. [engine rumbles] - Don't you make any sudden turns and throw me out of this freakin' boat. I swear to God I'm gonna shoot you. [engine revs] - Quit it! - This climb is treacherous. We're a quarter way to the top, there's no sign of anything to do with that cross. - Oh [bleep]! - You guys notice we went a lot quicker without Frank and Woody's [bleep]. - Ugh! - Oh, as I say that, you take a spill. - You taking that pack off? - Yeah. - Here, I got it. - Just gonna pinch myself walking. - There you go. - Guys, I'm stuck. Hold on. I'm stuck. - Frank to Wayne. - Something happened to them guys. - We got these big canyons between us. I don't have the radio signal to get over that. - Well, I'm really worried about them now. - Oh, they'll be all right. - You always take things too damn lightly, guy. We've been trying to get Wayne on the walkie-talkie. We haven't heard a word. [thunder rumbles] [radio chirps] - Wayne, it's Frank. Can you hear me? - [radio chirps] - Frank to Wayne. - Still nothing, huh? - We have no other choice. We're gonna paddle back up under the cross and try to yell. See if we can get something. Maybe our sound will carry up that canyon, because this radio signal doesn't. Wayne! Wayne! - They're not answering, guy. Something wrong, bud. The hell are we doing in here? All the freakin' gold in China's not worth being in here, guy. This is bull [bleep]. - Well, you wanted to go look for the Lost Dutchman Mine. So here we are. In a [bleep] river-- in a canyon looking for Wayne. - Guys, I'm stuck. Hold on. I'm stuck. [breathing heavily] - There ain't nothing to grab onto here. - That'll work. - I got it. I got it. - You got it? - Good. Good to go. - All right, guys. We got a long way to go. - What the hell is that thing? - What's that? - I don't know. - Grab my pickaxe. - Looks old. - Let me see that. - Looks like old barbed wire without the barb. - It does look like barbed wire. - What are you doing, Deal? Hold it. Stop. Stop. - Are you crazy? - Hold it. Stop. Stop. - Are you crazy? You don't know what that's attached to. We already ran into one mine that was booby-trapped. I mean, it might seem farfetched. But you know the Jesuits booby-trapped some of their [bleep]. It'd be our luck that this would be one of them. - Until we can figure out what this is, don't start yanking on it, you don't need to be screwing around. Admire it from a distance, and let's move on. I say we don't tug on it. You don't know what's up there. - I didn't really think it's a booby-trap, but I see where you're coming from. - It is old. It almost looks oxidized. Tarnish, like it's been there for a while. It ain't no climbing rope. That's for sure. - Seems like kinda where the cross is at. - I think the cross is back further to the right, but I mean... we are in that direction. So... - Guys, I don't know why someone would've put that there, but it seems sure obvious that they would've put it there for someone to pull on. I say we quit messing with it, and we move on. - Yeah. - Move up the canyon. - Frank to Wayne. - Think your battery's gone dead? - No, there's nothing wrong with it. - Okay, we're goin' in. - Wayne! - Can't get ahold of the team. I'm worried about that. They went up a really rough canyon in a dangerous area and I don't know what's going on. So I have one choice here-- wait for my team to come back. This is bad. This is really bad. - We're gonna radio the boys before we move any further. Check in with 'em. [radio chirps] Frank, Woody, can you hear me? [radio chirps] Frank, Woody, can you hear me? - We tried to radio in to Frank and Woody to try to let 'em know where we were at and we couldn't make any communication with them. - Nothing? - I think we're out of range. So better take it careful. Take it easy, all right? - Dude, dude, dude, dude. That's a huge cave. - Oh, yeah. - Can you see the ladder in it? - Look through the binos. See, there's a ladder dead center. - There's a ladder in there. - That's bigger than anything we've seen. - Tell me honestly, Wayne, you ever seen anything like that? - Nah. I've never seen that ladder before. - Wayne may have never seen a ladder like this, but I have. When I was out with Jack San Feliz up Willow Canyon, we saw that ladder petroglyph. And to me, that could be a Jesuit symbol. - This is the ladder of life. Ladder of life. - Look at that. - It can't be a coincidence, you know? It just felt like we were where we were supposed to be. - You know what. That ladder doesn't look mean, man. It all looks wood. - Old wooden ladder. - Wait a second. That ladder is only 100 yards from that cross. - You're right. We followed the clues here and there's that cross on the top of the cliff. And there's a giant ladder here leading up into a cave. We got questions, I want the answers, we're going up the mountain. - The ladder looks like it terminates 15 feet above the ground. I don't know if we're going to be able to get up to that bottom rung. - We gotta get up there. - This ladder goes up, essentially into the abyss. It's something I've never seen before, and it definitely warrants further investigation. The problem with that is it seemed to be about a half mile straight up a rock face. I don't know if we can get up there, but we're gonna damn sure try. - Oh, man. - Getting close. - Hard work. - Third of the way. - Just gotta keep scissoring up. - Now we're truly halfway there. - We're just all focused up on that cave up in there. That ladder's intriguing. I mean, you can't get it out of your hand. It's one of those things you're just not gonna stop. - Ready? - One, two, three. - Watch out, we got a lot of loose boulders up here. - Hey, be real careful. - Almost there. - As we crested the top and got closer, that ladder came more and more into view. And you could tell that the cave was much bigger than I anticipated. Just couldn't even fathom how big and enormous this cave is. The real question is what was that ladder used for and what the hell's up there? - Oh, mother. - Take a look at that. - So we finally got to the cave. The climb was far more treacherous than I could've even imagined, but we're here. We're gonna climb that ladder and we're gonna get our answer. - Dude, this is just full of [bleep]. - That's all this is. - You get up there. This overwhelming scent of, like, ammonia and urine starts hitting us. It's a enough to freakin' stun a yak. Nasty stuff. Holy shit! - Just three feet deep of shit. - Screw gold. We can become millionaires with bat guano. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, dude, you can hear 'em. - Oh, you can hear 'em all right. [bats squeaking] - We start seeing all this bat guano on the ground. And the further we climb up, the more we start to sink. Dude, there's dead bats lying all along this base. What they hell are they doing up here, man? It goes up. I can't even see where it ends. - Somebody, like, ripped off the bottom of this. It's 20 feet up before you even get to the ladder. And it's all covered with bat [bleep]. That ladder terminates even higher than I thought it did. It was, like, a good 20 feet at least up this rock face. - Does it look like there was a lower structure to the ladder or did they just cap the ladder off there? - There had to be a lower section. - That's exactly what they did. Or they hid the ladder. They hid the bottom section of it so that somebody like us can't get up there. - There was no way to get to it. It was kind of a what next moment. I don't know, Wayne. There's no way I can climb up there. It's 20 feet straight up. - We're in absolutely miserable conditions. The smell was so unbelievably overwhelming. We're at a point where we have to act fast. - Magnuson. - What? - What is that right there, that piece of metal? - See that? - I'll check it out. - Take your time. - Watch it. - Oh, I'm watching. You be careful, dude. - Oh, [bleep]. - How heavy is it? - Pretty freaking heavy. Dude, that's rusty. I bet that's what they used. [spits] Start gagging on that. - Oh, dude, [bleep] - Okay. - [bleep]. [retches] - Almost there, Magnuson. - I've already slipped in this bat guano more times than I can count. And now Deal's kicking it up in my face. This stuff is just getting nastier by the minute. Oh, God! - [bleep]. - Let's go. - [panting] - This is not gonna be enough. - Get it in there. - [spits, gags] - Oh, it's bad. - [retches] Ah, [bleep]! [coughing, gagging] Son of a [bleep]. Ugh. I started to get sick. And as an E.M.T. I've smelled a lot of nasty things in my career, but I wasn't prepared for this, and it kind of overwhelmed me and it was all I could do to try to breathe through my mouth and just focus on the task at hand. I think I'm over my gag-fest, dude. That was [bleep]. That came up. - Dude, I need you to help me keep this ladder in place so I can get up there and see what's up there. - Yeah. - I'm looking around. Wayne's got a blown out knee. He took a bad fall coming up. Magnuson's dry-heaving all over the place, he can barely stand. - If you can't do it, I'll give it a shot. - Dude, I don't think you're in any condition to do [bleep] right now. Essentially that leaves one person to get this job done, and that's me. What am I going to do, say no? We've come this far. - Dude, if this thing breaks loose, I'm going down. Stay the hell away from the ladder. - Almost there, dude. Almost there. - Dude, I'm there. - It's just long enough for us to be able to reach the bottom of that ladder. - Be careful, Deal. - Holy [bleep]! Listen to those bats. [screeching] The screeching's unbelievable. - One step at a time. - The higher Deal's going up this ladder, the more the bats start swarming and flying around. I could see that ladder swaying and pulling away from the rock wall. At one point, he was literally climbing backwards. I gotta give it to him, he just keeps going. - Test every one of those rungs before you put your full weight on it. - Dude, yeah. - You're good. Just look forward, okay? - Oh, man. [bats screeching] - I've gotten really lightheaded. - You feel lightheaded? - [bleep] I'm not digging it. - As Deal starts to climb that ladder, he starts to lose it. He's 30 feet above the ground at this point. He starts to shake. He says he's seeing spots. He's afraid he's gonna black out. The smell's overwhelming him. I can tell he's really getting nervous. - Take three steps at a time. Just listen to me, okay? Don't look down. Listen to me. - Wayne just kind of-- in his most fatherly, calming voice-- got him to settle down and focus on just taking it one rung at a time. And Deal worked his way up. - Hey, just try three more. Try three more for me. Come on. - I feel like I can probably die at any time. - Just do a few more. See if you can get to that stake up there, okay? - Every step he took up that rung, I was praying that thing didn't break. That a nail didn't pop out, that it didn't pull away from the wall. So at this point, I can barely even watch. There's absolutely no margin for error. There were a lot of things that could happen and if any one of them do, he's toast. Nice job, man. - There's about 1,000 bats. - Careful, Deal. Keep going, but take it steady, all right? One step at a time. I'm trying to keep Deal calm and work with him as he makes his way up the ladder. Every time he looks down, he gets more dangerous 'cause all he's thinking about is falling. - You got it, dude. - I know he can do this. - You got it. Just look straight forward. Try not to swing left or right and put any sideways tension on those boards. - Whoa. There's a ledge here. Ah. Whew. [coughs] Oh, my God. It smells 100 times worse up here. I can barely see anything. Oh, Jesus. I'm crawling over rocks. Oh, this is not pleasant at all up here. Oh, man. This is a dead end. It's a rock wall right in front of me and it dead ends. What the hell? Oh, my God. - It looks like the cave starts going right. I don't know. I don't see anything in there. It dead ends. Oh, man. Something in the wall. What the hell? Oh, man. I gotta get a shot of this. Definitely getting some good footage of this just to show everybody. I find this cross embedded in the wall of the cave. And I'm just blown away. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. And whoever put it there, didn't want me or anybody else taking it out of there. It's definitely old, and I still don't know exactly what it means, but this could be a huge discovery. It's definitely-- it's embedded in this rock. The only way to get that out of there would be with tools. What the hell is this thing? - Magnuson? - Yo? - You know what time sunset is today? - No. - We don't want to be anywhere near the mouth of this cave at sunset. We only have a few minutes before sundown, and these bats are gonna come barreling out of that cave. We gotta get Deal down out of there now. - All right. I don't think I see anything else up here. The bats are getting really crazy. I think my only choice is to head on back down out of here. [bats screeching] - [bleep] Bats! I gotta head down. - Deal, be real careful, all right? - What did you see? - I found a cross in the cave wall. - Holy [bleep], dude. Are you serious? - A cross? - Yeah, there's a cross stuck in the wall of the cave. I couldn't get it out, but I got a lot of pictures of it. - You ok? - Yeah. - All right. - Take it slow. Come down. Come down. - Ah, [bleep. - I got you, man. - Bring your left foot more left. - Where? - Left. Okay. Now hold on. You're right on the top of it there. - Okay, I got it. - Right foot down. - Holy [bleep]. - Ah! - You all right? - Yeah. - With dangerous weather and approaching darkness, the team is forced out of the mountains. In order to examine their newly found discovery, they'll need to download Deal's camera footage onto a computer. - Where in the hell were you?! - There we go. - Paddle hard left. - You're good. - All right, you guys. I got some crazy stuff on here. I cannot wait for you guys to see this stuff. - Well, come on. Hurry up! - I knew there would be something in that cave. - Let's see it. Come on. - This is a huge find. - Oh, my God! - Holy [bleep], dude! - Yeah. - No way, dude. You weren't [bleep]. Look at that. - I mean, you guys see that cross? - Holy crap! - This was all the way at the very back of the cave, about four feet up on the wall. - How long did it look like it had been there? - I mean, it's old. At least 100 years if not 150. Maybe more. - What's that symbol on there? - I don't know, could be Spanish, could be Jesuit. I don't know. Something-- We gotta talk to an expert. This is the major find right here. - This is major. - Yeah. - No! I mean, I tried. It's not coming out of there. - What's it made out of? Iron or something? - If I had to guess I'd say iron. But this symbol, I mean-- We have to find out who knows about that symbol. It could be Spanish. It could be Jesuit. I don't know. - This is extraordinary. I've never heard of of or seen anything quite like this. - This could mean that there's something there in that cave or near it. This cross is an incredible find, but you have to ask yourself, "Why would somebody embed a cross in the wall of a cave?" And especially in such a hard to find place. And it really makes me wonder, is this the only one or are there more? - There's something there, guys. There's something there. - The fact that there's a cross in that cave could mean that the Dutchman's mine isn't a Peralta mine, that it's, in fact, a Jesuit stash. And that could be worth more than the Dutchman's mine. - You know what we need to do, guys? We need to go see Jack San Feliz. If there's anyone who's gonna be able to interpret this and know what this is, and confirm it for us, it's going to be Jack. - Finally, we're gonna get some answers. - Fantastic, guys. Fantastic. - Nice job, Deal. - Thank you. - Your best find yet. - There's, Jack. - Hey, Jack. - Hey, fellas, how you doing? - How you been? - Good to see you again. - Hey, good to see you guys. You're all excited. What's going on? - I got something here for you, Jack. I want your expert opinion. - Wow! Man! I'll tell you what it is. This is one of those Jesuit crosses. You find this in the mountains? - Yeah. Deleel found it up in a cave. - We've had so many false leads and letdowns, it's hard to get your hopes up. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "It's another false lead." But when he said this is definitely Jesuit. I mean, it was one of those moments you'll never forget. - Wow, what a cross. I'm telling you. They left their mark and this was their mark that there was a mine there or there was treasure there. These are not very easy to find. Very difficult. That's about 1750 maybe, 1740s to 1750s. - How do you know it's from the 1700s? - The style of the cross. In looking through the old manuscripts and in the old writings, the type of cross used by the Jesuits was this particular type of cross. This proves without a doubt the Jesuits were here. - Would this be indicative of something there or in the vicinity? - Yeah, buried treasure or a mine. - But we're looking for-- what is this open to interpretation of distance where we would be looking next? - Well, you got the circle and looks like the "V" and could be a five. Five could be five bars, which was a Spanish measurement. You could be within 25 yards of the treasure. - I think you're there, guys. You just have to find it. - We found something big, Jack. - You're right. You did find something big. - Right on, Jack! - Thanks, Jack. - Thank you very much, Jack. - Let's go, guys. - Thousands of people have searched for the Lost Dutchman Mine. A lot of them haven't lived to tell the story. Now that I'm a Dutch hunter, I know that you have to be willing to risk your life in order to find this mine or you're not gonna find it. [rocks tumbling] - Whoa! - We started out looking for the Lost Dutchman, but this is bigger than that. What we've stumbled upon is way bigger than Jacob Waltz. It's way bigger than the Apache. This is huge. I cannot believe what we found. It's bigger than anything I could ever imagine. - Right on. We did it. We found a Jesuit cross following the map. We've got the real deal going here, and we're going to find the treasure. - The cross is a new beginning. I think this cross is going to take us someplace out of this world. - This discovery changes everything. For the first time, we can have hard evidence that the Jesuits were here. There could be a treasure in those mountains that's worth 10 times the Dutchman. With this team, I know we're the ones to find it.
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 188,547
Rating: 4.727459 out of 5
Keywords: The Climb, payday, cryptic, weaves, darkness, Legend of the Superstition Mountains, watch history online, full episode, watch full episodes of legend of the superstition mountains, Legend of the Superstition season 1 episode 6, legend of superstition 1X6, Legend of the Superstition s1 e6, Legend of the Superstition se01 e06, full episode clips, history full episode, history channel, history channel shows, bigger mystery, $200 million payday, Wayne, heart of darkness, Climb, mystery
Id: pJC9MYcz7d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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