Lee Burridge at Omnia Bali in Indonesia for Cercle

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Lee and All Day I Dream events are amazing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GetChopped 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
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for watching you were a thousand and thousand to watch tonight we were so happy to have leverage tonight at for our first show in Indonesia I think you did like it was really crazy what happened tonight well what are you feeling right now a lot of sweating I feel like I've just done a 90 minute cardio workout in Bikram yoga but I mean the response was just kind of crazy and of course Mother Nature today I was watching the weather all week it says rain rain rain rain rain and somehow the magical kind of power of music pushed it away again and gorgeous sunset people smiling people riding yeah it was something very special that I think I'm gonna remember for the rest of my life which sounds terribly cheesy to say but really I mean and and you told me we were speaking before you told me you are often lucky with the weather that is it is it true I don't want to curse myself okay okay so but in ten years doing all their dream it rains twice and we've done so many events in tropical countries and even when it rained it didn't rain out of our vents so probably this year that's ruined every single event now you know I've just passed it 2020 the change bring your umbrellas so you created your all their dream parties I think nine years ago yesterday 2011 so it's my ten tenth season coming up yeah why did you want to create your own parties because I didn't want to be one of those people that was complaining about oh you know the color of the Mercedes that pick me up is the wrong color now you know like I was in New York and I felt that there was something missing that wasn't really being provided for my where I wanted to go musically a few things that happened I played in a club and the crowd was 90% like guys that's not right you know girls have an amazing taste in music as do guys so I just put these elements together and came up and decided to do it myself to try to bring together things that I'd seen in Thailand in the 90s or a Burning Man in regards to how color works when you're outdoors in a I mean New York's an industrial perusal city and you know very monotone in in Bushwick where we started so putting up color and flowers and everything that hadn't been done it was prior prior to that was more of a techno Massa tune you know black t-shirts no lights deejay standing between speakers which is totally amazing because you go and have a good dance but I wanted to do something else and also my crowds a little older sometimes they don't want to be in a warehouse until 7:00 a.m. not all of them some of them you know who you are but so I decided to put on something also for my sort of crowd as well as bringing new people towards a more emotive feeling with music because I also minimal was really huge and again it was something that was it wasn't my kind of vibe I never honestly lived that vibe so you know do it yourself and and I did so a dream was born yeah and and it's a bit like what we do is a bit similar that than what what you do so it's like these day parties or sunset bodies in it's also about like doing the jury doing your bodies during broad daylight and also like beautiful locations it's not only about the like the setting that is really nice in your bodies what why is it so important for you to do it like during broad daylight or sunset I really like seeing people's connection and feeling to the music and I also like communities and musics one of those magical things that you can build a community of people around and this music I play is very specific and there's a line where certain people just don't like it at all which is great because they don't come they go and enjoy themselves somewhere else but the crowd that it draws seem very sort of similar or have traits similar so the community is born and I never wanted people to come and focus on me or any other DJ I want them to come and enjoy themselves but make a new friend or you know meet a girl or a boy and fall in love and that's actually happened over 45 times somebody's come up and said oh you know I've got this thing to tell you I met my partner at your party and now we're married and to me that's the thing that will stay with me forever you know that I've managed to create something that choose together people and they fell in love we got the same comments I think to our events it's funny and also you you are talking about Burning Man you so you've been burning mine like for I don't know 12 years or something like this about 2005 and every year for 14 years yeah 10 years how did you see it evolved during the years after years its kind of evolves in layers I think with anything if you go to something a lot like you want something specific that you first experienced or experienced for a few years and everything changes but without change there's it's the same it becomes stale so uh I've seen it grow I've seen a top echelon of person arrived that has money that wanted the experience because you know it's trendy to go to Burning Man and in the past it was more so word-of-mouth so a lot of those people didn't really come but it's just added it's it's obviously a city so in all cities there's wealth and poverty and each works together in a ecosystem like cities of course you know it keeps them apart but I think the money coming in as added certain other experiences different art projects what I'd like to happen though is the wealthy kind of are affected in a way that then they support the artists that are broke because there's so much creativity out there but not as much funding and I think that as soon as those two really meld and become one thing again Burning Man will kind of evolve and come this other thing where you know one supports the other and it's just about creativity I mean obviously music took off and took it went in a different direction but remember people it's not a music festival new musics one part of it so don't go chasing the music go chasing the like plethora of experiences that you can do out there you know ranging from diving into a school bus full of like bought the ball pit like the kids jump into I saw this just pull yeah you know it's just parked in the middle of like you know one of the streets but we had so much fun in there one day although it smell of feet which was just disgusting but now I mean like there's so many different experiences you can have but I think intrinsically it's the same experience just different if you've already experienced it and you know people like to be like oh it's better ten years ago but it wasn't and also people like to say oh it's changed you know it's it's more corporate just because it's on the radar doesn't really make it that you know it's still teaching people lessons about you know being a kind open creative human being special yeah apparently you you dream all days do you remember your last dream if it's not too personal um what was I dreaming last night something about a swimming pool swimming you know like swimming swimming constantly swimming is funny I actually have a frustrating dream salsa why another stupid question you played on a cube livestream on circle what is your gym geometrical figure your favorite geometrical symbol circle okay I'm checking the online audience questions because you can ask your question to leverage tonight since we are live from Valley Oh so much question guys question from Jim when are you going to launch a new release with Matthew decade I would love to release like as soon as possible I don't know it depends but Matthew makes amazing music but he like you know he makes it his own and it's what makes him so special so like I'd love to say this year but you never know in Matthew I just saw it seen him recently and you know we still have that very sort of close bond but I think also Matthew's gone slightly in a different direction musically and I think he's exploring again but you know paths come apart and converge so soon watch this space so many question Haley what advice do you have for any Esper it's burying producer looking to get a track signed on adidas be persistent because my ability to listen to demos sometimes is tied into how much I'm touring and like for example the last two months I was kind of off the radar with demos and now I've got about 10,000 to listen to but come meet me come to a party talk to me and tell me about yourself and the music make it about you you know it's about your sound not what you think I want it's about your own creative expression so don't make what you think I like make what you like and then come meet me at my party it was that good advice who was that that is a Roger Brennan okay Roger Brendon I will see you somewhere soon as you told you see you in fabric next week perfect so bring bring me a demo cost you a hug though question so many questions yeah that's also a question I wanted to to ask you what's the secret of your energy I mean you've played for I think like 30 years how do you do to keep it that's not possible I'm 22 years old yeah sorry sorry you played for two years how do you do to keep interest I mean I'm the energy honestly I don't know where it comes from sometimes I mean I was 51 years old last year but I when I DJ it just it's almost like this channeling of music and I get lost in it and I don't even know what I'm doing which is like all these ridiculous dance moves but I think because it's something that ever since I heard house music or rave in 1987 it just touched me in such a deep way and it like filled me with this joy that I can't help but feel that way towards it although today I thought I was going to drop dead because it was so hot out there because I do forget my age sometimes you know I don't know how long it'll be until I'm in a chair you know DJing like this a bit more laid back and nodding my head but it keeps me fit I don't need a gym membership I just go DJ twice a week and you know I said 90 minute workout who does that well thank you so much thank you and thank you everybody for watching thank you Circle thank you there is a little tradition at sea a little mystery goes it's a little gift that will offer omneya body which is the club that is asking us tonight so Paul ego is from omnia body is offering you this this little gift thank you oh you can well you can open it thank you it's not a bomb we have to thank only as well it was I mean if you get to come check this out Wow it's inside the box I think this is gonna come to an or their dream party and we rockin the show thank you thank you guys thank you to our partners that will come up on the screen thank you to liberate of course to omnia buddy to all of you watching and and and sharing your love this was really an amazing amazing amazing life I hope you liked it and see you in a few weeks I think in two weeks or three weeks but I just [Music]
Channel: Cercle
Views: 9,314,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lee Burridge, All Day I Dream, Omnia, Bali, Cercle
Id: h96MGcsi7GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 59sec (6359 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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