'Lee Anderson is speaking for us Jews', claims LBC caller

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I I I'm coming from a a lay person in the street I'm a Jewish woman living in a Jewish Community with Jewish Family and when I heard Rishi sunak speech I I breathed a sigh of relief because it's somebody that's speaking out for us I I want to ask you a question sang because I listen to you and often my blood boils listening to you um and I feel Lee Anderson all these people that are being I and this is a genuine question all these people that are being told off as it were are people that us Jews feel are speaking out for us um and and I want to ask am I missing something because without doubt none of this would have happened if the atrocities of October the 7th hadn't hadn't have happened uh we fear for our lives we fear for our children on the streets of the UK you know we have people my family included looking to move to Israel because we don't feel safe here I saw there was a post on Facebook recently it was um it was a an ultra Jewish guy being incredibly disrespectful to one of the Queen's guards not right by any the you know what he the way he behaved was wrong but the vitri all and hate from the comment because he was Jewish were unbelievable and frightening and this is the world we're living in because if he had been black and if he been Muslim or if he had been gay whatever none of those comments would have been about his race sexuality but because we are Jewish there is nothing that we can do right d if you do D if you don't rishy sunak is the first person I feel not the first person but here speaking out for our safety as well Lee Anderson there was an element of that as as well you know the policing that goes on on the Streets of London which is run by the mayor is shocking if any of us spoke or or raised placards against the Muslim Community the way it has been towards us I'm sorry I'm not being very articulate because my I'm so angry we would be condemned we are condemned for anything we say and anything we do there is no doubt there is one rule for us and another rule for everybody else and I want to tell you many many many years ago I was running a company um a of people we outsourc our human resources and there was one young man who was Dreadful and I needed to get him disciplined we're going back 20 years and I rang our Outsourcing company and they said what's his name and they said muham I said it was Muhammad you've got to be careful he's Muslim and I said I don't what's the difference I'm Jewish it is so it is such an inherent part of everybody else's lives everybody hates us I mean that's a very simplest IC way of putting it but would you soon spoke out for us what's wrong with that I I'm asking you genuinely am I missing something you said quite a lot there and unfortunately we've only got about four minutes left on this hour so I'll take you back to what you said initially which was that you felt that LE Anderson had in part spoken out for you I'm just going to play you what Lee Anderson actually actually said last week now I don't actually believe that these islamists have got control of our country but what I do believe is they've got control of K and they've got control of London and again this stems with K he's he's he's he's actually given our given our Capital City away to his mates so there's Lee Anderson there saying that sadik Khan the elected mayor of London was matate with islamist extremists and that he had quote given away London the whole Capital City to islamist extremists can can you see what's problematic with that I can see why it is believed that why people believe that I can see why people think that you know the the the the the pro Palestinian marches that have gone on of course there are people that are uh demonstrating peacefully but there are there's a huge number that aren't in you know and it's not just on those marches it is in the street you know that our posters that have been taken down of our hostages you know people saying that it didn't happen people taking down if we did that and took down uh you know posters of um Palestinian prisoners can you imagine what would happen so yes I can see why he said it do you said Claudine do you agree with Le there's a part for me that does agree with it yeah and because I live in fear on the streets when I walk out with my Star of David with my children at a Jewish school when they're not when they have to take their Blazers off yeah they walk they walk from their school to a station obviously so if you you say that you listen quite regularly well if you listen quite regularly you will know that I have outright condemned anti-Semitism I have had arguments with people who have come on here and tried to justify the 710 attacks you will know very well because I've told stories about how uh critical actually my Jewish friends were to my life and uh what happened to me uh in terms of having a successful career in journalism I didn't hear that apologies I didn't hear that well if you were listen if you were listening regularly to you lastek if you wouldn't mind me finishing the sentence you will have heard me in fact at the start of this hour very clearly saying that what Rich Rishi sunak said at the beginning of the speech was absolutely quite right that we as a community here in Britain must not let extremists either anti-semites or islamophobes um uh split us apart so if you are a regular listener you would have heard me saying all of those things um and articulating myself extremely clearly over and over again however Claudine what I would say is I I incredibly sorry that you that you fear walking on the streets of of England um and uh there has undoubtedly been an optic in both islamophobia and anti-Semitism which if you do listen regularly you will know that I have condemned and that we have picked apart many times on this show you will also know that um I I find it really quite egregious that Lee Anderson elected MP has gone about spreading in the public sphere an islamophobic Trope that only circulates amongst far-right groups and how do I know that Claudine I know that because as a regular listener as you say you are you would have heard me doing a very very extensive in-depth interview with a chap called Nick LS who is himself Jewish in fact and his chief executive of hope not hate and what Nick did rather brilliantly in my view was dissemble what Lee Anderson said and why it is so dangerous not just for Muslims or Jews but actually for the whole of democracy because we cannot allow misinformation to Fester so if you are a regular listener to me Claudine you will know that I have expressed outre outright condemnation of what happened on uh 710 I have explained how there is no justification for it I've also gone about making it extremely clear that the criminal justice system must deal with full force against anyone who is found to be anti-semitic and were still threatening or attempting to hurt the Jewish community and the same applies for the Muslim Community so claudian and St Orbin I have deep sympathy with your position and thank you for being a regular listener
Channel: LBC
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Keywords: lbc, lbc live, watch lbc, interview, interviews, politics news, british politics, uk politics live, live debate, debate, Brexit, James O’Brien, Iain Dale, Nick Ferrari, Johnson, Sunak, Andrew Marr, Marr, O'Brien, News Agents, uk politics, shelagh fogarty, tom swarbrick, lewis goodall, andrew castle, sangita myska, rishi sunak, david lammy, natasha devon, parliament, economy, analysis, debates, commentary, updates
Id: 8MwSt5swbmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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