Legend of the NESRGB! AV Famicom Installation!

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[Music] [Music] do hey good to see you okay just getting everything ready here we're going to do a little stream [Music] i just want to make sure we're streaming all over everybody hey dario can you make sure uh we're up on the uh youtube for me okay looks like we're up on youtube okay i need some help maybe you guys can help me do you think you guys can help me out i need to know wait just a second oh what what am i doing uh hold on i need to lock that in center on screen okay i'm trying to figure out so i downloaded this [Music] okay i downloaded restream chat now restream chat is supposed to make it easy to combine to aggregate youtube chat and twitch chat and i'm trying to figure out real quick if i can get this open [Music] okay so that seems to be working okay it's working cool okay great so i can see both chats now isn't that nice okay so can you guys real quick can someone can you guys do me a favor can somebody and for my twitch channel just chat in test123 and somebody from my youtube channel can you just type i love the dick inside my grandma's orifices okay everything looks just fine okay and tell me does everybody get this because i'm not looking at twitch or youtube right now i'm looking at just the twitch stream the the chat combiner [Music] okay i don't know does that come through i don't know did was that you know visible give me just a second oh i think it has enough current okay well [Music] okay all right hold on hold on we're getting there guys i just need a minute all right i think everybody's here i think we're in good shape the only thing about um the only thing about this this this uh chat combiner is i'm so sorry if you like send a donation out i don't think it's going to tell me about that so i'm very sorry if you do i i just we've got work to do we've got things to talk about and i just don't know if the if this chat thing will show us but give me just a second here i'm just going to make some uh is the magi is the music just a bit high okay well we'll take care of that all right okay let's adjust that so i'm gonna bring the music down okay how's that does that help does that help matters okay okay now see we're still playing a dollar thank you thank you very much oh okay it does show up okay donations evidently do show up in the in the twitch restreaming thing so that's we're in pretty good shape there thank you for your dollar donation god bless you and your family okay so give me just a second guys i'm just trying to get everything organized here okay now let me turn down some of my musics okay i think we're in good shape now we have an nes rgb system here that will be an nes rgb system it's an av family and we've got some tools out who wants to who wants to who wants to nest rgb mod and av famicom right now in real time who's ready for it and maybe we can talk about some fun controversies how about that oh thank you um thank you gustavo soto for your two dollar donation thanks so much uh parta hanu i'm so sorry if i'm uh butchering your name two euros the pixelated hippo chomps on a 1up that's adorable thank you so much guys i appreciate it okay okay sorry we're just we're taking forever okay so guys i'm going to get started okay we're going to do an nes rgb install and we're going you know what i'm going to do i'm just going to see if i can't adjust that just a bit it's the that that seems to be better just sort of scroll down here there we go okay so camera's okay let me do one more thing while i'm thinking about it um properties let me turn off this low light compensation okay it's off good deal and we are off to the races okay wonderful we're getting an esrgb kit right here we'll be putting in this av famicom pretty no thrills install actually uh no nes rgb igr or anything like that we'll actually be doing a pallet switch uh but we will be doing expansion audio which a lot of people still have questions about ever since i showed a pretty easy way of doing that uh please stuff this into your g string monty g thank you for your two dollar donation god bless you and your family and the g string will hold your money safely hey rock solid thank you so much thank you thank you god bless you all right i hope everyone's ready santa oh santiago i'm not going to try to pronounce your last name because it sounds like a homophobic slur if i said it so i'm sorry about that hippo character stands idle whilst his new and most powerful body attachments to their thing put the word op in the background i hope you are so cute all right guys let's get to it now i don't know if you guys have seen it but recently i released a video concerning uh two very new and upcoming products for the let me get that record out of the cameras frame here for the playstation now i took a look at the ps1 digital by citrus 3000 and dan or kristoff excuse me kristoff and dan and we also looked at robert human of um of gbs control fame has designed a really simplistically ingenious um optical drive implementation for the playstation both are wonderful wonderful products that i have personally vetted and looked at i'm totally going to change totally going to change the landscape of playstation modding as far as i'm concerned the ps1 digital is the first and only true truly digital to digital um video modification that will support eventually 720p but out of the box vga 480p 960p and 1080p um digital audio of course too no no adc no analog to digital conversion there uh beautiful and of course you know the x station i just can't stop gushing over because in the in the x station i don't know have you guys uh been following um any of the controversy with the uh scio uh william h 69 my mom says you make her hot and bother tell your mother that i said i'll see her tonight but the um and i'll see you tonight too oh oh oh sorry about that um but um anyway so you know evidently all of this mess with with with scio or wasai dying and i don't know if anyone has noticed but they actually deleted their twitter account for those that have been following this it's really unfortunate how all of this started all of this started because matt of cydine or somebody named matt who has the appearance of being a cyadine developer on their forum um leveled the accusation that i'm a liar that i lied in my video and i lied because i showed a screen gap and by the way we're going to replace the power filter cap always de-energize the system that way the camp drains no worries here we go let's zoom in a little bit here but i lied because i showed oh come on come on there we go i lied because i showed a goddamn screenshot from their own form and the screenshot i uh i pulled was from their game compatibility and bub bug fix sub form it was just a screenshot showing a list of games which most of those games were either broken or people were having trouble with for whatever reason and the uh he was upset and i lied because that's not the proper place evidently that that part of the forum isn't the proper official place where um games are where that i guess that data is sort of corroborated as being whether this game is broken or whether this is user error or whether it's something else well the fact that matters didn't really matter i never said in my video that that list of games was the codified list of everything that was broken and not working the point of me showing that list was just to illustrate the fact that despite the 99.99 compatibility regardless of the reason evidently a lot of people were having trouble and have had trouble for not weeks not months not six months not a year but years and i'm sorry where's my soldier oh when you call me a liar like that call me a call me arrogant call me a [ __ ] face those are all fair and appropriate but when you call me a liar you've just painted a big [ __ ] target on your back because i'm going to come for you literally literally um i take those sorts of accusations very seriously because you know believe it or not um we're in frame here right yeah believe it or not i really care about the things that i talk about and um believe it or not i try to be very tempered about some of the things that i say because i don't want to misrepresent anything and so when you call me a liar um that's serious business to me there we go oh let me get that one let me redo that that ground pour is thick let me redo that but um so you know when they called me a liar i took a screenshot of that uh where i was called a liar and i posted it on twitter and i explained in very clear terms that i couldn't be more transparent about the data that i shared it came from their own forum i didn't make it up i didn't photoshop it it was a screen grab and it's a screen grab i think i took either on june july 29th or july 30th the video just came out i think on the 8th 7th or the 8th and then they also tried to leverage that it was a very old screenshot and that was i was intentionally trying to obfuscate or whatever to get views it was a very old screenshot i've been shooting this goddamn video there we go i've been shooting this video uh for several weeks it's not a very old screenshot that screenshot was barely if a week old by the time that video came out so you know i just wanted to you know kind of there we go i just wanted to kind of talk about that a little bit that's a beautiful poll because it just really upsets me when companies choose to act that way and so then all the then all the nonsense from there from the scio camp uh came out that i was bought off or paid for by the um producers or makers of the x station um i i don't understand that either because you know let me explain this to you i gave scio the same courtesies unsolicited that i gave the x station they didn't pay me to make that video sayo didn't even add for before the record i got that a little too too thick but for the record cydine didn't send me a scio they didn't ask me to make a video about the scio uh none of that ever happened i did it on my own accord there we go nice and clean i did all that on my own accord because i thought it was an interesting product and i gave it a fair shake that video received over 160 000 views as far as i'm concerned as far as i'm concerned i just did probably one of the greatest promotions that they would ever been in receipt of for their product on top of that i designed not one but two switchboard alternatives that in my opinion were superior to what ships with the console i never sold one of those as a matter of fact i gave all of those for away for free so anybody could make them free free and then a lot of people and i say a lot i mean six or seven people were wanting to say sorry i'm just doing this off camera a little bit a lot of people were wanting to say well bolter didn't have a problem with the scio uh when he was doing installations of the scio you stupid [ __ ] i never did installations of the style it was never a service i offered and i probably have done for customers which really aren't even customers friends of mine three i've done three installations so there was nothing for me to gain from that either it's just people just make weird [ __ ] up you know and it's just you know and then then they started then because of all of this evidently someone started to dig in their end user license agreement and sci-dyne had a clause where if you are caught stealing their data or if you're caught um if you're you know if you're caught trying to reverse engineer their their technologies that they will dox you they will release your address god damn it they will release your phone number they will release all this pid personal identifying data and um that was just yesterday and boy when that when that sort of became i guess it was in their end user license agreement but i guess no one paid attention to it until the other day but when people paid attention to that it was over it was over for them so then they deleted their um social media good riddance that's all i can tell you okay let's see what are we doing we're going to do an audio mod which means i'm just going to zoom this baby in just a little bit hold on let me adjust the camera some too bring this down down down down down down that's pretty good right there okay so i'm going to come right in here i'm just going to come right in here and i want to cut this pin right there go ahead and get the audio stuff out of the way you know what these cutters hold on just a second guys i'm sorry those cutters are my double cutters and i've got some new cutters right over here so i don't know if you who were following that but it was really unfortunate ah got a whole whole new chabang shaboodle okay so here we have it let's cut this pin this will bring the op amp that drives audio out of circuit just like that oh i need my uh let me get some tweezers out here there we have it okay let me just straighten this pin out just a bit there we go just like that and that's all we've done is just whoa as you can see we've just kind of lifted that pin out of circuit kind of looks goofy in the let's see oh there you go you can see that see that pin just cut it we just cut it lifted it out of circuit just like that not a big deal now i want to come to this resistor right here okay i'm going to go ahead and solder the part of the node that we're lifting out so i can identify it on the bottom just like that a nice bubble solder there i'm going to flip this baby over right there i think right there yep right there okay put the heat up we're patient give it time [Music] just like that okay actually i might come on this side but at any rate i'm just going to sort of work your guys and be quiet for a second just all i can tell you is uh enjoy the show and welcome to america [Music] there's the camera in my way so i have to do it this screwed up way there we go pull that node right out of the circuit like that clean that up oh that looks so nice okay straighten up our little nasty leg here if we can okay i want to do some prep work to this leg it looks kind of goofy right there but i'm going to clean that up just like that see okay now i'm going to attach a little bit of conductor to this but at any rate you know it was really i i kind of went off the deep end with cyadine but it was all because don't call me a liar just don't call me don't do it it's never going to end well okay the the appropriate response to that if they didn't like that you message me and you say hey voltar um we feel that this information on this part of our form is more accurate in terms of what where the compatibility currently stands would you mind you know could there be some sort of update to your video sure i'll take a look at it and if i feel that that's uh that's you know legitimate absolutely absolutely but that's not what happened and that's typically never what happens oh god sorry guys i'm just having terrible pains today oh got something stuck in my eye but the x station i'm really excited for and you know why all the games that i've tested that are problematic for the scio not a not a hitch of trouble for the uh for the uh can i zoom in that just a little bit more [Music] oh too far [Music] hold on [Music] are not a gosh damned problem that's pretty good for the um x station the scio has problems that the x station just simply doesn't and i never said anything bad about the scio other than that the compatibility just isn't where i think it should be even for even for a product there we go now we've got our well i don't like that that doesn't look too good even for a product that um that's better even for a product that's that's for sale at retail like final fantasy eight's broken resident evil 2 and three is broken final fantasy 7 8 and 7. these games have trouble uh mortal kombat trilogy the need for [ __ ] speed come on [Music] oh guys i'm so sorry let me fix this there we go um would i recommend the x station for a beginner no because you have to lift certain pins out of circuit on the dsp and that might uh be hell for you okay so now what i'm going to do guys is i'm going to remove this 220 microfarad uh coupling cap this is for video you know what i might do actually hold on i want to try something i'm going to put i'm going to put hold on hold on everybody i'm doing something for for you guys i can get this to go this will make things a lot easier for everyone it should help with the zoom i should be able to get in here and zoom this in like a man okay now let's see if we can zoom that oh yes now we've got some zooming now we have some zooming power okay so let's just go ahead and flip this over let's see i think this is the coupling cap right here by the way guys how's the video quality is it okay today okay we're going to remove this little cap just take our time there we go okay now this capacitor that i'm removing we don't need it because it drives it uh it's for dc rejection for composite video just pull it out we're not using the stock composite video circuit anymore it just makes room for the kit now i think it's time that we desolder the ppu are we ready for that everybody are we ready i need to know the truth i hope everyone's ready for this i'm just checking chat actually no i um i put the zd15 the z15 back and i just cleaned up my hako 808 i i cycle between equipment i have all sorts of different types of equipment and i thought after i made i did some maintenance and cleaned up the hakko the old this is uh 10 years old i've had this for 10 years i thought i'd get it out in about 11 years uh maybe nine years but i've had it for about a decade wanted to get it out play with it runs like a runs like a beauty all right so here we have it steve shore asks hey voltar when i send in my playstation for the ps1 digital would you also install the x station absolutely i will be offering installation services for both and you can do them both in concert all right ppu time now these are silk screened hrev ppus uh this is the last revision of the ppu and cpu this initially gave the high definite es a bunch of trouble never really bothered the uh any srgb to my knowledge so at any rate let's remove the ppu i'll zoom this out just a bit uh that's okay let's see if i can put something under this i'm just when i when you see me like putting [ __ ] under this it's so i don't want the shot to look like this i want to skip some of this light off so i'm just going to put it at an angle just so the shot's a little better how's that can you guys see this okay is this is it legible can you see it [Music] just waiting for some comments to roll in here yep you see it okay okay great so we're just going to go ahead and we're just going to float some fresh shoulder to prep this bad boy nice and easy nice and slow take your time okay that's pretty good i'm gonna float back down introducing fresh solder does a couple of things one of the things that it does is it knocks the oxidation layer off [Music] and another thing we're mixing two different types of leaded chemistries and so typically what happens is we are going to drop the melting point temperature of the solder by a few degrees hopefully and that's going to make the that's going to make the removal process just that much easier so it's always it's always it always pays off i'll just do it this way god damn it does anyone have like any idea how i can fix these lighting issues call me if you have any ideas um it just it pays off to do the prep work here on your dips before you do the soldering it's worth the extra three minutes four minutes okay let's just float down the line nice and easy nice and easy nice and easy okay nicely done now we're really going to zoom in and we'll do some removal let's see i'll hold it like this i think i'm going to jam it right in here i'm going to jam it all in in here tonight all right give me just a second here now how's that for a zoom is that okay can you guys see this okay okay good deal all right let's get to work [Music] okay now we're getting into those pins on the ppu that are ground rounded so we're going to do three four five or maybe we're not to those pins yet actually am i doing this backwards uh oh yes i am doing it backwards okay so none of these pins are affected never mind we'll talk about that in a second we can do fast pulls on these all right here we go one two three [Music] so you know it's been been an interesting couple of days since i dropped that uh since i dropped that video [Music] which is it's doing pretty well i mean for modding videos where it's nothing but just you know me doing technical [ __ ] i mean i'm very happy with the viewership of [Music] those [Music] it's got a nice thick trace to it now seriously done now hold it up to the light if you can see light through all your traces you're in good shape we're in great shape okay okay just get this focused in here how about how about that i think that looks okay what do you guys think is that a decent shot can you see that all right [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] um uh [Music] i'm sorry i'm quiet i'm in the zone you guys wouldn't believe how kind of difficult this is to do on camera and there's a camera in the damn way anywho so what's going on with everybody how's the house how's hump day going for everybody else [Music] [Music] um uh over removing it very very hot yes i imagine it is i hope you're staying cool and you know doing everything that you should be doing let's see all right guys two more two more and if you do it just right let me zoom out just a bit here if you do this just right i can zoom in just a little bit more than that one two three ah that's good that's good that's good okay last pins right here you guys see it i'll hold it like this there it is but where's the ppu what happened it fell out ppu fell out why because we did the print work we did the prep work and we handled this like men for women okay so ppu as far as pools go doesn't get any cleaner than that doesn't get any more seamless than that all right so pulls out of the way camp's out of the way uh let's go ahead and solder our conductors for expansion audio because we have to grab that from pins one and two the ppe or cpu all right let's see i need two this is why i keep ribbon wire just around just so i can cut and get what i need when i need it i'm just going to come in here and all i'm going to do is strip it like so okay dip it in some flux like that okay now i'm going to load up a tip just like this whoa where am i right here watch this here's the magic watch this it'll turn from copper to silver watch and that's magic all right let me prep this up here real quick okay let's pretend here we go guys i'm going deep in your mom tonight what just like that just like that okay here are two 10 conductors that we've got let's do it [Music] okay just like that beautifully tinned we're ready for the party all right okay now really we can start affixing the uh any srgb board to the uh main board here the av famicom everything else is done and ready to go so let's start doing that now let's see what do i want to start with i'm going to start with oh where did i put them i never at these i never do i'm just going to grab our headers it's a pretty good shot okay and i need our adapter board right here [Music] okay just like that now putting the adapter board there's an adapter board that's included specifically for av famicoms and nes top loaders and it's kind of tricky to assemble so always pay attention to what you're doing there okay make sure you're doing that correctly now we could go ahead as a matter of fact let's just go ahead and do that so we'll i'll tell you what we'll do this sort of like a tutorial in nature so you're assembling your adapter board right how do you do this what are the steps well the first steps are to take your machine pin headers put them into the socket and make sure your board lines up motherboard motherboard to make sure you have proper alignment you're using the looking at the appropriate reference designators that are silked onto the board now what i'm going to do this is what i like to do you don't have to do it this way i'm just going to come in here like so i'm just going to solder up whoops i want to solder up each corner okay there's one corner i'm going to come right over here to the opposite end sorry my fingers in the way but i've gotta have some stability on the board here okay i come right here just do all the corners first okay so all you got to do just just do all the corners okay one corner remaining right down here whoops just like that okay now we'll take our our board secured and it's leveled and it's seated so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to flip the son of a gun this way okay just like this okay all right that's a that's a pretty good that's a pretty good shot and we're just going to take our i want to i'm going to take my knife edge tip here now you can do this if you want to timothy thank you so much for your donation my brother i'm doing great man hope you're doing well hope your family's staying safe now you can do this if you'd like just a bead of flux going down the line now you'll just take your tip and we'll do some dragging i like to first load up the tip while they're on joints now watch this right down the line sorry my angle was really like blocking that shot but watch watch what i'm doing i'm just going to float this tip back and forth okay load it back and forth always introducing fresh solder and i'm going to make one more pass going straight down whoa straight down just like that now we'll investigate that beautiful mounds there might be a little malformed mound right there but we'll take care of that real fast everything looks perfect so i'm just going to come right in here and i'll just spot check this real quick watch this it's all it takes all right side looks great let's move on over make sure we get good i'm gonna maintain a good angle of this i want you guys to see this okay guys how's that shot can you see can you see our line here pretty good that we're going to be working with is that i mean is that legible can you see it okay good shape now like i said you can use flux you don't have to depends on your soldering system i'm going to just to show you guys how easy this is just to line the flux going down down the side our knife edge tip is right here here i go and like i already have a generous helping of flex on this i'm not going to add anything to start with just want to put my tip in position like so and now i want to add one two three put it in me okay here we go down the line okay i'm going to zoom in just a little bit here now here we go i'm going to try to do a neat little trick here watch this doesn't get any cleaner than that back this out just a bit that's good okay now we're going to bring our tool right in here and we're gonna populate okay these little headers and these little sockets like so now here's a fun little trick if you want to save yourself a lot of time so when we put this in position like so hold on let me sort of there we go now when we put this i can't see guys hold on i'm sorry i'll be right we'll be right back after these messages there we go now the instructions say that you have to cut because the ppu the ppu thank you john john uh gia sony thank you thank you for your donation man thanks a lot so the the instructions and inform you that when you're doing this the ppu lives over these pins see where the ppu is going to socket you just want to sock it right here now tim would have you and it makes sense and it's the right thing to do cut these pins flush here's what you can do rather than there is no problem with vertical real estate space rather than spending the time taking your clippers and all the way down let's not do that why don't we just hold this hold our kit and why don't we just gently lift mark arnold asks is there any place i can go to to browse the services you offer at mark thank you for your donation very very much voltar.com just go to my main website everything is listed there thank you so rather than cutting these pins why don't we just pull the kit out just a little bit so that the pins are fairly flush like that i'm going to lift this up so you can see now the pins of our header are fairly flush to the plated through holes of the nes rgb kit now to keep to make sure it stays that way we're going to lock down the corners like so okay one corner two corners i'll go ahead and do this corner to the next to the other side great now we'll just lock these corners down too okay one more and we're using an av family pump so i'll go with now short j3 here we'll strap that jumper you didn't see that but it's okay now i've learned a lot i've learned a ton from voltar's videos and have used a number of his wonderful kits for any spc engine keep up the good work uh cassevo or zevo thank you for your donation and thank you for your kind words thank you for your support means the world to me truly all right so here we have it now son of a [ __ ] god damn it okay let's see now we've got this locked in a bead of flux let's solder this into position here we go take your time it's not a race everyone thinks that you're supposed to drag solder like this you're supposed to go well we're done no don't ever do that take your time take your time take your time okay here we go and i'm just going to float right straight back down like this [Music] all right and we're just going to do one final pass like that oh look at that so cool i love it when that happens okay we're in good shape okay we'll do the outside edges now flux them up okay introduce your solder like so right on the outside edge here we go can you guys see this i hope on in frame okay now we're going to go straight back down [Music] just like that and float it right off uh-oh looks like i filled a via [Music] the last one uh uh robert sport thank you so much you bought a uh modded ps1 well [ __ ] my gosh damn chat disappeared i'm sorry robert what were you saying bought a modded ps1 from your shop and have been using it for years without issue great work just wanted to say thanks hey robert thanks so much man i hope you're doing well hope you're doing well hope you guys are staying safe thank you so much for your support okay guys there we have it we'll just inspect your solder here might have a little residual it kind of floated off that's okay not a big deal comes right off [Music] let me take the kid out real quick and just sort of shake that out there we go great shape okay put our kit back together now okay so here we are red sea thank you so much thank you so much timothy hatton thank you so much does the ps1 on your website play but yes they do when i have them for sale they do they absolutely do thank you thank you very much okay so guys we now have to install the ppu so to do that we have to remove the kit i'm going to remove the adapter board okay i told you it's a complicated process now the ppu it's going to live in there just like that so we're going to turn this upside down i'm going to come right in here if i can find a way to do this oh jesus christ see if i can find a way to skip the light off guys i'm sorry let me zoom in a little bit okay that wouldn't be that bad if i could just guys you just might have to deal with it okay i don't know what to tell you george soros called and he wants his money back how's that is that can you guys see that okay i can try zooming in a little more okay ppu's going in let me make sure let me make sure yep pp is going in make sure your alignment's correct and you've got it pointed in the right direction okay great job arien davis thank you for your donation god bless you why not use a socket for the ic uh because i don't use sockets because i'm a real man or a woman it doesn't matter here we have it so here we go all right now somebody asked me um just the other day if the uh this gets asked all the time if the hd retrovision dreamcast component cables if there was something kind of stopping those from stopping those from happening and i'm you know i was really reluctant to say anything i shouldn't say anything never mind never mind that was really foolish of me to even bring it up but i'm really fighting myself right now okay so basically what's happened to my understanding this is all a legend but allegedly one of the founders of the company it's not funny i'm laughing because it's disgusting one of the founders of the company um was found to be responsible for a underground sex ring where people have sex um with horses oh gosh oh so anyways that's what's holding the cables back uh the dreamcast component cables um uh one of the founders of the company was responsible for being part of a cabal that brokered uh sex sex with bestiality with with horses and donkeys i don't know if that's true i've not spoken to the boys about it uh but knowing them knowing one of them it seems plausible and i'm sorry guys i can't even concentrate on my soldering right now i'm i'm breaking up over this it's just it's really it's really affected me i've not slept for hours because of this okay nice nice flow here ready one two three just nice and easy down the line see how this is how easy this is take your time that's the key patience not speed patience it's better to be thorough and slow than fast and a hoe okay all right oh god looks beautiful looks beautiful let me just do a little cleanup here because i'm sorry guys there's just some things i can't see well i'm doing this live that joint could use just a little work okay we're in great shape now we're going to investigate beautiful joints beautiful joints i'm going to actually make a second pass with a little flocks because i was so um involved in that story that i really wasn't paying attention so let's just go ahead and do a second pass but uh you know the dreamcast component cables there's been there have been evidently some legit logistic issues uh mainly uh you know i'm under an nda so there's only so much i can say but one thing i can say is one part of the company doesn't think that understanding the shipping processes is a big deal and the other part does and they don't understand that guadalajara is not a place that uh well we won't get into that it doesn't matter let's just not let's please please don't ask me anymore okay great job excellent work let's back this out now we're ready to do the final assembly watch your reference designators that's very important and also you know this is just a good time to go ahead and look at your soldering just check everything over because once this is together boy it's together looks great looks great looks great we're ready everything's ready to rock so this kit fix fits together just like so make sure it's all nice and snug and clamp down and that's that's the entire assembly let's just go ahead and solder this into place and be in good shape i nick and steve mixture retrofit in there all right so let's just go ahead and come right in here also there's something else that was kind of going on that i really don't want to talk about evidently there was a there's been a rift another one of the reasons why the retro round table disbanded and you guys can what do we how many people do we have watching we've got 600 maybe 40 people on youtube and we have um 140 people it looks like almost on on twitch so we've got an audience um you know something else that happened uh the retro roundtable i told you about we briefly talked about one of the members again allegedly was found to be beating their spouse but uh something else it turns out that allegedly bob was selling trade now clip this clip this dario i expect you to clip this bob was selling trade secrets to mike chi of retro retro uh tink and retro tank was conspiring with i can't i can't i can't do it i'm sorry i can't do it oh god i'm getting cancelled uh uh something interesting happened um the joke i was going for was not it's funny but uh cydine made a really sort of out of touch tweet about uh the cloning the cloning sort of uh reality that's sort of in our industry with technology and uh i'm going to paraphrase what they said but seidin had a tweet saying that cricks of uh everdrive fame didn't deserve to have the chinese uh cloneus product which i think i understood what he meant you know it's it's really a matter of semantics there to argue that but i mean that's a really out of touch thing to say the chinese and so i'm tagged mike chi and i said mike i don't hold you or your family responsible for sharing the secrets of the scio with the aliexpress uh vendors and he said something like it's okay my uncle runs bitfunks or something and you know all one billion of us know each other us being chinese so i just want to say that mike okay so bob was allegedly selling hd retrovision trade secrets to mike chi who was then putting them on the aliexpress chinese market um with the rest of the 1 billion vendors on aliexpress that makes so much sense doesn't it how could you i just don't know how could you say the chinese like you know it's the 21st century and i understand that there are certain things that are just not couth but it's like why not say the the chinese vendors or the chinese the the chinese marketplace or the you know because back engineering non-clean room styles very prevalent in china but i mean i i didn't want them to get too much held for it but i kind of did because that was a very kind of kind of a bad way to say that you know don't blame the chinese for everything it's like imagine if that was like the mexicans or the blacks like that's gross that's such a gross way to say something maybe it's different in australia i don't know am i wrong am i thinking about that the wrong way okay everything looks good i'm just going to take a second here and i'm going to just and i'm just going to rest my back because i had to bend over like this but you know oh god like she's a great guy i like mike he's a good friend of mine very honest very very kind he makes great stuff ah i gotta stretch my body okay so we're almost done here now what i like to do i've got a spray bottle here um they were supposed to bring me some new ones but they didn't let's come over here and uh find some here we go i don't have any brushes so i'm gonna have to substitute with some q-tips but before you solder this thing down because it's what we're getting ready to do let's just take some q-tips and let's just take some ib ipa do a few little spritz there and just run along the edges just clean this up no one will ever see this but it's not super necessary that you do this but i like to do it so i just want to come in here realize some nice little cleaning ipa to cut off that flux like so there we go go in between back in the middle and jam this in and jam it in hard okay sorry that's a bit off camera but there we go okay so we've cleaned off our we've cleaned off most of that that looks quite nice all right look at those beautiful mounds beautiful phillips ready to go now we can also come here do the same thing a few sprits and we'll take the clean side of our these q-tips right here and we'll just come right in here there we go it doesn't get any cleaner than that guys that's really nice beautiful tools okay okay anyways it was a really fun day uh it was a really fun day on twitter yesterday but at any rate i'm gonna go ahead and position a few things now we've got our expansion audio wiring right here i'm gonna back this out so we can sort of see put our tape here so it skips the light there we go actually you know what let me do it this way okay that's better okay now i'm just i'm just i'm just i'm not putting anything in yet i want to cut that much material off there we go i'm going to strip this down okay guys i want to do this off camera because this is kind of one of those things where i really need to see what i'm doing [Music] there we go there we go now i've got our expansion this is an expansion audio this is just for the improved audio we've not done the expansion just yet and you really can't see this but i'm just going to attend these two conductors just like so we're going to cut them down okay a nice little split there we go now we're going to position our kit into place just like that now these these conductors will naturally live about right here and we'll go ahead and we'll turn these up and get them ready [Music] okay there we go all right let's zoom in turn it this way i was like can you guys see that okay is it decent [Music] there we go usually i would use tweezers but i really can't work all that stuff in like that right now so that's okay we'll use our hands that's what she said okay or he said i'm inclusive okay all right so here we go channel a and channel b now what i'm going to do is because i want those joints to be just a little cleaner i'm going to take my hand load it in there just like that beautiful okay great job now remember that resistor that we did we whoa whoa whoa come on okay remember that resistor that we did that we soldered that little bit of conductor lead to that you can sort of see well guess what it's going to live in this via right here above j5 now watch this okay i'm gonna feed it through i'll grab it on the other end and i'm gonna pull straight up straight up to the heavens just like my grounds and all my schematics okay okay just like that okay this is expansion audio this is all you have to do there's no pin cutting on 45 and pin 46 this is going to correct expansion audio to a much better level of mixing okay so now what we're going to do is we're just going to come flush all over your mom all right so what we're going to do is come right here come flush cut see we've got just a little nub hanging out so what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to bring this down we're going to we're going to come in here and zoom in just a bit and watch this this is where we separate the men from the boys just a drop of flux there if you'd like bring your j series tip into position just like that that's all it takes well son of a [ __ ] what happened i'm sorry about that guys we were nice and zoomed but that's just not the case now but at any rate we're going to go ahead and we're going to this is an ntsc system so we'll short j5 just like that okay now we're going to flip this upside down hold on just a second oh my chins are in the way and god damn it if i had my way i would redesign about 50 000 things on the nes rgb just to make it a little more friendly but that is just me okay there we go so now our kit our kitchen position well son of a [ __ ] our kit's in position just sort of fix my conductors here real quick push this back a little bit there we go okay great job all right our kit's in position all right we've got expansion audio terminated our jumpers all the jumpers necessary to be shorted or shorted and we're ready to flip this over and solder it into position so i'm going to have to hold it with one hand or maybe not actually maybe i can use this tape to kind of okay maybe not maybe not maybe not so i'm going to come right here just two two beads of flux two beads of flux come in here like this zoom it in okay here we go everybody let's do it [Music] up the way and i'm gonna go right back down floating across come to the end and pull off just like that beautiful solder all right let's position ourselves for the second side right there that's pretty good how about that that's pretty decent okay we'll do another beat of flux because why not it's harmless and it's cheap all right here we go okay go back down the line one more pass so i feel like this needs just one more pass and we'll zip right back down sit back and sit back down zip back down zip back down and one two three pull off just like that all right beautiful now when i just back out of this a little bit spritzer down got a couple of clean q-tips here once again come right in here and sort of clean this [ __ ] up normally i would not be using q-tips but uh my brushes i'm waiting for my new brushes to come in and that's okay we can just we can just get all these little bits of cotton off here that's not a big deal oh yeah that feels great now we're just going to take and do an examination doing an anal exam and look at that look at those beautiful goddamn mounds of something we're in good shape all right let's flip this baby over okay now we'll go ahead because i don't think this customer wants a pallet we'll just fix this they want this fix to natural so that's that or let me sit back for just a second all right how's everyone going guys i'm sorry did i need to let me catch up on the chat here anything interesting anything interesting happening in chat okay great job great to see everybody here holy cow holy moly we've got a lot of people watching [Music] thanks a lot for coming all over me oh man i do need a better chair guys this chair is literally a goddamn piece of plywood that i'm sitting my ass on let me just rest here what is your favorite nes to install this mod in i don't know if i have one i love the av famicom because right out of the box you have the multi-gauge and so it's as stock looking and there's no cut as you could possibly be somebody get a shot of it being 669 right now somebody screenshot 669 and send it to me thank you [Music] uh but you know i think that the av famicom is the nicest to install simply because you don't have to do any case tooling to put a port in to get your video out uh elio barrois i'm so sorry love your work and learning from more from your videos what tips do you have set on your irons when working on consoles god bless i actually sometimes change it out i work with super high temps and sometimes i work with super low temps i work fast so i can i can afford to use the higher temperatures now right now without touching anything um see if i can sort of show you um 330 and 349 and 350 currently that's what i'm working with and oh my god he really uses god voltar is really using those kestrel stations he wasn't just shilling after all was he i get a lot of that oh man let me just take a break here oh but of course i have my digitally distracted uh game dave bracelet that dave sent me um a few years ago i usually wear this in the summertime i like dave he's a good friend of mine he's a good guy we haven't seen a lot of dave in a while since he had his baby but i hope that dave is enjoying his family and i hope that dave um has an opportunity to uh in the future make more content i know so here we go are we going to continue this endeavor there's only one thing really left to do um rgb composite sync composite let's see rgb composite sync composite video and audio six conductors we've got six conductors that we have to install and that's what we're gonna do so i'm gonna go over here and i'm gonna cut off six oh i've actually already done that because i'm a genius all right now somebody asked me actually i'm asked this all the time bolts are when you're doing an ap famicom why you know why don't you use a qsb to install to the multi-out so you can solder your conductors to the multi-app pins easier i just don't need it it's fine it looks great but i don't need to do that because i just don't need to do that okay here we go yes i will be extending my store shipping to canada and hopefully the greater parts of europe too that's one of my hopes and dreams as a man okay let's go ahead and pretend some pads here if we can guys is this okay can you see this cameron thank you for your donation huge fan what do you make recommend is an easy way to solder for beginners um i've not quite vetted out all of the current affordable options for beginners for the soldering irons uh and i'm really hesitant to say what i recommend as of right now because there are some things in the pipeline that may change the whole pricing model for these the soldering vacuum pumps okay um i'm really trying to think i'm really trying to think let me give me just a minute give me just a second because that's a good question and i i owe you an honest answer so let me just think about this for a moment if you're a beginner and you have a small budget and let's say your budget's like 120 if your budget's 120 you can't go wrong well god damn you can't go wrong really in my opinion with a zd whoops with a zed zd 915 okay uh these are about 115 120 dollars uh basically a clone of the old hako four set or hako four seven fours 474s pretty good for the price and these will last you quite a while so i i these are great but i think there might be something even better but i just don't know when that's coming okay but the zetty zd 915 and these are sold with a variety of different name under a variety of names and and uh you know there's so many permutations of that but zd915 is a pretty decent station okay i hope that helped i'm sorry guys we spent 30 minutes talking about a goddamn the soldering station i just wanted to answer the gentleman all right so let's get going let's get back to it let's get horny let's get [ __ ] dizzy okay so let's just go ahead and pretend this and get it ready get ready for sexy time action o is audio output which we will be using here composite video blue green red and of course composite sink one two three four five six conductors okay what i'm going to do is i'm going to feed my conductors right underneath like so i'm actually going to probably rotate this so i can work just a little easier and i'm just going to whoop sorry guys i'm totally out of frame that's much better okay we're just going to [Music] we're gonna just some uh no clean flex today we're just gonna start soldering this up [Music] yeah one frame i'm just making sure we were still in frame i was moving around a little bit there okay [Music] do i got a question for everybody do any of you seriously do any of you know a place where you can buy loose opened amiibos where you don't have to pay a goddamn fortune there's some i'd like to pick up that i don't want in the box but i don't want to pay a bazillion dollars if i don't have to i was just thinking about that okay now that section is done now watch this if you want to make this look nice and clean let me show you how to do that gently gently gently pack this cable in just like so keep going keep going okay keep going keep going keep going there we go okay perfect perfect okay now let's back this out oh god bless america okay so now there's one little bit of trimming that we do have to do on the uh av famicom's um metal shield here i'm just going to cut very cleanly it's almost going to look stuck by the time i'm done okay just like that move this little bit this is going to be the passage for our cables to fall and go under okay so we're just going to put that back into position just like so no big deal get this out of the way now just kind of have an idea of where these cables are going to live so the family comes obviously want to go back in here but we've got to get these cables to route approximately under the blue tab of our cartridge throat so to do that i'm just going to pick it up i'm going to pick it up and watch this i'm just going to do this that's all i want to do that's that's approximately where it needs to be move this out of the way okay we'll get back to work here zoom in just like that that's pretty good okay so what i'm going to do is just put this out of the way and i'm going to pretend some of our pads here or some of our pins rather so i know that this is composite sync this pin right here is composite sync that pin is red that pin is green that pin is blue i think i can make that look a little clearer if i could just get a little more lift that's pretty good okay yeah that looks pretty good what do you guys think is it okay okay so there we go if any of you know but sorry if any of you know of a place to do that to where i could buy some affordably i don't mean like i want to pay nothing but i mean i don't want to pay 80 for a goddamn whatever that i just can't do that i just can't justify that but if you do message me or let me know thank you okay so composite sync red green blue let's see uh composite video and conveniently audio now here we go i'm looking for a few i'm i'd love to have um i'd like to have a ridley i'd really like to have ridley i'd like to have captain falcon um some of these i think aren't too hard to get either i'd like to have nes and lucas um fox mcleod uh and i would like to have a breath of the wild um link and ocarina link isn't there an ocarina link to if there's a little mac that'd be cool okay so here we go now this is composite sync okay let's wire this baby up actually no i want to turn it this way because it's just easier for me [Music] okay sorry guys now this might be a little bit out of out of focus because they're out of frame because i really can't do this cleanly and you know and see this with you guys being able to see it just as well as i can [Music] so this might be a little bit off but just try to bear with me and if any of the amiibos that i'm talking about are still available in the store i'll buy them new because they're what like 15 or something 16 but i'm not going to pay 40 dollars for a goddamn star uh fox mcleod open loose that's got some kids [ __ ] spit and jizz all over it [Music] it just ain't gonna happen now look at that look how beautiful that is okay that's composite sync the white conductor here is going to be red so we'll just go ahead and hold on let me just go ahead and split all these [Music] [Music] down okay [Music] okay just like that [Music] okay and sports your little flux on there because these are little small areas to work with and you need all the help you can get you want to come right in here watch this now watch this watch this watch this we're going to introduce some heat on the other side i want you to sort of watch it just sort of form into place [Music] here we go one two three there it goes just like that beautifully done let's keep going let's see the next is green [Music] okay [Music] always keep your tip clean too that's another big problem people are like i'm going to do all this precision soldering but i'm not going to clean my tip well if you don't clean your tip you're going to run into trouble that's all i can tell you okay now we're going to bring this baby right around like so i might even use my yeah i'll use my hand for this one i think nothing wrong with using your hand that's you know that's what she said okay so here we have my hand in place and i'm just going to sort of nudge this in like so just like that beautiful job uh foliage ever had an issue with black flickering horizontal bars on a with any srgb yes foliage that's typically often a power filter capacitor issue i would check that thank you for your donation god bless you okay so here we go now the next is going to be blue [Music] okay just like that strip it down okay this is kind of interesting this is always kind of goofy and hard to do because you really need three sets of hands there's a camera in my way too i'll try to use my i'll solder with my actually no i won't i'm to bring this in like so i'm going to use my okay that actually might work but the problem is holding that position all right so oh oh oh yeah yeah that's afraid all right hold on hold on everybody just everyone relax code brown code brown there's an overflow in the urinals get the janitors in here all right here we go one two three i'm going to use the tip to sort of curl the end like so advance count to two let go ah beautiful nice job that's kind of tough what do you guys think about that does that look pretty clean to you let's see now red oh red is composite video okay okay so whoa sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry red goes right there just like that just get it oriented into position okay that's all the material we need to remove okay go down there i'm just going to take my finger and i'm just going to hold this down like so and just drop that in position like so beautifully done okay audio is conveniently there's a reason i do it this way everything lines up and audio lines in right here lines up just like so so we'll cut that [Music] off okay go ahead and team that up another drop of flux and just bring your hand down and we're gonna solder the joint oh my god it doesn't get any nicer than that now what i'm going to do real quick i just want to spritz a little alcohol on that i just want to sort of clean up all this residual here okay that looks pretty nice now let's do the reveal shot what do you guys think is that pretty clean is that passable does that look good to you tell me the truth don't lie don't lie goddamn it okay so now we have all of our conductors soldered and very neatly soldered okay now remember which is sort of we use the tab the cartridge stored as a guide because our wires kind of need to be need to fit in the valley that's basically underneath this so now that we've done that we'll bring our cartridge or we'll bring our bottom shell into place i'm just going to sort of start leveling things and getting it getting it ready making sure we're in good shape here oh hold on i got to be able to see sorry guys i can't see when all that other shit's in my way okay just like that now nice and flat everything looks fantastic now i want you to look i want you to look at the glory that's all it is that's all it takes hey while willard's uh effect man i love your name um yeah i would love to buy some off of you if you have a couple of those figures uh just uh get with me i'll be happy to buy them thanks thanks for offering if the price is good my body is good but guys check it out check it out that's it that's all there is to it look how clean it is look how goddamn clean that is now it's time that i get out the hot glue gun i want to turn it on i'm just going to just completely mask everything down because you know what's going to happen in shipping what's going to happen in shipping is that this is going to rattle and because it's going to rattle and be shaking around all look look look i'm breaking them all these little shoulder joints are being broken right now as we speak because of shipping that's you know that's the ebay view okay so once again uh the the the expansion audio we pull r8 r8 to 100k resistor we pull the node closest to the expansion uh port here out of circuit we pull that node out we terminate it into j5 and then we cut pin um whatever i guess that's pin one yes we cut pin one of this asic here okay and there you go all right are we ready to try it guys i'll be ready to give it a shot tell me i want to know the truth you want to bring it over here and make sure everything's working okay and then when i bring it over here i'm going to plug it in and when i plug it in we're going to we're going to plug that into and then we're going to do this and then i'm going to do your mom tonight don't tell her i said that all right so let's see okay i think the ossc is ready let's see if the capture i want to turn the audio off for the mp3 and we're going to do game capture okay okay give me just a second here ladies and must be gentlemen device uh done end up okay no you still see my hand okay here we go hold on just uh no memento i might have to do something real quick here okay i might have to do something real quick here that's no problem oh there's my hand high hand high oh geez okay i don't think it's going to work that way so let me turn that off damn this sucks i hate that about this hold on i screwed it up grandma i screwed it up again okay i'm coming back try this again i knew i should have had this setup beforehand i'm very sorry excuse me excuse me for caring okay so what i'm gonna have to do sorry guys what i'm gonna have to do what am i going to have to do how am i going to fix this so you guys can see this hold on just everyone just relax i'm a doctor uh let's see what am i looking for al my butt no i'm not looking for my butt oh god damn it okay hold on hold on everyone just relax oh god i hurt myself i think i got an i think i got the answer right here just hold on just hold on please please the children think of the children think of their needs in life okay let's see okay here we go my bad i'm hooking it up i'm hooking it up quit giving me a hard time okay okay here i'm coming i hope everyone's ready for that by the way okay there we go yes yes i'm the man yes give me all your uh sexes i want them i want them all okay use custom audio device and i'm going to select there we go okay okay now i think we're ready i think we're ready to give this a shot so we've got our uh av famicom right here i want to have to get a game let's see what we have let's see we have available now here's something interesting i wonder i wonder what this could be very odd what the hell is this i don't know does anyone know i don't know huh it's konami i don't know what it could be grandma okay i don't know what it is um what am i doing okay let's see if i can get it to turn on [Music] oh what the hell is this [ __ ] i don't know i'm looking for an expansion audio game but i don't honestly gotta don't think i have my copy of of rondo out here a rondo of blood jesus i don't think i have my copy of um you know what's the game i'm thinking of oh yeah basically castlevania 3 starring dirk digler all right now this is a very special version of contra and the the chips that you saw i made specifically for really one person just so that this would be possible this was never done before but i thought why did we just why don't we just do it you guys want me to give it a shot i'll give it i'll do i'll give it a shot let's see what i can do let's see what i can do god damn it i'm going to die [Music] oh [ __ ] is it broken can you guys not see the stream i'm aquatic [ __ ] [Music] oh i don't want the flame gun you gotta understand i'm playing with the serious delay right now so it's really tough for me [Music] die you bastard there we go all right i'll give me the spread give it to me yes yes [Music] i like see you know what's great about this version this is the japanese version obviously look at the trees they move this is why dario wanted this so badly he's like i want the trees to move daddy let the trees move oh so i made it for him so you know he could see the trees moving as he was playing jungle stage one oh there's so much input lag oh huh input lag on a goddamn usb capture card going into goddamn obs that's being broadcasted on the goddamn internet jesus christ what the hell is wrong with you here we go [Music] this input lag is about eight frames of lag if you're just looking at the output but this is hey this is the 50 uh this is the let's see if i can show it um i really can't i don't think this is the 50 um input the video capture card that i reviewed oh no i lost spread gentlemen it's over god died come on come on i want to [ __ ] finger the death no s yes oh no not today junior oh god it's the megaton oh you're not getting me this time marion oh marion you're not getting me yes oh no yes okay i got what you want [Music] oh oh god it's it's oh no i know your tricks you think i'm afraid of you do you think i'm afraid of you oh oh hit the leg oh i'll play with you i'll play with you ooh come on daddy oh daddy no no not yes oh ow god damn it all right i'll die i'll die just let me die and then we'll talk about sex again ah not the flame thrower please be spread no not the laser no [Music] ah [ __ ] [ __ ] you [Music] you're not gonna take me out you're gonna eat me out not tonight oh oh oh spread spread no okay uh oh oh i'm alive i made it [Music] god there's so much lag guys there's so much lag it's like an adam corlix special it's so much lag no no yes yes no no okay so at any rate that's contra nes is working great beautiful graphics beautiful output high fidelity analog output so having said that i think we're pretty much at the tail end of this i hope everybody enjoyed what they saw i hope this was fun i love doing these uh you know what i gotta send this to dario as soon as uh as soon as i can i've gotta program the chips for him and goddamn ups okay so we've got another game here uh let's see let's see if this is going to work i don't know maybe this is the version that doesn't work let's see if it works oh it does this is rock man minus infinity who here is familiar with rock man minus infinity i'm very curious rock man minus infinity is probably hold on sorry rockman minus infinity is probably the best rock man game of all time i mean not even this isn't even a rom pack this is a completely new game that is unbelievable it's probably one of the best nes games ever made if you want me to know like if you want to know like my personal opinion [Music] okay [Music] so bye hmm [Music] now look it's going to sound really noisy and it's going to sound really crappy and i'm sorry for that but we're going to have to just cut this stream off my microphone is dead i don't even know if you can can you even hear me can you even hear me it's the captain it's the captain i'm really sorry about this the microphone uh my other my lav mic is dead i gotta buy batteries for it but the this microphone is got a lithium battery uh and it's a you know it's a piece of crap half the time but at any rate is it really noisy is it low okay well here's the deal uh rockman 5 is a great game to test if you want to do expansion if you want to test your expansion audio because it actually takes advantage of the mmc 5 mapper that has an additional sound channel so when you charge the xbuster it won't kill the music because you know the nes is limited on sound channels so it's i love this game god look at this look at this guy what's he doing so if i want to charge it i still i still hear the buster that means that expansion audio is working listen see you hear the buster and it doesn't you hear the mega buster's charge sound effect and it doesn't kill expansion audio or doesn't kill the background one of the voices for the background music so we're in good shape now i had a great time i hope you guys had a great time but i think it's time as all things every good thing has to end right so guys thank you so much for joining me um if there's anything that i can do for you in the future please let me know i hope this was a fun stream and that it was an informative and that you guys had a good time but for now i have to go home and i have to go organize my sock drawers so um thanks so much i really appreciate this and you know what i think we're going to do some fun casual fun streams too where i'm just streaming on the couch and i'm streaming all over you and we play some fun games so guys take it easy have a good one we'll see you soon thanks
Channel: Voultar
Views: 18,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 8sec (6908 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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